#follow up question is buzzfeed unsolved in the mcu
So did ryan bergara survive the snap or
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nokomiss · 10 months
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love 💗
Thanks for passing this to me, @secretlystephaniebrown! This was SO HARD. I went with current faves, since all-time favorites was too difficult. I've written way too many fics, just picking out five was a real challenge, and I didn't even touch on some major fandoms or some fics that were really important to me. But here's my list!
The Startling Secret Identity of The Batman - (10k, T, Gen) In-universe Buzzfeed Unsolved accidentally stumbles on Batman’s secret identity. The Batfam reacts.
I wrote this fic so fast, like it just suddenly appeared on the screen, and I'm still delighted with how it turned out.
The Haunting of Wayne Manor - (31k, T, Steph/Cass, Gothic horror AU) Stephanie Brown arrives at Wayne Manor to be governess to Bruce Wayne’s young son, Damian. Once there, she begins to suspect the manor is a place shrouded in darkness and secrets, where the shadows seem to follow her, where doors lock mysteriously and questions go unanswered. And most dreadfully of all, her own secrets are just as likely to catch up to her and bring her to ruin.
All my love for gothic horror was thrown into this fic, and I'm really happy with how it turned out.
in this town of halloween - (3.8k, G, Gen) The Riddler takes ten-year-old Steph trick-or-treating, and Steph honestly has the best time ever.
Okay so I had to limit myself to ONE fic centered around Stephanie Brown's Unconventional Childhood, because that is absolutely a theme I keep going back to. There's just so much untapped potential! But this is the one I ultimately chose, because it's light and fun and I just loved the mental images that inspired it.
those wild charms for you - (5k, T, Steph/Jason) “So you’re saying we should go on a fake date and catch a serial killer so that we can have the moral high ground over Bruce,” Jason said. “Just to be clear. That’s what you’re suggesting.”
listen i love this pairing so much. I have so much fun writing them. And this one has the bonus of being one of my favorite tropes!
our lips are sealed - (B99/MCU crossover, 5k, T, Gina Linetti/Steve Rogers) When Gina started talking about how Captain America moved in next door to her, complete with a rap breakdown including the lines, "with his glorious American-made booty, it's a star-spangled thing of beauty," and how she was initiating a five-step plan to tap dat, the precinct just assumed that Captain America was a nickname for whatever unfortunate hottie made a real estate blunder and ended up her neighbor.
This fic has the honor of being one I can reread without cringing, and it even makes me laugh. I feel like I got the voices right, even though this is my only foray into B99 fic.
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falloutmelody · 4 years
“You are the best thing that has ever been mine.”
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PAIRING: Natasha Romanoff x Reader
WARNINGS: Mild threat, especially towards the end. The reader is injured in this following an interrogation, although there is no vivid description of these injuries! Nat and the reader are also being held hostage and are locked in a cell, but again, it’s nothing too vivid!
REQUESTED BY: Anonymous! Thank you so much for requesting, I hope this does your image justice and that you enjoy this one too! Don’t hesitate to send any more requests my way, especially if they’re for Nat, because I love writing for her!
WORD COUNT: 2016! Again, I had a lot of ideas, so this is a long one!
I wasn’t too sure if anon wanted this to be a follow up to my last Nat x reader, where the reader was Bruce’s sibling, so I’ve left it intentionally vague! So, if you want it to be a follow up because you liked that story, or just want something separate, either way, this should be okay with you! Again, I pictured this as happening post the first Avengers, but before Winter Soldier! But as always, no spoilers, so don’t worry! I wasn’t expecting to have time to get this done until next week, but, somehow, I did, so it’s a bit earlier than I promised!
As always, my requests are very much open! I write for Doctor Who (Thirteen’s era only currently), the MCU and Buzzfeed Unsolved! So, if you have something you want me to write, don’t hesitate to let me know! Please send requests to my ask, which you can find here!
Your feet scraped on the ground as you were dragged through the dimly lit corridors by two men that were insanely well built. You tried your hardest to focus on where exactly they were taking you- to give yourself some sort of mental map of the maze-like halls of this underground base. But you couldn’t. Your head was hurting way too much for that, and despite all your hours of training, all that was really dominating your mind in that moment was how much pain you were in. Apparently, not even all the fancy SHIELD training in the world could help you ignore the pain that came from being punched repeatedly in the face.
The sound of a distant creak reached your ears as the guards beside you roughly grasped your sore upper arms, forcing you to come to a very sudden stop. “What’s happening?” You weakly mumbled almost immediately, obviously not expecting an actual answer. All that you’d heard from these guys since they’d caught you the day before was increasingly aggressive demands for information about your mission and SHIELD in general, and of course, very violent threats to both your own life, and the life of your partner.
You were proved right as you received absolutely no verbal response. Instead, you were merely thrown forwards, hitting the cold ground before you with a violent thud. Sharp and searing pain radiated throughout your whole body as you forced yourself to bite back any cries of pain, scrunching your right hand up into a fist to try and help you cope.
“Nice to see they’re being hospitable.” A familiar female voice reached your ears soon afterwards, causing your pain to momentarily be replaced with relief.
Natasha was safe.
As the sound of a metal door slamming shut reached your ears, informing you that you were once again locked back up in the dismal holding cell, you weakly rolled over and pushed yourself up, deciding to settle for just sitting partly upright when your tired legs protested too much at the idea of physically standing up. “Yup. Made me feel very welcome,” you mumbled quietly as your vision finally focussed and adjusted to the light in the room, leading you to soon move your head in the direction Natasha’s voice had come from.
There she was. Thankfully, as far as you could see, the redhead seemed completely unharmed. God, you’d been borderline out of your mind with concerned that they’d try and get answers out of her whilst they’d been ‘interrogating you’. Whilst you of course, knew that she could handle such things, the image of her being physically hurt understandably caused you great distress.
A brief look of concern momentarily brushed over the expression of the Avenger as she met your gaze, with Nat soon making her way to your side, easily kneeling down beside you. “Jeez, what did they do to you, Y/N?” The two of you had spent a fair amount of time together now, but this clear tone of concern was genuinely new. Not that Nat had never allowed herself to express a softer side towards you, because she almost certainly had done, but this just a new level. Apparently, they really had hurt you. Given the pain you were in, that fact didn’t surprise you in the slightest.
“Mostly punching, I think. I… I’m not gonna lie, I kinda lost count after a while,” you admitted truthfully. Had it been anyone else in that room with you, you 100% knew you wouldn’t have been so open, out of fear of how you would be perceived. But this was Nat. Nat, who somehow always provided you with a strong sense of safety and made you feel incredibly comfortable being your real self around. Whether it was the same for her, you weren’t entirely sure, but you liked to think so.
You were brought out of your thoughts soon afterwards by another thing that caught you off-guard. Nat soon allowed her partly gloved hand to lightly settle on the left side of your face. You winced at first due to the pain but didn’t outright protest. It was an oddly comforting gesture. It was an oddly comforting gesture, a very nice and welcome contrast to the violence you’d suffered mere moments before.
After allowing her hand to linger there for a few moments, Natasha proceeded to very gently apply pressure, causing your head to lightly tilt to the side. That was when you figured out exactly what she was doing. She was trying to get a better look at your injuries.
“Nothing looks too deep, so you should be okay. When we get out of here though, you’d better promise me that you’ll get this looked at by a medic,” Nat spoke, her words being quiet to ensure that you were the only one that would hear her. You forced yourself to give a small smile, not wanting to nod and break out of the comforting touch of your partner.
“Yes, Doctor Romanoff,” you couldn’t help but softly remark in your best attempt at a playful tone. You just badly wanted something to lighten the mood. Your efforts were soon rewarded, as a small scoff of amusement came from Natasha, the soft sound causing your heart rate to pick up for something positive for the first time since you’d been brought here.
“Glad someone’s appreciating my skills,” Nat countered. “Just give me your word that you’ll get it treated, okay, Y/N? I don’t like the idea of something serious happening to one of the few people I trust to have my back.” Once again, you were somewhat caught off-guard by her words, allowing yourself a few moments to process the compliment, which was possibly one of the most meaningful you’d ever received, before you responded.
“I promise, Nat.” Your words were quiet but sincere, as you focused your gaze on her eyes. If you weren’t concerned about making her uncomfortable with sentimentality, or rushing things and ruining your relationship, you would have taken that moment to reassure her that you had absolutely no plans of making her lose you in the near future. Meeting this woman was, quite frankly, one of the best things that had ever happened to you, you had no plans of tossing that aside.
So, instead, you decided to once again make a light-hearted comment, to lighten the mood once more, before you would presumably start discussing how you were going to get the hell out of here. “You know, if I didn’t know you better by now, I’d think that this concern meant that you loved me.”
You watched as a somewhat coy smile soon formed on Nat’s expression. “Maybe I do,” she responded.
Your brain repeated those three words in a frantic manner, not being too sure how to respond to that. Hell, you didn’t even know if she was being serious. But if she was… Your heart rate once again slightly spiked at the idea, making you feel almost like a cliché character in a romantic novel.
You struggled for words for a few moments, something that you presumed showed on your expression, as you heard Nat give another small noise of amusement. Should you say it back? Would that make it seem insincere? Would that make her uncomfortable to outright state it? Thankfully, your rambling mind was soon given something to bring it back down to reality as Natasha proceeded to speak once more, her hand slowly coming away from the side of your face as she did so.
“Anyway, I’ve been thinking, and I think I’ve come up with something to get us out of here. I managed to get started on it whilst you were-” the red head began. However, she was very abruptly cut off, as the metal door suddenly swung open with a bang, and a man walked through that you vaguely recognised. You had absolutely no idea what his name was, but he was the man that had been doing most of the questioning during your interrogation. A deep-buried sense of nausea and fear formed in your stomach as the peaceful bubble Natasha’s presence had created for you was instantly shattered. What did this guy want now?
“My men and I are growing tired of getting nowhere. We’ve informed your beloved SHIELD that we have you, and what the consequences will be if they don’t pay the ransom we’ve stated.” No need to ask what those consequences would be. Your earlier conversation with these guys had given you a clear enough picture of how they liked to deal with people. Your stomach only dropped further as the man soon brought his attention over to Natasha, gesturing to his men with a simple hand gesture. As two soldiers began to make their way over to her, panic raced through you.
No. No. They were not going to hurt her like they’d done with you.
As they grabbed Nat’s arms, you quickly shot up onto your feet, earning you the attention of everyone in the small cell. Trying to ignore the sharp pain that was once again racing through you as a result of your sudden movement, you immediately spoke.
“Wait. I might have known more than I let on. I’m the one you want to speak to.” Of course, you were lying. Besides, even if you did know anything important about SHIELD and why you’d been sent here, you’d rather die than share it with these guys. But they didn’t need to know that. All you would have to do was ramble on about nothing and endure whatever they did to you until Nat was able to spring herself free.
“Y/N,” Natasha began, but she didn’t get much of a chance to finish her thought as the supposed boss shot her an aggressive look indicating that he wanted her to shut up.
The boss took a few steps towards you, studying you for a few moments. You weren’t entirely sure what exactly was running through his mind as he did so. Was he trying to figure out if you were being sincere about your claims that you knew more than you claimed? Was he trying to physically assess your weak points? You weren’t sure, but you refused to look away from him as he did so. This strange studying lasted for a few moments, before he turned back to his guards, and gestured with his head in your direction.
It was almost familiar at this point, the sensation of those insanely well-built men grasping your upper arms. “You’d better be telling the truth. Or your girlfriend will suffer for it, understood?” The boss spat at you, causing you to give a weak nod. As they went to lead you out the room, you brought your attention to Natasha, not entirely sure how to communicate in a simple glance that this was part of some complicated plan to buy her time to get you both to safety. But you were certain that she’d caught on to what you had in mind. Natasha had been doing this job far longer than you had, after all.
Unfortunately, though, you didn’t get to hold her gaze for long, as the guards quickly dragged you back out into the corridor. As you were once again stopped whilst the door was locked behind you, you couldn’t stop yourself from glancing back at Natasha through the small window at the top of the door, giving her a weak smile as you did so. That was supposed to be some sort of comfort, a promise that you were going to be okay. You knew you couldn’t really guarantee that, given what was going on, but you wanted to try and give her some sort of reassurance.
With that, you were soon dragged off, back into the cold, dark maze of this underground facility, with only one goal in your mind.
You were going to buy her time to get you both free. And when you were both free? You were going to tell her you loved her too.
AN: And I’m going to end it there! Thank you so much for reading this! I hope you enjoyed it! Don’t hesitate to send requests in, if you would like me to write something for you! Hope you’re having a good day, and I’ll see you all next time!
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vacantwatchers · 6 years
Get to know me
Rules: answer 30 questions and tag 20 blogs you’d like to know better.
I'm probably going to be short a couple because I'm so bad at remembering names but here goes nothing: @whichwayisthebeach-seabass @tellthemall-i-saidhi @noelifenow @sunflowersdaisies @itsrachel9706 @sociallyawkwardfoxwriter @mitchie-is-on-ice @demonboymadej @kieren-fucking-walker @heyheybucko @aroaminghedgehog @bforbeatrice @poursomesugarzombie @coolghostdude @dlrk-gently @solaris-boy @miss-macca @irresponsible-masochist @taylortut
I was tagged by: @callmemab
Nickname(s): Messiah, Latté, Tay, Catdog, whatever Birdy decides to call me, Tay-tor Tot, Tazer.
Gender: Female
Zodiac: Libra
Height: 5'3 there abouts
Age: 21 (22 in 16 days)
Time: 5:41pm as I write this.
Favourite bands/solo artists: Really feeling Tiny Meat Gang, Madness, Last Dinosaurs, Metronomy, Two Door Cinema Club, Glass Houses, The Killers, She Wants Revenge, The Cure, Paramore.
Song Stuck in My Head: My Immortal. I just randomly got the chorus stuck in my head after years of not hearing that song so I'm listening to it as I type this.
Last movie I saw: Fuck what was it? I want to say The Mummy.
Last show I saw: Elementary.
Last thing I googled: "when you cried i'd wipe away all of your tears lyrics"
Other blogs: nope.
Do I get asks?: Pretty rarely, mostly whenever there's discourse with Bea and someone is chipping in 😂
Why I chose my username: I wanted so badly to have the word vacancies in there and just made up the rest (it's also why my ao3 has vacancies, it's just a cool word).
Following: A pretty even mixbag of Boosh/British shows, Dirk Gently, Buzzfeed Unsolved and MCU with some random shit thrown in.
Average amount of sleep: Uh, anywhere from 5-11 hours.
Lucky number: 8.
What I'm wearing: Orange long sleeve that says Amnesia on the front with a cool back print and black jeans.
Dream job: High School teacher is predominant otherwise I really wanted to work in a video store. But. You know why I can't do that now.
Dream trip: Some UK/Euro trip.
Favourite food: Salmon Volcano roll from Sushi Train. God that's fucking so good. Or Salmon Aburi, also from Sushi Train.
Play an instrument: Other than the recorder absolutely not. I am so bad at instruments I wasn't even allowed to help tune the drums in Sound Engineering because I couldn't keep time.
Nationality: Australian (Portuguese Australian?)
Favourite songs: Oh Loretta! by Sex On Toast, Dancin (ft. Luvli) - Krono Remix by Aaron Smith, IFYB by Tiny Meat Gang, Disintegration by Jimmy Eat World, This Heart Attack by Faker, Live To Party by Jonas Brothers, The Bay by Metronomy, Ain't It Fun by Paramore, Cemetery Drive by My Chemical Romance.
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