gumnut-logic · 1 year
Puppy dog eyes
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This is all @tracybirds​ fault. She wrote an exhausted Scotty, so I wrote this :D
So much fluff. I hope you enjoy :D
Scott threw back some painkillers and washed them down with black coffee.
It got him through debrief, dinner, and back into the pile of work still on his desk.
There were several questioning frowns from Virgil, but he ignored them, focussed on just getting through the night with a head that was determined to make his life hard.
He fully expected his medic brother to chase him up before the man went to bed.
He was predictable like that.
It only made Scott work harder and faster and what the hell was poking at his nose.
The non sequitur took far too long to straighten itself in his brain, neurons sluggish, but slowly realising he was face first sleeping at his desk, and ow! That hurt!
His endocrine system took it from there, pumping adrenalin into his blood stream and his hind brain engaged flight rather than fight, throwing him backwards.
Unfortunately, this kind of flight did not involve wings and gravity took joy in tilting him off his chair. Hardwood earned its name as he landed on it spread-eagled, whacking his head, and an embarrassment to his self-defence instructor.
Kayo would have kicked his ass.
All of this happened in mere seconds and he was still playing catchup when something landed on his stomach with an oomph.
That something padded up over his chest and, with an excited little yip, began licking his nose.
A moment of relief as neurons connected dots involving puppies and Gordon and that silly name, Fluffbutt. He let a breath out.
And Fluffbutt bit his nose again.
He yelped, sitting up fast, arms catching the little dog as it slid down his chest.
He was quite proud of the fact he didn’t fling the puppy across the room, just to get it off him.
Fluffbutt bit into his thumb.
He let the little dog down onto the floor and let him go. It yipped up at him and bounced around in a circle for a moment before jumping back into his lap, tail wagging like it wanted to use it to take off.
The image of this needle-teethed ball of fluff buzzing around the room like a drone was both a sign that Scott needed sleep and as well as somewhat terrifying.
The puppy bounced up and down to step on things he really shouldn’t, forcing Scott to pick him up again and clutch him to his chest.
Fluffbutt went back to gnawing on his thumb.
“Hey, hey, stop that.” He pulled his hand away and instead began stroking the puppy’s head.
Another little yip and something that might have been considered a yawn, or at a very long stretch, a growl. In any case, it had a note of hilarity that had Scott smiling a sleepy smile.
Big brown eyes, not dissimilar to the pair of brothers who rescued this little one, stared up at him and stole his heart.
Scott’s eyes narrowed. “Have you been taking notes? Did they let you in on their technique?”
Fluffbutt let off the barkiest of barks his little body could manage.
“I’ll take that as a ‘yes’.” Scott found himself rubbing the little puppy’s ears and holding him close. Fluffbutt thought this was great and snuggled into Scott’s chest.
“You do know that ‘Fluffbutt’ is a silly name? Gordon really has no excuse.” But then that was Gordon.
Scott shifted on the floor and leant back against their father’s desk.
Gordon was an annoying spark of sunshine. Goofball, ratbag…Scott looked down at Fluffbutt, now curled up quite contentedly in his arms. Scott had been ten when the fish was born. He could remember holding that brand new bundle of brother in his arms almost exactly like this. His eyes hadn’t been brown then, just newborn blue.
Still stole his heart.
Fluffbutt muttered in his arms, shifting as if to get more comfortable.
Yeah, just like little brothers. Scott Tracy’s career as a couch was still going strong apparently.
He let his head drop back against the edge of the desktop.
God, he was tired.
Fluffbutt stilled and within seconds was asleep.
Scott wanted to join him.
But immediately the list of things he needed to do sprung up and hit him about the head.
“Don’t you even think of it.” It was whispered with warning.
He startled and turned his head to find a pair of jeans-covered legs standing beside him. Looking up he found the expected brown-eyed frown. It was much less fun than the brown-eyed adoration from Fluffbutt.
“Of what?”
“Doing anything other than going to bed.”
Scott opened his mouth.
“Anything but agreement gets you a one way ticket to the infirmary and a scan of that bruise on your forehead.”
He slid a hand out from under his little charge and touched his eyebrow. Pain made itself known in return. When had he hit his head?
A gentle hand took his and moved it away from the injury. Those frowning brown eyes peered more closely. Virgil’s lips thinned. “Did you fall out of your chair?”
Scott blinked. “Uh.”
The disapproval warred with worry in those eyebrows.
And suddenly Virgil was gone.
Scott groaned as he listened to footsteps over that same hardwood.
Sure enough, Virgil came back, scanner in hand. A flicker of light and the frown was confined to the readout.
“You’re lucky. Simply a bruise.”
That earned him another frown. Maybe he should just stay mute and his brother might leave him alone.
But the frown didn’t last long, replaced instead with an offered hand. “C’mon, let’s get you to bed.”
But he had things to do!
“The infirmary is still an option.”
“Okay, okay, fine.” He reached up and took Virgil’s hand, his brother taking his weight as he got his feet under him. Standing up set the world to rights and he let his shoulders relax.
“Did you want me to take him?” Virgil gestured at Fluffbutt.
It was Scott’s turn to frown. “No. No, it’s fine.” Fluffbutt was snoring.
“You sure?” And yes, that was a smile his brother was trying to hide.
Scott glared at him and stalked off.
The snicker that followed him out the door was really uncalled for.
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pteryx-pets · 7 months
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fluffy pants
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kixkatdesigns · 1 year
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Negative temps mean blanket time for the #fluffbutt 🌨 both boys were playing in the snow. Whiskey Kitty here hopped herself right onto Kix, who didn't even react, so I'm wondering how long she's been curling up on his back 🤔 😂 (at Ozaukee County, Wisconsin) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cmjx-bbLaJb/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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moodbroads · 3 months
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pronghorn photos cuz i love them so much and they are just the goobious fluffbutts of hooved animals <333
fun fact: pronghorn are in their own family and their nearest relatives are giraffes and okapis! they are often called 'pronghorn antelope' tho for some reason XD they also have black tongues >:)
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paintedkinzy-88 · 9 months
You have unleashed cat photos because I Said So
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onetrickjeffrey · 1 year
A birthday gift for Floofflebutt on twitter of her grumpus, Flooffle Fluffbutt 💖🎁💖
Check out her amazing art and commission info
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blasphemousfungus · 1 year
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Plushie commission for @floofflebutt of their grumpsona, Flooffle Fluffbutt! 💞
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tavi-arts · 1 year
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Final artwork of 2022!
Pramanix, from Arknights
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ritterdoodles · 7 months
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my cats, I hope this is what you meant by nice
WAH they look so cozy 🥺 Thank you for sharing!
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gloopdimension · 10 months
spark;s girlbulge swag.
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happybird16 · 1 year
Reblog this and in the tags tell me some of the goofy nicknames you have for your pets
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Mother let me fight the snow. I am strong
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forffax · 1 year
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ALSO! a very fluffy lady
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czedwardsblog · 2 years
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Unintentional Renaissance.
Sometimes my boss just glows like that.
A fluffy, mostly white calico cat sits on a black stool, next to a heater. She is lit with golden light from above, highlighting her long whiskers and pretty tail.
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inkstainedfur · 5 months
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Fanart of @sir-fluffbutts’s Oc Pepper! I loveee his design and story
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despazito · 2 months
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He's got a terminal case of fluffbutt I'm afraid
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