moonlit-trolls · 1 year
Ain't a Pretty Job
[Introduction to Don! Newest guy in the roster]
[Docs for your soul]
— You’re Costing me Business. —
The man behind the counter spoke. Metal left arm, made for fleetwork. Repurposed.
— Costing you business? I’m keeping this shithole afloat ritz. I’m the fuckin’ reason you buy whiskey every week. Cuz I go through the six bottles you buy and I take half of the one you keep for yourself. — 
Donnie’s Voice came out more aggressive than it should. Ritz is nicer than anyone’s been to the man. But Ritz is right. In the middle of the night while everyone’s working donnie is here drinking. When people are spending time with their quadrants, he’s here drinking. Come to think he might be Ritz's closest friend… If only.
— I’m tellin’ you donnie if you don’t fucking stop scaring the customers with that spittin blood at every third drink crap i’ll have to kick you out. — 
Ritz spoke again. slamming his metal fist on the counter, whiskey spilled down to the ground.
— Aw C’mon You love me, if you didn’t you’d have me gone a long time ago —
Donnie spoke, getting up from his seat, and putting a handful of crumpled bills on the counter. Walking out that door
And out that door he did walk. you might think night is time to do things, get busy. but that man has never been freer. Now that he fucking dropped his job, ain’t nothing stopping Donnie.
Two pills, flask to wash down, as the man stared into the end of the road, The lights seemed welcoming, they're just rushing cars ready to drop him. Maybe another bank got robbed, maybe another fuchsia killed but that’s not his problem any longer. hasn’t been for two and half sweeps. Leaving the fucking bacon behind was his best decision and he’d tell that himself.
But. Peace doesn’t go for long not when the fucking pigsty’s after a man. and the sirens sound like they’re coming for him. Faster steps, but they aren’t helping him. He's good but he’s not faster than a car type of good. Now his brain is running. shoot the tire? That'll piss them off. Shoot the driver? they’ll just pull the emergency brakes. and before he even makes a choice. The car stops beside him, running is useless; they'll just shoot him down if he makes a move.
— Heeeeeey fellas — Hands up, breath shaky — Didn’t know you patrolled here by these times —
A teal leaves the vehicle, baton in hand — Don. Don don don… C’mon Donnie you know we can’t play this game forever, You run, we find you. — The voice got lost in murmurs — Won’t you make this easier? one last job. — The teal wore a shit eating grin like it was a pinstripe suit — We can just cull you right here if that’s too much trouble too Don.  —
Four guys. Car, Probably half full tank? He can take them. dying would just be the consolation prize. 
— C’mon guys we don’t gotta fight like this! just let me go and i’ll never be trouble — Donnie’s voice was shaky, dying was consolation prize but he was going for first fucking place. 
— No can do Don. You’re a dead man walking. waltzing around with god knows how many names inside your little brain that could put down the entire precinct. So No we’re not letting you go — the teal nodded as he spoke — one last job that’s all you need —
— Well you said that last time you blue dumbfuck — Donnie says dropping his hands down as the teal pulled a gun out
— C’mon Donnie hands back up, don’t want to shoot out your other kneecap — 
Time felt halted as Don shoulder bashed the teal into the car. gun went off hitting the wall behind him on the sidewalk. as the cop spat blood on the floor.  and fell down. The other three in the car came out. Indigo, Olive and Rust. Guns in hands shouting.
Don hid behind the car door, two shots fired one hit the wall the other grazed his shoulder. 
Donnie bit his tongue. blood pooling in there he showed his face on the window opening and spat at the olive’s face. Two shots, from him, both miss. hitting the ground kicking up dust, at this point the streets have already been emptied out. no one wants to be the one to witness four men killing one. but maybe that’s not what will happen.
As the olive started to wipe the blood clean from his face don jumped him. using him as a shield, Four more shots. two on the olive’s chest, one on his leg. Olive is down for the count, two to go.
— Cities Finest? Cities better off with crime runnin’ wild — Don says kicking the body forward. it fell down with a Horrible sound. as he jumped forward to the rust blood. 
punch in the nose. blood dripping down the fracture, the rust put his hands on his nose to stop it but, no use was it. Don took the gun and two shots was all it took. The indigo was shaken by the situation, sweat dripping down his face, eyes wide like two dinner plates, and the man ran into a building to never be seen again.
The Teal stood up — Good job Don. But your lucky streak ends here you fucking piece of trash — Aiming a gun down at donnie’s face. 
— Pick a god and pray. fish. — and he pulled the trigger to the worst noise possible: click The gun jammed. 
— Now, I'm not gonna start wearing red on the new sweep. Or throwing dice at the casinos. But I am. going to do something better — don smiled taking off his gloves 
— I’m gonna give you a fucking can of Whoopass — Don throws the teal on the ground. breaking his knuckles on that man’s face.
blood drips from his fists, spitting purples and two more police cars waltz in. amazing how bad nights can get worse, all you need now is a fucking morning to burn you into fried fish. 
— Good Job big guy — Don hears the heavy steps followed by a third bump in the ground. The chief — But there’s nowhere to run now. Surrounded. Bleeding, you spent more than you had on your account on these low line fucks and now you’re ripe for the taking. And taking we are —
— C’mon old man. I’m past my prime. Why'd you want an old violet ex copper — his voice filled with more contempt than fear. — And either way i’m more of a liability, why would you want me back? —
And that, made the chief smile ear to ear, sharp yellowed teeth from smoking a pack a day for the last twenty sweeps. 
— Oh You know why don. You’re the only one with the guts to walk into a jade cave. And kill trolls who didn’t do a thing wrong. You did it before. Why wouldn’t you do it again? — his voice sounded like a whisper in the last part. and before he finished speaking. Donnie was already stealing the officer’s clothing to put on, the gun and the badge he never delivered to the pigs. Maybe that’s why they’re tracking him.
And The chief did not lie. Hours later, far too close to morning for donnie to enjoy. popping tylenols for every speed bump the car went over, and every other bump as well, washing down with the flask. until the chief spoke.
— Now don. You’re going in with a team Swat type deal. Go in, kill every single fucking jade in sight. Drop the mother grub. and leave. They’re not culling mutants, and they’re not paying their protection dues to us. Which means. we knock them down and then you can go on your merry fucking way —
Donnie remained silent staring out the window, sun’ll be up in four to five hours. That leaves about three to finish the job and one to find shelter until the night.
— Cuz this Ain’t About To be pretty Donnie. — the chief spoke, his grin reflecting on the rear view mirror, as the vehicle came to a halt. in front of a forested cavern. no one could know it was there unless they were looking for it. 
— That’s where you’re going Donnie. Have fun. Team’s lagging behind — the chief waved as Don walked into the cave. 
[ Six Days Later, News Broadcast]
— And it is with heavy hearts that we announce the official report of the cave near the forest. Six Swat members died, No jades were found in the cave. And neither was a mother grub. The menaces that they  are remain running free. Here we have the Chief  of the Department to give a few words.--- 
The news anchor said. not a glimpse of truth behind her voice but they don’t pay her to speak the truth they just pay her to speak.
— Yes. little ray of moonlight. Yes they are still running wild. If you do not remember. It is the weak link that breaks the chain. And we all know that mutants are the weak link. But helping the weaklings are a gang of jades. and a violet blood — A photo of Donnie appear on screen 
— No one knows his name, Everyone just calls him Don or Donnie. Alert the closest fleet official if you see this man. He is a menace. He has allowed sixteen unidentified jades to run free. alongside at least two dozen grubs. — and the feed’s cut off as don turns the TV off. arm in a splint and two dozen stitches scattered. With a jade taking care of him. 
at least he’s free now. Isn’t he?
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When you are looking for top quality auto repair and mechanic services in Virginia Beach, VA or the surrounding areas, Victory Auto and Transmissions LLC provides highly experienced technicians that utilize only the latest and most advanced automotive technology. They are equipped to handle all manner of minor and major repairs for vehicles foreign and domestic.
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Here at Victory Auto and Transmissions LLC, our professional technicians and mechanics have the utmost commitment to expediency, efficiency and superior quality results. We never cut corners or use sub-par materials, offering nothing less than excellence to our loyal customers. To take advantage of our auto repair services, please contact us or stop by Victory Auto and Transmissions LLC today!
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pearl-nano-world · 4 years
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Slick work!!! #pearlnanoceramiccoatings bad law and top coat still holding tough! . . 📷 @806_mobile_shine #806mobileshine #texasdetailer #mobiledetailer #propermethods #notacarwash #detailersofinstagram #ceramiccoating #callingalldetailers #10xDetail #pearlnanoinstaller #pearlnanocoatings #callingalldetailers #PearlNano #peralnanohydrophobiccoatings #grindin #hustlehard #fleetwork #lifted #certified #trucks (at 806 Mobile Shine) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_jHlXxJ1do/?igshid=165g77aud61br
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foxydivaxx · 4 years
No wonder tanks and bruisers heal a lot and deal damage. If you use fleetwork or conqueror and pair it up with taste of blood, then lord help the enemy team especially if they add goredrinker to the mix like that item man
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montourautoshop · 5 years
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Whether large or small, a business that depends on its fleet needs every vehicle in it to be in top running condition. Contact us today to schedule your appointment. 412-494-3150 #montourautoshop #fleetwork #autoshop
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navalpost · 5 years
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Irish Naval Service ships are conducting Annual Fleet Exercises (FLEX) in order to practice core Naval & Mariner skills during multi-ship evolutions such as Fleetwork Maneuvring, Towing, Replenishment at Sea, Maritime Interdiction Operations, Gunnery Shoots and Communication Exercises #irishnavalservice #FLEX #FLEX19 ##Ireland #navalnews #navy #cork https://www.instagram.com/p/ByqPPbrpHIN/?igshid=11vv9g3lz6ne2
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Pomyślność Szkoły Bezpiecznej Jazdy Renault
Oferujemy Państwu profesjonalne nauczania z zakres bezpiecznej podróży samochodami osobowymi, ciężarowymi, autokarami, motocyklami oraz quadami. W całej ten sposób możemy uciec zderzenia także wtedy, wówczas gdy inny pojazd wpadnie po poślizg - mówią trenerzy Szkoły Bezpiecznej Jazdy Renault. Zdołasz utrwalać wiedzę wyniesioną wraz z szkoły jazdy Scania za pośrednictwem indywidualny coaching i rzeczywiste narzędzia zachęcające do nadal lepszej jazdy. Większa część z nich opiera się na podstawach opanowania poślizgu, choć w programie odrzucić brakuje zagadnień związanych spośród torem jazdy czy balansem masy samochodu. Eco Driving zdecydowanie zespół zachowań kierowców, wówczas przede wszystkim bezpieczna trip, przyjazna środowisku oraz twej kieszeni. W całej moim przypadku jazda produkcyjna polega na dostosowywaniu szybkości do warunków na ulicy. Prawidłowe szkolenia dla kierowców istnieją też coraz częściej żądane przez poważnych spedytorów, jacy doceniają zalety wynikające wraz z edukowania kierowców. Instruktaż II stopnia realizujemy w całej grupie do 8 ludzi i przeznaczone jest na rzecz osób, które ukończyły w tej chwili pierwszy, podstawowy kurs w całej SJS lub innej uczelni zrzeszonej w Polskim Stowarzyszeniu Motorowym (udokumentowane certyfikatem). Gdy prawo wejdą w życie, ostatnio upieczony kierowca będzie zobligowany odbyć dwa obowiązkowe wykłady pomiędzy 4. a 12. miesiącem od odebrania uprawnienia jazdy. Szkoła posiada symulator ekojazdy i jako jedyna w Naszym kraju oprócz standardowych kursów ekojazdy oferuje kursy z wykorzystaniem pomiarów telemetrycznych. Muszę sfinalizować kurs kwalifikacji wstępnej uzupełniającej przyspieszonej dla kat. Moja recenzja tutaj meldunki FleetWorks również umożliwiają kierownictwu wgląd w styl podróży kierowców. DAF ECODRIVE+ to wiedza jakim sposobem prowadzić pojazd wykorzystując optymalnie różne rozwiązania wspomagające przejażdżkę, przede wszystkim to potrzebna wiedza z zakresu oszczędnościowej i bezpiecznej jazdy podparta wieloletnie doświadczenie marki DAF jako producenta pojazdów towarowych i dostawczych. To: Szkoła Jazdy Scania, Trening Oszczędnościowej Jazdy Renault, Szkoła Szlifowania Jazdy Vovlo, Akademia Trucknology - Mana Star, Mercedes-Benz Trucker Akademy, Akademia Przejażdżki Iveco oraz Akademia Gospodarczej jazdy DAF. Jak wspomnieliśmy na początku, „PZU Bezpieczna Flota” to nie tylko założenie, ale także szkolenia rzeczywiste, podnoszące umiejętności kierowców w całej zakresie bezpiecznej i gospodarczej jazdy. Szczegółowo piszemy tym w całej zakładce KWALIFIKACJA WSTĘPNA W CELU KIEROWCÓW ZAWODOWYCH - w całej tabeli można łatwo zweryfikować, jaki kurs, kto jak i również w jakim terminie zmuszony jest ukończyć. Jeśli do oporu terminu jest mniej niż 2 miesiące - koniecznie zgłoś się do nas na instruktaż okresowe kierowcy (SO). W jednodniowym Treningu Oszczędnościowej Jazdy wzięło udział aktualnie ponad 4 000 kierowców. Trening bezpiecznej podróże dla kierowców ciężarówek wówczas, trzeci filar pakietu propozycji szkoleniowych. Stosuje się w poniższym programie program Dynafleet, jako narzędzie pomiaru zużycia paliwa i weryfikacje stylu jazdy. Spółki szkoleniowe posiadają bowiem zazwyczaj ciągniki siodłowe z naczepami i to na wymienionych prowadzą standardowy program warsztaty. Koniecznie trzeba przyznać, że oszczędna jak i również ekonomiczna jazda samochodem hybrydowym to naprawdę spora uciecha. Szkolenie okresowe wówczas obowiązkowe, powtarzane co pięć lat szkolenie dla każdego z kierowców kat. Wybaczcie, ale strasznie się czyta taką analizę... i wciąż te 9tyś w pięć lat... to nie wydaje się tak jak nazwaleś `tok rozumowania` tylko suche mnożenie. Szkoła działa na terenie lotniska Warszawa-Bemowo i od poczštku swojej działalnoœci przeszkoliła w tej chwili ponad 12 500 ludzi, w tym blisko 240 firm. Kwalifikacja wstępna (dawniej warsztaty na przewóz osób) wówczas szkolenie dla kierowców, jacy uzyskali prawko kat. Warunki odbywania szkolenia dotrzymujemy wszelkich starań zawsze jakim sposobem najlepiej dopasować do wymagań kursanta. Kierowca, który to uzyskał Kwalifikację Wstępną lub Kwalifikację Wstępną Przyspieszoną na rzecz prawa jazdy kategoria C, C+E, C1, C1+E jak i również zamierza wykonywać przewozy różnymi pojazdami, niż te gwoli których wymagane jest uprawnienie jazdy odpowiadające uzyskanej Kompetencji Wstępnej, zobowiązany jest ukończyć kurs kwalifikacyjny w obszarze Kwalifikacji Wstępnej Uzupełniającej czy też Kwalifikacji Wstępnej Uzupełniającej Przyspieszonej dla prawa jazdy stopień D, D+E, D1, D1+E.
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bsgxena16-blog · 7 years
Fleetworks Inc
http://www.rolandsmartin.com/blog/index.php/2011/09/21/kevin-powell-why-are-we-killing-troy-davis/ Mobile services for fleets, semis, diesel repair, freight liners. Engine repair, CHP inspections etc...
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serviceace1-blog · 7 years
Fleetworks Inc
http://www.rolandsmartin.com/blog/index.php/2011/09/21/kevin-powell-why-are-we-killing-troy-davis/ Mobile services for fleets, semis, diesel repair, freight liners. Engine repair, CHP inspections etc...
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Fleetworks Inc
http://www.rolandsmartin.com/blog/index.php/2011/09/21/kevin-powell-why-are-we-killing-troy-davis/ Mobile services for fleets, semis, diesel repair, freight liners. Engine repair, CHP inspections etc...
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Transmission Repair
Our mechanics at Victory Auto and Transmissions LLC are heavily experienced in transmission repair and rebuilds, so if your manual or automatic transmissions are in need of attention, just let us take care of it. Manual transmissions can be more prone to deterioration due to wear on the clutch, so you may want to have that checked out if you're driving a manual. Whatever the case may be, Victory Auto and Transmissions LLC can perform the repairs or rebuilding you need, so if you need more information about our transmission services or have any other auto repair questions, contact us today!
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pearl-nano-world · 4 years
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Years of calcium and other mineral buildup took its toll on this piece. After two acid washes, some heavy cutting, and a lot of elbow grease, we got it looking just like it should...SLICK! Once we got the paint squared away, we made sure to preserve it as always and lay down a layer of @pearl_nano_ceramic_coatings “HD” for marine and industrial applications! If you’re looking to preserve and protect your investment visit Pete Mesquias. . . 📷 @806_mobile_shine #806mobileshine #texasdetailer #mobiledetailer #propermethods #notacarwash #detailersofinstagram #staypassionate #westtexasshine #texaspolishing #glossenhancement #supportyourlocalbusiness #bigrig #detailer #farmequipment #westtexasdetailer #ceramiccoating #slickwork #motorcycle #peralnanohydrophobiccoatings #grindin #hustlehard #fleetwork #lifted #certified #trucks (at 806 Mobile Shine) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_jHMpYpXlQ/?igshid=16d4jarsnqh18
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Fleetworks Inc
http://bit.ly/2y2v9bu Mobile services for fleets, semis, diesel repair, freight liners. Engine repair, CHP inspections etc...
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Amazing 2 Stroke V12 Detroit Diesel - Repaired and Start Up
http://www.fleetworksinc.com/ https://www.yelp.com/biz/fleetworks-santa-fe-springs This is a 2 stroke v12 Detroit Diesel after being torn apart and rebuilt. It's a similar project to those we carry out in Southern California throughout Los Angeles, Orange and Riverside counties. Mobile fleet services allow for fleets to be serviced on the spot, instead of having to bring large vehicles into the shops. Getting all the semi and tractor trailer needs met requires not only qualified staff, but the proper tools and work space to get the job done.
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Commercial Auto Repair
Victory Auto and Transmissions LLC's commercial auto repair services are some of the best in the area. We do everything from oil changes to brake repairs. Come in today to get a quick tune-up and we'll see if your vehicle needs any further repairs. Contact Victory Auto and Transmissions LLC today for more information about our auto repair services.
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