#floaroma sanctuary
floaroma-sanctuary · 1 year
International Pokémon Care and Adoption Exhibition (IPCAE)
Event dates: August 28th-September 3rd. Location: Veilstone Convention Center, Veilstone City, Sinnoh. Run by: @floaroma-sanctuary Details: This event is aimed at Pokémon sanctuaries, rescues, daycares, adoption centers, shelters, etc. to come together and share knowledge and make connections as well as an exhibition of any Pokémon they may have available for adoption. It's also meant to educate the public as well and will have several different lectures, hopefully targeting different age groups.
The event is "officially" hosted by the Pokémon Care Collective, an international Pokémon care union that coordinates communication between different facilities and with authorities like the Rangers Union, and it standardizes care practices and education to make it accessible.
Needed: - General Attendees - Lecturers - Runners of Pokémon Care blogs!!!
Stakes: NO STAKES! It's supposed to be a fun, light-hearted event that hopefully opens up the floor for connecting with other blogs with similar concepts or adoption storylines.
No planning Discord, but you're welcome to contact the blog above if you have any questions or ideas to add! It's a looser format, so feel free to run wild. Just keep in mind it is focused on Pokémon care! It's a completely open event, so anyone can participate!
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Hello, Nico! I hope you had a safe trip home! I’ve always been curious, but how did you get into Dark-type care?
hey Beau! thanks again for all your help Squire's been getting along great with Ban and he can't wait to meet the rest of my guys (he's nervous but Ban's been helping him a lot)
as for how I got into dark type care! it's a bit of a long story but i'm always happy to talk about it!
for those that dont wanna read the long ass story, tldr; i came across a half frozen absol on mt lanakila and i had no idea on how to care for him. i got him unfrozen but he Did Not trust me. my houndoom got him to at least have faith that i wouldnt harm him and got him off the mountain. nanu was called by the pokemon center and i thought he was the coolest person id ever seen and i begged asked him to teach me what he knew. he did and i brought that back to Johto when i moved and now im using it to teach others through Moonlight Rescue!
when I was little dark type pokemon had just about been discovered and there... wasn't really a whole lot of discussion on how to care for them.
i had lived in Johto for a little bit before my family moved to Alola. i had my starter Astro (a cyndaquil) and i grew up there, eventually getting to partake in the island challenge and it was up until i caught Temis (houndour). I knew how to take care of fire types between Astro and Ban but when it came to Temis it was just... harder.
i wasn't doing things that i could've easily been doing to help provide her needs but i literally couldn't because the research wasn't as wildly available because she was half dark type. i couldn't even really rely on the pokedex for a lot of it (burned by a houndoom and itll hurt forever get out of here, it hurts for a while but certainly not forever like any other burn)
things thankfully went well and it wasn't actually until i was a lot older and came across an injured absol up on Mount Lanakila. Astro (now a typhlosion) took him to a cave we found and took shelter and he was half frozen. thankfully my fire types helped warm him up but he was rightfully wary about me, nothing i did could help him and i felt... helpless. i had a typhlosion, a salandit and a houndoom but he would not come near me in the small cave. he didn't eat, didn't sleep, wouldn't take his eyes off me.
through Temis i got him to at least have some faith that I wouldn't hurt him and that i just wanted get him off this freezing mountain. i took him to Tapu Village and the pokemon center there got him stabilized with... a lot of difficulty.
they called the kahuna, Nanu, and he knew exactly what to do to help the absol relax, got him comfortable and just did everything I couldn't do.
im not gonna lie, i still think that was the coolest shit id ever seen and, well after a lot of persistent asking, Nanu taught me what he knew about caring for dark type pokemon. i retired from being a trainer and, eventually, moved back to Johto (which unfortunately was still a little behind the times in terms of dark type care)
i opened up Moonlight Shadows and im hoping that through it, not only can i care for dark types but also teach younger trainers (or older) how to care for them properly.
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pokeretailworker · 1 year
Hello, hello!
I hear you are looking to adopt a Porygon? We have one that we just got in, so I’m still learning about them! I’m happy to set up a time to meet them and give you any information I’ve been able to get so far?
That's great! Thank you for reaching out. I think I might be able to travel to Sinnoh this weekend. Would that work for you?
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pokemonranch · 11 months
Do you have room for a ghastly I can send over? I recently caught one that had decided to try and live in my house for some reason. I would keep it myself but it makes my raichu nervous
(And my umbreon keeps on trying to fight it and I worry for it’s own safety haha)
I unfortunately have my hands full taking care of a Cofagrigus and the occasional Misdreavus that gets lost inside one of our barns, but I can point you in the right direction. There are many shelters you can send it to, and many of them have Rotomblr accounts! Pokemon Pet Finder and Floaroma Sanctuary are the first ones that come to mind, but I'm sure there are many more. I've also heard that Kalos has a Ghost-type-only shelter you can check aswell if you happen to live nearby!
Also, if any of my followers are willing to adopt it, feel free to interact with this aswell! Hopefully it can find a forever home sooner than later.
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freerangeranger · 9 months
👽- What is a major headcanon that you made for your canon? Does it apply to how you see all pokemon canon?
👋 - What other blogs canonically exist in your world? This can be mutuals, people you like, or people who you agree with.
👽 Okay this is a hot take - but legendaries are not gods. I had a great discussion with some friends about this recently. Pokemon comes from a very different culture and understanding of religion than western media. Christianity has a long history of persecution in Japan - it has basically no cultural impact by comparison to Europe and America beyond pop culture use of christian iconography. There are Christians in Japan, but they make up 1-2% of the population.
If I were to sit down and write out a religion for - let's say the Kimono Girls and the Tin Tower Monks - I would turn to Shinto or Buddhist traditions for inspiration rather than Christian and Catholic dogma (which I am arguably more familiar with being a white person living in the Americas.)
The funny thing is that this isn't really a hot take looking at Pokemon canon. People really don't know anything about Arceus, Palkia, Dialga, Giratina, ect (which is like the closest we have to proper deities). The legendaries that are acknowledged aren't treated like omnipotent beings - more like powerful creatures to be respected and appeased. Would be kinda weird if your god could choke on a ratatta and die or get bodied by a 12 year old and their weird dog.
So yea. Long story short - Honey doesn't think Ho Oh is a god. She thinks it's a powerful pokemon that should be nurtured, and its home defended so that it returns to Ecruteak and uses it's awesome power in the service of the people. Her hometown of Blackthorn worships Dragons - which are clearly not gods but are still powerful and worthy of appeasement and tribute. Do what you want with your own character's beliefs but consider it. Could be fun to expand cultural horizons.
Or just make Arceus "Poke-Jesus", I'm not your mom.
👋 My personal blogs @/therangerunionoffical, @/xxumbreonespeonxx and @/prettyskitty973 are all in the same universe. (I have another blog on the way but it is very much a work in progress.)
The blogs that I actively interact with include @/paldean-ranger-brandy, @/professor-amaryllis, @/iheartnimbassacity, @/touya-san, @/skygodtraumabond @/aura-acolyte, @/galar-ranger-magnus, @/ringtownrangerlark and @/misdreavusmishap (among others.)
By extension this means that @/dustbuneary, @/meltanfan395, @/teamphobia, @/teamgamble, @/pokemonshelterstories, @/prof-lemon, @/sneasedtomeetyou, @/skrub-dubs, @/corkycare, @/fox-poke-fanatic, @/koffing-time, @/coinflipshade, @/eartheats *deep breath* @/floaroma-sanctuary, @/caoimhe-from-hoenn, @/the-koiking-pond, @/pokemoncenter, @/teamwinterofficial, @/pkmnsciencej... are all in the same universe. i have absolutely forgotten so many people i apologize in advance
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chomperblue · 1 year
Intro Post!
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[Icon made using CIM by Dolldivine]
Hey all! Maeve here, thought I should introduce myself. :)
I'm 26, live in a small town in Hoenn, and often visit family in Alola. I'm the local 'Pokémon Wrangler,' which really just means I take care of any Pokémon in town that end up where they shouldn't. When not called on a job, I sell honey from my Combee hives and jams and berries from my orchard. Many Pokémon consider my property their home, and I don't discourage them from visiting so long as they remain friendly.
My team (or really, the Pokémon who hang around the house the most) is currently six Pokémon strong!
Astrid is my Garchomp and my partner Pokémon. She tends to be standoffish, but she's a sucker for poképuffs if you have them <3
Cassia is my Luxray, she's very protective of me and offers comfort when I'm upset. She's wonderful with kids though, and I take her with me whenever I'm invited to a school to talk about Pokémon safety.
Bryony, my Mudsdale, helps with my work in the orchard and is my ride Pokémon whenever I travel. She's stubborn, like any Mudsdale, but my most loyal friend.
Dusty is my Arcanine, and definitely in love with Cassia (probably the main reason he sticks around). He likes lazing around in the sunbeams on my porch, and I sometimes have to clean up scorch marks when he soaks up too much heat.
Atlas is a Totodile, and adopted rescue from one of my wrangling jobs. He has been adopted by Astrid and she's been taking wonderful care of him; this is unexpected, but promising for Atlas' well being. Atlas loves running around after Astrid and being held by people.
Kiska is a shiny Mareanie (yes, I know her image is of a normal one) who I adopted from Floaroma Sanctuary. She's feisty, but has proven to be a great friend to my established team. I'm definitely keeping her away from the local kids until she's been trained.
That's most of my info! Questions / Asks / Interactions are welcome :)
ooc: As I am developing this blog information about the character(s) may change. Please keep content surrounding my blogs and interactions with me positive and respectful. No NSFW, drugs, or mentions of being drunk/inebriated. Thank you!
Current character list page here: chomperblue.tumblr.com/CharacterList
There are a couple of characters associated with this blog, but Maeve is the official 'owner' and so is the default speaker. Each character will have a tag associated with them to clarify who is speaking on each post or ask response. For example, Maeve is tagged as "#Chomper says hi," and Helena is tagged as "#Helena Posts."
//mod info below!
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[Picrew Here]
Hi! Call me Sundew. I’m a young adult, busy from Uni, based near the Arctic Circle. Please be kind! I curate my internet experience very harshly and will not interact with anyone/anything that makes me anxious. Tone indicators help a lot! (Especially when it comes to jokes) If you’d like to RP or plan an interaction drop me a DM!
I’d prefer if people under the age of 16 didn’t DM me. I want this blog to be enjoyable for anyone, but I’m uncomfortable with privately talking to someone younger than any of my real-life friends. Feel free to send an ask though!
If you want to send an ask to me instead of my characters, just address it to Sundew. :)
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Hello! I'm Saint, he/it/glub and neos for pronouns.
I'm here to share my experiences as a Pokemon veterinarian, and share my studies about Pokemon medicine and provide education for those who want/need it!
11/20/23 - Now a part of the Taskforce Division! I hope to help however I possibly can :]
My current Pokemon are...
Confetti - Female Mimikyu! Loves going to craft stores with me so she can get new fabric for costumes
Shadow - Male Hisuian Zoroark. Hobby is transforming into Apple Pie to get more snacks
Apple Pie - Female Appletun
Jello - Female Goodra
Times New Roman - Male Noivern
Graveyard - Male Houndstone
And, my service mon, Wishbone, a male shiny Mabosstiff
10/07/2023 - Introducing Winnie, a female Hatterene, who acts as an Emotional Support Pokemon! I adopted her from @floaroma-sanctuary and I highly recommend any trainer go adopt from them if they're looking for a 'mon!
10/30/2023 - Introducing Betelgeuse, my primary service 'mon! He's a Houndoom
11/06/2023 - Wow another one! Introducing Deviled Egg, a SHINY, HISUIAN Arcanine my friend Siouxsie got me! She's for mobility
And more! In my free time, I try to complete the pokedex of every region. Also, there might be patient photos, if their trainer allows!
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\\OOC: i treat pokemon very much like animals! this blog is focused entirely on the games rather than the anime and does not treat instances of sapient pokemon as real. things may get a little gritty as i do talk about things like euthanasia, animal death, and animal medicine. i will do my best to tag those, but let me know if i miss something! I was heavily inspired by @pokemonshelterstories and @realpokemon , so big credit to them! Go check em out!
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iruludavare · 5 days
3, 6, 9, (and 12 too if you want) for Character Development Questions: Hard Mode
Character Development Questions: Hard Mode || Accepting
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6. Does your character have recurring themes in their dreams?
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  ��  Yes. In both dreams and nightmares, Serena's tend to have recurring themes. Particularly after the Geosenge incident with Team Flare, a vast majority of her nightmares will mess around with themes to do with that day— or, more specifically, people and events that were part of it. The most common ones to pop up would be, in no particular order: Lysandre, the unearthing of the Ultimate Weapon, finding Farris under the house, the screams of pokemon and people, and the moments spent trying to escape the base before the weapon was fired. They toy with the idea of loss, of if there was something that could have been done, or manifestations of Serena's very deep guilt around not being able to save everyone on that day— Lysandre included, although she would never admit that out loud. They are both her processing events, and feeding a negative feedback loop with Serena's development of a fear of falling asleep due to its association with those nightmares.
     For dreams, they concern themselves more with her family. Ones revolving around visible approval and pride from either one of her parents. Of her pokemon and friends out simply enjoying themselves. Usually, they take place in her hometown, likely due to Floaroma Town being a place of immense comfort for the heroine. That said, however, dreams very few and far between for her.
9. Is your character’s current socioeconomic status different than it was when they were growing up?
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     Yes. Serena grew up in Floaroma Town, and despite the name, the place is more like a village both in population size and structure. It is a remote location, far from other cities and towns within the region, built around the Floaroma Meadow by a surviving branch of the Celestica some couple hundred years ago. The place is very intent on preserving as much of the meadow and Eterna Forest as possible, along with their traditions and culture, and as such meant that it has been relatively untouched by industrialisation. This has, of course, places some strain on the relationship between the village and the Sinnohan government, especially when there is refusal to let the Fuego Ironworks or Valley Windworks expand, and resulted in it being somewhat difficult to find work unless they travel outside Floaroma.
     Serena was fortunate in that her mother, Grace, had been extremely good with her earnings from Rhyhorn racing— to the point where she did not have to work, could keep food on the table and water running, and help out others who were in need. And, of course, after her parents' divorce, there was support coming in from her father as well. They were not, however, particularly affluent or comfortable. Simply getting by on royalties from her mother's documentaries and savings, but not struggling too much. Tensions with money only really arose from a mix of Grace being reluctant to fund Serena's education at the ballet academy, and wanting to make absolutely sure they had enough money to get by until Serena fell into a job where it would no longer be a concern. Or during the winter months, where costs to keep the house warm put a strain on their budget. There is good reason why Serena felt she had to get a scholarship for the ballet academy in order to be able to attend, and it was not to show to her mother that she was a good dancer.
     After the events of X, Serena is a principal dancer and a champion of Kalos. To put it quite simply, she has more money than what she knows to do with. Even after making donations to charities or sanctuaries, contributing to the Pokemon Village, setting some aside for Emma, and running a nonprofit, it is not a worry. And, quite frankly, while she is definitely not ungrateful for it, Serena finds it deeply uncomfortable and anxiety-inducing. Which is why she tries to divide it up and put money into so many different things. Is she financially secure and stable now? Yes. Is it something she was ever taught how to be okay with and let go of money worries and woes? No.
     At the end of the day, she went from being a girl from an extremely remote village getting by well enough, to a hero and public figure making more money than she was ever taught how to anticipate or deal with.
3. What is/was your character’s relationship with their father like?
12. In what situation was your character the most calm they’ve ever been?
     Number 3 has been answered here and 12 answered here!
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newgrowthspaest · 11 months
Hello, recent events have brought this to mind so I wanted to broach the subject with you.
I have two service Pokémon from my childhood, currently 'soft retired' in a PC box as I am no longer in need of them both and they are a bonded pair. But they are quite long living Pokémon and require the mental stimulation of working 'Mons, not to mention, I'm quite certain they're unsatisfied with their retirement.
I was wondering if, as a service Pokémon trainer, you might be the person to ask about finding someone to rehome them? They're a Passimian Physical Assistant Pokémon named Court, and an Oranguru Emotional Support and Medical Alert Pokémon by the name of Marshall.
They're both around 50, so they should be able to work for another 30 odd years or so.
Sorry if this question is a bit difficult to address, and thank you for your time!
Answering this while getting onto a plane so I apologize if it is short.
A Passimian and Oranguru tired of their retirement hm? And a bonded pair, that does make things more complex...
To be honest Primm, I mostly work by request, training service pokemon as needed. I don't take in pokemon to adopt out, and I currently don't have the space...
I might direct you toward @/floaroma-sactuary instead? He actually runs a sanctuary that can take care of service pokemon until they find a suitable trainer. I've mentioned/reposted his work a few times on this blog, so he should be easy to find. And of course I wrote out his @.
I do wish you good luck! And apologies for not being more help than simply directing you towards someone else.
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gotta-pet-em-all · 1 year
You're back. Thank goodness. So much has happened. I'm going to need you and @floaroma-sanctuary on standby...
- Troy (@hearthome-habitant)
wh. what happened. should i be worried?
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floaroma-sanctuary · 1 year
Rotomblr, while I’m recovering from a very long night, I want to know! Who is considered the “baby” among your Pokémon? They don’t need to be the youngest, just the most spoiled baby.
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koffing-time · 1 year
I did not plan to make a post today because I'm at the gym. But Tix went out of their way and wrote me an Email (I've never received an email from them before) telling me i should make a post about this. @floaroma-sanctuary and @unown-sanctuary this one is for you guys!
Apparently, Jack and Muffin have been tending to Tix' newest Enigma Berry project, so much that the two of them were essentially completely in charge of the plant. And apparently, after relaying the advice from Prof. Papyrus, Jack was very interested in seeing his project flourish. Tix is happy to report that the bush has produced its first flower! - Olivia
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[An Aerodactyl wearing a Floaroma Sanctuary bandana circles the entrance to the rescue, landing on the mailbox. He had a package attached to his back with a note from Beau.]
"Hello, hello, Nico! Happy Diya no Peri! This will probably arrive earlier than the day, but I wanted to make sure I sent you something for the Day of Friendship! Please give Arthur some chin scratches as a job well done. Don't worry, he knows the way home. I've packed homemade treats for your Pokémon, each bag named, and I've also included a meal and treats for you as well. Thank you for being my friend! Beaumont Rosalba"
Nico couldn't stop a chuckle as he felt Squire yawn from where he was sitting on his shoulders, "I told you that you didn't need to get up early with me to go check on everyone you know. But you were so stubborn!" he feigned dramatics, "Now look who's sleepy."
Squire huffed and crossed his arms, letting out a small plume of blue flame as a rebuttal. Nico laughed once more, about to tease the young pokemon when a distressed cry of, "BOSS!!" caught his attention.
A couple of volunteers ran up to him, panic written across both their faces and Nico frowned, "What's wrong?" he asked. The two made vague gestures towards the rescue and he followed where they were pointing to, blinking in surprise, "An aerodactyl? You don't see those much in Johto..."
Squire had different plans, the characadet's eyes lighting up in excitement and he scrambled to get off Nico's shoulders, hopping down and eagerly running up to the aerodactyl, waving his arms in greeting.
"Well Squire seems to know him, come on let's go see what's up." he patted the two on the back and made his way to the aerodactyl, his face similarly lightning up when he saw the Floaroma Sanctuary bandana.
A quick read to the note and a smile graced Nico's face as he found the bag with Squire's name and handed him a couple of the treats. Once he gave Arthur enough chin scritches to last him a trip to Sinnoh and back again, he motioned for the ancient pokemon to wait a moment.
He ran into the rescue and out again with his arms filled with treats for specific types of pokemon, each bag named for the type, "Can't let you go back to Beau empty handed!" a quick note was written and all was attached to his back once more, "I don't have anything on hand for Beau unfortunately but I'll just treat him to something when I head back in couple of days."
Chin scratches and treat for rock types in belly, Arthur screeched his thanks and took off into the air, flying back home. Nico and Squire waved as he left and spun on their heels, matching postures of their hands on their hips, "Alright I'm ready for today! Let's go open up Moonlight Shadows!"
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pokeretailworker · 1 year
Update on the Gardevoir!
It turns out @floaroma-sanctuary was right! The rangers found her with two newly hatched Ralts and a pile of stolen food. It looks like she was just trying to find anything she could to feed them, and the rangers said she seemed younger, so it might have been her first clutch of eggs. They got all of them relocated to a better spot though!
I feel kinda bad for attacking her now tbh.
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misbehavedmonsters · 1 year
Meet the Band!
Hey, we're Misbehaved Monsters, your new favorite synth-rock band from Paldea! Coming soon to a concert venue near you!
Haven Parrilla (Lead Vocals and Lead Guitar): Hey, I'm Haven! Nice ta meetcha! I have been playing music for as long as I can remember. I was born in Levincia, Paldea. I'm 25 years old and use he/him pronouns!
My team consists of Rogue the Ceruledge, Lady the Gardevoir, and Blueberry the Toxel.
Henry Dos Santos (Backing Vocals and Bass Guitar): Hi, I'm Henry. It's nice to meet you all. I am a Pokémon Ranger on a casual schedule in between my obligations to the band. I learned how to play while attending Uva-Naranja Academy in my hometown of Mesagoza, Paldea. I'm 24 and use he/him pronouns.
My team consists of Carnival the Meowscarada, Sin the Houndoom, and Rain the Dragonair.
Micah Aritza (Synthesizer): Hiya! I'm Micah, it's a pleasure to meet you~ You probably know me for my snowboarding prowess as I am a youth and adult international freeriding medalist. I taught myself how to mix music, but it didn't hurt being born in Montenevera, Paldea! I'm 27 and use he/they pronouns.
My team is Macabre the Gothorita and Frostbite the Sneasel.
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Hi, this is the Floaroma Admin, Nova! I absolutely love my babies that I created alongside Beau (two of them are my original OCs from when I was a kid!), so I made them their own separate blog to interact with. My main focus is the Sanctuary still as I am far from sick of it, and I am loving the community I'm building with this!
I am an ADULT playing pretend at being an ADULT, and I don't mind NSFW from other ADULTS. Minors will be blocked on sight for it. It is illegal, and I will not participate in it.
Enjoy your stay, and Misbehave, Monsters!
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unown-sanctuary · 1 year
Professor, I have a question. I think some of your residents have followed me home from my visit this past weekend? They keep appearing near me. I think it’s a Y, a ?, and a !. They seem to like emphasizing my thoughts whenever I get a stupid question. It’s hilarious, but what do I do????
Oh! So that's where Yukiko, Pardon and Zoinks went! Well, I suppose the first question is would you like to keep them? But based on your tone I'm guessing not. Well, I can make a quick stop at the Floaroma Sanctuary if it suits you? Of course it would be once we finish up at the Magikarp Sanctuary in Hoenn... Well, in the meantime, you can keep them distracted with any book. I believe Yukiko has a preference for manga, Pardon likes college textbooks, and Zoinks loves a good mystery. Also, if it helps, their Hidden Power types are ice, psychic, and ghost respectively. I'd recommend treating them as such in regards to other pokemon at the shelter.
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