#first time drawing anything pjsk related
nian-7 · 9 months
haiii!! can I req a platonic and romantic matchup for pjsk and paralive if it's okay? my name's vani, and I'm bigender and bisexual! I'm also an aquarius and an INTP-T 9w1!
my hobbies include anything creative! (like drawing, making jewellery, etc) and collecting cute plushies and dolls!
I like cats, hamsters, hedgehogs, astrology, video games (mainly rpg and rhythm/music based games) and writing!
i dislike insects, having to follow through a specific routine, anything scary or horror related, and vegetables (im picky…)
personality wise, I can be considered quiet, reserved and a bit cold at first…but when it comes to friends, I try my best to match with their energy! not everyone understands my humor so i have VERY few friends. I'm also a bit indecisive sometimes and I feel uncomfortable whenever someone is mad at me. Whenever I'm in a bad mood, I tend to be blunt. i also have a hard time communicating and understanding people's emotions sometimes.
(I'm not sure what else to put now....but hope this is enough!) thanks in advance and have a great day!! :3c
hi, vani!! please enjoy :]
I match you with... (platonically)
Kanade Yoisaki!
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-So, Kanade isn't someone who'd get mad at you or blame you when you have a hard time understanding emotions. She understands that people struggle with different things and wants to help you with it!
-Your quietness and more reserved nature would probably be a nice match as her friend because she's similar. She'd like to have some quiet but quality time with a friend.
-You both just seem similar and complimentary to each other and that's why you both would get along. The both of you can understand and help each other through things because of the similar personalities!
I match you with... (romantically)
An Shiraishi!
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-An is like sunshine and I matched you with her because I feel like she could help you come out of your shell and maybe introduce you to the rest of VBS!
-She might be a little pushy but it's just because she loves you and wants to help you! She's not the type of person to be mad with you or want you to feel uncomfortable around her, she strives for you to be comfy and happy with her as your girlfriend!
-Emotions and communication can be hard and so she tries to understand that. She'll always try to help with communication but also wants you to remember that communication is key! She won't know things if you don't tell her!
-She'd honestly love to see your cute collections and would always be so happy when you show her a new one you got. She feels special just being able to see it!
I match you with... (platonically)
Shiki Ando!
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-You might remind Shiki of Nayuta a little bit and that's probably a reason he wanted to become friends with you. Beside the point, he'd be a nice friend who also has a hard time communicating and with his emotions (maybe in a slightly different way but still).
-Being friends with Ryu probably helped with him trying to understand your humor more since Ryu's a bit on the weird side. He doesn't mind it at all though, no judgement from him!
-Seeing as he also has few friends, he cherishes you a lot and even if you two might not be the best communicators, he still loves to be around you! He's happy he's made another friend that he can bring over.
I match you with... (romantically)
Zen Gaho!
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-SImilar to An, I think Zen could bring you out of your shell a little bit by introducing you to Akan Yatsura. They're his family so they should know when he's got a partner, right? Obviously, he'll save that for when you feel ready though!
-Knowing you tend to be on the reserved side, he wouldn't try to force you out of your shell or try to force you to do anything. Take your time and he'll hold your hand the whole way. Just as long as you promise to try little by little!
-Tries his best to have you eat some vegetables as well... He'll sneak them in just a little so you eat at least a few. He wants you to branch out but also stay in your comfort zone.
-Tried one of your rhythm games once and immediately died. He really tried but his eyes just couldn't catch on to when he needed to tap.
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nogenderbee · 1 year
Hey! It's my first time requesting something so I hope I did this correctly! This is for your pjsk lover event :)
-What nickname would you call your lover?
Idk If I would be a lot into nicknames but probably something simple like beautiful/handsome at best but I wouldn't call them anything if it makes them uncomfortable.
-What are your hobbies?
I like playing videogames, reading, cooking and listening to music.
-What's your perfect date idea?
For me it's either a movie night or going to a restaurant to eat (it doesn't need to be fancy obviously).
-What's something you hate in others?
I wouldn't like someone that would keep secrets from me, pressure me to do things I don't want to, people who talk behind your back, slow and oblivious people, etc.
-What's your main personality traits?
I'm more of an ambivert, I don't go out that often with my friends but when I take part in a social activity I rlly like to talk (even when I strugglea little at first if I don't know them) and I adopt a more extrovert personality. Also, when I don't know people really well I put a friendlier persona but when I get to know them (it doesn't matter if they're my friend or not) I become bolder and I tend to tease them (only my friends tho). I'm also rlly smart academically and I don't need to study to get As.
-What's activity/hobby do you like?
As I said earlier I like videogames (or arcade games), drawing (even if I'm not rlly good at it), cats or every animal in general. I also took some piano lessons when I was younger (I still know how to play some songs) and I LOVE to cook (specially pastries and sweets) and listening to vocaloid songs.
-What's activity/hobby you don't like?
I don't really like shopping and things related to sports (I'm honestly rlly bad at them it's not even funny anymore... But I'm open to someone that wants to teach me a sport if they don't tease me for being bad at it).
I'm sorry if I typed a lot so take your time, I would also prefer a boy but a girl isn't bad either! ^^
Hello! You did this correctly siny worry! And of course, I paired you with a boy!
So your pair is...
Tsukasa Tenma!
⊱ he doesn't mind bring called "handsome" but first few time he definitely was flustered and blushed a lot
⊱ and he hoenstly likes all your hobbies more or less! Of course he likes listening to music and cooking the most but he does enjoy reading and playing few games, depending on genre too! He especially likes reading out loud like goodnight stories~
⊱ as for date ideas, movie night sounds the best for him! Especially if you agree for him to hold your hand! He'd like to hug you too but he most likely will be too flustered to do it in public at first... But restaurant dates are fine with him too! He likes to see what kind of food you like so he can hopefully surprise you with cooking them for you!
⊱ as for your personality, he really thought he was signing up for friendly and cute friend but then he got teasy lover... don't get him wrong, he loves you but when you meet with Rui then he probably gets teased with no end... But he's also impressed by how smart you are! There were probably many times when he asked you to explain few things to him and it just depends on you and your abilities, how far you'll go!
⊱ and finally he loves cooking himself too! The two fi you probably were baking few sweets together many times already~
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You were hanging out at Tenmas household since Tsukasas parents and sister were out somewhere for the whole day and so he decided to invite you over to bake few things! He already had all the ingredients and so now it was just your job~
Of course you finished in no time and right now, you were waiting for your pastries to end baking.
"From what I read, we should start checking on them in about 40 minutes... well still long way ahead so what do you say we watch something?"
"Sure! Do you have anything in mind?"
"I'm glad you ask! Because yes, I in fact do! Here, take a look at this. This is list of all my favorite movies! If anything will sound interesting to you then just tell me! I'd love to watch all of them again! They're just really good!"
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lyacinthus · 2 years
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