#fitz chivalry farseer
nireu-art · 1 year
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Across the snow storm
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luinquesse · 1 year
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Aaand also posting this on it’s own, the comparison post is here
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So I've just finished reading Assassin's fate. I have only one single question - SPOILERS AHEAD
Said question being - how the fuck did I not know how it all ends?!
I know, I know - I tried to avoid spoilers. But I searched for fan art, I've seen some memes! Sometimes I searched something like "fitz chivalry farseer" or "fitzloved" on tumblr and tiktok! Fuck, I tried to avoid spoilers, but I did not isolate myself from fandom!
So how on earth did I not know that's THAT how it gonna end?
I wish I was emotionally prepared.
Not gonna lie, this pain I felt - it was good pain, but at the same time it was absolute agony! I wept through last chapters like I'm ten and watching Titanic for the first time, but I'm actually 25 and I've been through some tragedy fiction in my life! I thought I was ready for the most grim scenarios, but I wasn't the slightest!
Fuck it's so personal now. Like yeah, being with his fool at last, it kinda made it better, but no one, no one deserves do die (or to go) that way! I'm so angry. Fitz became so much more than just a character to me, and his departure was so painful, so ugly at his last moments, he couldn't even hug his family and friends. He couldn't even tell them he loved them with all his heart - not with what's left of him and his memories. Why couldn't they let him know that they love him with him being able to fully perceive that? Fuck, he was being eaten alive! It's so, so unfair.
I wish he had just few more happy moments with his family. Wish Dutiful knew that Fitz is his biological father. Wish Bee communicated with him without her walls (and before you say she did, remember Verity in his last days. It was Verity, but it wasn't fully him. So did Fitz in his last chapters wasn't fully himself.) Wish Kettricken said that she loved him and him to realize what she actually meant. Wish Fitz was Fitz Chivalry Farseer for a little bit more and saw that his people he protected actually love him. Wish he spent more time with Motley and let himself to have another pet in lis life - not as a replacement for Nighteyes, but as friend.
"But Fitz was with his whole family and he didn't actually die, and he became one being with the Fool and Nighteye like they always were!"
Oh shut up! He was being eaten alive! Worms crawled out of his face! With his memories in the Wolf! His small daughter he could never spent some quality time with or present her some gifts or introduce her to his friends watched him slowly dying! Coughing blood! Worms in his mouth! Not purposefully doing this to save his country but because he had no fucking choice - yet fucking again!
Fitz Chivalry Farseer deserved so much more happiness in his life.
So yeah, it's 4 a.m., I'm ugly crying, my heart is broken.
It's not bittersweet ending, it's so fucking bitter, with just a little bit sweet piece, so small you barely feel it.
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hrabraport · 1 year
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my beloved and postcards with them
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itsanambush · 1 month
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Hey! look at my Chade design I made for my portfolio class, any critics/comments are appreciated!
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zhookotallo · 1 year
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tintagliat · 4 months
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Also baby Patience and Burrich!
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belpheg0r-luna · 4 days
He thought the earring went into the grave with him!! 😭😭😭 kill me now!!! 😭😭😭
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ulfrsmal · 17 days
just finished Assassin's Apprentice and I have thoughts about the Fool & Fitz's friendship, not just it being developed off-page but in general. no spoilers for the rest of the series pls i'm starting Royal Assassin today tl;dr: the Fool and Fitz are consistently, canonically othered by the people in Buckkeep in different ways, yet similarly enough so that we can say "like recognises like". they are friends because nobody else understands what they go through day by day -- because nobody else is othered like they are. they can be intrepreted as joining forces to remain more or less sane, and/or less lonely, in an environment that does not, nor wants to, support them. also they may both be queer in different ways
basically, their friendship was forged quickly and offpage in a way that can feel like a copout, but which to me was not. it makes sense to me! both are alone and lonely and othered by the people in Buckkeep, albeit in different ways, plus what we have of their characterisation supports this too. Fitz canonically is alone and lonely, and he canonically considers friends those he spends some time with. eg Molly, who i can't argue was a true friend to him, but whom Fitz def saw as that. Fitz and the Fool live in the same place (give or take a tower a stable or three), they saw each other semi-regularly at best, and for Fitz this Creates Friendship. The Fool also makes fun of Fitz in the same way he makes fun of everyone. this is important because most people look down on, and make fun of, Fitz specifically because he's Fitz The Bastard. he's set apart from everybody else in Buckkeep in this way. but the Fool doesn't do that: he treats Fitz in the same way he treats everyone else. for someone like Fitz who's only had negative attention, this neutral attention must feel like praise outright. thus: Friendship on the other hand: the Fool. his physical description sets him apart from the dark-eyed, dark-haired, ruddy-from-being-outdoors, people of Buckkeep (Farseer line especially). his profession also sets him apart from every other non-royal, non-nobility person. (i've done no research but i've been told that historically irl court bufoons had physical disabilities, eg dwarfism. i accept corrections & info about this, i know i could very easily be wrong). Basically, nobody sees the Fool for what/who he is, they only see his profession in the same way that they only see Fitz as The Bastard. no nuance. the Fool, by virtue of having lived in Buckkeep for longer (and perhaps being older and/or more developed than Fitz), must have recognised this similarity between them fairly quickly. plus he dreams about Fitz. Thus: Friendship
there's another angle i didn't touch upon for lack of info but here it is too: queerness.
to me Fitz read like aroace (he didn't get Molly's implying/expecting him to ask her to marry him, for example, nor the "catamite" reference which could've been understood by context if not through the actual word). Besides, the Wit can be taken as a Gay Analogy/Allegory, which would only add to his (canon) queerness! the thing is: idk about the Fool. not yet. so I cannot say if this plays a part into their shared bond/friendship.
but the Fool already has a very Gender Thing going on canonically, there's an italics at the beginning of a chapter that's basically him telling people to mind their own fucking business when asked what gender he is, so like. Fitz and the Fool are arguably part of the same community, aka they're both queer, just in different ways perhaps. will need to read more about the Fool especially to expand on this X)
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nireu-art · 1 year
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My son’s field trip across the duchies 🐺🗡️
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luinquesse · 1 year
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Another redraw time. Again, a quick one, because the last one was quick too.
I guess there’s some improvement  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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My view on Fitz and the Fool trilogies (3 of them) - beware of spoilers and personal opinion!
First Fitz and the Fool trilogy (The farseer one) - Fitz is being Fitz and getting all the traumas he would carry through all his life. The Fool is being the Fool and those two are supporting each other the best they can. Kettricken is crucial to the plot as Kettricken not as the queen. All the other characters are on their places. Regal is a great villain you love to hate. A lot of action and character growth.
Second Fitz and the Fool trilogy (The Tawny man one) - slightly worse. Fitz being stupid and rude and cold. Beloved does not deserve criticism, he's the best, but Lord Golden and Tom Buldgerlock dynamic is the worst, it got boring so quickly. Kettricken is barely here - I missed her so much. Second book barely had any action, I don't remember, what happened here beside Dutiful conflict with princess and Fitz fighting Beloved after speaking with Jek. Pale Woman is barely there as a villain, you don't get to know her or hate her. Well, at least there were Dutiful and Thick, and Elliania stuff, Nettle not so much but I didn't hate it. First and third books are very good, the end is incredible (again, beside Molly stuff - I hated it and Beloved departure).
Third trilogy (The Fitz and the fool one) - the worst. I hate it so much, I don't want to consider it as a canon. Fitz being kinda alright but barely feels like Fitz we know. Beloved - the same, but it's due to tortures. The idea of Bee's, well, birth, existence and parentage is interesting, but what's the point if there's only two scenes in the trilogy where we can actually see Fitz and Beloved as her fathers. Sometimes she almost feels like McGaffin. Fitz was actually acknowledged as the prince (something I was personally looking for from the very beginning) but we also don't see that. All - and I mean all of the beloved secondary characters from previous books (I'm looking at you, Kettricken, Dutiful and Nettle) are barely here and do nothing plot-related. Fitz being bad father to Nettle is something I will never understand. Half of the things that are there lead to literally nothing. Fitz and Beloved are together but they barely feel together, almost always not understanding and fighting one another, especially last book with the whole lady Amber thing. I hated Dwalia, yeah, but I didn't enjoy hating her, I knew she was just a pawn. And we barely see the other White prophets stuff to see them as this "True villain of all 9 books". FitzVigilant is great yeah, I really enjoyed having him as supporting character, but his romantic subplot is awful actually. And all of this ends with...how it ends. I hated it. I could manage it if it would ended differently (literally, any other way, even if Fitz did die under the White keep), but this atrocity...I just don't understand - I've already had this rambling before.
Even the overall plot of all previous trilogies - complicated twist of different character's motivations, inner political conflict is tangling with foreign affairs, every character - whether a king or a servant - is merely a pawn of the Fate. The third trilogy - Bee is kidnapped, Fitz tries to save her, Beloved wants revenge. That's all - just a quest. After this White prophets high council or whatever decided that Bee is not the Son from prophecies - there were literally no stakes at all. It felt like Fitz could went there and be like "Your people kidnapped my daughter, can I have her back?" and poison everything along the way and they would return Bee and then die few days after. And they lived happily ever after as a big royal family.
Point being - it's been 2 weeks since I binge read all 9 books, and I finally accepted that I did not like or enjoy last trilogy. Even a little bit. I finally can ramble about it instead of weeping inside and trying not to think about it. I have more thoughts on this - like how it's not that the last trilogy didn't fit my personal view on books, it actually didn't make sense at all and didn't fit the in-world logic of the Elderlings series - stuff like consistence and characters arcs and so on. But for this one I'll have to find strength to reread all 16 books and find some proof - so it's gonna be about a year or so when I will be able to return to this trauma.
For now it's just a long "BUT I DON'T LIKE IT!" rambling.
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heaartshaped · 1 year
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itsanambush · 13 days
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Little Fitz design I made for my portfolio class, love him so much! Wanted to capture how much of a little menace he was on the first book
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hijklab · 8 months
When I first started reading rote my first theory/thought it was being hinted at was that burrich had a big dumb crush on chivalry but was crazy in denial and him suppressing his wit was a metaphor for it
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floradelisstuff · 4 months
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Fitz and the Fool in their youth. It is based more on fan fiction rather than actual reality. Take your pick which one. Perhaps, "Prophet's Threads" or "Realm of Soft boys"... Created by using various models and then some additional parts as well. I think Fitz is rather girly, but then I used a girl for the model and I like it.
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