#fisara's answers
asimplearchivist · 2 months
Looking at the very specific assumptions ask game thingy you reblogged and here’s a handful of mine:
You want to enjoy the subtle flavors of tea, but have a hard time enjoying it when it’s not 20% honey and 30% creamer.
You have a hard time letting go of past conflicts, even when you’ve made up with the person(s) involved and are on good terms with them.
Possessing a trust fund and blue eyes are not a requirement for your ideal man but being 6’5” is non-negotiable (/lh)
If given the opportunity to leave this world and enter a new one a la PMD or any isekai media ever, you would be very tempted, but ultimately would choose to remain in this world.
You own a stuffed animal you’ve had since early childhood that you would start a world war if it was damaged in any way.
Sofie…are you living in my walls?😳
I do want to enjoy tea so so bad. So bad. I want to be a tea enjoyer and know how to brew it to perfection. However it always tastes thin and flat and I do, in fact, only drink it with oodles of honey and milk (as I do coffee with sugar and creamer).
I...yeah. I didn't need my kneecaps anyway haha (totally not rethinking my complicated feelings about my last breakup...huh.)
This is a notorious trait of mine and a long term inside joke with my friends and family irl. I always say that the guys I'm attracted to just happen to be tall, but...it does certainly have appeal, I'll admit. (My ex was 6'4" while I'm a crisp 5'0" so take that how you will lol - anybody's going to end up taller than me just about tbh)
I'm not so sure about this one tbh. If it was involuntary and sudden, sure, I'd struggle with it bc I'm close to my family (particularly my mom)...but I would eventually adjust. If it were voluntary, though, and I got to pick where? (*coughs* Thedas or the PMD world tbh *coughs*) And I could escape the hellscape that is the big scary world where one has to pay taxes? I may just opt to fight dragons.
My sister gave me I guess technically a vintage Eevee plush she got brand new (she's nine years older than me, mind, and was the one who introduced me to Pokemon to start with; I remember her coming over one night to go to a skate rink and she was playing R/S/E where you run into the Keckleon by the pond outside Fortree City - she let me battle it, but I don't really remember what Pokemon she had on her team). She had gotten rid of a bunch of stuff like cards and the like, and I've kept it all. The plush currently sits on the shelf by my bed along with the Grovyle and Dusknoir ones I bought recently, as well as some slightly older Treecko and Leafeon ones (although I want to get the Leafeon and Lucario sitting cuties as well eventually). So...yes. It's very special to me.
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Getting u back btw >:3
when u get this, list 5 songs u like to listen to, publish. then, send this ask to 10 of your favorite followers or moots (positivity is cool) 💖
This time I'll go with the Crane Wives! :)
Of Everlong
Strangler Fig
Safe Ship, Harbored
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i-never-forgot · 4 months
still thinking about your tags of fuji's art of my girl erida and god the idea of eliana personally going out of her way to comfort erida is so sweet. i had another idea for an encounter with these two where erida wouldnt understand why eliana is being so nice and what she could possibly gain from feigning this kindness to her and eliana would just look at her dead in the eye and tell her that she deserves to be happy and that if seeing her happy is what she hopes to get out of this then she will get it and erida just zips her mouth at that statement and just accepts it as is. srry for rambling about my sad dusknoir lady in your askbox since im still all giddy after seeing the art since morning...
Eliana knows how it feels to want to isolate yourself after going through hell, and she recognizes that tendency in Erida easily, so you'd bet that she'd try to comfort her where she could.
Erida not understanding why Eliana would be so nice without any prior motivation would break Eliana's heart tbh. She understands her hurts and wounds so well, and that's why she would be so resolute on trying to cheer Erida up by any means. I just,, love this concept so much T~T
Never apologize for the rambling, I love yours and all of my others moots' OCs so very much and it warms my heart to see all of us contributing to each other! :) The PMD is so refreshing in how embracing they are towards OCs versus other fandoms!
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drinkingwithkhonshu · 10 months
Thank you so much for linking me to those posts…for science, you know….🤍
You’re mighty welcome, my friend ;) I do so enjoy inviting other people into the pigeonfucker fold!
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totentnz · 6 years
tagged by: @falkreathh thank u rav ilu tagging: @lavellane | @the-elves | @drithamen | @trvelyans | @bosmer | @ladyinquisitor & anyone who wants to do it 
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Full name: athras mareloen lavellan Gender: female Sexuality: fucks to survive Pronouns: she/ her
Family:  mareloen lavellan (mother) /  liani tiar (step-mother) / lecen tiar (step-brother) /   rasdheas lavellan (father) / shielan lavellan (step-mother) / fisara lavellan (sister)  Birthplace: northern marches Job(s): after the inquisition she buys a lil hut in the woods and sellls potions and such stuff to the people in the near village Phobias: forgetting also people Guilty pleasures: not really a guilty pleasure but she loves sweets? Hobbies: bothering people in her animal forms, having naps, reading books and correcting people
Morality alignment: chaotic good Sins: lust / greed / envy / gluttony / pride / wrath / sloth Virtues: charity / chastity / diligence / humility / justice / kindness / patience
introvert / extrovert organized / disorganized close-minded / open-minded calm / anxious / restless disagreeable / agreeable / in between cautious / reckless / in between patient / impatient outspoken / reserved leader / follower / flexible empathetic / unempathetic optimistic / pessimistic / realistic traditional / modern / in between hard-working / lazy / unmotivated
OTP:  solas Acceptable ships: like everyone else? (oc kiss week is soon btw) OT3:  love & happiness! BroTP: her and fisara is the obvious answer but also her and my hawke, lorna NOTP: don’t really have one for her either lmao im up for most things
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concessit · 7 years
🌻 - Their Father🌷 - Their Mother 👊 - A Best Friend 👿 - An Enemy for whoever you'd like to answer for!
Thank you so much for your asks C: I’ve decided to do this one with Aislinn.
Their Father
His name is Haleir and is one of thehunters of the Clan, he taught her everything about how to get game, how tofight and defend herself.
Their Mother  
Her name is Fisaraand she helps the Halla Keeper from time to time, take care of the children andalso helps with the trades when they have to buy something from the humans.
A Best Friend
Her name was Manehn, she and Aislinnwere childhood friends practically since they were born, they used to goeverywhere together, making lots of adventures… sadly she died at the Conclave. ( oh geez I made myselfsad :’C )
An Enemy
I think the only enemy ‘per se’ wouldbe Corypheus, Aislinn is not the type of of person who make sworn enemies inher free time (that would be Mäns’ hobbie lol )… and Solas “mayyyybe” in dragonage 4 she really doesn’t wanna think of Solas as an enemy
Thank you so much for your asks :3
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asimplearchivist · 4 months
I just wanted to let you know that I absolutely ADORE 'Promises Kept'! Your writing is amazing! The use of high-end vocabulary alongside language techniques like repetition and metaphors is so well done! You create such vivid imagery and descriptions of both Khonshu and the Reader's thoughts and feelings, and it's so beautiful to read that I sometimes well up. The relationship between the two is so well-built as well! The way you write Khonshu being semi-aware of the Reader tearing down on his walls and his consequent fear of it is just incredible! 👏👏👏
Not to mention your depiction of Khonshu himself, I absolutely love how you write him! The way you don't add speech marks when he talks and only bolden his words is a perfect way to depict his otherworldliness (and the fact that him speaking is more like an echo in one's mind), and the mannerisms of him sitting pretty much anywhere that's not a conventional seat is so accurate to his character! And I love love love how you write him holding his staff, it's such a little detail but the way you describe his grip tightening or him playing with it by rubbing up and down the rod to convey his thoughts is incredibly well thought-out!!!
I wish I could have the time to fully analyse your writing but I'm in the middle of exam season right now. I just wanted to send this in to let you know that I'm so glad I looked into the 'Khonshu/Reader' tag on ao3 and found your amazing work 💞💞💞
I want you to know that this means so, so much to me😭the latest chapter got next to no attention so I was really doubting myself on it. Thank you so much for taking the time to leave such a lovely comment for me to discover in my inbox on a morning I really wasn’t feeling it.🥹
I always feel like my writing borders on the line of too purple-prosey, so I’m glad to hear that the metaphors and such aren’t too on the nose. Same goes their feelings—I try to careful of showing and not telling. That they’re palpable enough to elicit such a reaction is such a relief!
I love showing his intimidation over the feelings that reader gives him but him just facing them head-on anyway, like standing in front of a big wave. He isn't sure he's ready for the brunt of it, but he's a little too curious and already in too deep to back out by now. He's in this weird state of "damned if he does, damned if he doesn't" at the moment.
And I'm so glad you picked up on his dialogue being directed to her mind! I showed the difference a bit at the end of the chapter when he shapeshifts, using quotations to show that he's talking out loud.
It's definitely a challenge to portray his emotions without him having a face. I feel like I rely on him holding his staff a little too much, but I do so enjoy the fist clenching trope haha
Thank you again, so very much. This gave me a very badly needed confidence boost since the last chapter didn't get that much attention. Have a great day/night, lovely! *blows kisses*
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asimplearchivist · 5 months
What’s your preferred way to write? On a PC, laptop, phone, in a hardcover notebook? Something else entirely?
Also, how do you organize worldbuilding, references, outlines, and other stuff for your projects?
Don’t mind me, just taking notes… 📝 👀
Hi, Sofie!😊Thank you for popping into my inbox!
I almost exclusively write on laptop/PC/iPad/even my phone when I get the chance. (When I was a waitress I was in my Dragon Age kick and would write on my tickets front and back so I wouldn’t “be on my phone” the whole time. I have the majority of the future scenes of The Smallest of Deeds transposed from those tickets, and I still have them in an envelope tucked away.) Otherwise I’m a tech/cloud enthusiast haha. I have enough blank notebooks that I want so very badly to get into the habit of actually using them, though…one day!🙏🏻
As far as my notes…they’re usually chaos lol. Most of the time they end up just being billeted lists at the start of my documents. Plot points and twists, character details, etc, all lined up so I can check them easily. I add them as I think of new things, like snippets of dialogue or scene ideas and the like.
I am currently in the process of transferring all of my Docs to a platform called Dabble, which is also cloud compatible, since Google decided to allow AI to delve into that space. I need to save a bunch of my old college/uni assignments into my Word Documents, but my PC is still out of commission for the time being so that process has been on hold for a while, unfortunately.
(I digress.) Dabble has character cast, plot grid, and worldbuilding notes features that help me to organize a lot more effectively, which is why I like using it so much. You can pull up your “notecards” within whatever chapter or scene you’re writing in at the time, and it’s enough of a blank slate that I don’t get overwhelmed with feeling like I have to fill everything out. (I swear I’m sponsored lol, but it really is nice if you can afford to pay its subscription fee. It just feels a lot more secure than Docs, runs more efficiently without lagging, and has features that allow for importation and exportation. It structures the document itself like a manuscript for easier transferral, and it has cloud syncing and allows for others to comment and access for beta reading and the like. I’d highly recommend checking it out!)
In the Morning Light (or, currently, That Poison, Reconciliation) is the first fic that I’ve really invested in organizing since I’ve had a bunch of different documents over the span of ten years keeping track of all my ideas. I’m exclusively writing it in Dabble rn.
Speaking of which…I’m a week late for an update, huh🥲I have some free time tonight, so I’ll try to work on the next chapter!
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asimplearchivist · 4 months
Ooh, thankies!🤭I’m going to talk about a passage in A Stagnant Life that I intentionally left sort of vague. I figured it won’t get discussed unless I point it out, so here goes! (C/TW: pet death)
[Eliana] reached under her sweatshirt and pulled out the delicate chain that rested against her clavicle, eyes resting upon the bronze nametag dangling in the mercurial light. The sight of it didn’t immediately bring tears to her eyes like it used to, but the melancholic heaviness that had since replaced them gripped her heart. She folded it into her palm and pressed it against her chest, closing her eyes and tilting her head back against the boulder briefly. “I still miss you, sweet thing. I hope you know that.”
Eliana grew up with an Eevee as her pet, best friend, and partner, but lost her prematurely in an accident. Eliana became terrified of ever getting close to another Pokemon again because she grieved hard. It's a sort of poetic, if bittersweet, irony that Eliana herself ends up becoming an Eevee when Darkrai attacks her. This is why she has such a hard time letting Treecko (eventually Grovyle) get close to her while she's in the paralyzed future, but eventually she caves because they have to rely on each other to survive and he grows on her. She missed having companionship and feeling safe with someone else, so Treecko/Grovyle and, eventually, Lu help to heal that old wound.
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asimplearchivist · 2 months
I hope u get this ask (tumblr is being weird again)
please take all the time you need! Writing is a daunting task in itself, it takes as much effort as any other work. Dedicating some time to rest and do other things you like and heal is completely normal.
We will be there whenever you decide to update any of your stories, be it a week, a month, a year or more <3
Thank you for taking the time to send this, lovey. It really means a lot. I was already a little drained from the whole fiasco about my blogs, then my fixations are oscillating again, plus all this...I am by no means throwing in the towel, it would physically pain me to give up writing as it is one of the only outlets for the hellscape (/affectionate) that is my mind, but my muse is certainly finicky.
Anyway. Thank you for being sweet. I'm still whittling away at my projects, I just wish I could churn out words like I used to. But I know taking my time is important, and I care more about the quality than the quantity.
Still plan on updating Miguel's fic next, and I'm slowly working through that chapter bit by bit. It features a scene with sparring and I struggle with writing combat of any kind a whole lot lol
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asimplearchivist · 3 months
*Chucks a star at you and then runs away in the opposite direction* YOU"RE REALLY COOL TTYL BYYYYYYEEEEEE ⭐
Sofie!!!🥺Thank you!
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asimplearchivist · 4 months
Random question time! Do you prefer the way the light catches on the surface of the ocean at sunset, or the way the water makes sun beams that resemble the light filtering through treetops in forests when you look under the waves?
Thank you, Sofie! :) Under the waves all the way! I love that it looks similar to how sunbeams look streaming between clouds, too! One of my favorite things to do while swimming as a kid was to go the bottom of the pool with goggles on and look at how everything looked through the surface.
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asimplearchivist · 5 months
Meow bark bark! I woof at you! And neigh! Now here is your question. Would you eat a toast of bread or a bread of toast? And can you add croutons to that? Also, toast water is gross! Eat butter toast!
Methinks I would eat a toast of bread, but I would pass on the croutons as I’m not a huge fan. And I agree on the toast water, butter toast sounds mighty preferable!
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asimplearchivist · 8 months
hiiii for the wip word search game!!
blink, hands, blue?
I have a handful for you :)
From an upcoming chapter in Constellations that'll take pace directly after the first one:
Steven sat up sharply, gasping, hands lunging back to prop himself. Blinking the crust out of his eyes, his jaw fell open as he realized he wasn’t in his flat, but yours.
From a future entry for the Moon Knight Event bingo (which will also be in the Constellations-verse):
“I thought you’d take the hint that I wanted to go on cutesie little evening walks with you around the block to watch the sunset and get ice cream occasionally. I didn’t think you’d decide to drive me out into the middle of nowhere to drag me down some random animal trail.” You let out a groan, and Marc turned to watch you brace your hands on your knees and lean over to catch your breath (not for the first time in the last half hour, and most definitely not for the last).
And finally, from the main arc of Thought I Dreamed Her, once we get there (hopefully soon):
You meandered down until you stood in the maw of a narrow alleyway between the two buildings, plunged into darkness as the golden hour continued to recede behind the skyline off to your right. You moseyed past the clipped wire fence, stepped over the trash littering the ground, squinting at the wash of blue and purple in your thermal view as you engaged the mode for better visibility. A dumpster was turned over onto its side, trash strewn out across the ground, indicating a scuffle. Did he tumble down here?
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asimplearchivist · 8 days
sapphire, lilac, charcoal and steel for the ask game! (and russet for the funsies) (:
Awwww, thank you! :') *sends 1,000 Poke via Pelipper Mail*
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asimplearchivist · 11 days
Shrike - Hozier
I was housed by your warmth / thus transformed
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