undercovercannibal · 3 days
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Dean Winchester's cowboy fetish
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lengthofropes · 3 days
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118 as living organism + color codes
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winchestergifs · 2 days
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9.10 Road Trip Written by Andrew Dabb Directed by Robert Singer Original Air Date: January 14, 2014
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cobbbvanth · 4 months
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#local disaster bisexual being micromanaged by his boyfriends #yeah they share custody #it's a two person gig
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nick-nellson · 2 months
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raiderlucy · 3 months
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CX404 aka Dogmeat aka the Bestest Girl in the Wasteland Fallout [2024]
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becauseofthebowties · 6 months
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muldery · 9 months
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SUPERNATURAL (2005-2020) | S05E18 ‘Point of No Return’
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devilmns · 15 days
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Karen Gillan as AMY POND Doctor Who (2005—) | 7.04 "The Power of Three"
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deancaskiss · 30 days
it’s something so innocuous. old yet new.
the box on top of the drawers is filled with things dean has collected over the years. old cassettes, keychains, lock picks.
but that isn’t what catches cas’ attention when he opens it. tucked in the back right corner of the box, a flash of silver glints in the light.
cas picks it up, letting the weight fall into his palm. dean’s old ring. cas couldn’t remember the last time the hunter had worn it… it must’ve been years ago now.
“hey, that’s where my ring went,” dean says, dropping his chin onto cas’ shoulder and reaching over to pluck it from cas’ hand. “I thought I’d lost that on a vamp hunt years ago. don’t even remember putting it in there.”
cas watches, something in his chest tightening as dean slips it back onto the ring finger of his right hand where he’s always worn it. “might be good to wear it again for a change, now that we’re hunting less,” dean grins. the grin falters when he catches the pained look on cas’ face. “hey, if you don’t like it I can-” dean starts to say, moving to take the ring off.
cas shakes his head, moving to interlock their fingers. “dean,” cas says. a single word, yet it fills the air between them with a longing that dean can’t describe.
slowly, cas moves to slides the ring off of dean’s finger and snags his left hand.
dean watches, mesmerized, as cas moves the ring onto the ring finger on his left hand and then trails his fingertips over dean’s knuckles.
the weight of the action settles into dean’s heart. cas has to know what that means… right?
“looks better now,” cas murmurs fondly, glancing back up at dean with a softness that makes dean’s knees feel weak.
“yes,” dean replies. the double meaning of the word is pressed against cas’ mouth as dean leans in to kiss him.
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nikossasaki · 1 year
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#full dad mode
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undercovercannibal · 2 days
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– Shannon Barry
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lengthofropes · 2 months
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"What's there to talk about? Tommy's good people, he's good for you."
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winchestergifs · 6 months
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STACKEDNATURAL ⇉ 129.5/327 (part 2)
7.10 Death’s Door Written by Sera Gamble Directed by Robert Singer Original Air Date: December 2, 2011
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cobbbvanth · 2 months
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bestie ✅ boyfriend ✅ sister ✅ dad ✅ huge season for buck hugs <3
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nick-nellson · 2 months
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