#first time i saw talk of 'her maidenhead' in a book i was like wait what about the place-name??
nostalgia-tblr · 1 year
okay but theres that place in england that's called "maidenhead' and apparently that name for it is p damn old so was the virginity-euphemism/innuendo because someone saw the placename and went 'LOL' and how did that poor town cope with the several centuries (?) in which people they met would be all "you're from WHERE????"
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jonlovessansa · 5 years
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EDIT: Clearly the show proved me wrong by ep.4, but i refuse to delete this post because I still think it makes more sense than to believe they didn’t talk before the battle. Also, their consummation before the NK’s attack is one of my old theory from the books, so let’s see if this will turn out to be an Easter Egg… By the way, thank you all for your likes and comments!
So, I finally had a rewatch of episode 2 and I really can’t believe how badly we’ve been tricked... right in front of our own eyes… This is THE Jonsa episode, and they hid it behind the omage to all the characters.
Buckle up now and let’s start from where they left, namely Sansa posing a question:
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While the camera closes up to Jon we hear a door opening: it is the link to the next scene with Jorah and Dany, but also, as by now we are all accustomed to, it is symbolic, because the last time we saw a door opening was on that boat.
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What is clear here, is that Sansa knows what they’re doing, to Jon’s dismay because I suppose he was sure he was hiding it well… That’s why he swallows, that’s why he looks guilty, almost like a lover caught cheating. So if you think he doesn’t answer her, you are wrong, because the door is open now, and he can’t just close it and pretend nothing happened. 
And I’d go as far as to say that here they’re also acknowledging the tension between them, which they never address but that we’ve been told they have been skirting around since season 7, so they know it’s there: she has teary eyes and is heartbroken, he looks guilty and he's heartbroken too because she is hurt. The door is definitely open.
So, excluding the possibility that he lies to her face since it’d go against what they showed of their relationship in the episode, especially in this scene (if you think he lies when he says SHE’LL BE A GOOD QUEEN, that’s not a lie, and if you listen carefully to Jon’s mind, what he adds is a loud I’LL MAKE CERTAIN OF THAT…), we have only two options:
- he tells her that he’s not in love with D, implying that he’s just sleeping with her and that that has not clouded his judgment;
- he tells her about political Jon.
The opening of ep. 2 gives us the answer:
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Sansa is upset for what happened with Jaime of course, but Brienne vouched for him, her own mother had trusted him… Her reaction is mostly of disrespect towards Daenerys, which means that she still doesn’t know the truth and so she is angry both because she’s in love and because she still believes Jon doesn’t think straight. How else could it be? She read this Queen at first glance, why didn’t he do the same? If she is an ally, why did he bend the knee? And if she’s a good queen, why does she acts like… that? 
Since it’s been established that Sansa is clever, and knowing she trusts him and has faith in him, as she confirmed to him, the only reason why she can’t make sense of that, is that her mind is full of love and jealousy and anger and hurt and she can barely contain it in front of her.
And then comes this beautiful played moment between her and Daenerys.
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As many of you already discussed, this is when Sansa finally can put two and two together, when finally everything makes sense. And you can see all the emotions displayed on her face: she is happy and relieved because Jon is not in love, he’s not been manipulated, he is the manipulator. But most importantly, she’s proud, which is something we have to take into consideration to understand what’s about to happen, because it means, especially after that impossible level of tension in the office, that now we should expect Sansa to go straight to talk to him: they are too straightforward with each other to avoid confrontation, more than that they need it. And she needs it immediately because of what she feels. And once this truth is out, do you think Jon would be able not to tell her about his real parents? Not a chance! And if the last barrier between them falls, after what we saw in the office scene, what do you think will happen?
And the confrontation does in fact happen, they simply don’t show it to us, preferring toast to them with clues spread all over the episode, following their usual favourite shock value path.
Starting from the war council: if you look attentively, you’ll notice that not once, not even for a tiny beat, Jon and Sansa look at each other. 
In the first episode we’ve been shown this
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and this
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and this,
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nevertheless, not once they look at each other during the entire scene. 
Jon looks at Bran and Arya, Sansa looks at Bran and, completely ignoring Jon next to her, she looks at Arya, but they don’t look at each other and they don’t talk to each other. It makes sense if we assume that Jon, knowing he’s not her brother, the last wall helping him keeping a minimum distance, is embarrassed to look at her. But Sansa? She’s not angry anymore, we saw she’s proud, and she understands now that everything he did is for the North, so why wouldn’t she look at him?
And they are both hiding something: Jon has his gloves on and Sansa has the same posture she had with D, with her arms crossed behind her back. At a certain point Jon even seems to turn to her but immediately stops himself like he is about to do something he shouldn’t do. Why?
 Also, they’re always blocked together, establishing that they are indeed a couple, but while in the Great Hall their chairs were practically glued together, and in the office they end up very close, here there’s always a safe little distance between them.
And then this happens:
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This is the most close to “looking at each other” they do, and it’s subtly. Jon’s saying:
Do you see Sansa carefully looking at him out of the corner of her eye? I say that she’s thinking of whatever they are going to do, except rest, in the Lord’s chambers…
Do you think I’m seeing things? Look at the boldness of D&D&co, what they shamelessly show us:
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The Bear has entered the Castle! 
This is not the right post to talk about it, but yeah, the bear is Jon.
Now let’s go back to the previous scenes to search for the hints, thanks to the other characters, of what happened after S&D little chat.
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If you think this is framed as romantic you are absolutely right, but it’s not forshadowing a love story between them, this is both a reminder of Castle Black reunion and a preview of what will happen the moment Sansa will be with Jon, far away from our eyes: a new reunion after she found out the truth, and it’s not a case that this hug resembles the one we all remember, with Theon being a stand in for Jon, like many times in the books and the show too.
Actually, Theon has one of the best political Jon forshadowing that we had on screen. Do you remember when he returns home by ship? He has sex with the Captain’s daughter and she falls in love with him. But he’s only using her, he even tells her that she could be pregnant with his child, a king’s bastard son. Then he arrives at Pyke and his sister is waiting for him… 
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This is another enactment of Jon and Sansa reunion, from Jon’s pov this time: Tormund, a tall red head, hugs him and calls him LITTLE CROW, and you remember that S&D joked about his short height, right? Then Jon tells him HE THOUGHT HE LOST HIM because the Wall has fallen, or the door has been opened in our case; also, KH is purposefully staring at Tormund’s lips!
But happily reunion apart, there is more: Jon changed his jacket. This happened in episode 1 too, establishing a precedent: after having sex at the Waterfalls, he changes his clothes before going to talk to Sansa. And I think the same thing happened here, only he changed his clothes after talking to Sansa… plus, do you see how ill-fitting and consumed the jacket is?
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This is not the only time we see something like this, and there is a reason here too: I believe this is Ned’s (it doesn’t look like the one he wore in ep.1), and probably Sansa gave it to him after he told her about his parents, not to let him forget who made him the man he is or doubt who he is, a Stark.
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There are many gifs with good parallels to Jonsa, plus they had sex for the first time before a battle. Here GW performs his version of Jon’s I’LL PROTECT YOU, just in case we forgot: “My people will protect you”.
The parallel between these two couples has been established in the first episode
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but here they go even further, because before having sex Gendry reveals to Arya who his real father is. Could it be more obvious?
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I remember many gifs paralleling them to Jon and Sansa, and they are all valid, but in the books there is an important moment that helps us understand better what we have here: when they were going to King’s Landing they had a sword fight. J cut B with his sword on her “upper thigh” and a “red flower blossomed”. The scene is described with a double meaning, alluding at J breaking her maidenhead with his “sword”.
Jaime using his sword to knight B has a sexual innuendo, and if you have any doubt, you should remember what Tormund says, and the expression on his face: 
 Well, that’s exactly what King Jon and Sansa are doing right now!
I think we all know that this is a reference to Sansa and to what will happen to her and Jon, but let me add something about her leather dragonfly outfit: for those of you who don’t know, in the books Jon’s LONGCLAW has a virgin leather grip (Sansa is still a maid in the books, thanks to God no marriage with Ramsey there) and it is sheathed in leather… I don’t think I need to explain why they chose this particular episode to have Sansa covered in leather.
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(gif by @lokispells)
Now, there are some other clues, and there is a big one too, but first I need to tell you other things that I hadn’t planned to and that requires me more time. Is it conclusive enough what I got you here? I hope so...
Thanks for listening.
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pinkatron · 5 years
One of my fav parts of Baptism in blood:
From: https://archiveofourown.org/works/16200242/chapters/45953917
“Everything I told you in that castle, every last uttered word of it was utter horse shit.” Emhyr spat grimly, looking down. “I loved her, Geralt. I loved Pavetta. She found me when I was at my lowest. I had no idea who she was or what she was doing there. She found me crying, still as a were-hedgehog, I was a man grown, nearly thirty winters under my belt. She told me she was drawn to the place; she approached me and sat with me. There was no fear, no anything. We sat together that afternoon and she read from her book of poems, a book I had myself read to pieces. I could recite the thing from front to back. I fell in love. Hard. When she left me that afternoon, I felt like my heart had broken into a million pieces. I waited for her.”
“She came again, this time as we talked she touched my hand.” Emhyr said. “I could have died then and died happy. Day by day, she appeared more and more often. She never told me who she was, she said that names didn’t matter. We spent a whole beautiful summer with one another. Talking about our wishes, and dreams. She never once saw my human form that whole time, and at the end of the summer, when the air began to chill, we made love for the first time. She didn’t flinch once as I took her maidenhead as a monster. She was beauty incarnate. She told me she loved me and that she wanted to be with me. She confessed this to the monster!”
“When we expended ourselves, exhausted, we both tumbled into a bed of moss and fell asleep.” Emhyr grinned. “When we woke it was well after midnight. I remember her screams and I was panicked; I thought someone had come to murder us. I only realized she was screaming at me when her magic broke free and threw me against the wall. When she heard me call out in pain it broke her panic, and she realized it was me, Duny. She attacked me again, and we fell into one another time after time. When morning came and once more I turned into the hedgehog, I told her of the curse, and what it would take to break it. She was crestfallen.”
“She confessed to me who she was, and I knew it then.” Emhyr looked at Geralt his eyes determined. “I knew she was my child of Destiny. We plotted over the winter, and she brought me into the palace and kept me hidden. You were called there to eradicate a moaning ghost that had been terrifying the castle. Unfortunately that was us.”
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ericjuneau · 7 years
Reprise (Chapter 39) [Frozen/Tangled/The Little Mermaid]
CHAPTER 39: Paying Off Debts
Boats stretched across the mighty fjord, facing outward. Each flew the dual flags of the Southern Isles and Weselton. Hans's flagship held behind the blockade, barely visible.
"Do you think this is going to work?" Ariel asked Rapunzel who steered.
"If Elsa believes it will work, I think so. She's confident enough of our powers."
At the bow, Elsa held a telescope to her eye. She stood like the maidenhead of the ship they were on.
"I just hope she's confident about hers."
Above the bowsprit was a gigantic copper cone, manned by an ensign. The wide end pointed at them, making them think it was some kind of cannon. But it was a megaphone, as they discovered when the captain spoke into it.
"Approaching vessel, lower your emblem and raise the white flag to signal your intent to surrender." The voice warbled across the water, echoing and distorting the words.
Ariel stepped up beside Elsa. "Isn't that cute? They think I'm going to surrender," Elsa said to her.
The opposing captain waited for them to make an intention toward the flagpole. When enough time had passed, he declared "Approaching vessel, signal your surrender."
Ariel raised her trident. "I can make your voice louder."
Elsa grinned and nodded.
"No." Her voice carried with the same volume and weight as Hans's.
"Queen Elsa, this doesn't have to be a bloodbath. Anchor your boat and we'll board you. We'll make this nice and quick."
"Remove your vessels from Arendelle waters," Elsa said. "Or we'll remove them for you."
The captain talked to someone at his side, then returned. "You can't seriously think you're going to overcome two combined navies. You have no armada."
"I have no armada?" Elsa said. She raised her hands. "I AM the armada."
Dark clouds crawled in from the edges of the horizon, surrounding their little section of ocean. A pelting ice rain fell, churning the waters and soaking all sailors to the bone with ice coldness. They could hear the distress from here.
"Cease this immediately or we will open fire. You've given us no choice."
Elsa nodded to Ariel. Her trident stopped glowing as the magic surrounding her voice ceased. "No choice? I'll show you what it's like to have no choice," Elsa muttered. "Full sail."
Ariel and Rapunzel scattered across the ship, readying sails and ropes. Ariel shot a beam into the water, creating a firm wave that pushed them forward. Rapunzel hooked her hair across riggings and swung to each mast, letting out the sails to their maximum spread.
Cannons boomed through the hazy mist of the cold rain. They fell short of the bow.
"Ariel, need you at the front. Rapunzel-"
"I got it," she shouted from the crow's nest, where she already was. "Three-quarters north by northwest."
As Rapunzel called out the location of the next ships to open their cannonade, Elsa focused her attention. Giant icicles dropped out of the clouds, falling in slow motion onto the ships. The icicles exploded into shards as sailors ejected off deck. One ship careened onto its side, already halfway sunk, as the two next to it rocked back and forth.
More cannons. Their whistling call narrowed the gap, prickling their hairs on their necks. Ariel shot the closest. The iron globe disintegrated in a ball of gold light. Another exploded out. Ariel shot that too.
Elsa dropped three more icicles on ships near Hans's. Like divine angels of retribution descending the heavens. They fell as slow as molasses, giving the enemy time to ponder their fate.
"Northwest," Rapunzel shouted. She lassoed the crow's nest crossbar and swung down to the deck, rejoining her two friends. "They're pulling away."
"But Hans's ship is still there- whoop!" Ariel caught sight of a cannon ball mere yards away before destroying it. "It's harder to spot them in time." A boom to the left. Ariel had to fire three times before hitting it.
"No one hurts my friends." Elsa spread out her arms, controlling the storm, the icicles, and now, the snowballs knocking the cannonballs off course. Lead shot crashed into them with an awful tinkling sound.
The temperature around Elsa dropped suddenly enough to make Rapunzel shiver. She looked at Elsa. Her eyes were white. Frost was dripping down her outstretched arms.
"Elsa, be careful," Rapunzel said. "You're using too much power."
This was what she was afraid of. Elsa's power was their best chance at surviving. But that meant putting herself at risk to become a heartless monster again. Rapunzel tugged at Elsa's arm.
"Power? I'll show them power," Elsa said.
A line of icicles stabbed out of the frothing water, trailing towards the ship left of Hans. They speared the boat through its belly.
"Elsa. Stop, you're going to lose control," Rapunzel said.
"She can't stop," Ariel said. "We're too close. They'll kill us."
"One time," Elsa said, cradling a deep breath. "I cut off a horse's tail when I was little. Just out of curiosity."
Ariel and Rapunzel looked at each other.
"I wrote a love letter to the stable boy," Elsa said. "I didn't tell him who I was. I told him I'd meet him behind the fountains at midnight. But I was too scared and never showed up."
Her white eyes faded back down to her normal blue ones.
"When I was nine, I got sick the day they were painting our yearly portrait and I threw up all over Anna and mom. I can't read books where there's a dog, because I'm too afraid the dog will die."
It was working. Whether by whim of the storm or not, Hans's escort vessels angled away, leaving his ship alone.  
"One time I was really mad at Anna and I called her stupid and fat and sloppy when she was being really obnoxious and wouldn't leave me alone. I never apologized to her. Sometimes I faked being sick just so I could get attention from mom and dad. I was always in my room, so it was the only way to get them to stay with me."
Between the pelting rain, the cannons, the ice chunks and trident blasts, chaos swirled around them. Rapunzel ran to the wheel. Ariel used her trident to summon a wall of cascading water on both sides of the ship. The force of the flow would curtail any close shots. But it had the side-effect of closing their view to only the destination ahead.
Elsa stood before the storm, tears like needles in her eyes from the stinging wind.
"I thought about suicide a lot. Like, a lot. Both before Mom and Dad died and after. It would have been easier on everyone if I just hadn't existed. All I did was cause trouble. I stole a kitchen knife, but my dad found it hidden in my dresser drawer and took it away. He never told anyone about it. But I didn't need it. I could have stabbed myself with an icicle. I thought about tying the bed sheets into a noose and jumping out the window. I didn't want to live if I was going to stay in my room for the rest of my life. But when I was going to become queen it got... worse and better. I had something to live for again, but I had to do it alone. I was always alone. I was always-"
"Elsa!" Ariel shouted.
Elsa stopped talking. She saw Ariel below her, holding her hand. Rapunzel was next to her.
"We're through," she said.
Elsa looked around. The sky was bright blue, with the expanse of water before them. No ships, no armada. No Hans.
"Are you okay?" Ariel asked gently.
"It was the only way to keep my heart from freezing," Elsa said. "I had to keep it open." She wiped her eyes.
Rapunzel embraced her cousin in a hug. Ariel joined in.
"I don't want to do that again," Elsa said, sobbing.
"No, no, you don't have to do that again," Rapunzel replied.
"I don't think I could do that again," she said with a half-laugh. "It's just... it's just too much."
"How do you feel?" Ariel asked.
"Like scum," Elsa said.
"Hey." Rapunzel took Elsa's face in her hands. "We still love you. We will never stop loving you. You don't need to be forgiven."
"We all have had terrible things in our lives. Terrible things we've thought about," Ariel said.
"When Mother said I could never leave the tower, I had some really dark thoughts that time," Rapunzel said.
"And I don't know what I'd do if I never got to see the human world," Ariel said. "But it's all past you now, right?"
"Yeah." Elsa stood up straight. "Unless we don't get to that bomb. Then it'll be nothing but the past."
She picked up her telescope. Though distant, she could distinguish Hans on deck talking to the Duke of Weselton. The smugness had been replaced with rage befitting a sociopath.
"They're heading towards us," Elsa said as she snapped the telescope closed. "Let's get ready."
Aboard Hans's flagship, they saw the blockade close in on the single galleon. They saw the storm rage in. They saw cannon fire and heavy artillery rendered useless by snowballs and light beams. They saw spouts of water churn and geyser into the air, sending all the ships distant corners away. Now they saw the galleon heading straight towards them.
Hans fingered the flintlock pistol at his shoulder. He stared at the incoming vessel, searching for a sign to give the command to fire.
But the boat continued on toward them, following the breeze. It curved and slid alongside there's. Still, not a soul had presented itself.
"What is going on?" The Duke of Weselton asked. "It's a ghost ship?"
"There are no ghosts," Hans said.
Once the ship had pulled alongside theirs--only a few yards distance between siderails--it suddenly halted. The wind vanished and the water below became as still as a pane of glass. Neither of their boats were going to move for a while.
"Sorcery," the duke said.
"Of course it's sorcery," Hans said. "That doesn't mean we can't defeat it. And it definitely means someone's in control." To the officers beside him, he said, "Send all but the most essential men over. Search everywhere. This boat didn't sail itself."
The officer nodded. He shouted orders and soon a large contingent gathered on deck. Men lowered three long planks as bridges between the two ships.
The leader of the search party crossed first and shouted, "We know you're here, girls. Come out and show yourselves."
Only the stillness.
Men scattered around the deck, expecting to see someone at the wheel, rudder control, a sailing master, a gunner. But not even a swabbie could be seen.
The lead officer blinked his eyes. To his second-in-command, he appeared frozen in thought. "Sir?"
"I... sorry, I thought I just saw them."
"... nowhere. I just... I feel like they're right in front of me. But I..."
Ahead of them lay nothing but air and the storage compartment on the quarterdeck.
"I feel it too," the second-in-command said. "It must be our instincts telling us we're on the right track. Let's keep searching."
The officer shouted. "Proceed below deck. Leave nothing unturned or unopened." The officer rested his hand on his cutlass's hilt and proceeded onward.
"I think it's working," Rapunzel whispered as the two officers moved further down the deck. She fastened her grips on Ariel and Elsa's hands.
"It's like they see us, but they don't see us," Ariel said. "We were standing right in front of him."
"Do we need to whisper?" Elsa asked. "If they couldn't see us, they couldn't hear us too."
The three of them switched from looking at the sailors invading their ship to the planks. Ariel held Rapunzel's hand with one of her own. The other gripped the crystal glowing contented blue to her chest. Elsa kept her fingers around Ariel's wrists.
"Let's go aboard," she said.
Rapunzel led the three of them across the plank to Hans's ship. No one noticed them. Hans and the duke stood on the quarterdeck, staring at the Barefoot Maiden, waiting for something to happen. The only other people aboard were three men surrounding something against the wall of the gun deck.
"That's Hans?" Ariel whispered to Rapunzel. "I see why Anna fell for him."
Elsa stood in front of the guards, trying to look between them to see what they were guarding.
"Captain!" said the one in front.
Hans turned to him. He did a double-take, but said nothing.
The guard looked sheepish. "There's... I... er, nothing. Sorry."
Ariel and Rapunzel looked at each other. "That was close."
Elsa unstilled herself and stood on tiptoe. Behind them stood a small, innocuous barrel. The word "DANGER" was stenciled in white on the lid. A temperature gauge, like one would find in a turkey, was stuck through the lid.
"That must be it," she said. "How can we get it? I know no one can see or hear us, but does touch could break the spell?"
"Could we use the trident?" Rapunzel asked Ariel.
"What if it blows up?" she responded.
Another of the guards lifted his hands. "There! I see... I mean... no... never mind."
"What? What is it?" Hans asked impatiently.
"It's just. I thought I saw the queen and her cohorts standing right there."
Hans swept his eyes back and forth. He was looking right at the three of them, but didn't know it.
"It's like they're ghosts. It's giving me prickles on the back of my neck," said a guard.
Ariel giggled. The crystal in her hand pulsed once.
"There is something strange going on here," Hans said. He wandered off to confer with the duke.
The left guard reached out his hand, feeling for something that wasn't there. His fingertips came inches from Elsa's nose. She leaned back as far as she could without losing the morimema's protection.
"They're getting wise. We need to do this fast," Elsa said behind her teeth.
"All three at once," Ariel said.
"I got the left, Elsa the right, Ariel--center," Rapunzel said. "One-two-three-GO."
Elsa raised her hand. A pillar of ice rose from the deck, elevating the rightmost guard above the deck. The guard shouted "whoa" and lost his balance. Elsa extended the top of the pillar into a long sheaf of ice. He slid down, somersaulting all the way, and fell into a square hole below deck.
At the same time, Rapunzel bashed her guard in the helmet with her frying pan. He toppled over, chin first. She lassoed his legs with her hair, then whipped him to the other end of the boat.
The guard in the middle started thrusting out his spear at random points in space. "Begone, demons!
Ariel parried it with the trident tucked under her arm. She caught its pointed end between the tines, spun it once, then threw it into the air. The guard was still watching it drift upwards when she blasted the ground below him. The shockwave cast him in the same direction as the spear.
Ariel watched him careen over the side of the ship, ending in a resounding splash. As she smiled, the spear landed, knocking into her hand. Surprise made her jump back, which made her lose grip on the morimema.
The crystal fell to the deck where it shattered into a million tiny glittering pieces. Its blue glow faded instantly, giving the debris the appearance of sand.
"Uh-oh," Ariel said. The three of them looked up.
Prince Hans was standing behind them. So was the Duke of Weselton, holding out a sword. Hans aimed a flintlock pistol.
"I knew it. I knew it was some trick," Hans said. "One of your little ice and water shows."
"I'll give you an ice show," Elsa said, preparing to raise his hands.
Hans brandished his pistol.  "Uh-uh. Keep your precious little gloves on. You too, princesses. I know all about your magic hair and your trident." Hans glowered.
"You know you're working with a dark sorcerer now," Ariel said.
"He must be getting desperate if now he's working with the likes of you," Rapunzel said.
"If that's what it takes, fine. He was the only one that came to me when I'd hit rock bottom. I was rotting in a swamp, watching over pitiful peasants."
"And what did he promise you?" Ariel asked. "A kingdom of your own? Treasure and jewels? Revenge on all your enemies?"
"And then some," Hans said.
"Just take me," Elsa said, stepping forward. "I'm the one you want. I'm the one that wronged you."
"What? Oh, you didn't think I cared about 'protecting' Arendelle, did you?"
"You plunged our countries into war!" Ariel shouted. "You killed how many dozens, maybe hundreds of people just to get your share? How could you do that?"
"I'm a chameleon," Hans said with pride. "I adapt to any situation to make people feel comfortable. Comfortable enough to give me what I want."
"Even if it costs your soul?" Rapunzel asked.
Hans grimaced. "You'd never know unless you were me, how it feels to receive the dregs of everything. I don't care who I have to deal with. I didn't choose to be the lastborn of the Westergaards. But I'm not going to let that determine my fate."
"Wait, what?" Ariel said. "Your last name is Westergaard?" She muttered to herself as she eyed the ground. "Westergaard, Westergaard, where have I heard that name."
"In the grotto!" Rapunzel said. "All those debt notices."
"What are you talking about?" Hans asked. "That debt was paid off. It took decades, but it was paid."
Rapunzel pointed at him. "Except the documents were all forgeries. At least that's what the letter said. It said the coat of arms didn't match the year the ledgers were written."
"Someone was going to a banquet to prove it, but the ship must have sunk," Ariel said.
"The spymaster..." Hans finished.
"That's right."
"Everyone in my family knows that story. Three generations ago, the kingdom was in debt up to its ears. It seemed to come out of nowhere. And you-"
Before Hans could turn, the duke grabbed the gun out of his hand and pointed it at him. "Now, now, let's not be hasty here. We have an alliance now. The debt's paid off."
"A debt we never owed you in the first place," Hans said, scowling.
"Well, come on. That was years ago," the duke said. "You don't seriously... expect... all right now, back off." He brandished his gun. "This may only have one bullet, but none of you want to be the one who gets it, eh?"
Rapunzel's eyebrows raised, but she said nothing. She stepped behind Ariel and Rapunzel, letting them hold the conversation.
"If you really forged those documents, there'll be proof of that. We keep much better records now."
"And won't your family be proud that you've solved the case, hm? Then where am I? You think Weselton can pay that all back? Do you think I was in Arendelle a year ago, trying to find their trade secrets for fun?"
"As soon as I get back to the Southern Isles, I'm finding those documents. I'm sure they're in the royal archive. And we'll find out the real truth."
"Then I'll have to make sure you never get back to the Southern Isles." He raised the gun. "Any last words?"
Hans stood stunned, unbelieving his partner would shoot him.
"I do, actually," Rapunzel said, stepping forward. "Just one question. Have you looked at your left shoulder lately?"
"My what?"
The duke turned his head to his left shoulder, as Rapunzel expected. This distracted him from his right shoulder, where Pascal actually was. The lizard darted out his tongue and stuck it in his ear.
The duke shrieked. The gun fired, emitting a puff of smoke, then he dropped it.
Ariel shot her trident at the duke's feet. The lightning bolt impacted and sent the Duke of Weselton rocketing off, arcing against the blue sky. He landed somewhere far away in the water with a distant plop.
Pascal turned cartwheels in the air. Rapunzel rushed up and caught the chameleon in her soft hands. "Are you okay?"
His eyes spun, but he gave a thumbs-up with his three flat toes.
"Find shelter," Rapunzel whispered. She set him on the deck and ran to the two others.
"Is everyone all right?" Elsa asked, patting her body for bullet holes. Rapunzel and Ariel did the same, as if searching for where they left their keys.
"Does anyone hear that hissing?" Ariel asked.
They followed their ears to the source. The barrel was emitting a geyser of smoke from a crack where the bullet had grazed it. The temperature gauge's needle was climbing towards the red zone.
"That can't be good," Rapunzel said.
All three knelt in front of the barrel. Three small locks latched the lid.
"Blast it!" Ariel said. She pointed her trident.
Rapunzel stuck her hand between her and the box. "No, that could set it off! Let's throw it overboard," Rapunzel suggested.
"It's strong enough to destroy a city. I don't think that's going to save us," Elsa said. "Hans, how does this thing work?"
They looked around the deck. "Hans?"
Something clunked against the side of the ship. The three ran to see Hans pulleying the longboat into the water.
"I'm not through with you yet, Duke," he said as the dinghy landed. He detached the ropes and started rowing away.
"Coward," Elsa muttered.
They returned to the barrel. The needle was seconds away from the red zone.
"We've got to do something," Elsa said. "We can't just sit here. Throwing it in the water won't help. Destroying it won't help. I can't freeze it, I don't know what's inside."
"This is just what he wanted," Rapunzel muttered. "For us to call him for help."
"Who?" Ariel asked.
"Arcius. He could turn back time, get us out of this mess, if we agree to help him."
"He started this mess in the first place," Elsa grunted. "I won't give him the satisfaction. I'd rather it explode. I'd rather be destroyed than..." she paused. "Your hair! It's indestructible."
"That's right!" Ariel said.
"Guys, I don't know if it's that indestructible," Rapunzel said.
"Do we have any other options?"
Rapunzel smoothed out a swath of her hair. Elsa and Ariel wrapped it around the barrel like a yarn ball. "Cover it. There can't be any square inch exposed."
They continued wrapping it was taut. A faint whistling began from under the pillows of yellow thread.
"If we can still hear it, does that mean it's tight enough?"
"It needs more," Elsa said. She shot her magic at the ball of crumpled hair. Blue ice formed a jagged meteorite around it. The ice chunk began to vibrate.
"Oh no you don't," Ariel said. She fired her trident. A translucent golden shield enveloped the lump, which began to rise in the air.
It trembled like a fluttering dandelion. Elsa and Rapunzel turned away. Ariel shut her eyes.
The ice ball stopped trembling. It fell to the ground.
Elsa touched the ball of ice she had made. Wispy snowflakes fluttered away like escaping fireflies. When they unraveled it all, the only thing left was smears of black soot, which wiped away easily.
"We did it," Rapunzel said. She shouted into the air. "You hear that Arcius? We did it! We did-"
There was a sound like tearing cloth.
"What was that?" Ariel asked.
"There," Elsa pointed. "Do you see it?" She leaned to the left and the right.
In the space before them, part of the air was sliced and torn. Like the world was made of canvas and been slit by a vandal. Jagged edges marked the fissure. Everything within the tear was the same as its opposite side, though slightly askew.
"What is that?" Rapunzel asked.
Ariel poked her trident through. It emerged to the left as if refracted in a glass of water. "It's like a rip in the world," Ariel said.
"Or a rip in time," Elsa said.
"Should we go through it?" Rapunzel asked.
As suddenly as it appeared, the rip closed. Another appeared, right next to Elsa. She jumped back, colliding with Ariel who caught her. Inside this one, the day was darker. The seas roiled pea green.
"I think we should get out of here," Elsa said as she backed away.
The rip closed. Another appeared on the opposite side of them. Then it closed. Another opened even closer.
The three of them ran back to the upper deck. They had little recourse as the fissures were pushing them away from their ship. As Elsa reached the upper deck, she heard a feminine "whoop"
"Rapunzel?" Elsa turned to her. "Rapunzel, are you all right?"
No answer. The world was shredding itself to pieces around them.
"She disappeared," Ariel said. "She ran right into it."
Elsa and Ariel reached for each other's hands. "Maybe we should stay still."
More appeared around them--thin lacerations winking in and out of existence, each in a different spot. How long would this last?
Ariel dropped. A hole in space appeared under her. Elsa lost her grip--she expected Ariel to be taken from the side, not under.
"Ariel!" Elsa got down on hands and knees and shouted into the hole. No sign of her. The warped space sealed.
Now she was on the ship. All alone.
Another rip appeared in front of her. She didn't wait. She jumped in.
0 notes
provincebrands · 7 years
Insight: February 14, 2017:  The Man Who Had 3,859 Rolls Royces
INSIGHT.  Ok This is a very nontraditional insight. It’s also the first and likely one of very few NSFW insights I’ll ever share.  I love metaphor.  It’s one of the most powerful ways of impressing an idea upon someone, making something memorable.  By connecting the concept you’re trying to express with a visual image or emotion, metaphors excite disparate regions in your brain and build stronger memories than facts alone or other means of narrative storytelling. Here are some articles on the importance of metaphor in effective communication.
As someone who’s spent a lot of my life studying storytelling, I’ve thought a lot about metaphor and how it can be used to make something memorable.  But try as I might, I will never master metaphor like Richard Brautigan.
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Richard Brautigan is my favorite author. Unfortunately he took his own life and only ever published 10 novels. I haven’t read them all but I’ve read quite a few and love everything I’ve read. Trout Fishing in America is pretty amazing if you’re looking to learn more about him. It’s just incredible.
 I’m going to paste below my favorite chapter from this book.  You don’t need to have read what comes before for this chapter to make sense. It’s really a standalone.  I think this single chapter might be my favorite work of fiction ever. That’s a bold claim. But its true. It’s just phenomenal and there’s a lot we can learn from him about metaphor.  It’s not very long – just 5 minute read or less.  But If you’re in a rush or don’t have a lot of time don’t read it now. Make a mental note and come back later tonight or when you have some time to digest. You’re going to like this. Let yourself enjoy it. The chapter is called “Sea Sea Rider”. Here is is:
The man who owned the bookstore was not magic. He was not a 
three-legged crow on the dandelion side of the mountain. 
He was, of course, a Jew, a retired merchant seaman 
who had been torpedoed in the North Atlantic and floated 
there day after day until death did not want him. He had a 
young wife, a heart attack, a Volkswagen and a home in 
Marin County. He liked the works of George Orwell, Richard 
Aldington and Edmund Wilson. 
He learned about life at sixteen, first from Dostoevsky 
and then from the whores of New Orleans. 
The bookstore was a parking lot for used graveyards. 
Thousands of graveyards were parked in rows like cars. 
Most of the kooks were out of print, and no one wanted to 
read them any more and the people who had read the books 
had died or forgotten about them, but through the organic 
process of music the books had become virgins again. They 
wore their ancient copyrights like new maidenheads. 
I went to the bookstore in the afternoons after I got off 
work, during that terrible year of 1959. 
He had a kitchen in the back of the store and he brewed 
cups of thick Turkish coffee in a copper pan. I drank coffee 
and read old books and waited for the year to end. He had a 
small room above the kitchen. 
It looked down on the bookstore and had Chinese screens 
in front of it. The room contained a couch, a glass cabinet 
with Chinese things in it and a table and three chairs. There 
was a tiny bathroom fastened like a watch fob to the room. 
I was sitting on a stool in the bookstore one afternoon 
reading a book that was in the shape of a chalice. The book 
had clear pages like gin, and the first page in the book read: 
the Kid 
November 23, 
New York 
The owner of the bookstore came up to me, and put his 
arm on my shoulder and said, "Would you like to get laid?" 
His voice was very kind. 
"No, " I said. 
"You're wrong, " he said, and then without saying anything 
else, he went out in front of the bookstore, and stopped a pair 
of total strangers, a man and a woman. He talked to them for 
a few moments. I couldn't hear what he was saying. He pointed 
at me in the bookstore. The woman nodded her head and 
then the man nodded his head. 
They came into the bookstore. 
I was embarrassed. I could not leave the bookstore because 
they were entering by the only door, so I decided to go 
upstairs and go to the toilet. I got up abruptly and walked 
to the back of the bookstore and went upstairs to the bathroom, 
and they followed after me. I could hear them on the stairs. 
I waited for a long time in the bathroom and they waited 
an equally long time in the other room. They never spoke. 
When I came out of the bathroom, the woman was lying naked 
on the couch, and the man was sitting in a chair with his 
hat on his lap. 
"Don't worry about him, " the girl said. "These things 
make no difference to him. He's rich. He has 3, 859 Rolls 
Royces." The girl was very pretty and her body was like a 
clear mountain river of skin and muscle flowing over rocks 
of bone and hidden nerves. 
"Come to me, " she said. "And come inside me for we are 
Aquarius and I love you." 
I looked at the man sitting in the chair. He was not smiling 
and he did not look sad. 
I took off my shoes and all my clothes. The man did not 
say a word. 
The girl's body moved ever so slightly from side to side. 
There was nothing else I could do for my body was like 
birds sitting on a telephone wire strung out down the world, 
clouds tossing the wires carefully. 
I laid the girl. 
It was like the eternal 59th second when it becomes a minute 
and then looks kind of sheepish. 
"Good, " the girl said, and kissed me on the face. 
The man sat there without speaking or moving or sending 
out any emotion into the room. I guess he was rich and owned 
3, 859 Rolls Royces. 
Afterwards the girl got dressed and she and the man left. 
They walked down the stairs and on their way out, I heard 
him say his first words. 
"Would you like to go to Emie's for dinner?" 
"I don't know, " the girl said. "It's a little early to think 
about dinner. " 
Then I heard the door close and they were gone. I got 
dressed and went downstairs. The flesh about my body felt 
soft and relaxed like an experiment in functional background 
The owner of the bookstore was sitting at his desk behind 
the counter. "I'll tell you what happened up there, " he said, 
in a beautiful anti-three-legged-crow voice, in an anti-dandelion 
side of the mountain voice. 
"What?"I said. 
"You fought in the Spanish Civil War. You were a young 
Communist from Cleveland, Ohio. She was a painter. A New 
York Jew who was sightseeing in the Spanish Civil War as if 
it were the Mardi Gras in New Orleans being acted out by 
Greek statues. 
"She was drawing a picture of a dead anarchist when you 
met her. She asked you to stand beside the anarchist and act 
as if you had killed him. You slapped her across the face 
and said something that would be embarrassing for me to 
You both fell very much in love. 
"Once while you were at the front she read Anatomy of 
Melancholy and did 349 drawings of a lemon. 
"Your love for each other was mostly spiritual.Neither 
one of you performed like millionaires in bed. 
"When Barcelona fell, you and she flew to England, and 
then took a ship back to New York. Your love for each other 
remained in Spain. It was only a war love. You loved only 
yourselves, loving each other in Spain during the war. On 
the Atlantic you were different toward each other and became 
every day more and more like people lost from each other. 
"Every wave on the Atlantic was like a dead seagull dragging 
its driftwood artillery from horizon to horizon. 
"When the ship bumped up against America, you departed 
without saying anything and never saw each other again. The 
last I heard of you, you were still living in Philadelphia. " 
"That's what you think happened up there?" I said. 
"Partly, " he said. "Yes, that's part of it. " 
He took out his pipe and filled it with tobacco and lit it. 
"Do you want me to tell you what else happened up there?" 
he said. 
"Go ahead." 
"You crossed the border into Mexico, " he said. "You 
rode your horse into a small town. The people knew who 
you were and they were afraid of you. They knew you had 
killed many men with that gun you wore at your side. The 
town itself was so small that it didn't have a priest. 
"When the rurales saw you, they left the town. Tough as 
they were, they did not want to have anything to do with you. 
The rurales left. 
You became the most powerful man in town. 
You were seduced by a thirteen-year-old girl, and you 
and she lived together in an adobe hut, and practically all 
you did was make love. 
"She was slender and had long dark hair. You made love 
standing, sitting, lying on the dirt floor with pigs and chickens 
around you. The walls, the floor and even the roof of the 
hut were coated with your sperm and her come. 
"You slept on the floor at night and used your sperm for 
a pillow and her come for a blanket. 
"The people in the town were so afraid of you that they 
could do nothing. 
"After a while she started going around town without any 
clothes on, and the people of the town said that it was not a 
good thing, and when you started going around without any 
clothes, and when both of you began making love on the back 
of your horse in the middle of the zocalo, the people of the 
town became so afraid that they abandoned the town. It's 
been abandoned ever since. "People won't live there. 
"Neither of you lived to be twenty-one. It was not neces- 
"See, I do know what happened upstairs, " he said. He 
smiled at me kindly. His eyes were like the shoelaces of a 
I thought about what happened upstairs. 
"You know what I say is the truth, " he said. "For you 
saw it with your own eyes and traveled it with your own body. 
Finish the book you were reading before you were interrupted. 
I'm glad you got laid. " 
Once resumed the pages of the book began to speed up 
and turn faster and faster until they were spinning like wheels 
in the sea. 
0 notes