#the terror rp
wantsusdead · 7 months
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The bone-weary seaman held his breath as the ship finally docked at its final destination. The yells of the crew a mixture of “hooray” and final orders to moor the vessel; the ship gently bobbing against the side of the dock as it came to a halt. This was it, the moment they had all longed for, the moment they had all believed would never come. They had made it home. The captain felt his hand grip the railing as he took in the sight of the large crowd that had gathered to greet the survivors, his knuckles turning white with his grasp.
Shouts of greeting mixed in with applause began to assault the homecomers' ears. The Irish man turned his head to look at his companion who he was holding steady with his other arm. It was bittersweet. A wave of relief washed over the older man; he had done it, he had kept Fitzjames alive and brought him (along with the other survivors) home but he also felt a pang of guilt in his breast. To the men who had not made it home; whose family and friends, some of whom were present, they would never see again. To the man Fitzjames had been forced to become, to the rose-tinted glasses which had been ripped from before his eyes, for the innocence lost.
He glanced around at the rest of his men; some half-heartedly joining in a chorus of the national anthem started by the crew of the Enterprise, while others looked shell-shocked and some openly wept. The gangway was lowered and there was a rush as the crowed gathered around, some of them shouting the names of the crew. Crozier looked at Fitzjames again, forcing a smile. They should be happy; they should be relieved, he thought. He had to be for the others' sake. He had to be for his friend’s sake.
Suddenly, Crozier felt a hard clap on his shoulder as his oldest friend (and captain of the vessel), James Clark Ross came to see them depart safely. They two spoke for several moments, before all three began to make their way off the ship. The redhead assisted Fitzjames down the steep gangway, though the younger man was eager to walk for himself as much as possible. Behind them their few remaining possessions were carried by Ross's crew.
As the trio reached the end of the slope, their feet finally landing on English soil, they were swallowed up by the crowd. Cries of greeting and sympathy in equal measure filled their ears, and without meaning to, Crozier and Fitzjames diverged along different paths. He felt the clap of welcoming hands on his back and shoulders and tried his best to smile weakly at the passing faces. He had always hated crowds, hated the attention. Now it was worse than ever. What had he to be proud of?
Feeling overwhelmed, he looked around for Fitzjames, surely the man had been right beside him. Now that he was no longer above the crowd but standing among them, Crozier’s height impeded his ability to look above their heads. He wanted to cry out, but with the roar of the horde reaching fever pitch he knew it would be useless. Suddenly, he felt a familiar touch on his shoulder and he turned around to see Ross again, a wide sympathetic smile on his face. “I’ve lost Fitzjames.” Crozier said, his unused voice croaking over the noise. He didn't intent to say it so pleadingly. “I think he found his family.” The other man replied, leaning in to hear his friend better. “Come, I’ll get you out of here.” He said reading Crozier’s mind and leading the Irishman out of the throng of people.
As they reached the end of the crowd, the redhead turned back around; he could see some of his men being greeted by family and friends; pulled into bear hugs, while mother’s wept and father’s smiled with sympathy and sadness. The relief at seeing their family member alive mixed with the shock of finally realizing that the men who had arrived home were not the boys that they had waved goodbye to three years previously.
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gildedlife · 4 months
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AND WE ARE AT THE END OF VANITY. james fitzjames of the terror. private, selective, 21+. written by merrin. ©
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musclesandspells · 2 years
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18+ selective "The Terror" RP Blog for the Tuunbaq. Side blog. Follows from @tatteredxsails Rules/About
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tatteredxsails · 1 year
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Semi-selective independent multimuse featuring characters from Our Flag Means Death, the Terror, history, and more.
OC, AU, crossover and multiship friendly. 18+ only, minors DNI.
Multi-paragraph to "novella" style, written by Prior.
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findroleplay · 3 months
Hi 👋🏻
I am searching for someone who would like to play Captain Francis Crozier (play by jarred Harris) from the TV show The Terror.
To do a Captain x Stewart rp (M x M)
I would play Thomas Jopson (the Stewart) and you the Captain.
My Dm are open for discussion or question. And my user name is the same for all social media but I prefer to roleplay on Insta even if am open to everything.
⚠️I can rp as literate to not literate, using third person. You only have to be wanting to rp this, be okay with NWSF and age gape (and be 18 or plus), be active AND to have seen the serie !⚠️
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billyandterror · 3 months
Look what I found! Old photos of baby Terror, eh, what a cute little pup he was. He's a big dog now, eats me slippers, that bloody rascal!
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brainrot-stitch · 26 days
Doodles from a dw rp I was just in!!! Honestly the best one I've had so far lol
Out of character that vs in character chat😭
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Omg crazyy...
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kneel-to-seto-kaiba · 3 months
It was all a ruse, you pathetic little ant. For, you see, I, Seto Kaiba, was the mastermind the entire time!! Every single thing that's happened to you over the last 24 hours was orchestrated by me… and my insane mind! Yes, it was all me.
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The whole thing cost me $750,000, and over eight months of planning, just to lead you right here into the palm of my hands!
But why ask you all the trite details when I already know every detail from my network of cyber rats! Yes, you might have thought those were regular rats you fool. Wrong.
He brings up a hologram map, showing a server building from the US.
Next, I’ll lead a KaibaCorp satellite on a trajectory to come crashing down into this building in approximately one hour. Then, the dark cosmic energy released from the satellite in the explosion will activate these powerful cards!
Onscreen, powerful cards appear. They look cool.
Now try and stop me!! Hahaha!!
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jewelleria · 4 months
calling all those curious about and eager to discuss/debate the israeli-palestinian conflict!
if you have discord, you might be interested in In Favor of Coexistence, a server created to be a space for those who understand and want to explore what it means to coexist. in this server, we will discuss the ins and outs of the I/P conflict, its history, and its current state.
this server is strictly for those who are for a two-state solution, and who actually understand what that means. if you think one group of people should have to leave the region for there to be peace, this is not the place for you.
everyone is welcome here: jews, non-news, muslims, christians, israelis, palestinians, etc. happy pride!
(we’re also looking for mods, so if that sounds like something you’d be up for, shoot me a dm! and if you want to join, do so here.)
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wantsusdead · 11 months
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Crozier made his way down through the belly of his ship. The lamplight was fading as he proceeded down a narrow passageway. The dim light didn't slow him down, however. He knew his ship like the back of his hand, maybe even better. He had spent over two years aboard it now without a reprieve. In fact, this was his second expedition in which he had commanded HMS Terror. He was certain he could find his way blindfolded.
As captain, it was his job to know everything that transpired aboard the vessel. Currently, he was making his way to the lowest deck, down into the hull itself. Word had been sent to him that there was a problem down below and it was his responsibility to investigate. With every step he took, he felt as though he was entering a great freezer, the temperature dropping every few feet. He had grown accustomed to it now, the cold. As much as any man could. Yet he couldn't help the chill that ran up his spine.
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terror-n-panic · 1 month
"What's up, old man?"
Ah, my psychotic spawn, hello.
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musclesandspells · 2 years
Closed Starter : @fitzjxmes
It was not made to hunt men.
It had not always been twisted into the shape of a bear. There had been a time before, when it had been cradled close and had life breathed into it by a mother it would never know again.
It was not made to hunt men.
It had been made to wage a war that had ended before anything held the shape and breath of humanity. Its defeat had brought it to the form it occupied now and the space that it was trapped within. It felt the draw to go back to the water, to slip down into the depth and seek out the one who first breathed it to life with fang and claw... but it was bound now. There were claims made to it, spears that were invisible to the eyes of even those who had crafted them sunk deep into its flesh and preventing it from going down into the deep.
Sometimes, it would act like the bear it had been shaped into -- grabbing hold of the seals and squealing beluga that emerged from the depths of the water like grasping fingers. Eating them did not sate its hunger, nor its need to get back to the one that created it. Even if they, too, had been shaped by her.
The people who called the North home, who carved echoes of its form into the bone amulets they carried, knew it for the shape of death that it was. They avoided the lands that it walked on. There was no need to go there, to walk where the ice snapped throughout the night and sang its name. There were few left in the world who knew how to talk to it in that language of silence and cold. Those that could, could walk alongside it. They understood it to be another aspect of their world. That it could give just as easily as it could take.
These men lacked any understanding of the world they found themselves in and so they had unknowingly called it to them. Initially, it had watched. Their ships were a forest, different trees pulled down and shaped around them -- masts standing like the tallest of them. Metal had been pulled from the Earth and bent to their will. Coal burned in the bellies of the things, pushing them forward through the ice until it finally closed its fist around them. It watched them move back and forth between their ships and the gravel shore, dark figures silhouetted against the snow.
It followed them, whenever they slipped through the fingers of the ice. There was the possibility they would not remain, that they would move on from this place. It stood with the people that bound it beyond the confines of its shape, kept it from delving further into the world of spirits, and watched. It watched. It waited.
It smelled the blood of death and heard the indignity of the man they pushed down into the ice as if his life had been as meaningless as the death they gave him. Every touch upon his body had felt like a touch upon its own, a pull at the invisible barb under its skin that bound it to the man.
Now, it was following them as they abandoned their ships. It was not alone as it wandered in spirit in their wake. Death and madness stalked beside it, though the men were just as oblivious to their inevitability as they were to it. They spoke to the men in the spaces between their thoughts, making themselves known in languages that every living thing understood. They were coming. They were inevitable. One just didn't know when and where.
The men were setting up a camp for themselves when it again shaped its name around itself and settled into the skin that walked the same world they did. It stretched itself within that skin, neck extending up towards the sky as it closed its eyes. It felt good, to stretch muscle and bone beneath that skin.
Back in its skin, it breathed in the cold air and let out a sound like the ice cracking against itself. There was a small group of men, stood aside from the others, that were closest to it as it pushed itself up onto its legs.
It was not a beast. It was not a man, either... but it could walk like them.
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tatteredxsails · 9 months
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Like for a starter from Silna and/or the Tuunbaq.
Multi's, please specify.
Starter posts will be added to my queue, though you may see an anchor post with your username attached
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dead-in-the-pool · 1 month
hello Wade. Yukio forced me to make a tumble account for myself.
yukio shows up on my doorstep looking like hell and crying that she couldn't find you and THAT'S what you were doing. setting up TUMBLR. glad we're all making responsible use of our time.
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taisho-sanshoku · 6 months
theyre both so cute!! i wanna pet that blue one >w< tho he seems kinda scared under there...
I think he's angry, not scared. He bit me too...
But he seems to get along with the other one.
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They look like Good and Angered, now that I think of it.
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mongooseundertheporch · 2 months
Hi Will.
"Hello... Nigel is it?"
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