floweredknight Has Encountered The lady Knight
The arrival of the Tyrell's in King's Landing had brought a sort of peace. For that, Alanna was greatful. The return of the flower knight had not been unnoticed either, and the lady knight found herself eye rolling in the market every so often. But the ladies of the court was not why she approached the other knight.
"I hear we have much to thank you for in the battle, Ser Loras. As a Knight of the Realm, I thank you."
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floweredknight liked your post: au where Renly’s Kingsguard is a korean boysband...
u want it
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maimedlion-blog · 11 years
"How drunk are you right now?"
     "--Not enough, I'm afraid." Oh how there were time he wished for it, to drown out all sorrows and tensions brought forth from the past- but there was a standard of which he had to hold himself. Not only as a Lannister, but as a knight of the Kingsguard. To present himself in any sort of drunken manner would only bring shame to the white cloak of which he wore.
      And Lannisters don't act like fools.
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herunfailingkindness · 11 years
"Just let me die."
"No Loras, I will not just let you die. How can you ask me that?" She said shakily as she brushed her brother's curls out of his face. "Never. Family doesn't do that to one another." She said softly trying to make him feel better.
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bastardtyrell · 11 years
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For Highgarden | Loras and Sansa
The name was so hard to even think about. She tried to imagine what he looked like and perhaps she'd start with a feature of Loras', but it would quickly change to just be the knight she had become accustomed to. It almost seemed a cruel jape for her to be married off to a brother of his she had never met. How could Olenna have not known that she fancied Loras instead? He's part of the Kingsguard. Sansa had to remind herself as she dressed, blue eyes locked onto herself in the mirror. It didn't quite mean that she didn't have to look nice for him, though. Perhaps if he saw that she could be beau-- No! Stop this! The Stark had to mentally slap herself in order to calm down.
Taking a few deep breaths, she straightened the skirts before tying on the golden belt she had begun wearing since her father's death. It was a Southern accessory. That's all she wore now, it seemed. Sometimes she'd do her hair as if she was a lady of Highgarden for Margaery's sake, but she'd still keep the high braids. She needed to blend in now. If she stood out as a Stark, it would only mean more harsh treatment from the Lannisters. 
Stepping away from the mirror, she hurried towards the door, making an escape into the hallway. She didn't quite know where Loras would be, but she had to guess. Perhaps in the gardens. Perhaps he missed Highgarden, after all. Folding her hands in front of her, she tried to force a smile from forming on her lips, knowing that Joffrey would somehow find out that she had dared to smile. Sansa remembered when it wasn't that bad, when she could at least have the illusion of being happy. It seemed so long ago now. She could still hear her father's voice, though. The way he would comfort her when she was upset and rub her back while she cried. How after he had killed Lady he had come to her and sat with her until she had fallen asleep.
Things would be better in Highgarden. Perhaps she wouldn't have the handsome knight that Loras was, but she'd have someone who would treat her well. That was all she wanted now, anyways. It seemed all the beautiful men that she had met only wanted to abuse their power. Margaery insisted that he would be kind-- that they would watch the children play in the pools and they'd raise hounds and she could go hawking. Why was she so nervous about what this man looked like? Judging by both Margaery and Loras' appearance, it wasn't as if he'd be horrible, either. There will be no dancing. She reminded herself, causing her to chew on her lower lip. Could she go without dancing? She hoped so.
Once Sansa found her way towards the garden, the auburn haired girl walked threw the pathway, hoping to find just a glimpse of the person she had been looking for. At least he won't forget me this time. She thought, blue eyes searching through the different kinds of flowers. He couldn't have forgotten her again, right? He knew that she was to be married to his brother! Or did he? Her stomach turned at the thought of him not knowing. Will he approve? He must have thought her so dumb on the day he had escorted her to see Margaery and Olenna. What if he didn't want her to marry his oldest brother?
Her eyes found the member of the Kingsguard, a grin forming on her lips as she gathered up her skirts to hurry towards him. She stopped behind him, taking a deep breath to calm her nerves. "Ser Loras?" She asked, giving a small curtsey. "Would you mind if I walked with you? I have important matters I'd like to discuss, if it please you," 
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feathersofsilver-blog · 11 years
Silver flowers || Loras and Tyyne
She was amazed by the size of that continent. When at home, she only had to make a three day ride with Maegnus with stops to rest and she was at the other end of the Peninsula. And yet, the Peninsula would be lost in only the Northern part of the lands they call the Northern hold or whatever it was. And she did not even know what size could the land extend beyond that hideous and in the same time magnificent construction that people called the Wall. From what she learned they did not use any types of magic, while building it, only the strength of their men’s arms.
They have travelled far South in the lands, every mile spent making the ride more and more dangerous. But she heard about the glasscandles the people still kept in something they called the Red Keep in the capitol of these lands. She could not tell what that even meant, but as they rode further and further they had to fly higher and higher amongst the clouds, even at night not to be spotted. Two weeks it took to reach from below men called the Neck to a city grander, than the ones she saw. Though it was not that impressive, their hold at home could solely swallow it up whole, not even speaking about the capitol of their own, the city of Valyria. Butthis was not a time for her pride and comparisons.
They trekked the coastline at night and saw that there were many a caves Maegnus could hide in whilst she would try to find and steal a candle. However, it would be much harder to do so, than it sounded. Tyyne decided to finally make use of that small patch of gold the disgusting thing that called himself Illyrio offered as recompense and buy some commoner clothes. If she would be careful enough she could be hired as cleaning staff. If she would be hired, then she would have access and at the given moment she could snatch it and run as fast as she could. If she would be lucky, then it would be only a month and they would be out of there. None the less, Tyyne decided to spend their last night together in the woods that seemed secluded from the city, lighting a small fire in the forest to keep warm. It wasn’t as  cold as it was in North, but it was a relief to see the flames and talk to her mount. Before her eyes heavied and dreams would have taken her away, she heard crackling noises from afar. Not the light ones that small forest animals would make, but heavy, the steps of a man. Before he would reach there, she poked her friend to flee and fly and so Maegnus did. With some luck the man would think she’s a commoner, so she pulled her cloak around her so no armour could be seen and leave her be.
Green eyes glanced in the direction the noise came, then stopped in the place where a young man stood tall with shining armour. Tyyne bowed her head in greetings. – Milord.
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[text] ure gay and u piss rose water I dont wanna marry u ew. at least its mutual. Also ure sister is a whore lmao xxx Cersei
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etfiliamarise · 11 years
You two do realize that you both get starters from me right? Like you people don't have a choice in this matter.
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cleverlittlerose · 11 years
A Stroll Through the Garden ||floweredknight
A soft breeze whistled through the trees, blowing a few strands of her hair into her face. She brushed them away with a gentle hand, her brown eyes falling on the floral landscape surrounding her. A large rosebush sat a few yards from her and she couldn't help but admire the buds that had started to blossom. The groundskeeper had just manicured the bushes, and a few of the old roses had fallen to the ground and had been left there. Her lips curled into a frown as she looked at the petals that had crumbled to the dirt. That would not be the fate of the Tyrells. They would continue to grow strong.
The sound of approaching footsteps pulled her attention away from the flowers. She turned to see the familiar face of her brother approaching her. Her eyes lit up and she stood from the chair she'd been sitting in. Earlier she sent word to him that she would need to talk to him. There had been arrangements made that Loras would marry Sansa Stark. The news had been told to him only a few days prior, and that afternoon she had spoken to Sansa herself. It was obvious that the red haired girl was smitten with her brother. 
Margaery knew though that this was not something that her brother would have chosen for himself. But at the same time she trusted that her brother knew what it could do for the family. What other family had successfully aligned themselves with both the Starks and the Lannisters? While the success of her family was important, Margaery was concerned with Loras' thoughts on the matter. A great deal had taken place in a very short amount of time. 
The girl took her brother's hands in her own and gave them a gentle squeeze. "I'm so glad you could meet me, Loras. I trust that you've been busy?"
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forsakendragon · 11 years
A Royal Meeting
Strolling through the halls of the Red Keep Rhaegar was watching the hustle and bustle happening all around him. While the keep was fairly active it was now even more so than usual and it had been for the past month. The reason for such activity mainly was due to the recent birth of his son and the complications that had come along with his wife’s pregnancy. It had been an extremely difficult pregnancy and upon Aegon’s birth Rhaegar had been afraid that he might lose Elia in the process, but fortunately the gods were kind and had spared her life although she was still slowly recovering.
He couldn’t help but worry for her health still, especially since she was bedridden even now a month after the birth. Elia always had delicate health, but he never would have thought that the pregnancy would take such a toll on her. Needless to say there would not be any further children and that was a fact that didn’t sit too well with Rhaegar, although he pushed that concern aside for now. Prophecy could wait and what was important now was Elia’s recovery and he would never dream of risking her safety further over such a thing no matter how much it mattered to him.
Emerging into the throne room he moved to stand amongst the rest of the court which had gathered to greet the newest arrival to King’s Landing who was none other than Oberyn Martell, his brother-in-law. There was no doubt that the man made the journey to see his sister after receiving word on her poor health, since the two siblings were rather close. Distantly Rhaegar wondered how long the man would be staying and who else might have accompanied the man from Dorne. Either way he knew that this visit would prove to be interesting since with Elia bedridden it would be up to Rhaegar mainly to keep the man company and while they got along well enough he’d never really spent too much time alone with the man before.
Taking a breath he pushed through the gathered crowd to greet the man. “Oberyn, it’s good to see you again. I take it your journey went well?”
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bastardtyrell · 11 years
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vicky-greyjoy · 11 years
OOC: Update on the Hunger Games AU
Currently trying to work the mechanics out, but I have more information on what to expect:
-Rather than Districts, characters will be organized by major house of affiliation, or region outside of Westeros as applies (ie Team Greyjoy, Team Slavers Bay, etc).  As such, each group will have more than two tributes
-As of yet, it hasn't been decided whether or not duplicates will be accepted, but this will be among the first things I discuss while working it out
-OCs are definitely welcome, so long as they are ASOIAF-affiliated, come on in!
-Characters will be aged appropriately for Hunger Games (12-18).  That means if your character is younger or older, you can choose the age which they will be playing as, though it would be reccomended that older characters claim to be 17 or 18 while younger characters claim to be 12 or 13.  It should not significantly affect the RP aspect in this situation, though feel free to add teenage flair as you see fit xD
-The setting will be Panem, but regardless, relationships between characters will remain canon or reflect whatever headcanons one might possess
Additionally, if you do wish to participate, please send me a PM saying so so I can start gathering a list.  Also maybe reblog this as I don't think everyone who saw and/or liked it is following me.  Thanks!
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floweredknight replied to your post: did they make Myrcella cry when she leaves for...
[They did and it was awful]
I'm so mad 
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cleverlittlerose · 11 years
Roleplaying Docket
This post is really for me, because it's easier for me to remember everything if I post it. 
maimedlion - response
theironkraken - response
starks-little-dove - starter
theesilverqueen - response
lannisters-finest - starter
oftheriverlands - starter
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maiar-of-aule-blog · 11 years
Mairon would sing this song if he created the world of GOTs. He wouldn't understand the theme until it was too late and fate wrapped the people he would come to care for in this war for the Iron Throne. 
I know the boy on the throne part is suppose to be Joffrey, but I think it is far suited for Tommen that Mairon would sing about. 
A raven flies from the north to the sea A dragon whispers her name in the east The watcher waits on the northern wall A daughter picks up a warrior's sword A brother bound to a love he must hide The younger's armor is worn in the mind A cold iron throne holds a boy barely grown And now it is known A claim to the prize, a crown laced in lies You win or you die
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