#flora of acv
lycomorpha · 7 months
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Lepe beach, Hampshire - IRL & in AC Valhalla
AC Valhalla is the first video game I've played that has a lot of recognisable placesI go to IRL/have lived in. So when I go somewhere new that I think might exist in the ACV map, I look for it when I get home to see what was similar (or not.) Because I'm a massive nerd ig? Anyway... This weekend I ended up at Lepe beach in Hampshire. Lepe nr Exbury is a place with a lot of history. Weather was terrible for pics, but screencaps? Not so much a problem.
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View of IoW
This what's on the ACV map, roughly where Lepe & Exbury would be. You do get a pretty similar view of the Isle of Wight at Lepe.
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In the other direction you can see the Needles. IRL you can see where the needles would be if visibility didn't suck! Also nobody actually let me climb on their boat and start fishing. Unfair.
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Plants & toxic arrows
The seaweed on the shore and gorse growing above the tideline in the game are true to life. There was evidence of salt tolerant grasses too, but there were less wild flowers out. Cos it's February and it's still tittyfucking freezing. But...
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...What I did see was salt marshes, which are kinda missing in game. The kind of fluffy bushy greyish lichens we see around in ACV were here though.
IRL there's sea spurge coming up right now - and that has toxic sap, which supposedly was used historically to poison the tips of arrows. So who knows... Maybe that's something that would have been handy in Eivor's day.
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Gotta say though, at this time of year the view is a lot more atmospheric in game!
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madamlaydebug · 2 months
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Do not drink this product.
KOMBUCHA is a cocktail of fermented patented farmed bacteria.
It increases alcohol thus raising acidity in the body.
It's primary ingredients are gram positive bacteria that increase lactic acid.
Lactic acid buildup can cause cramping pains.
It is anaerobic:without oxygen.
We get digestive help from fruit skin oxidation in our intestines.
The bloom of fruit found on the skin is an immunity booster as it is secreted by the epidermal skin cells in the fruit and assists us at fighting bad bacteria like E. coli, candida , Helicobacter pylori etc.
All of which are increased by these fake probiotics like KOMBUCHA and ACV.
If you suffer from celiacs disease, crohn's disease or other IBS types of diseases you have a high E. coli and candida infection and need a pure and natural probiotic to restore intestinal flora.
Antibiotics, baby formulas and poor nutrition during pregnancy wipe out all natural bacteria in the gut and is the lead cause in development of these diseases.
Contact Dr Ali for specialized nutritional regiments.
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tarzantips · 25 days
Apple Cider Vinegar Tonic: Balancing pH for Gut Health
The use of apple cider vinegar (ACV) is as a natural cure for a range of health conditions has grown in popularity, especially because of its ability to balance pH levels and promote gut health.
Many studies and popular stories point to apple cider vinegar's potential to significantly improve digestive wellness, despite the doubts of certain people.
Let's discuss the advantages of ACV, the connection between pH balance and gut health, and how to use this powerful tonic in your everyday routine.
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Apple Cider Vinegar Tonic
Understanding pH Balance and Gut Health
To fully appreciate the role that apple cider vinegar plays in supporting gut health, it is necessary to first understand the idea of pH equilibrium in the body.
The pH scale, which ranges from 0 (most acidic) to 14 (most alkaline), indicates how acidic or alkaline a substance is. 7 are considered as the neutral pH.
What is pH Balance?
"pH balance" describes the degree of acidity or alkalinity in bodily fluids, which can have significant impacts on general health.
The pH values of different body regions vary. In this case, the blood has a slightly alkaline pH of 7.35-7.45 to support overall body processes, whereas the stomach is naturally acidic (pH 1.5-3.5) to help in digesting.
The Role of pH in Digestive Health
For healthy food absorption, digestion, and a reduction of the growth of pathogenic bacteria, the pH balance in the gut must be maintained.
In addition to causing digestive problems like acid reflux, bloating, and indigestion, a pH imbalance can also make the environment less conducive for good gut bacteria.
Apple Cider Vinegar - A Natural pH Balancer
Because of its acidic composition, apple cider vinegar may not seem like a good choice for balancing pH, but it is actually necessary for maintaining a healthy digestive tract.
ACV has an alkalizing impact on the body when ingested, and this helps in promoting gut health and restoring equilibrium.
1. The Composition of Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple cider vinegar gets its unique tart flavor and health advantages from acetic acid, which is added to fermented apple juice.
It is a powerful health tonic since it also includes trace amounts of other acids, enzymes, and good bacteria.
2. How ACV Helps Regulate pH Levels?
Apple cider vinegar, although acidic, has an alkalizing impact on the body that helps to maintain pH balance and develops a more welcoming environment in the stomach.
The reason for this alkalizing action is that the body maintains an alkaline residue from the metabolism of ACV.
Balancing out the excess acidity in the digestive tract can improve gut health and digestion in general.
Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar Tonic for Gut Health
Apple cider vinegar is a beneficial supplement to your diet and can provide various benefits for gut health when included in your routine.
Let's explore a few of this powerful tonic's main advantages.
1. Enhancing Digestion
Digestion is helped by the stimulation of digestive enzymes and enhanced food breakdown caused by apple cider vinegar.
In order to break down food and absorb nutrients, stomach acid must be produced, and the acetic acid in ACV helps in this process.
Gas, indigestion, and bloating may be avoided in this way.
2. Supporting Healthy Gut Flora
Apple cider vinegar's antibacterial qualities can support digestive health by preserving a balanced population of good gut flora.
Natural probiotics included in ACV encourage the growth of good bacteria in the gut, which is needed for the immune system and digestive system maintenance.
3. Reducing Symptoms of Acid Reflux
According to popular belief, apple cider vinegar balances stomach acid levels, which helps lessen acid reflux symptoms.
When the stomach fails to produce enough acid, the lower esophageal sphincter relaxes and stomach acid can leak into the esophagus, leading to acid reflux.
ACV reduces the production of stomach acid, which helps avoid acid reflux and related symptoms.
more >>>
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rohister · 30 days
What Are the Natural Ways to Eliminate Dandruff?
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Dandruff is a common scalp condition that causes flakes of skin to appear, often accompanied by itching and irritation. While it is not a serious health concern, it can be embarrassing and uncomfortable. The good news is that there are plenty of natural ways to manage dandruff effectively. Let’s explore some Ayurvedic approaches, dietary changes, and home remedies that can help you achieve a healthy, flake-free scalp.
1. Ayurvedic Solutions for Dandruff
Ayurveda, the ancient Indian system of medicine, offers holistic and natural remedies for dandruff that address the root cause of the issue rather than just the symptoms. For those looking for comprehensive solutions, Ayurvedic Dandruff Treatment is a great choice. Ayurvedic treatments focus on balancing the doshas (body energies), nourishing the scalp, and maintaining the overall health of your hair.
Key Ayurvedic Ingredients for Dandruff Relief:
Neem: Neem leaves have strong antifungal and antibacterial properties that help combat the fungus causing dandruff.
Aloe Vera: Aloe vera is known for its soothing and moisturizing properties, which help in reducing scalp irritation and flakiness.
Bhringraj: Bhringraj is an excellent herb for balancing the scalp’s natural oils and promoting hair growth while eliminating dandruff.
Tea Tree Oil: Known for its antifungal properties, tea tree oil can effectively treat dandruff when mixed with carrier oils like coconut or almond oil.
2. Regular Oil Massages
One of the simplest and most effective natural remedies for dandruff is regular scalp oiling. Massaging your scalp with warm coconut oil, sesame oil, or almond oil helps in moisturizing the scalp and loosening dead skin cells. This reduces flakiness and improves blood circulation, leading to a healthier scalp.
For added effectiveness, you can infuse the oil with neem leaves or mix a few drops of tea tree oil. Leave the oil on your scalp for an hour before washing it off with a mild shampoo.
3. Apple Cider Vinegar Rinse
Apple cider vinegar (ACV) is another popular natural remedy for dandruff. Its acidity changes the pH of your scalp, making it less friendly for yeast growth, which is a common cause of dandruff. It also works as a natural clarifier, removing product buildup that can contribute to flakiness.
To use ACV, mix equal parts of water and apple cider vinegar and apply it to your scalp after shampooing. Let it sit for a few minutes before rinsing it out thoroughly.
4. Fenugreek Seeds
Fenugreek seeds are packed with nutrients like protein and nicotinic acid, which promote healthy hair and scalp. They also have antifungal properties that help fight dandruff. Soak a tablespoon of fenugreek seeds overnight, grind them into a fine paste in the morning, and apply it to your scalp. Leave it on for 30 minutes and rinse it off with lukewarm water.
5. Lemon Juice
Lemon juice is a natural antifungal agent that can help treat dandruff by balancing the pH of your scalp. Simply massage fresh lemon juice onto your scalp before shampooing. It might cause a tingling sensation initially, but this is normal. Rinse it out after 15 minutes. Regular application can significantly reduce dandruff.
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6. Yogurt and Honey Mask
Yogurt is rich in probiotics that help maintain a healthy balance of scalp flora. Honey, on the other hand, is a natural humectant that locks in moisture, preventing dryness that can lead to dandruff. Mix one cup of yogurt with two tablespoons of honey and apply it to your scalp. Let it sit for 30 minutes and then wash it off with lukewarm water.
7. Maintain a Balanced Diet
What you eat plays a significant role in your skin and scalp health. Incorporate foods rich in zinc, B vitamins, and omega-3 fatty acids into your diet. These nutrients help in maintaining a healthy scalp and preventing dandruff.
8. Avoid Stress
Stress is a common trigger for dandruff as it can lead to an imbalance in your scalp’s natural oils and exacerbate itching and flakiness. Practicing stress management techniques like yoga, meditation, and regular exercise can help keep dandruff at bay.
9. Use the Right Products
Choose hair care products that are gentle on your scalp and free from harsh chemicals like sulfates and parabens. Opting for herbal shampoos and conditioners can reduce irritation and promote a healthier scalp.
For those looking for an effective and holistic approach, the Best Ayurvedic Medicine For Dandruff can be a reliable solution. Ayurvedic kits often include oils, shampoos, and creams specifically designed to treat dandruff while nourishing the scalp.
Final Thoughts
Dandruff can be frustrating, but with the right natural remedies, you can manage it effectively. Whether you opt for Ayurvedic treatments, home remedies, or lifestyle changes, consistency is key. Remember that everyone’s scalp is different, so it may take some time to find the perfect solution for you.
Incorporating Ayurvedic practices, such as using herbal oils and maintaining a balanced diet, can not only help you get rid of dandruff but also improve your overall hair health.
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Natural Home Remedies for Acidity: Effective Ways to Relieve Heartburn
Acidity, commonly known as heartburn or acid reflux, is a condition that affects millions worldwide. It occurs when stomach acid flows back up into the esophagus, causing a burning sensation in the chest or throat. While occasional acidity is common and often manageable with over-the-counter medications, frequent or severe cases may require medical attention. Fortunately, there are several natural home remedies that can help alleviate symptoms and promote digestive health. acidity home treatment.
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Understanding Acidity
Before delving into home remedies, it's essential to understand the underlying causes and symptoms of acidity. The primary culprit is often a malfunction of the lower esophageal sphincter (LES), a ring of muscle that acts as a valve between the esophagus and stomach. When the LES relaxes abnormally or weakens, stomach acid can flow back up into the esophagus, causing irritation and discomfort.
Common Symptoms of Acidity Include:
Burning sensation in the chest (heartburn)
Regurgitation of sour or bitter-tasting acid into the throat or mouth
Difficulty swallowing
Chest pain
Chronic cough
Hoarseness or sore throat
Natural Remedies for Acidity
1. Ginger
Ginger is renowned for its anti-inflammatory properties and has been used for centuries to aid digestion and relieve gastrointestinal discomfort. It can help reduce acidity and improve overall digestive function.
How to Use:
Chew on a small piece of fresh ginger root after meals.
Drink ginger tea by steeping freshly grated ginger in hot water for 10 minutes.
Incorporate ginger into cooking or smoothies for a daily dose of relief.
2. Apple Cider Vinegar
Contrary to its acidic nature, apple cider vinegar (ACV) can actually help balance stomach acid levels and improve digestion. It contains acetic acid, which aids in the breakdown of food and prevents acid reflux.
How to Use:
Mix 1-2 tablespoons of raw, unfiltered ACV in a glass of water and drink before meals.
Start with a lower concentration and gradually increase as tolerated.
Note: ACV should be diluted to avoid irritation of the esophagus.
3. Aloe Vera
Aloe vera is known for its soothing properties and can provide relief from acidity symptoms. It helps reduce inflammation in the stomach and esophagus, promoting healing and reducing discomfort.
How to Use:
Drink 1/4 cup of aloe vera juice 20-30 minutes before meals.
Ensure the aloe vera juice is free from aloin, a laxative component found in some varieties.
4. Licorice Root
Licorice root has mucous-forming properties that help protect the stomach lining from excess acid. It can help reduce acidity and relieve symptoms of heartburn.
How to Use:
Drink licorice tea made from deglycyrrhizinated licorice (DGL) root.
Chew DGL tablets before meals to stimulate saliva production and reduce acid reflux.
5. Baking Soda
Baking soda, or sodium bicarbonate, is a natural antacid that can quickly neutralize stomach acid and provide relief from acidity symptoms.
How to Use:
Mix 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of water and drink it slowly.
Use this remedy occasionally, as excessive use can lead to electrolyte imbalance.
6. Chamomile Tea
Chamomile tea has anti-inflammatory properties that can help soothe the stomach lining and reduce acidity. It also promotes relaxation, which can aid digestion.
How to Use:
Steep chamomile flowers in hot water for 5-10 minutes to make tea.
Drink chamomile tea between meals or before bedtime to calm acid reflux symptoms.
7. Probiotics
Probiotics are beneficial bacteria that promote gut health and aid in digestion. They can help maintain a healthy balance of gut flora and reduce symptoms of acidity.
How to Use:
Consume probiotic-rich foods like yogurt, kefir, sauerkraut, and kimchi.
Take probiotic supplements daily, following the dosage instructions on the package.
Lifestyle Tips to Manage Acidity
In addition to natural remedies, certain lifestyle modifications can help prevent and manage acidity:
1. Dietary Adjustments
Avoid Trigger Foods: Spicy, fatty, or acidic foods can exacerbate acidity. Identify and avoid foods that trigger symptoms.
Eat Smaller Meals: Overeating can increase pressure on the LES. Opt for smaller, more frequent meals to aid digestion.
Stay Hydrated: Drink plenty of water throughout the day to help neutralize stomach acid and maintain digestive health.
2. Healthy Eating Habits
Eat Mindfully: Chew food thoroughly and eat slowly to aid digestion and reduce the risk of acid reflux.
Maintain a Balanced Diet: Include fiber-rich foods, lean proteins, fruits, and vegetables to support digestive function.
3. Behavioral Changes
Avoid Smoking: Smoking can weaken the LES and exacerbate acidity symptoms. Quitting smoking can improve overall digestive health.
Manage Stress: Stress can worsen acidity. Practice relaxation techniques such as yoga, meditation, or deep breathing exercises.
4. Sleep Hygiene
Elevate Your Head: Use pillows to elevate your head and chest while sleeping to reduce acid reflux during the night.
Avoid Late-Night Eating: Allow at least 2-3 hours between your last meal and bedtime to allow for proper digestion.
When to Seek Medical Attention
While natural remedies and lifestyle changes can often alleviate mild acidity symptoms, persistent or severe cases may require medical evaluation. Consult a healthcare professional if you experience:
Frequent or chronic acidity despite home treatment.
Difficulty swallowing or persistent chest pain.
Unintentional weight loss or appetite changes.
Persistent hoarseness or chronic cough.
Managing acidity through natural home remedies and lifestyle adjustments can significantly improve digestive health and reduce discomfort. By incorporating these remedies into your daily routine and making sustainable lifestyle changes, you can effectively manage acidity and promote overall well-being. However, for persistent or severe symptoms, it's crucial to consult with a healthcare provider for proper diagnosis and personalized treatment. With dedication to a balanced diet, healthy habits, and expert guidance, you can achieve relief from acidity and enjoy improved digestive health.
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pablice · 10 months
I Drank Apple Cider Vinegar Before Bed and Lost Belly Fat in a Week - My Results
What is Apple Cider Vinegar? Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) is a type of vinegar that is made from fermented apple juice. It is a key ingredient in many salads and sauces, and has a variety of uses for cooking. ACV has a range of health benefits due to its high content of minerals and vitamins, including iron, B-vitamins, calcium, magnesium, and potassium. It also acts as a natural cleansing agent to help rid the body of toxins. The acetic acid found in ACV is known to have antimicrobial properties, serving as an effective treatment for skin conditions and fungal infections. ACV is also known to promote digestive health by positively affecting the body’s bacteria levels and improving gut flora. In recent years, the use of ACV as an effective health supplement has grown in popularity, and it can now be found in many health food stores and online retailers. What are the Benefits of Drinking Apple Cider Vinegar? Apple cider vinegar is often touted as a wonder ingredient. It is loaded with health benefits, including many that can be exclusively attributed to its acetic acid content. There are countless ways that this natural product can improve overall health, and in particular, improve the health of those struggling with belly fat. The most popular and effective benefit of drinking apple cider vinegar is that it increases weight loss and improves body composition. It does this by stimulating lipolysis, the process by which fatty acids are broken down and removed from body tissues. Additionally, its acetic acid content has been found to increase fat burning hormones while simultaneously decreasing fat-storing hormones. All of this works to reduce the belly fat quickly and naturally. Aside from belly fat, apple cider vinegar helps to reduce bad cholesterol, improve gut health, and regulate blood sugar levels. These positive effects on metabolic health can further contribute to weight loss goals. Additionally, apple cider vinegar boosts energy levels and helps to curb cravings. All of these things make self-discipline much easier and ensure that dieters stay on track and meet their goals. How Does Apple Cider Vinegar Help with Belly Fat Loss? Apple cider vinegar can be a helpful tool in your journey to a flat stomach. Studies have found that apple cider vinegar can help to boost metabolism, reduce fat storage and reduce levels of belly fat. This is due to the organic acids found in apple cider vinegar, such as acetic acid, which have been found to speed up metabolic processes and inhibit fat storage. Furthermore, apple cider vinegar can help with digestion, ensuring that the food you eat is broken down more efficiently and efficiently absorbed by the body. Apple cider vinegar is also a rich source of healthy minerals and vitamins which can help to support the body's natural fat burning processes. It contains calcium, magnesium, potassium and iron, all of which are essential for aiding in fat breakdown and energy production. By consuming these healthy minerals and vitamins, your body is more efficient in converting fat into usable energy. Apple cider vinegar can also help to reduce inflammation, which can contribute to weight gain and belly fat. The acidic nature of apple cider vinegar helps to reduce inflammation, resulting in improved metabolism and fat burning. How to Prepare and Drink Apple Cider Vinegar? Apple Cider Vinegar is a popular health drink that can help to promote overall wellness, particularly with regards to weight loss. Drinking it properly is important for optimal results. Preparing it is simple and quick, but some tips can be useful to ensure the best results. To begin with, be sure to buy good quality Apple Cider Vinegar from a reliable source. A good quality Vinegar will be stored in a glass bottle and should have a cloudy appearance. Then mix one to two tablespoons of ACV into a glass of room temperature water, ideally about 8 ounces. Stir the mixture, or shake the glass, to combine it. Depending on personal preference, some people may choose to dilute the mixture further with more water or drink it in its original strength. Additionally, some people like to add a teaspoon of honey or a squirt of lemon juice to the drink for extra flavor. Finally, the ACV drink can be enjoyed up to two times per day, before a meal or first thing in the morning. By following this method, it's possible to reap the benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar in a safe and enjoyable way. As with any health-related change, it's important to check with a doctor first to ensure individual suitability. What are the Side Effects of Drinking Apple Cider Vinegar? Apple Cider Vinegar has some known side effects that can be serious. Common side effects of drinking Apple Cider Vinegar can range from mild to moderate. People have reported skin reactions, sore throats, and digestive issues such as acid reflux, bloating, and diarrhea. Some people also complain about bad taste in their mouth after drinking Apple Cider Vinegar. Some more severe side effects can include nausea, indigestion, heartburn, and damage to tooth enamel. If you experience any of these side effects, it is important to reduce or stop your consumption of Apple Cider Vinegar. It is also important to note that Apple Cider Vinegar is highly acidic, so it can damage your esophagus, especially if ingested on an empty stomach. If you have any pre-existing medical conditions, it is always best to consult your doctor before attempting to consume Apple Cider Vinegar. What were My Results from Drinking Apple Cider Vinegar Before Bed? I had been drinking apple cider vinegar before bed every day for about six weeks. After seeing all of the potential health benefits I decided to give it a try. I was pleasantly surprised to find that it made me feel a bit healthier in general, and that it also eased my digestive symptoms. I also found that it helped me to get a better night's sleep, which is always a plus. After about six weeks, I also noticed some difference in my waistline. Not only did I feel better overall, but I noticed a decrease in the size of my waistline - about an inch and a half! It wasn't a drastic difference, but considering my lack of exercise lately, I was quite pleased with the results. Overall, apple cider vinegar was able to give me a more noticeable change in my waistline than any other food or dietary supplement. What are the Other Ways to Reduce Belly Fat? Exercise is one of the most recommended ways to reduce belly fat. With regular cardiovascular exercises such as biking, running, jogging, etc., you can burn calories and reduce fat around the stomach. You can set specific goals for the number of days and duration of the exercises in order to achieve effective results. Additionally, strength training with resistance bands and weights can help to tone your core and build muscle. Eating a balanced diet is essential for overall health, but it is especially important for belly fat loss. Eating foods high in fiber and protein can help reduce stress hormones, which can lead to excess fat accumulation. Avoid eating too many processed and sugary foods, as these will only add extra calories and sugars to your body. Focus on eating more lean proteins, vegetables, and fruits. In addition, try to keep track of your food intake, portion sizes, and macronutrient breakdown to further promote fat loss. What are the Best Tips for Drinking Apple Cider Vinegar? The best way to take apple cider vinegar is to mix one to two tablespoons of it in a glass of water and drink the mixture before meals. It is important to start with small amounts and gradually increase the dosage over time to avoid any unpleasant side effects. As apple cider vinegar can be powerful, it is recommended to dilute it in water or honey and never take it undiluted. You can also add a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar to a salad or any dish for additional flavor and nutritional benefits. Mixing apple cider vinegar with other ingredients such as ginger and other spices can make it easier to drink. Adding a small amount of honey or lemon juice can also help to take the edge off its taste. Be sure to not exceed the recommended dosage as it can cause digestive upset. It is also important to note that apple cider vinegar does not contain any calories and should be taken on an empty stomach to be properly digested. What is Apple Cider Vinegar? Apple cider vinegar is a type of vinegar made from fermented apple juice. It contains acetic acid and trace minerals that can have health benefits, such as weight loss, improved digestion and reduced cholesterol. What are the Benefits of Drinking Apple Cider Vinegar? Drinking apple cider vinegar can offer numerous health benefits, including aiding with weight loss, reducing cholesterol, improving digestion, and more. How Does Apple Cider Vinegar Help with Belly Fat Loss? Apple cider vinegar can help reduce belly fat by increasing metabolism and decreasing water retention. Additionally, it can help suppress appetite and reduce cravings. How to Prepare and Drink Apple Cider Vinegar? Apple cider vinegar should be diluted with water before drinking. To prepare it, mix two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar with a glass of water. Drink the mixture once or twice a day, preferably before meals. What are the Side Effects of Drinking Apple Cider Vinegar? While apple cider vinegar is generally safe for consumption, it can cause some side effects such as nausea, heartburn, and tooth enamel erosion. It is important to drink diluted apple cider vinegar and to consult with a doctor before drinking it regularly. What were My Results from Drinking Apple Cider Vinegar Before Bed? Results from drinking apple cider vinegar before bed may vary depending on an individual's diet and lifestyle. However, some people have reported increased energy and improved digestion due to drinking apple cider vinegar. What are the Other Ways to Reduce Belly Fat? Other ways to reduce belly fat include increasing physical activity, eating a healthy diet, and reducing stress. Additionally, getting enough sleep can help reduce stored fat. What are the Best Tips for Drinking Apple Cider Vinegar? The best tips for drinking apple cider vinegar include diluting it with water, drinking it before meals, and limiting the amount consumed. Be sure to also consult with a doctor before drinking apple cider vinegar regularly. Read the full article
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royalehealthgummies · 11 months
Unlock the Power of Wellness with Royale Health ACV Gummies
In the world of health and wellness, the quest for natural remedies and supplements has gained immense popularity. One such supplement that has captured the attention of health-conscious individuals is apple cider vinegar (ACV). ACV has been renowned for its potential health benefits for centuries, and now, it’s available in a convenient and tasty form — Royale Health ACV Gummies. In this article, we will explore the numerous advantages of these gummies, which are taking the wellness world by storm.
The Magic of Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple cider vinegar has long been celebrated for its wide range of health benefits. Made from fermented apple juice, ACV is rich in acetic acid, antioxidants, and other essential nutrients. People have used it for various purposes, such as improving digestion, managing blood sugar levels, aiding weight loss, and even enhancing skin health. However, consuming straight ACV can be a daunting task due to its strong, tart flavor and acidity. This is where Royale Health ACV Gummies come into play.
Royale Health ACV Gummies: A Delicious Solution
Royale Health Gummies are a delicious and convenient way to incorporate the numerous benefits of apple cider vinegar into your daily routine. These gummies offer the following advantages:
1. Great Taste: One of the key reasons people shy away from apple cider vinegar is its harsh taste. Royale Health ACV Gummies, however, provide a pleasant, fruity flavor that makes taking your daily dose of ACV a delightful experience.
2. Digestive Health: ACV is known for its potential to improve digestion by promoting the growth of beneficial gut bacteria and supporting healthy gut flora. With Royale Health ACV Gummies, you can support your digestive system without the discomfort of consuming liquid ACV.
3. Weight Management: Many individuals use ACV as part of their weight management regimen. The acetic acid in ACV may help control appetite and boost metabolism. Incorporating Royale Health ACV Gummies into your diet can make it easier to manage your weight and achieve your health goals.
4. Blood Sugar Control: Research suggests that ACV can help stabilize blood sugar levels, making it a valuable tool for those with diabetes or individuals looking to maintain healthy blood sugar levels. These gummies offer a convenient way to include ACV in your daily routine.
5. Antioxidant Properties: ACV is rich in antioxidants, which can help combat free radicals in the body, supporting overall health and wellness. Royale Health ACV Gummies provide a tasty way to benefit from these antioxidants.
6. Improved Skin Health: Some individuals also use ACV to enhance skin health. The antioxidants and acetic acid in ACV may help clear up skin issues. These gummies offer a convenient and more palatable option for those looking to improve their skin.
7. Convenience: The gummies are portable and easy to consume on the go, making them a convenient addition to your daily routine. No need to worry about measuring or mixing — just pop a gummy in your mouth and enjoy.
Royale Health ACV Gummies offer a delightful and convenient way to embrace the numerous health benefits of apple cider vinegar. Whether you’re aiming to improve digestion, manage your weight, or support your overall wellness, these gummies provide a delicious solution. With their great taste and easy consumption, they have quickly become a favorite in the world of health and wellness. Make Royale Health ACV Gummies a part of your daily routine and experience the magic of apple cider vinegar without the hassle. Your journey to a healthier you just got a whole lot sweeter!Apple cider vinegar, often referred to as ACV, has a storied history as a natural health remedy. Crafted through the fermentation of apple juice, ACV is packed with acetic acid, antioxidants, and a host of essential nutrients.
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ritikshukla1122333 · 1 year
Can 'Weight Loss Apple Cider Vinegar' Really Work? Exploring the Benefits of 500mg Apple Cider Vinegar Capsules
In the pursuit of achieving our optimal weight, we often find ourselves exploring various solutions. One such solution that has gained popularity in recent years is the use of Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) for weight loss. With the emergence of convenient options like Apple Cider Vinegar Capsules 500mg, marketed by the company 'Simply Herbal,' the journey towards weight management, improved digestion, and overall well-being seems more accessible than ever. In this blog, we'll delve into the world of  weight loss apple cider vinegar and take a closer look at the 500mg ACV capsules offered by Simply Herbal.
Benefits of Weight Loss Apple Cider Vinegar:-
The benefits of incorporating 'Weight Loss Apple Cider Vinegar' into your wellness regimen are multifaceted and have garnered significant attention. As a natural remedy, Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) offers a range of potential advantages that can contribute to your weight management goals. Here's a are some of the key benefits:
Metabolism Boost:
ACV contains acetic acid, which has been linked to improved metabolism. A faster metabolism can aid in burning calories more efficiently, supporting weight loss efforts
Appetite Control:
Consuming ACV before meals might help regulate appetite and reduce overeating. This can create a caloric deficit, a crucial factor in weight loss
Blood Sugar Regulation:
ACV has shown potential in improving insulin sensitivity and reducing blood sugar spikes after meals. Stable blood sugar levels can aid in managing cravings and promoting weight loss.
Fat Oxidation:
Some studies suggest that ACV could enhance fat oxidation, meaning it might encourage the body to use stored fat for energy, further aiding in weight loss
Digestive Aid:
ACV is believed to improve digestion by promoting the production of stomach acid and supporting gut health. Proper digestion can optimize nutrient absorption and overall well-being.
Reduced Belly Fat:
The acetic acid in ACV may have a specific impact on visceral fat, the fat stored around organs in the abdominal cavity. Reducing visceral fat is associated with improved health and a flatter stomach.
Satiety and Fullness:
The combination of acetic acid and fiber in ACV might increase feelings of fullness, leading to reduced overall calorie intake.
Enhanced Energy Levels:
Regular consumption of ACV could lead to reduced fatigue and increased energy levels, making it easier to engage in physical activity.
Support for Healthy Gut Flora:
ACV's probiotic properties can promote a balanced gut microbiome, which plays a crucial role in weight management and overall health.
Antioxidant Benefits:
ACV contains antioxidants that combat oxidative stress and inflammation, both of which can hinder weight loss progress.
While these benefits are promising, it's important to note that ACV is not a magic solution for weight loss on its own. It's most effective when integrated into a comprehensive approach that includes a balanced diet, regular exercise, and healthy lifestyle choices. As you explore the world of 'Weight Loss Apple Cider Vinegar,' consider incorporating it as a part of your overall strategy to achieve the weight and wellness goals you've always dreamed of.
Apple cider vinegar (ACV) has gained popularity as a potential health tonic with a range of benefits for humans. While scientific research on some of these claims is ongoing, there are several reasons why ACV is considered important for human health:
Digestive Health:
ACV is believed to aid digestion by increasing the production of stomach acid, which can enhance the breakdown of food and nutrient absorption. This can help alleviate symptoms of indigestion, bloating, and heartburn.
Blood Sugar Regulation:
Some studies suggest that ACV can improve insulin sensitivity and lower blood sugar levels, making it potentially beneficial for individuals with type 2 diabetes or those aiming to manage blood sugar levels.
Weight Management:
ACV is thought to contribute to weight loss and weight management by increasing feelings of fullness, reducing appetite, and potentially boosting metabolism. These factors can support calorie control and fat loss.
Heart Health:
Some research indicates that ACV might help lower cholesterol levels and improve heart health by reducing triglycerides and blood pressure. However, more rigorous studies are needed to fully confirm these effects
Gut Health:
ACV contains probiotics and prebiotics that can support a healthy gut microbiome. A balanced gut flora is linked to various aspects of health, including digestion, immune function, and mental well-being.
Antioxidant Properties:
ACV contains antioxidants like polyphenols that combat oxidative stress and inflammation. These properties may contribute to overall health and help prevent chronic diseases. 
Acid-Alkaline Balance:
Despite its acidic nature, ACV is metabolized in the body and has an alkalizing effect. This can help maintain a balanced pH level, which is crucial for overall health and disease prevention.
Skin and Hair Care:
ACV is used in skincare and haircare routines due to its antimicrobial properties. It can help balance the skin's pH, reduce acne, and enhance hair shine and texture.
ACV is often promoted as a natural detoxifier due to its ability to support liver function and aid in eliminating toxins from the body. However, more research is needed to fully understand its detoxifying effects.
Immune System Support:
The antimicrobial properties of ACV, attributed to its acetic acid content, can help fight off pathogens and potentially boost the immune system's response to infections.
It's important to note that while ACV has potential health benefits, it's not a substitute for a healthy lifestyle. Incorporating small amounts of ACV into your diet, such as using it as a salad dressing or diluted in water, can be a part of a well-rounded approach to health and wellness. However, excessive consumption of ACV can lead to negative effects, such as enamel erosion and digestive discomfort. As with any health-related choice, it's a good idea to consult with a healthcare professional before making significant changes to your diet or supplementation.
Simply Herbal's ACV Capsules - The Breakdown:
Simply Herbal presents an enticing solution in the form of Apple Cider Vinegar Capsules, each containing 500mg of ACV goodness. This product aims not only to support weight management but also to enhance digestion, provide diabetes support, and combat fatigue. With a blend of probiotics, these capsules offer a holistic approach to well-being, making it an appealing choice for those seeking a comprehensive health solution.
Unlocking the Potential: Weight Loss Apple Cider Vinegar and You:
When considering weight loss strategies, it's essential to approach them with a holistic mindset. While 'Weight Loss Apple Cider Vinegar' and 'Apple Cider Vinegar Capsules 500mg' may seem like magical solutions, they work best when complemented by a balanced diet and regular physical activity. Incorporating these capsules into your routine can potentially give you that extra push in your weight management journey.
In short :
In the ever-evolving landscape of health and wellness, 'Weight Loss Apple Cider Vinegar' has earned its place as a contender. With products like 'Apple Cider Vinegar Capsules 500mg' offered by Simply Herbal, harnessing the potential benefits of ACV has become more convenient than ever. However, it's important to remember that no single product can replace a healthy lifestyle. So, if you're ready to embark on the journey towards your optimal weight and well-being, consider integrating 'Weight Loss Apple Cider Vinegar' as a part of your overall strategy. Remember, achieving your dreams requires dedication, perseverance, and a holistic approach.
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lycomorpha · 1 year
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Video game botany: Eivor's herbarium
In the autumn I collected some fern fronds and pressed them to use on the first herbarium page for leicestershire/ledercesterscire. In game the county is perpetually autumnal, so I wanted to try and capture the colours. I haven't seen any of the ferns here turning as red as they do in ACV until they're too far gone and crispy to press, so the yellow/orange colours are as good as I can get.
These fronds are mostly too big for my scanner, which means they're going to need trimming to fit on the book pages! Which frond do you think will look best?
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Why do I Need A Liver Cleanse? The Answers Here
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Are you feeling sluggish and tired all the time? Perhaps you’re getting more heartburn and stomach pain in what seems like all of the sudden. Are you feeling congested have allergies & sinuses bothering you this season? So If You're Asking Yourself: Why Do I Need A Liver Cleanse? A Liver Cleanse can help you detox, remove toxins, purge liver deposits and stones.   Clues You Need A Liver Cleanse Your liver is calling out for help through acid reflux/heartburn, stomach pain, fatigue, sluggishness, hormonal imbalance, high blood pressure, bloating and excess gas, allergies and sinus irritations. Other symptoms such as anxiety/panic attacks are also symptoms, read more about panic attacks here.  There are many more links to disease and the liver. If you're interested in treating the root cause of these diseases and illness, then I recommend reading the Liver Rescue by Anthony William. You'll get so much information it's crazy. You'll reference it all the time. He recommends certain supplements to help with specific diseases/illnesses. My husband and I both take supplements and herbals recommended in the book.  During the cleanse we stopped all supplements and vitamins and started again after we finished it. I have noticed a difference. I've also posted To Detox Or Not To Detox where you can learn more about the Liver, Colon and Harmful Organism Cleanse. Benefits of a Liver Cleanse - Improves Digestion - Improves liver function - Boosts energy - Feel lighter - Reduces Bloating and Gas - Clear brain fog CLEANSE DIET It is a five day cleanse or even six days if you include the day after the flush.  The liver cleanse kit comes with instructions, you'll need this, that spells out every step of the cleanse.   Even what you should eat during this time. You'll eat clean and avoid dairy, alcohol, sodas, and gluten as is recommended.  It's also suggested to purchase organic or locally grown foods, however, we bought our food from our regular grocery store which isn't organic or locally grown. Following the recommended diet will bring even better results, however, I don’t think we missed out on too much.   LIVER CLEANSE Day 1 Preface this that I started feeling a little off last night.  It was Easter Sunday, and I began to feel a bit sore throat coming on.  We were all sitting outside most of the day so it could very well be a sinus drainage issue, but I feel it today too.  I’ve started the day with green tea to kick the sore throat. I followed the Liver Cleanse instructions throughout the day and ate clean.  I also did my HIIT workout and could feel my sore throat or possibly cold being sweat out. Could the liver cleanse drink be helping, quite possibly? The drink itself isn’t that bad.  If you drink kombucha it’s a little like that but not as strong.  My husband, on the other hand, thinks it's horrible and has to chase it down.  LOL, I think for someone who isn’t used to drinking kombucha, aloe vera juice or other “weird” drinks its probably a shock to drink something that has ACV in it.   Day 2 I felt cold and fatigued all day until about 2:30 in the afternoon.  I pretty much just laid around because I felt like I was getting a cold. Then around 2:30 all of a sudden I was just more alert and felt better.  Even had some energy to burn. I took my next dosage of Oxy-Powder and Latero Flora and went to bed. I did find that I was up 3-4 times during the night having to rush to the bathroom.  Then I was awake and would fall asleep only to wake up again to go to the bathroom. The cleanse is definitely working without a doubt. My husband, on the other hand, did not feel well at all this morning and said he was up all night because he felt nauseous, had a headache and was even sweating.   He was experiencing detox side effects. The nausea was so bad that he was resisting taking dopamine. He succeeded and didn’t succumb to that. He normally wakes up every morning to workout but this morning he was still asleep, so I knew something was up.  I asked if he was ok and he said he felt sick. I explained all the toxins are getting stirred up and trying to come out. Its a normal side effect of doing a detox/cleanse, especially if this is your very first cleanse or detox ever.   Day 3 My husband woke up feeling better and had a good night’s sleep.  For the most part, so did I. My 3-year-old makes it a little hard to sleep without interruption due to her sleeping right on my shoulder with a leg wrapped around my stomach.  I definitely feel lighter today and less bloated and tight. We drank the liver cleanse and ACV drink. But at this point, it’s getting boring and I’m trying to stay focused.  The drink doesn’t bother me but I miss my tea. I’ve kept myself occupied and feel energetic. Day 4 Today I feel much better and clear-headed.  I have a little bit of a headache this afternoon but otherwise, I feel good.  I have energy and have only gone to the bathroom a few times. My brain fog has lifted and I'm clear-minded. Yay!   Feeling these benefits is what will keep you on track and stick to the rest of the cleanse. Maybe even do another one in the future. My husband has already sworn that he will not do this again. Mainly, because of the taste of the liver cleanse/ACV drink.  I think he’ll feel the benefits after it's over and be open to it again. We’ll see. My husband, on the other hand, said everything finally kicked in this morning at 5 am.  So maybe he's a little more toxic than me since it took this long to feel any of the actual cleansing part.  Nevertheless, I’m just thankful he’s been open enough to give this a try after years of me asking him to try.   Day 4 is the last day you drink the liver cleanse and ACV drinks.  Tomorrow will be light eating prepping for the Flush Day. Having done this cleanse twice before I am not looking forward to this part but I will do it, of course. At this point, neither one of us is having any cravings for anything.  I’m not really hungry either today. Day 5 This is the big day, Flush day.  Need I say more, this is exactly what it says. We’ve already been experiencing flush like symptoms all week from Oxy-powder and Later-Flora.  Yes, it will happen it's unavoidable its part of the elimination of toxins. And that is what we are going for here. This may be the day you ask yourself why do I need a liver cleanse? Cause you're not sure why you're this BUT don't forget the benefits! This is the home stretch you can finish this! The day itself was a regular day but with a restricted eating plan.  My energy levels are up and I feel clear-minded. You will not take Oxy-powder and later-flora on this night.  Instead, you will drink Epsom salt, yup it’s lovely (that’s sarcasm) and then olive oil, equally as tasty (sarcasm again). I’m not going to lie. It wasn't easy-drinking Epsom salt and olive oil straight up. (This is where I ask myself that question why do I need a liver cleanse?) I struggled with getting down the Epsom salt mix, which is a laxative in case you are wondering WTH, and had to keep myself from gagging.  My husband tried to talk to me right after drinking this, and I had to say don’t talk to me, I’m trying to keep this down. Then shortly after, you take the olive oil shot.  You can down all 6 oz as a shot or mix it with some freshly squeezed orange juice. I opted to not shoot it like some badass but rather mix it with OJ and do my best to get it down slowly. I got it down, it wasn’t too bad with OJ and I kept telling myself, I’m going to feel so much better after this.  Do it. I did.   How Did My Husband Do, You May Ask? After all, I’ve done this cleanse 3 times now, and I still struggle with getting down the Epsom salt drink and olive oil.  But I do it every time and don’t use that as a reason to not do it. So surely, my husband is going to be struggling with this too. I’m going to have to coach him through it. Well, my husband freakin’ threw both back like a champ. WTH! He complained all week about the ACV drinks and how that was awful but for some reason the most difficult part, for me anyway, he was like yeah no big deal.   DAY 6 While this is technically not part of the actual cleanse, it is part of the flush day aftermath.  You will take 6 Oxy-Powders when you wake up. This gets everything moving out of your liver and gallbladder.  Instructions say you may see stones being passed. You can use a throwaway strainer if you would like to catch them and see, per the instructions.  Yeah, I don’t need to go that far but some of you may. I experienced the “Flush” all day the next day.  I had to attend a party that afternoon and was ok for the most part.  Running to the bathroom as needed. My husband said he had to go to the bathroom but it wasn’t anything crazy. He was at the same party and even ate regular food. I, however, did not as I ate fruit and drank water. In no way was I going to mess up all my hard work and struggle by eating poorly the next day or days afterward.  No need to undo what had just been done. BATHROOM BREAKS This may be a concern for you especially if you work outside your home. I had the benefit of being at home this time. However, the previous two times I did it I was at work just like you. And I managed just fine.  As long as you have access to a bathroom, you’ll be fine. My husband did it while being at work all week and he managed.  So don’t let this be a deterrent to not try the cleanse. You can order it here and start your journey now.  It’s only 5 days plus the next day after the flush. Plan it over a weekend so you don’t have to worry about work bathrooms. LIVER CLEANSE RESULTS I’ve done this cleanse 3 times now and always feel better after.  If you’ve never done one or are a pro but haven’t tried this one, give it a try.  It may sound scary but the benefits far out weight the Epsom salt drink and olive oil shot. You may be wondering, if I do this how much weight will I lose. What's in it for me besides the elimination of toxins? Now, of course, I measured and weighed myself to give you all the external results from this liver cleanse.  It’s not all about the external results though we are going for internal health here. But I know this plays a role in the overall outcome. I hope this answered the question of why do I need a liver cleanse? You'll definitely get benefits of the cleanse at the very least you'll feel a little better. Read about activated charcoal and how it too can help with cleansing out some toxins. For an added benefit try grounding or earthing or dry brushing. WEIGHT LOSS Here it is, I lost 4 pounds (in 6 days), and lost a ½ inch off my waist, a ¾ inch off the smallest part of the abdomen, and a ¼ inch off my lower abdomen.  This may or may not seem like a lot to you but we are all different. These results are significant for me. I’m only 5’ so this is noticeable.   My husband lost 5 pounds during this time.  We don’t have any measurements on him; guys aren’t doing all that.  But I can visually tell that he lost weight around his upper abdomen.  He can benefit from another cleanse or two.  Still, I'm proud he gave it a try. Men if you are reading this you can do this too.  I’m still impressed that my husband did this with me.  He stuck to it even though the drinking of liver cleanse water and ACV water was a little rough.  He persevered and came out the other side lighter, feeling better. And I think eventually he’ll do another one because he’ll remember how he felt after doing the liver cleanse.  Time will tell. TAKE AWAY You may think different parts of the cleanse are harder than others.  As you can tell from both of our experiences we stuck to it and finished it. Why did we stick to it? Because we know our livers are calling out for some help.  It’s vital that we take care of our liver as it works diligently every minute of the day to keep us going strong. Your body is being inundated with toxins every day, and your liver is working hard at cleaning them out, but it’s being overwhelmed.  It’s when it becomes overloaded that you experience the symptoms above. You gotta help your body work at optimal levels.   You only get one. Try this cleanse to start in detoxing your body.  You came across this post for a reason. You're ready to begin healing and not treat the symptoms anymore. Get started! Remember that no two people are the same therefore no two people will have the same results, with anything in life. What works for one may not work another. These are my results alone. You may or may not experience the exact same thing. Listen to your body. 8/22/2019 UPDATE Global Healing Center now includes the organic olive oil and Epsom salt in the Liver Cleanse Kit. No worries about having to get anything extra for the cleanse except ACV. I wish you peace and guidance on your journey.  Take care and be well. The Liver Cleanse Kit Is: - 100% alcohol-free. - Vegan-friendly and GMO-free. - Helps eliminate foreign substances and toxins from the liver. - Made with organic and wild cultivated herbs. - Made in the USA from globally sourced ingredients using eco-friendly sustainable manufacturing. Read the full article
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[HOAX INFORMED] Keto Explode Gummies Bewertung: Customer Reviews, SCAM REVEALED Nobody Tells You This
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〉〉Facebook:- https://www.facebook.com/KetoACVExplodeGummiesBewertung/
〉〉Item Name: — Keto Explode Gummies Bewertung
〉〉Utilized For: — Weight Loss,Better stomach well-being and Burn excess fat.
〉〉Primary Benefits: — Control your hunger & promote digestion, 100% NATURAL.
〉〉Ingredients: — Green Tea,BHB,Garcinia Cambogia & ACV.
〉〉Incidental effects: — NA
〉〉Rating:— Overall rating: — ★★★★★ 5 out of 5
〉〉Age range: — Adults
〉〉Accessibility: — Online
〉〉Where to Buy — Click Here to Rush Your Order from the Official Website
Keto Explode Gummies Bewertung:- When in comparison to other weight reduction products, Keto Explode Gummies Bewertung stand out as being especially different due to their covert and threat-loose technique of supporting with fats burning. Via the burning of energy as well as visceral fat, one may also acquire a more average degree of energy thru the technique of metabolism. Simply stated, these wondrous candies lessen the amount of fats stored within the frame, which in turn boosts someone's degree of power and stamina.
Anyone seeking out a fat-burning remedy that does not include the hazard of unpleasant facet consequences have to strongly consider giving Keto Explode Gummies Bewertung a attempt. They are an terrific choice on this regard. You might discover fulfillment on your quest for a leaner body by means of making use of techniques which might be clearly derived as well as those which can be extra advanced. These organic gummy candies are easy and chewy, and they include no flavors or shades which are synthetic. A meal plan for a ketogenic eating regimen may also consist of them with a purpose to recall. In addition to the aforementioned nutrient-dense snacks, the day by day meal plan consists of a selection of leafy green greens, end result, seeds, and nuts like almonds, as well as yoghurt
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How Keto Explode Gummies Bewertung paintings?
As defined, Keto Explode Gummies Bewertung, with 100% BHB, are an instant fat burner, because of this in more than one weeks you'll begin feeling the effect and seeing large enhancements for your typical body fitness. Keto Explode Gummies Bewertung paintings to launch stored fats, through ketosis, which enables your body burn the fats for strength in preference to carbs, reducing your body fat stages. According to hundreds of client responses, the supplement will let you lose up to 5 lbs inside the first week.
After the primary 4 weeks of continually the use of the complement, you will revel in an accelerated fat burn, helping lose even more fats in a completely brief period of time. Finally, after 3-6 months of using Keto Explode Gummies Bewertung, you'll see a actual transformation of your body, reduced urge for food, in addition to improved overall frame fitness.
Benefits of Keto Explode Gummies Bewertung:-
Keto Explode Gummies Bewertung are evolved inside the U.S.A. In an FDA-approved, GMP-certified current lab. The supplements comprise energetic ingredients including apple cider vinegar (ACV) and keto-inducing herbs, flora and extracts which offer their own unique advantages. These energetic ingredients are combined to provide a natural answer for weight loss.
Here are a few potential advantages of taking Keto Explode Gummies Bewertung:
Burn excess fat: These gummies will help in burning excess fats as opposed to carbs. With the immoderate quantity of carbs in your diets these days the frame turns into programmed to burn carbs rather than fats. Algarve Keto ACV Gummies assist set off ketosis, burning fats .
A burst of natural energy degrees: Once ketosis is activated, the extra fat burned is transformed right into a herbal burst of energy. This means you will no longer sense worn-out in the course of the day or take five cups of coffee to live wide awake, with the extra electricity your body produces maintaining you alert.
Weight loss aid: ACV has been proven to help with weight reduction, and the ketogenic weight loss plan also can sell weight loss through inducing ketosis. When taken collectively, ACV and keto gummies might also provide extra aid for weight reduction.
The aggregate of Keto Explode Gummies Bewertung is likewise proven to have several other useful consequences for your health along with progressed digestion and higher intestine fitness, higher blood sugar manipulate, and decreased appetite tiers.
[Attention Please] Must Read Customer REVIEWS – ORDER AT Your Doorstep!!!
How can I take Keto Explode Gummies Bewertung to get the maximum out of them?
There is some proof that ingesting one to 3 keto treats day by day may additionally useful resource in weight reduction and fats loss. That's the advised quantity, and it's going to do wonders on your fitness desires. One of those advantages is a dramatic upward thrust inside the price at which the body burns fat, and this impact lasts for a long time after taking the keto gummies.
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Where to purchase Keto Explode Gummies Bewertung?
Assuming you are attempting to buy the Keto Explode Gummies Bewertung, you really want to safeguard a few matters at the top of the priority list.
To begin with, guarantee you buy from a respectable source. Many spots sell fake or low-top of the line items, so it's vital to do your investigations prior to making a purchase in any case get it from the business' dependable web website.
Second, make certain to concentrate on the component posting carefully. A few dietary enhancements won't suit people with explicit extremely touchy responses or clinical circumstances.
At long last, carve out opportunity to talk alongside your clinical specialist sooner than taking any new enhancement, especially when you have any hidden wellbeing stresses. By following those basic clues, you might guarantee that you're getting an enormous item to assist you with arriving at your weight decrease wants.
Keto Explode Gummies Bewertung are to be had at modest costs in New Zealand and Australia. On the off chance that you get one container of Keto Explode Gummies Bewertung, it'll expense you $a hundred and five.Fifty five. On the off chance that you buy two containers, it'll cost you $271.Seventy one. In the event that you buy 3 jugs, feeing you $337.Eighty two is going.
How to Use Keto Explode Gummies Bewertung?
The regular consumption of Keto Explode Gummies Bewertung is 1-3 gummies each day which is likewise advocated by way of fitness professionals. The perfect dosage stays at 2 gummies according to day however you can take 3 with out waiting for any aspect consequences.
Note, which you should always consume these gummies below the regular limit. The novices may additionally want to have the great results in exchange for an altered lifestyle with not less than half-hour of exercising every day.
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When you buy any weight loss plan tablets, weight loss dietary supplements, or Gummies, you need to continually search for a good producer. Because of the scams available on line and their numbers are growing, OTC weight reduction gummies are on occasion subjected to scrutiny via professionals.
Keto Explode Gummies Bewertung are reviewed with the aid of heaps of dieters and some of professionals who observed out about the organisation making this. The candy and quality edibles offer reductions on their purchase with a a hundred% applicable cash-returned assure provide which makes it reliable and not a rip-off.
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birdwives · 2 years
70% of my acv fic research is just googling if they had a particular flora or fauna that i have in mind in 9th century england
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onceonce11 · 3 years
12 beneficios de tomar café
El buen café tiene propiedades notables para la salud. Cuánto y de qué tipo hay que consumir por día.
Aunque durante muchos años fue estigmatizado y asociado con algunas enfermedades, los beneficios del café se han confirmado en estudios científicos de todo el mundo en los últimos 20 años. Hoy, hasta los cardiólogos se lo recomiendan a sus pacientes, algo impensado en otras épocas.
Es importante precisar dos aspectos esenciales para obtener estos beneficios para la salud: la calidad y la cantidad del consumo. El café en granos o molido es por lo general mucho mejor que el café instantáneo, ya que este último atraviesa un proceso industrial que incluye conservantes que afectan los componentes aromáticos y nutricionales. Y se suele hacer con mezclas de cafés de menor calidad para conseguir un precio mucho más popular.
En cuanto a la cantidad, el Dr. Marcelo Halac, cardiólogo del Hospital Italiano, recomienda que no sean más de 3 a 4 tazas diarias. "Digamos, una por cada una de las cuatro comidas del día. El consumo excesivo de cualquier sustancia que estimula el sistema nervioso como el café se vuelve perjudicial", advierte.
El siguiente es un listado con los beneficios para la salud más comprobados que genera tomar café.
1. Combate el envejecimiento prematuro
Al ser rico en antioxidantes, el café combate el envejecimiento. Los antioxidantes protegen al organismo del daño de degeneración de células que producen las moléculas llamadas radicales libres. El café llega a triplicar el poder antioxidante del té verde o el vino tinto.
2. Disminuye el riesgo de padecer un ACV o una cardiopatía
La cafeína tiene un efecto vasodilatador, que provoca que la sangre corra más fluidamente por el cuerpo. El café no aumenta el ritmo cardíaco, tampoco aumenta significativamente la presión, y disminuye la probabilidad de padecer ataques cerebrovasculares o insuficiencias cardíacas.
3. Es una fuente de energía positiva
La cafeína estimula la transmisión de los impulsos nerviosos, mejora el estado de alerta, aumenta la memoria de corto plazo, la coordinación y la capacidad de concentración. También favorece el vigor y la rapidez física. Y mejora la motivación y los estados de ánimo en quienes la consumen.
4. Baja la probabilidad de desarrollar diabetes tipo 2
La diabetes tipo 2 es la más común y se produce cuando el cuerpo no produce la insulina necesaria o las células no hacen uso de la insulina. Distintas investigaciones han comprobado que el café disminuye entre un 25 y un 50% las probabilidades de desarrollar esta diabetes. Se cree que se debe a los factores antioxidantes del café, sus efectos antiinflamatorios y termogénicos y a la modulación de la diversidad microbiana que provoca.
5. Mejora los síntomas del asma
Al dilatar los bronquios, el buen café ayuda a combatir la crisis de asma y otras alergias usuales. La cafeína está compuesta pos sustancias similares químicamente a la teofilina, compuesto habitual en los medicamentos indicados para curar el asma. La cafeína es usada como una sustancia activa en muchos fármacos para las afecciones respiratorias.
6. Previene la cirrosis
Se sabe desde hace tiempo los efectos protectores que tiene la cafeína sobre el hígado en aquellos que toman entre 2 y 4 tazas de café por día. Desde 1992 el médico investigador Arthur Klatsky ha desarrollado estudios que confirman que quienes toman café habitualmente tienen un 80% de posibilidades de no desarrollar cirrosis hepática alcohólica.
7. Retrasa la aparición del Alzheimer
Desde hace más de 10 años se están realizando notables estudios en varios países sobre cómo el café retrasa los efectos de enfermedades neurodegenerativas. Se ha logrado detectar que los efectos surgen de un grupo de compuestos que nacen en el proceso de tostado de los granos de café, llamados fenilindanos. Además de que reducirían los riesgos del Alzheimer, se cree que también pueden funcionar como inhibidores del mal de Parkinson.
8. Combate la celulitis
La cafeína es usada en muchísimas cremas y otros productos anti-celulitis, ya que ayuda a reactivar la circulación, a quemar las grasas y a erradicar el líquido seroso que se instala en tejidos musculares.
9. Ayuda a disminuir el dolor de cabeza
El café dilata los vasos sanguíneos del cerebro, donde se produce la tensión que general el dolor de cabeza. Al dilatar los vasos, disminuye el dolor y puede hacerlo desaparecer.
10. Resulta protector y digestivo
Considerado un alimento funcional por su efecto prebiótico, alimenta la flora bacteriana que nos protege de contraer enfermedades. También estimula la secreción gástrica, activa la producción de bilis y contrae la vesícula, con lo que el café se vuelve digestivo tomado después de las comidas.
11. Mejora el rendimiento deportivo
El café aumenta la capacidad muscular y favorece una mayor contracción de los músculos esqueléticos. Eleva claramente la predisposición a la hora de iniciar la actividad física. La cafeína aumenta el número de ácidos grasos en la sangre lo que permite que los músculos absorban y quemen esas grasas como combustible, guardando para esfuerzos posteriores las pequeñas reservas de carbohidratos del cuerpo.
12. Es un exfoliante de la piel
Hay jabones que se realizan a base de café. Su textura es especial para suavizar zonas ásperas de la piel, a la que ayuda a tonificar y darle más firmeza por su acción desintoxicante.
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the-bibluebird · 5 years
Natural Antibiotics 🌿🌲🍀
Okay, straight off the bat I am going to say please, please, please go to a doctor and enquire about different forms of antibiotics before going completely natural. It is not the best idea to rely fully on natural antibiotics especially if you are fighting a bad infection. 
A Bit About Antibiotics 
The offical definition is: a medicine (such as penicillin or its derivatives) that inhibits the growth of or destroys microorganisms. 
Further Explanation:
Antibiotics are medicines used to treat a wide variety of infections or diseases caused by bacteria, such as respiratory tract infections (e.g. pneumonia and whooping coughs), urinary tract infections and infected wounds. There are certain dangers, mainly individuals who use antibiotics often can develop a resistance. 
15 Natural Antibiotics 
1. Garlic 
Garlic holds a status as an ancient antibiotic, and has been used for hundreds of years as a protection against sickness and infection. Garlic is high in antioxidants and supportive of a strong immune system, garlic also contains antibiotic, antiviral, anti-fungal and antimicrobial properties due to its high concentration of allicin - a compound that studies show kills harmful bacteria. 
This is a link explaining a little more on allicin:
2. Oil of Oregano
Said to be a broad-spectrum natural antibiotic, oregano oil is regarded for its efficacy in reducing GI tract infections. When purchasing oregano oil, look for Origanum vulgare or Thymus capitatus. 
Oregano oil also acts as an anti-fungal -you can use it to kill foot or toenail, fungus, parasites or infections, and even sinus infections. Check that the oil your purchase has at least 70 percent carvacrol, the antimicrobial compound that makes oregano oil potent. 
3. Echinacea
An ancient remedy used for treating open wounds, blood poisoning, bacterial infections, and diphtheria, research shows that Echinacea can help treat respiratory infections. Contrary to popular belief though, research suggests it may not be very effective in preventing or treating the common cold. 
The link below is to the benefits of drinking Echinacea Tea:
4. Pau d’Arco 
Pau d’Arco helps reduce sugar cravings. Used for hundreds of years to treat fungal overgrowth, researchers in Brazil found that the herb also worked efficiently on yeast. Pau d’Arco can be taken as a tea, though many say its’s an acquired taste. 
5. Cayenne Pepper
Cayenne Pepper can be used as both an antibiotic and as an anti-fungal. If used on the skin, cayenne pepper oil requires a carrier oil - think olive -because it can be an irritant if used in doses that are too large. Use cayenne pepper oil to treat throat, and other respiratory discomforts. 
6. Grapefruit Seed Extract
Also referred to as GSE, Grapefruit seed extract is a powerful antibiotic that is so effective, scientists in one study claimed that it was ‘comparable to proven topical antibacterials.’ 
They also noted that ‘its comparative effectiveness against a wide range of bacterial biotypes is significant. GSE can be used to treat warts and household pathogens. If taking GSE internally, make the product in your own kitchen by mixing group grapefruit seeds with glycerin. 
7. Ginger
Ginger has ling be considered a natural antibiotic and a protector against food borne pathogens, like salmonella, listeria and campylobacter. This is why raw fish sushi is commonly served with pickled ginger. 
Ginger is also known to sooth digestive ailments and can promote balance in the gut. Scientists found that gingerol components “have been reported to posses antimicrobial and anti-fungal properties, as well as several pharmaceutical properties.” A mix of ginger, lime juice and spice helped to eliminate the pathogens in dirty drinking water. 
8. Olive Leaf Extract
Dutch scientists found that oleuropein - and more specifically, elenolic acid, is a broad spectrum antibiotic that halts harmful bacteria, fungi, and viruses in their tracks. Those with infections that are hard to shake, or issues like candida (yeast overgrowth) will benefit from incorporating olive leaf extract to their daily routines. 
9. Turmeric 
One spice that’s getting a second life is Turmeric. Used traditionally in Indian cooking, the spice has also been used in a holistic health setting for hundreds of years.
Researchers found that the substance curcumin – found in turmeric – was highly effective in reducing inflammation and gastric damage from stomach ulcers.Scientists have also determined that consuming turmeric can provide relief from allergy symptoms (think rhinitis or hay fever).
10. Cabbage 
Known for its potentially gaseous effects on the gastrointestinal system, cabbage is abundant in sulfur compounds that are a hallmark of vegetables of the cruciferous family (that includes broccoli and kale).
Fortunately, these compounds are effective in destroying harmful cells.
Raw cabbage is a natural antibacterial, so consume it as a raw slaw, or even as a fresh juice!
11. Coconut Oil 
No product has experienced such a meteoric high in popularity over the past few years as has coconut oil.
A review of research shows that coconut oil is naturally anti-fungal and anti-microbial. Coconut oil is also full of unique antioxidants.
Use coconut oil (in small doses) to balance the thyroid, cholesterol, blood sugar levels, improve the strength of the immune system and support brain functioning.
12. Apple Cider Vinegar 
If you’re using ACV to benefit your health, be sure you pick up the raw, unpasteurized version. ACV is widely lauded for its antibiotic and antiseptic effect — it also alkalizes the body, balancing pH naturally.  ACV is said to help patients manage weight, control cholesterol, and reduce risk of cancer.
Apple cider vinegar can also be used around the house as a cleaning agent, though there is no need to buy raw ACV for this purpose.
13. Fermented Foods 
If gut imbalances are your biggest issue, step away from the synthetic antibiotics and consider supplementing with fermented foods.
Their probiotic abilities promote good bacteria in the gut, and have been lauded by holistic health practitioners for years.
Additionally, fermented foods such as sauerkraut, raw pickles, non-dairy yogurt, and Korean kim chi all contain antioxidants and microorganisms that the body can use easily and effectively.
14. Myrrh Extract 
Known primarily for its role in the biblical retelling of Jesus’ birth, myrrh is also said to fend off harmful pathogens.
According to a study from 2000, myrrh extract was effective in combatting E. coli, staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and Candida albicans.
15. Colloidal Silver 
This last one on this list is not plant-based and, while some laud it's remarkable ability to kill germs, others claim it comes with a risk.
Colloidal sliver is a remedy that has been around since the 1900s, when Alfred Searle discovered that this substance had the power to kill harmful pathogens.
Colloidal silver was thrust into the spotlight once more in the 1970s, when Syracuse University’s Dr. Robert O Becker discovered that the silver kills bacteria in addition to bacteria that was previously resistant to antibiotics.
On the negative side, two studies examined the gut microbiota of mice and rats fed with colloidal silver, and found that it disrupts gut flora.
As you can see, though it’s important to protect yourself and your family against infections, it’s equally important to consider antibiotic-resistance when choosing a treatment method.
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lycomorpha · 1 year
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The Flora of AC Valhalla: Food plants in Avaldsnes and Stavanger
I want to talk about the edible plants we see early on in ACV in Norway, because they're such an integral part of human existence! However...
Crops/economic botany is not my area of expertise
Neither is Norwegian food history
As a very part-time interloper and not an Actual Norwegian, I do not want to end up in an argument about grøt
The secret to a long and happy life is... Don't argue with; your Yorkshire relations about parkin, French friends & fam about butter, or Norwegian folks about grøt (which is porridge, but more so.) Trust me on this. But since we often forget to notice the plant materials that feed/clothe/shelter us every day, I'm gonna wade in anyway and link to more expert folks on porridge (bc I know my limits, lol.)
One other fun thing to note is that there's a reconstructed viking-era farm at present-day Avaldsnes, on the island of Bukkøy (which is also represented in-game as a small wooded island full of deer, just off Avaldsnes.) So if by chance you ever found yourself in the area in summer when it's open, you could find out a lot more on what the settlement and its crops might have looked like IRL.
Cultivated plants in Avaldsnes
We see crop plants as soon as we sneak into Avaldsnes. The first thing I noticed is a field of oats, and nearby is a cart with bundles of oats and another grain - probably barley or rye rather than wheat in this time period. This is where discussion of grøt & other skjemat (literally "spoon-food") would come in if I was feeling brave or foolish... Instead let me point to this lovely piece on the history of porridge as a staple in Norway, which includes links to recipes. Also here's an explainer of skjemat. One way or another I'm betting Eivor ate a lot of porridge, savory and sweet, because it's good stuff.
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I also saw some fields out in the distance, past the oats and outside the restricted area...
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And when I got there one was full of conifer saplings, and the other with dried flower or seed heads I can't identify. Most histories (in English at least) associate Norse settlers with deforestation. But there's evidence of them coppicing in England and growing orchards in France. So arboriculture in ACV's world doesn't seem too wild an idea.
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I've no idea what the dried seeds/flowers are, and AFAIK there are few if any written herbals from the era. There are many plants listed in the present day region which have seed heads you could dry, but I recall some Danish research looking at archeological evidence of medicinal herbs used in medieval settlements? I might pick that up with the herbarium folks and see if they know anything - there is at least one person there that has studied old herbal texts and how they were compiled. I'm curious to know what plants Eivor would have known about/used!
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Food plants and herbs in dwellings
In both Avaldsnes and Stavanger, we see food in and outside of the homes. Vegetables include cabbage, onion, and carrots - I like that the carrots are white, which they apparently were at this point in history. Cabbage and related vegetables can grow in quite cold winters (I wonder if the Raven clan would've had the same fkn whitefly problems we get on them, lol!) There's also bread... Some cheese on the shelf to go with I think? Nice.
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I'm not sure what the herbs hanging up are, some look dry and others fresh. No doubt Norse travellers would have brought tasty culinary herbs from their travels, and maybe cultivated them as well as native medicinal/edible species. Seeing fruit & veg food outside in the snow reminds me of hanging milk and fresh food in a bag outside my room on a window ledge when the temperature allowed - so that it didn't get pinched from a shared fridge!
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From a sync point in Stavanger you look can out over the town and see fields of oats here too. Having been to Stavanger, it was cool to imagine the port, new and old town in the distant past. The weirdest thing for me was seeing the coastline very simplified. It's a bit like how some of the counties in England where I've lived (and live now) look oddly glued together in game. Not complaining tho. Obviously there's only so much detail you need/is practical to include in a game! It just bends my brain a little.
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But I did enjoy one joke that is included in the map; a small island for you to practice raiding called 'Ikke en Oy'. The words "ikke en øy" literally mean "not an island" in Norwegian, so I'm guessing that was an amusing way of saying "yeah, we made this lil bit of land up!"
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drlaurynlax · 6 years
What Is The Urinary Tract Infection And Gut Bacteria Connection?
The Urinary Tract Infection
Your gut bacteria and small intestinal bacterial overgrowth may be the root cause of your urinary tract infection. Get the facts. 
Urinary tract infections (UTIs), defined as a bacterial infection (typically E. Coli) in the urinary tract (kidneys, ureters, bladder and/or urethra)— are one of the most common types of bacterial infections in the world, affecting approximately 150 million people every year, particularly women.
In fact, 1 in 2 women will have a urinary tract infection (UTI) at some point in her lifetime, with many cases leading to an emergency room visit due to severe, or concerning symptoms, including:
• Strong, pressing urge to urinate
• Burning sensation when urinating
• Passing frequent, small amounts of urine
• Cloudy urine
• Urine that appears red, bright pink or cola-colored
• Strong-smelling urine
• Pelvic pain (specially in the center of the pelvis and around the area of the pubic bone)
What causes bacterial infection or Urinary Tract Infection in the first place?
Two words: Bacterial Overgrowth. 
Most UTI’s begin in the lower urinary tract (urethra and bladder).
Bacteria from the bowel live on the skin (near the anus or in the vaginal region), and if you have an abundance or overgrowth of bacteria, they spread and enter the urinary tract through the urethra—the initial stages of urinary tract infection (UTI).
If they move up the urethra, they may also cause a bladder infection (called cystitis) or, further up, kidney dysfunction (pyelonephritis).
How does bacterial overgrowth happen?
Most Google articles and doctors will tell you about other symptoms or risk factors related to UTI’s, including:
“Infection of the urethra”
Sexual Intercourse
Female Anatomy
Birth Control Pills
“Urinary Tract Abnormalities”
However, these explanations have no clear consensus on the root causes of UTI’s—how or why the “bacterial overgrowth” happened in the first place.
Considering that the bacteria entering your urinary tract stem from the large bowel and GI tract, the answer to this question lies in your gut and gut health.
If you have bacterial overgrowth, such as SIBO; a fungal overgrowth or infection; or Dysbiosis (i.e., imbalance of healthy bacteria) in your gut, then you can bet your bottom dollar you are more “at risk” for UTI’s.
Hence, if you want to address your UTIs, or bladder infections, you must first start with your gut—not traditional treatments.
Traditional Treatment
Antibiotics are typically the “first line of defense” prescribed by doctors to destroy the urinary tract infection.
The problem though is that antibiotics kill off and disrupt healthy bacteria in your gut that prevent pathogenic bacteria from growing in the first place —further perpetuating your condition and setting you up for re-occurrence in the near future.
In short: While antibiotics and other drugs may seemingly work in the short term (to suppress symptoms and “clean the slate”), they do NOT prevent UTI’s, “heal your body” (or your gut) or promote healthy gut bacteria.
So What to Do About It?
Instead of focusing on the urinary tract alone, the best “line of defense” for curbing bacteria overgrowth is to target the gut itself.
A few natural home treatments include:
1. Gut-Loving Foods.
As always, the first line of defense for a healthy gut starts with what we put in our mouth. Unlike foods produced in a factory with a long list of ingredients or processing (bars, crackers, breads, conventional dairy), gut loving foods include foods in their most authentic (real) form that your body knows how to digest. Reach for sustainable proteins (wild caught fish, grass-fed beef, pastured poultry), a mix of raw and cooked veggies—especially dark leafy greens, and healthy fats (coconut oil, ghee, grass-fed butter, avocado), along with the traditional gut-boosters themselves, including:
Bone Broth
Fermented Foods (sauerkraut, kefir, plain grass-fed yogurt
Pre-biotic Foods (green tipped bananas, plantains, cooked and cooled potatoes/sweet potatoes, jicama, garlic, onions, leeks asparagus)
MCT Oil & Coconut Oil
Dark Leafy Greens
2. Apple Cider Vinegar.
A common cause of bacterial overgrowth stems from low stomach acid or “hypochlorhydria.” Boost digestion (healthy gut) and stomach acid with a tablespoon of ACV in 2-4 oz. of water before meals.
3. D-Mannose.
The sugar-like compound found in cranberry juice without the sugar punch of cranberry juice to bind to E. Coli and carry it on out. Try: Now D-Mannose.
4. Soil & Spore Based Probiotics
Such as: Megaspore Biotic, Primal Probiotics, FloraMyoces. 1 in the morning and 1 at night. Soil based organisms promote a healthy dose of bacteria that mimic the healthy (necessary) bacteria of our ancestors, who ate foods from rich, uncontaminated soil of the good ol days. (And don’t forget Pre-biotics to help absorb your probiotics).
5. Saccharomyces boulardii (S. boulardii).
Single strains of this probiotic have been shown to effectively reduce E. Coli strains alone, most commonly connected to UTI’s (Akil et al, 2006).
6. BioFilm Disruptors.
Supplements that break up the glue-like, protective capsules (“steel armor”) of bacteria in order to destroy them. Try: Interfase Plus.
7. Monolaurin.
A derivative of coconut oil with anti-viral and anti-bacterial properties, also known as a “microbicide.” Monolaurin reduces the infection ability of microbes (or microorganisms) such as bacteria, viruses and fungi. Try: Lauracidin.
8. Bacteria-Busting Herbs.
Lastly “anti-microbials”—herbs that “kill off” unwanted pathogens can be a big win for rebalancing a healthy gut flora. Try combination of various herbs including: Candibactin-BR & Candibactin-AR.
The post What Is The Urinary Tract Infection And Gut Bacteria Connection? appeared first on Meet Dr. Lauryn.
Source/Repost=> https://drlauryn.com/gut-health/urinary-tract-infection-and-gut-bacteria-connection/ ** Dr. Lauryn Lax __Nutrition. Therapy. Functional Medicine ** https://drlauryn.com/
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