admiraltyspride · 2 years
A world of giants was unexpected but something the Vice-Admiral would take in his stride, he was determined. The waters under Victory were rather obviously just a marvellous looking painting, and once his rivals had also grown bored of the ongoing battle, the tiny man had finally gathered enough courage to step from his ship and walk across the painted sea to the edge of the waters where beyond lay the land of giants. 
A few nights of exploring had the little admiral and his men thinking they might have mapped out a fair bit of their surroundings. One element of excitement came from what appeared to be a set of ships similar to their own in the distance though instead of in open waters as they were, they were in the ice! 
It took a shocking amount of time to have lost the only one armed, one eyed figurine with his diamond jewel in his hat in the Trafalgar exhibit. Two nights of travelling had Lord Nelson arrive at what the plaque described as ‘Franklin’s Lost Expedition’. 
As night began again, and after a climb, there out on the Arctic ice of the exhibit stood Lord Nelson and a handful of trusted men looking curiously and excitedly over the details of the trapped ships and their crews. 
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vyrulent · 1 year
continued / @fitzjxmes
Time and time again, her father and her sisters had warned her to stay away from humans, especially the sailors that lived part time upon the sea. She'd dared to defy that thought of her kind and found a way to become human -- if for a little while.
To hear him speak those words about merkind killing humans wasn't a lie, but she'd have never in her wildest dreams harmed a human. Ariel saved them from the murky depths whenever she could.
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"Do you believe that there could be good mermaids out there? Ones that save drowning sailors or protect them from harm?"
They'd only known each other for a short amount of time, but the mermaid felt a want to be honest with him. For now, she'd keep silent lest he prove to be someone that could not be trusted with the truth of her origins.
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vendettamuses · 2 years
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@fitzjxmes SAID: 'An armoured bear? I've never seen such a thing before.' ~ for Iorek
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⚔️ Random Asks // ALWAYS ACCEPTING! ⚔️
It’s difficult to gauge given his general complexion but the bear’s expression seems to convey that he is unsurprised. Grand paws lower the bucket full of liquor to the ground, sending some of it sloshing and splashing out onto the snow. He raises one to swipe at his wet muzzle, fur matted and tongue emerging to lick clean his lips. “Of that, I am not surprised. The panserbjørn are not the type to leave their home in the north.”
He wasn’t aware of specifics anymore, as he was an exile, but during his time he’d seen their traffic to the rest of the world decline as tensions grew between men and the bears. Times had grown lean. The number of seals dwindled, as did their territory, and the great armored bears of the north found it in their best interest to refrain from leaving the ice if possible. He grumbled, ears flattening a bit.
“I am the exception, unfortunately.”
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tooxldtorememxer · 1 year
@fitzjxmes continued from here
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Honestly, the only reason he’d come along for the journey had been for the money and free beer. Those had been his first and only motivations for some time but that had been before he’d started to bond with the others a bit. And the things he’d seen - if his brother hadn’t been with him and seen it for himself Bombur would probably never have believed him when he re-told the tale of the journey of the company of dwarves, a wizard and a hobbit. And as of late, men.
Bofur could not wrap his mind around these men that seemed very out of place. Men as a kind were nothing new, he knew about them, of course, but it was these men in particular and how they had been travelling. Pulling boats when they were miles from any shores or even a river or a lake! He had been trying to talk to some of them but had been met with distance and snide remarks. 
It had been curiosity and boredom that had led him to wander and even though he was not a healer by any means he knew a little bit and to see the elves do healing was something he’d never witnessed before. So he had snooped. Just a little bit and when the coast was clear he had slipped inside. He hadn’t meant to stay for long but now he was sitting comfortably on a chair and had lit his pipe, happily puffing away on it when he noticed the man in the bed closest had started to move and wake up. A grin spread around the end of his pipe before he lowered it and pointed to the man in the bed. “Nah, lad. That’s what we call stubbornness and a will to live,” he chuckled and put his pipe back between his lips. “I heard some of ‘em talk before and they said some of you should already be dead by the looks of things,” But they weren’t, all thanks to the elves.
Of course, he wouldn’t know where he was, though it was a bit surprising and it had his brows rise slightly in surprise. “This is Rivendell,” he said and gestured around the room with his pipe. “Heard of it?” he teased. Even Bofur had heard about the elves, but he’d never had the urge to find his way here or to meet an elf. Now he was surrounded by them.
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imprvdente · 1 year
𝐉𝐀𝐌𝐄𝐒 & 𝐅𝐈𝐒𝐇 @fitzjxmes  from: “I’m a nobody, really.”
The words caught Fitzjames' attention. That was a sentence the Commander has said to himself several times in his life. His upbringing wasn't easy and despite his outward personality, he was always judging himself. Sometimes it was hard, but he could always comfort others.
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"Would you like to talk about something..." Then he realised. "Forgive me, but I didn't catch your name."
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“Oh, right,” she stammered awkwardly, “my name is Fish, Captain. Fish Monet.” Not a name, per se, and yet, it was hers. The last memory of her mother, carried everywhere. She perhaps had another name once (surely), a proper name. But it was long forgotten. 
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Fish found herself somewhat lost, aboard the Erebus. Away from the ship she had known all her life, back to a role as mate after years as quartermaster, away from the seas she knew so well. 
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musclesandspells · 1 year
Closed Starter : @fitzjxmes
It was not made to hunt men.
It had not always been twisted into the shape of a bear. There had been a time before, when it had been cradled close and had life breathed into it by a mother it would never know again.
It was not made to hunt men.
It had been made to wage a war that had ended before anything held the shape and breath of humanity. Its defeat had brought it to the form it occupied now and the space that it was trapped within. It felt the draw to go back to the water, to slip down into the depth and seek out the one who first breathed it to life with fang and claw... but it was bound now. There were claims made to it, spears that were invisible to the eyes of even those who had crafted them sunk deep into its flesh and preventing it from going down into the deep.
Sometimes, it would act like the bear it had been shaped into -- grabbing hold of the seals and squealing beluga that emerged from the depths of the water like grasping fingers. Eating them did not sate its hunger, nor its need to get back to the one that created it. Even if they, too, had been shaped by her.
The people who called the North home, who carved echoes of its form into the bone amulets they carried, knew it for the shape of death that it was. They avoided the lands that it walked on. There was no need to go there, to walk where the ice snapped throughout the night and sang its name. There were few left in the world who knew how to talk to it in that language of silence and cold. Those that could, could walk alongside it. They understood it to be another aspect of their world. That it could give just as easily as it could take.
These men lacked any understanding of the world they found themselves in and so they had unknowingly called it to them. Initially, it had watched. Their ships were a forest, different trees pulled down and shaped around them -- masts standing like the tallest of them. Metal had been pulled from the Earth and bent to their will. Coal burned in the bellies of the things, pushing them forward through the ice until it finally closed its fist around them. It watched them move back and forth between their ships and the gravel shore, dark figures silhouetted against the snow.
It followed them, whenever they slipped through the fingers of the ice. There was the possibility they would not remain, that they would move on from this place. It stood with the people that bound it beyond the confines of its shape, kept it from delving further into the world of spirits, and watched. It watched. It waited.
It smelled the blood of death and heard the indignity of the man they pushed down into the ice as if his life had been as meaningless as the death they gave him. Every touch upon his body had felt like a touch upon its own, a pull at the invisible barb under its skin that bound it to the man.
Now, it was following them as they abandoned their ships. It was not alone as it wandered in spirit in their wake. Death and madness stalked beside it, though the men were just as oblivious to their inevitability as they were to it. They spoke to the men in the spaces between their thoughts, making themselves known in languages that every living thing understood. They were coming. They were inevitable. One just didn't know when and where.
The men were setting up a camp for themselves when it again shaped its name around itself and settled into the skin that walked the same world they did. It stretched itself within that skin, neck extending up towards the sky as it closed its eyes. It felt good, to stretch muscle and bone beneath that skin.
Back in its skin, it breathed in the cold air and let out a sound like the ice cracking against itself. There was a small group of men, stood aside from the others, that were closest to it as it pushed itself up onto its legs.
It was not a beast. It was not a man, either... but it could walk like them.
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herstoriies · 1 year
+ closed starter for @fitzjxmes +
Once upon a time...
As many seasons pass and return again, one of the most looked forward to festivities at Kimbleton Manor was the merriest year-end celebration, filled with banquets, dancing, laughter and cheer. And among the guests of honour was none other than ‘Uncle’ Sir John Franklin, brother in arms of brothers Sirs Charles & Thomas Kimbleton. Sir John’s presence was the most looked forward to by the Kimbleton and Franklin nieces and nephews as they always wondered what mysterious and surprising ‘inventions’ would be showcased. This time - a grand doll dressed as a decorated Royal Marine sergeant that could twirl and leap to music like a masterful dancer. And then its dancing companion - a white polar bear in a tutu.
When the time had passed from dancing and entertainment to exchanging gifts, the golden-haired Priscilla was presented with a wrapped box from Sir John. Her eyes sparkle when she opens it - to find a nutcracker. “ Why, Uncle! A master of your art you are indeed - he’s beautiful! “ she exclaims - while taking the nutcracker gently in her hands and holding it up to better see.
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tiimecrash · 1 year
@fitzjxmes continued from here.
How exactly Elizabeth Burke managed to get on this ship was a going to take some explaining. However the current situation aboard the ship made her attention advert to the most obvious comment directed toward her by the captain of this naval vessel. Was she a stowaway? Not intentionally. The last thing she had recalled was falling asleep in her study in Wales and floating about ( as called it ). Ever since her most trip to India, she had learned many things about the universe ... and some controversial mystic arts from that elder yogi in the mountains. Even to travel by thought. She had never tried to do such travelling, fearing she was not good enough to try it. She dared not speak about such controversial things to anyone but herself. However this time, she honestly did not know where she was or why she was here to being with.
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A rather startled look came over her, now nervous and scared. She knew she was not dreaming either. Everything was very real and she was here. On a ship someplace in the world. "I -- don't know how I got here. The last thing I recall was drifting off in my study." she managed to muttered in shyness. This was all very awkward and strange. They wouldn't believe her, she knew they wouldn't. Elizabeth was certain she looked like a madwoman or a fool. Her nerves were showing and she was scared. "I know it sounds a bit odd, but that's all I remember. Do you happen to know where I am?
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undeadunalive · 1 year
@fitzjxmes​ ∣ sc
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“You’re looking rather dapper, Commander. Are you heading somewhere special?”
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skxrbrand · 1 year
'No one else needs to die.'
" Incorrect."
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" They will all perish. And you are welcome to join them."
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'Are you alright?' ~ For Hook
"Do I look like I am bloody alright!?" he snarled in pain. The pirate pressed his hand against the gunshot wound in his shoulder. Hook grit his teeth at the ache of a musket ball lodged in his flesh. At that moment James vowed that he would gut the fool who shot him.
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admiraltyspride · 1 year
@fitzjxmes​ asked:  'Mr. Nelson. Am I reading this correctly?' This being a display being set up for Nelson's biggest rival: Nepoleon and his crew from the battle of Trafalgar.
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Nelson had been in the museum long enough now to understand that exhibits would come and go, it was reassuring in a way for whatever the life in the museum was, they were forever be new things to see and learn about, for beings so small it really looked like an infinite place of adventure.
Which was why when Fitzjames spoke up to him, the admiral was at first excited thinking there would at last be a Henry V exhibit which was why he was initially beaming as he tried to see what he was being directed to. It faded nearly humorously fast when he read what it actually was. He was silent for a long moment, just looking over the information and debating internally with himself, this did not bode well. He did not want Napoleon around. 
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“We are either both delusional and enjoying the same terrible hallucination, or sadly it is the truth. Old Boney is coming to pay us a visit...” No, this was not something he was at all happy with, could he perhaps ask the Nightguard to keep his old enemy suitably contained? “We should probably start preparing.” 
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vyrulent · 1 year
fairy tale starter call || @fitzjxmes​
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She can’t speak of Atlantica with these men. They are explorers, adventurers, and conquerors. It’s the conquering part that keeps the mermaid on edge. She can’t put her home in jeopardy even though she’s following her heart to this new world. 
“I’m not the best dancer.”
She’s been introduced as a princess from a far off land -- not necessarily a lie -- but she’s not certain she is comparable to the princesses of the shore. There’s a stark contrast between the two species in so many ways.
“But would you spare a dance with me?”
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courcgecus · 1 year
'Good evening, Mrs. Brisby.'
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🌿 -   ❝ Commander! Good evening! Ah, I owe you apology-  ❞ She is all delighted to see him. Hurrying from her final chores to greet him warmly. After all, it had been time - way too much apart - guiding him behind the corner of the corridor at least for a small illusion of privacy. And like a flood she speaks - all that ache she felt for not being able to speak to him. All those concerns how things were handled at the quarters.
❝ ...I had to take sudden days off - it was some kind of... outbreak. I had no heart to leave Auntie Shrew alone with all four - ill one after another until it finally got me - such burden having to lengthen my absence... I wish I could have let you know personally. I hope someone delivered the news. About that - I hope things have been as usual here- no disasters, I assume? ❞
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tooxldtorememxer · 1 year
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( @fitzjxmes​ wrote: 'Quick, hide.' ~ For any of the Terror boys! )
Lieutenant Irving didn’t think before he reacted, or maybe he did. They could hear the creature rush across the ice, it was so heavy and the wind was still. If they hadn’t been talking or moving you’d be able to hear a pin drop half a mile away. He remembered the cave he had found Lady Silence in, the one that lead from Terror’s bow and into the ice. Where he had seen her and the creature and whatever ritual they had been preforming. There was a side entrance, not just the one he had managed to squeeze his way in and out through. The same way she had used to get on and off the ship in secret because how else did she sometimes wander the ice? 
He had found it on his way out, it wasn’t far but they had to run in the direction of the sound for a bit. So, with his mind already in his fleeing legs, he reached out and grabbed the Captain’s wrist and pulled. “This way,” he gasped and pulled him towards the raised ice. There, it was right there, he could see it. “Get in,” he said and pushed. Had he really thought Irving was going to leave him behind when they had seen the destruction this thing could do to men and ships alike? There were times that left room to be a hero, but there was no room to be a fool. “We can reach Terror from here,” he whispered but then fell silent to listen for the large snorting thing. He also knew that it could come in there, probably from the water since he had seen it, but if it didn’t know they were there, what would the odds be?
“This way, captain, quiet,” he said and started a small jog in the direction he knew would lead them to the tunnel. On the ground were signs that this place had been used. Furr, blood, a rotting carcas, footprints, but none of it were fresh that lead towards the ship.
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imprvdente · 1 year
𝐉𝐀𝐌𝐄𝐒 & 𝐅𝐈𝐒𝐇 @fitzjxmes from: ‘sorry, i’m just a little nervous.’
'Don't be. I think we're all feeling nervous, but we can't let it get the best of us.'
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This wasn't the first time Fitzjames has abandoned a ship and it hopefully wouldn't be the last.
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Hm. Walking on the ocean, frozen or not, seemed unnatural to her. But it beat being stuck on the ship. At least now they’d be moving. 
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“Yes, you’re right sir,” she nodded, shoving her hands in her pockets, “I guess I’m just used to the sea being a lot less solid.” A chuckle, as if to diffuse her own nervousness.
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