michi-scout · 3 days
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his ass doesn’t know where the point is
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orrenlane · 3 months
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she misunderstood
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zarla-s · 3 months
Valve went through and banned a whole bunch of bots yesterday and when I last checked a couple hours ago, the Casual servers are still 99% actual people! If you want to try out TF2 DO IT NOW while you have the chance! Believe me when I say that having matches this clear of bots is RARE. They'll be back in force inevitably in probably a couple days so the window of opportunity here is small. Take the chance to play a normal round of TF2 Casual while you can!
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grizzlyofthesea · 4 months
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fenningrya · 4 months
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Just a little somethin’…
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ncalabby · 4 months
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Operation: Unlikely Allies
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please fix the bot and makes mann co. great again
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beepartcollection · 4 months
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Art is too big for tumblr! higher quality version on my twitter
idk about you guys but I like the silly hat game and the funny mercenaries, lets keep TF2 alive and well, yeah?
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healpimp · 4 months
In case anyone isn't up to date with #FixTF2 and the issues the protest is focusing on, here is a comprehensive document you can read.
It has the personal testimony of one of the bothosters' victims who was swatted, MegaScatterBomb, a guy who is working on an anticheat to use in casual mode.
The bothosters and their lackeys have committed and condoned crimes that hurt people IRL, while scamming desperate players with "bot immunity" and spamming links that they brag about containing CP. They customize their Objectors to have gore on them. They have tried to funnel the anger of the playerbase on innocent, uninvolved parties and impersonated a number of TF2 players to divert attention away from the real bothosters. Recently they tried to take down the save.tf site by unlawfully impersonating Valve in order to file a DMCA.
They are allowed to conduct this sort of behavior with no consequences while Valve is still making money off the game.
#FixTF2 is not asking for more content, they are asking for security measures. People are getting doxxed just for critiquing bothosters. TF2 isn't the only game on Steam which suffers from lack of proper regulation, either. If people are supposed to spend money on your product, this product should work properly and you shouldn't be risking your personal information just from using it!
Please sign the petition on save.tf (they are aiming for 300k signatures) and spread word of #FixTF2. As a regular player and a big fan of the game, I think this is worth trying rather than just rolling over. Valve profits from this mess, refusing to openly communicate with the playerbase, fix their game nor simply shut it down. Let them know this is unacceptable.
To keep up with the developments and to know more, a good account to follow on twitter is the guy who called the fandom to action in the first place this year, Weezy. He has a youtube too, with informative videos on the matter. Shork is likewise updating on the situation.
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panmanart · 4 months
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The Bot Crisis has been going on for 5 years now.
TF2 is nearly unplayable during certain hours.
I have seen entire servers of bots with me being the only human player.
Fix Team Fortress 2.
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pybun · 4 months
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artworks i made for the save.tf website 🤖🔨
thanks to shork for helping me with these
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this one was actually unfinished bc we lost power due to a typhoon on the day i was gonna finish it 😭
1 week later i still wanted to finish when power came back
heres the PNGs if anyone wants to use them
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jakiwashere · 4 months
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"The robots are here! Protect Mann. Co!"
Valve! Do NOT let us down this time! #FixTF2 #SaveTF2
Sign the petition: http://Save.tf
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nyonyokun · 4 months
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You're laughing? I just got killed by bots and YOU'RE LAUGHING????
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fishkillersoup · 4 months
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wii-wic · 4 months
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It’s not over yet
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lordstumpy · 5 months
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The scout/tf2 special interest is back with a vengeance.
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ncalabby · 4 months
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Operation: Unlikely Allies
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