theroguesharlequin · 2 years
FlashRogues: Vacation Fic + Mutual Pining + Love Confession
Sorry for the long wait! <3
The Rogues go on vacation together to Aruba! They've all been bored and cranky with no new exhibits, good scores, or interesting mischief to be had, especially with the Flash away on Justice League business.
So team Mom, Len is not amused by this, packs them all up for a flight to Aruba (he trades a favor for a private plane and Mark pilots it, because like hell he's trapping himself in an RV with all of them for a days long road trip).
They split their time between a hotel and Mick's personal beach cottage.
Len spends the majority of his time watching the rogues within the hotel where it's cool, Mick keeps an eye on them at the beach, Lisa takes over when they go shopping or touring.
Hartley enjoys some local wine and food tastings with music, Shawna loves the party scene, Mark catches a few local sports, Roy takes in the sights and enjoys some painting, Sam and Rosa have some romantic evenings, and Axel, well so long as he doesn't get arrested or blow anything important up it's fine. Probably.
They're all surprised when each of them runs into Barry.
They're on relatively fair terms as it’s been years and they've all come to an agreement after helping each other out more than a few times and Barry’s tangoed with the timeline enough that it's fixed a few things between them. (Clyde was killed by Eobard instead of Joe, etc)
Things are a little awkward at first, though it leads to Len actually leaving the hotel (albeit at night) to scout out the scarlet speedster.
They meet up at a quiet bar on the beach with a bonfire and the stars. Len learns that apparently the last mission with the Justice League was a particularly rough one and Barry needed time to himself away from everything.
They spend the entire night talking and, with the help of speedster alcohol, actually dance. They fall asleep on the beach until morning where they go their separate ways. They meet up again every other night, sometimes just relaxing in the waves.
Barry ends up spending a little time with each of the other rogues throughout the days and nights of their vacation.
Mick gives him a place to crash when he doesn't want to go back to his hotel room alone. They cook together, read old scifi books, and Barry gets to read some of Mick's manuscripts for his upcoming novels.
Hartley and Barry talk for hours about science and some of the things Barry has seen and learned during his missions. Shawna helps Barry relax and have fun for a little while, definitely a lot of karaoke. Lisa helps him pick out new clothes for himself that feel a little freeing, embracing new sides of himself (and giving her playful details about Cisco).
Axel shows him the firework shows he's been helping out with and the fun toy and science workshops he's been going to. Roy talks to him about comedy shows while they both sketch together. Sam and Rosa take him dancing and he barely has time to think about anything much less the dark parts of his mind.
Mark takes him sailing. They take turns showing off their powers, feeling the way they feed and build off of each other. They talk about growing up, about family and the ones they've lost.
Eventually it's time to go home. The Rogues and Flash go their separate ways, knowing they'll see each other again soon, maybe or maybe not on the same side.
It's back to business as usual.
At first.
It's starts small for some of them. Len drinking alone like he's waiting for someone until he catches himself. Mick feeling dissatisfied with his writing but no one's advice feels right. Hartley feels frustrated and is unable to make progress on his projects. Mark is moody and his power feels restless, like its missing a piece it never knew it had until it was gone.
Barry struggles between wanting to go on another vacation but also secretly knowing it wasn't just the location that he misses.
The others notice and decide to try to give them a nudge. Or a shove with a golden high heel.
They stage a big heist at different points of the city until the Flash is exhausted. They then grab him and take him to Saints and Sinners for what turns into a specially prepared dinner party the other Rogues weren't aware of until they wake up from their drug induced nap.
Lisa stays just long enough to make it clear they had better talk things out before she gets back from her date with Cisco. Rosa and Sam wish them luck and head out. Shawna, Axel, and Roy go catch a movie.
Dinner goes well, they all talk (even if things go off the rails a dozen times) and clear the air.
By the next week, The Flash has been seen by reporters in a few different 'compromising' situations with a choice few of his Rogues.
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achangeinpriorities · 2 years
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For @theroguesharlequin, whose post made me think of this moodboard (feat. stripper Barry and bartender/bouncer Mark) that I made a long time ago
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coldtomyflash · 5 years
How do you think Barry x Mark would happen?
This is tough for me. It’s not a notp but I don’t especially ship it so I’ve never given it much thought. They’re a side ship (not endgame) on something I’ve never got around to posting, but there’s a pretty large extenuating circumstance that thrusts them together in that story.
So for me - extenuating situational factors that push them together ^^; That’s my answer. Which is a totally unsatisfying one, probably.
I do like to work with extenuating situational factors for a lot of my stories though, you might notice. Needs Must involves a literal curse, and Melancholic Temperament involves de-aging. 73 Seconds involves a case and Barry and Len working together. Tumbling Together involves neighbors, and AATJS is soulmates. 
In the majority of my stories, I thrust people either into an extreme situation, or else into extended proximity with one another, and then let things develop from there.
And I think you could take any one of those setups and apply them to Mark and Barry just as well? Taking a case-setup sticks the closest to canon. Mark needs Barry’s help with something, potentially (for the sake of pulling on Barry’s sympathy and getting him willing to actually help instead of hauling Mark to prison) - finding and saving his daughter (who doesn’t need saving but Mark isn’t fully in the loop).
Cue Barry being forced to see Mark as a person with feelings and family and come to understand more about how his powers work (i.e., take a cue from at least one verse of the comics and tie them to his emotions, make it clear the tsunami he made (and which was erased from the timeline) was out of grief-fuelled rage), have them talk about other things like Clyde’s death and Barry’s own discovery of his powers, and have them acknowledge those issues with the pipeline. Have them bond with shared humour because Mark definitely has a sense of humour. Put them in a foxhole together. Let Mark make the first move - a quick, sharp, electric kiss. But just as Barry’s responding, have him pull back, go to save the day or whatever, and make Barry chase him (figuratively and literally). 
And let it go from there?
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coldflashwave-baby · 6 years
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100 Ships I Love- 16. Flashweather (Barry Allen/Mark Mardon)
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a-redharlequin · 6 years
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Disclaimer: I own nor have made any of the images used in this board.
FlashWeather/ColdFlash AU
One of Barry’s worst nightmares has come true. Yet another nemesis, and one of the worst possible people, has learned of his secret identity; Mark Mardon.
However, Mark has no interest in selling the Flash down the river, or even using it to seek revenge. No, he’s found something much better to use this newfound information for; leverage, or, more specifically, extortion.
During his ‘research’ of Barry Allen and the Flash, he found out something that was worth more to him than retribution; that the Flash can time travel, that it was possible to save Clyde. That he could have his brother back.
Now if he can just convince Barry to go along with it, everything would be perfect.
But Barry has learned his lesson (again) and he’s not about to mess with the timeline (again) for anything less than a catastrophe (…again). No matter how guilty he felt about not being fast enough, good enough, to prevent Clyde’s death.
But Mark’s not taking no for an answer and is pulling out all the stops to get on Barry’s good side, to show that he can change, that he could keep Clyde on, well, not so much the straight and narrow, but at least obedient to the Rogue’s Rules. Something Lisa Snart had made a point of enforcing if anyone wanted to stay in her city.
(Even if Leonard Snart had mysteriously disappeared, it didn’t mean the city’s underworld no longer had a ruler. Honestly, the queen of gold was even more terrifying than the king of cold.)
Barry can’t go anywhere anymore without a certain weather meta dogging his steps, as it seems the rogue has made it his personal mission to make sure the reckless red speedster doesn’t get himself killed before he can save Mark’s brother.
In spite of themselves, their prolonged exposure to one another mixed with Barry’s stubbornness and Mark’s persistence, the two get closer and things between them become more electrically charged than their respective abilities that seem to be trying to draw them together like magnets. As if it weren’t enough that Mark insisted on sticking to him like a burr, but that their powers, when not pitted against one another, seem to feed off of one another like some sort of twisted and orgasmic form of symbiosis that Team Flash are all too eager to study.
But Mark can’t be sure if he really wants Barry, or if his feelings are just desperation mixed with addiction after being alone for so long. Barry feeling much the same, as well as unable to trust Mark’s intentions regarding ‘them’.
Barry’s reservations and denials are breaking down; now he just can’t decide if he’s refusing out of responsibility, or fear of Mark abandoning him once he has what he wants.
When Barry gives in and finds a way to save Clyde and preserve the past and future, things look complicated but promising.
Then Leonard Snart sweeps in like a blizzard, returned from the dead and now a meta on equal footing with the most powerful on top of his already legendary skill set. The only thing seemingly stopping him from an attempt at world domination is his newly chosen career as an (anti-)hero (trust Leonard Snart to figure out how to make super-heroism pay).
Safe to say, Cold is back, and he’s looking for more than a chance at working things out with Team Flash.
Mark had gotten his brother back and just settled into this strange new world order, and had finally been ready to work on proving his seriousness about their relationship to Barry, prove to him they could make things work. The last thing he needed was a rival who already had one foot in the door to Barry’s life and his heart; as if the cold bastard didn’t have enough going for him, he had to make a move for Flash too?!
Now Barry is more confused than ever and his heart is being torn in two when he’s faced with two paths to choose from with yet another crisis on the horizon. Will he go left, or will he go right?
But maybe the right path for them all is more straightforward than he thinks.
Central City collectively holds its breath to see how the Flash’s personal life choices will once again change the course of its future.
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snarkysnartes-blog · 6 years
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Summary: Barry helps Joss and Mark reconcile
Characters: Joss. Mark Mardon, Barry Allen
“She's your kid.” Barry repeated the words to Mark, watched as he slicked into the shadows of the cell. Barry crossed his arms, refused to let tears fall. “Why didn't you tell me?”
Mark snorted. “Oh? And what would have you done? Left me?”
“No! For goodness sake Mark I just wanted to know the truth. She's out to kill you and I didn't know that. I didn't even know that she existed. And she harbors hatred for you. My job is to protect you and in order to do that I needed to know all the rules and I didn't know about her. I'm frustrated more than anything.”
“I'm honestly sorry for not telling you Barry but I didn't know the words. I didn't know just how to tell you I had a child.”
Barry slipped inside the cell, making sure that the cameras were off him before he did. He pulled Mark into a tight hug, pressed a soft kiss to his lips. “She has to be stopped. You know that right?”
“I do. Just don't hurt her. Please. She's still my daughter.”
“I won't. I promise you that I won't. I'll be as gentle as I can to make sure she's not injured.”
Joss sat in the cell in Star Labs, Barry watched her closely and looking in her eyes he genuinely saw the resemblance between the two of them. She had Mark's smile, the twinkle in his eyes and his mannerisms.  
The way that she sat reminded Barry so much of Mark.
“So.” Joss began. She flicked her wrist in Barry's direction, sitting up and smirking. “You're the guy screwing my dad? And you're the flash. Should you really have shown me your true identity? I could get out of here and hurt your family.”
“I'm dating your dad. If that's what you meant. Yes I am. And you're his daughter. And look, Joss. I know you won't. Once you're in iron heights you won't be able to escape. You won't hurt anyone.”
Joss sat back against the wall. “Bet he didn't tell you about me did he?”
“He didn't. But that's not the point.”
“Oh? Isn't it?”
The way she said the words, Barry bent his head. She was definitely Mark's.
“My dad forgot to tell the man that he's in a relationship with about his daughter that he had when he was sixteen. Right. So you're not pissed at him the way that I am? Not angry that he lied to you? But I guess not because a hero is fucking a villain. A guy, that I recall almost tried to destroy the city not once but twice and you're so hung up on his dick that you can't even get angry with him.”
She had point.
Mark actually never told him about this young woman. Barry had told Mark so much about his life and Mark even revealed the deepest secrets of his own life but left out the part about a daughter with a motive to harm him.
Something so simple.
“I love your dad. And I know that you're pissed at him for whatever reason---”
“He abandoned me! What kind of father just up and leaves his kid? Who does that?”
“He was…. he was trying to do right by you. Even if that meant improving his criminal life.”
“Right and look what he had done. I watched the news. I saw what had gone on and he… I didn't even get a happy a birthday. Those stopped coming when I turned five. No recitals. Nothing. He wasn't there for me. He didn't care about me. Now, now he has you and I've noticed things. He wants to do better for you and he didn't want that for me. His own daughter. He chose not to be in my life. But he wants to be with you and he didn't want me and that's something I can't deal with.”
“Did you get all that?” Barry managed a conjugal visit with Mark, more so to just spend time with him instead of what Mark thought that they were going to do.
“She thinks that's the reason? That I didn't want her?”
“That's exactly what she thinks. That you never called her, never came by to see her. She said that you want to become a better person for me and not for her. You abandoned her.”
“I didn't. My life. My past followed me everywhere and I couldn't just let her and her mother get involved with that. That's why I stayed away. I wanted to see her. I wanted to be with my baby girl so much but my choices is what led to me staying away. I never wanted her to feel that way Barry. I promise you that. If I could just get a chance to talk to her and let her know the truth then maybe we can patch things up and actually develop a working and functional relationship.”
“I asked her. Told her that the least she could was hear you out and she agreed. It will be under a watchful gaze of the flash but she's gonna come by tomorrow.”
Barry watched the two of them talk, watched how Joss teared up and yelled and wanted to know why. He watched Mark explain the best that he could and explain how he did want to be in her life. He wanted a relationship and it got through. Joss went to hug her father. He wanted to hug her back but the meta cuffs restricted that.
“Thanks Flash.” Mark smiled. His eyes were moist with tears. “Honestly I know I should have told you about her and I can't believe that you forgave me enough to help me reconcile with her.”
“It's my job. Kind of.”
A wink.
Barry would visit again tomorrow. Just to see how well the two of them will get along even inside of Iron heights. He hoped that all of this would be worth it in the future.
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writemelikeyoudo · 6 years
Flash Big Bang
This post is to see how much interest there would be in a Flash Big Bang! The plan would be to start sign ups in July and work through to the beginning of December, with beta reading happening sometime in November.
The Big Bang would be themed around any and all Flash/Barry Allen ships, and all comers would be welcome.
If you’re interest in such an event, please like this post and reblog to spread the word. Thank you!!
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larrysaiditwasfine · 6 years
It’s tragic really, that you think that there’s nothing perfect about you but you don’t realize how much you’ve changed me for the better
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nixie-deangel · 6 years
FlashWeather + Lightning?
So honestly, this ship really isn’t my cup of tea but I’m gonna try my best for you Nonnie.
The first time a natural lightning storm happens after they’ve been hooking up for a while, well, it’s quite an eye opener for Mark. He knew Barry was sensitive but damn!
So its an enjoyable night for them, Barry especially when he literally came so hard he passed out. And Mark? Mark’s always enjoyed an enthusiastic and responsive partner like Barry is.
It doesn’t hit Mark until a few days later, that hey! Barry was super extra the night of the storm, I’ll just whip one up and get him going….only..it doesn’t work for some reason? So Mark pulls in Hartley, cause he’s a kinky little shit but he’s a smart kinky little shit who’ll help Mark conduct an experiment.
Only the results? They aren’t what Mark was hoping they’d be. Turns out Mark’s lightning doesn’t affect Barry the way natural lightning does.
And yeah, Mark’s totally bummed out but it does mean from then on out, he definitely clears their schedules when natural lightning storms hit Central.
(And sometimes if he can talk Barry into it, surrounding areas as well.)
Send me a ship/character + a word, and I’ll give you a head canon.
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prodigalfollowing · 6 years
flash weather
How far did you go back on my blog before you found them
I like this ship solely for the fact that I like Mark Mardon, if I’m being brutally honest. I like the way Barry and Mark interact with one another and I wish we could’ve gotten to see more of them together.
Send me a ship and I’ll give you my (brutally) honest opinion on it
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theroguesharlequin · 2 years
FlashRogues for "Is that what you think [I/we] want?"
Song: There's Nothing Holding Me Back by Shawn Mendez
I wanna follow where she goes
I think about her and she knows it
I wanna let her take control '
Cause everytime that she gets close, yeah
Len started it.
It was another robbery. Diamonds or something. Barry thinks Snart, Len, whatever, mentioned that Lisa's birthday was coming up or something.
She pulls me in enough to keep me guessing (mmm)
And maybe I should stop and start confessing
Confessing, yeah
They'd been trading their usual banter when Snart, no, "Call me Len, Scarlet" had kissed him. He hadn't gotten his senses together before Len was just gone. He later found one of the diamonds, a red one, in his pocket.
Barry would admit to himself he'd thought about it, it being Len. But he convinced himself it'd just been a ploy to catch him off guard.
Oh, I've been shaking I love it when you go crazy
You take all my inhibitions
Baby, there's nothing holdin' me back
You take me places that tear up my reputation
Manipulate my decisions
Baby, there's nothing holdin' me back
There's nothing holdin' me back
There's nothing holdin' me back
Then it happened again.
Pied Piper had played a song that'd made Barry's head feel light and dizzy. But instead of taking advantage of the moment to hit and run, Hartley had kissed him, smiled and said something in French, and then ran.
She says that she's never afraid
Just picture everybody naked
She really doesn't like to wait
Not really into hesitation
There had been a fire at a bar and of course Heatwave was there. Only he hadn't actually caused it, but almost gotten trapped in it. Barry had waited with him after using the man's burner to text Len to pick him up, then checked him for smoke inhalation.
Pulls me in enough to keep me guessing, whoa
And maybe I should stop and start confessing
Confessing, yeah
He'd been completely unprepared for Mick to grab him, crush him to him so he could feel how very okay he was, and kiss him until he felt like he was the one suffering oxygen deprivation.
He'd stumbled and then ran away when he'd heard Len's motorcycle coming.
Oh, I've been shaking I love it when you go crazy
You take all my inhibitions
Baby, there's nothing holdin' me back
You take me places that tear up my reputation
Manipulate my decisions
Baby, there's nothing holdin' me back
There's nothing holdin' me back
Barry hadn't thought he would need his guard up around Mark Mardon of all people. The man had mellowed considerably over time after joining the Rogues, but he was still him.
Cause if we lost our minds and we took it way too far
I know we'd be alright, I know we would be alright
If you were by my side and we stumbled in the dark
I know we'd be alright, I know we would be alright
Until during a bank robbery, after everyone had been evacuated, and Mardon had pushed him onto a pile of money and kissed him, muttering something about dreams come true after all.
Barry had not been at all prepared, and apparently neither had Mark, for their powers to cause a reaction between them that felt like licking lightning. Barry had ran away after almost coming in his suit and nearly setting the money on fire.
'Cause if we lost our minds and we took it way too far
I know we'd be alright, I know we would be alright
If you were by my side and we stumbled in the dark
I know we'd be alright, we would be alright
Barry was a bit more prepared for Trickster Jr.
Or at least he'd thought so. He wound up triggering a trap and hanging upside-down with a sprinkler system going off as Axel laughed and then leaned in for a Spider-Man style kiss. He'd escaped with the new tech and Barry was more confused than ever before.
Oh, I've been shaking
I love it when you go crazy
He didn't even put up much of a fight when Mirror Master and The Top pulled him into a dizzying dance after crashing a fashion show and took turns kissing him until he couldn't think straight.
You take all my inhibitions
Baby, there's nothing holdin' me back
Barry was starting to worry about his Rogues. Was this a ploy to mess with him? Or had some Meta whammied them?
It turned out the second one was true.
You take me places that tear up my reputation
Manipulate my decisions
Lisa, Shawna, and Bivolo showed up to ask for help. Barry tried to the stupid little sting of disappointment. Of course they'd been whammied. He'd never been this popular personally in his whole life.
The Rogues had been pulling a lot more jobs lately with less planning than usual, but Barry had been too confused by their attention to think about it.
Lisa explained that Roy had gotten drunk at a party and developed a new level of power. Lisa and Shawna had been away on a shopping trip when it'd happened.
As far as they can tell, Roy's new color orange had unlocked their inhibitions to take more risks and it was getting dangerous.
Baby, there's nothing holdin' me back (oh whoa)
There's nothing holdin' me back I feel so free when you're with me, baby
Barry helps and so does Team Flash, of course. (Lisa is happy for get the chance to work closer with Cisco and Shawna thinks Caitlin is actually kind of cute when she's not keeping people in a pipeline.)
After all is said and done, Barry is ready for things to go back to normal and forget it ever happened.
"Is that what you think we want?"
Maybe they can make their own new normal.
Baby, there's nothing holdin' me back
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lesbiandanieljacobi · 7 years
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Best way to get revenge on the man who killed your baby brother? Date his son
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wreathedinscales · 7 years
I’m sorry if the quality’s not so good but it’s fluffy and silly and my bae has a Sad and she wanted a fluff flashweather thing so I DID A THING AND I HOPE U LIKE IT BAE
@hearteyedbatboy also it has The Card Games
no really it has the Yu-Gi-Oh card game. It’s fun and strategic and the show itself is beautifully wonderfully Gay. I tried to explain the card effects as plainly as I could, but I might’ve still been vague, so---sorry about that!!
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coldflashwave-baby · 7 years
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The right kind of bad with the wrong kind of good
        Barry didn’t know where he was. All he knew was that, one minute, he was running after his boyfriend, trying to give him the engagement ring he’d snuck in Barry’s pocket back, and the next, Barry was chasing after a group of men who threw a bag over Len’s head and dragged him away.
           After that, it was like an acid trip. Barry chased the man through an alley, only to see him jump through a mirror. Barry hadn’t been able to slow down in time before he skidded into the mirror and fell through the glass.
           That’s how he ended up in the strange, dystopian-like place, where the buildings were built high and the walkways were one wrong step away from a long fall and a short splat. A strange, mechanical, bug-like ship hovered over the city, shining a light down like a police helicopter. When the light touched Barry’s arm, it burned, and a weird, green shape appeared on his forearm.
           No matter how hard he rubbed, it wouldn’t go away. The man who took Len showed up again, this time running into a nearby building.
           Long story short, it was a trap, and Barry ended up locked in a small box and mentally thanking Len for teaching him how to pick locks. When the bottom of the box fell out, he was hanging from the bug ship with a dozen other boxes. He elected to fall into the river below.
           Luckily, there was a man on the river’s edge willing to help when Barry introduced himself as Barry Allen.
           “I’ll take you to the Hatter,’ the ratty old man said, grabbing him by the arm and wrapping a piece of cloth around his new mark. “Can’t let anyone see that,” he explained. “I can’t be seen with an oyster.”
           Barry frowned. An oyster?
           But, the man didn’t wait for his questions. Instead, he let the man drag him by his arm through the precarious walkways until they came to a building with double doors and an electronic marquee. It looked like stock market information, but the different percentages were labeled things like, Lust or Confidence.
           When he was pulled inside, he realized it was an auction house of some kind. The people inside were making offers for different bottles of colored liquids, each labeled with different emotions.
           Curiouser and curiouser.
           The ratty man led him to a side door, which opened into what looked like an office. The room was about the size of the West house’s ground floor, but only the back half was occupied. There was a little patch of grass against the tile floor where a white desk sat with one of those funky, dorm chairs. Behind it was a small wardrobe and a cabinet with more of the colored bottles inside.
           “Would you like a cup of tea?”
           Barry startled. He hadn’t even noticed someone was sitting in the chair, the back turned towards the entrance. “Uhh, no, thank you. Who are you?”
           The chair spun, and Barry was met with an attractive, yet somewhat smug and playful face. He was wearing a top hat. Hatter, then. “A friend,” the Hatter answered, “I hope. I run the tea shop.”
           The ratty man pulled the rag off of Barry’s arm and showed him his mark. The Hatter stood up, his eyes fixed on Barry. “Interesting,” he grinned. “How did you get out of the Scarab? No offense, but you don’t seem especially strong or anything.”
           Barry rolled his eyes. “If you mean the bug thing, I picked the lock on the box. My boyfriend taught me how.”
           The Hatter’s grin grew. “Boyfriend, huh?” He sent Barry a wink. “And, I can see you fell into the river.”
           Yes, and Barry was freezing. That’s why he shivered when the man’s eyes traced down his drenched body. “Yeah…where am I?”
           “Oh!” The man exclaimed, like it was only just occurring to him that he had left that out. “Wonderland.”
           “That’s a story in a kid’s book.” Barry snorted, but the Hatter’s expression grew serious.
           “Does this look like a kid’s story to you?” Barry quickly shook his head, and the Hatter approached him to take a better look at his arm. “That was hundreds of years ago. You oysters have such short memories, you all just believe history is a story. Honestly, we like it that way.”
           Barry frowned. “Why am I an ‘oyster’?”
           The Hatter released his arm. “We call you oysters because of those little pearls inside of you. That isn’t going to come off by the way. Only people from your world get burned and marked by the light. That’s my name, by the way.”
           “Mark,” the Hatter corrected. “The suits are the ones who mark you, like cattle.”
           Barry was so confused. “Suits? Cattle? What do you mean by pearls inside of us?”
           The ratty man cleared his throat. “He’s the one, isn’t he?” the man looked so excited, he was about to have a conniption. “He’s Alice. Like, the Alice of Legend.”
           Suddenly, Mark looked just as confused as Barry felt. Then, his grin returned. “Well,” he chuckled, circling Barry slowly. “The Alice.”
When he made it to the other man, he threw an arm around his shoulder. “Ratty here thinks you’re Alice of Legend. You see, a while back, someone named Alice came here and knocked down the House of Cards singlehanded. And made quite the impression.”
           He removed his arm with a roll of his eyes. “Except, there’s no fucking way this is the Alice of Legend, you idiot. She was a girl, and that was over a hundred years ago. Oysters don’t even live that long. What’s your name?”
           The last question was pointed at him. “Barry. Barry Allen.”
           “ALLEN!” He shouted. “Not ALICE, you…” Mark took a deep breath.
           Ratty shifted nervously. “You’re still going to pay me though, right?”
           “I am not for sale!” Barry argued as Mark stomped back towards his cabinet. His hand hovered over the bottles for a few minutes, like he was trying to decide which one he was willing to part with. Finally, he settled on a bottle with a little bit of red liquid in it.
           “Here you go,” he announced, “extracted human excitement. Fifty oysters were drained of every bit of thrill so that you can finally feel what it’s like to not be such a loser.” He tossed Ratty the bottle, who caught it joyfully.
           “Forewarning—one drop at a time, or it might blow your tiny little heart to pieces.”
           Ratty didn’t seem to care though. He ran for the door, bottle in hand, humming giddily under his breath. Barry was still confused.
           “What do you mean ‘oysters were drained’?”
           Mark ignored his question, instead choosing to smell his hand. “Damn, he reeked. I think I need a shower after that. What can I help you with, Barry Allen?”
           He walked over to the closet and pulled out a scarlet red jacket.
           “I’m looking for my boyfriend, Leonard Snart,” Barry explained. “He was taken through a mirror by a man.”
           Mark paused. “Sam Scudder. He works for the White Rabbits, an organization the Suits run that use mirrors to go into your world and vanish people back here.”
           “To use at the Hearts Casino.”
           Barry’s heart almost stopped. “Use? What do you mean ‘use’?”
           Mark shrugged. “They keep them alive and happy, if that’s what you’re worried about. Well, moderately happy.”
           So, Len was alive. That was a good sign. He just needed to get to the Casino and either bargain or bust him out. How hard could that be? “How do I get to this casino?”
           Mark snorted, like Barry said something adorable. “Oh, you don’t, sweetheart.” He strode back over to Barry with the coat. “But, I know people who know people that can get inside and save your boyfriend.”
           Barry swallowed hard when Mark started to circle behind him again. “And what do you want for your help?”
           “Do I need a reason” Mark asked, leaning in so his breath tickled Barry’s ear, “to help a pretty boy in a very wet shirt?”
           Barry turned his head to glare at the Hatter, and the man rolled his eyes. “Still don’t trust me? Here,” he slipped the coat over Barry’s shoulders, “it’ll cover the mark and keep you warm. Honestly, it’s a bit hurtful you’re so suspicious of me, Barry.”
           The way he said his name made Barry’s cheeks warm up, like he’d just whispered a dirty secret or something.
           When he finally stepped back, Barry breathed again.
           “Do you know why they call me ‘Hatter’?”
           Barry furrowed his brow. “Because you wear a hat?”
           Mark froze, like he’d never considered that could be the reason people called him that. Then, he shook his head. “No. Because I’m there when they pass the hat. I help out, a lot.”
           Barry still didn’t believe him. It must have showed, because Mark just sighed. “Look, if I’m the frying pan, Wonderland is the fire. You won’t make it without me, then you’ll be in the same boat as….”
           “Len.” Mark held out a hand to him. “Now, I know people who like helping oysters. I like helping them because then they owe me. That enough of a reason?”
           Barry knew he shouldn’t trust strangers. For all he knew, Mark was the one who took Len. But he knew that Mark was right. He didn’t know Wonderland, and the Hatter did. So, he made a quick decision and grabbed Mark’s hand.
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marcomardon · 5 years
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snarkysnartes-blog · 7 years
✤ flasweather!!!!!!! or olivarry - scarlet
Flashweatherwho said i love you first? Barry. Mark is emotionally constipatedwho laughs when the other trips? Mark actually does the tripping who pays the bills? Barry but Mark has a side job to help out which one makes a bigger deal around the holidays? Mark. He actually creates snow if there isn't any who’s more clumsy? Mark is a clutz! who checks their daily horoscope? Barry. who sings louder in the car? Both of them who leaves the cap off the toothpaste? Mark who is more up to date in pop culture? Barry. Mark still has a VHSwho insists on going to see the newest movies? Barry who cries when the abused animal commercials come on? Mark is a softewho’s the lighter sleeper? Mark can't get to sleep unless Barry's home who believes in ghosts? Both who does the grocery shopping? Barry who updates their facebook status more often? Barry
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