rin7713 · 7 years
Excerpt: Aurora Rose Project
He was standing in the door with a grim expression. A miasma of despair loomed over him, threatening to overthrow the aura of the room. “Nyrce,” he breathed hoarsely, “where is the boy?”
Nyrce became panicked instead of somber. Alarms pounded in her skull. How could she answer his question without incriminating herself? The fear of punishment overtook her sorrow. Braddock’s mere presence in her room usually stirred unrest but the aura he brought with him, in this moment, brought forth new depths of anxiety Nyrce did not realize she could succumb to. “You left him behind in your retreat, my lord… he slipped from my arms as we… as we…” the sorrow came back to the surface as Nyrce made an attempt to choke on her tears, “my boy, the one thing about this place that made me want to live…” her words slipped away with her memories of the battle field but returned as her fiery, tear soaked eyes looked up to pierce Braddock “IT WAS PRIDEFUL OF YOU TO PARADE US THERE AND BELIEVE WE WERE SAFE AS WE WATCHED YOUR HORRORS IN THE DISTANCE!!!”
Braddock did not flinch at her verbal jabs. Whether he was caught up in his own feelings or simply uncaring was not clear to Nyrce in her hysterical state. “He was my last heir, after exhiling the son you and I agreeed had no place here. He’s likely unharmed, after all it’s only my people that would callously make casualties of children. The only thing you have to mourn is that he is no longer of use to me.”
Nyrce was caught off guard with his matter of fact demeanor. “What is that supposed to mean.”
The room grew chill as Braddock took breaths to prepare his next statement. Nryce shook, feeling the fires of embarrassment and chill of fear surround her. “I think you know how you can still be of use to my legacy. Ever since my worthless son brought you to me I’ve felt drawn to your very being: your eyes still so innocent, despite what my son took from you, your scent so alluring like the fields of flowers you used to carelessly walk through, your voice so soft, knowing that you’re safer if you do not speak loudly for yourself. Surely Thanatos wishes to end my second term of bachelor hood and take on a goddess of my own.”
Her body gently shook as the anxiety boiled to the top. Tears began to slip steadily from her eyes. She wanted to run but knew she was cornered. She wanted to scream but had no will left to make her mouth move beyond a tremble. Nyrce’s flurry of emotions began to make her body numb. She looked to the incarnate of all evil in the world and saw his square jawline, his icy hazel eyes, his grey mane full of hair and his broad shoulders and considered the life she would lead with him, once her surrender was complete.
Braddock began to shift from his place in the doorway. Beyond him, Nyrce could see through the long wall of glass, that separated her apartments from the city of towers surrounding the General’s fortress. If she could break the glass with her body. Perhaps then instead of being his wife she could be a corpse, at last free of that demon’s foul gaze.
Before she could will her body to move, a sudden warmth wrapped around her wrist. It tugged her hand up from the bed and to a midpoint between General Braddock’s lips and Nryce’s lap. She gasped quietly and looked to Braddock helplessly. Warm tears slowed their flow. “Despite what evils you know I am capable of,” he began calmly, “I am not one to physically force myself upon those I desire. I want you to be a willing participant, I want you to accept me, not fear me, I want you to know I won’t harm you just because I can and I want you to appreciate how wanting you doesn’t turn me into a monster.”
Was she even capable of breathing? What was happening? The fires and chills grew more intense. Nyrce could not feel her chest moving but she could feel her face growing hot. It was hard to process losing her son, realizing the Braddock’s true intentions and contemplating suicidal escape all at once. The natural response was to tremble, numb and silent as her head felt ready to explode.
“I’ll give you some time to rest, it’s been such a long day of losses, for us both,” Braddock perched the hand he had captive back on the bed “just as a precaution you will stay in this room while I lounge in your apartments, wouldn’t want you to do anything drastic while you think things over.” Somehow he was back in the doorway, without having made a sound. Nyrce looked from him to her knees. Her body tightened as it shook. Braddock shut the door slowly and after awhile, there was the click of lock gears turning on the other side of the door.
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