Can I ask for one where Fuegoleon and Nozel start to fall in love with a commoner woman, and how would the two of them make decisions about it? Please ❤️
Of course! ^^ I think it's a somewhat recurring theme with the royal duo, to have an s/o that's commoner. Because there's the idea of love winning over class difference, like in a fairy tale ^^
Pairing: Fuegoleon x gn!reader, Nozel x gn!reader Fanfic type: Headcanons Genre: General/fluff Total length: ~0.7k
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It was a mere chance that Fuegoleon met you. And he felt a kind of a pull, a sense of comfort with you around already during the very first time you met. But he didn’t think about it much more than that, not until he met you again and again.
Little by little he found himself to be thinking about you a lot. In fact, he noticed how he thought about you mor often than not. Which meant that he was… well, he didn’t want to use the word “love” prematurely, but it was a deep sense of affection at the very least.
There’s not thoughts about you being, somehow, lesser than you because of your societal status, but there are questions that rise with it. Mainly they revolve around what would be the most suitable way to approach you, because he doesn’t want it to be… too extravagant or pompous.
Not to mention that you might experience some push back from nobles, and jealousy from your peers. The nobles he could put in line, at least when he was around, he was confident about it, but there were bound to be feelings of jealousy from all around, which had to do with his status. There were a lot of people who would gladly date him just for the title. Which he didn’t want. He didn’t want anyone to be with him just for the title and the position.
He thinks about all the troubles that might come with it. But. In the end he concludes that worrying too much about something that he has no control over, and which you could manage with joined effort, surely you could manage, was meaningless. The excessive worrying was meaningless.
And a simple confession that comes from the heart would surely be the most suitable. Because he wanted you to love him as himself.
He didn’t expect to be feeling like this for someone who was a commoner; someone who had a lot less mana than him and wasn’t familiar with the customs of the noble court. And yet. There he was, looking at you from the corner of his eye every time he could. Every glimpse while passing by.
He tried to deny it for as long as he could. He tried to tell himself, first, that he was only imagining it, then that it was merely a moment of weakness, of longing for closeness, and then that it was a mere fallacy. But the harder he tried to deny it, fight it, the more he found himself to be thinking about you.
And that was when he had to admit it to himself: he was in love with you.
With it came a lot of thoughts. The nobles with gossip behind his back, and yours, if he was to confess and give in to his emotions, but they’d gossip no matter what. There’d always be a reason for them to be talking, no matter who he ended up with. And you were… amazing. Capable and kind. You had different kind of magnificence than what he had imagined from his future spouse, but somehow your greatness seemed more than what he had imagined.
However, in the event that something would happen, a situation would take place where you’d be … in danger, because people might try to get to him by harming you, he’d… need to know that you’d be… Sure he had seen that there were commoners among magic knights, who were able to manage themselves, but he couldn’t really comprehend how that’d be possible with a smaller than noble mana pool. Because even royals can fall to foes.
It was another reason to keep his distance, because if he really… when he really, felt this way for you, then it’d be better to stay away.
But as time went on, the selfish wish of confessing seemed more tempting. And the thought of staying away because “even royals can fall” turned into the amount of mana not meaning anything. Because no matter then amount of mana, a person can fall. So why not try?
Still, he opted to keep it discrete, for the sake of not drawing any more attention to the two of you that you’d surely get even without trying. Because, he wanted you to be safe and sound, no matter your reply.
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azukilynn · 10 months
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violoncelle121 · 1 year
Colors of Fantasy
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I decided to join the color wheel trend, and I used the characters from Geronimo Stilton's "Kingdom of Fantasy" series because of how diverse in color they are. Here is the list from red to pink: Avalon, Cackle, Winglet, Geronimo, Blossom, Clever Chameleon, Flamelet, and Coraline. Avalon is the only KoF OC in this project, and he belongs to me. The rest belong to Elisabetta Dami, author of the Geronimo Stilton franchise. Do NOT use Avalon or this image without my prior permission. Which one is your favorite?
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artstar1997 · 6 months
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Happy Easter everybody, meet the BilRose and Broppy fankids (the eggs from the last post). My Trollsona, Queen Rose and Billy Reverb have eighteen babies while Branch and Queen Poppy have 1267 but these seven babies are the ones I made since there are lots of Broppy fankids.
Queen Rose’s son, Prince Sterling is the eldest child and the future king while the second child is Princess Eve. Then, there’s Prince Marble, the twins Prince Tyrfing and Princess Tizona (they’re named after legendary swords), Princess Peach, the septuplets, Prince Riven, Prince Reagan, Princess Rue, Prince Rowan, Prince River, Princess Rachel and Princess Regina, Prince Argent, Princess Clover, Prince Flamelet, Princess Syndra, and Princess Dulce.
Here’s the names I thought of for these Broppy babies, the first is Prince Poplar, then came Prince Layke, Princess Azalea, Prince Sprout, Princess Grape, Princess Bloom, and Prince Wave.
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myclematis7 · 1 year
*cutely asks you about all the books you’ve read*
The Kingdom of Fantasy. I was OBSESSED with the twin fairies, Blossom and Wither. and their brother, Prince Lucky. basically, all the attractive characters. when I read book 13 (pretty sure that's it), I started off by shipping Flamelet and Winglet, but then of course, Winglet x Lorian grew on me, though I still half-shipped Flamelet and Winglet. and also Flamelet was revealed to be Winglet's sympathetic villain cousin (!) so of course Winglorian became endgame. My favorite book in the series was The Phoenix of Destiny because I was a child and didn't know of the twin thing. Long story short, my mind was blown.
The Land of Stories by Chris Colfer. My grade 3 teacher read this book to us and BAM! Loved it since the first chapter. Everyone in my class loved it too, so they borrowed the only copy of the second book from the library. Since I actually had money back then, I bought it. It's still there on my shelf.
The Hunger Games trilogy by Suzanne Collins. The only criticism I have for these books is Finnick. WHY'D HE HAVE TO DIE, SUZANNE. WHY. WHY. WHY. Catching Fire is definitely my favorite movie and book.
Percy Jackson and the Olympians by rick riordan. I am a daughter of Athena. I like the books. I am also very tired so I'll leave it like that. Also, I can't wait for the Disney+ show.
The 39 Clues. Any stans, leave. I literally co-founded the I HATE AMY CAHILL club. Dan, however, is a different story. He's cool. I don't have very much to say about it, other than that I would be a Lucian or Ekaterina. Probably Lucian though. They need more people ever since Natalie and Isabel died.
A Tale of Magic trilogy (so far) by Chris Colfer. Yes, it is separated from TLOS because there was a four-year gap between the two series. This series made me try to draw again. I might draw Xanrik fanart soon. Very soon. I will start as soon as I get home. And I may color it. Also, I need a book with Emerelda, Tangerina, and Skylene POVs.
The Shadowhunter Chronicles by Cassandra Clare.
The Throne of Glass series (minus Tower of Dawn and Kingdom of Ash) by Sarah J. Maas. I preferred it when she was Celaena. Now she's basically a whole new person, Aelin Ashryver Whitethorn Galathynius. Fire powers are cool though.
ACOTAR by Sarah J. Maas, plus a bit of ACOMAF, ACOWAR, and ACOSF. Can I just say...wow. What is this series? Why are there so many faeries? Why is Tamlin evil now?
Lockwood and Co. series by Jonathan Stroud. The skull was great, Kipps' redemption arc was great, Holly was great, and everyone was great. I also liked Annabel's locket. It inspired me to wear my own locket every day.
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thequietabsolute · 1 year
Now flames were mounting the stairs, in pairs, in trios, in redskin file, hand in hand, tongue after tongue, conversing and humming happily. It was not, though, the heat of their flicker, but the acrid dark smoke that caused Person to retreat back into the room; excuse me, said a polite flamelet holding open the door he was vainly trying to close. The window banged with such force that its panes broke into a torrent of rubies, and he realised before choking to death that a storm outside was aiding the inside fire. At last, suffocation made him try to escape by climbing out and down, but there were no ledges or balconies on that side of the roaring house. As he reached the window a long lavender-tipped flame danced up to stop him with a graceful gesture of its gloved hand. Crumbling partitions of plaster and wood allowed human cries to reach him, and one of his last wrong ideas was that those were the shouts of people anxious to help him, and not the howls of fellow men. Rings of blurred colours circled around him, reminding him briefly of a childhood picture in a frightening book about triumphant vegetables whirling faster and faster around a nightshirted boy trying desperately to awake from the iridescent dizziness of dream life. Its ultimate vision was the incandescence of a book or a box grown completely transparent and hollow. This is, I believe, it: not the crude anguish of physical death but the incomparable pangs of the mysterious mental manoeuvre needed to pass from one state of being to another.
     Easy, you know, does it, son.
— Vladimir Nabokov, from Transparent Things [1972. McGraw-Hill Companies]
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tesetch · 2 years
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Day 5: Flame
Let me draw robots!
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Turbulent combustion (Lecture 1) Motivation (Lecture 1) Basics of turbulence (Lecture 1) Premixed-gas flames Turbulent burning velocity (Lecture 1) Regimes of turbulent combustion (Lecture 1) Flamelet models (Lecture 1) Non-flamelet models (Lecture 1) Flame quenching via turbulence (Lecture 1) Case study I:
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ukdamo · 1 year
Edith Wharton
Immense, august, like some Titanic bloom, The mighty choir unfolds its lithic core, Petalled with panes of azure, gules and or, Splendidly lambent in the Gothic gloom, And stamened with keen flamelets that illume The pale high-altar. On the prayer-worn floor, By worshippers innumerous thronged of yore, A few brown crones, familiars of the tomb, The stranded driftwood of Faith’s ebbing sea— For these alone the finials fret the skies, The topmost bosses shake their blossoms free, While from the triple portals, with grave eyes, Tranquil, and fixed upon eternity, The cloud of witnesses still testifies.
The crimson panes like blood-drops stigmatise The western floor. The aisles are mute and cold. A rigid fetich in her robe of gold, The Virgin of the Pillar, with blank eyes, Enthroned beneath her votive canopies, Gathers a meagre remnant to her fold. The rest is solitude; the church, grown old, Stands stark and grey beneath the burning skies. Well-nigh again its mighty framework grows To be a part of nature’s self, withdrawn From hot humanity’s impatient woes; The floor is ridged like some rude mountain lawn, And in the east one giant window shows The roseate coldness of an Alp at dawn.
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leam1983 · 2 years
It's crazy how a broken piece of equipment can bring people together.
Our dryer broke down, yesterday. Sarah was taking five to go check on her load in the washer when she noticed smoke wisps rising out of the other machine. By the time Walt had come in, flamelets had started to lick the outside of the air filter.
Things happened as you'd expect: fire extinguisher, anguished shouting, calling my parents in case smoke or fire had slipped into the other unit, calling the fire brigade, etc.
We're all fine, the apartment's fine, but our dryer is toast. Another dip in the Catastrophe Funds envelope, with the meagre consolation that three persons covering a dryer worth two thou isn't that bad.
The hitch in the works is mostly due to the fact that delivery might take four months. Walt's offered to use his car to make Laundromat runs for us, and we can always use my parents' machines, next door over.
Walt's happy, it's gotten us to choose takeout over an actual dinner, last night. We were all a little too much frazzled to consider anything serious with pots and pans, anyway.
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akleneth · 2 months
A bright star of wonderOr an harbinger of deathSo intense an eyeCan only signal despairA foreshadowing that we shareA red giant’s fateIt singes the soulIt ignites the heartBlinding yet alluringI’m a moth to the flameLetting warmth bless my skinAs the world burns, untamed 7/12/2024
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How about nacht and langris?
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Nacht is another character I want to make feel their emotions, because he is a kind of a sad little meow meow but... more than that I think he is a tragic character. And exploring his past and how he became the Nacht that we see in canon (basically wearing the appearance of his dead twin brother who came back from the grave with vengeance in mind (no it's not quite so simple, but... you know what I mean)), is intriguing. Because Nahct had chose a very different aesthetic for himself with the whole punk look, but after Morgen died, he took it upon himself to make it look like Morgen hadn't died after all. That even if while looking in the mirror, Nacht could see the smile of his brother still alive.
But Nacht is also a bit of a bastard. And I love putting him in the salad spinner
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Langris is... someone who divides the fandom, from where I'm standing. People do see him as a bastard, which he is, but he is also someone who is... a product of his upbringing. In addition to being possessed by Ratri. To me he... was raised to be a brat, and he never really got out of it. But he's trying to make peace with Finral, so he is also redeeming himself. To an extent at least.
I have written a bit for him and he's... an interesting write, but not interesting enough for me to necessarily write for him unprompted. I still think one of my bets pieces for him was my collab with @/wildflowerwoodsworld
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sofia-not-sophie · 9 months
✏️ Do you write every day?
🖊 Post a snippet from a current WIP.
🏅 What is something you recently felt proud of in regard to your writing (finished a fic, actually planned for once, etc)?
Nope! I try for once a week ish but I should be going for more (not counting school assignments which are fiction writing half the time)
From my novel: “Because no matter how hard she tried it was always going to tie back to W.W. Wear a wig in public so that your hair color isn’t tied to Flamelet because we still don’t know how being heroes would look for our stock prices. Get a nose job so the public doesn’t have to see the scars on your broken nose even though you’re grieving your parents. Work for this company you inherited against your will even though you’re 19 and should be in that trade school you wanted to go to or even the college your parents wanted you to attend. Stay out of the public eye if you’re not working for us and are going to insist on being queer. Live alone in an apartment for two and a half years because you never had friends and no one wants to help you. Submit yourself to unethical experimental genetic testing because that’s what your parents would do.”
And I did Nanowrimo!!! All 50k words
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trendysshop · 1 year
Flamelet Canvas 16 X 16 by Sparkle
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hifivefashion · 1 year
Flamelet Scoop Neck Skater Dress by Sparkle
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azukilynn · 4 years
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