ibiza-inside · 1 month
Condor Flug 1501: Eine fotografische Reise von Ibiza nach Frankfurt
Herausforderungen beim Fotografieren während des Fluges Das Fotografieren während eines Fluges ist oft eine schwierige Angelegenheit. Das Flugzeug wackelt, die Fenster sind häufig von außen beschmutzt, verkratzt oder beschlagen, und manchmal fliegt man über den Wolken oder bei diesigem Wetter. All diese Faktoren können die Qualität der Aufnahmen beeinträchtigen. Besonders ärgerlich ist es, wenn…
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redlinepeet · 7 months
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Urlaubsreif? Kanaren-Flüge ab 39,99 € bei Condor https://redlinetravel.blogspot.com/2024/02/kanaren-fluge-ab-3999.html
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chevvy-yates · 8 months
I fucking booked the Japan flight.
and not only Japan.
Going to Korea first for 2 days bc I'm the nicest person on earth as my friend would love to visit Seoul again.
So Korea and Japan it is in already End of March
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reise-buchen · 1 year
Baa Atoll (Malediven)
Das Baa Atoll auf den Malediven ist ein wahres Paradies auf Erden, umgeben von kristallklarem Wasser und strahlendem Sonnenschein. Es ist bekannt für seine atemberaubende Unterwasserwelt, die Heimat von farbenfrohen Korallenriffen und einer Vielzahl von Meereslebewesen ist. Die Inseln des Baa Atolls sind ein perfekter Ort für Entspannungssuchende und Abenteuerlustige. Ob Sie es vorziehen, in der…
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politikwatch · 7 months
#Spanien macht irgendwie alles besser als die 3 größte #Volkswirtschaft, woran das wohl liegt 🤔❓🤬 #CDU #CSU #FDP
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emily-ramone · 1 year
How To Benefit From Discount Travel Deals?
Travel discount bargain deals are special savings on many different items, travel special deals or even services such as online gaming. These incredible travel deals can save you a lot and these deals are very easy to find via travel deals websites with manually updated and verified travel bargains.
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stefan331 · 2 years
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ibiza-inside · 5 months
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kreuzfahrttester · 2 years
Kurzmeldung: AIDA Cruises hat zusätzlich Flüge für Weihnachten ...
Kurzmeldung: AIDA Cruises hat zusätzlich Flüge für Weihnachten …
AIDA Weihnachtsreisen Wer gerne kurzfristig AIDA Cruises bucht, kann jetzt noch einmal auf günstige Preise hoffen. Die Nachfrage bei AIDA Cruises scheint so groß, dass man zusätzliche Kapazitäten eingekauft hat. Die Eisbahn auf der AIDAprima ist wieder eröffnet… Das gilt insbesondere für die Festtagsreisen auf der AIDAcosma und den Mittelmeer Reisen der AIDA blu. Ab sofort lassen sich mit…
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askaniatravel · 1 year
Optimales Schlafen auf Langstreckenflügen: Expertentipps für erholsame Ruhe
Photo by Lywin on Pexels.com Für viele Menschen beginnt der Urlaub, sobald sie das Flugzeug betreten und sich in ihren Sitz setzen. Doch gerade während des Fluges ist es verlockend, sich von der Bordunterhaltung und dem ein oder anderen alkoholischen Getränk mitreißen zu lassen. Aber Vorsicht: Alkohol kann die Qualität deines Schlafs beeinträchtigen, da er die Zeit in der REM-Schlafphase…
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myimaginarywonderland · 8 months
Das unrealistischste war der Flughafen. In all meinen Jahren habe ich noch nie irgendwie von einem Flughafen Saarbrücken gehört geschweige denn Flüge von da gesehen.
Ich weiß es gibt ihn, aber das klingt wie eine größere Lüge als Bielefeld.
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isitalk · 1 year
Chronicles of Volantes
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Hello everyone, after a very long time I have taken to the pen again.
I decided to recycle an old idea of mine and write it as a cyoa WIP.
To play the demo, go here: Chronicles of Volantes (dashingdon.com)
Currently, I have only a ca. 10k snippet of the prologue/Act 1 done and wanted to upload what I have so far to see if there is any interest in the world so far.
Also I have never used tmblr before so I have no idea what I am doing and you are welcome to join me on this wild ride.
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The following will be rewritten once I am a little more in the story. It will be more concrete then
Welcome to the world of Ariagon, where flying dragons roam the skies and danger lurks around every corner. Join a diverse cast of characters on a journey of adventure and self-discovery as they explore the breathtaking flying mountains of Volantes. Bond with your very own dragon as you navigate through a world of politics, betrayal, and magic as the impending war on the continent binds you and rips open old wounds. Will you rise to the occasion, use your powers for your own gain or will you even become the villain? The choice is yours as you discover new friendships and perhaps even find romance in this dangerous world. Hold on tight and get ready for a wild ride in the world of Ariagon.
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Alexander/Alexandra Lapides [M/F] Alex is protective, confident, and ambitious in nature. They are two years your senior and have just always been around. They are heir to one of the most prestigious houses of your kingdom, they are basically your childhood best friend and very close to both you and your twin. A prodigy in all things weaponry and military they and Isaac are in a continuous inofficial contest for the top spot in military matters. Their father holds the position of Knight Commander of the Draco Alas a position that is not hereditary but has been filled by their family for 5 generations. They are expected to live up to their families’ expectations and take their fathers’ place.
Bonddragon: Tiamat
Selene von Flüge [F] Selene is the second in command of the Draco Alas. Her considerable talent in leadership and strategy makes her a formidable officer. She is the youngest in recent history to hold such a high-ranking position with the elite guards. Her amicable character has made her beloved by her subordinates and she is one of the few that can keep up with Alex and Isaac’s talent. Her weapon of choice is the Dragonbow and she has made it her hobby to instruct everyone who shows up once a week. Her lessons have a high return rate for her character more than her teaching methods.
Bonddragon: Cierca
Ciel von Thurn vie Scipio [M/] Ciel is calm, charming, intelligent, and calculating in nature. He spends half of his time with his father in the empire surrounded by the far more dangerous court affairs of Kushar and sometimes jokes that time in Volantes is like a vacation from trying not to be murdered. He has inherited the diplomatic talent from his mother and is very liked in the golden halls. He loves magic and has considerable talent for it, although messing with your soulbond may have not been his brightest idea. Even though he can play the role that is expected of him he is actually an introvert who finds most people quiet energy draining. There is a competition going around the golden halls where nobles try to seduce him [he hates it but strings them along to further his own goals]. For those that hold his affection, there is almost nothing he is not willing to do.
Bonddragon: Saris
Emperor Akin [M] Kushars emperor is either slandered as a warmonger or heralded as a reformer. The empire has tripled in size since he took the throne and is in almost constant conflict with its neighbors. He has 7 concubines, all heirs of conquered territories, but rumour has it he never visits any one of them. One can often find them walking freely around the golden halls, breaking tradition of isolation and for some even chastidy. His rise to the throne was unexpected and sudden and he compensated for the lacking support with force and suppression. The empire is thriving culturally and he is slowly implementing changes that would have been unthinkable under his father. He never talks about his childhood and every portrait and remembrance of his older siblings and the emperor was burned the moment he took his place in the golden halls. You will never see him show up in any of the typical revealing outfits of his court, there are many speculations about what he is hiding under the layers of silky fabric. He has few people close to him and tends to show very clearly who holds his favour and who does not.
Nuru Farouk [M/F] Nuru has been living in Volantes since your 15th birthday when they were sent to take on the role of Kushars diplomat. They are quite young and rumor has it that they were coerced into their role by their stepmother to make space for her own children to take over as the family’s heir. They are amicable and have integrated very well into Volantes Court affairs. Their manipulative nature makes it easy for them to gain allies in the normally quiet court. They seem quite content with their life in Volantes. They have always shown interest in you and you have developed a friendship over the years [you think]. They don’t really get along with Isaac as he can’t handle their manipulative nature. Nuru is a good ally to have and a bad enemy.
Lekani the Beauty [F] Lekani is charming, cunning, and intelligent some would also call her stubborn as she is determined when she set her mind to something she will do everything in her might to reach her goals. Lekani is known around the continent for being the epitome of beauty. Some describe her as almost godess-like. She benefits from her blood relation to the emperor and seems to enjoy more freedom than the average woman of Kushar. She is Akin’s younger sister and their relationship seems to be a close one. She is enamored with the idea of dragons and shows a very keen interest in everything to do with Volantes. Can you trust her or is she only after her own interests?
Sefu the sword saint [N] Sefu is the bodyguard of Akin and the closest person the emperor has to a real friend. They know about his history and were there to pick the royal back up after one event or another. Their abilities with the sword are legendary. They hone it with a dedication that some may call obsession. They are very sceptical of you and never let you out of their sight for long.
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Your family Queen Helena of Volantes Your mother is a cunning woman. Some say she seduced your father only for the title of queen. That is not true as the woman hides her warm heart behind a composed front. She is a traditionalist and prefers for your kingdom to keep its neutral status. Is she on to something? She is known for her magic potency and passed her abilities onto you and your sister. She can be an affectionate mother but she also has high expectations. Her expectations have pushed Isaac away and so her focus rests mostly on you.
King Darius of Volantes Darius became king way too soon as his parents perished when he was 12. Darius had to grow up fast after that and people still gossip about how he kept his optimistic nature. He is calm, composed, and kind when reigning over your populace. His charisma makes him very liked by nobles and commoners alike.
Bonddragon: Balruch
Isaac of Volantes: Your beloved twin. You are blessed [or cursed] with your gods’ blessing of the soulbond. You and your twin are bound by magic so old no one knows exactly how it works anymore only that the bond is sacred as it is said to be the reason human and dragonkind found together. What you do know is that you and your dragons share more than just the normal bond. If he dies you die too and history is full of stories of soulbound twins and their dragon counterparts that ended in tragedy. Will you be able to keep each other safe? Isaac is the heir to the flying mountains of Volantes. He may seem like he doesn’t take his responsibilities seriously but those who know him know that he is dedicated and dutiful. His keen intellect hides behind his carefree and optimistic nature and even though he still struggles with sitting still he can if he makes up his mind. He is very athletic because of his preference for physical activities, he is known for being a prodigy with his weaponry and all things military. The relationship with your mother is a bit strained. He feels under pressure and never adequate as his nature contradicts what she expects from him as the heir.
Bonddragon: Vritra
Hannah Volantes Your younger sister is extremely introverted and shy. She only talks to you and Isaac really and prefers the company of books. Sometimes one can find her with the dragons just watching but not really interacting with them. Her intellect is well beyond her years. When she spends time with you and Isaac she is warm and affectionate and loves to cuddle. She loves falling asleep in your company. She has considerable musical talent and loves to play her harp for the dragons whenever they are willing to listen.
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Saris Saris is Ciels bond-dragon. He is mischievous, intelligent, playful, and curious. Due to his distance from Ciel, he is always looking for a connection. He shares a deep friendship with Falei. He is a pixy/salco dragon which means that he is part of the smallest family of dragons and he takes full advantage of his size to explore and cuddle whenever he can. Saris scales shimmer a rich golden color.
Tiamat Tiamat is proud and protective perfectly falling into his role as Alex’s partner. The Sky Dragon thrives on combat and is the fastest of his generation. He is however unbelievably shy and rarely talks to anyone apart from Alex. His scales are light blue and he is perfectly camouflaged against the sky.
Vritra Vritra is one of the dragon twins. She is bound to her brother like you are to yours. She is adventurous, friendly, and playful. Like Isaaac she prefers physical activities and she loves their rigorous training and combat exercises. As a celestial dragon, she proudly shows her iridescent pearly scales that are reminiscent of moonstone gems.
Balruch TBA
Falei Falei is your bonded dragon. He is the antithesis to his twin sister. Were she likes to stay active he likes to spend his time in calm dranquility, were she is extroverted and friendly he is introverted and prefers the presence of book over people and dragons. His protectiveness makes him a worrier and he likes to be prepared for everything. He shares your talent for magic and is a capable fighter if he has to. Faleis has dark iridescent scales that seem almost abyssmal dark reeling you in towards the nothing but in the sunlight your can watch the star-like patterns dance over his scales, painting pictures of fareaway galaxies.
Hanwa TBA Bahamut TBA Cierca TBA
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Codex in the works
To do
Finish this post
Add a save system.
figure out how to implement nb mc’s
Finish the Prologue/Act 1
figure out how to create Codex that makes sense
Add other important people
Am I in over my head … Yes, yes I am
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reise-buchen · 1 year
Alif Alif (Malediven)
Alif Alif Malediven, auch bekannt als Nord-Ari-Atoll, ist ein wahres Paradies. Mit seinen kristallklaren Gewässern und leuchtenden Korallenriffen ist es ein Traum für jeden Taucher. Die Inseln sind berühmt für ihre ruhigen, weißen Sandstrände und die luxuriösen Resorts. Aber es ist nicht nur ein Ort zum Entspannen, auch Abenteurer kommen hier auf ihre Kosten. Ob Schnorcheln, Surfen oder Segeln,…
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julianweyrauch · 1 year
Meine Ankunft
Ich musste um 6:00 in Deutschland aufstehen, war um 21:00 in den Staaten im Bett (Da war es ca 3:00 in Deutschland) und bin jetzt hier um 5:00 wach geworden, weil es in Deutschland ja schon um 11:00 ist. Zeitzonen sind kompliziert und doof, aber ich habe jetzt Zeit für den Blogeintrag!
Die Flüge gestern waren super entspannt. Der 9:00 Flug Richtung Washington DC war mehr langweilig als alles andere, aber ich habe mich zum Ende hin gut mit meinem Sitznachbarn verstanden. Lennart, er hat mir in Washington auch nochmal geholfen mich zu Recht zu finden, weil der Flughafen halt echt krass groß ist! Der 2. Flug war anders. Erst wunderschön, weil ich durch eine krass schöne Wolkenlandschaft geflogen bin und dann doch eher ungemütlich, weil diese krass schöne Wolkenlandschaft ein Gewitter von oben war. Hat also ordentlich geschüttet, als ich durch die Wolkendecke bin.
Annette und Wes haben mich pünktlich vom Flughafen abgeholt. Die sind super nett! Auf dem Weg nach Middleburgh haben wir viel geredet und uns amüsiert. Hier angekommen musste ich erstmal staunen! Es ist wunderschön hier! Das Haus ist niedlich, der Garten schön und es gibt Rehe direkt auf dem Feld neben an. Die waren sogar da, als wir gestern nach geguckt haben. Ansonsten ist aber nicht mehr viel passiert. Ich habe Eric kennengelernt, sehr netter Kerl! Annette und Wes haben sich über meine Gastgeschenke gefreut und ich habe den Koffer ausgepackt.
Kommen wir nun also zu der großen Frage ,,Wie fühle ich mich?" und um ehrlich zu sein: Keine Ahnung. Das ist alles noch so unwirklich für mich! Es fühlt sich einfach surreal an hier zu sitzen, zig tausende Kilometer von zuhause entfernt und zu wissen ,,Hier bleibe ich jetzt!". Aber das ich nichts schlechtes! Ich bin super happy, aber ich glaube es ist noch nicht ganz angekommen, dass ich wirklich so lange hier bleibe! Was noch dazukommt: Ich habe seit ein paar Stunden nur noch englisch gesprochen und gehört und es fällt mir erstaunlich leicht. Es gab teils ein paar Probleme, aber die konnten wir dann auch lösen!
Fazit: Ich bin super happy und fühle mich hier wohl! Ich kann kaum erwarten heute aufs Dorffestival zu gehen und die anderen kennenzulernen.
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unfug-bilder · 5 months
Klimawandelleugner, Fossiltanker, bestens eingeführte Verschwörungspraktiker und umgeschulte Querdenker drehen auf X gemeinsam durch. Sogar die guten, alten Chemtrails werden wieder aktiviert.
Wer sich das angucken will:
Wettermanipulation ist ein gutes Suchwort (für deutschsprachige Tweets), Cloud Seeding und Dubai sind auch sehr ergiebig, bringen aber wenig in Deutsch. Allen gemein ist, dass das nur passiert ist, weil irgendjemand in Dubai die Wolken für Regen geimpft hat (was natürlich durch ihre eigenen Tweets längst bestätigt und bewiesen ist). Mit Klimawandel hat das natürlich NICHTS zu tun.
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trainsinanime · 4 months
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Ja, das klingt auf den ersten Blick etwas komisch so einen Artikel zu haben. Was ist an dem Thema Düren-spezifisch? Gibt es Leute, die im Kreis Düren Pauschalurlaub machen?
Aber wenn man drüber nachdenkt macht es schon Sinn. Wenn ich in Düren bin ist meine erste Frage auch immer, "wie komme ich hier so schnell wie möglich weg!?"
Ich wohne in der erweiterten Region, deswegen hier mein Geheimtipp: Der nächste große Flughafen ist Nörvenich. Ich kann jetzt online keine Flüge von da finden, aber ich denke es macht Sinn, einfach mit einem Taxi da hin zu fahren, und dann vorne am Eingang zu fragen wo man Tickets für einen Flug z.B. nach Köln/Bonn oder Frankfurt oder Aachen-Merzbrück kriegt.
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