#fixating cuz exams start in like a week and they are like my
lynnbutlertron · 1 year
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idgaf about candide or whatever her name is. they have been gay since day 1. no exceptions
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ciucalata · 5 years
[First week of school hit me kind of hard ans I missed you so here] Do you remember those pictures of Crowley and Aziraphale that Michael gave Gabriel? My mind kind of fixated on that and I had a dream about spies Azira and Crowley were they had to retrieve information on Warlock father. Everything is the same, with their role (Nanny and gardener) but they are enemies and it's the first time they met. Oh and the mission begins since Warlock is born and it went on for 11 years (1/3)
[This is me imagining the rest] They accidentally started taking care of W to the point were W thought that the 2 were his parents and they kind of bond because of that. Crowley is genderfluid and will teach W how to walk with heels because he asked. Azira (still) like to eat and at the beginning didn't know how to cook but when W came to him cuz he want to go on a picnic with him and Nanny, both will practice like crazy cuz it has to be perfect (Azira for Warlock and Warlock for A and C) (2/3)
Both War' and Azi will develop the passion for cooking together. The day of the picnic (C was shocked by the invitation) they went to a park next to a lake that has ducks in it. A and C started falling in love with each other and definitely fell in love with the dynamics of their little family that day. The idea of running away (with W) and quitting the organisation was born in their heads that day too. (3/3) ~sorry for the mistakes
Nonnie, your mind jebxjebxj this is actually such an amazing idea omg i love it so much!!!!
Okay, first of all, I hope school will treat you better from now!! First weeks are always stressful till you get used to the routine again. I have an exam on monday so i kinda know how it is jebejdnw i’ve been hella stressed by it but your messages made me feel a thousand times better 💕💕
Second of all, i missed you too!! Seriously, I’ve been wondering where my nonnie with their galaxy brain ideas went. I just looove all the things you come up with and I’m also really grateful that you choose to share them with me!!
And third, I absolutely adore genderfluid Crowley!! And that he teaches Warlock to not care about gender conformity. Beautiful :’)
Also, I don’t know how old you imagined Warlock to be when they go on that picnic, but i imagined him as maybe 6-7 yo and since he’s so small, all he can do is put together some sandwiches that he knows Nanny will like cause she always makes them for him. Then, once those are done, he turns towards Aziraphale and asks “What kind of sandwiches do you like, Brother Francis?”
Aziraphale looks at him surprised. “Well, I like the ones you’ve been making until now, dear,” he says softly, reaching out a hand and wiping whatever Warlock had on his cheek.
“But those are Nanny’s favorite! And now I want to make yours too.”
“Oh my,” Aziraphale says, trying very hard not to smile at Warlock’s adorable frown. “Well, then, those are my favorite too.”
Not really. Aziraphale nods, but they looked much easier to make than whatever Aziraphale liked. “Really. Now, what shall we have for dessert?”
Warlock hums and looks away, bringing up a finger to his chin. “Nanny really likes sacher.”
“Oh?” Well, at least the other guy had good taste in desserts. “I was thinking about some crepes, actually.”
This makes Warlock beam at him. “Nanny makes really good crepes! And she lets me eat them with Nutella.”
“My my, that nanny of yours sounds like an angel.” Aziraphale smiles and he’s trying really hard to not let his displeasure show. Not only does he have to be one step ahead of that guy for the information about the ambassador, now he has to fight for the kid’s affection too. “But we’re making this a surprise for her, Warlock dear, so we can’t ask her to do them.”
“Oooh, yeah.”
“What about you, love? What’s your favorite dessert?”
Warlock looks up at him again and Aziraphale feels as if he is being measured from head to toe. It shouldn’t be as unnerving as it is, seeing that the one measuring him is a six years old boy. Warlock looks away and Aziraphale notices how his hands have started to fiddle with some bread crumbs.
Warlock opens his mouth, but he closes it while a blush spreads on his face. “Pudding,” he mumbles.
“Sorry? What was that?”
“I like chocolate pudding.”
Aziraphale frowns, wondering what was so embarrassing about liking chocolate pudding. Sure, he expected to hear some really fancy dessert or some kind of expensive belgian chocolate, but pudding is a good choice. A normal one coming from Warlock, but he supposes that is what makes it so special for Warlock. The boy has barely any kind of normalcy in his life, especially since his nanny is a secret spy.
He clears his throat and Warlock’s little hands curl up in tiny fists. “Pudding is such a nice choice, my dear! I wish i could have thought about it myself. Hmm, I really want some now.”
Warlock’s smile is blinding and it makes Azirpahale’s heart grow three times its size. “You can have it if you want! We can share it as our favorite dessert.”
“Oh! Oh, Warlock, you’re too kind,” he smiles and can’t help himself from kissing him on the foehead.
Hwisjs sorry i kinda got carried away because this idea is so good seriously!!! And now I’m thinking about them running away with Warlock and living as normally as they can as a family and ugh i’m crying now i just love them so much
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anticedia-blog · 5 years
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hey everyone! i’m nikola, long time lurker, first time poster. this is my introductory post (and my first one!) it’s pretty long but it covers what i have to say and what i wanna do for the next month because getting started is always the most important step in everything. (well, following up is harder, so that’s why i have this blog to keep myself motivated, disciplined and accountable.) i’ll post more original content in the near future to keep track of my progress as well. 
and i really wanna know more ppl here bc y’all seem so awesome! leave a reblog or a note with sth short about yourself so we can be friends!! *internet hugs*╰(*´︶`*)╯
this post was getting too long so i gotta break it up :( a little about me: 
i was raised trilingual (but that’s not quite special since everyone in my city does haha) but i’m interested in learning one or two more languages. my sights are fixated on german. (ich liebe deutsch!) 
i also enjoy long-distance running since if i suck, i’m not gonna drag teammates down along with me. (in case you couldn’t tell, i’m not that sporty at all… yet.) 
i think of myself as a more arts and humanities person, but for some reason i’m doing chemistry, maths and economics in a-levels next year. not sure if i’ll be doing psychology or biology as well; it all depends on the placement exam next week. boy i’m pumped. 
i adore everything classical. from literature to history to architecture and music, i fell in love. my dream life would be to live in a massive library shaped like a cathedral with constant tchaikovsky playing in the background. hellyeah. 
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