#flower shop cyprus
cosmeagardens4 · 1 year
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In this comprehensive guide to flowers delivery cyprus, discover the ultimate destination for exquisite floral arrangements. Whether it's a special occasion or to brighten someone's day, we provide expert tips to help you find the perfect service. Explore the best options for sending beautiful flowers across Cyprus, from stunning bouquets to reliable delivery.
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just-art5 · 1 year
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Can you tell I am happy that it's autumn? These illustrations are available through my Etsy shop, both in digital and physical forms!
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omberoaks · 1 year
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OmberOaks captures vintage artistry! Step into a world where history and creativity intertwine, where every print whispers its own story. Just purchase and download your vintage art to get started!
All files are high-quality prints in JPEG format with 300 dpi resolution.
Currently running a 40% sale across the store.
Store Link - https://omberoaks.etsy.com
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hannahssimblr · 7 months
Chapter Twenty-Four
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Life after Cyprus really isn’t all that interesting. In fact, I spend most of my time thinking about Cyprus, remembering Cyprus, reliving moments from Cyprus and pretending I’m still there, especially on those drizzly spring days when I look out the little Mezzotint studio window over the slick grey Dublin streets. I wonder just how much more interesting would my life be if I was in Cyprus right now? 
“Oi,” Simon snaps his fingers in front of my face, “Earth to Evie, you’ve been daydreaming all morning. Don’t you have… something to do?” He seems unsure about what exactly it is that I’ve been working on, which is understandable. Sometimes it’s cards, sometimes it’s windows, murals, signs, really, it could be anything. It just happens to be a poster for an art exhibition this time. Dull. 
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“I’m working as hard as I can,” I tell him, which is true, because the most work I can manage is none. I wonder what Jude is doing. When we texted forty minutes ago he was in his studio working on his project, which is a collection of masks inspired by his travels in Asia, and before that he got a coffee in a little cafe near his university. I’m riveted by the idea of what he might be doing now. I text him again. 
Not you again…
He texts back, and I smile, no, beam to myself. 
Joking, I’m eating a pretzel. 
Oh, cool. 
I’m thrilled to know about the pretzel, and even more thrilled to receive a photo of said pretzel seconds later. It’s a salt and pepper one half wrapped in a serviette on his lap, and he’s wearing blue jeans and those green and white runners I’ve always liked. 
Miss you
I text him. 
Miss you too, Evie. Loads. Can’t wait to call you later.
I respond with a barrage of emojis, heart eyed, sparkling hearts, kisses, winky faces, flowers, moons and suns and stars. I should be completely embarrassed of myself , but I mean it all in a partially ironic way. Sort of, and really, I don’t care so much about the horrifying ordeal of sincerity anymore. It feels good to be mushy and emotional, earnest and obsessed with this gorgeous person who puts up with me, and it’s not like anybody is going to read our texts…
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“You done talking to your boyfriend?” Simon is right behind me now, and I can tell that he’s trying to sound as annoyed as he can but he’s not really managing it. He’s smirking. Smirking because he saw my stupid emojis, and now I am humiliated. 
I stuff my phone back into my pocket, “I’m sorry, I’m so distracted. I’ll get back to work now, I know with this deadline and all…”
“End of day, Evie, I mean it. The client wants that poster by Wednesday, and if you have me panicking at the last minute trying to get it to the printers on time I’m not going to be happy about it.”
“Okay, yeah, I’ll stay late if I have to.”
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Gabriel makes a huffing sound when Simon goes back to his seat, “He’s no fun, girl. Text your sexy boyfriend all you like.”
“Can hear you from over here,” Simon comments. 
“He thinks he’s so scary and serious,” Izzy chimes in at volume, “But he’s absolutely not. Don’t let him intimidate you into staying late.”
“If the three of you don’t shut up I’m going to implement a no phones and no speaking rule, and it’ll be all Evie’s fault.”
I catch Izzy’s eyes and she rolls them, but indeed, we say nothing else, and for the rest of the day I do my level best to ignore my buzzing phone, and work on the boring, unsexy poster until it’s time to go home. 
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“Do you think I’ll need a jacket at all when I’m in Sydney?” Claire takes an army green coat with a fur collar from the discount rail at a clothing shop and holds it up to herself in the mirror. 
“How cold does it get there in the winter?”
“I’ve no clue,” she sighs, “I’m unprepared, I don’t even actually know what goes on in Australia. Do they like Irish people?”
“What do you think of this coat?”
“Everyone has that same coat, Claire, it’s too trendy, and I bet they have, like, other kinds of coats in Australia. Maybe you should just wait and see when you go.”
She strokes the faux fur collar lovingly, “It’s fluffy…”
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“Look, you’re going in the early autumn, which for them is…” I tilt my head and imagine I’m upside down, “…early spring, so you’ll be going into the summer, and you definitely won’t need a coat, in fact, doesn’t it get so hot there that it bursts into actual flames every few years?”
“A coat is like a safety item though, I can’t imagine being in a place where I won’t need one. Is this the end of cosy winters for me? It feels like I didn’t appreciate the one that just passed, and actually, I complained about how cold and rainy it was the whole time, and I didn’t think about the fact that it might be my last real, cold winter for years and years and…” She’s clinging very tightly to the sleeve of this coat, chest heaving, tears springing to her big, blue eyes, and I immediately reach for her as though I can somehow prevent the imminent breakdown. 
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“Claire,” I say in my best soothing voice, “You’ll have cold winters. You’ll come home for Christmas when you can, right?” 
She relaxes a millimetre, “Yes, yeah I will, you’re right, my parents would be devastated if I didn’t, it just wouldn’t be right, and God forbid Shane Healy isn’t home with Eamonn and Caroline on Christmas Day, God, no they wouldn’t hear of it…”
“Right, and I know what this coat symbolises,” I try to gently pry it from her clutches, “But you’ll take up too much space in your suitcase if you pack something like this, and look,” I put it gingerly back onto the rail, “You can always get your mam to send a package over at some point, you know, if you find that the winters are actually cold and you need something heavier, you have loads and loads of nice coats, don’t you?”
She nods. She’s got that thousand yard stare in her eyes. 
“Try to think of this as an exciting adventure.”
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“I do think about it like that, I just… I’m an Irish girl, Evie,” She says with conviction as though she absolutely needs me to understand it, “I always, always thought that I’d just live here forever and I’d be glad about it, I had no interest in living abroad, I was just never bothered with any of that, J1 visas and all of that craic, I just can’t believe that I said yes to Australia,” She grabs my arm tightly. “You can’t go further than that without coming back around again.”
“You’ll like it, and if you don’t you can come home.” The truth is that I don’t want her to go at all, I don’t want Shane to go at all, actually, and I’m ashamed of the fact which is why I won’t say it. Having to be the one that holds it together during this conversation is hard for me when all I want to do is cling to her and cry and beg her not to leave me. Doesn’t she know that I have trauma about that kind of thing? Why would she do this to me? “I’m sure you’ll like it there, it’ll be amazing,” I reassure her, “think about Bondi Beach and stuff, and, I don’t know, whatever else they have there. Kangaroos.”
“I don’t care about the kangaroos really,” She frowns, “That’d be something Shane would like, probably.”
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“I was kind of joking about the kangaroos.”
“Oh right, well, yeah, so you think I should think more about summer wear?” She pivots to the new season rail, “More bikinis, I suppose, I’ll be having two summers in a row, that’s exciting.”
“That’s the spirit,” I say, “Who wouldn’t want nine straight months of summer?” And I help her to rummage through the rails. 
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When we come home from town later that evening she’s in a much brighter mood. She’s in the mood for a full on girls night, and is going on and on about getting dressed up and doing each others hair (Which translates to her doing my hair, because I’m relatively clueless about it, while not allowing me to lay a hand on hers, understandably) and then finding a bar that serves fancy cocktails and staying out until town shuts down. 
I don’t tell her that I was excited to call Jude, actually, because that’s what I do every night now that he’s away, and I know that he’s in an especially amorous mood because for the whole walk home with Claire he’s texting me the kinds of things that make me have to angle my screen away from her.
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I’ve discovered that I like this kind of thing, even if my Catholic Shame is scratching at the door when I get up to the things I get up to when Jude is on the phone. He mostly talks about what he wishes we could do with parts of his body and parts of my body, and I don’t really know how to reply or to say any acceptably sexy things back to him, but I’m more than happy to lie there and listen with shocked delight as he speaks absolute filth over the line to me. Tonight is not shaping up to be one of those nights, though, so I regretfully text him while Claire chatters about this bar and that bar and who does what drinks and for what prices. 
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Sorry, I think I’m having a girls night out.
Aw, damn.
I think this is when you’re supposed to tell me that you’re happy for me and that I should absolutely spend as much time as possible with my best friend before she moves 15’000kms away from me. 
You should do that, that’s what I meant. Going out with Claire sounds a lot better than listening to me. 
Hmm… I’m not so sure. 
Have fun, Evie. I’ll call you tomorrow. 
I’ll probably drunk text you in the meantime. 
Please! I love it when you do that. 
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Claire and I spend two hours getting ready once we’re home, and I love every minute of it, because she has this incredible way of making me look like the best, hottest, most spectacular version of myself. Sometimes when she does my makeup I think back in horror to what I used to let Kelly do to my face. She was dangerous with an eyeshadow brush, and as Claire carefully applies layers of exquisitely blended shimmery gold to my lids I suppress a shudder at the thoughts of what I looked like on my dinner date with Liam all those years ago. I recently uncovered an old photo from a digital camera SD card of myself, awkwardly standing by the flimsy door of Kelly’s mobile home bedroom with eyes rimmed in black kohl liner and a circle of orange foundation around the collar of my top. I don’t know how I wasn’t mocked relentlessly.
“I didn’t notice those things,” Jude said to me when I sent the photo to him, “Maybe it was just too dark out that night, I don’t know, but I remember thinking you were really pretty when we were on the quay.”
“Yeah right, I was a ghoul,” I told him. 
“A pretty cute ghoul, and by the way, didn’t you see my haircut? I definitely looked worse than you.”
Of course he didn’t, he always looked cute, but I never bother to tell him things like this, because he always denies them for the sake of being humble, or at least the pretence of being humble. I’m never quite sure which.  
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Before I go out I make sure to send a photo of myself to him so that he can remember that I can look good if I try, with help from Claire and about sixty euros worth of beauty products slapped onto my face, just in case I’m stricken down by a bus tonight and that awful teenage picture is the last image he has of me.
Bring a stick with you so you can beat the guys away from you
He says, which is total projection. It’s him that probably gets swarmed by the opposite sex in bars so he probably thinks that’s what happens to everyone. But not me, never me, except for the odd time, usually in dark corners of bars when I’m a little bit too drunk, and usually by the calibre of men that Claire would deem absolutely unacceptable to make eye contact with. 
“Come on, Evie,” she’s saying now, and I realise that I’ve been staring at my reflection in the black window while she’s been zipping herself into her lightweight jacket. “Jaz and Serena are already there.”
Beginning // Prev // Next
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simo-7056 · 4 months
br-io: deactivated.
Maybe he assumed I was looking for company!?
Nope, tumblr is interesting and informative. No time for that.
A flower shop in Larnaca, Cyprus. Their Easter celebration, they go out to decorate all their churches on Holy Friday.
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noahsinclaxr · 2 years
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What is your favourite?
Task #2 challenge from @easthavenhq
Food and Drink
Favorite fast food restaurant? Burger King
Favorite ice cream flavor? Mango or Citrus flavoured.
Favorite chocolate candy? Snickers.
Favorite fruity candy? Skittles.
Favorite kind of sushi? Anything with seaweed in it.
Favorite Asian dish? Beef teriyaki.
Favorite Italian dish? Lasagna
Favorite food of all time? Whatever the wife cooks.
Favorite way to cook a steak? Medium rare. 
Favorite breakfast food? Eggs and bacon
Favorite fruit? Grapefruit
Favorite comfort food? Marshmallows.
Favorite dish at Thanksgiving? The turkey (stuffing)
Favorite thing to cook? Casserole
Favorite soda? Coca Cola.
Favorite alcoholic drink? Beer (Budweiser)
Favorite flavor coffee? Regular black.
Television and Movies
Favorite '80s movie? Beetlejuice
Favorite Harry Potter movie? Prisoner of Azkaban
Favorite Hobbit from the Lord of the Rings? Samwise Gamgee
Favorite TV sitcom? The Nanny
Favorite cartoon? Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.
Favorite scary movie? Dead Silence
Favorite funny movie? Austin Powers
Favorite celebrity? Arnold Schwarzenegger
Favorite chick flick? How to lose a guy in ten days
Favorite Pixar movie? Up!
Favorite actress over 50? Angelina Jolie
Favorite Marvel movie? Captain America: The Winter Soldier (I mean)
Favorite TV show? Doctor Who
Favorite classic movie? Psycho
Favorite Beatles song? Here comes the sun
Favorite string instrument? Guitar
Favorite instrument? Piano
Favorite band or music artist? Imagine Dragons and Deep Purple.
Favorite music genre? No particular genre. He likes singing along
Favorite style of dance? Lindy Hop
Favorite '80s song? Call me by Blondie
Favorite song you're embarrassed to like? Baby by Justin Bieber
Favorite foreign band/artist? Bob Marley
Travel and Recreation
Favorite state you’ve visited? Michigan
Favorite country you want to visit? Nepal
Favorite thing about America? Family
Favorite kind of vacation? Warm temperatures but loads of culture
Favorite car? Porsche
Favorite way to travel? By sea
Favorite place to go with family? Cyprus
Favorite vacation you’ve taken? Cyprus (honeymoon)
Favorite fictional place you’d want to visit? The Shire
Nature and Animals
Favorite dinosaur? Pterodactyl
Favorite breed of dog? Belgian Malinois and Cavalier King Charles Spaniel
Favorite season? Fall
Favorite flower? Lily
Favorite animal at the zoo? Lions
Favorite thing about a rainy day? The smell
Favorite sea creature? Blue whale
Favorite thing about spring? The colours
Favorite sport? Soccer
Favorite extreme sport you're too scared to do? Skydiving
Favorite Olympic sport? Curling
Favorite winter sport? Skiing
Favorite sport as a hobby Running
Favorite nursery rhyme? Hush little baby; don’t say a word
Favorite childhood memory? Going to the zoo with all three of his siblings
Favorite board game? Monopoly
Favorite toy as a child? His transformer action figure
Favorite teacher? Mr Charles from History class
Favorite thing about school? Sports
Favorite age? Preteens. 
Favorite Christmas present? A walkman
Favorite Dr. Seuss book? Oh the places you’ll go.
Favorite Halloween costume you've worn? Darth vader
Favorite superhero? Superman
Favorite color Power Ranger? Green
Favorite fairy tale? Hansel and Gretel
Favorite game to play outside? Tag
Fashion and Beauty
Favorite place to shop? Calvin Klein
Favorite perfume/cologne? Sauvage by Dior
Favorite hair color? Brunette
Favorite makeup you can't live without? eye cream
Favorite shoes? Low boots
Favorite occasion to dress up for? Weddings
Favorite hairstyle? ( x )
Favorite outfit you have? Jeans with a form fitting tshirt and a sweater over it. 
Favorite soap scent? Dove
Favorite article of clothing? White knitted sweater
Favorite piece of jewelry? Marine dog tags
Favorite thing to wear to bed? :) 
Favorite luxury brand? Calvin Klein
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danaeanastasiou · 2 years
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Bouquet no 1 Work in process On a recycled mirror 95 x 60 cm Hand Painted By Danae Anastasiou When finished will be displayed exclusive at Danae’s Genuine Hand Made Arts & Crafts Shop For more information DM me direct @ibizatarotmirrors @mirrorpalais @mirrormirror.jwl @handpainted #mirrors #mirror #floral #floraldesign #flowers #flowerstagram #unique #original#originalart #bouquet #handpainted#bydanaeanastasiou#oldtown#paphos#lovecyprus#cypruslife #cyprus (at Pafos, the Old Town) https://www.instagram.com/p/CjKnVRiqZEF/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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pollard-zero · 6 months
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gideon. it/its, 21+ ♡ romantic || ☆ platonic or familial || 𝗫 enemies or broken up
aella, child of ares (cyprus) aeon (the changeling exchange) aeryn gilmore (inner demons) ainsley langford (wayhaven chronicles) alcyone ("retribution," he cries) alenya wierszy (bladeweaver) alouette vogelsang (vögel der rose) ambrosia manes (cursed ambrosia) anharen (raiders of the caravan) apeiron ward (spellbound: a ghost story) arabella (the catalyst) arden fields (infinite blue) arden "little weasel" set (these reluctant years) ariarissa (the abyssal song) athena "bug" argent (into the shadows) "atlas" (valhalla) "atrax" (respice finem) atticus verissimo (next in line) aubrey graythorne (crème de la crème) aurelia "aura" crown (we wretched creatures) aurora (swallow the moon) avalon (villain's promise)
"boring bailey" miller (ghosted) ballad io (sentience) beckham "beck" oleander (home sweet) bee whitlock (such happy campers) bellamy fairchild (the error) benton crowley (when life gives you lemons) berry bloom (heaven's dog) beverly "badger" clearwater (roadkill) billie fischer (the lonely shore) blaire velvet (water to blood) blythe steele (social services of the doomed) bryn fleetwood (greenwarden)
calista (the brightest stars) calliope "cali" beckham (the fernweh saga) camille "philippe" de gonzague (gonzague) cassian grahm (misplaced) "preacher" cassidy abrams (larkin) catherine leblanc (when clouds break) cèilidh antitho (kenneski) célestine vailia (reaper's bay) chandler hale (emberwood) charlie bloomfield (the fog knows your name) charm brightbird (soulmates inc.) chauncey lambert (bad ritual) cillian sweet (our life: beginnings & always) clarice "claire" montistteti (they all fall down) clementine "new kid" deacon (conspiracy in emerson) colette diremourn (those long dead) "collins" (dead weight) curie, aka "sidney perth" (saturnine)
daemon (the abyssal) daisy newton (two sides of a robot war) dallas "rookie" torrence (chop shop) daphne blake (body count) december moone (snakeroot) delilah "@lovely" hawthorne (blooming panic) denver (dark as night) diana copeland-smith (the murder of devon whicker) "ditto" (drink your villain juice) dolly kingston (infamous) dorian gray (decaying picture)
easter "bunny" montgomery (a life worth living) edelweiss hyde (when bodies collide) eiffel de angelis (take two) eirwen (swan song) elias "loser" machiavelli (error 143) elidyr lywel (from the ashes we rise) elliot wiseman (mind blind) elphaba "elphie" craft (witches of ferngrove) emilia thornton (twisted wonderland) enki (crown of exile) evîn cizîrî (a tale of crowns) everest "lifeline" graham (before we are ghosts) everleigh carter (second sight) ezra (blood moon)
farrah hartford (in ourselves we trust) fawn "bambi" becker (fallen hero) fen (manor hill) filipe addario (honor bound) finch hawkins (midnight diner) florence “flower” bannerman (get good or get lost) fortuna martinelli (college tennis: origin story) "four" (the numbers game) freddie "penance" lockwood (slaughter☆squad) friday mcallister (apartment 502)
gabriel (son of satan: the mortal coil) georgie kromberg (the shadow society) gianna de leon (press play) giles "guy" byrd (a comedy of manors) ginny "drizz" hendrix (creatures' cradle) guenevere (guenevere) gwendolyn "winnie" mccormick (our life: now & forever) gwenvaël "gwynn" venegard (the king's hound)
hadley maxwell (disenchanted) harper "heart" reed (speaker) hart avantus (leas: city of the sun) hawthorne de-ash (these reluctant years) hendrik wolfsbane (wolfsbane) hikaru lovac (the one chosen) honey faraday (homecoming)
imara (honor amongst thieves) imari (vanguard) imogene "genie" coffinwood (burning academia) ingrid "indie" morrison (circuit) iphis "phi" varyn (wayfarer) iris schwartz (the night market) isobel "belle" love (the zeus dilemma) isolde minh (split the body asunder)
january marconi (redsugarsociety) "jay doe" (when the sun rises) jericho "jj" jones (the spirited: origins) jett roe (superstition) jolene "joey" bishop (dahlia hills) josephine "josie" / rui min chan (merry crisis) jude hudson (the decoy) juniper "junie" nelson (you live and fern)
kasey downs (when twilight strikes) katya marsh (paranormal preparatory school) kerrigan holmward (myrk mire) kingsley ferris/müller (the hunt: demon eyes) kitty wilder (in the ocean of stars) krystal castle (gone to hell in a handbasket)
lacey gillespie (the bureau) lachlan "lake" rogers (more than me) lainey fulbright (sinners) lancelot (the great protector) lavencia (the night that feeds) leonin (touch of lies) libelle raygat (stigma: dragonfly) liliana vinteren (checkmate in three moves) lotte (folksaga) lovely boone (two against the world)
madeleine suleiman (the wrath of sekhmet) magdalyne cross (degrees of lewdity) manon rousseau (love♡verse) maria "marie" domingues (the overtaken) marion renaud (trouble brewing) marley woodbridge (ghost simulator) melrose (incubus) memphis "izzy" wylbourne (before dusk sets in) mercy karstark (the northern passage) merlin ivyflower (new witch in town) mikah "mikey" schmidt (ace of spades) mimir sonnen (ouroboros) mina harker (bleeding heart) mira "viper" reyes (subject zero) mirielle boone (citadel: a medical romantic drama) moira "momo" thompkins (one knight stand) monet "blondie" abernathy (love language: masked) mordred le fay (the bastard of camelot) morgan "ripper" daitan (hollowed minds) myrddin (the hunting of beasts)
nate hampton (swallow the dark) noelle "nellie" waters (model citizens: unmasked) "neo" (remember, you will die) nevada warvel (the monsters around us) nova d'arcadie (arcadie: second-born)
odette "dottie" kirby (unwilling souls) olivia edgecombe (the trials & tribulations of edward harcourt) omega (wolf set free) orange flowers (limerence) orcheil treles (of crowns and echoes) oz vanlaere (abyss)
parker caine (absentia) "lucky" penny maverick (venatici house) persephone (fields of asphodel) peyton brooks (demon bound) phoebe blackburn (ofna: birds of a feather) piper hadley (brimstone manor) poppy telleman (wolfebound) promise fauneus (spring panic) puppet (sol kha-ne lubri)
quincey "rich kid" james (golden)
ravinder "ravi" northbreaker (god-cursed) reagan "rae" callahan (novaturient) "reaper" (project hadea) reese (the one who made red) reid lancaster (tournament of souls) ri'en, harbinger of calamity (fell star) "the devil" rinesa (demon, fireforged) ronan powell (professor of magical studies) rosalind de vesphire (crown of ashes & flames) rosie macarthur (all trails lead home) rowan greenberg (psy high)
sable "sherlock" holmes (sherlock holmes: an affair of the heart) moon saetbyeol (precious: the eyes of shan) santiago "saint" hayes (smoke & velvet) saorise "lord blackwell" o'hare (thicker than) sawyer (last legacy) scout newman (the passenger) seelie (talon's end) seraphim mcknight (fellow traveler) signe (the wroth ode) sigrid butcher (my love will never die) sigurd vamirel, the white wolf (the exile) siiveth vyrenhal (aesemyr: the withering) the royal child silke (of royal birth & forlorn fate) sin (the story of sin) sinéad (na daoine maithe) siobhan "bliss" beaumont (the six that thrive) sirius ripley (supernova: renegade) skye donovan-rosovsky (witchcraft u) sloane sweetwood (the ballad of devil's creek) socks wheeler (mind games: trepidation) their royal highness, sofie (royal affairs) solaris pyre (throne of ashes) sora dexter (stars arisen) "warden sparrow" (within your eyes) stanza venture (moon rising) sterling johannson (the golden harp) stevie briggs (tricksters)
talwyn "wynnie" wildegarde (shepherds of haven) teaghan (courting the crown) temperance (summoner's return) tempest larnete (sinners & saints) thevira, "queenslayer" (regrets of the traitor) thistle emerson (to the whistling winds) "thrim" (seekL) thunder bat (top villain: total domination) tinsley "teddy" whitman (mirror mine) trace mccallum (solid/ground) "treasure" (wall) trystan "tryste" davenport (valiant)
valentina "little heart" kozlov (vendetta) valora, the mad princess (a prophecy undone) vaniya "erebus" kincaid (emberfate) venus "wraith" sokolov (safe house) verity fairfax (love undying) "the vessel" (the night abridged) vetra woodard-briggs (skin & scales) victory hellström (seven days in paradise) vierna (the soul stone war) violet van dietrich (noblesse oblige) virginia campbell (queenstown's detective) vizaria (court of the gilded roses) vedette "vivi" valles (the veiled star)
whitney markov (heart of the house) wilhemina "mina" reed (the midnight bay) "wraith" (lamb to the slaughter) wylan albrecht (twisted gold) wysteria harlowe (the edge of dawn)
xander hoffman (young's home for retired robots)
yaëlle (meraki: calais' gift) song ye-jin (crash course in you) yvette "star" rhys (fallen lights)
zed (hybrid) zelith evenvale (virtue's end) ziarin bellévé (witch blood) "zorlok" (zorlok)
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danishkhan786 · 2 years
caroline Forbes House
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You do not need to own a property in this country as you can simply choose to book and stay in local private villas at reasonable prices. These rental villas include a number of facilities such as car parking, and many offer pool or sea views and proximity to golf clubs according to the different needs of the holidaymakers. It is also possible to choose villas according to your minimum or maximum budget ranges. There are some villas to rent constructed on the seafront in excellent locations allowing you to enjoy a tremendous sea view during your stay at the villa, and making for a very comfortable break with your spouse and family. Villas in particular offer a more relaxed holiday option for those with children as they allow more freedom.
There are numerous types of Villas for Rent in Cyprus and the options vary according to your own specifications and interests. Your choice of villa depends on whether you want to stay with your family, friends or just stay alone and what location and facilities you require. Many people also come here to conduct research during their studies, particularly those on geographical trips due to the unique natural landscape and endemic species of plants and flowers in Cyprus. These rental villas provide you with everything you need in order to enjoy your stay in comfort. It is possible to rent a villa with as many as 6 beds for 14 persons allowing large groups of family and friends. Villas can even be rented out by a single person seeking to relax and or even for business purposes. Villas can also include special guards for those requiring additional privacy such as celebrities and the villa management company has the responsibility to provide security for its guests.
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Most people choose to rent villas in Cyprus for the additional freedom it allows. One cannot get of the same level of freedom when renting a hotel or some other places. Moreover, in most cases it is difficult to get a large number of persons to stay in the same place, which is always a problem for larger families or groups of friends travelling together. Another important consideration is the accessibility of key places of interest. Most holiday rental villas are also constructed in places which make it is easy to reach shopping places, restaurants, beaches and many other places of interest at walking distance.
One of the most beautiful resorts on the island is Protaras and its neighbouring villas of Ayia Napa. It is located in the south eastern part of the country and is well-known for delicious foods and its picturesque beaches with white sand and crystal clear waters. Apart from the beaches, there are a large number of museums, resorts, clubs and musical events, all easily accessible from the Protaras and Ayia Napa holiday villas for rent.
A Picturesque setting under the Mediterranean sun, Cyprus is an island with great history although it has managed to blend in perfectly with modern day world. It adorns a unique holding on European culture as well as a fascination for the ancient. There are so many things just waiting to be discovered with captivating beaches, sweet scented mountain peaks, vineyards scattered with olive trees, as well as groves of lemon trees and remains of historical villages. It can all be found here in Cyprus.
There are an abundance of villas in Cyprus, either close to or far from the beaches. The resorts are unique in their surroundings, garden scenery and cultural festivity. The accommodation also offers you perfect luxury allowing you and your family to enjoy that so important quality time together. Apart from the luxury villas, there are also a full range of exclusive apartments including those found in Paphos which provide great access to the beaches. All of this holiday accommodation is also available as long term rentals.
Also available are a complete choice of Cyprus villas as rentals. You will find Cyprus villas and immaculate apartments with rental properties also available in Coral Bay, Peyia, Kamares, and Aphrodite Hills. All of these villas offer a variety of amenities, air- conditioning, outstanding hygiene, 24 hour room service and virtually anything you could possibly ask for on vacation. The villas also overlook the sea and include a swimming pool, ideal for both adults and kids. Sporting entertainment includes both golf courses and skiing resorts.
There are other locations on offer too for Cyprus holiday villas like Sea Caves. This mainly residencial area can be found close to Paphos and provides a complete range of luxury villas. Ideally situated not too far from the airport and surrounded by shops, bars and quality restaurants. And thet are just a stones throw away from the Akamas Peninsula and other great swimming locations.
Coral bay Area Villas: Outstanding villas for those who want to be right by the beach. Kato Paphos Villas: Here you will be able to have a dip in the pool near the Hesperides Gardens. Pervolia: Another wonderful swimming pool and excellent tavernas. Secret Valley Resort Villa: Quality villas in touch with a magnificent golf course. Peyia Village Villa: An array of quality villas located between the villages of Peyia and coral bay. Central Paphos: Really close to the city with a variety of great restaurants.
More information :- https://abnb.me/IsDJXeoqKvb
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annakoumoushi · 4 years
the magic of nature
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cosmeagardens4 · 1 year
 Top-Rated Flower Delivery Nicosia | Cosmea Gardens.com
Want to send flowers to your Loved Ones to enjoy their joy able Moments? Then, no need to worry look out top-rated Flower Delivery Nicosia at Cosmea Gardens.com . Here, at our Shop we offer the perfect flowers, bookeys from top-rated florists. Here, we offer the beautiful colored and fragrance rich lily flowers, Rose, Tulips, and Oriental Flowers in a very budget friendly prices. Get in touch with our experts now or directly visit our Website (+ 357-24-638777 , [email protected])
Address: Gianni Kranidioti 5, PO Box 6046, Larnaca, Cyprus
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just-art5 · 1 year
New additions to the shop!
It's been a while since I added anything new to the shop (for obvious reasons) but I felt like making a few pretty things so I did!
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This is a lovely flower made out of seaglass that I have collected during one of my walks at the beach. Beach glass or seaglass is technically not supposed to be in oceans or seas or beaches so alongside trash, I pick it up and repurpose it as pictures! It's really fun to look at, especially under the sunlight.
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This next one includes seaglass and seashells, which I collected after making sure that nothing lived in them or on them. It's just a nice fun bouquet of flowers.
These and more are available to purchase in my Etsy shop! I ship almost all over the world!
I want to take this opportunity to thank everyone that has already made a purchase from my small shop, even throughout these last few months that was not able to make anything new. You guys gave me the boost that I needed!
Thank you so so so much!!
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theburntcity · 2 years
The Burnt City Experience 6th Apr 2022
Spoilers below
First loop
got there at 6.20. Loops run from the half hour, every hour I think.
You go in through a museum which is a cool as hell idea. Later this is taken away when they put the bar in, presumably once everyone's inside. They share the same space.
Started by wandering through the sheet maze into mycenae. Past mess hall, telephone rooms, all with sheet walls. Mycenaean military. round and to the right you can see the hedgehog room. its one of the two warehouse buildings with blacked out windows.
Above the sheet maze and looking over hedgehog room is clytemnestras long table room. I joined the loop by watching person with lantern walk across to the bear and be sad about it. Then I followed Sing, Sing, Sing up to the balcony and saw Iphigenia's wedding dance. It's genuinely joyful. I was happy for her until I figured out she was Iphigenia.
She is led away by ?Achilles? and killed by Agamemnon on the hedgehog. Clytemenestra and her lover are above and see (?). They fuck, sadly.
Clytemnestra heads downstairs past two people who I thought were extras but turns out were Apollo and Artemis in latex dude-chests.
Clytemnestra sees Agamemnon in a crystal skull mask, but he leaves (a hallucination?). She goes back upstairs to her lover.
Then they eat some meat? I think it was the bear, brought by a clearly unsettled handmaiden/serving woman.
They decide to kill Agamemnon and I'm not sure why it takes that long. But eventually Agamemnon comes back and gets an erotic? massage from cly and the lover (who is wearing a horrible latex head mask). He gets drugged. He takes a shower and dies w his dick out.
End of my loop 1.
Second loop
Decided to go find troy. Found a long corridor at the short end of the hedgehog room. Can also pass through the boxes there to get to corridor. Then flower shop. Then games room and sexy lady boxes room. The door goes through to the palladium in the big square in Troy. Or you can go right and end up in troy backstreets.
This square has a woman singing la vie en rose, Hecuba's son (polydorus) leaves with polymestor. hecuba's not stoked but still has three to four children - orange jacket ?woman, polyxena and cassandra.
There's a second square off the first square. It's a labyrinth out there, second square, cassandra sees a premonition of ?someone dying upside down.
Theres also a third square where polymestor flirts with hecuba around a shrine. This is before the scene I saw in my third loop I believe.
Then I looked in some locations - laundry i think is a theme. The White Cyprus japanese bar, selling lethe and styx water. Idk if you can actually drink it.
Went back to the main square, Agamemnon turns up and the women aren't super stoked. Polyxena kills herself with no godly interference - might wanna check against the myth/plays as I've heard different things.
After that Hecuba is grieving in the hat shop. I moved away.
Found the bar also - the bar is the entrance space with the walls hauled up. Orpheus is there. She's a woman. Nice. Kampe is there in a black pleather thing. I confused these two because Kampe was on stage when the bar announcer said orpheus was singing. Orpheus was on a different platform behind me. Anyway. Prosecco is overpriced.
Met back up with my friend and we went out the other door. I heard blade msuic and we located the club. I sat down, and got a brief dance-on from Polyxena. my first reaction was huh, you're dead. Second was "nice".
Anyway Polymestor was there, I think it's his club. He has an office behind it where he worships a bull headed man. Hecuba pulled out his eyes in an extremely cool sequence.
End of my loop 2
Third (Final) loop
I just walked around troy. I looked at the hotel, the Elysium. The rooms are themed after dantes inferno hell alyers. Tantalus has apples from heaven but can not eat them - room full of tins he can't get into and destoryed cutlery. Reminds me of se7en but good. There's buff oflders of people and what theyve been sentenced to in hell - I looked at danae ?family, must carry water in perforated vessel.
There was also a room with greenhouses. In the back of the corner greenhouse was an empty secret room. no lights.
There was also a room with a cage/bed filled with owls. In one corner is a wardrobe with hanging clothes, you can push through to get to more clothes hanging, through that leads to another bit of the hotel. Nearby is Cly's lovers room. It's got a birth of venus clamshell bed. You can also look down into Alighieri's, the hat shop in troys main square.
Say Polymestor murder Polydorus behind the bar in an alleyway, they play-fight and then he gives the kid something to sniff, he loses conciousness and puts the kid in a box. Takes him to square 2 and he is dragged away. It's worth mentioning that I thought Polymestor was Hades at this point. Up until he killed the kid. He seemed like a death sort of guy? idk I didn't see any gods in detail.
I also followed Achilles for a bit, his loop end is him sad-dancing. That makes it sound bad but its good. He dances with another man - patroclus? Or did he die at troy. Anyway they looked very similar.
End of my loop 3
I went to the finale in mycenae because I was there. Lots of spinning. I'm glad clytemnestra got to have a good cry. Found out later my friend was at the finale in Troy.
bops: hercules and love affair - blind, deftones - the chauffeur (intro), joe jackson - steppin out (intro)
Man and woman double act, like an 80s glam rock band. Mind reading, mentalism, magic act? Also orpheus sings periodically.
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stainandscribble · 4 years
Flower, Falling In Love
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Pairing: Wonwoo (Seventeen) x Reader
Genre: Wonwoo Cupid AU (sort of); Soulmate AU; Coffee Shop AU (brief); fluff; fantasy
Summary:  Wonwoo is a love messenger, he answers to the god of love and he is destined, like all messengers, to never fall in love: or so it would seem. The god of love is unpredictable and does as he pleases. After centuries of helping people fall in love; Wonwoo is the one that needs assistance.
A/N: loosely inspired by Angel’s last mission: Love, based on the world in HONEY (EXO Lay fic) you don’t have to read it though, it is unrelated to this. 
Word Count: 5390
Wonwoo was born the same way as all his brothers were, forged into existence the moment the sun painted the clouds various shades of pink and purple. As the dawn broke across the horizon, he had taken his first look at the sky across from Olympus. He was a messenger to the God of Love, Baekhyun.
The God of Love was cheerful, that was what Wonwoo noticed when he was born. The God of Love was smiling down at the newly awake messengers, his eyes shining. They were still pure and innocent then, still impressionable. He remembered that Baekhyun had told him he will live as his helping hand, aiding mortals down below them find love, helping him bestow this precious gift onto humanity.
And then he bestowed upon Wonwoo the greatest act of love a love messenger would ever receive: The God of Love gave him a name.
A name, Wonwoo had learnt was important. His brother recognised him by his name. Strangers would learn his name and cease to be strangers henceforth. A name made him who he was; Wonwoo who was Baekhyun’s love messenger, Wonwoo who was a brother.
He liked it when his brothers called his name. it made him feel important, useful. It made him warm. Wonwoo felt happy when they called his name cheerfully, the same way Baekhyun had the time he gave him his name, with a smile on his lips and a twinkle in his eye. Wonwoo thought that was love or at least the closest he was to ever feel it.
Love messengers had no knots in their white threads for lovers. Although they bestowed the gift of love onto humanity, they were fated to never experience it. Love was for the Gods and mortals. It was something unattainable to them, just beyond their fingertips. Humans and Gods fell in love so that their races could continue to exist. Human lives were short, and so for them to continue they had to love and have children. Despite their short lifespans, Wonwoo had always heard his elder brothers Jeonghan and Seungcheol talk with the Gods of Love and Lightening, about how humans took time to love.
One day, as he rested on Olympus as a young messenger, Wonwoo had been so bold as to ask the God of Lightening how he knew, and he had simply smiled at him, as if Wonwoo was a child, and lay a heavy warm hand over his shoulder, looking up at the tall messenger.
“Humans have short lives, and so they pick their time well and love only those they deem deserving of love.”
“They try anyway.” Jeonghan had supplied, his bright mischievous smile making the God of Thunder shake his head.
“Gods’ love easily because they don’t have to think too much about the passing of time and growing old. That is why they take long to learn. They will fall in love quickly because the mistake is only a short moment on an infinite number of moments. They make the same mistakes and the same bad decisions over and over because their time is limitless, and they can afford to waste it.” Seungcheol had explained to the younger messengers, all staring intently between the God of Lightning, and their older brother.
“Gods are born like humans are. They need love to pass on life too. They are not born in the clouds the same we are. Dawn does not kiss life into them like it does to us.” Joshua said. His voice was soft and light, matching his expression as he gazed over at his younger brothers. His brown eyes held a tenderness that had far surpassed love. Sometimes Wonwoo thought that if Philia, the affectionate love, could choose a shape it would look like Joshua.
“Humans have a good saying; the higher you are the lonelier you are. With power comes sacrifice and loneliness. Gods’ realms are often separated, the way this mountain is far from Junmyeon’s sea.” The God of Lightening Jongdae gestured over to the peak of Mount Olympus, to below, were behind the white tuft of clouds, the azure sea beat against the rocks. “For sacrifice and for balance, we are given love.”
That was the conversation that shaped Wonwoo’s idea of love. It was that lecture, given by the God who loved and married a mortal, that turned into one of the most important conversations of his existence. He was less impressionable afterwards.
That was over four thousand years ago, and still, despite never feeling Eros, he felt lucky. He was not lonely the way the Gods were, and he did not have a short life the way mortal humans did. For four thousand years, Wonwoo had worked and been content, diligently fulfilling his duties and watching as couples fell in love. Sometimes he had the displeasure, but an honour nonetheless, to watch as the same people he helped fate bring together had said their goodbyes. Millenia ago it had been death that forced them apart. More recently it had been finances and not enough time.
That was why he was on earth today, sitting in an auspicious café, sipping on an iced caramel macchiato. He had taken the last empty table, spread his things out to make sure no one else could sit with him, and watched as his charges smiled at each other in greeting as one offered an empty chair at their table to the other.
Wonwoo smiled to himself, his pink lips spreading into a joyful smile that showed all his teeth and turned his eyes into crescents. He had the satisfaction of watching as they met, his personal coffee show au unfolding in real life.
The coffee shop was packed, the air was warm and stuffy, and undoubtedly a welcome relief from the chill of winter lingering just outside the brick walls. Most of the tables were round, made of brown wood standing on black metal legs, the buzz of chatter and the mechanical humming of the coffee machines completed the ambience, and Wonwoo thought it would be a rather romantic place to meet the person destined for you.
The two humans were both college students, both tired and trying their best to keep up with assignments. They were studying the same subject, so it wasn’t their first meeting, but it was the push in the right direction. Wonwoo had been that push. That was his job, and he had sipped on his coffee and grinned down on his chocolate brownie in satisfaction at completing his last assignment this round. When he was done, he could return home to mythical Cyprus, plating beside Olympus suspended in the clouds. His brothers had already decided to drink nectar when they all came back for a well-deserved break.
That was too easy though. Too simple. A plan too well formulated and too close to execution, and fate had other ideas. Rather, the God of Love had other ideas, and he had made sure Wonwoo would not leave the coffee shop satisfied and in high spirits.
“Hi, is this seat taken?” A melodic voice broke through Wonwoo’s daydreams, bringing him back to the mortal realm. In front of him, a young woman looked down at him, and at the spare chair right she was now resting her hands against. At first glance, Wonwoo wondered if you were a muse to the God of the Sun, but you weren’t. Wonwoo studied your features, and he found none of the essences of immortal beings in them; and he finally heard your heart, previously drowned out by the sounds around him. Your heart was beating, a steady relaxed rhythm proving your mortality. He wondered if you had already found Your soulmate, and if not, who would be the one to help you find them. Would it be one of his brothers, or would it be a messenger he didn’t know? Could it be him?
“No.” Wonwoo told you, gesturing for You to leave your things in the space right in front of him before you went to order your drink.
“Thanks.” You muttered once you came back, sending him a smile in gratitude. Your drink was steaming, the mug holding the hot chocolate was warm against your fingers. 
Wonwoo watched you over his cup, glancing at you from time to time to see what you were doing. He watched you warm yourself up, undoubtedly cold from the weather outside. Whilst you had gone to get your drink, snow started falling from the sky, white flakes blew in the wind, settling against the chilled earth like a blanket. Wonwoo thought you were pretty. Your eyes were twinkling, and you liked your lips after a sip of the heavenly hot liquid. You were driving the love messenger insane, his heart began to beat irregularly, startling him when he could hear the blood rush in his ears when you caught him looking. Wonwoo’s cheeks turned rosy, and the room began to feel far too hot for December. Even when you were both inside.  
Worried about his rising temperature, and his mind replaying the small smile you sent his way, he decided he needed to make a break for it. There was no need to remain on Earth any longer, and he should be getting back home, in the realm of the God of Love floating beside Olympus. 
“I have to go. Bye!” Wonwoo excused himself, walking out as fast as he could, completely forgetting his scarf, still hanging on the back of his chair. 
You picked it up, hoping to find him outside the coffee shop, but when the cold air hit your skin, and the snowflakes began to fall against your cheeks, you noticed the tall man was gone.
Unbeknownst to you, Wonwoo stood in the back alley behind the packed coffee shop, hiding from mortal eyes as his heart beat against the rungs of his ribs, trying to break free of the pericardium and the bones keeping it away from you.
He had never felt like this before. His heart fluttered watching the happiness he brought mortals, and his feelings soared when he watched his brothers mess around. He had never felt like this towards a human. His hands were sweating, and he thought that even the falling snow could not cool down his scorching skin. 
“Why is my heart beating so fast?” He muttered to himself, threading his fingers through his hair, frantically trying to gather his thoughts. 
“And my hands are sweating.” Wonwoo spoke, looking around and wiping his hands on his dark jeans. Thankfully, there was no one around to witness his mental breakdown in the alley.  Under all the confusion, and a strange excitement that was now filling Wonwoo’s body, there was an important question that needed answering. It was that very question that made his hands tremble, and his heart pick up pace.
“She is human. Why do I react like this because of a human?”
Up above the coffee shop, beyond the vastness of the sky, The God of Water, Junmyeon, and The God of Love, Baekhyun, watched the messenger freak out. They observed the first instance of Eros ever felt by one of Baekhyun’s messengers, watching through the looking glass placed on the marble table in the pavilion. Their imposing silhouettes were still as Junmyeon awaited Baekhyun’s explanation.
The other Gods sat around the table, their dark eyes staring intently at Wonwoo’s image, the messenger was dressed in warm clothes, snow falling around him and cold wind nipping at his cheeks, a stark contrast to the warm breeze and the sun shining down on Olympus.
“What have you done to that poor love messenger?” Junmyeon asked, his deep voice rolled over them like waves, but there was a playful lilt in it, and his eyes were laughing as they watched the poor love messenger fall in love for the first time.
“I have given him the greatest gift, if only he would stop being so frightened.” Baekhyun muttered, tapping his fingernails on the marble table, watching as Wonwoo ran his hands through his hair and muttered to himself like a crazy person.
“How could he not be, his kind had never experienced something like that before.” Jongin reasoned, his tender heart soared at the innocent fear in Wonwoo’s eyes as his feelings wreaked havoc on his mind.
“Can love messengers die of a heart attack?” Kyungsoo laughed, his dark, earth-coloured eyes watched as Wonwoo grabbed his chest theatrically, feeling his irregular heartbeat.
“The fates have agreed?” Junmyeon looked over from the looking glass to his brother, the one he thought must be responsible for this.
“Of course. I chose him myself.” Baekhyun spoke, full of pride as he puffed his chest out and looked over to his elder with a mixture of mischief and hope.
The God of Love had chosen him himself. The moment Baekhyun looked down at the pink clouds, waiting for a new cohort of love messengers to be born in the light of dawn, he knew that it would be one of them. He was getting ready to pick out a messenger, whose lifeline he would eventually mess up, tying lover knots into their fate. No one of these beings, ones he affectionately called his children, had ever felt Eros. No one them in the centuries that they have been around, had ever fallen in love, despite bestowing this gift onto humans. They lived for love, and because of it, and yet they didn’t even know what they were living for. Baekhyun was determined to change that. Starting with Wonwoo, his children would learn what love is.
When the pink hue of dawn passed, and he had called out their names, he had realised he had almost forgotten about one messenger. Wonwoo, still nameless then, watched the God of Love with innocent fascination, eyes filled with Storge, affectionate love, as he watched the God of love smile down at him, oblivious to his intentions, and that was when Baekhyun had decided; it had to be him, who he had almost forgotten.
“Wonwoo.” Baekhyun had called him, and his fate was set.
Wonwoo sat with his brothers around a wooden table, the warm Cyprus winds kissing their cheeks, a pleasant contrast to the harsh winter on Earth. Here, the sun shone down on them, and Wonwoo had swapped out the warm coat for summer clothes and a loose-fitting shirt. From crystal cups his brother sipped on golden nectar, but Wonwoo could not stomach his drink. His cup sat full on the table as he felt his stomach churn and flip. It was an unfamiliar feeling. Love messengers never got sick. The more people they helped find their soulmates, the better they felt, and their work was never-ending. Mortals and Gods kept them busy and kept them in high spirits. 
“Jeonghan, I think I’m sick.” Wonwoo muttered when his heart began beating a little faster and he could feel his cheeks heating up a little more when his mind made him see the girl from the café again. He put his head in his hands.
“We don’t get sick.” Jeonghan laughed as he sipped on cool nectar. Beside him, Seungcheol looked over at the younger messenger and furrowed his brows.
“Something is wrong with me.” Wonwoo pressed, trying to avoid the curious gazes of his brothers.
“I saw this girl at the café whilst on duty, and she was mortal, but she was pretty.” He admitted, thinking about how you were definitely the prettiest mortal he ever laid eyes on, and about how he absolutely shouldn’t under any circumstances consider you attractive. Heck, he shouldn’t even know what attraction feels like. There were no lover knots in his thread of life, and there should be no feelings associated with Eros bouncing about his heart.
“When I saw her, my heart started beating in my chest as if it was skipping a beat, and my hands grew sweaty when she accidentally brushed her hand against mine.” He explained, his hands miming the way his heart was beating before he dramatically rubbed his hands together.
“Impossible.” Jeonghan whispered, his goblet abandoned on the table.
“What is impossible?” Mingyu asked, his eyes widened when he saw the shock on the faces of everyone else. He looked expectantly over to Wonwoo, who looked like he was about to faint.
“It can’t be real, can it?” Joshua asked, and before Mingyu could ask again about what was happening Seungkwan beat him to it, answering Joshua’s question instead.
“We don’t do that.” He shook his head, a broken chuckle escaped him as he sipped on his drink, trying to avoid Mingyu’s wondering stare.
“I have never in my six thousand years heard about this happening.” Seungcheol announced, looking over at the younger love messenger as he looked absolutely miserable, his face flushed and his eyes glassy as if he had a mortal fever. When they stopped to listen, they could hear his heart, fast and irregular. The same as a mortal heart in the throes of infatuation.
“Wonwoo, how are you feeling right now?” Seungkwan stood up from his chair to press a hand against Wonwoo’s forehead, checking if his brother was really burning up. To his surprise, he was, and the warmth that emanated from him was a pleasant feeling. Wonwoo was projecting, and for a moment Seungkwan thought his heart might also skip a beat. He retracted his hand and looked down onto his brother.
“Fine.” Wonwoo answered, although his cheeks were still pink, but the thought of you was now gone from his mind, and instead, fear had taken its place.
“Can he be infatuated with a mortal?” Mingyu asked, looking over at Seungcheol for answers. The older ran a hand through his black hair and sighed.
“It’s fate. You can’t fight fate.” His words had a finality to them that made them all sit back into their seats. It was the kind of finality that took over all of them, not just Wonwoo, who watched on with wide eyes, and despite the warmth of Cyprus’ air, the hairs on the back of his neck rose.
“You met her again, didn’t you?” Joshua asked, his voice soft as he watched his brother struggle with the new information.
“After I ran out, I came back the next day, just to make sure.” Wonwoo nodded.
“We bumped hands accidentally.” He added afterwards, but didn’t know if it was important, or rather why it was relevant,
“She invited me out for ice cream.” Wonwoo told them, putting his hands on the table and playing with his cup as a distraction.
“You said no, right.” Joshua prodded, his eyes soft but unsure, and when Wonwoo stayed silent, he turned to Seungcheol, who watched everything helplessly.
“You said yes?” Jeonghan cackled, laughing hysterically at how hopeful and happy his brother seemed at the prospect of meeting the mortal again.
“We are meeting on Monday.”
“Good luck.” Mingyu told him, and the sincerity in his voice gave Wonwoo the courage to smile at him.
Maybe it wouldn’t be so bad. It was fate after all, and you can’t fight fate. They all knew that.
 The ice cream shop was surprisingly full for the middle of winter. The walls were lined with wood painted a cream colour and the tables were also cream with pastel-coloured chairs. It was a fun little shop, and Wonwoo waited outside excitedly for your arrival. He had come earlier, just to make sure he was at the right place, and because he had a bad habit of being late, and he figured being late on the very first date of your immortal existence would not bode well. The snow had stopped falling, but the world remained covered under a soft pillow of pearly whiteness. Everything looked softer in the snow, and Wonwoo didn’t mind the cold.
“Hi Wonwoo.” He turned around when he heard you call his name, watching as you waved at him from the edge of the sidewalk.
“Hello Y/N.” He answered, smiling at you, his dark eyes carefully trailing over your face, wondering if you were as cold as he was.
“Let’s go?” You asked, gesturing towards the entrance to the gelateria.
“Sure.” He nodded and followed behind you into the warm ice cream shop. You sat down at a table near the window, your eyes scanning the tall man as he sat down and took off his black jacket and scarf. His cheeks and nose had turned red in the cold, and you wondered if he waited outside for long. He was already waiting when you spotted him as you were crossing the street. Once you were seated, you looked through the menu, deciding to share a sundae between you.
“How about this one?” Wonwoo asked, pointing to a sundae slathered in toffee sauce.
“Sweet nectar?” You asked, and he nodded, a smile appearing on his lips as you watched his eyes light up. You could feel your heart skip a beat when he caught your eyes with his dark coffee ones.
If only you knew the irony of his choice, you would have undoubtedly laughed, a messenger from Olympus who wanted nectar. Wonwoo had found that almost ridiculous.
For the remainder of your date, you sat at your table, walking about your favourite films and books. Turned out Wonwoo was a big fan of romance films, and he had mentioned that he liked Casablanca.
“So you like black and white cinema?” You asked, smiling as you leaned your hand against your open palm.
“You could say that.” He chuckled, eyes drifting from you onto the empty ice cream cup.
“What’s your favourite?” Wonwoo asked in return, feeling his breath hitch in his throat when you caught his eyes. Their colour mesmerized him, and for a moment he thought he was looking into a mirror, seeing the white thread of his life tie in a knot as he watched. The depth of your gaze was immeasurable, and he found himself drowning in the vastness.
“Cinema Paradiso.” You replied without breaking his gaze.
“So you like foreign cinema?” He asked, a teasing lilt in his voice. The smile that broke through sent your own heart into a frenzy, and you felt yourself being pulled closer like a puppet on a string. Closer to him.
“You could say that.” You spoke, and the softness of your voice felt pleasant against Wonwoo’s ears. It was a sweet sound. Sweeter than the melodies played on any harp or lyre by the muses of the God of the Sun.
For the remainder of the evening, you sat in the gelateria, talking about your passions and your hopes.
“Tonight was nice.” You told Wonwoo once you left the building. The white snow had resumed its descent onto the frozen earth and had added layers onto the white blanket covering the world. It acted as a means to silence all sound but the sound of your beating heart and the rich resonance of Wonwoo’s voice.
“It was.”
“Would you like to go out again sometime?” He asked, turning to look you in the eyes when he offered.
“Let’s watch a film.” You agreed, happy when he took a small step towards you. In the crisp winter air, his warmth radiated like a heater, protecting you from the nipping wind.
“They are screening Notting Hill at the Contemporary Arts theatre.” Wonwoo told you his cheeks dusting a deeper shade of red.
“I’ll text you the time. Is that okay?” He asked, looking over unsure if he was being too forward. He had never spent this long with a mortal, much less with a mortal he knew he would inevitably fall in love with. He wondered if this was what all his charges felt when he helped them bump into each other or helped them make the first move. Were they also this warm? Did their hearts beat a new life and their breaths hitched in their throats with the feelings coursing through their veins? If that was the case, Wonwoo thought that infatuation was a very pleasant stage of mortal relationships.
“Of Course.” You told him, and just as you were about to bid your farewells he stopped you. His hand landed in your arm, and before you could react he had pressed a quick kiss to your cheek.
His lips were warm against your cold skin, and the tingling sensation they left behind was enough to make our heart skip a beat.
“Goodnight.” He murmured, letting go of your arm, allowing you to walk home.
The messengers had picked a small coffee shop as their hangout in the mortal world. It was warm and served the best hot chocolate they had ever tasted, whipped cream and all. It was also frequented by tender writers and happy couples. Currently, in the throes of winter, it had been decorated with white lights and smelled like cinnamon, most likely because of all the gingerbread and spiced cakes they baked. Jeonghan made Wonwoo and a few other’s meet here before he left for Olympus later in the evening. They sat at a round wooden table sipping on hot coffee and trying to keep themselves awake.
“You are meeting her again?” Jeonghan asked, poking Wonwoo on the side. The elder had recently dyed his hair platinum blonde, and Wonwoo was truly considering also changing something. He just wasn’t quite sure what he wanted to change. He felt like he was a different being to the one he was just a few weeks ago. He knew what the blossoming of love felt like now, and despite all worried of what his brothers might think of his predicament, they had been supportive.
“I have a date in half an hour.” Wonwoo answered, sipping on his hot americano.
“I can’t believe it.” Mingyu muttered under his breath. He still found the idea that the God of Love allowed one of his messengers, the ones doing his dirty work, to experience the very same love they brought to the world. The possibility that Wonwoo could love a mortal and be happy meant that the rest of them wondered whether they would also get to experience Eros within their lifetimes. It was not new knowledge that the God of Love Baekhyun had wanted his footmen to have love, it was just new that the fates let him meddle with their life lines.
“It takes almost half an hour to get to the Contemporary Arts Theatre, you better get on the bus now.” Seungcheol told him, poking the watch in his wrist to remind Wonwoo of the time. He didn’t need to be told twice.
“See you at home!” He waved at them half-heartedly before running out to catch the next bus.
True to Seungcheol’s words he had barely made it on time. The building of the Contemporary Arts Theatre was low, with only two screen rooms and a small gallery for student pieces. There had been only four other people at the screening of Notting Hill, and Wonwoo was thankful. He felt much more at ease with less prying eyes.
In the dark room, with the only light coming from the projector behind you, it felt right. Wonwoo had been timid at first, making sure you were comfortable, being careful not to be too forward. You could never have imagined his relief when he felt your head press against his shoulder halfway through the film. The rest of the film you had stayed like that, with your head on his shoulder, and with his fingers threading through yours on the armrest, and Wonwoo swore he had never been more comfortable, not even in the push beds on Mount Olympus.
“Tonight was lovely.”You told Wonwoo as you were leavening. Your hands were still intertwined, and it didn’t look like Wonwoo had any intention of letting go anytime soon. Not that you were complaining. It was a nice feeling, being held, and you enjoyed the way your relationship was progressing. Nothing seemed rushed, and you were happy with that.
“I’m glad you liked it.” Wonwoo answered, beaming as he looked at you from the corner of his eyes as you walked through the streets.
“I was just wondering,” You thought out loud, and Wonwoo halted in his tracks, turning to face you with serious eyes. The hints of playfulness now gone from the deep brown orbs.
“Wonwoo, what is that white string?” You asked, not sure if you were going crazy or not, but you had been seeing the white thread follow you since you met him, and whenever you asked your friends, they had thought you were either pulling their leg or going insane.
“What white string?” He asked, panic taking over. He had never thought you would ask him that. White string was the fibre of his life line, the fibre that held his fate in chronological order. Mortals couldn’t see immortal strings.
“This one.” You unlaced your fingers, pointing to the pearly white thread that wrapped around your ring finger like a wedding band.
“You can see it?” He asked in disbelief, and although he was panicking inside, you had let out a relieved breath. You nodded wiggling your fingers and watching the pearly sheen of the thread glisten in the streetlight.
“It’s been following me around since I met you.”
“That’s,” Wonwoo coughed, his voice cracking with the shock of your revelation.
“That is fate. My fate, that I share with you.” He answered when he regained the ability to breathe and think coherently.
“What?” You asked, not quite understanding what he was saying.
“We are soulmates.” He explained, watching as your eyes filled with shock. It wasn’t every day that someone told you you were soulmates, much less the man who could also see the crazy invisible threads wrap around your finger.
“How could you possibly know that?” You pressed for answers.
“I know because I’ve been watching those strings for a very long time. I’m the one who helps tie them together.” He explained, holding your hand to pull at the life line that wrapped around your finger. His life line, his fate. His love.
“I’m a love messenger. I help people fall in love.” He answered, looking into your eyes, and the weight of his confession settled over you, wrapping around your heart. To prove his point, he held out his hand, and sure enough, you saw a scarlet string wrap around his finger and shoot straight to your heart.
“Like cupid?” You pondered, and he laughed. He laughed at the absurdity of the situation, and at the fact that you had taken all his confessions in stride rather than running away. Maybe you were both mad.
“You could say that.” Wonwoo nodded, and the wind picked up speed, sending snowflakes spinning all around the two of you, shielding you from the prying eyes of the world outside.
“I’m your soulmate?” You asked again, and wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you towards his warm frame.
“Scared?” He whispered, his warm breath fanning the shell of your ear.
“No.” You answered, smiling when neither of you pulled away. Slowly, as if to not frighten you, he lowered his head, and before you knew it, his lips were on yours, moving gently against your own. His lips felt hot and searing against the cold winter, and he tasted like cotton candy. When you had finally broken away from the kiss to catch your breath your eyes strayed to the ground, and you saw Wonwoo’s shadow, his tall frame elongated on the pavement, but that was not what drew your attention. Sprouting from the back of his shadow, a pair of wings, like those of an angel, sprouted and fluttered against the wind.
“I’m terrified.” You whispered, and Wonwoo couldn’t help the laugh that broke from his throat, cacophonous and filled with joy as you teased him.
In the night, under the orange glow of streetlamps, he kissed you until you were breathless, and you decided you would love him, not yet, but in the future. Love was a flower, and it had sprouted from amongst the snow, the first signs of green peeking through the crisp whiteness.
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whatdoesshedotothem · 2 years
Monday 14 May 1838
6 50
12 55
fine but dull morning F52° at 8 am all ready and our leisurely comfortable breakfast (café au lait) over before 9 – off from the hotel de l’Europe St. Troud [Sint-Truiden] (very comfortable) at 9 27 the grande place into which our rooms had looked, large and good – and 2 large churches and a good town, but the worst built of all the bourgs we have yet passed thro’ – all along from Antwerp open unclosed well cultivated country –young stripling poplars border the road today – à la poste at Orey [Oreye] a mere village at 10 40 – the axle strap of the off-fore wheel loose – both nuts lost – sent for the blacksmith and detained ¾ hour for a botched job – I went to the shop and stood over him myself – did not ask him what he charged but gave 1/50 saying one fr. for his master ./50 for himself – he seemed mal content but what I had given was too nearly right to be found fault with – very dusty today – even worse than yesterday – at 1 5 in ¼ hour with sabot beautiful descent upon the faubourg de Liège – thro’ gardens and orchards – alight at 1 40 at the Pavillon Anglais a very good hotel in the Place d’armes before the revolution [pl.] St. Lambert, having passed thro’ the Palace court (old palace – now courts of Justice etc. – the arcades or cloisters lined with little shops) – Had the master of the hotel, M. Charles Mathioli, terms agreed – prix fixe – 3 beds at 2/. = 6/, + salon 3/. + Georges’ bed 1/. = apartment 10/. per day servants breakfast and dinner and supper + 1 bottle wine for the 2 = 8/. including one bottle of wine at 2/. a day – our own breakfast 1/50 each and dinner en particulier 4/. each + wine –
the whole = 10 + 8 + 11 =29fr. a day exclusive of our own wine and wax lights – then mentioned my wish to go down into the mines – Mr. M. would get me a permission – the being allowed to enter Maastricht he seemed to think hopeless – the permission almost always refused – all this settled, and our things arranged A- and I went out at 2 ¾ - sauntered about in the Palace court and marché and then down the rue Chervoye (par hazard) to the river (Meuse) charmed with the view – strolled along to the université – asked for the botanic garden – admitted by the woman concierge, and there (in the garden and serres and conservatory) from 3 35 to 6 10 – very nice garden not large (perhaps about as large as that at Louvain) but very nicely laid out and kept – the garden borders the road or sort of quai along the river; and along this side of the garden a fine line of Italian (pyramidal) poplars about 3 ½ yards apart with 2 Chinese arbour vitae about 5 yards high, between each 2 poplars – of which the effect very good –
Sorbus aria, aria Theophrastus
‘S. Spirae, Pers.’ out in the garden against under the poplar arbour vitae hedge above named – rather mountain ash like leaf, and flower rather like that of Hawthorn – low – pretty –
S. Americana, like a larger leaved mountain ash, and kerria japonica (common corchorus) all under the poplar and arbour vitae hedge
Symphoria racemosa, snowberry bush.
Saxifraga crassifolia the great pink flowering round thick large leaved plant growing near the 2 nameless Throps’ American bushes in the bottom near the rustic chair in the meer walk –
Vanilla planifolia or aromatic has fruited twice, during the last 2 years producing vanilla as good as that of common-cycas revolute – Cyperus alternifolius, and Cyprus papyrus the papyrus reed –
is the [?] powdered that makes the Succotrine aloes of the shops – then walked sometime among the flower beds, then into the serre of the orchids, fern, and other small plant tribes – here we had the other gardener – only 2 gardeners paid by government – the rest (except the head gardener who is logé) labourers paid by the administrateurs  25 sols a day – the 2 gardeners paid by government have only 28 sols a day – a labourers’ wage here 25 sols a day if hired by the year – if only employed during the summer should have 30 or 32 sols a day – we sat down for 20 minutes against the conservatory – then walked thro’ it – then stood in the entrance passage reading over the notice respecting the lectures by what professors etc. etc.
Morren professor botany
Dumont A.H. professor extraordinaire géologie
J.A.S. Devans ingénieur en chef des mines.
P.J. Collardin imprimeur de l’université.
De Theux ministre de l’Intérieur et des affaires étrangères.
It was 6 ¼ before we got right off from the university – determined to go again to see the cabinet of natural history –returned as we had come – inquired and went direct chez Colalrdin – bought 2 little plans of Liège – looked at 2 works on the history of the province of Liège – came in at 6 ¾ - changed my dress – so did A- dinner at 7 ¼ - got the permission to go down into the coal pit Sainte Marguerite – had M. Mathioli up – a company of German players here – performed last night and once before and will perform on Wednesday – an exposition of pictures at the musée at 4pm tomorrow to go with Madame M- M. M-‘s wife, because he a proprietor and tomorrow is a private day – will take ½ hour to drive to the pit – must be off at 7 ½ am – to go down (my own idea) each of us in a blue blouse and casquette – I shall wear my own travelling cap I had in Spain that Lady S. de R- gave me – wrote all the above of today till 10 55 pm fine day but little or no sun – F59° now at 11 25 pm
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gemsofgreece · 4 years
Christmas, New Year‘s Day and Epiphany traditions of Greece
There was a post on another website with many comments about traditions from various Greek regions that was very informative and interesting. The number of the comments was outrageous so I gathered here as many as I had the patience to read and translate. Also, as this comes from many people’s experiences, there may be inaccuracies regarding the customs or the range of the area where this custom takes place.
Cephalonia, Heptanese islands
On New Year’s Eve people get out in the streets and spray perfume to each other, their houses and shops. They accompany this with the wish “Ήρθαμε με ρόδα και άνθους να σας πούμε χρόνους πολλούς” (=We came with pomegranates and flowers to wish you a long life).
Cephalonians also do not wish with a typical “Happy New Year”. In stead of this, they say: “Καλή Αποκοπή” (kalí apokopí) which pretty much means “Good riddance to the previous year”. Seems especially appropriate this time.
Pontic villages of Macedonia and Thrace
Pontic Greeks of the aforementioned regions celebrate the custom of Μωμόγεροι (Momóyeri) throughout Christmas, New Year’s Day and Epiphany. The custom involves a theatrical dance around town and the dancers are dressed in wolf and billy goat skins. Others are dressed like men, wield swords and are hidden behind masks that resemble old men. There are also three protagonists, the old man Kití Ghotsá, the Bride and the Young Man. The custom has pagan Ancient Greek origins and it was initially revived in Livera, Trebizond, modern-day Turkey. It belongs to UNESCO’s Intangible Cultural Heritage. In Kastoria, West Macedonia, they celebrate Ragoutsaria which is similar.
Litohoro, Macedonia
On New Year’s Day, in Litohoro, the town in the shadow of Mount Olympus, people eat a billy goat pie.
Achaea, Peloponnese
Achaeans eat fried liver and drink wine early in the morning after church on Christmas day. On New Year’s Day, they touch iron to take its strength,  look over at the mountains and wish to “live as long as the big mountains” and eat loukoumades with honey so that the new year will be sweet.
Attica, Central Greece
There people have to wash their faces outside with cold water on New Year’s Day. Then they hit each other with a branch of olive tree on the head (softly) for good luck.
Yannitsa and Florina, Macedonia
In Yannitsa and Florina they celebrate the custom of Kolinda Babo on December 23rd. Groups of friends gather piles of wood and create big cones with them and light a fire. The group with the biggest cone / best fire wins. That day fasolada (Greek bean soup) and wine are served. The custom symbolizes a warning to the grandmothers to hide the children King Herod comes to kill. The name of the custom has Slavic origin.
Chios, Islands of Northeastern Aegean
In Chios they take the Greek custom of decorating a ship (instead of a tree) a bit further. Groups of people from different neighborhoods of Chios town build merchant and war ships, 5,5 meters big. On New Year’s Eve, every team presents its ship with music and carols. The team with the best ship wins a prize and then takes the ship around all the neighborhoods.
Ikaria, Islands of Northeastern Aegean
On New Year’s Day, Ikarians get out to sing Saint Basil’s (our Santa Claus) carols. The owners of the first house of a village get out first and sing the carols to their neighbors. Then the neighbors get out too and all together they go to sing to the next house and so on. When they reach the last house in the other edge of the settlement, the whole village is now out and sings the carols. The people do not come near the houses that grieve someone’s loss and even if they do by mistake, the house owners do not come out to join the others.
Emporio of Eordaea, Kozani, Macedonia
On New Year’s Eve children and adults dress up, kinda like in Carnival, and hide their faces. They visit neighbors who give them treats and alcohol. They stay at a house and get treats until the owner finds out who they are.
On New Year’s Day, men wear traditional costumes and join the feast and dance in the village square. There is also a guy who carries a whip, supposedly to keep the men under control. Whoever shows up with regular clothing is thrown either in the river or in a barrel with freezing water.  
In Thrace, instead of Vasilopita, they bake a milk - cheese pie and instead of a single coin they hide inside it a “little symbolic treasure” for each family member.
On New Year’s Day, people visit their elder relatives and hit them with a branch of dogwood on the back for good health.
Fragades, Zagori, Epirus
Young children sing New Year’s Eve carols. The oldest child carries a thin branch of dogwood (again) and hits with that the owner of the house for good health.
In this region, they do not make a Vasilopita (Saint Basil’s cake) like in most of Greece. They make a meat pie inside which they hide a small piece of dogwood and a small piece of vine. Whoever finds the dogwood will be healthy all year long and whoever finds the vine will have the most alcohol!
Zakynthos (Zante), Heptanese Islands
On Christmas Eve, Zakynthians eat a broccoli soup called Brokolina.
On Christmas Day, they have an Avgolemono soup, made of eggs and lemon. Also, in order to make a good Avgolemono soup, you have to kiss it. Yep, you heard that right. This is actually a thing in the entire country and my mom does it too!
On Epiphany’s Eve, Greek Cypriots throw loukoumades on the roofs of their houses, so that the goblins will eat them and leave.
Pontus, Turkey
Pontic Greeks light candles to commemorate the dead of the family every Epiphany Day. They start with the loved person that died most recently and progressively go back in time. Those candles are called “μνημοκέρια” (mnimokéria).
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