#fnaf divo
coy-lee · 2 years
Happy New Year!
You guys don't know how much you turned 2022 around for me. I can't thank you enough for sticking around and giving me the motivation to draw so much. Now begins a new year. Let's step into it together. 💖
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laughterfixs · 3 months
Magma Art From today's stream!
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And here's the one's from last week! Thanks to @afloofwithmultipleinterests and @coy-lee for joining!!
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coy-lee · 2 years
DiVo is back already, and it's Moon's turn to have some fun, the little gremlin.
BIG OL' THANKS to @afloofwithmultipleinterests and @laughterfixs once again for writing this one with me! It was tons of fun X3
Description: It's been approximately 4 days since the bois encountered the darkness living the the daycare's shadows. Moon's been as serious as ever during the nighttime and is seems that after one of his patrols, diVo decides its a perfect time to fix that.
( lee!Moon, lee!Sun, ler!diVo)
WARNING: It's a tickie fic :3
Someone Else's Turn To Play
3:00 AM
...the third patrol of the night...
Moon swam through the air elegantly as always, searching for anything out of order. Aside from Gregory, Moon had never truly had an issue before. His job at night was rather easy. On the hour every hour, Moon would do a 5-10 minute sweep of the Pizza Plex when the power was diverted to the charging stations. The rest of the time, he often relaxed with Sun's sleeping form until his next patrol. 
3:04 AM
It could get rather boring and lonely. Doing the same thing every night alone while his counterpart was charging... Pretty much everyone except the staff bots were asleep, making any and all encounters with other bots lackluster.
3:10 AM
The lights came back on
Ah, times up... Guess I better head back...
Moon wasn't actually that far from the daycare. He decided he may as well enjoy a casual walk back instead of flying, mostly because the shortest route was through the pirate cove. Unfortunately, the wire tracks in there needed oiling really badly, so Moon would just end up getting his wire stuck. No biggy, though. He had legs.
One light went out from above. Then another and another and more after that. 
No popping, no sparks, just as if someone flipped the switch. It caught the security bot off guard for sure…and for a brief moment, it felt like he was being watched. 
Moon had gotten himself prepared to attack a possible intruder. But said intruder had…other plans. 
Long snake-like appendages wrapped around the animatronics wrists and spun him around to look right into the jagged mouth and white pinpricks of a familiar form…
“Hello Moon, my dear friend~” the deep voice greeted with a purr. 
DiVo wore an insatiable look on his face as if he had been starving for hours, his tongue dangling down in temptation. 
"It appears you're all alone after hours...and not long after our first official meeting either~ Hmhmhm, after playing with Sun, I haven't stopped wondering what such a delectable little moonpie you might taste like..." 
With that glimmer in diVo's eyes, Moon knew what he was in for.
The night time bot began to struggle in the grip of the darkness. There was no way he was just going to let this thing take what he wanted without a fight. And this time, there was no deal to be made to make him behave either. Hopefully...
Moon wrenched his arms away only to find that the grip of the tendrils were just as strong as he remembered.
"I-I know what you're doing! Y-you're trying to i-intimidate me! Well you may as well stop tryin' cuz i-it's-" Moon made the mistake of looking into diVo's eyes again, "- n-n-not... g-gonna w-w-work…"
DiVo gave a low deep chuckle, as if entirely amused by the smaller bot’s rough and tough attitude. How easily it seemed to melt away. 
“Oh why do you sound soooo frightened? I thought you knew by now I wouldn’t lay a single harmful claw on anyone~?” 
No harm at all. Those claws were dangerous for other reasons…
"I- I- eeEEEEHEP!!" 
DiVo barely teased one clawed digit across moon's torso, making the lunar animatronic struggle. As he tried to get away, he arched his back, leaving Divo to hold him in that position with a lone tendril. 
"My, my... you're helping me? I've never had a little treat so.. willing to be eaten~"
" W-wa-waIT! I-is th-this really nehehecessaryeeeeeeeee!" Moon fought with the tendril keeping his back arched only to find it wouldn't budge. He started kicking his legs out as they were the only part of him left that had any semblance of freedom other than his head.
"L-LET ME GO, DAMNIT!" Moon's eyes turned red, his voice deep. Was he really trying to intimidate diVo? Did he actually think that would work? Perhaps he was so used to it working on everyone else, he didn't even think twice about using that tactic in such a situation. But it was likely a mistake…
The shadowy animatronics eyes narrowed, the tiny white dots in his eyes seeming to pierce right through Moon. 
“Someone is quite the grump~ I did tell you before I would like to snack on you did I not?" 
His tongue lapped at the neck joints which had caused Moon to flinch and stifle another laugh. 
“Why don’t you relax and let me feast~? You may find yourself having as much fun as Sun~”
Moon shook his head in desperation, struggling to contain his giggles, leading him to internally gasp and snort. 
"Oh, dear.. seems I was mistaken… it appears the pie is still in the oven… worry not little pie, let me crank up the heat for you~"
Divo swirled his tongue along the wires before traveling his way down to the hollow of his underarm. 
"Any last words?~"
 'Last words?' Moon practically choked at hearing those words aimed at him this time. Sun was always the one getting tickled. Even when the tables were turned, Sun was never a devious tickle monster. He was always tooth-rottingly sweet and fun... but diVo? He was like Moon... but even more devilish in his teases and tactics... Moon wasn't prepared to face his own kind. 
Prepared or not, it was too late.
"IyeeEEEE! J-JUST HAHAng on a s-sehechkhkhkhkhkh!"
Hang on? Well DiVo wasn’t too keen on being patient. He was starving! He was going to waste away to nothing! 
But at the same time it wouldn’t be a good meal if the smaller bot wasn’t having fun. 
He slowed it down, just keeping it to little taps and scritches. “Hang on~? Whatever for~?”
Moon's breath started to come back to him as the tongue disappeared.. he could control his laughter for the moment.
Wait- the tongue's gone?
"MHm- wait why dihid-" 
He paused himself. What was he SAYING!? Surely he wasn't this touch starved, right? Right!?
"You were saying?" 
Got 'im. 
DiVo mischievously smirked, slowly tapping his claws along Moon's tummy and hips. The nighttime Attendant tensed again, lightly wiggling in diVo's grasp. 
"IhiIIIII..." Moon puffed his cheeks out as far as they could go to try and stop the giggles from coming... the longer he waited, and anticipated tickles.. the worse the gentle tapping got. 
Tap TAP tippity Tap TAP,
DiVo had lightly booped Moon's dent, popping the balloon that was his cheeks.
"PPFFAAAHAHAHAHAHA! N-NO WAIT!" Moon squeaked in protest after the sensation faded. Oh he was in for it. He was really, truly in for it. He was dealing with a master here and that knowledge was finally sinking in as Moon was forced to realize just how sensitive he could be... And he was sure to be surprised by that fact over and over again throughout the rest of this encounter.
"G-g... Hmmm..." Moon huffed in defeat. He didn't know what he wanted. Well he did, but he was still way too embarrassed to ever say such a thing to a guy he still barely knew…
DiVo smirked at Moon, starting up the light scritching on his sides, gliding to the arm joints and right back down. 
“Oh? Are we not fighting back now? Isn’t that just the funniest thing! If I didn’t know any better moonpie…I’d say you were actually wanting this! But that can’t possibly be true…” 
He grinned, leaning his mouth near Moon’s audio receptor and whispering in such a teasing tone that sent chills through the squirming bot’s endo. 
“Or can it~?”
Moon's durability had been broken, so this time, he couldn't hold back the cackles he unleashed. 
Moon squirmed as his tummy was arched slightly higher than before, showing off his midsection to the tickle monster before him. 
DiVo nibbled lightly on Moon's neck before traveling down to his ribcage with those ticklish little pinchers.
 DiVo raised up before starting to eat more of his meal.
"Oh, are you sure? I haven't heard a 'let me go' since I started teasing you~ why would that be, hmmm? There is no other reason other than you're terribly ticklish… and looooooove it... dare I say just as much as that squealing, snorting friend of yours~"
'Oh no. Nonono! Why'd he have to say that!?' Moon whined in his head as giggles kept slipping out of his voice box. There was a nervousness in his core that felt like fluttering butterflies tickling at his code. Sometimes Sun was able to get Moon's nerves on edge similarly, but not to this extent. He felt so giddy inside. He couldn't help it! A smile began to make itself at home on his face. He had been fighting it and had officially lost the battle.
He kicked his feet out as a way to release that inner tension and energy bubbling inside of him.
Gottem. Right where he wanted him~! 
DiVo gave a victorious chuckle, his tendrils going to work to keep the smaller animatronic in a comfortable position and even pushed off the slippers. 
“There we are…the big bad stalker of the night…too ticklish for his own good, isn’t he~?” DiVo purred, keeping his claws over Moon's belly and under an arm. “Poor thing trying to be so intimidating~”
Moon tried to kick his feet, but he got no farther than wiggling those delectable little "tatertots" diVo was eyeing. 
"Why~? Because you know it's all true, little blueberry muffin? So so tense you are… here, let me help ease your mindddd~"
Stray tendrils began to flutter and wiggle across Moon's sides, while two others twirled around his neck, and upper back, daring to touch one of his most exposed death spots..
The temptation was definitely there, but it wouldn't be as FUN for either of them for diVo's "meal" to be exhausted before he was full.
"NOHOHONONONOHONOOOHOHOHOHOHOOOO!" Moon practically screeched. Maybe this wouldn't be as bad if diVo would just stop with those teases of his! They made him feel so small and helpless and precious- 'NO! STOPPIT, MOON! DON'T THINK LIKE THAT! YOU'RE AN ANIMATRONIC DAMNIT!'
Moon cackled and laughed, squirming uselessly as he chided himself mentally. But perhaps he was truly seeing why Sun enjoyed this kind of play time so much.
DiVo could see Moon practically melting. Maybe the tough little thing was finally relaxing~ 
Good, he seemed to need it. Needed the affirmations and the fun. A new breath of air. 
And diVo was feasting. 
The tendrils wrapped around his ankles tightly to keep them from going anywhere, the tips of them finding their way to the toes…which fired up a bit of giddy panic in poor affection starved moon.
Moon's feet were one of the worst spots that he could remember... fazbear forbid his poor, defenseless piggies. 
"Oh, not where... oh- here?"
The tendrils lightly swirled against his toes.
The swirling stopped before he felt the equivalent of nails gently raking all of those sensitive wires, and ball joint from under one of his arms. 
"Or did the little cupcake mean.. here? Oh- or here?~"
The other set of claws skittered ever so gently in a circle around his dent. 
"No? OH! As in you can't decide??... I have a peeerfect resolution for that~"
He did all three at once, each spot at a different pace than the others. 
He tickled slowly on and between Moon's toes, gingerly skittered over every inch of his tummy, avoiding the dent for now, and finally, practically vibrated the hand he had under moon's arm at a alarming  rate.
"GYEE-AAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAA! -SNORT- IHIHIHI EEHEEHEEHEE CAHAHAHAHAHAN'T!" Moon's cackling renewed tenfold and the pitch had risen, making him sound more like Sun at this point. He wiggled his toes and twisted in diVo's grip with desperation. This was unbearable. And those devious teases continued on top of everything. He was a blushing mess and felt a warmth in his chest he didn't expect someone like diVo to ever conjure. He felt... - 'Nonono Moon! F-focus!'
His subconscious continued to fight, but it was losing its grip on him fast.
Too bad for Moon, diVo seemed to see through it all. In fact, it was the reason he chose to visit Moon that night. After all, he'd had plenty to eat that day with the daycare being open again.
He lightened up the tickling to be quick and maddeningly light. 
“Still going to act as though you don’t enjoy every second of this dear friend~?” he questioned, swirling both claws and tendrils. 
Bubbles of giggles, snorts and cackles escaped the naptime animatronic. 
“Whatever are you afraid of? Is it weakness? Joy? Is it really that bad if someone sees you laughing and enjoying yourself~?” DiVo challenged once again using his tongue to tease poor moon.
The tongue snuck back over to Moon's neck to lay stray tickles across it, the words finally sinking in, and the biggest smile stretching across Moon's face.
Hiccups and snorts followed as the last bit of hold Moon had on himself dissipated, he let the wall down and began to laugh himself silly.
"PLEeeHeheheAeeHAaaase!! AHahAhHAhHaahHahHa-" 
Mirth collected in moon's eyes, just as diVo move his claw away from moon's belly, instead starting to nibble on his tum instead. 
"Pleasth waht?~" diVo asked innocently, not raising his faceplate an inch, and lightly nomming away at the ticklish tum.
"B-G-GYAAAHAHA! N-NEEHEEheeheehee- NAHAHAT THAHAHAHAHA!" Moon cried out, shaking his head and clawing aimlessly at the air. He wriggled hard, but stayed firmly in diVo's clutches. Something about said shadow's muffled lisp was endearing to Moon in the back of his head. This big baddy never learned not to talk with his mouth full! If anything, it made his presence more relatable than scary.
Moon was unfortunately more prone to scaring kids with his red eyes and tall form in the dark, but found that being silly tended to break through that nightmare fueled perception and help show his true, playful self. It seems diVo was very much the same.
They really did have a lot in common. Maybe that's why Moon wasn't too keen on opening up to the guy. He already has enough trouble trusting himself, knowing what he's capable of, and if he sees too much of himself in someone, he's likely to not trust them as far as he can throw them.
But maybe... Maybe diVo being around would do both himself and Sun some good. Sun deserved all the care and attention and de-stressing playtime as he could handle, and Moon? He could learn to give himself the benefit of the doubt. It's harder to be negative about yourself when you clearly enjoy the company of someone with similar "flaws". And diVo would be more than happy to give Moon a delightful taste of his own medicine when he needed (or deserved) it. 
Speaking of which:
 Currently, Moon was squealing like a piggy as diVo continued the playful nibbles and tickles.
The dark animatronic purred a bit making a few playful snarling noises as he “ate” which only seemed to prove just as effective as Moon let out a couple of shrieks. 
He lifted his face plate and licked the jagged teeth before answering. 
“Because I’m hungry~ now shhhh, just relaaaax~” 
And out came the tongue again, lapping away at the poor dent like a dog at a bone.
The tongue once again proved to be an incredibly effective tool against the little animatronics! diVo had been waiting SOOOOOOOO long to finally pay Moon's weakest points a visit, and it had all finally paid off. 
Moon kicked his legs the best he could as the tendrils down there began to shift and scribble over his beans like a quill writing on parchment. 
For the last assault to Moon's tummy, diVo tried a new method he had in the workings, as well as testing a particular spot on the security bot.
Before doing this however, diVo gave Moon a little breather. 
Moon, nearly having his fill, turned his fans on to properly cool his processors for a brief moment, huffing at the lack of cold air. 
"Hehe.. Eeeeeahaha... ehehe... yOhou.. hah..  stahahwped? Heheheaha..."
DiVo chuckled lightheartedly, shifting Moon up into a gravity defying motion with his tendrils, a couple three of them being free to roam... 
"Not exactly, blueberry muffin. We are however... nearly there. Call this… a grand finale of sorts~" 
A grand finale? Oh... OH no... 
With the position Moon was in, all fours being held as if Moon were floating belly-down in the air with his arms out, this would be (fun) TERRIBLY ticklish.
"You have your breath prepared little moonpie? You're about to go straight into tickle town~"
Moon gulped, faceplate flushed... he made sure to catch his breath before he absolutely perished. 
Unbeknownst to moon, behind him the tendrils lined his worst spots, the ball joints of his knees, his hips, his toes, his armpits, and, finally, 
His poooooor poor back loop~
DiVo's faceplate drew near Moon's tummy again, but this time... the lunar animatronic thought he was prepared for what was about to happen... surely it would be his tongue again, or those DEVILISHLY ticklish fangs. 
"I'm ... I'm readheehee..." The animatronic cued.
What he wasn't prepared for were the deep breath he heard, or the fluttering rays that touched his stomach to vibrate similar to a raspberry. 
The attacks on his back were unleashed, on his toes, his ball joints, everywhere INCLUDING that delicious little "fruitloop" on Moon's back.
"AAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAA! WAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAIHEEHEEHEEHEEHEEHEEEEEE! OHOHO-HAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHANAAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!" Moon screamed with ticklish laughter as the black hole tickled every last giggle and squeal and cackle out of him. His toes curled and spasmed uselessly. His hands were clenched into tight fists. His head switched from shaking rapidly to dropping down defeated over and over as giddy energy pulsed through him. The bell on his hat jingled with every movement. The small tinkling sound accompanied his high pitch laughter and squeals, creating the most adorable music to diVo's ears, or rather a deliciously sweet treat.
DiVo was eating up every single millisecond of this, such an adorable bot~ so tough but melted like butter as soon as tickles were brought into the game. 
The tickling began to lighten up, it was time to end this meal before he passed out from exhaustion. Though before diVo did so, the shuffling of bare animatronics feet padded into the abandoned pirates cove. 
“M-moonie…? Are you ok…?!” 
There stood Sun, sleepy and looking rather…nervous. More than likely from the dark.
"GYEEEHEHEEHEEEAHAHAHa...AHAHaHaaAhahAa... NehEhehver BEHETTERHEHRR... SkHkHkAhaHa..." Moon slurred, snorting and hiccuping as the tickling eventually slowed to a stop. Moon was DEFINITELY not in his right mind at the moment. Poor thing was actually rather groggy... similar to how Sun was after the first encounter with the tall, dark animatronic currently holding Moon.
Sun rubbed his eyes and squinted. Why was Moon giggling like that?... And so loopy too? And on the wire in here? Wasn't the wire track messed up in here? Why was he- Oh... Oh...
After blinking a few more times, Sun finally made out a black form in the darkened room. It was diVo.
"Oooooohohoho, ehehe! No wonder you're so giggly!" Sun laughed to himself after the situation became clear. He padded over to the two definitely not because it was dark and he wanted to be close to his friends so it wasn't so scary or anything.
"Ihihit's not... -*pant*- funny... -*pant*- ehehe..."  Moon whined. That only made Sun giggle more.
"Awww, alright then. It's adorable, and about time you got a taste, heehee!" Sun looked up at diVo now cradling the lunar animatronic.
DiVo hummed in amusement before sneaking a tendril around to stroke the cheerier one’s side. 
“Now now, Sunnybun~ that’s no way to talk to your friend is it?” he scolded playfully as Sun gave a squeak and tried to lean away from the tickly tendril. 
“Eep! C'mahahaan!!”
Moon looked up at DiVo. Now he was defending him? …He really did care for all of them in the plaza it seemed…
"Hehehe... beheetter watch.. diVoho is quite literally a black hole... I'm sure he could go for a delicious little cinnamon-sun if he wanted~" Moon teased back, feeling a little less loopy than before. 
Divo snorted before licking over those nommers as if he was prepared for seconds.
"It's true, unless.. you can behave yourself~" He jesterously remarked, giving the same side three pokes before slithering the offending appendage back into his cape.
"EEK-eeheeheehee! Oh! Ehehe I can behave! As a caretaker, I always must set a good example for the kiddos!... At least one of us has too..." Sun smirked.
Moon gasped in offense.
"Excuse you!? I-" Moon stopped, seeing that Sun was digging his own grave. May as well let 'im.
"What!? I' m just being honest! You can't fault me for telling the truth!" Sun defended, his words dripping with playfulness as he rocked on his heels.
DiVo’s gaze shifted between the two…well. Maybe he could go for seconds. 
“Sundrop~” he sang, seeing the smaller animatronic flinch away from him."I do apologize for waking you up…but perhaps I can fix that and wear you out enough that you both can go back to sleep~” 
Sun blinked before grinning nervously. “W-wear me out?”
"Yeeeeesss..."  The cape slowly split into 8, devious tickle tools. 
As Sun witnessed the transformation, he just KNEW he was going to get what he wanted. 
"I seriously DOUBT you could wear me out~ I have waaaayy too much energy, and no bedtime! Now that I'm awake, it's going to take a loooooong time to get me back to sleep..." 
One of the tendrils gently pulled Sun closer to the dark form, before taking each one of his limbs and holding him still. 
"Oh REALLY now?… Is that a challenge?"
'Ohoho, Sun's reeeeally in for it,' Moon thought to himself. At the moment, he even had front row seats to the show too! DiVo really was such a nice guy~
"Ohoho, wait! WAIT! M-m-maybe I misspoke! I, umm, I-I..." Sun stuttered as he eyed the tendrils slithering lazily in the air just waiting the touch down on any number of his tickle spots. He squirmed instinctively, trying to cover them up, but diVo already had him in his grasp.
The funniest part of it all was diVo still cradling the tired but amused Moon…and the smirk on his counterpart's exhausted form somehow made Sun quiver more. 
“Oh? Would you like one last chance to give in, my favorite little cinnamon Sunbun~?” diVo purred, the tendrils gently lifting Sun's arms up high and snaking inward toward the ever so sensitive ball joints. 
“W-wait waaaaait!!”
“Bedtime or tickles, Sunny~?”
"I.... Uh... b-boy is it hot in here or... uh..." Sunny mutters something under his breath very quietly, his face a solid orange. 
"Hmmmmmm....? I couldn't quite hear you little sweet-roll… could you repeat that?"
DiVo leaned in closer, cupping his hand to his audio receptor in a comical fashion.
Louder muttering was heard, vague mentions of doing something to him. 
"Still too quieeeet~"
Playfully, diVo pokes a wiggling tendril under his arm for only a second to snap Sun out of his shyness.
"T-tIHIhickles p-p-please- eep!" Sun shut his mouth immediately after he realized he spit it out. His eyes were comparable to saucers in size, staring directly into the eyes of the black hole.
“All you had to do was ask~” diVo grinned, letting the tendrils go to town at the ball joints and wires. 
He used a few others to hold Moon so he could focus on the giggly sunbeam more. Those tendrils practically held Moon like a hammock. 
“Was it that hard my dear Sun~?” diVo chuckled, now using his claws on the wiggly thing's tummy and sides.
"WAAAAAHAHAHA AHAHAHAHAAANnhnhnk- EEEEE!! NaHaAhAhwt thuhuhuh TUHUHUMMY!!" Sunny squealed, kicking what he could of his bound legs. 
"Not the tummy? Oh but I thought you said it was your faaaavorite spot! It gets you all giggly, and makes your laughter taste sweeter than candy~ Mmmmmmm~ such yuuuuummy giggles~..."
Moving the claws to trace over the upper belly, and ribcage, diVo gently nuzzled and feasted on the poor, sensitive little tickle spot before him.
"NEEHEEHEEHEEHEE -*SNORT*- IHIHIHIT TIHIHIHIHICKUHUHUHUHULES!" Sun squeaked out. He tried to wiggle his tummy away, but diVo had all the advantages in the world. He was holding him after all, he could just pull him closer and nuzzle further into that open tummy as much as he wanted.
Being an observer was fun for Moon. Admittedly though, he was getting second hand flutters on his belly just watching diVo work his magic, remembering how it felt when he was the one being snacked on. 
Sun's snorts made the corners of Moon's mouth turn up more and more with each one. DiVo seemed to have a similar reaction as he couldn't help but giggle into Sun's tummy every time a little snort found its way out of the cackling daycare attendant. Moon began to chuckle at the adorable noise out loud and eventually all three of them were laughing and enjoying the moment.
"LEEHEEHEE-*SNORT*- EEHEAVE MY PIHIHIHIHIGGY LAHAHAUGH-*SNORT*- ALOHOHOHOHONE! EEEEEK!" Sun protested, but his rays spun showing his clear amusement in contrast to his words.
“Ohohohoohh but it’s sooo adorable and deliciouuuus~” diVo laughed lightly, relishing this tender moment as much as the two daycare attendants. 
“He’s not wrong, Sunny.” Moon snickered. 
“Shhh~ no arguing now~ we’re having fuuuun~” diVo reminded, moving himself up to munch a bit on his neck and rays.
DiVo chortled at the little piggy's plea as he nibbled and licked away at his neck joints, and rays. The laughs reverberated against the fins making Sun squeal, and snort more. 
"Nibbully tickwish fauhn~" He continued, now nomming on the last, and coincidentally, most sensitive ray.
As Sun continued to squee with delight at the playful nibbling, Moon giggled at his plight. He couldn't help but bring up his observation from earlier now that he wasn't the one being tickled silly. 
"Ehehehe, you tend to talk with your mouth full, huh?" Moon chuckled.
The shadow animatronic squinted a bit at the naptime counterpart. Oh so it was pick on diVo time was it? 
“Careful moonpie~ I can give you another round tooooo~” he purred against Sun's rays, earning another squeal followed by a stream of giggles.
Moon let out a squeak, louder than he first initially felt it would be. His face burned a bright blue, shying away fast. Jeez... where did his boldness go!? He was as shaky as a leaf, and as hot as a volcano.
"AHahAh- N-NuhUhu!!" Moon responded, lightly kicking his feet like a child. 
Was this how SUN felt most of the time? ...(spoilt, and lucky)... 
DiVo snorted, heaving at the strong reaction, in turn making Sun squeal more. 
Sun kicked and shook in ticklish joy. 
"SohohOHohohOhomewhre EHEHELSE!! EEHEHEHEE!!" It sounded less like a plea of mercy on said spot, and more of a 'tickle me more!!'
Moon's bashfulness waned as his attention was brought back to his cackling counterpart.
"Somewhere else, eh? Well diVo hasn't paid your toes a visit yet~," Moon pointed out slyly. Oh that devious little-
"WAHAHAT?! NONONOHOhohohooOOO!" Sun whined, completely conflicted. He did want diVo to move elsewhere, and his toes were certainly elsewhere. Why oh why did he have to be programmed so ticklish? 
The jagged grin on diVo's face grew wide at that suggestion. 
“Oh yes~! I nearly forgot-” 
Liar. As if he would ever forget something like that. A couple of tendrils lifted and straightened Sun's legs out, leaving those little tots on display, beans exposed to the dark. 
“And soooo nice of you to leave your slippers behind, dear Sunny~”
Sun let out a shrill cry, waving his feet in the air as diVo's faceplate traveled down to them. Sun squirmed and tried to pull his feet away to no avail. DiVo knelt down, nibbling on the wiggly little toes before him. 
"You didn't tell me you bought me food~ such delicious looking tatertots just for meee~"
"GYAAA!!! NOHONOHONAHANAHAONAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAA! KHKHEEHEEHEEHEEHEEHEEHEE!!! NAHAHAT MY TOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOOOES!!!" Sun begged. DiVo knew full well that nibbling was the most ticklish thing one could do to Sun's toes, and he loved taking advantage of that. The delectable squeals he could reap from Sun from such a silly tactic were like pure sugar to the phantom. And it was all too clear that Sun loved the playfulness of it all, only making the moment sweeter.
"My stars, Sun! All these tickles must be driving you crazy~" Moon smirked, giggling along with the cackling bot. Sun couldn't respond, far too engulfed in ticklish bliss.
DiVo certainly wasn’t playing too nicely either…well kind of. He was more so enjoying nipping lightly at the squishy little beans making sure his teeth scraped ever so gently on the edges. 
He made a hum at moons egging on before the tendrils that held him started wiggling along his sides as a warning that diVo could and absolutely would start wrecking him again. 
Moon squealed again, arms shooting down to hug his sides as a silly smile stretched across his features. 
"OkAHAHAY!! Aaahaaha... it's just fuhuhun~ Teasing Sun always raises such cute little reactions hehe..."
Divo wormed his shadow of a tongue between each wiggly toe, snaking through all ten, bringing Sun to tears at heightened sensitivity. His two claws lightly scratched and scribbled at the paw pads, drawing shapes and practicing his signature with playful intent.
"Naow... moom how woul' you teasth sun m' such a vulll-ner-able state such as this~? Id appearths m' mouf ish fuwhl.." 
Moon lightly snorted at diVo and Sun's manic nature from diVo talking with the tots in his mouth.
"Coochie coochie coooo little ball of sunshine~ it doesn’t tickle, does it~?"
"AAAHAHAHA-NANANAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAA! PLEEEEHEEHEEHEEHEEHEEEHEEHEEEHEHE-SNORT-G-GIHIHEEEEHEEHEEHEEHEEHEEHEEHEE!" Sun couldn't handle this kind of tag teaming. Even with it just being Moon's words and not his fingers, Sun was in too much of a sensitive state to tell the difference. He began feeling that limpness that came with his body surrendering completely and his mind swimming in a happy, drunken state. Man, diVo could get him there so fast it seemed.
DiVo chuckled at the pure glee that escaped the smaller bot. 
“That’s a good ray of sunshine~” he praised with a purr before remembering the reason he was doing this (besides the whole getting a second helping thing) 
His hands rubbed some of the tickles away. 
“How’s that energy now, little sunbeam~? Feeling tired yet~?”
Sun heaved, still chortling from the tingles that lingered... "Hehehehe… aha... eeeehee… yehehess...aha... oho stahars… hehehehetihihihickles... heheahah…"
Sun continued to let the remaining giggles bubble out as his eyes fluttered closed.
"Hmhmhm, looks like it's someone's nap time..." Moon teased lovingly. He reached his arms out. It was in a rather childlike way signaling for diVo to give Sun to him.
DiVo looked toward moon….but gave a knowing smirk. It actually sent a chill up the naptime animatronics spine…until diVo lifted Sun himself and used his tendrils to carry moon. 
“In my own humble opinion….I think you both could use a long rest,” the phantom chuckled walking toward the daycare with both bots in his hold.
"Mmmm.... fair point..."
Moon let out a trilled yawn, stretching out a tad, and relaxing in the hold of the tendrils. 
Sun meanwhile already started to snore, snuggling up to the tickle-void as he carried them.
DiVo sighed, ensuring the lights were off before stepping into the Superstar Daycare. He was finally becoming more comfortable with the place… so long as the lights were out. 
He never truly expected Moon to fall asleep in his tendrils of all places... Well, mayhaps it was because he was exhausted. DiVo gathered together a bunch of pillows and blankets, making a makeshift nap fortress that he could easily slip out of before they awoke... diVo felt as full as a human after Thanksgiving dinner. It wouldn't hurt for him to rest his stomach awhile...
The void gently tucked both Sun and Moon into the pillow bed, giving himself the foot of it to drape across as to not make them uncomfortable per his bony, and pointy body.
"You two rest. I'll take care of your patrols for the rest of the night, Moon," diVo assured.
"Mmm, but that's - *yawn*- my job..." Moon protested sleepily.
"Don't fret, little moonpie. I always watch the night even when you are on patrol. You sleep. I'll do the rest..."
With that, the phantom faded into the shadows of the room. Sun rolled onto his side, grappling for something to cuddle, his grasp finding Moon quite quickly. Moon obliged, opening his arms to return the cuddle. With his eyes closing Moon muttered one more thing:
"Thank you"
A sign of gratitude that didn't go unheard…
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coy-lee · 2 years
SOOOOOOO! As you may or may not know, I may or may not be part of the @laughterfixs YouTube channel team and we maaaaaay be doing a little ask event!
Okay we are. We absolutely are. XD
SO, if any of y'all have questions for diVo and Eclipse(Glitch), tickly or otherwise, feel free to ask away! You can ask via my inbox, @laughterfixs inbox or in the comment section of our YouTube post! Your questions could be featured on Eclipse's talk show. The show will be out sometime after Christmas so y'all have plenty of time to ask!
The boys may be a bit busy playing around during the holiday season sooo teehee, you'll see... ANYWAY
The boys are eagerly awaiting your inquiries
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If you are yet to be acquainted with these boys, here are a few fics so you can get to know them a bit better:
diVo- Close Encounter With The Third Kind (Phantoms)
Someone Else's Turn To Play  
Eclipse- Life's All A Game
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coy-lee · 2 years
Just a lil doodle of diVo and his new buddy SCP 999
You'll never guess what they have in common XD
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coy-lee · 2 years
(!not a request!)
I was wondering if you personally are comfortable with other people making content of your void baby. I completely understand if not! Please have a nice day regardless and let it be known I very enjoy your content !
For now I'd like to introduce him more first. I'll have to really think it over though. He's my baby and I'd rather he not get misrepresented or objectified if I can help it. I'm happy you like him though!
DiVo is a special bean. I can't wait to make more with him and let y'all get to know him. :3
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laughterfixs · 4 months
Once Bitten Twice Shy
Summary: After Rayman is returned to his home world with the promise to visit more often, the Daycare family is left to relax after the hectic situation and in the meantime, Ana is still struggling with the fact that her rage caused her to attack one of her own babies.  Divo and Glitchy belong to miss @coy-lee~!
“You can’t hide from mee~” Ana sang as she slowly stalked through the daycare, looking for her prey. With every step, there was not a sound from her paws. Her ear twitched when she heard a giggle. 
The dragon hummed a chuckle to herself as she followed it, her large ears allowing her to pinpoint exactly where it came from. She turned her head around the corner and there sat her dear Sunny, back to her while hiding in the play structure and peeking through the barred area. Clearly he was looking for her, trying to find where she was so he could properly hide. The sneaky lil thing had no idea he was already caught!
With a smirk, she crept closer, reached her paw in and wrapped it around his middle to pull him out. 
Sun squealed as he was yanked back but laughed as Ana placed him on the foam floor in front of her. Squirming like a cat, he rolled onto his front to try and crawl away but Ana gently pulled him back. 
“Where you think yer goin huh?!”
“Ohoho you bet yer sweet lil rays yer not goin anywhere! Yer mine now firefly! I’m gonna-“ 
Sunny laughed more as his mother pushed him over onto his back. He squealed louder when he felt a raspberry over his tummy, combined with her whiskers and velvety muzzle, it tickled so much! 
“Oh yea? Ya sure? Does this tickle?” She nibbled his sides but instead of giggles, she was met with a loud terrified and hurt shriek. Ana jolted her head away only to see Sun cradling his arm, two holes in it with oil pouring out of them. Her blood went cold as she immediately backed away, ears flat to her head and eyes wide with terror. 
Moon and Glitch held Sun fretting over him. Lofi and Divo looked to her with angry expressions. 
“You really are a monster!!”
“To think I considered you a sister….you’re no better than my cousins.” 
“B-but…but no. No please I didn’t-“
“Get away from us!” Moon snarled with glitch glaring right with him. 
“We don’t want a beast as our mom!” 
“Moonberry please- Glitch, sugarcode-“
“HA! Don’t you sugarcode me, you should get out of here while you still can. Who would ever love a monster like you?” 
Ana woke up with a gasp. Her head swiveled in every direction to look around and take in her surroundings. She sighed realizing she was still in the daycare loft before placing a paw over her hammering heart. 
“Just another dream…” she muttered to herself but squeezed her eyes shut before the tears could start. “But the same one for the third time this week…” 
“Heeeey Moooom~!” 
The cheerful voice that belonged to the daytime daycare attendant, Sundrop, sounded from the balcony and not long after, the quite literal ray of sunshine skipped past the balcony and put his hands on the railing, grinning down at the dragon. 
“Guess what!! All the kids have gone home, staff is closing up earlier for the long weekend aaaand Moonie and I are finished cleaning! You got us all to yourself for three. Whole. DAYS!! Isn’t that great!?” Sun punched the air excitedly over having a long weekend with his family. 
Ana managed to put up a smile. 
“That sounds amazing suga’.”
Sun tilted his head at the rather….lackluster response. He…kinda expected more of a reaction than that. Squinting, he could see the bags under his mother’s eyes. It brought a small frown to his faceplate. 
“You okay..? You look…” he paused, trying not to sound rude or mean. “…not good…” 
“I’m okay sweetheart.” Ana assured while she stretched her body and yawned. “Just waking up is all…” 
Sun had climbed down the ladder to get closer to her. 
“Are you sure? I know you haven’t been sleeping well lately.” He watched Ana lay her head back down on the ground, he sat on his knees in front of her and rubbed her snout. 
“I’m fine Sunny. Like I said, just groggy from my nap. How was your day?” She asked, quickly changing the subject off of her. She didn’t need him worrying. 
Sun gave a shrug, still absentmindedly stroking the bridge of her nose as he spoke. 
“It was okay. Had a bratty parent get angry with me telling me how replaceable I was…but Moonie handled them and got them out quickly.” 
Ana kept her growl to herself, she didn’t much appreciate how a lot of humans treated her boys…but they’ve assured her there’s plenty of good ones they get to interact with. And with the incident with Rayman…she was doing her best to control her temper. 
“I’m so sorry Firefly. They don’t know how important you are.” 
Sun giggled a bit, hugging her nose. 
“It’s okay mom, now we have so much time to play and spend time together!! Moon’s gonna get his patrol done early soooo maybe it can be just us for a bit and we can…do the thing? I-if you wanna that is!” Sun asked with a shy spin of his rays and an embarrassed but pleading smile. 
Ana looked up at him, watching him tap his fingers. She knew what her baby was asking, of course but as she watched him…her vision flashed again to her dream, Sun in tears and holding his arm. 
Her body stiffened and she blinked. It was gone in a second and she saw his shy smiling face again. Ana frowned a bit, lifting her head. 
“Uhm…I’m sorry Sunny…I don’t think I have the energy today. Or at least for now…” 
“O-oh! Okay….we-we don’t have to if you don’t wanna!”
Ana could tell he was disappointed. She never refused to tickle them. Sure in some playful moments or to use as a punishment since her boys loved it so much…but she never told them she didn’t want to. And she hated how awful she felt over it…
“I’m sorry baby…”
Sun shook his head though. “No, no it’s okay mama. You should want to and I know you’re tired.” 
Ana exhaled through her nose quietly. She didn’t want to hurt him…
“I think I’m gonna go for a quick walk and stretch my legs while everyone’s gone…when I come back we’ll figure out something to do okay?” 
Sun perked up a bit, he nodded quickly. At least she still wanted to spend time…but still…
“That sounds good!” 
“Okay. Love you, firefly. See you soon.” 
“Bye mama! Love you!” 
Sun waved as she exited the loft and jumped down the balcony. He sighed as soon as she was gone and sat against the playhouse. 
Sun brought his knees to his chest and hugged them. 
“What did I do wrong…?” 
The usually cheerful bot let loose the tears that were building up, he scrubbed at his face with the bottom of his palms. Was it his fault? Did he do something to upset her? She always wanted to play, so what happened?
Each question got him crying harder. He just wanted to spend time with his mama.
Sun didn’t notice the shadowy tendrils curling around his form; he lifted his head seeing a familiar skeletal hand rest on his shoulder. 
“Oh Sunbun…What’s gotten you so upset?” 
Sun whimpered, not wasting a moment to hug the shadow entity. He didn’t care about the armor or the boney body he was snuggling into. He just wanted the hug. 
“I-I thihink I upset mahahawm…” he blubbered, burying his face against the armor. 
diVo gave a small frown, putting a hand over Sun’s back. 
“Why would you ever think that?”
Sun sniffed, cuddling against diVo while he tried to calm down. 
“She didn’t want to…” he struggled to say, it was still embarrassing. “P-play with me. And-and she never says no unless Moon or I did something bad! B-b-but I dohohont know what I dihihihiiiid!” 
The shadow hummed as Sun cried against him. He looked toward the exit of the loft. He’d have to talk with his sister, it seemed…but first. 
“Was she acting upset with you, Sunnimon?” 
Sun sniffed as he processed the question and shook his head. 
“N-no…she-she just seemed tired and-and said we’d figure out something to do when she got back…” 
diVo nodded in understanding. 
“I believe there is something beyond your mother’s exhaustion that is bothering her. And it’s not you. You’re much too precious to be mad at either way~” he teased, skating his jet black claws over the small animatronics sides. Sun squeaked, giggles bubbling out of his voicebox. 
Said entity chuckled, pulling his claws back. 
“There we are…that’s better already.” He gently scooped Sun up and moved him to the little nest next to the arcade machine. 
“Why don’t you stay here? Keep Glitch company.” diVo suggested, nodding to the machine. “I’ll go look for your mother and see what I can do. Alright?” 
Sun nodded, grabbing one of the cords to plug himself into the machine. 
“Okay…thanks diVo.” 
diVo nodded with a smile, watching Sun plug in and transfer his consciousness. He then left once he was in the game. Now to find where his sister was and get her out of this thought process…not only for her own sake, but for her boys. 
In the meantime, Ana had gone to the arcade room. It had become her favorite spot other than the daycare. It was dark. The DJ was usually the only one there, and cameras hardly covered the area. 
She sighed to herself as she took a seat. 
I can’t believe I refused Sunny tickles…
But god what if I hurt him again…
What if that dream becomes reality? 
What if…what if…
Her thoughts brought tears to her eyes. 
She wrapped her wings around herself, curling her tail around her paws. She was so tired…she wanted to sleep…
“Seems we’re here again, eh sister?” 
Ana jolted at the sudden deep voice questioning her. She poked her head out of her wings, seeing diVo tilt his head at her with a concerned look. He had taken to his other form, the wispy shadow head floating above the black suit, coat tails curled behind him. 
“d-diVo I-“
“I know.” 
Ana lowered her ears and turned away. 
“….it won’t leave me alone…I can’t even look at Sunny without…that night just…flashing before my eyes...” 
diVo moved to her side. He gently tapped the wing blocking his view of her. It twitched, but she folded them back. 
“I know you’re ashamed, Ana.” He began, watching her expression. “But you’ve learned from your mistake. And you’ve been doing good thus far keeping your temper in check-“
“But I can’t unsee it!” She interrupted quickly. “I keep having the same dream! I keep seeing him so hurt and scared and…and…” 
“…and you…all of you, hating me…You, Lofi, Moon, Glitchy and Sun…” 
diVo watched as Ana sank down to lay on her stomach, throwing her front paws over her head. 
“I’m so scared diVo…I’m scared of losing you, I’m scared of hurting anyone I love, I’m scared of them all being right about me!” 
diVo watched her claws dig past her hair. He reacted quickly enough to gently grab them and move them away. 
“Keeping yourself from them is not the answer to the problem, Ana. We all know you are none of that. You made a mistake and you’ve learned from it. We wouldn’t cast you aside…I know Sun and Moon are precious to you.” 
Ana shook her head. “Yeah…so much so I’m scared of breaking them…” 
diVo squinted his eyes incredulously at her. He took a breath, gently rubbing his thumbs into the back of her paws. 
“Took a lot of rage to poke him with holes. He's not fragile. You might think you're punishing yourself, but in reality, he's being punished…” 
Ana blinked at that and turned to him. 
“What do you mean..?”
“After you left, Sun was in tears. He thought he upset you or did something wrong.” 
Shit. Ana thought to herself. She lowered her gaze and flattened her ears. 
“Heh…seems I can’t stop hurting him….I’m bad at this ain’t I…?” She asked, a look of shame covering her face. 
“No. You are learning, you will make mistakes. That’s all part of the process. Of being a mother and of life.” He gently moved his hand under her chin to get her to look back at him. 
“But you also need to learn to let us help you. To talk to us when you need to. We can only do so much sister…” 
Ana exhaled slowly and put her head in her brother’s lap. 
“I guess I’m still not used to having help at the ready…I’ve done things on my own for so long…”
diVo nodded, smoothing out her mane. 
“I know how you feel…being so independent for so long…having anyone to depend on simply…”
“Doesn’t feel real…” Ana finished with a sigh. She lifted her head then. 
“I think I’m ready to go back…I have a lot that I need to fix and make up for Sunny…”
diVo nodded, letting the dragon stand before he walked along with her back to the daycare. As they entered the loft, Ana swallowed nervously, seeing both her boys were turned off and plugged into the machine. diVo noticed her nervousness eating at her soul and gently nudged her with his cape. “That dream of yours is just a dream sister…you’d have to be an awful person for us to cast you away.” Ana took in a breath. “Right…right.” she nodded. With their powers and magic, they entered the machine. The two were greeted by the sight of Glitch and Moon playing a card game, Sun simply watching while hugging a pillow. “You suuuure you don’t want me to deal you in, Sunny?” Glitch asked with a showy shuffle of the cards, wearing a poker dealer’s hat instead of his usual starry jester hat and a chocolate wafer cookie sticking out of his mouth to mimic a cigar.  
But Sun shook his head, hardly putting up a smile. 
“No thanks…I’m okay…” 
Ana felt her heart break at the scene before her. She slowly made her way over. 
Sun blinked and turned his head when he heard her voice. 
“MOM!” He cried out, climbing over the couch arm to get to her. As Ana lowered her head to him, the DCA wrapped his arms around her muzzle and nuzzled foreheads with her. 
“I’m so sorry Sunny…” 
Sun pulled his head back a bit to look at her. 
“Huh? But…wasn’t I the one to upset you?” 
“No firefly. You didn’t do anything.” Ana sighed as she laid down, Moon walked over and she pulled both her pups into a hug. 
“Ya see…the reason I haven’t been sleeping well is because I’ve had recurring dreams ever since I…” she shut her eyes at the painful memory. 
“…Since you bit me…?” Sun asked gently. He earned a shameful nod. 
“I’ve been so scared honey…of hurtin ya and losing all of yall. In fact I was so scared of hurtin ya physically I forgot to take in the fact I was hurtin ya emotionally and mentally…” 
“That’s why you didn’t want to tickle me earlier…” Sun muttered in realization, seeing his mother give another sad nod. 
“But it was an accident.” Moon frowned. “It wasn’t anyone’s fault. I don’t think any of us could’ve been able to predict that.” 
“Yeah! You’d never hurt me on purpose…” Sun hugged around her face again. 
“I know hun…it just…” she sighed. “It just caused me to lose trust in myself…”
Sun shrank in his rays at that. He moved his hands under his mothers chin to lift it so he could look into her eyes. 
“Well I trust you…” 
“Me too.” Moon added, putting a hand on her nose. 
“We all do, Cookie.” 
Ana perked her ears up seeing her mate traverse from his spot. Glitch kissed her cheek. 
“None of us are perfect, we each have our own issues and flaws. Hehehe! You know I’m not all there myself! But we have faith in you just as you have faith in us. We’ll overcome it together.” 
“And just as I’ve told you in the past sister, I’ve seen the contents of your heart…I know all I need to trust you.” 
Ana felt her eyes water. She let out a choked laugh and hugged her babies and mate. 
“What did I do to deserve any of you…?” 
“Doesn’t matter, you have us now and that’s the way it’s going to be.” Glitch assured, rubbing a hand through her hair and down her ears. 
Ana hummed happily, even feeling diVo rubbing the back of her wings. She was truly surrounded by love. But…there was still one thing she needed to fix. She pulled from the group hug a bit and lowered her head to Sun, booping noses with him. “Still wanna play, firefly?” Sun blinked and spun his rays at the offer. “Really?!” He stopped and calmed down a moment. “Are…are you sure you’re ready for that…?” 
Ana nodded with a smile. “I can’t keep being afraid to touch you because of a one time incident that probably would never even happen again, right? Yer my baby sure, but you ain’t a delicate lil sunflower.” 
Sun giggled in response, nuzzling against his mother’s face. Glitch hummed a chuckle as he scooped up Moon and carried him a bit aways to give Sun and Ana some room, much to Moon’s chagrin. “H-hey! Gl-Gliiiitch!” “Awww doncha wanna spend time with your dear papa, Moonpie~?” Moon muttered out of embarrassment, crossing his arms. Ana chuckled lightly at the both of them before she gently nudged Sun to lay down. He laid sideways in front of her, head on her right arm and legs over her left. She stared down at him, flicking her ears back as oil flashed into her vision. Sun noticed her unease, so he decided to help her. He reached up and gently held her muzzle bringing it down toward his belly. “I trust you, Mama. You won’t hurt me.” Ana softened her gaze, Sun once again showing off that bright lil light of his that made him so endearing. She smiled and huffed air against his belly, earning a squeak out of him. “GYApffffhehehehe!” Ana chuckled, starting to nuzzle his belly and giving him tiny mlems of her forked tongue. “Nyahahahahaoooo! M-mahahahamaaahaha! Gyeep! Ohohoho stahahahars!” Moon watched his brother and mother play, while he was glad things were better between them….He…kinda wanted to play too. Glitch took notice of the look of longing on Moon’s face. The code smirked and suddenly wrapped his arms under Moon’s arms in a hug. “Gnk! Gl-Glitch!?” Glitch didn’t respond other than a mischievous chuckle and summoned two more pairs of arms, one pair of hands tickling his ribcage and around the exo under his arms, the second pair going straight for the belly. “GYAHAHAHAHA!! DAHAHAHAHAAAD WAIT-WAHAHAHAIT! NO-NO-NAHAHAHAHAO FAHAHAHAHAIR!!” “Tiiiicky ticky tickle~!” diVo chuckled, deciding to sit back on the sofa and simply enjoy the meal being made before him. Seems things were already starting to truly get back to normal around here.
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laughterfixs · 6 months
A Ray in Superstar Daycare
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Story arc I've actually started a bit ago! Rayman accidentally finds the daycare, Ana shows why she is called the beast of wrath and diVo, Lofi, Sun and Moon need to make sure she doesn't let her anger get the better of her and end up accidentally hurting someone. diVo belongs to miss @coy-lee of course~!
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coy-lee · 2 years
Cookie Thief
Part 2
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coy-lee · 2 years
Sketch dump of a cute idea:
Sun having a bellybutton like XJ9. I can't take it and neither can diVo💕🥺
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laughterfixs · 6 months
Anger Unraveled
This takes place somewhere in the middle of Act 2 of the Ray in the Superstar Daycare story! Glitch and diVo belong to @coy-lee CW; Violence, panic attacks, rage attacks
As Lofi kept Rayman company, Divo went to talk to the dragon dog who was staying away but keeping a close eye on the forest spirit. Her expression was stoic, ears back flat and her fur on end. 
“Ana please. This cannot go on.” 
“What are you talking bout?” The dragon asked her much older brother. 
“Your anger.” Divo answered without missing a beat. “You’ve told me you don’t want to be seen as a wrathful beast anymore yet you can’t seem to control your rage.” 
Ana growled at that as she turned her head away. 
“I’m just…protecting Sun and Moon…”
Divo narrowed his white eyes at her. “What from?” He challenged, firm yet calm. 
“From that…that…thing!”
“Rayman.” Divo corrected, earning another growl. “And Rayman isn’t here to hurt anyone. He has the soul of a hero, sister.” 
Ana huffed at that, not daring to look divo in the eyes. The shadow being took another breath, he sat on his knees and used his tendrils to gently grab her chin and guide it to point to him. 
“Ana…I know you, I know what you want. But I promise you, he’s perfectly safe…Sun and Moon are perfectly safe. All of us are perfectly safe. You need to let this go, get control of it.” 
“I have control-“
“No.” Divo interrupted. “No you don’t. Not from what I’ve seen tonight. And based from what I’ve seen…if you don’t keep your temper in check, you may end up doing something you regret. You could hurt someone. And I may not be fast enough to stop you and make you see that.” 
Ana lowered her eyes again, her pupils dilating from their usual slits ever so slightly. 
“….What would you do if you accidentally hurt Sun or Moon, sister?” Divo asked, seeing she wasn’t going to answer. She very visibly jolted at that question and looked back at him. 
“I…I wouldn’t ever-“
“You can’t promise that…anger is blinding, you know that very well. If you want to protect them, you need a handle on this first…” 
Again she went quiet, her eyes watered at the thought. 
“I’m sorry sister….but you need a reality check…” 
Ana swallowed. She nodded then and laid her head across her brother's lap. “I’ll try…” 
Divo placed his gloved hand on the top of her mane. 
“Then show me…”
The family had taken Rayman into the arcade machine, much to Ana’s dismay. 
Glitch however was more than ecstatic to meet the limbless wonder. 
“OHOHOHOOO my STARS! The Rayman in MY game! I can’t BELIEVE IT!” Glitch took Raymans hand and shook it aggressively. “I am such a BIG fan Mr. Rayman! Or is it Ray? Or Mr. Man?” 
“Uh-Rayman’s fine!” The spirit assured, taking his hand back. 
“Thanks a lot though. I was told you’d be able to get me home?” 
“Oh yes yes! It’s just a quick zap through the digital hole and you’ll be right back where you belong!” Glitch proclaimed proudly, giving a showy snap of his fingers. 
“Heh. That sounds great. Gotta admit though….” Rayman rubbed the back of his head. “Kinda feel bad for leaving…you guys have been great. Feel like I could’ve known you my whole life.” 
“You’re more than welcome to come back whenever you like!” Sunny grinned. 
“Yes. We certainly have friends from many different worlds.” Divo agreed. 
“And then we can play some more!!” Lofi chirped, floating around Rayman and giving his sides a few small squeezes. He gave a couple short laughs and snickers as the tickle ghost pulled away. 
“Thahat sounds great, Lofs.” He looked to Ana, his expression softening. The dragon didn’t seem remotely interested in him returning. She kept her gaze lowered and to the side, as if choosing not to focus on the conversation. Sun and Moon sat in between her front legs, against her chest, perhaps in order to try and keep her calm. 
“…Ya know I wouldn’t mind us getting to know each other.” 
Ana rumbled at that. 
“….” Rayman sighed. “Look, Ana…I get if you wouldn’t wanna be friends. That’s your choice and I’ll respect that. What I don’t get is why you’re so hostile toward me when I haven’t given you a reason.” 
“….Just because you haven’t doesn’t mean you won’t…” Ana grumbled lowly, refusing to make eye contact. 
“But I wouldn’t-“
“I don’t know that!” Ana snapped but she took a deep breath, trying to keep her promise to her brother. “I’m sorry, but I can’t trust you…not right now.” 
Rayman blinked. He looked back at diVo and Lofi who shook their heads. He looked at Glitch who was biting his lip. And he looked at the twins who were staring up at their mother, Sun petting her fur. 
“…But why..? Haven’t I shown I’m not a threat?” He asked, trying to remain as gentle and respectful as possible…and this time there was no fear, only concern and kindness. 
“….” Ana was quiet. But she could feel her heart pounding more and more. Stop pushing. Stop pushing. Stop. Pushing. 
“Your family has told you over and over. Assured you plenty, if not me, don’t you trust them?” 
Ana growled. “Don’t. You. Dare…” 
“If Divo can see into my soul, wouldn’t he be able to tell I’m lying? He’s your brother right? Do you trust him? I mean, even Glitch knows who I am, somehow…do you trust him?”
“SHUT UP!” Ana roared, standing up suddenly and stepping past her boys. She got her face right in Rayman’s, teeth bared and lips pulled high into a snarl. 
“Don’t you DARE imply I don’t trust them!”
Rayman didn’t cower. Not this time. He held his ground. 
“I’m not implying anything! That’s what you’re showing! You say you love your family and want to protect them, but you can’t even believe or trust their own thoughts and actions! What kind of family does that?!”
“Maybe I don’t! And maybe you got your own demons to work through, but at least I’m giving YOU the benefit of the doubt! I’m not judging a book by its cover!” 
Ana froze a bit at that. Her ears lowered and her snarl faded. She lowered her gaze to the floor. The voices began echoing. Her fur stood on end. Ana couldn’t see or hear Rayman or her family. 
She’s just a beast 
No better than anyone else 
Just look at her! 
Those eyes just scream killer. Pupils of a demon. 
A dragon with venom and electricity?! That’s a recipe for disaster 
And that awful temperament…worse than a bull in a red room. 
Ana felt the tears gather in her eyes. She couldn’t hear anyone else. What had she been doing…? Were they all right..?
“Mom? M-mom it’s okay.” Sun reached up to try and scratch her ear, knowing it always helped calm her down, but the moment his fingers touched her, there was no time to stop it. 
It seemed like the world of the box moved in slow motion…only it wasn’t. It happened faster than anyone could react. 
Ana had whipped her neck around in order to defend herself from what she thought were the voices coming to harm her. She bit Sun’s forearm, the scream from him shocked her out of her tunnel vision. 
As she let go, Sun fell to the ground. 
“No…no god no…”
Moon hurried over to prop Sun up, who was now cradling his arm with some tears gliding down his faceplate. 
Glitch and Divo were at Sun’s side in a moment. 
“It’s okay, it’s okay, Sunspot. Let me see it.” Glitch shushed gently as he took Sunny’s arm and used his coding powers to heal the broken bits where Ana’s fangs bit down. 
“Wh-where did mom go..? Is she ok..?” Sun sniffed. The family looked around, but Ana was gone. Rayman swallowed. 
“I’m sorry…I should’ve left it alone.”
“No.” Divo stated. “This was…sadly inevitable…but now we can try to heal this problem…I’ll find Ana and bring her back here.” 
And with that. The shadow disappeared. 
Ana had hidden in the arcade room of the pizzaplex. It was dark, no one was there. Even the DJ was fast asleep. She wouldn’t be bothered. 
She had her wings fully engulfing herself as she let the tears fall. 
Look what you did 
You attacked sun 
You bit your baby 
You really are a beast. You promised to always protect them but they needed to be protected FROM YOU!
Ana hitched her breath, she was quiet in her sobs. But Divo still found her easily. 
“…” she sniffed. “You were right…I can’t believe it happened but you were right…”
She opened her wings enough to poke her head out. 
“I’m sorry…I wont be here much longer…” 
Divo tilted his head. “What do you mean?”
“I’m leaving…” Ana answered sadly. “I can’t be around yall…it was Sunny in the box this time, next could be Moon or Sun outside the box…or it could be Glitchy…or Lofi or you…” her eyes watered all over again. 
“It’s not that I don’t trust you, divo…it’s that I can’t trust myself…I want to be able to protect yall…but I don’t trust myself to react in time too, especially after Moon was taken away that one time, so I’m always on guard…and my anger issues just boil over because all I can think is to keep yall safe from any possible danger…”
Divo stared at her for a moment. 
“I know it’s not an excuse…and I want to get better with this…but I’m so scared of losin yall…I’m so scared of losin everything I have…and now I’m scared of hurting yall…” 
Divo sat down then, cross legged. 
“…and you think leaving wouldn’t hurt us?” 
Ana blinked and looked at him, unfurling her wings a bit more. 
“I know you have your own issues sister…but you leaving is not the solution. We all need to work on our own problems together, as a family, just as we’ve been doing. We all know you wouldn’t ever hurt Sun on purpose…but I think it was a much needed wake up call for you…and I think you need to come back to the box…” 
Ana raised her head toward him. “But…but isn’t Sun scared of me?”
Divo hummed a chuckle. “The first thing he asked was where you went to and if you were ok.” 
Ana stared at that, the tears falling down her snout once again. She didn’t deserve this. She didn’t deserve her boys…
She felt divo’s hand glide under her chin, giving it a comforting rub. 
“Please come back…” 
Ana took in a breath, swallowing as her brother touched foreheads with her. 
The duo returned to the box. Ana was anything but perky. Her shame was written all over her body language. 
Divo patted her neck assuringly. 
Ana raised her head as her boys hurried over. Sun wrapped his arms around her chest and nuzzled the fur. 
“I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to scare you so badly! I just wanted to help!” 
Ana widened her eyes, but she carefully laid herself down and hugged her baby. 
“No no, firefly…it wasn’t yer fault and you got nothin to apologize for, sunnybunny…the only one who should be apologizin to anyone is me…and I’m so sorry, baby…I’d never want to hurt or scare you…is yer arm ok?”
Sun nodded with a sniff. “Mhm…Dad fixed it up good as new.”
“I’m glad firefly…I promise I’m gonna work on this so it doesn’t happen again…”
“You’ll let us help right?” Moon asked. Ana nodded, opening her arm to him. Moon accepted the offer leaning against her chest. 
“I think the only way I can get better is with yer help…” she looked to glitch and lofi. “All of you…”
She stood back up then, her twins letting her go as she walked over to Rayman. She took a breath and laid down in order to appear a bit smaller and show she wasn’t trying to intimidate for once. 
“I owe you an apology too, Rayman…I’m sorry for the way I acted. In a way, yer very much right. While I do trust my family, I love them and want to protect them. But I will do so by any means. Because of that, I struggle to let my guard down and I always fear the worst. The very thought of losing the good I have in my life…it scares me to my core…and I react with anger. I have…a lot of my own issues to get through. I don’t expect to be forgiven…but do know yer welcome to the daycare at any time…” 
Rayman blinked up at the dragon. But he smiled and held his hand out. 
“That’s big of you…all's forgiven. I kinda hope I can get to know you more, Ana. Maybe I can help you too…”
The dragon stared at his hand, and for the first time since he arrived, she smiled. She placed her paw into his hand, finally closing the gap between them. 
“I’d appreciate that…”
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laughterfixs · 2 years
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Part 2 :3
Much thanks to @coy-lee for help with her characters DiVo and (glitch) eclipse
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coy-lee · 2 years
diVo is very pretty and I love him
Be careful~
You might make him blush(ie. Close his faceplate)
I'm so happy you like my baby boi
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laughterfixs · 1 year
Finally got around to making my Masterpost!
Master Post
Commission Information 
Regina Gets Sunny 
Sun's New Pets 
Moon Gets Sun 
Dragons Tickles the Jesters
Lofi meets Moon
Ana broke Moon Animatic
MerMoon and MerSun
Mersun tickled by Seaweed
Marie rescues Sun (Discontinued Story) 
MerMay: Sun wrecking Moon 
Don't Tickle the Dragon
Tickle Ghost gets Moon
Carlyle Jones (Sun and Moon's papa) Ticklish Coloring
Sun meets the tickle ghost 
Soup's On! 
Lunar and Ana
Moon Challenges the Dragon 
Sun and Moon Ref Sheets 
Ana Punishing Moon 
One Year of Tickles and Joy 
Part One Family Tree 
New Game Mechanic~ 
Sun and Moon Stickers
Sally Starlet and Sundrop
Lofi's game with Sun 
Lofi Plays with Moon 
Celestaurs Au 
Mama and her babies
Tickle Doodle Dump
Sun's tickly secret and Boys T Chart Hide and Tickle
Awkward Sibling Hug Animation 
Rubber Nose
Nana's Sunshine 
HW2: Sun's Arts and Crafts 
What Could've Been Animation 
Ana's Special Moonpie
Billie Bust Up: Barnaby's Tickle Party 
Aristotle's Giggly Punishment   
Owl and Axolotl Tickle Fight 
Ninjago: Pythor's Break  
Rayman: Rayman meets Lofi 
Art Requests: RQ 1: Mimzy and Sun
RQ 2: Sun's Revenge Deserved
RQ 3: Black Mind and Lester
RQ 4 Sunny Nibbles
Lofi's Ref Sheet 
Najada the Dragon
Regina so pretty 
One Year on Tumblr
Lofi YCH 
Happy New Year
Angry Ana Long Cat 
Halloween Lofi 
Lofi wants to play
Sick Mama  
Ask diVo and Eclipse 
Sneaky Present Peeper 
Part Two Family Tree
Magma Livestream Doodles 
Heatwave- Ana is overheating thanks to Summer rearing its head. Sun and Moon look for a way to cool her down and take a huge risk. Do Not Mess with the Affairs of the Dragon- Ana is ready to tear Vanny limb from limb but is interrupted… 
Moon of the Dragon's Eye- Ana tells Moon her own story and the story of the dragons 
Begone Bad Day- After a particularly bad and annoying day of training a new employee put in charge of testing all their games. Sun ends his work day with an angry and sour attitude. As he vents to his mother, Ana, the dragon dog hiding in the daycare, he accidentally loses control of his behavior and takes it out on her. Now Ana must help her baby destress and officially end the day on a good note. 
Special- Moon’s having thoughts about himself. Does he really matter? Is he special? Why do people prefer Sun over him? As he sits alone in the dark with nothing but his thoughts, Ana comes to find him and talk to him. To help her pup’s mind out of the dark.
  Youtube: Case of the Missing Hat 
Shenanigans of the Daycare
Starry Christmas 
Ana and Sun: Phasmophobia 
Hiatus Information 
500 Followers Ask Event: 500 Followers Announcement
Ask 1 
Ask 2
Ask 3
Ask 4     
Ask 5
Ask 6
Ask 7
Ask 8
Ask 9
Ask 10
Ask 11
Ask 12
Ask 13   
Ask 14 
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coy-lee · 2 years
TK Masterpost
This is just a start for now.
But hopefully this is helpful for finding your fix!
Monkey Bar Sun
Crop Top
Lee Mood
Ni Hao Good Morning Sun
Captain Feather Sword
Overwhelmed Moon Meme
GIF Moon Teasing
Tangled Up Moon
OC diVo
diVo Doodles
diVo Gets Moon Good
Sunny with a Button/diVo loves it 
Cookie Thief pt1
Cookie Thief pt2
Cookie Thief End
Glitch and Sun Bonding
New Eclipse/Arcade GlitchSun,
 Moon and Eclipse/Walk The Plank
Eclipse Getting The Bois
Eclipse TKs Sun
OC Betelgeuse 
Sun and Moon:
Sun and Moon-rito
SaMS Minecraft
SaMS Wither Storm
Trying The TikTok Trend
Crop Top pt2
GIF Sun and Moon TK 
On the Wire/Graceful and Tangled
BallPit Shark
Stuck Up-Side-Down
Sunrito Recipe
Sunrito and Moon
Puppet Wants To Play
Puppet Wants to Play Bonus
Missing Hat pt1
Missing Hat pt2
Missing Hat pt3
Missing Hat pt4
Easter TKs
Sun and Moon Get Each Other
 Sun and Moon Vs Nightmarrione  
Glamrocks+Moon vs Sun TKs
Moon and the STAFF bots vs Sunny 
Moon Sneaking Peeks at Gifts 
SaMS Fanart:
S&MS Eclipse and Lunar   
SaMS Eclipse Redemption??? 
Lunar Tricks Bloodlust Moon
Sun and Lunar Arms Up for Moon
Sun Stuck in Lunar's Beanbag Chair
Curious Eclipse
Description: Eclipse is new to the daycare. His job is to watch over the attendants and monitor their well being. After observing Sun and Moon play a particular game, he becomes curious, and he tries to play the game with Sun himself. Moon can only help just watching for so long before he too joins the fun.
(lee!Sun, ler!Eclipse, ler!Moon)
Asking For It 
Description: Sun and Moon play a little cat and mouse until Moon catches the goof and pins him in a peculiar way. Now Sun needs to say what he wants from Moon, or not get it at all…
(lee!Sun, ler!Moon)
All Caught Up (With No Ulterior Motives)
Description: Sun and Moon play mind games. One loses, but both win.
(lee!Sun, ler!Moon)
Description: Sun is still packed with energy at the end of the day, and Moon thinks up a little solution for Sun’s little problem.
(lee!Sun, ler!Moon)
Motor Function Error
Description: One morning, Sun wakes up but finds that he suffered a motor malfunction during the night and cannot move. He can still feel sensations tho. It took time for the maintenance team to arrive for the day so Sun and Moon find a way to pass the time while they wait
( lee!Sun, ler!Moon ) 
Close Encounter With The Third Kind (Phantoms)
Description: There's something lurking in the dark corners of the daycare. Sun and Moon soon meet said being and have their expectations subverted. Turns out there are sillier reasons to fear the dark. 
( lee!Sun, sidelines!Moon, ler!divo )
Life's All A Game
Description: In the boys' loft, there is an arcade machine with a glitch. a sentient glitch. They find a way to visit him, and Sun finds himself at the mercy of someone much more powerful than he could have imagined. Luckily for him, and Moon, this guy just likes to have good old fashioned fun.
(lee!Sun, ler!Eclipse)
Someone Else's Turn To Play  
Description: It's been approximately 4 days since the bois encountered the darkness living in the daycare's shadows. Moon's been as serious as ever during the nighttime and it seems that after one of his patrols, diVo decides it's a perfect time to fix that.
( lee!Moon, lee!Sun, ler!diVo)
Videos With Featured Works:
Case of The Missing Hat 
Shenanigans of The Daycare  
A Starry Christmas
Gaster Gets Sans and Papyrus 
Gaster and Sans, Selfworth Fluff\
Hoomin AU Sans
Spamton Tangled in the Vines/Wires 
Spamton and FNAF OC Eclipse
A Jester Wrecking and Puppet
Seam and Spamton Razzles
Spamton Dress Up, Jevil "Helps" (+Seam) 
Teasy Ler Spamton Neo
Lee Seam, Ler Spamton and Jevil
Jevil Tickles Spamton GIF
Cheater, Cheater
Description: Spamton and Jevil do battle quite often. Spamton feels like Jevil is hiding the secret to freedom in that cell of his. Jevil knows better than that and would rather keep Spamton from finding out the no such secret exists. So, they duke it out, both wanting to win for their own reasons. This time, though, Jevil is a bit worried about how good Spamton has gotten at fighting him...so he takes the battle in a different direction. A very fun direction.
(lee!Spamton, ler!Jevil)
HELLO? [[tickling department]]? IT"S FOR YOU!
Description: With the player being away for who knows how long, Jevil and Spamton hang out in the void behind Seam's shop, attempting to entertain themselves the best they can. However when messes are to be kept to a minimum, All hope of escaping boredom is lost... or is it?
(Lee!Jevil Ler!Spamton, [implied]Lee!Spamton)
Detroit: Become Human
Gavin Taken Down A Notch By RK900
Blushing Cicero
Cicero Following Orders
Gravity Falls
Stanley and Ford Brother Roughhousing
Alternate Weirdmageddon 
Super Mario
Super Mario and "Mr. L"  
Gabe Reminds Cas of his Place 
Doodle Dump:
Gartic Phone Fun Doodles 
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coy-lee · 2 years
Turned that one doodle into a lil comic.
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