steelunderneath · 7 years
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an ooey-gooey follow forever for my sickening 900 fabulous followers. i just want to say how enchanting you all are. how accepted you all make me feel. how privileged i am to have you all following my portrayal of sansa. and how consumed i am with each and everyone of you. but this is just a special shout out to a ( very ) few of you all!
p.s. im sorry if i missed anyone, which im sure I have bc i am an anxious jellyfish. but i will also being doing a giveaway soon! so stay tuned. aaaaaand. pls. excuse my 10min graphic.
 q u e e n s g u a r d 
( those who have had my back and that i adore unconditionally. )
@bastardpup​ / @mhysaoffire​ : tea, i’ve known you longer than anyone else on this site. you’re my best friend. my soul mate. i love you so truly. thank you for always putting up with my shit and for always being there to talk to me.. as well as watch random things... but mostly for always being ready to have a casual cocktail. don’t ever change. i’m waiting for the day i’ll get to hug you in real life.
@thefirststorm​ : you amazing sunfish! mark i don’t know how i’d have gotten through the last month without you. you have become a fast friend and I am forever grateful that you added me so we could talk about our sansa love! you’re always around when i need you. you’re sweet and kind and i dont deserve you! but thaaaank you for being there and accepting me into the squid fam.
@motherofwolvcs​ : cAT. you are beautiful. and so sweet and kind. i don’t know what i did to bring you into my life but there is always a place for you where i’m concerned. thank you for being the best trout mumma i could ask for. you’re an angel <333
@ircnvictory​ : you re so much stronger than you know ben, and you have been a great friend to me in the short time i’ve known you. i don’t know how to ever repay you for your advice. you’re a hilarious and beautiful human being. thank you for being you.
@iarainn​ : noah, why are you like this????? ok, no but honestly i adore you so unconditionally. you’re a hilarious little squid and i can thank you enough for letting me constantly badger you with five-thousand-and-one theonsa things! ilu. 
h o n o u r e d 
( people i’ve spoken to ooc / written with that are special to me )
@dcgausscr​ / @wintercrowned​ / @vallorous​ / @predative​ / @destinycrowned​ / @calledemrys​ / @ellacinders​ / @ircnbcrn​ / @wineinthewidow​ / @greatpowcr
a d m i r e d
( those i’ve written with or want to write with! or just generally adore from afar! )
@agirlingrey​ / @alnnys / @astormcrow​ / @artfulprecision​ / @agallantrose​ / @bloodiedwolf​ / @butscrewmefirst​ / @cerseilionesslannister​ / @cleverminded​ / @crowchosen​ / @diedking / @eversoblack / @fadetogrey / @freefolksflame / @girllorn / @gentlecrown / @goldenngore / @hiddensteel / @handofhonor / @humanbludgers / @honourofwesterling / @irondecay / @jcynepoole / @killthebxy / @kingwhocared / @khaldothrak / @ladywxlf / @littlelakegirl / @liondaughter / @maimedlion / @mithraiic / @needlcd / @outlawiism / @oftarth / @ofvaliancy / @pheriannath / @purratheon / @qceenmother / @queenxmargaery / @rhaegxr / @royalsadist / @rcseheir / @saltwiife / @seulerose / @sansavis / @sunofdorne / @thelittleqveen / @theeldestsun / @telcxntar / @valianceforged / @woodlandborn / @wasgentle / @watchended / @wolfsouled / @zokliitsos
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herroyaldarkness · 7 years
for every @ I talk about people I love
@maimedlion​ Wow I think I’ve actually known Courtney for going on 5 years now? She’s one of my VERY first followed blogs on here, and in the RPC as a whole. Never has there been someone more fiercely loyal to her friends, more ready to burst in from her life and FIGHT for people she loves. She adores her muse/s so much and it shows in the detail and care she gives them. She’s a fixture in the ASOIAF community no matter how absent she might currently be, everyone knows who she is. Everyone knows her Jaime. And they should. She’s been such an incredible friend to me, a constant rock of support, understanding, and companionship. And bitches best know that she and I are quite literally unbeatable in BGO. We’re so vicious people wont even PLAY if we’re on a team. And if we’re not on a team we make secret alliances anyway. She’s amazing, talented and the kind of partner in crime EVERYONE needs at least one of in their life.
@deauvergne Nook is one of those wild-appearing people who seem to pop in and out of my RP scope at random, but every time she’s around I am blessed. Her enthusiasm, kindness, realness, and honesty are everything I enjoy in a friend & RP partner. She’s someone I love to dish with about drama, and who can brighten even the dullest most drab of dashboards with her ridiculous muse.@divinechoke / @amoire / uhhh forgive me lovely I forgot theM ALL. GABI Talk about a huge busting balloon of talent. She’s got the writing chops to be leaving us all behind and penning novels. She’s really that good. I love seeing how creatively she crafts her OCs and how much she loves them. She’s worth way more than the fuckers in this RPC have tried to hand her. She knows who the fuckwits are and they know who they are, and if anyone ever thinks of bringing up old drama with her then they can come right over here and answer to me. I’d fight a ‘Roo any day of the week for Gabi. Nothing like having friends who hate the same people as you, and who are hated by the same people as you. That’s some true bonding right there.@clownin holyshit Paola how did we become such close and fast friends? You came out from nowhere to flip-turn my world upside down with your caring, and understanding. I still cannot believe the way you’ve treated me, how you stood by me when I hadn’t earned it from you. How you could objectively look at friends and people’s behavior and see through the bullshit. It’s amazing. I wish more people were like you. And how deeply you adore your muses, how you aren’t afraid to show their ugly sides, and love it as much as their nice sides. It’s a rare thing you do, and I want to keep seeing you do it for as long as I can.Judas / Aaron / The Real Homogay -- Idk what blog you’re on rn, but lbr I never do. This is much less about your writing and creativity (though it be vast) as it is what kind of friend you’ve been to me. You’re the realest, most honest and trustworthy person I know. Straight up when I need a real opinion on something serious or impactful to do with the RPC, you’re the first person I think of asking. You don’t judge, or take any shit, and it’s glorious. Almost as glorious as your fucking voice. I can’t wait to see how far you go, and hope I can still be here to see it in times to come. 
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mikaels-son · 7 years
tagged by: @hauntedgilbert
1ST RULE: tag 9 muses you would like to know better
@sinfulhumanity, @queenxcersei, @xisunderstood, @carolinesnotbrokenjustbent, @dragonmadness, @sansavis, @xqueenofscots, @maimedlion, @siswinchester
2ND RULE: BOLD the statements that are true for your muse (both canon and modern verses)
I am 5'7" or taller
I wear glasses
I have at least one tattoo
I have at least one piercing
I have blonde hair (naturally)
I have brown eyes
I have short hair
My abs are at least somewhat defined
I have or have had braces
I love meeting new people
People tell me that I’m funny
Helping others with their problems is a big priority for me
I enjoy physical challenges
I enjoy mental challenges
I’m playfully rude with people I know well (or anyone really)
I started saying something ironically and now I can’t stop saying it
There is something I would change about my personality
I can sing well
I can play an instrument
I can do over 30 pushups without stopping
I’m a fast runner
I can draw well
I have a good memory
I’m good at doing math in my head
I can hold my breath underwater for over a minute
I have beaten at least 2 people in arm wrestling
I know how to cook at least 3 meals from scratch
I know how to throw a proper punch
I enjoy playing sports
I’m on a sports team at my school or somewhere else
I’m in an orchestra or choir at my school or somewhere else
I have learned a new song in the past week
I work out at least once a week
I’ve gone for runs at least once a week in the warmer months
I have drawn something in the past month
I enjoy writing
I do or have done martial arts
I have had my first kiss
I have had alcohol
I have scored the winning goal in a sports game
I have watched an entire season of a TV show in one sitting
I have been at an overnight event
I have been in a taxi
I have been in the hospital or ER in the past year (for other people, not him)
I have beaten a video game in one day
I have visited another country
I have been to one of my favorite band’s concerts
I’m in a relationship
I have a crush on a celebrity
I have a crush on someone I know
I have been in at least 3 relationships
I have never been in a relationship
I have asked someone out or admitted my feelings to them
I get crushes easily
I have had a crush on someone for over a year
I have been in a relationship for at least a year
I have had feelings for a friend
I have at least one person I consider a “best friend”
I live close to my school
My parents are still together (IN DEATH)
I have at least one sibling
I live in the United States
There is snow right now where I live
I have hung out with a friend in the past month
I have a smartphone
I have at least 15 CD’s
I share my room with someone
I have breakdanced
I know a person named Jamie (@maimedlion)
I have had a teacher with a last name that’s hard to pronounce
I have dyed my hair
I’m listening to one song on repeat right now
I have punched someone in the past week
I know someone who has gone to jail
I have broken a bone
I have eaten a waffle today
I know what I want to do with my life
I speak at least 2 languages
I have made a new friend in the past year
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giftrash · 8 years
buzzfeed: asgardreid: boyfriendhook: maimedlion: In which...
In which Jaime required coffee in order to sit through the wedding vows. [x]
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ofwolfmaidsmoved · 8 years
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                ❛     you know ... you can look at me like you can barely stand me all you wish but, alas !! i know your secret, ser lannister !!     ❜          ever the playful tonality. vivid grin && hint at dimples within apple cheeks. her hands are dirty, slightly sticky with flower sap as she rests curve of chin within curl of palm, first two fingers coming to tap - tap - tap just below ear. a girl of blooms though crown of curls lay unadorned. velvet flesh && saccharine smile. a closer lean, design to unnerve   (  doubts such is possible. attempts anyway.  )   && vocables lower, features exaggerate && for a moment tongue is able to be seen as it curls 'long row of teeth.
                             ❛                   you've grown fond of me. admit it !!     ❜                  ╳ ┊❛ @maimedlion.
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giftrash · 7 years
buzzfeed: asgardreid: boyfriendhook: maimedlion: In which...
In which Jaime required coffee in order to sit through the wedding vows. [x]
0 notes
blackpanthcr · 9 years
              FILED UNDER:// STARTER. @maimedlion
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                                    T’challa felt a set of eyes pierce through him. nicking at his shoulders. weighing on his mind. raising the hair at the back his neck. every move he made was TRACKED. it was a constant presence since taking his education overseas. zuri, a six foot seven wakanda warrior, glared at the prince of wakanda. even now as the young t’challa shifted his head to the side so he could look at the muscled man out of the corner of his gaze. twenty feet away, he was still a  l o o m i  n g  presence, out of place with his wakandan robes & tribal markings. slitted eyes unwavering. lips in a constant state of purse. he took his duty seriously. t’challa could commend him for that. but often times he wished the man gave him a longer leash. allow him to explore at his own leisure and not be refined by the kings boundaries. 
Ignoring his bodyguard, swiping the pig skin off the ground. nestling it within his grasp. t’challa breathed in deeply. american football. a sport he enjoyed almost as much as hunting. the stamina & brutality of the game really got the adrenaline pumping. swinging his arm up, arching his body, he pitched the ball forward. lips thin as he miscalculated the strength he used as he watched the ball wiz through the air. bypassing the open arms of his team mate & heading straight towards a blonde haired man walking across the field at the boundary.
❝  ----------------HEADS!  ❞
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crimsondeath · 9 years
send me a url and i’ll talk about them.
i’m pretty sure i remember them from their ciel account back in the day tho we’ve never really talked much -- they’re one of the few got/asoiaf blogs i follow and i shit you not i’ve sat with a friend irl (who also rps both in the kuro and the asoiaf fandoms here on tumblr) talking about how nice the mun is and what a great writer they are and just raining praises on them so-- yes i like them a lot!
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giftrash · 8 years
buzzfeed: asgardreid: boyfriendhook: maimedlion: In which...
In which Jaime required coffee in order to sit through the wedding vows. [x]
0 notes
princeofandalasia said:buhahaha i remember this reinexblanche said: The actual thread on 4chan does have Jaime stuff boards.4chan.org/tv/thre… dovahrel said: aRE THERE MORE LEAKS???? ofliesandarborgold said: It is from 4chan. maimedlion said: :| hopefully most of this is false, but we’ll see.
I would write it off as four chan being four chan but there’s also this. I get the feeling... It’s gonna end up being true. And yes there’s more info apparently.
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giftrash · 8 years
buzzfeed: asgardreid: boyfriendhook: maimedlion: In which...
In which Jaime required coffee in order to sit through the wedding vows. [x]
0 notes