#floaroma sanctuary adoption spotlight
floaroma-sanctuary · 1 year
Adoption Spotlights
Listed below are Pokémon currently available for adoption from Floaroma Sanctuary that we have featured in our adoption spotlights. This is not reflective of ALL of the Pokémon currently available at the Sanctuary. If you have any inquiries, please message the blog anytime or stop in to the Sanctuary Monday-Friday, 8 am to 7 pm, or Saturday, noon to 5 pm!
Dimple and Dot the Dittos (bonded pair) Pear the Cacturne (battling only) Racket the Scorbunny (non-contests) Merry the Cubchoo (anxious, companion only) Zeus the Flaaffy (livestock adoption only) Wiggles the Scatterbug (suitable for battling, contest, and companionship) Bertie the Magneton (non-contests) William the Shiny Magby (non-contests) Halo the Kirlia (seeing eye guide) Chowder the Munchlax (allergy alert Pokémon) Lyra the Jigglypuff (narcolepsy service Pokémon) Candy the Cherrim (non-battling) Mary the Kangaskhan (companion only) Rouge the Shiny Liepard (suitable for battling, contests, and companionship) Lavinia the Roselia (suitable for battling, contest, and companionship) Powder the Frosmoth (companion only) Cadenza the Primarina (contests only) Wellie and Galosh the Shellos (great travelers!) Spike the Larvitar (Experience preferred) Thimble and Theft the Mareanies (experience preferred, not bonded) Equinox the Solrock and Solstice the Lunatone (bonded pair) Smoky the Sandshrew (suitable for battling, contests, & companionship) Diana the Nidoqueen (Senior Pokémon) Oliver the Rowlet (suitable for battling, contests, & companionship) Sassy the Totodile (non-contests) Jester the Gengar and Missy the Espeon (bonded pair) Timmy the Toedscool (disabled, no experience necessary) Melody the Milotic (non-battling) Cheddar and Colby the Tandemaus (immunocompromised) Addie and Susie the Plusle and Minun (bonded service Pokémon) Crystal the Froslass (suited for battling, contests, & companionship) Arthur the Aerodactyl (suited for battling & companionship)
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chomperblue · 1 year
Hi Beau! Lovely to see you again. :)
I adore reading your adoption spotlights. All of the Pokémon in your sanctuary look so sweet and healthy, it's clear how much effort you put into their care. Do you play piano for them sometimes? My Pokémon love music, maybe the ones on your sanctuary will to!
You've reached out to multiple trainers about adopting Pokémon in your sanctuary and that dedication is so admirable. I hope you stick around Rotomblr as long as possible, I love seeing you on my dash. :)
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floaroma-sanctuary · 1 year
Adoption Spotlight!
So, Haven, Micah, and Henry turned off all of my alarms, which caused me to actually sleep in today and made me miss making my adoption spotlight! Apparently, I'm supposed to do nothing today, but I'm sneaking this adoption spotlight out to all of you. Sh! Don't tell! 😜 Today's Shadowy Sunday is for a special little friend! It's Noah the Nickit!
Noah came to us as an owner surrender. Turns out the trainer just was unaware of all the care that goes into Nickits, and he couldn't keep up. He also had no Dark-type experience. Noah has been doing well with us, and he's perfectly happy and healthy.
Noah is very skilled at anything he sets his mind to with proper motivation and a dedicated trainer. Nickits are incredibly smart and need A LOT of mental stimulation. They are tricky and like to find loopholes in rules and how far they can push boundaries. He'd make a great battler or contest Pokémon (he's such a ham!), and we think he'd be a great companion for the right person.
Noah absolutely LOVES puzzles of all kinds! Mazes, treat puzzles, magic tricks, obstacle courses, etc. He breezes through most of them, but it's the ones that challenges him that he loves the most. We have a few he still hasn't figured out that will be adopted with him!
Noah, while very friendly, is a stereotypical Nickit. They are known to have a mean streak, so we recommend that Noah go to a home without small children. He does fine with other Pokémon though! Once he approves of someone, he will be overtly lovey and attached, but he may start as a little standoffish.
If Noah has stolen your heart, contact Floaroma Sanctuary at this blog, or stop in anytime, Monday-Friday, 8 am to 7 pm, or Saturday, noon to 5 pm.
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floaroma-sanctuary · 1 year
Adoption Spotlight!
Monday starting fresh during the World’s Fair in Kalos! Let’s go around the world this week for diverse Pokémon! Starting with Kanto, it’s Lyra the Jigglypuff!
Lyra is a service Pokémon that is trained to help people with narcolepsy. Sadly, she was not a good match for the person who had bought her due to previously unknown allergies, and she was brought to us to find her a new home with an owner that would really benefit from her.
Lyra, as a narcolepsy service ‘mon, is trained to alert when a narcoleptic episode is imminent, fetch help in case of injury, retrieve any medicine or items needed, protect her partner from physical harm, and waking her partner in the event of an episode. She is very well-trained in these tasks and will not be adopted to anyone that does not present need for her. The point of a service Pokémon is to promote and foster independence and provide much needed medical assistance, not to be a cute pet.
Lyra, when she’s not working, is a typical Jigglypuff. She’s musically inclined and very sweet! While she can have a bit of a temper, it usually only happens if her work is being impeded. She loves a good cuddle and gets along great with everyone!
If Lyra sounds like the perfect match for your care, contact Floaroma Sanctuary at this blog or stop in anytime Monday-Friday, 8 am to 7 pm, or Saturday, noon to 5 pm.
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floaroma-sanctuary · 1 year
Adoption Spotlight!
Friday seems to be a great day for bringing in a little more heat. This Fiery Friday is for William the Shiny Magby!
William came to us from a shiny mill raid. He was malnourished, sick, and much smaller than his siblings. He received extensive medical care and is now thriving thanks to our wonderful vet!
William is an incredibly skilled battler! He’s a very fast learner and loves the thrill of it. He doesn’t really care for contests, but we believe he would also do well as a companion Pokémon with the right person who can give him plenty of physical activity.
William currently has no health issues related to his initial upbringing and genetics, but he would have to be monitored with your vet just in case. He does okay enough with small children, but he is most comfortable around teens and adults. This goes for Pokémon, too.
William, when he’s not battling or participating in physical activity, loves to be artistic! He particularly loves painting. His painting supplies and any other of his art supplies will be adopted with him.
William, as a Magby, has delicate skin. He has a special lotion that needs to be put on daily to keep him moisturized. He is a Fire-type, so he will need sponge baths on a regular basis in addition to his lotions. The occasional hose downs when very dirty is fine, but he will need to be dried gently and have his lotion put on right after. His lotion and other grooming items will be adopted with him.
If William is lighting a fire in your heart, contact Floaroma Sanctuary at this blog or stop in anytime Monday-Friday, 8 am to 7 pm, or Saturday, noon to 5 pm.
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floaroma-sanctuary · 1 year
Adoption Spotlight!
Thunder Thursday has swung right back around, which is fitting with the heavy thunderstorms hitting Floaroma today! Our star is absolutely LOVING this weather. It's Tide the Alolan Raichu!
Tide has a bit of a history. He came to a rehab center a few years ago as an injured wild Pokémon. He then was bounced from facility to facility until he was finally placed with us last year. Due to the amount of moving he had been made to do, he found it very hard to trust his caretakers as he was never able to bond with any of them. Normally, Pokémon are not moved around so much, but he met a series of very unfortunate events completely out of anyone's control. Tide is now doing significantly better and is ready to find his forever home!
Tide is a little timid at first, but he completely changes once he's comfortable! He is a very happy, easygoing Pokémon, and he loves to play. He loves being by the water, especially during very stormy weather.
Tide has had tough times with meeting new people, but he does like them. He just needs extra time to warm up to new people. However, little kids are too much for him. We recommend he go to a home of all adults or with older kids/teenagers. He does not have the same reservations with other Pokémon though!
Tide has a favorite conch shell that he likes to take with him everywhere. It will be adopted with him, along with the shell necklace he made in one of our arts and crafts times.
If Tide is the spark to your heart, message the Floaroma Sanctuary anytime, or stop in Monday-Friday, 8 am to 7 pm, or Saturday, noon to 5 pm.
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floaroma-sanctuary · 1 year
Adoption Spotlight!
Thunder Thursday is bringing I think an unintentional theme. Summertime always brings more people on the water, which, unfortunately, means more Water-types being brought in for one reason or another. Today's spotlight is an absolute dear! Leora the Chinchou!
Leora came to us as an injured, presumably abandoned Pokémon. Chinchou already do not have the greatest of vision, but her eyes were damaged by what we assume as a larger, more aggressive Pokémon. She is blind, but she retains light perception. She's otherwise very happy, healthy, and young.
Leora does not do well at all with battling, which is one reason we believe she was abandoned. She likes the lights flashing at contests, but that's about it. For the most part, she's pretty content being able to swim around and spend time with the people she likes.
Despite her blindness, we are not requiring experience with blindness for her future adopter. We do ask that she be kept as a companion Pokémon and spoiled rotten though! We also recommend attending some of our classes on caring for your disabled Pokémon.
Leora LOVES water, even for a Water-type. She has a favorite disco ball toy that flashes lights and plays music that will be adopted with her, and she loves moving it around in her tank and in the river that runs through the Sanctuary. Anything that flashes and plays music and can survive the water is her jam!
Leora is required to have free access to enough water for her to submerge herself and move around comfortably. She does alright on land, but she would need to be monitored for any signs of dehydration. Chinchou are naturally a deep sea Pokémon and are not as accustomed to dry land, even the captive bred ones.
If Leora is lighting up your heart, contact Floaroma Sanctuary at this blog or stop in anytime Monday-Friday, 8 am to 7 pm, or Saturday, noon to 5 pm.
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floaroma-sanctuary · 1 year
Adoption Spotlight!
Happy Sunny Saturday, everyone! This day is for our Grass- and Bug-types! Today's star is the busy little Combee, Elizabeth!
Elizabeth is as sweet as honey, and she's cute to boot! She'd make a wonderful addition to any home or Pokémon team, she's that versatile!
Elizabeth was rejected by her previous hive as too many female Combee were born within close proximity, but she has been thriving here! We've come to believe she may work best as a solo Combee (or Vespiqueen if you take the time to help her thrive). She'd have to be very carefully introduced to a new hive if you wish for her to take over as queen.
Elizabeth loves music and will sing along with you! She loves children's and folk songs the best so far, but maybe there's a kind of music out there that she'll love even more! She has a music box that will come with her when she's adopted that she likes to play before she goes to sleep.
If you'd like to bring Elizabeth home, send us an ask or stop on in Monday-Friday, 8 am to 7 pm, or Saturday, noon to 5 pm!
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floaroma-sanctuary · 1 year
Adoption Spotlight!
Today is pretty hot, so let’s cool it off with Fairy Friday. Today’s star is Winnie the Hatterene!
Winnie came to us as a little Hatenna from a smuggling bust. She stayed with a lovely foster, my Pokémon vet Dr. Evander Storm, until he felt she was ready to return to the Sanctuary. She had a strong desire to evolve, possibly due to past trauma, and he safely helped her through that process twice. Winnie is now much happier and healthier, and she is thriving!
Winnie has done extremely well with both mock battles and contests, but she has very little drive for either. She has been a huge help though as an Emotional Support Pokémon with both Dr. Storm and with me at the Sanctuary. We feel it be best that she be allowed to continue in a caretaking role with her new family. As much as either of us would enjoy keeping her, she deserves someone that can devote much more time to caring for HER.
When she's not helping out with caring for others, Winnie loves to create. She's very artistically inclined. Her favorite has been drawing, particularly still life. She has incredible attention to detail, and she loves to gift the drawings she does to the subjects or display them. They're her treasures, and she will be adopted with any of the works she wishes to take home with her.
Winnie does love a good grooming session and is very image-conscious. She is almost entirely independent but may need some help, so she will need plenty of time to get ready at the beginning of the day and time to clean herself up whenever she needs to. Being dirty or unkempt really stresses her out.
If Winnie sounds like your new best friend, contact Floaroma Sanctuary at this blog or stop in anytime Monday-Friday, 8 am to 7 pm, or Saturday, noon to 5 pm.
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floaroma-sanctuary · 1 year
Adoption Spotlight!
Stop number 5 on our World Tour is Unova! It's Jett the Deino!
Jett was an owner surrender. She's a wonderful little Pokémon, but her previous trainer was completely unaware of Deino behaviors. After a few too many times of getting bit and hit, he gave Jett to us. She's young and healthy, so she's ready for her forever home!
Jett loves to meet other people and Pokémon! However, due to some behaviors that she has, we recommend she not go to a home with small children or young Pokémon.
Jett is a very typical Deino, meaning that she was born unable to see. In order to explore her world, Jett rams herself into things and puts them in her mouth. She has been doing wonderful with her training though and knows how to gently feel things with her head and mouth. She may need some redirection, and she also has a chewy necklace that we have been using with much success with her!
Jett loves to play! She's very loving, and she loves to be curled up in any lap she can get into. Her favorite thing to do is roll around in the grass. She was most likely born deep in a cave, like many other Deino, so grass is still a novelty for her. She also has a couple of chew toys that will be adopted with her.
If Jett is gnawing on your heart, contact Floaroma Sanctuary at this blog or stop in anytime Monday-Friday, 8 am to 7 pm, or Saturday, noon to 5 pm.
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floaroma-sanctuary · 1 year
Adoption Spotlight!
Since last Friday was Fire Friday, let's cool it off a bit with Fairy Friday! Fairy-types are a newer discovery in Pokémon classification, which means there is A LOT of misinformation out there about these wonderful Pokémon! Today's Pokémon though is very familiar to many, many people: Happy the Mimikyu!
Mimikyu took the world by storm when they were discovered, with their desire to be loved as much as humans love Pikachu. Happy the Mimikyu came to us, scared and sick. We believe he may have accidentally hitched a ride to Sinnoh on one of the cargo ships or planes, but we can't be sure.
Happy is much, well, happier now! He's a shy little guy, but once you get to know him, he really shines! He's a little bit mischievous and has been known to hide keys and phones and anything else that may inconvenience you and get him attention. He's quite the rascal!
Happy does very well with other Pokémon and people, but he can be a little bit of an attention hog. We have been working on it, but it would need to be a continued point of work with Happy. He loves toys, but there's none that we've found that he has a special preference for. He even refused to pick out his own toy when we stopped at the Pokémart.
If you'd like to take Happy to pick out his own toy while he steals your heart, please contact Floaroma Sanctuary here at this blog, or stop in anytime Monday-Friday, 8 am to 7 pm, or Saturday, noon to 5 pm.
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floaroma-sanctuary · 1 year
Adoption Spotlight!
Thunder Thursday has swung around again, bringing some light in the darkness. Blush the Shiny Pawmi cracks onto the scene!
We believe Blush was brought from Paldea and released here in Sinnoh, which immediately made him a target for local Pokémon on top of his Shiny coat. He was eventually caught and brought to us by some very kind people!
Blush is the sweetest little cuddle bug! He will attach himself to you, and he’s very much a people’s Pokémon. While he doesn’t dislike other Pokémon, he’s largely disinterested in them and will only occasionally initiate any type of interaction with them. He will climb all over people though!
Blush loves to help and has been a hit in our Friday Poffin Cooking classes! Sadly, no one seems to want to take him home yet though! He follows commands extremely well, and he is still young with plenty of energy.
Blush is, on top of everything, a beautiful shade of pink! He is a Shiny Pawmi, which doesn’t come with any health risks or behavioral problems, but it may put him at risk of other Pokémon and their reactions to him. He would require an introduction to any new Poké-siblings before adoption.
Blush will be bringing both his static-reducing brush and his favorite yarn ball to his brand new home. He loves to be groomed and play with his people, so these are definite NEEDS for him.
If you’d like to bring this tiny cutie home with you, feel free to message the Sanctuary here or stop in anytime Monday-Friday, 8 am to 7 pm, or Saturday, noon to 5 pm.
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floaroma-sanctuary · 1 year
Adoption Spotlight!
Sunny Saturday has come once more (even if it isn't very sunny today), but we have a wonderful Bug-type to showcase today. Wiggles the Scatterbug!
Wiggles was brought to us by the rangers as an abandoned Pokémon. He was not doing well in the Sinnoh wilds as non-native Pokémon don't do well upon owner release, on top of being a domestic Pokémon. We can't seem to figure out why Wiggles was dumped, but he's happy and thriving and ready for his new home.
Wiggles enjoys battling and contests, but he would also do wonderfully as a companion! He is very hardworking and eager to please, and he would love to bond with his trainer.
Wiggles gets along with all people and Pokémon. He has shown some nervousness with small children, but we're positive it's due to lack of exposure. We've been working on this, and he's becoming much braver! If you choose to continue socializing him with small children, you will need to still very carefully monitor the environment and make sure the children are treating him gently as he is usually much smaller than the child he's with.
Wiggles LOVES to be outside in nature. He cannot get enough of our gardens at the Sanctuary, and he loves helping in them. He even fought off a couple of wild Wurmples that were trying to eat our vegetable plants. He's a very brave little guy that takes a lot of pride in the work he does.
If Wiggles sounds like a perfect match, contact Floaroma Sanctuary at this blog or stop in anytime, Monday-Friday, 8 am to 7 pm, or Saturday, noon to 5 pm.
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floaroma-sanctuary · 1 year
Adoption Spotlight!
Next stop on our world tour is Johto! It’s Spiral the Furret!
Spiral was an owner surrender as her previous owner didn’t know how big Furrets can get, and Spiral is a big girl! She perfectly happy and healthy, and she was originally bred and trained as a PTSD service Pokémon.
Spiral is a friendly and relaxed Pokémon who attunes very easily with those around her, but she would really need her one person to bond with. Spiral is trained to provide deep pressure, retrieve medications or comfort items, find assistance in case of medical emergencies, interrupt harmful or dissociative behavior, and guarding her partner. She could easily be trained to do any other task necessary for your care. Spiral is a trained service Pokémon and will not be adopted to anyone who does not present a need for her assistance.
Spiral, when she’s not working, is very relaxed and just loves to cuddle. She also loves being groomed, and it’s a great way to bond with her! She has her own brush, shampoo, and a few accessories she likes to wear that will be adopted with her along with her service vest.
If Spiral sounds like your perfect partner, contact Floaroma Sanctuary at this blog or stop in anytime Monday-Friday, 8 am to 7 pm, or Saturday, noon to 5 pm.
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floaroma-sanctuary · 1 year
Adoption Spotlight!
Thunder Thursday is here with a lovely young Pokémon! Thor the Pichu!
Thor was abandoned on our grounds, sick and emaciated. He has made a full recovery now, and he's as happy and healthy as any other Pichu his age. We believe he is very young and may have been within a few weeks of hatching when he was abandoned.
Thor has had some difficulties with femme-presenting people. We're not sure why, but he has been doing incredible with my mom. She has even been fostering him. We do request that he be around primarily masculine-presenting people for a little while as he settles and that this be continuously worked on in his new home. He does not have the same reservations with other Pokémon and actually prefers female Pokémon!
Thor has loved our mock battles and contests, but he's still very young and just prefers playing. He loves to play with other Pokémon and his person/people, and he constantly getting into things. He may need some time to grow up before he joins these things, but he may just be a companion Pokémon for the rest of his life. It all depends on how he grows and the enrichment and training his potential adopter gives him.
Thor honestly loves being out in the garden. He loves helping out in the dirt and plants. While flowers so far are his favorite, particularly roses, he LOVES Berries, vegetables, and fruits. Especially tomatoes!! The same is not said for Tamato Berries. Thor will have a static-reducing brush adopted with him as well as the tomato plant he personally planted in a pot. It's getting ready to have the first ripe tomatoes, and he's VERY excited for it.
If Thor lights a spark in you, contact Floaroma Sanctuary at this blog or stop in anytime from Monday-Friday, 8 am to 7 pm, or Saturday, noon to 5 pm.
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floaroma-sanctuary · 1 year
Adoption Spotlight!
We have two incredible Pokémon that haven’t been featured in our spotlights but attended the IPCAE with me this year. Today, we’re introducing you to one of them! It’s Diamond the Meowstic!
Diamond was found in an abandoned shiny mill, starving and very sick with a couple of other Meowstics. She was rushed to receive medical attention and spent many long, hard months healing. It was very touch and go, and some things were irreversibly changed about her. Diamond can no longer see as a result of the long term neglect. When she was deemed well enough, she came to stay with us to be socialized and receive the love and care she needed. She is now very healthy and happy, and we hope to find her a forever home that can love and care for her!
Diamond is completely blind, but we are not currently requiring experience with blindness. We are requiring experience with Psychic-type Pokémon and trauma though. She has some behavioral issues due to the neglect that we have been working on, and she is doing really well with. These would have to continue to be worked on in her new home.
Diamond doesn’t mind other Pokémon, but she tends to bond very strongly with one person and only one person. She can be rather possessive, which can be expected from her history. It’s for this reason we recommend a one person household, absolutely no children.
Diamond substitutes her lack of vision with exceptional Psychic abilities. She is very independent once she learns layouts of things and can fill in the gaps of her knowledge with her Psychic abilities.
Diamond doesn’t particularly care for battling or contests. She would excel as a companion Pokémon with lots of attention.
Diamond likes to play but really loves being groomed. It’s an excellent bonding activity as it helps grow trust and care. She also enjoys the feeling, and she particularly loves bath time. She does NOT like swimming though!
If Diamond would make your perfect partner, contact Floaroma Sanctuary at this blog or stop in anytime Monday-Friday, 8 am to 7 pm, or Saturday, noon to 5 pm.
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