#flora hills
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just after the rain on August 24th 2024
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vandaliatraveler · 5 months
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Spring in the Cheat River Canyon.
From top: lowbush blueberry (Vaccinium pallidum); the pendulous green flowers of striped maple (Acer pensylvanicum); sweet white violet (Viola blanda), which loves cool, moist forests; wild strawberry (Fragaria virginiana), which has been hybridized with a South American species to produce commercial strawberries; marsh blue violet (Viola cucullata), an elegant, gregarious violet found growing in seeps and along streambanks; smooth Solomon's seal (Polygonatum biflorum); great white trillium (Trillium grandiflorum); a West Virginia white (Pieris virginiensis) sipping nectar from a sweet white violet; and broadleaf toothwort (Cardamine diphylla), the larval host plant for the West Virginia white.
Note: this hauntingly beautiful butterfly, a flitting ghost in Appalachia's April forests, is in serious decline because it confuses invasive garlic mustard for its host plant, Cardamine. Garlic mustard is toxic to its larvae. Another example of how an invasive species can wreak havoc on the vital lifecycles of our native ecosystems.
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wgm-beautiful-world · 6 months
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Pretty street of Notting Hill covered in wisteria blossoms in London
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mx-legend-of-faye · 4 days
Wild should be weirder /pos
Why do I say this, you ask? Because HE DIED. LET HIM BE A PARANORMAL FREAK OF NATURE.
It’s called the shrine of RESURRECTION for a reason, people!!
Let Wild have such a slow heartbeat it seems almost nonexistent. Let Wild speak to ghosts, not just the ghosts of his dead friends/fellow champions. Let Wild’s eyes glow in the dark. Let Wild be a freak of nature and I genuinely mean that in the utmost positive way possible.
Give Wild a couple ghostly attributes and let the chain freak out over them.
In fact, give me post totk Wild with long lasting effects from being LITERALLY DEAD FOR A CENTURY please and thank you. Because post totk Wild just gives that an extra level of weirdness and cool ghostly vibes and I love that for him and also then you can throw in post totk Flora who kept some of her dragon-y attributes.
They can be freaks (/pos!!!) together, and furthermore I think they deserve to be. Let Wild and Flora weird people out while they’re just there being the most lovable selves they always are. Creatures. I love them.
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chaotictoon · 7 months
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Feel The Rhythm
Cartoon girls + DDR/Rhythm games
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fentonphoto · 1 year
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A row of white roses along the road to Schloss Eberstein. @travelandlovelife-blog
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ssunflowerghosts · 11 months
Mike Flanagan makes me feel like the principal in every cartoon where I’m like “damn it, Flanagan, you won’t get away with it this time” but he does and it’s making shows that hurt me on every possible level
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powerlineprincess · 6 months
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☆whine 4 me☆
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rabbitcruiser · 4 months
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After the Rain
What do you think about my pic?  
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lunarobyn22 · 7 months
For Valentine's Day, Wild got Flora a potted silent princess to keep in their house to remind her of him and his promise to always come back, and a tiny frog stuffie to take with her on her research trips to remind her to keep being curious and goofy when she wants ❤️
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You cannot convince me he doesn't give her little frog related things as gifts. It is fact.
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sandraohdamn · 1 year
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September 6th, 2024
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vandaliatraveler · 2 months
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Yet more gifts of Appalachian summer.
I've been on a mission to catalogue as many of Central Appalachia's summer wildflowers and berries as possible for an online project I'm starting up. Above is the haul from yesterday, including the stunning orange-fringed orchid (Platanthera ciliaris), a grand summer orchid of Appalachia's wet seeps and meadows. Downy rattlesnake plantain (Goodyera pubescens), another of our summer-blooming orchids, may not be quite as showy, but its intricately-patterned leaves are quite striking. Turk's-cap lily (Lilium superbum) is also in bloom in our local wet meadows and swamps. It's distinguished from its close cousin Canada lily by more strongly recurved petals and a green, star-like pattern in the center of its flowers. A single Turk's cap lily can produce dozens of flowers from its rangy stems. At home in moist woodland edges and streambanks, summer phlox (Phlox paniculata), sometimes also referred to as fall phlox and garden phlox, produces loads of gorgeous pink or white flowers from mid-July through September. Because this phlox is commonly planted in gardens nowadays, it's hard to know if plants in the wild are true natives or escapees.
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loustravels · 7 months
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classic-asian-art · 1 month
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Quails by Tsukioka Kogyo (paper)
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Bloodroot Sanguinaria canadensis Papaveraceae Family
Photograph taken on April 15, 2023, at Starkey Hill, Ontario, Canada.
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