#verse: modern au
dxncingxnmyown · 6 months
@swordsandcrownsxx | Isolde and Javier, Evening of The Masked Ball
At Xavier's behest, Javier does the most despite his sour mood. He escorts his sister to the ball, dances with his betrothed in spectacular fashion, and takes a few choice selfies with his French cousins. He propagates the image of the "reformed fuckboy turned gentleman" with the best of them, and in doing so, he hides what is within him. The heartache, that turned into half-hearted acceptance, that now settles as indignant rage over his new reality. A life without Isolde. It's what she wants, yet she's determined to haunt him. Her texts still play off in his head, and it's made worse by the imagination of her perfume. Except... "What are you doing here?" Javier asks, confused and dazed by the sight of her. She didn't just look alive, she looked dazzling. "Aren't you supposed to be in Morocco?" Her last text said as much, and when he received nothing in return, he's left as confused as before. "I can't do this right now. Xavier..." Is looking for him, is insisting on a photo-op with Valencia, is pushing him forward in life.
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phoenix-flamed · 7 days
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@h-a-unted asked: [ CARESS ]  for sender to kiss one of receiver’s scars (Firecracker) | Extensive Scar Related Prompts
He instinctively tensed up at the gesture upon the scar around his neck. Elwin wouldn't call it an innocent one, and if it was meant to be, it certainly was an odd choice to go with. But that wasn't what bothered him in this moment.
It was the contact with the scar itself, not the location or the unprompted "affection".
Lips twitched into a frown, only to then pull back to reveal gritted teeth. But this lasted only briefly -- and quickly enough he was back to smiling, at least slightly. An attempt at cordiality. He turned his head enough to brush his lips against the corner of her mouth, not quite a kiss, but just a small tease.
"I would have expected --" The man shifted to travel upwards so that he can murmur, almost growl, into her ear, "-- that someone like yourself would know better than to play with fire." As if on cue, his hands raised, one removing the glove off of the other. A small flame flickered to life at his now-exposed fingertips, which he then used to playfully singe a few strands of her red locks once his arms had repositioned themselves around her.
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lionsprcdes · 6 months
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shestheram · 9 months
tag dump: verses edition
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retiredpeach · 1 year
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In mood for couple crossovers 🕷
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greatstormcat · 5 months
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Sweet Like Honey
Kyle ‘Gaz’ Garrick x f!reader
TW: MDNI 18+, A/B/O dynamics, Alpha!Gaz, Omega!reader, fluff and smut, heat cycle, knotting, p in v, biting
Follows on from this post by popular demand. Thank you all so much for the wonderful comments and the reblogs, please enjoy this delicious man on my behalf!
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True to his word, Gaz had arranged for the two of you to go off base for dinner to discuss what had happened in the gym. He had been mortified by the way he reacted, taking hours of convincing and cajoling from you to accept that you weren’t upset or felt violated. The level of integrity he carried on his shoulders was breathtaking, and your feelings for him only became more complicated as a result.
You’d insisted on nothing fancy, and a good local pizza place was agreed on. You’d tried not to think too much about the way Price had smirked as the pair of you left the barracks together, your CO being well aware of your… situation, and having had a front row seat to the two of you dancing around each other since you’d been brought into the team.
You insist on driving you both, and Gaz agrees, and settling his impressive bulk and long legs into the passenger seat of your car.
“I know I’ve said it already but…” Gaz begins to say.
“Stop apologizing,” you interrupt as you drive the two of you out through the security gates of the base and towards the nearby town, and he chuckles warmly.
“I just can’t get my head around it,” he continues, “you’re just so… nothing like an omega. Well, not like any I’ve met before.”
“Yeah, well, variety is the spice of life and all that,” you reply a little nervously, glad you can’t look at him for too long. “So you’re… okay with it?”
“Why wouldn’t I be?” He challenges you bluntly, and you feel his hand snake across to rest on your thigh. You grip the steering wheel until your knuckles ache, trying to focus on not crashing the car as your heart pounds at the contact.
“Dunno,” you mumble in response, hating how dumb it sounds. The two of you sit in a tense silence for a while, the radio providing the only distraction for the journey.
“You getting close to your heat, yeah?” He prompts you unexpectedly, and you seriously consider pulling over right there on the side of the road and running away before you combust with awkwardness.
“Yes… the Doctor says once I’ve gone through my heat and my hormones settle I can start the new suppressants. I’m due in a few weeks…” your unspoken question hangs in the air unasked, along with your uncovered scent, and you hope he takes the initiative to save you having to find the words you don’t have. You want to ask for his help, but you are terrified of him saying no, of him finding you weak or unworthy of his time.
“Do you have anyone in mind to help you through it?” His words are carefully chosen, his tone gentle and not pushy, but the underlying note of possession is so clear it makes your heart hurt and your instincts flare. You have to cough to clear your throat before you can answer.
“I was going to ask you actually,” you reply, thankfully just as you pull into the carpark outside the restaurant. As soon as you switch off the engine his hands have wrapped around your jaw, pulling you close to him, his lips crushing against yours roughly and insistently.
“I’d tear apart anyone else who dared to do it,” he growls against your mouth, before kissing you deeply once more, his tongue slipping between your parted lips. Breathing hard you eventually disentangle yourselves long enough to get out of the car, the air thick between you as he wraps an arm over your shoulders and walks you inside. The pretty little waitress flushes hotly as she takes your order, preening and primping at Gaz, but he has eyes only for you and she scampers away when you glare at her obviousness.
“Let me court you,” he says coolly as you eat, his dark eyes burning into you across the table.
“What?” You blurt out, totally taken by surprise and with a mouth full of cheese and pepperoni. It’s unnerving how off kilter the whole situation is leaving you, a seasoned veteran of countless combat missions. You’ve never felt this much on the back foot with anyone, and you feel like he is enjoying every second of having the upper hand going by the smile playing on his full lips.
“I want to do this right,” he explains. “I’m not agreeing to help with your heat because you’re a friend, or because you’ve saved my skin in the field a thousand times. It’s because… I have feelings for you. I’ve been chasing after you for a year, and I never understood your reaction until now. It all makes total sense now I know what you were afraid of. I’m a little hurt you didn’t trust me,” he says with a playful grin, “but hey, you had your reasons.” His smile fades into a serious expression and he leans forward, elbows on the table and shoulders hunched. “Let me court you, let me make you feel like I deserve this, like I deserve you.”
You take a deep breath, trying to settle the nerves that jangle in your stomach. If you agree to this, you risk exposing your designation to everyone, but you get to finally be with Gaz. Something you’ve wanted for a long, long time. The risk seems completely worth the reward as you sit there studying him.
“I’d like that,” you concede, and the grin that forms on his face dispels any concern you ever had. He’s beautiful as he leans back in his chair, broad shoulders straight and proud once more, looking like the perfect Alpha he is.
“Fucking right,” he laughs with a satisfied nod.
The following morning in the mess hall you find Gaz sitting with Soap and Ghost already as you join them. You tug at the scarf around your neck, making sure you are as covered as possible, aware of Gaz watching you with a faint smile on his lips.
“You look cold,” Gaz observes, and before you can form an answer he has pulled his hoodie off and is thrusting it at you with a shit eating grin. Feeling your face burn as Ghost and Soap watch, you pull it on, bathing yourself entirely in his scent and warmth. It's an excellent cover.
“Thanks,” you smile.
“Keep it,” he grins back at you with a wink. You notice Soap’s brow fold into a frown as he watches the exchange.
“What the… ouch…” Soap grumbles and rubs his ankle under the table after you kick him to stop him drawing any more attention to the situation.
“Shut it, Johnny,” Ghost says quietly, his keen observational skills clearly seeing what is unfolding. “Leave them alone.”
You try to ignore Soap’s smirk as you inhale the scent coming from Gaz’s hoodie, enjoying the calming, grounding effect.
Over the next week he gives you a number of other gifts that prove exactly how much attention he has paid to your likes and preferences while he has known you. Every single one is carefully thought out, not over the top and never misses the mark. He also arranges for supplies for your heat with Price’s help. The small nest you’d allowed yourself to hide in the corner of your room becomes lined with items that Gaz gifts you. His hoodie takes pride of place, along with a couple of blankets he gets and then scents for you.
The constant presence of his scent on you doesn’t escape notice around base, and the way other Alpha's give you room becomes obvious. During drills and PT you feel his eyes on you and his presence near you more often than not, but not in an overbearing or invasive way. The balance he strikes is just perfect, just like him.
It also happens that more than once you find yourself alone with him in a quiet corridor, or empty office, lips crushed together as you kiss and embrace. Hands exploring over and under clothes but there is never enough time to go any further.
Your heat finally hits, and it's like a bloody train runs over you when it does. You wake up just after midnight, shivering and overheated, feeling as though every joint in your body has been filled with sand and then hit with a sledgehammer. A strangled groan gurgles up from your throat as you writhe in the tangled sheets of your bed, then the first spasm of pain runs through your body and settles between your legs as a throbbing, painful need. You grab your phone in trembling hands and pull up Gaz’s number after two failed attempts, calling him. It only rings once before he answers.
“Hey, you okay?” You hear him answer, voice hoarse with sleep. Just hearing him pulls a whimper from your throat, and makes your pussy throb.
“Need you,” you rasp, phone shaking against your ear and you hear the urgent rustling of fabric as he clambers out of bed.
“Just hold on, love,” he tells you firmly. “I’m on my way, I’ll text Price and be there asap. You’re gonna be fine, okay?” His voice trickles into your brain and calms the tremors slightly, and you sigh softly. A growl answers the sound over the phone. “You sound so good already. I gotta hang up, but I will be there soon.”
The call ends and you drop the phone onto the bedside table, body aching and hot, sweat blooming on your skin already in the darkness. You have no idea how long it takes for the door to finally open, but it soon does and the scent that rolls into the room cuts through to the very center of your being.
You whimper softly, a pillow clenched between your thighs to try and relieve the throbbing ache, already damp as you slick soaks through your underwear. All other items of clothing are long since discarded, pulled off as you had crawled into the corner and your nest seeking the comforting scents there.
There’s a pause as Gaz steadies himself against the intense scent in the room, then he searches the gloom for the source of your cry, before he quickly makes his way to you, flicking the lamp beside the bed on. He looks down at you, slowly crouching down and taking a mental image of you, curled tightly into a nest made from his gifts to you.
“So beautiful,” he muses to himself, reaching out to touch your face. “Let’s get you up on the bed where there’s more room, then I can take care of you.” Carefully he helps you up onto the bed, the touch of his hands on your skin making you hiss and he croons soft words to you to calm you despite the surging, powerful urge he feels to claim you immediately.
With immense self control Gaz arranges you on the bed, making sure you are safe and comfortable, getting you to drink some water as your body temperature soars. Then, and only then, does he undress, his erection already straining at his sweatpants, and he holds you tightly against his broad, strong body. The feel of his skin against yours and his scent covering you eases the worst of the symptoms, the trembling subsiding slightly.
“Gaz… please…” you beg, and feel the rumble in his chest that answers you. He kisses you, tenderly and deeply, his rough palms running over your hypersensitive skin. He buries his face into the side of your neck, the stubble of his chin and hairs of his mustache rubbing against your gland as he inhales deeply, and then allows himself to sweep his tongue over the raised flesh.
“You taste so sweet… like honey on my tongue,” he moans, before running his tongue over your gland again. Your whole body shudders against him and he hums with satisfaction at your response, his palms rubbing up and down your back. Your spine undulates as his hands move, and he curls his fingers making his nails drag over your skin, and you arch into him with a gasp.
Between the hormones flooding your system and the way Gaz is playing your body like a virtuoso musician, your mind drifts and all lucid thoughts evaporate. All you are aware of are the sensations he is giving you, and you greedily devour everything he gives. The only concern you have is the empty ache between your thighs, but you know that he is going to address this, you trust completely that he will make this right, so you quietly wait for your Alpha to provide.
Another spasm surges through your body, your muscles clench and your breath shudders, making Gaz moan as he sees you suffer. Cradling you against his chest carefully, he lays your back against the bed and trails his hand down your stomach and between your tightly pressed legs. Slick coats the insides of your thighs and you force yourself to relax, giving him the space he needs to help you.
“That’s it, pup,” he says encouragingly, pressing his forehead to yours. “Let me take care of you.”
Your clit is already swollen and throbbing with its own heartbeat, screaming for attention, and as his calloused digits touch it you cry out. He teases the sensitive nub, finding the right pressure and movement to get your hips grinding up against his hand, swirling your slick around it and drinking in your strained groans. A litany of praises and honeyed words flow into your ear as he pulls you tightly against him, his erection ignored and leaking against your thigh as you bump it with your movements.
He draws your moans out, swallowing them as he kisses you, tasting your desire on his tongue as his fingers work you up to the pinnacle of ecstasy and your cry out against his soft lips, coming undone in his embrace. Your orgasm subsides, leaving you panting and boneless, curled against his broad chest. All too soon, though, the heat begins to build again from its temporary lull and you claw against his shoulders with your blunt nails.
“Gaz… please, it hurts…” you gasp, sawing your legs together to try to find some reprieve from the burning, aching agony. “Please, Alpha…” you beg, and his brow pinches in a frown at the desperation in your voice. A vulnerability he never thought he’d hear from you and he cannot help but answer. His instincts take over, seeing his Omega in such a state of pain and need, and he smoothly rolls you onto your stomach, placing a firm hand between your shoulder blades to hold you still.
“Hold still, Omega,” he purrs, his deep, velvety voice taking on an edge that cuts directly to your base instincts and stills your muscles for him, ensuring compliance. The blunt, fat head of his cock nudges against your pussy as he kneels behind you, filling the space between your spread thighs. With a firm thrust he spears into you, hissing at the raw heat of your body and the tightness or your cunt. “Fuck!” he grunts before continuing to push forward until he hilts himself in you fully.
Without conscious thought his hips begin to move, sweat beading on his forehead and chest as he holds you down, pistoning his cock into you. Every push and draw inside you fires a thousand nerve endings, sending your eyes rolling back into your skull at the building pleasure he gives you. Wet, desperate noises mix with huffs and euphoric sighs as he fucks you into the mattress.
You want to speak, to tell him how amazing you feel, but your brain can only focus on the sensations coursing through your body. When he leans over you, resting his hands either side of your head, you grasp his wrists tightly and press your lips to one of them. You suck and lick at his skin, earning a deep, possessive rumble and he lowers himself down across your back to kiss at your shoulder blades, your neck, your scent gland. He breathes in your scent, drinking it deeply and filling his mouth and nose with it until his body can take it no longer.
You feel his knot swelling, catching at your entrance, dragging across your walls and making them spasm and clench, sending you careening towards the precipice again. When you fall over the edge and orgasm, your pussy clenches hard and he can no longer withdraw, your muscles squeezing and milking him for what it needs. With a loud groan against your neck Gaz comes, coating your insides with hot ropes of cum, and you feel his teeth clamp down onto your scent gland. You throw an arm around his head, pulling his face in tighter against your neck as the pain shoots down your spine and merges with the pulsing in your core to form a delicious feeling you’ve never experienced. Your mind buzzes, a single thought filling your spaced out, empty skull… my Alpha.
With labored breaths you both come down from your high, finding yourself arranged on your side, securely on his knot and wrapped in his arms. Your scent is entwined with his, the throbbing on your neck a heavenly echo of the orgasm.
“Gaz…?” you mumble softly, a purr growing steadily in your chest
“Shhh,” he answers, whispering against the shell of your ear huskily before placing a small kiss there. “Just rest, my omega.”
Taglist lovelies:
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thought--bubble · 4 months
Dreamin of You
Modern Dark Actor Aemond X (Non-Famous GF Reader)
Warnings below
Word Count: 3065
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Modern Aemond Masterlist
Full Masterlist
Banners by @arcielee
Warnings:: Jealousy, possessive behavior, obsessive behavior, Dubcon, insecurity, unprotected sex (p in v), oral sex (F receiving)
Based on THIS request
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"Aemond! Over here!" You cringe at the noise, a man with a camera nearly screeching into your ear.
Aemond shields his eyes, trying to block out the flashing of the cameras as he tightens his arm around you, pulling you through the crowd.
It has been about a year since he got his big break. The leading man on a hit show that streams on Netflix. One of this year's biggest hits.
His life entirely changed nearly overnight, changing yours right along with it. You could no longer go out in public with him. You would be swarmed by cameras and people reaching out and grabbing at him. Women yelled out to him that they loved him.
Oh, how the women scream for him.
It doesn't surprise you. He is handsome and charming, not to mention tall, with a jawline that could cut diamonds.
Aemond used to be a quiet man. Hiding in the shadows. Shy and self-conscious. His disability made him bow out from most social situations unless you were there.
You had met Aemond back in primary school. Growing up beside him, you knew him better than anyone else. Or at least you used to.
The man standing beside you now, curling you up in his arm, is not the same man he was just one short year ago, and the realization hit you recently.
You had accompanied him to a photo shoot as you often do. Watching him flit about the place, shaking hands and charming them all with that beautiful smile. The two female models on set hanging on his every word. One being so forward as to brush her hand on his arm. Which he allowed.
Every day, you felt the pressure of his newfound fame start to squeeze into every facet of your life.
You had never been an insecure person. Never. Now you found yourself constantly comparing.
Aemond had been approached by models, a fellow actress, and even a pretty popular musician, and when you look at them and then at yourself, it's obvious that there is simply no comparison.
He is going to leave you or cheat on you at some point, which has you constantly on edge. You had been denying this, but what man wouldn't? What man would stay with his average before fame girlfriend when he could have a lingerie model? A pop star?
You know that he loves you and you love him too, but sometimes love is just not enough.
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That's how you find yourself here. Standing in his living room, watching him update his Instagram after fighting your way through a sea of photographers.
Your stomach feels sick as you watch him, trying to build up the courage to say what has been bouncing around in your head for weeks.
"It's time," you whisper to yourself.
You clear your throat as you gently shake out your limbs. "Aemond? I....I need to talk to you."
"Course." He doesn't lift his head from his phone, no doubt jumping on every notification coming from his social media accounts.
"It's important"
He lifts his head and furrows his brow.
"Everything alright, love?" He turns his phone screen down toward his lap to show you that you have his full attention.
You open your mouth to speak and immediately the anxiety of what you're about to do hits you like a tidal wave. Am I doing this? Really doing this?
Aemond can sense the panic that is coursing through you and stands up and quickly walks to you, taking your hands.
"Don't be afraid, love, tell me what's going on," He squeezes gently. His tenderness makes this all so much more difficult.
"I think it's...... Aemond? I..... I'm leaving" the relief you feel at finally telling him is soothing, it's done. You've said it. No take backs.
"Leave?" Aemond grips his phone tightly, his knuckles turning white as he turns his head from you. "Leave where? Go where? For what purpose?"
"Aemond..... I mean leave..... us. This" You turn your head in an effort to avoid that eye. You know you shouldn't look away. It's you who is doing this to the both of you. What right do you have to be sad?
The gentleness on his face is replaced with shock, and he turns his back to you, taking a few steps away. His silence is deafening, but you want to be fair. Give him a moment to process this.
"I... I just don't think we fit anymore, I'm so happy for you, Aemond. You're so talented, and all this that's happening to you? You deserve it, and i want you to have it." You recoil slightly at your own words. You've been thinking it for months, but saying it out loud, saying it to him. It's so painful. So final. "But, there's no room here for me anymore"
As you feel the all too familiar sting in your eyes, you watch his form turned away from you. You want him to look at you. Let you know that he understands that you don't want to hurt him. That this is what is best for both of you.
Instead, he chuckles, and you're hit with a wave of confusion before he turns around and stalks toward you. "Leaving? You think you're leaving me?" The smirk that creeps its way onto his face sends shivers down your spine.
He clicks his tongue as he reaches you, pulling you in tight against his chest.
"You don't get to leave." He coos. "No, my darling, you'll stay right here." he gently runs his fingers through your hair, the movement comforting and menacing.
The little hairs on the back of your neck stand on end. Who is this? This isn't the Aemond you know. Kind gentle, Aemond.
No, this person is someone else.
His lifts your face to him by your chin and kisses you gently. The way he moves between loving and domineering so seamlessly, it's as if there are two of him.
"You are mine little dove." He chuckles again as he looks down at you, the gleam in his eye, conveying a message that you are having trouble reading.
"Things have changed yes, we will figure out how to make you more comfortable, but one thing remains constant and that is you."
"You don't get to decide that." You wanted to say this with conviction but it comes out weak and feeble. You and Aemond have hardly ever fought and when you do, he wins every time.
Aemond sighs and smiles. "But I do. See i decide if we stay together. Me, and i have decided that we will. Now if there are things that we can work on to make you more comfortable I am happy to do that" He pushes his face into the crook of your neck as he whispers, " It's what's best for both of us"
You push him back, his arrogance finally pushing you over the edge.
"Who are you? Huh? This isn't you! This arrogant, entitled twat!" The dam that was holding back all of your frustrations fully bursts and you can't help yourself from offloading.
"You flirt with models right in front of me, you-"
"IT'S AN ACT!" He explodes, and you jump back, his voice unrecognizable.
"You think I want them? Those vapid cunts?" He grips your arm tight and shoves you down onto the sofa. The movement jarring.
"Don't shove me!" You move to get up but he leans down caging you in with his arms.
"When I sleep, I dream of you, when awake, I dream of you, when I do anything, I dream of you. There is not another for me, not in this lifetime or the next."
You push your body back on the sofa, trying to put a little distance between the two of you. He glares at you for a moment, lowering his arms from the sofa and bringing them to your shoulders.
"If you leave, I will find you, and I will drag you back to me" He slowly drops to his knees in front of you, sliding his arms down the length of your body in the process. "I'll always find you."
Your eyes widened slightly in fear. His love has always been expressed in gentleness, kind gestures, and soft caresses.
"What happened to being partners? Since when have you owned me as you seem to think?"
"I always have." He looks at you, not with malice, not with hubris, but with a look that tells you he takes this to be simple fact.
He pushes your skirt up, and begins trailing kisses up your thigh.
"Aemond.... we shouldn't. " His grip on your thigh tightens, but he doesn't stop. Your mind is telling you to push him away, stop him but your body is succumbing to his dangerous allure, like a lamb to the slaughter.
The closer he gets to your heat, the faster you lose your resolve. He's always had this effect on you. When he kisses you, touches you, loves on you, you all too quickly fall to your knees.
He slides his hand up your other thigh, slipping it under your skirt until he reaches your hip, gently squeezing at the flesh there.
You close your eyes and lean back on the sofa as he continues to lick and nip at your thigh. Every touch of his skin to yours sending currents of electricity through your veins.
"We're gonna be fine darlin" His voice is hynotizing. Just a moment ago you wanted to punch him in the face and now you are spreading your legs wider to give him enough room to fit his face between your thighs.
"That's a good girl, such a good girl" He moves his hand from your hip to your heat gently caressing you through the thin fabric of your thong.
"For someone who thinks we shouldn't be doing this you are very very wet" You feel the embarrasment rush to your cheeks but are unable to stop yourself from gently bucking your hips upward.
Aemond chuckles and clicks his tongue. "Is that was this was all about hmm? Have I been neglecting you sweet girl?" He moves your thong to the side and brings his finger to the wetness pooling there. "Hmmm seems I have, you poor poor thing" He mocks with fake sympathy.
You sigh as he grips your thighs dragging you to the edge of the sofa. pushing your skirt all the way up and exposing you to him.
"So fucking pretty" He leans forward and flicks the tip of his tongue on your pearl. Your leg twitches in response and he pulls his head back.
You groan at his teasing scooting your body closer to his face, as he starts to chuckle.
"Now, now sweet girl. I'm going to need you to admit, that you aren't going anywhere." He lightly scratches at the sensitive skin on your thigh with his thumbnail. You were supposed to break up and leave, This life with him was making you miserable. "Give me what I want, and I will return the favor" He again leans forward and flicks the very tip of your clit twice.
The teasing is starting to drive you to madness, you came into this room with conviction and a plan but it looks like you would leave this room with shame and satisfaction. "Fine! I'm not leaving, I'm not, I promise, I promise!" You feel a mix of discomfiture and arousal coursing through you but at this point you just don't care.
"Mmmmm" is the only sound he makes before again leaning forward and taking your engorged nerve into his mouth and sucking on it harshly.
"Fuckkkk Aem" You bring your hand down and grip his head, pushing his head closer to you and he is more than happy to oblige.
He slides a long course finger into you while he continues to swallow at your pearl. The sensations have your legs shaking uncontrollably, and as if your hips have a mind of their own, they buck gently against Aemonds face as he gives you everything he knows you want.
His finger crooks inside you, rubbing at the pad inside, gently calling your orgasm to him.
"Oh fuck ahhh!" Your whole body stiffens as he quickens the pace of both his mouth and finger.
As you tumble forward into your peak, you squeeze your legs around his head, the blood rushing to your face heating up your entire body. Is this heaven, or have you been tricked into hell?
After you finish sitting dumbstruck on the sofa, Aemond wastes no time. He slides towards you on his knees, wrapping his hand around your waist.
You rest your exhausted head on his shoulder and wrap your legs around his hips. With just one arm he lifts you slightly off the couch and slowly rises to his feet, you feel the muscles in his chest and shoulders tighten as he lifts you and himself from the floor carrying you into the bedroom. His hard cock pressed against you.
"Have I got you all stupid for me, sweet girl?"
You make some incoherent noises as he gently drops you onto the bed and climbs on top of you.
"I love you" He breathes the words directly into your ear, the sadness in his voice not lost on you. He slots himself between your legs tightly gripping your thigh and pulling it up against him.
"You can't ever leave ok?" He roughly kisses you before you can respond while he pulls you closer by the thigh pushing himself up tight against your core. "Not ever".
Aemond ruts against you, still fully clothed. "Can't live without ya." His voice sounds strained like this is taking everything out of him. "Won't live without ya." His movements become more rough, more desperate.
He pulls back from you just long enough to get your panties off, disposing of his boxers and trousers in the process, before slotting himself back between your legs.
He slides an arm under your back, bringing his hand to the back of your neck, raising your face to his.
"All I want is you. All I've ever wanted is you." His lips meet yours in a searing kiss, a kiss that screams don't go.
He pushes himself against your entrance, begging to be let in. You lean back further parting your legs and he pushes forward slowly.
"Fuck, I love you, oh gods I love you" He moans as he fills you up. Once he reaches the hilt, he lies down on top of you, sliding both of his arms under your shoulders before he gently starts to move against you.
Your bodies are pressed together so tight. You can hardly tell there are two separate people here.
"I'll never let you go, I'll never let you go," he repeats this over and over as his speed increases, his voice changing from desperate to domineering.
He grips your shoulders tightly, holding your body in place as he ruts up into you. "Do you understand now? You can never leave. I love you. You're mine. " his thrusts are slowly getting harder, as the heat again builds up in your abdomen.
"Fucking mine. Always mine. Forever mine," he growls the words at you as he bites into your neck.
"I'm gonna fill you up." He bites into your shoulder, pushing himself as far into you as he can get, but pushing ever still. He can't be close enough to you. He can't be far enough inside. Everything feels like it's just not enough.
He pulls back from you, has his speed increases, and his rhythm falters.
"Cmon cum for me sweet girl" He licks his thumb and brings it to your nub pressing down harshly on the nerve, his movements furious.
You whine out, your legs trembling as you feel your lower stomach growing tighter and tighter, the feeling overwhelming but so good. "Aem." You whimper, "ohhh gods"
"No baby, it's just me." He watches in wonder as you reach your peak for a second time, arching your back and yelling out loud.
"That's good. That's a good girl. Fuck yes baby" His movements become sloppy and he grips your hips tightly as he chases his release. "Say you love me," he growls his hips smacking against your skin with a loud slap sound as you moan out riding out the top of your pleasure.
"Fucking say it" he grunts as he tries to hold back his climax, "Please baby say it." His face is contorted somewhere between pleasure and pain until you acquiesce.
"I love you." The words flow from your mouth so delicately, so naturally. There was never a question as to whether you loved him. The question is whether that love is enough.
Hearing the words from your tongue immediately sends Aemond into the climax he was fighting as he screams out like some kind of feral animal thrusting into you harshly as he rides out his high, collapsing onto your chest leaving himself sheathed inside.
"I love you too"
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You wake up the next morning to the alarm on your phone going off and grumble, turning it off and rolling onto your side, looking at a sleeping Aemond. Feeling ashamed of yourself for giving into him last night.
As you slide out of the bed to get ready for work he reaches out and grips your wrist tight.
"Where are you going?" His eyes are still closed and his body hasn't moved the only thing alerting you to his consciousness being the hand tightly gripping your wrist, and his voice.
"To work?" You move again to get out of the bed thinking the matter settled.
"Oh, no we are sending your letter of resignation today" He opens his eyes and shifts in the bed stretching but not releasing your wrist.
"Aemond, i'm not quitting my job!" You can't believe he would even think that was an option. You love your job. Why would you quit? Why would he even want you to? You look towards him in utter confusion as he slightly tightens the grip on your wrist.
"You can't go. You might not come back." He yanks you back into the bed crawling on top of you.
"Like I said before. You're gonna stay right here"
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cyanidedrinkers · 24 days
Omega!Ghost fic?? Maybe??
Concept: Omega!Ghost who worked his ass off to get to his rank Omega!Ghost who refused to be a 'pack Omega' Omega!Ghost who clawed at his scent glands so much his scent is disturbing to others and almost sickening. He finds it hard to keep it under control and has to wear blockers just to keep others from having panic attacks or vomiting when around him. Omega!Ghost who got the name 'Ghost' from how pale people turned when around him. "It's almost as if they've seen a ghost" Alpha!Soap who finds Ghosts scent pleasant and comforting. Alpha!Gaz who's been trying to get close to Ghost and get him to open up since he joined the 141 only to be pushed away and snapped at. Alpha!Price who is the only one that can get close enough to Ghost without being yelled at. Omega!Ghost who has to wear a collar to keep his instincts intact. Due to his damaged scent glands he has to wear a collar made for Feral!Omega's so he doesnt attack anyone he smells. 141 not realizing that Ghost doesnt have a scent gland, or at least a very damaged one, and assumes Ghost just covers his scent up very well. Omega!Ghost being used as a weapon since Roba and who's gotten so used to just being used as a killing machine he's forgotten what it's like to be loved and cared for. The 141 who needs Ghost. It kills them all how distant their Omega is but they respect it and find ways around their brains screaming at them to protect and coddle him. Omega!Ghost who doesnt realize that he needs the others intel it's to late and they've all given up on trying to bond with him. Omega!Ghost who steals things with their scents on it to keep himself company as he nests during heat. Omega!Ghost who watches as the others try to find another Omega to bond too and just cries silently behind his balaclava. Who desperately wants to let them know. Omega!Ghost Simon Riley who wants to scent each and everyone of them. Omega!Ghost who refuses to co-operate with any new Omega they bring in to replace him so they all just leave 141 getting upset with Ghost every single time Simon Riley who, After a fight with the others, Rips off his collar and locks himself in his room. His scent, Pouring out the doors making everyone sick. Simon Riley, Who when found is bloody and crying. His attempt to rip out his scent gland for the second time failing leaving him a cold and bloody mess on his bathroom floor. Omega!Ghost who ends up getting his Scent glands fixed finally realizing how much he needs his pack and, Slowly, Scenting each one of them. Domestic 141 who have long since retired watching as their little pups run around and play fight with each other.
Is this a yay or a nah in the A/B/O COD community??
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From the first day I saw her I knew she was the one
As she stared in my eyes and smiled
For her lips were the colour of the roses
That grew down the river, all bloody and wild
Template by @jacobseed
Surprise surprise I decided to create an edit of a COD AU set in the Far West with the mythical creatures, it was hard because I'm a bit inept with Photopea but here we are 💚
Taglist: @chloekistune @graveyard-party666 @alypink @statichvm @themotherofhorses @icecutioner @priceseyes @cassietrn @socially-awkward-skeleton @thewanderer-000 @thedeadthree @sinclxirx @alicedarkmair @strangefable @captastra @aceghosts @kikiharinezumi @katsigian @dickytwister @theelderhazelnut @elderglocks @caelums-fate @chewbokachoi @yourluckyoswald @moosch @illmetbymoonlight @starcrossedspirit @la-grosse-patate @pan-anarcho @killerspinal @dani-the-goblin @g0dspeeed @ghostgirlvii @josephseedismyfather @dreamcast641 @milkywayhou @jackiesarch @esolean @voidika @scorpiosleeps @raresbaby @inafieldofdaisies @kaitaiga @kyberinfinitygems
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xxbimboboyxx · 2 months
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Wooooooooo spiderman au pt2 :D azula edition, she dresses the same spiderman or not so i ddint make a second drawing
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ask-modern-verse · 1 year
i can imagine dream during the tournament just walking to the arenas and asking for pictures
like, he'd just walk in on shattered and monarch having this massive fight and he'd just "hey, can i- oh god-"
or osd!dream talking to leviathan in the cutest way possible and they all take a selfie together. that would be so cute!
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I love this so much. Yeah he wouldn't dare to approach as they're too intimidating for him.
And here's a bonus picture for the second idea:
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Now I must sleep, I've been drawing for the past.... 6 hours? Maybe- but it was worth it.
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dxncingxnmyown · 7 months
@hcrexcellency | Gizella and Elias, Late Afternoon at the Schellenberg's Suite (Modern AU)
He loves his wife. He loves their marriage. It's just... He despises weddings. The tule. The glitter. The lavish expensive. Elias barely survived his own wedding, and that was when the Schellenberg's exhausted several lines of credit for a half-decent ceremony. Elias arrives after three hours spent at the tennis court, to what appears to be an obscene amount of tulle and flower arrangements. "Babe!" he calls out, dropping his tennis bag near the couch. "Are you in here?" He lifts the table cloth of the dining table, frowning. "When did our hotel suite become a bridal boutique?"
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phoenix-flamed · 8 months
Sometimes, you return from a business trip to Dhalmekia at a ridiculously late hour, and instead of going to sleep like a responsible person, opt to sit in your kitchen eating a bowl of sugary cereal because you've lost control of your life.
This was one of those times for Elwin Rosfield.
The cereal tasted awful to him -- it was pure sugary nonsense, with a sprinkling of oats added in as if it somehow made a difference in how healthy it was. Even the marshmallows tasted more like chalk and bitter disappointment than anything substantial. But he continued to eat it, slowly, almost carefully, while his deep gaze remained steadily fixed upon a particular spot across the room.
The spot held no significance; the cereal, on the other hand, meant the world to him, purely because it had been little Joshua's favorite. The boy wasn't supposed to eat it, for the same reason he shouldn't be eating it now. And yet, in spite of his former wife's protests, his father couldn't help from buying a box for him every once in a while as a treat or reward.
Or that was the excuse. In truth, he'd done it purely because it had made his youngest son smile, a smile that was brighter than the sun itself and full of just as much warmth.
The spoon hit the half-emptied bowl with a dull clank, thanks to the milk softening the blow. With a heavy sigh, the businessman leaned back in the dining chair he was occupying, then practically slumped down in it. The quietness that permeated the air within the house was agonizing, taunting, haunting. And he hated every minute of it.
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lionsprcdes · 6 months
  * .       ❛       @𝙩𝙝𝙧𝙚𝙚𝙨𝙬𝙤𝙧𝙙𝙨𝙩𝙮𝙡𝙚 𝐇𝐀𝐒 𝐏𝐎𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐃 (1 ) 𝐓𝐖𝐄𝐄𝐓 ( ! )
and if love starts again, would the ending be the same? or would you prove to be the only one for me? if I gave love?
        ᴇᴠᴇʀʏᴏɴᴇ ᴄᴀɴ ʀᴇᴘʟʏ.       /     1.1𝙈 ɪɴᴛᴇʀᴀᴄᴛɪᴏɴs.
              ↻ 𝐑𝐄𝐓𝐖𝐄𝐄𝐓. ± ♡ 𝐋𝐈𝐊𝐄. ± ↸ 𝐒𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐄.
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buck1eys · 2 months
hmmm something something terribly run cafe/bar where the hobbits get summer jobs. aragorn is the bartender who quicky learns not to let pippin anywhere near the cocktail shakers. merry and frodo get drafted into the bitter (not really) rivalry between the gimli the line cook and legolas the head waiter. sam shocks all his friends by quietly becoming the mvp baker and getting a full time job at the end of the summer. the owner is this really weird old guy who shows up once a fortnight with other old duds with beards. merry and pippin are convinced they smoke weed in the bathroom, but it's fine because he throws THE BEST staff party
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stargirlstudio · 2 years
College BF!Aemond Targaryen Headcanons
☆ Aemond Targaryen x Reader
☆ Nonspecified gender and no physical attributes mentioned
☆ This of course takes place at King’s Landing University (tagged as King’s Landing Uni-verse on my tumblr). For more works in this modern uni au click on the tag!
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You and Aemond met during your freshman year and didn't start dating until sophomore year
You both went on your official date after the winter break and found out you will be in one spring semester class
Aemond will try to meet up with you on days where you’re both free. However, with your extracurriculars and his time with the university’s fencing team -- it can be hard
On days he can't take you out to lunch or go to a cafe, he does send you money through a transfer app, with a cute message or just the words “please eat”
If your club needs extra hands, he's more than happy to help you, whether that would be holding stuff in his car or helping carry needed supplies
Isn’t too into “school spirit” so he doesn't care if you steal his hoodies or beanies with the KLU logo on it
Took him a while to introduce him to his other siblings properly
You of course, met Helaena at the club fair, but you formally met Helaena when she invited both of you to an museum event sponsored by her club
You met Aegon at a frat party your freshman year and when he asked you what song you were listening to for a tiktok vid, but formally met him when Aemond treated you all to lunch
Aemond doesn't use emojis often and his texting style can be quite “dry” but he makes more of an effort to type more words
You raised an eyebrow when he used ❤️ for the first time
Aemond doesn't dorm and shares a very very large apartment complex with his siblings
Hightower 1 is a cushy luxury apartment owned by his maternal grandpa
Speaking of his other family members, if your relationship is getting serious his mother Alicent is insistent on meeting you so she books a nice dinner to meet you all
You find out she works in literary archives and you both spent the evening geeking over different texts which Aemond finds endearing
Aemond isn't one for PDA but he does kiss you on the forehead and hold your hand when you walk
AT HOME...completely different story. He already lets you crash at his place but the post lecture cuddles are something different
He'll have his arm draped over your waist with his lights dim, save for the lights over his reptile tanks
If it's another long night, he’ll whisper “I love you’s” and other things he admires about you
Most of the time his compliments have to do with your intelligence and he takes pride in being with someone as successful as you
But he does tell you how pretty you are. Everyone likes hearing that he does too you know
He's low key not good at taking pics of people. When you asked him to take a pic of you in front of something he stood like 🧍
He eventually learned but he sometimes to forget to bend his knees to get the good angles
However the pics you take of him? Godly
He's so camera shy and you respect that but occasionally he’ll blush when you tell him how handsome he is
“How are you not a model yet,” You said as you snapped his photo
Actually he's been scouted a couple of times when you were both were out but he brushed them off
“I don't know them. They could be scamming me,”
Aemond is...very offline. He doesn't get any current trends, memes, or other internet jokes.
The only social media he has is a LinkedIn, Goodreads, and Letterboxd - that's it
He only starting exploring more sites or social media when you would send a link to something
When he made an Instagram you weren't even his first follower, somehow it was Aegon
For the new socials he makes, he only uses it to like and comment on your post and his families. He also has a max 20-30 followers and follows 8 people
Aemond has made it a competition to be the first person to like and comment on your posts
Aemond is very reserved around people he doesn't know but he's observant
Every gift you received from Aemond was put forth with every thought and detail he remembers about you
Your favorite colors, flowers, what clothing item you have wanted, something he saw on your online wishlist. Or even something you had off handedly mentioned -- he will get it
One time you had wanted to get a special edition book set and he got it for you (and it was signed by the author)
He secretly loves the idea of coordinating outfits (although he wears dark colors, mostly all black). If you had on an accessory or an article of clothing that matched him, he would melt
He likes anime/manga but he's pretentious and likes the 90s-early 2000s ones. He thinks the current ones are repetitive
For your first Halloween, you did your own version of Howl and Sophie from Howl’s Moving Castle
Everyone established Aemond as being a jealous and possessive lover fair tbh
But I don't think he's confrontational nor is the type to yell at you if he felt jealous
He’ll snake a hand around your waist for his sake but he trusts you and isn't particular threatened by anyone
He holds his own intelligence and being in high regard trust fund baby shit
If anything, he kind of enjoys it because he knows no one else would interest you. He knows you well enough to know that you don't even care
When uni work is getting tough, he loves to hold you. Unwind with you. Or take you out. He'll order your favorite takeout if you both don't feel like cooking, he’ll put on a movie, one time you took a shower together and he felt like he was in heaven when you shampooed his hair
Sometimes, he is afraid that you’ll both grow apart after uni. Especially if both of your plans are vastly different -- which is why his kisses and his grip feel just a bit more desperate as senior year approaches
☆ A/N: If you enjoyed this and want to be tagged in Modern Uni AU! works including headcanons or my fic Academic (Dis)Honor, feel free to comment saying you want to be added to the tag list!
Comments and reblogs are supported and encouraged! I love to see that you guys are enjoying the work. If you have any suggestions for what you want to see (or even nsfw modern uni headcanons) let me know!
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