#fo: 1.03
raiderlucy · 1 month
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Fallout (2024) I 1.03 The Head
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love-me-a-lotta-whump · 5 months
꽃파당: 조선혼담공작소 - Flower Crew: Joseon Marriage Agency - Whumplist - 🇰🇷
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Whumpees: 고영수 (Go Young Soo) played by 박지훈 (Park Jihoon) // 마훈 (Ma Hoon) played my 김민재 (Kim Min Jae) // 도준 (Do Joon) played by 변우석 (Byeon Woo Seok)
Synopsis: A common blacksmith's son is kidnapped and selected to become the King of Joseon, but is unable to wed his childhood sweetheart, Gae-ttong, for her lowly status. He turns to Joseon's best matchmakers in request to make her into an eligible lady. (Google)
Genre/Tags: Period, Romance, Found Family, Royalty, Emeto, Gagged, Captive, Torture, Restrained, Trauma, Wound Reveal, Semi Comedy
Watch On: Netflix, Viki (Original), DramaCool, KissAsian
Note: Park Jihoon’s character is not in any way the main focus of this drama however he was the most whumped and I’m a ride or die Park Jihoon girlie so he is listed first 😘
TW: Emeto
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고영수 (Go Young Soo)
1.01-1.06: none
1.07 : upset
1.08-1.10 : none
1.11 : upset (semi comical)
1.12 : kicked repeatedly, beaten, harassed, manhandled, traumatic memories triggered, roughly scratching on his arm, (flashbacks: harassed, scared, bloody lip), saved, emotional, concern for him, semi wound reveal ::: manhandled, struggling, gagged ::: thrown to the ground, intimidated, threatened, scared, near tears, roughly scratching on his arm
1.13 : anxious, (flashbacks: dirty, anxious, harassed, called an animal, hit repeatedly, had things thrown at him, bloody lip, cut cheek, anxious, wound reveal, scratching at his wound on his arm), crying ::: intimidated, threatened, anxious, fell to his knees, shaky breathing, (trauma response: rubbing perfume-like product all over his body) ::: intimidated, threatened, shaking, (traumatic flashbacks: manhandled, accidentally killed someone, covered in blood), crying, shaking
1.14 : shaking, intimidated ::: anxious, friend calmed him down (really sweet moment) ::: (flashbacks: intimidated, threatened) ::: anxious, shaking, traumatic memories triggered, (traumatic flashbacks [small cuts but all one scene]: slapped multiple times, restrained (rope), bloody, shaking, forced to aid in an execution, splattered with blood, scratching his arm, kicked repeatedly, slapped multiple times, verbally abused, curled in on himself, failed to escape, hung (rope) by his wrists, chin grabbed, struggling to breathe, blood coming from his mouth, crying, begging, threatened, weak, hand tied to a machete, out of it, crying, scared, shaky breathing, grabbed, blood all over his face), having visual and tactile hallucinations, anxious, emotional, crying, anxious, rubbing himself with the perfume product, flinching away from someone
1.15 : crying ::: manhandled, shaking, (traumatic flashbacks [breaks but the same scene] hunted, hiding, scared, hiding, hungry, desperate, scared, flinching away from someone x2), shaking ::: out of it, near tears, crying
1.16 : (flashbacks: anxious, flinching at being touched, looked after), surrounded, (traumatic flashbacks: hand tied to a machete, out of it, crying, scared), fell to his knees, crying ::: captive, told nobody would ever find him, called an animal, shaking, crying, shaky breathing ::: concern for him ::: taken, manhandled, concern for him ::: forced to kneel, nearly killed, surrounded, saved
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마훈 (Ma Hoon)
1.01 : hit on the head (comedic)
1.02 : hit on the head (semi-comedic)
1.03 : none
1.04 : (nightmare: grieving his older brother)
1.05 : none
1.06 : fought (brief), pushed against a wall with a knife to his throat (he doesn’t rlly care), saved
1.07 : none
1.08 : concerned for someone, fought ::: angry
1.09 : none
1.10-1.11 : in shock
1.12-1.13 : none
1.14 : sobbing
1.15 : crying, concern for him ::: in shock
1.16 : fought, grieving ::: grieving, comforted
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도준 (Do Joon)
1.01-1.07 : none
1.08 : emotional, (flashbacks: manhandled, crying) ::: emotional, traumatic flashbacks, crying
1.09 : emotional
1.10 : fought, arm slashed, hunted, arm treated, emotional
1.11-1.12 : none
1.13 : drunk, concern for him, gagging
1.14 : none
1.15 : crying
1.16 : none
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kolbisneat · 3 years
We in Ontario are still mostly locked down and my area is the MOST locked down (not being dramatic, it’s genuinely the only region that isn’t opening up at the start of July). What this means is there’s still lots of time for safe, distanced, indoor activities! Here’s how I spent June.
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Groundhog Day (1993) Despite liking practically every time loop movie I’ve watched, I’d never seen Groundhog Day. It was great! I was surprised by how much of a journey Bill Murray’s character went on. Just when I thought he’d gotten to the point where he would break the cycle, the movie says “nope!” and digs deeper. Now I understand why it gets referenced in all the other time loop movies.
Cruella (2021) It’s a fairly bonkers premise and it’s just campy enough to work. The scenes where it slows down for drama feel...unnecessary, but maybe overall it was still a good time at the (at home) movies! It takes some swings and I’ll never complain about that.
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Loki (Episode 1.01 to 1.03) I tend to prefer my Marvel stuff a little more fantastic so this is...right up my alley. Time travel, strange planets, it’s all great. Very Doctor Who. Keen to see how this shapes up.
The Bachelorette (Episode 17.01 to 17.04) Katie gives off such a good “I’m not supposed to be here” energy that I can’t help but enjoy this season. That and the change from Chris Harrison to Tayshia Adams and Kaitlyn Bristowe is the breath of fresh air I need.
Neon Genesis Evangelion (Episode 1.12 to 1.17) Still a very slow burn and a slow watch for me but I’m digging it! It seems to be in an exposition/bigger plot phase right now so not as much giant robot v monster battles but hey, I’m all for variety.
Superstore (Episode 4.12 to 5.08) The series has really transitioned from Jonah and Amy to the full cast and that’s great! Also hitting some surprisingly topical story beats.
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Mexican Gothic by Silvia Moreno-Garcia (Complete) I have a rather limited exposure to the gothic genre (Dracula, Frankenstein, and Crimson Peak are pretty much it) but this felt right at home. Turns out I really dig contemporary gothic novels! If you liked Crimson Peak then check this novel out. If you haven’t seen Crimson Peak, watch that and read this.
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DC: The New Frontier by Darwyn Cooke (Complete) Still one of my absolute favourite comics. I’d pitch this as Mad Men meets the Justice League. It deftly weaves fun superheroics into real-world events around the late 50s (including the overt racism and misogyny of the time). The pacing and artwork are cinematic, the narrative feels big enough for a full-team threat, and everyone feels like they’re a piece in a bigger puzzle. Just love it.
Beautiful Darkness by Fabien Vehlmann and Kerascoët (Complete) One of my favourite graphic novels to reread every so often. It’s so dark and sad yet beautiful to look at. I admit I less enjoyed the...meanness of the tiny fairy-like characters on the latest reading, but I think that’s byproduct fo the general climate in which I’m reading the book. Still highly recommend.
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Head Lopper Volume 2 & Head Lopper Volume 3 by Andrew Maclean with Jordie Bellaire (Complete) Volume 2 is still my fave of the trio. The plot and pacing are ace and the style feels a lot more pulpy. Volume 3 is a really fun story that expands the world but it all feels...rushed in a way that the previous volumes didn’t. Maybe it’s the larger cast and the bigger story, but there were a number of times where I felt like panels were missing. The evolving art style is a lot more loose and I like it overall, but I think the art would be better complimented by more breathing room. As critical as this is sounding, I still have a blast every time I read this series and I’ve preordered volume 4, so know that I criticize because I love it all so so much.
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The Adventure Zone: Ethersea (Podcast) I fell off of The Adventure Zone a while back but I’m digging this new premise! I know the worldbuilding episodes may not be loved by some but I really dig seeing how the sausage is made and getting a glimpse at another gaming format. Good stuff.
Love to See It (Podcast) With all the Bachelorette stuff going on this summer, I’m glad this podcast is back (albeit with a different name).
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Neverland: A Fantasy Role-Playing Setting (Andrews McMeel Publishing) The adventurers have made some MAJOR waves on the island! Or at least with one faction. I won’t spoil anything so there’s a more thorough breakdown over on Reddit!
Super Mario 3D All Stars (Nintendo) I wrapped up Super Mario Galaxy and I’m reminded that I always enjoy the 3D Mario games for about 60% of the time it takes to complete it. It just doesn’t feel as satisfying or challenging (in a good way, you know?) than the 2D platformers. It’s just not for me, an old.
And that’s it! As always, let me know if you have anything to recommend and happy Wednesday!
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raiderlucy · 1 month
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ELLA PURNELL as LUCY MACLEAN Fallout • 1.03 The Head
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raiderlucy · 1 month
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Fallout [2024] 1.03 The Head
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