fmdjace · 2 years
◤why am i like this
❝ the color of my heart is black it was burnt to black, just like that i break glass whenever i feel like and I look at my bloody hands and think @fmdxsuji
“i don’t even know what to show you.“ jihoon starts, mouse aimlessly scrolling through the folder of one too many demos. he had asked suji to come have a listen at what he has so far, one of the few people he willingly allows to do that. everyone else had been too nosy or insisting about the fact they wanted to hear the 180 degrees the rapper had done in terms of lyrics. from head over heels love, to whatever this miserably piece of shit was.
“i think this one is a good one...“ he clicks on a specific one, it reads black, and pauses it just a few notes in “it’s an attempt of a sad album.“ jihoon starts explaining, pulling his cap even lower if possible. he is tired, really tired he starts to feel it in his bones. for the first time since debut he really feels the burn out lingering around him. he’s worried others that know him well can see it. “nothing is really finished, im not even sure i will ever finish it, but it’s an attempt.“ he adds, shoulder shrugging as he presses play and leans back in his chair, arms folding tightly over his chest.
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gyujeongfmd · 2 years
starter for @fmdxsuji / gsm building
tackling on too many things — that’s never been of issue. but as of late, he feels nothing short than being spread out so thinly that his knees start buckling with each step that drags him through gold star’s hallways. call it a physical reaction, or maybe, it’s just the effect of his fifth americano of the day and a cesspool of work left to be unfinished.
luckily, he’s packed his smoke break to the brim. the stench probably lingers, but then again, he’s never given two shits as to how he presents, nonetheless to a label mate he barely knows.
they’re better off being called strangers with the abysmal interactions. yet, his resume consists of nothing more than what feels like: gold star in-house producer number one. (he makes himself at home when he opens the door, tosses a nod in lieu of a formal greeting, finding some sort of fixture in the empty seat by the production table).
“so, i’m gonna be upfront now. i’ve created so much shit in the past weeks from reggae to classical mixtures to edm — the only idea i have left is city pop. inspired by japanese pop from the ‘80s.” he tilts his view to meet hers, a beat of silence for the response before he cuts that short too. “a stretch from your ballading career, but take it or leave it as you will.”
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minjungfmd · 2 years
starter for @fmdxsuji
smooth, at least that’s the way she describes it. the speakers and some melody juxtaposed in-between takes of the recording session — get in, get out and maybe, she’ll find a morsel of sanity somewhere in the in between. 
but it’s the cessation that comes when the music cuts out and she hears the producer’s voice through the speaker. get out, take a break. no harm, no bite. they’re a partnership at this point, and she reads the tough love as a know-it-all token of advice when she’s slipping out of the headphones and back into the rest space of sofa and unlimited bottles of water.
a few steps shuttled over towards another water bottle, and she sees her own member in the room in tandem with the producer sliding away, presumably for his own nicotine fix in the mess. experience primes her to know it’ll be half an hour before he returns, so what’s she to do besides find complacency in the sofa opposite of her member.
“hi suji.” she greets, formally this time. no bark in her words, just the play on co-workers making surface-level talk. one sip from the bottle, and she turns her head to the side before adding in, “this album’s like a gold star production. time to use all their idols to produce and write when they don’t feel like paying overtime for their producers.”
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famedroleplay · 1 year
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muses not listed here may collect two points this week.
@fmdmin / fmdjace
@fmdhyojung / @fmdxsuji
seo minjung & chung gyujeong (haon) - may 8 through may 14
kwon, ashton (taeyong) & hwang mirae - may 8 through may 14
song hayi - may 13 through may 20
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fmdjoosung · 2 years
first week of rehearsals, on camera
joosung had never been the most adept at using work breaks when they came. to the level of making sure she wouldn’t, well, pass out from dehydration, she could keep up with that. the first activity she took on in a break was taking a drink of water, maybe pulling up a bite to eat if the situation had called for it, but once her baseline needs had been taken care of, she found herself wondering what else there was to do. music show green rooms were the worst for that -not enough room to properly practice, and so much waiting time.
during the crowned rehearsals, at least, the breaks were short enough that joosung could easily make the decision to spend her time looking for other idols to speak with. she’d have a, probably, nice conversation, and the cameras would catch more footage to potentially mix in. win win.
when sung spotted suji, she quickened her steps to a skip. “hi.” a grin spread across her face. “how are you feeling about your song and all that? i was just thinking, um, i really like yours. i feel like you guys are gonna do so well. it’s like equinox suits all concepts and genres, you know?”
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fmdduri · 2 years
it always felt a bit funny being back at music bank, truth be told. especially when he knew that suji was around too. the two had been mcs for a year together and truth be told, it felt like just yesterday duri was going mainly weekly for a whole year to be an mc on the show. the two had even had three different special mc stages that they did together, and it was a really great time. but, it always felt almost out of place that he still wasn’t mcing, even if that was something that had ultimately happened long ago now. perhaps, even sometimes he missed getting to host a music show. but, it’s probably something he wouldn’t do again. 
nonetheless, he had moved through the backstage area of music bank during the half year song festival, his eyes looking out for the equinox member. truthfully, he thought it would be a lot of fun to interact with his fellow former mc in the place that was their old stomping grounds. so, he had decided to take his peak around.
it didn’t take long, however, for duri to find suji, and with a soft giggle, he went running up to her. “suji! are you ready to go back up on stage and start mcing? come on, we have to go!” he joked, a giggle leaving his lips once again. “ah, it’s so odd being in the music bank building at the same time and we’re not going on stage to mc, right?”
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famedbase · 3 years
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base music: christmas album, part one
timeline: november 1 - november 21
points available: up to 11 for muses on the album / 3 for muses not on the album
deadline: november 21, 2021, at 11:59pm est / november 22, 2021, at 1:59pm kst
now that base has contacted and gotten confirmation and from the idols who will be involved in base christmas: the magic of the season, the idols will begin to prepare the album this month.
idols not involved in the album will also have the opportunity to film a short video talking about the season or the end of the year to participate in a teaser for the album release during this period.
all prompt completions for this period should be tagged #famedbasemagic1.
in-’verse info
during this three week period, all songs on the album will be recorded. songs 1 through 5 on the track list will be recorded some time between november 1 and november 14 with dates depending on when the artists of the song are available. “all i want” will be recorded throughout the week of november 15 to november 21. all recording will take place in a large studio space rented out by the team in charge of the album instead of at any of the companies.
everyone recording on the same song will generally be asked to be present all at the same time for at least one recording session day so that the production team can get behind the scenes footage for everyone on that day. some idols may be called back in on additional days to put down more vocals for songs. at this time, idols may briefly cross paths with other idols as their scheduled recording times run into one another.
all of the idols on the album will also participate in a reality show that will be uploaded to the base youtube channel in ten minute clips to give a more personal look at the “magic team”. this show will involve all of the idols coming together to learn and do various activities related to the holiday season. on november 15, all idols on the album will be scheduled to show up at a large kitchen around 8am, where they’ll all learn from one of seoul’s top pastry chefs and make christmas-themed treats such as designed cut out cookies, gourmet chocolates, bûche de noël, and homemade candy canes. that night around 6pm, the idols will meet back together at a warehouse, where they’ll talk to a man who helps design large christmas tree displays throughout the city (example). they’ll then be sorted in small groups of three or four and be instructed to come up with a christmas tree decoration design of their own. as this is all being filmed, this will be made into a competition with the promise that the best design will be used on a real public christmas tree display.
base is also seeking idols, whether they are involved in the album or not, to film a personal video on thoughts and feelings related to either winter or the end of the year to include in a teaser video for the project. idols participating in the video who are not otherwise involved in the album will be encouraged to do so by management who will have the request passed along to them.
these short clips will be included in the magic of the season video base will be uploaded to their youtube channel to tease the release of the album. in order to be included, the idol must submit a video discussing one (or multiple) of the following topics:
what is your favorite winter or winter holiday (christmas, new year’s, seollal, etc.) memory? what is your favorite winter activity? what is your favorite part of winter / christmas / new year’s? what are your wishes for your fans, friends, and family as 2021 comes to an end and 2022 begins? what moment from 2021 are you most grateful for?
idols will be filmed against a blank wall like in these video examples.
mun info
though it is now past the deadline listed on the original post, muses may still be submitted to participate in the project, but you may not join in on writing for the schedules until your muse has been added to the original post.
the “album teaser clip self-para” listed down below in the points roundup refers to the prompt at the end of the in-’verse info section with the questions the muse must discuss at least one of. this should not be written in interview format since it will not be conducted like an interview. the muse will be provided a number of ideas for what they can discuss (the questions listed) and then are asked to briefly talk on camera about it/them without being directly asked any questions.
any further questions should be directed to the main’s ask box!
points roundup
total available points for muses involved in the album: 11 points (none of the prompts count toward monthly limits.)
+2 points each: up to two album recording threads of at least six posts by the deadline (for up to four points total)
+2 points each: up to two baking or christmas tree threads of at least six posts by the deadline (for up to four points total)
+3 points: album teaser clip self-para of at least 400 words
total available points for muses not involved in the album: 3 points (does not count toward monthly limits.)
+3 points: album teaser clip self-para of at least 400 words
please remember to tag with #famedbasemagic1.
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fmdakira · 3 years
👀 if you could drop chroma and debut as a soloist, would you? if so, what kind of concept would you want to go for? 👀 who would you want to collaborate with in the future?
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👀  if you could drop chroma and debut as a soloist, would you? if so, what kind of concept would you want to go for?
“oh, i would. no offense to the chroma girls, but let’s be real - who would really choose to debut in a group instead of by themselves? damn sure not me. concept wise, i would love to do something that falls along the same vein as chungha or sunmi. i enjoy their music very much. hyolyn as well!” 
👀  who would you want to collaborate with in the future?
“oh, i have a whole list. when you’ve been training for as long as me, it’s hard not to think about stuff like this - ahem. @durifmd, @fmdtaeyong, @fmdhyeju, @fmdaidynn, @fmddaisuke, @fmdjaewon, @fmdxmax, @fmdkiana, @fmdxsuji. they’re all great at what they do, and i feel like there’s a lot we could do with one another music wise. or even just a dance cover for the dancers on here.”
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gyujeongfmd · 2 years
starter for @fmdxsuji / gold star buildings
each room shuffles into a new cacophony of different notes smashed together, and the jarred contradiction of melodies that bleed through the speaker. everyone’s a casualty, and he’s the perpetrator when each mix comes from the depths of his hard drive. 
that doesn’t alleviate his duties, though.
responsibilities a dozen, or at least, that’s what his manager berates when he’s finished the final touches of his own group’s mixing, swooping up his almost-melted americano sitting pretty on his desk. he grabs his beanie from the table, grabs his phone before shoving it down his pockets and making it past the door into the next lit room.
equinox on duty, and he finds home in the worn-out chair sitting by the desk. taking another sip of his coffee, he’s walked in mid-break. “hey.” he swivels his chair around, tipping his chin up. doesn’t know why, nor does he know if their relatively foreign dynamic warrants any conversations — but yet, he buys into passing time any way he can. “recordings for feel my rhythm going well? i’ve been focused on platinum’s shit i haven’t had time to listen to the different cuts of your groups.”
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minjungfmd · 1 year
starter for @fmdxsuji / 4k event
another event, this time in the haze of too many familiar faces. she stands in the crowd, arms-lengths from strangers she exchanges hellos to in passing. she’s learned by now — she’s a professional, and professionalism guides itself in a thin-lipped smile permanently engrained when she stands still. 
because hindsight is 20/20, and the last thing she needs is more whispers and speculations that paint her into different dimensions of grey.
she hides behind the next group of staff passing, only bouncing her gaze to the left to see a familiar face. a reminder from the chatter of the crowds, and they’re in a public space decorated as near-family despite what details get concealed behind the grand spotlight.
“hey.” she greets out, smile peeking through a tone more polite than rendered to anything else. “here’s a question — would you rather run 4k in front of a bunch of people for publicity or would you rather be at isac?” minjung holds still, taking a step closer towards suji with the years-past memories of holding bows and arrows, running through the area. “now that we don’t have to go to isac, i’m beginning to realize that isac was the only opportunity to wear neon colored track suits.”
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famedroleplay · 2 years
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muses not listed here may collect two points this week.
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@fmdmichelle​ / @fmdrioh​ / @fmdjake​
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kim minhee (min) / lee jihoon (jace) - february 24 through march 9
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miraefmdarchive · 3 years
👀 what roles would you like to try next when it comes to acting? 👀 if you had to choose between a role that would get you a win as best lead actress versus promoting with silhouette with a song that'll automatically lead to a digital daesang, which would you choose? 👀 how has this industry changed you as well as how you view others?
send me a “👀 + a question” and my muse has to answer honestly! - accepting!
👀 what roles would you like to try next when it comes to acting?
“I don’t have a specific role in mind. I’m most interested in finding good scripts and interesting characters than looking for a specific role or genre. I’ve done a Joseon period piece, a 70s action film, a coming-of-age drama, and a space opera, so I’m not scared of challenging different genres. I don’t want to become boxed into one type of role, but I’m not opposed to taking on a similar role if I can bring something new to it either.”
👀 if you had to choose between a role that would get you a win as best lead actress versus promoting with silhouette with a song that'll automatically lead to a digital daesang, which would you choose?
“Silhouette already won a daesang our debut year, so I’d rather have a new achievement. Winning awards isn’t the most important thing to me, but it would be an honor to be so openly recognized that way despite being an idol actor. It’s not something many can say.”
👀 how has this industry changed you as well as how you view others?
“It’s hard to tell apart what has changed from growing up and what has changed because of the industry, but you have to grow a thick skin as a celebrity because the industry can be cruel, particularly to women. You have to develop confidence and trust in yourself to get as far along as I have. That isn’t me bragging. It’s the truth. This industry brings together people from all walks of life, so, in some ways, it’s helped me be more understanding of others.”
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fmdkiana · 3 years
though it wasn’t intended, kiana’s voice came out as a whisper when she said, “suji,” to her in the seat beside her own. sooah was doing her solo shoots, and the other members were... probably with hair and makeup. kiana truthfully hadn’t been paying enough attention to anything that wasn’t her phone until a few seconds ago. now, her engaged eyes were trained on suji. voice at a normal volume, at least normal for her, ki spoke up again, “do you know if we have an exact time cut off for this shoot?” a livestream from a creator she enjoyed would be coming up in an hour, and she could watch it back afterwards, if work was going to get in the way, but she’d prefer if she could be there in person. in... online.
telling suji about why was an idea that ran a pang of anxiety through her bloodstream. suji was kind enough about her interests, yet the fear was created nonetheless. instead, she tried to soften the question to, “or, do you think we might be done within the hour?” nearly, she let the question slip if they could make the shoot be done in an hour. thankfully caught, though, since kiana didn’t think suji would appreciate the sentiment of that too much. some might have called it cowardly, but kiana would call it respectful learning of the preferences of those who matter.
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fmdduri · 3 years
truth be told, the bowling method that duri came up with wasn’t really working. he can’t say he ever actually did bowling - it was just something that never came up as something to do. he spent most days as a child in the arcades if he wasn’t at school, doing homework, in his music classes, or studying languages. the closest game he probably got to that was skee ball, but even then, that was a completely different game. he’s really good at skee ball, but he’s not able to take any method of skee ball for a method of bowling. which, was kind of a bummer, but he was still having fun - that was the most important part, wasn’t it?
nonetheless, it was duri’s turn, yet again. so, he stepped up. he grabbed his ball, which he was able to easily lift, and did so “normally.” but, then, once he was actually in position, was when he had changed it, for whatever reason, and did the stance of him bent, and then cannonballing it from his core. it went a good way down the bowling lane, but, instead, decided to once again go into the gutter at some point. another pout placing upon his lips, as he turned around, paying no mind to how bad his score was on the score screen. 
“ah, why is this so hard?” he asked, his arms crossing a bit with his bummed out self. “i think i have a pretty good method! but, for some reason, it always ends up taking a left or a right for the gutter! why does it want to keep going into the gutter!” he says, before he’s giggling at himself. “ah, maybe bowling is just a sport i’m not cut out for?” 
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famedbase · 3 years
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base music: christmas album, part two
timeline: november 22 - december 12
points available: up to 11 for muses on the album
deadline: december 12, 2021, at 11:59pm est / december 13, 2021, at 1:59pm kst
for the second portion (out of three) of the project, the idols involved in the christmas album will finish up materials for the album release and will focus on the idea of “giving back”.
all prompt completions for this period should be tagged #famedbasemagic2.
reminder that the open spots can still be taken by submitting here.
in-’verse info
during this three week period, the music videos for all songs will be filmed and promotional materials will be shot. the music videos for each song will be shot on a day in this three week period that is compatible with the schedules all muses involved and all shoots will be scheduled from early morning to night time. as usual, craft services will be present on set so that no one has to leave for meals.
promotional materials will be shot on november 22. these photos will be used for promotions and will also be included in the physical album photo book. those involved in the project will take photos in their respective song units, but there will also be photos taken of the full group. general promotional photo concepts are as follows:
dear santa: one, two, three all i want for christmas is you: one, two joy: one, two, three just because: one, two the carol: one, two full group: one, two, three, four, five
they will also continue to film their mini reality/variety show. last time, they received the gift of new knowledge and experiences, so this time, the theme is to give back. on a day in early december, all idols involved in the project will take a trip to the children’s ward of a hospital to visit with the kids who don’t often get the chance to see the idols they’re fans of in person at concert or music show filmings. they will spend a few hours there, talking to and meeting the kids and playing with them.
later that same day, the idols will hold a special surprise concert at a struggling cafe. the cafe usually holds concerts by smaller, independent artists and the concert will be advertised as a festive date night for couples with surprise performers. the idols will perform on a small performance area set up in the cafe and each idol involved in the album will get the chance to sing. an acoustic guitar and a keyboard will be available for idols to accompany themselves or for two musicians brought with them to accompany them on. they may sing covers or their own released songs (but not anything on the christmas album, since it won’t be released yet) and may sing solo or in pairs or trios if they wish. the atmosphere will be more stripped down, without the typical bells and whistles of an idol stage, so there won’t be room for any major choreography. idols will be helping out as workers for the cafe during the concert when they are not performing. this will also be filmed for the reality show.
mun info
though it is now past the deadline listed on the original post, muses may still be submitted to participate in the project, but you may not join in on writing for the schedules until your muse has been added to the original post.
any further questions should be directed to the main’s ask box!
points roundup
total available points for muses involved in the album: 11 points (none of the prompts count toward monthly limits.)
+2 points each: up to four photoshoot / hospital / mini concert threads of at least six posts by the deadline (for up to eight points total)
+3 points: a self-para of any part of this three-week period of at least 400 words (does not count toward monthly limit)
please remember to tag with #famedbasemagic2.
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joohwanfmd · 4 years
𝐋𝐎𝐂𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍: a gold star studio || 𝐃𝐀𝐓𝐄: nov 16 || 𝐖𝐈𝐓𝐇: @fmdxsuji​
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to say joohwan’s schedule was tight was an understatement. between the rehearsals for origin’s tour and assorted origin schedules as well as his own personal schedules related ot his comeback, hwan was barely making it home lately. just two nights before he hadn’t gone home at all, choosing to sleep over at the studio in gold star’s building as he finished up the melody for the song he was hoping to show suji. the man had known that if he went home he’d end up slacking off and there was not a single free space in his schedule for him to do that. so he had chosen to sacrifice a comfortable night sleeping next to his boyfriend with their pets around in order to get work done. and hwan felt weirdly pleased about that – our songs had brought back the desire to work in music that he had long since lost due to origin’s strenuous routine.
that afternoon was the only free time he could find in his schedule. sadly, the two of them would have to get as much stuff done as possible. worst case scenario, he’d suggest the two of them record their vocals separately and he’d send them to the arranger and the producer who’d tied everything up together. the cameras were already set up and hwan was adjusting the guitar line by the time suji arrived. “oh, hello,” he bowed his head at her. “i’m in a bit of a tight schedule so i can’t be all that pleasant so just pull a chair and i can show you what i have so far.”
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