#fleur the gelfling
thanatasia · 2 years
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I rise from my vampire coffin bed to bring you all more IG Questions I made. Some are from a while ago and others are fairly recent.
We know how I love to write so here’s a brief continued thought for each
It’s not often I draw Fleur and Cha’l as childlings so this one was fun! They’re both so whittle and precious- Maeve and Bhihaar created two cutie pies! I apologize if Fleur’s baby talk is written poorly I was having difficulty writing how I think a young kid would pronounce those words lol
Fleur loves reading and writing so I definitely see her enjoying manga/anime as a young lassywings in a modern au lol Pretend that the screenshots I added have Gelfling ears. She’s one of those younger anime fans who doesn’t let anyone but their closest friends know. (I’m sure this idea is a thing of the past now since anime is pretty mainstream now)
I imagine that this particular scene is from Fleur early bounty hunting days, hence the mask. To keep with the AoR canon Fleur doesn’t kill criminals, she fights them into submission or uses sleeping powder/ta
I will never not be cheering that OceanPetals became parents! Definitely one of Fleur’s most treasured memories. Razer belongs to,my dear friend @jack-toons
The next two are from a reverse au myself and Jack-toons made and- I AM OBSESSED WITH IT!! Aahhhh! Y’all are not ready for that AU lol The Cha’l everyone has come to love is a delinquent and a big time charmer. Reverse au Cha’l gets into plenty of fights, likes to show off his physique to the lassywings he takes a shine to, among other fun things I’ll share in time lol. The first image is of both Cha’ls meeting and OG Cha’l being disappointed. The second is of Cha’l beating someone up for saying something disrespectful to Fleur
The last is of a new ship between Takoda and Adora- they’re so sweet! They are like that sweet couple in a cottage. How the two of them met will be shared another time, for now, Adora’s decision to go topside created many wonderful outcomes she had not anticipated. For Takoda, meeting Adora was a breath of fresh air, he didn’t realize how much he really yearned for that companionship Adora brought with her.
I hope you all enjoy these little sketches until the next one!
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smol-yet-stupid · 1 year
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Here's my Gelfsona, or Gelfling OC!
Her name is Petra, and she is a Grottan. She is most known for her work as an adept seamstress in Domrak, the Grottan capital. She has even imported her work to the other clans too, and receives materials for clothes from other clans when needed. Petra is very kind, not being one to complain, and she has very frail health, and the illness is not specified, but she manages pretty well despite it, and she still remains gentle, like the rest of her clan.
I drew this because I had a lot of inspiration from @thanatasia, who has their own full squad of amazing OCs, including the wonderful half-Stonewood, half-Dousan Fleur, and so many funny and heartwarming stories too! I absolutely love Thanatasia's artwork, and so I have to say they're my favourite Dark Crystal artist 💗
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fenth-eiria · 3 years
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Little something for @thanatasia
I literally was so busy that I forgot all about her and Fleur’s pregnancy!!!
Here’s a little drawing to make up for that!!
(I got to say, the more I draw her, the better I get at drawing Fleur^^)
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rocky-fennek · 3 years
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I've never done a "draw this in your style" challenge before, this was fun! Fleur is such a pretty Gelfling too ❤️
Good luck to all the others in the challenge, and @thanatasia, I hope you had a happy birthday!
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jensdiscoveries · 3 years
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𓂃✦ Style? What's that? Haha, I use a lot of styles and like to experiment. Fluid styles are a thing guys! Anyway, here is Fleur for the DTIYS challenge! Hope you like it! This style I'm using is a lot more simplified, if I want to do something quick or want to enter a contest I use this style. So, everything is pretty simplified! I did try a gelfling style but was not happy with it, this is the final product! Good luck to the others!
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original @thanatasia
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sifanjewel · 4 years
Zela the Charm Weaver
I know I don't have the most interesting OC, mainly due to my lack of confidence in drawing skills and the fact that I don't post about her much at all to begin with, but regardless if this gets any notes or not I want to share some things about my girl 💙💙
- Zela is a half-Stonewood Sifan (though I'm sure most people know that by now from my user lol)
- Her mother Lana is a Stonewood who officially joined the Sifa after marrying Zela's Sifan father Shal’un
- She is 20 trine old when the Resistance begins
- She has two younger siblings, her brother Mar (13) and sister Tida (Ty-da) (10)
- Despite the hectic lifestyle of the Sifa, Zela's family prefers a more relaxed, domestic living. They own a ship, of course, which they live in but it is more often tied-off in Cera-Na than out at sea
- This mainly has to do with a horrific accident when Shal’un was involved in a shipwreck while on a voyage with friends during his younger trine. He was the only survivor, and hasn't been too far out on the Silver Sea since
- He still provides for his family and clan as a fisherman
- Zela found a keen interest in Sifan charms early on in life; she loves jewelry, especially the kind that holds special meaning to Gelfling
- She enjoys crafting intricate Sifan charms, even making personalized ones for her friends, family and occasionally any Sifans when her work catches their eyes, as long as they're willing to pay (the Sifa do nothing for free, after all)
- Zela usually tries to avoid much social interaction with most Sifa, especially strangers, because here's the thing: she's a selective mute
- This sort of trait is rare among the Sifa (and Gelfling in general), making Zela the target of more teasing than feels acceptable.
- There's no major reason for her being mute, she's just more reserved and prefers not to speak
- She basically gets a lot of crap for not being a "true Sifa" because of her meekness and the fact that her family doesn't participate in the super adventurous ways of the Sifa. Not to mention she doesn't have soothsaying or Far-Dreaming abilities of any kind, so she has been more often than not referred to as a "dud"
- Despite this, she lets her mother "bless" her charms (even though Lana obviously has no sense of Far-Dreaming, soothsaying or any form of Sifan magic either), because it makes her feel a little better
- Though Zela is proud of her heritage on both sides, she often questions her identity and how she fits into either clan beyond her general appearance
- She is reminded why when exploring the beaches and cliff sides of the Coast near Ha'rar and Cera-Na, when she looks out to the sea and feels the welcoming ocean winds. She feels that she's home.
- She still struggles from time to time, of course, regarding her muteness; although she could speak if she wanted to, she doesn't, and it makes her feel less worthy of having friends
- However, she does find comfort in the small friend group she has, the closest being Azra and Fleur (who belong to @thanatasia <3 )
- Zela has a drastically different personality from either of them, but they are super accepting of her choice to be silent and love her for who she is
- She's super close with Azra because both of them know what it's like to be deemed the "odd ones out" in their clan. They usually spend their time crafting mysterious charms and potions together. This becomes especially fun (if a bit terrifying at times) whenever Shiyoon (who belongs to @myfanartblogplusshippingtrash <3 ) comes around. Nothing but pure chaos ensues but Zela always finds herself getting involved every single time.
- Let’s just say the only sound heard from her in years was a scream.
- She became friends with Fleur during a visit to Stone-in-the-Wood while visiting family. Fleur came to her defense when a particularly rude Stonewood chided her for not speaking and made remark about her belonging to the Dousan more so than the Sifa or Stonewood, telling her to go back to the “Desert of Death”. Fleur just happened to be sitting nearby when this happened and you can guess what happened from there
- In spite of her flaws and shyness, Zela is one of the kindest, loving Gelfling you will ever meet. She may not be able to say it, but she cares deeply for those closest to her. <3
I hope one day I can finally be satisfied with my drawing style and post my own portraits of her. Until then, you can admire the drawings and sketches done by @myfanartblogplusshippingtrash (latest one in my icon) and @thanatasia !
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thanatasia · 1 year
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Merry Christmas and happy holidays to everyone!
I’m too excited so I’m sharing the flat version before I go back and add quick shadows on highlights like I normally do.
I’ll save my big sentimental description for the final piece lol
For now I just wanna say thank you to everyone who wanted to be a part of this. Drawing these every year is a nice challenge and way of seeing my abilities improve.
I love this fandom and I’m always happy to do something special for you all.
From the top row left to right:
Eiria- @fenth-eiria
Welton- dark_crystal_cluster (IG)
Adara- imarealpinkwriter (IG)
Sammi and Nellie- @jack-toons @myfanartblogplusshippingtrash (Nellie’s first colored debut to you all- isn’t he ADORABLE!?!?!? He’s co-owned with me but his design and story is all Jack-toons~)
Lunara- @glowing-unamoth
Bottra- nannie_arts (IG)
Bottom row left to right:
Elaine- juliejewel24 (IG)
Bayan- Kirks_worm (IG)
Bora- @yellowtribalwolf
Fleur and Saffron- moi (Saffron is co-owned with Jack-toons~)
Eri- @nurloxx
Zela- @sifanjewel
Telm- doodle.mice (IG)
Shaira- hubermanproject (IG)
Ehduan- Urgohaway (IG)
Hopefully within the next few days I’ll get these looking on par with the past 2 pieces~
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thanatasia · 1 year
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Happy Valentine’s Day everyone!
I’ve been working on and off on this art challenge that I will be continuing until I finish them all despite the month lol
I’ve got an important commission set to finish before my birthday so my time for self indulgent art is lower than before.
We’ve seen Day 1 earlier this month but a cute first kiss between Fleur and Razer when she confessed her feelings to Razer.
Cha’l and Shiyoon sharing a morning kiss before beginning their day with all of their childlings ready to cause mischief lol. I imaging that the two stay in bed a few extra minutes to just enjoy each others company before their days truly begin lol
Next is Kiel and Sammi enjoying a well deserved date away from all their childlings. Azra is probably babysitting because she knows how to gets all the kiddos in line. Kiel and Sammi’s dates are always welcomed breaths of fresh air, enjoying the serenity and quite of the forest or shores, depending on the location.
The following are two characters no one except my bestie and sister would know, because they are Ocs from a story my sister and I were creating. The guy on the left is Tatsuya and the girl is Asphodel. They have a intense slow burn romance because like all stories with young adults, they are trying to prevent the end of the world. Normally Asphodel has much longer hair but I always intended to have her hair short before the big battle. Here the two share a final kiss before that battle because I imagine they confess to each other earlier.
Continuing on with OceanPetals, we have them trying to share a kiss but their itty bitty baby had a nightmare. So kissy time has to be put on hold lol. The romance isn’t lost for the new parents though! They sneak little pecks here and there. But when their precious treasure calls out for them, nothing else matters. A rare pencil sketch from me because my eyes have gotten pretty bad so I need to limit my screen time. A girl can spend hours and hours straight drawing a piece *cough cough* and searching the web lol
Finally, we have a younger Bhihaar and Maeve sharing a secret moment together. I need to figure out what Bhihaar’s lie is to his Xeric that makes it easy for him to sneak out without much suspicion. Maeve is conflicted because on one hand she doesn’t care what her parents think of the relationship. But, she also is deathly afraid of being disowned by them in these early romantic meet ups. Her wings are missing for the laziness I feel atm, I tried but my brain kinda shut off.
All of these pieces range in many coloring styles but certain ones I plan on prettying up like the first piece.
Razer, Shiyoon and Sammi belong to my dear friend @jack-toons and you can check out their work of them on their other account @myfanartblogplusshippingtrash
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thanatasia · 1 year
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Sketches from a mix between last year and yesterday about Modern AU Fleur and her anime phase as a tween.
These are fun times in her life but also a time that she wants to keep hidden because she was a pretty cringey young lass. And believe me I have a few cringey scenarios for her lol
Both Maeve and Bhihaar alternated between accompanying Fleur since she was too young to attend a convention by herself. Maeve gets into it and dresses up with Fleur. The first piece of them is them both cosplaying Sailor Jupiter, the second is the two of them cosplaying Sakura and her mom from, “Naruto.” I feel like cosplaying for tween Fleur was one of her confidence boosters and adult Fleur has to thank her anime phase for that lol
Bhihaar is that confused parent about the anime lingo/terminology but is happy to see Fleur happy and confident amongst her fellow weebs. The last image of them is a bit hard to read but Fleur bought a figure and Bhihaar said it would be a good idea to get a bag. The only bag available is one promoting an Otome Romance game- he offered to hold it in Fleur’s stead.
And yes, tween Fleur played Otome romance games but the ones that were appropriate for her age group. Idk if that’s something, I’ve vaguely going off an old innocent flash dating sims from y8.com and this other zombie apocalypse one that was a mobile game. An innocent one because I know some dating sims can be suggestive.
The last sketch is Fleur realizing she’s gonna have to face her tween past with Razer and prepare for the laughs he will make lol
I had to include the last sketch because I know Fleur would have the best reaction to Razer catching a glimpse of a scrapbook she forgot to hide much better 😆
Razer belongs to my dear friend @jack-toons
Once I get some other pieces finished I gotta do a Shiyoon and Cha’l one because 1) Cha’l loves his wife’s love for anime but he doesn’t understand the lore of most anime lol and 2) I get a kick out of the sketch I made of their son, Iry talking about an anime with him and asking Shiyoon to help him understand! Oh the hilarity!
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thanatasia · 2 years
POV: this post is gonna hit the nostalgia for some of you lol
This series is an ode/friendship letter to 2007 - 2012 AMVs but with a Gelfling twist lol One of these Gelfs is listening to Cascada- we all know which song lol
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Only six so far. Idk who will be the cut off but I know who is gonna be in the next bunch!
I had come back from Anime NYC when I sat at a pizzeria that played; Pain by Three Days Grace and when I tell you my nostalgia ignited- I remembered the early days of YouTube (the anime side of it) and the thousands of AMVs my sister and I would watch. Then I also remembered those iPod anime compilations some people posted where it mimicked the iPod ads and used silhouettes of said characters.
OMG the music! The AMVs with the ICONIC songs of the genre and era of early internet anime fandom. The endearing moviemaker watermarks, filters, and transitions. Fanart used without the artist’s knowledge or consent. A lot of dance pop. I was thrown back and it only continued when my sister and I reminisced and listened to some of our favorite AMV songs.
What a marvelous time. Literally any song/most songs you typed in would have an amv, or a slideshow. I believe many of the AMVs my sister and I watched are either deleted, privated or taken down for copyright. The worst is a, Nightwish Sleeping Sun AMV that was BEAUTIFUL sad but well paced, but I believe it’s gone because I can’t find it anymore.
Present day AMVs are good- I saw a recent one for Demon Slayer S2 that was chef’s kiss. The crisp animation makes them more epic compared to the charming but also kinda wonky animated clips in AMVs of anime before 2010-ish.
This was also a mini test to see how recognizable some of my Ocs are when they’re just a silhouette. I’m gonna tag their names below but for funsies in my long description I won’t name them although the placement of a few of them is gonna give it away lol
2 of these Ocs belong to my dear friend @jack-toons / @myfanartblogplusshippingtrash Again, I think we can all tell who they are because 1) their characters have strong silhouettes. And 2) the Gelfling they’re next to give it away lol
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thanatasia · 1 year
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I had come across @violettenouvel #kissartfebruary and had to participate!
I forgot to include the day and the prompt name (First Kiss)- maybe I was too excited because this is the first full color anything I actually completed since I had these two cosplaying as Sarah and Jareth the Goblin King. I can’t promise the others will be just as grand as this one- I have an important project I have to complete so the rest might be clean inks with tones.
You know OceanPetals had to be first lol
Sunsets are their thing at least when I draw them. Don’t ask me why I gave Fleur so many blues/blue violets in her design, I was too excited drawing the first time I guess 😅 The background I wanted to use at first was a moonlight but it was making her disappear.
Their first kiss happens sometime after Fleur gives her big confession to Razer. Oh boy do I have a preliminary script for her dialogue. One of these days we’ll see it as either a comic or storyboard mock up.
A soft yet firm first kiss to show the emotions of that moment. Fleur’s been dying to kiss Razer, and the knowledge of having her feelings reciprocated makes it all the more beautiful to her.
I’m pretty proud of myself with this coloring style. Mostly line-less aside from areas that really needed it. I plan to work more in this coloring style to get it to a place where I feel confident doing it more often.
Razer belongs to my dear friend @jack-toons and you can find more of their drawings at @myfanartblogplusshippingtrash
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thanatasia · 2 years
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This is a messy doodle of a random thought that came to mind of how Kiel and Fleur first met
Before the two of them found their soulmates Kiel and Cha’l would kinda hype the other up to strike a conversation with a Gelfling that caught their eye. In this instance things didn’t go down how they normally did- Kiel finally got to see the sister Cha’l would talk about- and witnessed Cha’l’s overly protective big brother side XD
Kiel didn’t put two and two together when he first saw Fleur because at first glance she and Cha’l don’t automatically look like siblings (mostly because their skin tones/patterns are very different, but that hair is a dead giveaway lol)
Idk if my handwriting is too hard to read since I was speeding it so I’ll type the dialogue here:
Kiel: Hey Cha’l! Check out that cutie.
Kiel: Do you think she’ll give a guy like me a chance?
Cha’l: NO
Kiel: Ouch Cha’l what-
Cha’l: That’s my sister
Kiel: … You have a cute sister?
Kiel: Chill! I was looking at her respectively
The big splotch on the second image was Cha’l basically saying that he didn’t want to see Fleur get her heart broken. Before this moment Fleur confessed to Rek’yr but was rejected. She was by the Sifan market to have a little retail therapy and surprise her brother.
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thanatasia · 2 years
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My buddy @rubyonthra had a ctiys contest on IG so you know your girl had to participate in that one lol
If you have IG you should give their page a look! Maybe consider drawing a little something too just for fun, you know I’m gonna find some way to draw EnchantedSandstorms and WanderingSails- they are the trinity and must be respected lol
The theme was to take your Dark Crystal Ocs and create a crossover with another series/film by Jim Henson. I love Labyrinth, it changed my life- 80’s fantasy films are just magic. The aesthetic, the outfits, music, character designs- I could go on. Ever since I saw the movie on Netflix last year (or maybe it was the beginning of this year) the ballroom scene was stuck in my head. David Bowie’s vocals, the dreamy look of everything and the dance between Jareth and Sarah was my favorite part.
Fleur being a Thra fashion icon and fan of a cute outfit, she was a perfect choice for this piece. You can’t have OceanPetals without Razer so of course he was dressed up as Jareth the Goblin King! OceanPetals is iconic and they are the moment lol I had so much fun drawing this piece.
The background was supposed to be from the film buuut, I couldn’t make out exactly what everything was (I believe that’s the point) so I opted to draw a stained glass-esque window in the colors of the dark crystal instead. The warmth from that backdrop makes them pop more than the pale blues/white of the actual ballroom in the film.
The second piece is a little doodle I had made about Fleur’s reaction to Razer in his cosplay and Razer’s reaction to needing to style his hair in a mullet.
Fleur belongs to me. Razer belongs to my dear friend @jack-toons / @myfanartblogplusshippingtrash
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thanatasia · 2 years
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Some more IG stories I did a while ago! I wanna a,let a separate post of any of the ones I have that feature other Ocs who belong to anyone on Tumblr as well.
1. Azra was a shy little girl but her Gran, Inaya helped bring her out of her shell. Gran Inaya is the one who taught Azra all there is to know about soothsaying. Azra’s backstory is sad- I forgot how sad she was as a childling until I began writing this down. Poor baby. The good thing is that she’s doing much better nowadays.
2. One day I have to draw the triple date because that 100% happened and you know there were laughs and fun expressions going on. When the shipping trinity is all in one place one would be blessed with good vibes lol. This particular piece is happening on that legendary triple date, EnchantedSandstorms is running fashionably late because they are the OG ship between myself and my friend Jack-Toons lol. Fleur is excited to finally meet Sammi because Kiel definitely brought them up to her when she passed by the Sifa shores. Razer is already acquainted with both Kiel and Sammi and is the one to thank for setting them up together (just don’t tell Fleur that his intentions weren’t to help Kiel find love)
I love them so so much!!!! Although I couldn’t draw the trinity together, all three ships are so happy and in love with their respective partners. It always shows on their faces. They all have my heart!!!! 💖
Razer and Sammi belong to my dear friend @jack-toons / @myfanartblogplusshippingtrash
3. The only thing killing this piece is that I assigned that shade of pink to Saffron and instead of me choosing a night sky I chose a pinky sunset lol. Poor baby is merging with the background 😅. Teaching Saffron how to fly is one of Fleur’s many treasured memories since becoming a mother. She also likes to occasionally dress Saffron in a matching outfit. Bless the OceanPetals family they are so sweet- all of the ship’s families are sweet!!
4. The reverse au has me in a choke hold and I am succumbing happily 😂 Reverse Takoda and Adora are fun because they are so different from their og counterparts that the OG’s would try hiding their faces. I’m still surprised that for the most part Taokda doesn’t have a sad childhood, or messed up parents/family members, or was bullied- the gentle lad escaped somehow lol. No one besides my friend knows the full length of Adora and Elkie’s childhood. We still need to see Reverse Elkie, she’s a gem lol
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thanatasia · 2 years
I live! Just very busy with a lot of things.
In between a commission, I pieced together this reels for IG. These things usually look neater due to video editing apps buuuut I don't have one of those yet (and don't know how to use them 🥲) hence the shaky video and sound.
There were a few ocs that I heard the voices and knew just who I would put for them. Others I had to choose what sounded close in my head.
I love how no one really likes Tore and he ended up getting the longest part lol
All of these are sketches from many months- about a year ago. If some look nicer than others that's most likely why.
Cha'l gets the lost one because he CANNOT sing to save his life. Only his wife, Shiyoon, can listen to him without covering her ears. It's also funny that the only gelf who can't sing, he also gets a long part.
In the future I want to redo this with better drawings and probably different ocs.
I know myself and I will write a paragraph explaining why I chose who for each part, but I'll save everyone the lecture 😅
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thanatasia · 2 years
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It’s many a moon since my last post. Here’s two gifs I made for IG reels. I unfortunately don’t know how to extract sound and make a proper video so these are the silent versions.
The first is from the, I’m Sat, meme/audio featuring young Bhihaar and Maeve. I forgot to add Bhihaar’s tattoos when I made this last month.
The second is just a small compilation of some wip’s I have…I have many many wip’s lol
Currently I’m working on a commission so I won’t post much until that piece is done, but I hope these two little gifs are enjoyable.
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