#foo fighters lyrics
oldinterneticons · 2 months
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what if i say that i'll never surrender?
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bethorz · 2 months
There are people on the Foo Fighters subreddit who hate Chris on the absolutely unhinged premise that basically every song he’s ever written has been criticizing Dave and Taylor over their fake love affair that apparently has been non-stop since the moment they met. Imagine thinking a whole ass human with his own life experiences, and lyrics that are obviously so personal and honest, is actually just been dunking on his bandmates (who he has never had anything but good things to say about) because he’s an ungrateful homophobe or something? That this dude who fully broke down in an interview when he just broached the subject of the day Taylor died, has used his solo music to take more swipes at Taylor even after he died. All this based on complete batshit logic that certain extremely common words or phrases or themes MUST be about their specific fanfic narrative.
Stuff like suggesting a song like Overboard obviously a sweet “middle aged” love song for his wife (and he has described it as such), is somehow sinister or calling someone out because it mentions “hiding”. Sounds maybe a little compelling if you say it like that. Except the full line “we can pull the blinds/leave the world behind/i know you like to hide from the daylight” paints such a sweet picture with the rest of the context of song, which is pretty damn clear. Obviously they have never once listened to Chris talk about his songwriting process and make wild assumptions because they don’t actually give a shit about him, he’s just a tool in their narrative. Just like Dave and Taylor really, they don’t care about their actual lived experiences they’ve talked about, their families, their real life relationship with other people or each other… just their own narrative that ignores any inconvenient facts.
They hijack every damn thread about interviews, songwriting or live performances with this stuff, while being condescending to anyone who has a different take because “only they understand”
Like we all have head canons, but have some cognizance of the fact you don’t actually know these people. Keep it to AO3, and when you start giving real people the Skyler White treatment (ie unfair villainization) based on pure speculation maybe go touch some grass
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itscauseimbatman · 9 months
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deathgamegirl · 6 months
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Dear God, I've sealed my fate— running through Hell, Heaven can wait!
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aplacetocrash · 1 month
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honey-bri-books · 1 year
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"If you walk out on me..."
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"...I'm walking after you."
Walking After You ~ The Foo Fighters
This movie brought back so many songs from my high school days, for some reason. It's been awesome!
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Foo Fighters - Times Like These (Official HD Video)
I. I'm a one-way motorway
I ...I'm the one that drives away
Then follows you back home
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I, I'm a street light shining
I'm a wild light blinding bright
Burning off and on
It's times like these you learn to live again
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It's times like these you give and give again
It's times like these you learn to love again
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It's times like these time and time again
I, I'm a new day rising
I'm a brand new sky
To hang the stars upon tonight
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I am a little divided
Do I stay or run away
And leave it all behind?
It's times like these you learn to live again
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It's times like these you give and give again
It's times like these you learn to love again
It's times like these time and time again
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Happy Monday
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jarofalicesgrunge · 6 months
Visiting is pretty
Visiting is good
Seems that all they ever wanted was a brother
This can be a secret
We can keep it good
Even all they ever wanted had a problem
This is a call to all my
Past resignations
This is a call to all……
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oldinterneticons · 3 months
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why'd you have to go and let it die?
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handsfreelyrics · 2 months
Foo Fighters - Monkey Wrench (Lyrics)
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itscauseimbatman · 9 months
A million miles away
Your signal in the distance
To whom it may concern
I think I lost my way
Getting good at starting over
Every time that I return
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overthinkingalchemist · 3 months
In Your Honor: Heartbreak Storytelling
"It's an album that appears to be telling a narrative: the story of a broken-hearted protagonist trying to navigate his confusing feelings in a lopsided relationship. Be it unrequited love or a toxic relationship, he struggles to get over this fractured connection that brings him anxiety and pain."
In Your Honor is, at first glance, your standard affair when it comes to Foo Fighters albums. Songs that speak in broad terms about feelings in relationships, with catchy guitar melodies, describe essentially the entire band’s discography. However, going back to it after the release of But Here We Are, an album with clear strong overarching themes of grief, made me appreciate the progression of emotions evoked in each of the songs a lot more. Particularly interesting is the fact that In Your Honor, in its first disc, seems to also have an overarching theme. It’s an album that appears to be telling a narrative: the story of a broken-hearted protagonist trying to navigate his confusing feelings in a lopsided relationship. Be it unrequited love or a toxic relationship, he struggles to get over this fractured connection that brings him anxiety and pain.
It all starts with the eponymous first track, In Your Honor — and it starts with the description of complete and utter devotion of the speaker towards this other party. And I mean some truly rock-bottom stuff; our guy is willing to outright DIE for them. There are no boundaries. As it is said in the lyrics “mine is your and yours is mine, there is no divide”. The protagonist doesn’t know who he is apart from the object of his devotion and he’s screaming towards the skies for anyone who’ll listen. Such is the emotional weight, that his life doesn’t matter apart from them.
“I will sacrifice In your honor, I would die tonight For you to feel alive”
No Way Back follows closely on the same track, but with a new sense of urgency. Maybe a bit of insecurity has creeped in, and now we’re looking for reassurance. Living in his head, pleading for a sign that he’s not fighting for nothing, he wants a response and some recognition for his love.
“I'm dying for truth Make me believe No more left and right, come on, take my side I'm fighting for you, I'm fighting for you”
It’s despair fueled by the thought that maybe things aren’t what they seemed to him. But the speaker has gone too far into his devotion, and he now knows it, but he’s still trying to bargain and get his acknowledgement. He is “breaking things” he “can’t repair”, because... well, there’s no way back from loving this person. The feelings are here and at full force, consuming his thoughts, in a borderline pathological sense.
Now, before paying close attention to the lyrics, the transition to Best of You can be a bit strange. At least sonically, it can feel like the album would flow better by going straight into DOA. But of course, in this narrative that we’re piecing together, there’s no better time for Best of You to come into play. This absolute ANTHEM represents the point of realization, where the protagonist comes to understand the one-sided nature of his love. And this realization is very much in everyone’s faces, as the first verse starts with a “confession” of how far they’ve fallen. In this moment of lucidity, there comes a want to break away from the chains that bind him to this unhealthy attachment. The protagonist feels like a fool, stuck between “life or death” — which is understandable after investing so much into something and getting your hopes suddenly swept off your feet. Seeing through the cracks, he wants to make an effort to regain his agency in life, validate his feelings, and heal. He uses chains, ropes, and death as analogies for the weight of his feelings, as he declares that this pain is a very real pain. And it is. Whether his agony is brought by his own doing as he obsesses over an unrequited love and feels hurt for being unwanted, or by being put-down by a toxic relationship, his feelings are real and need to be validated before he can go on a path of healing. It’s very appropriate for Best of You to be the most popular song from the album, as it perfectly encapsulates its feelings and conflict as a whole, bringing an intense and emotionally charged basis for it to build upon.
"He uses chains, ropes, and death as analogies for the weight of his feelings, as he declares that this pain is a very real pain. And it is."
DOA is a breaking point. Lover-guy has had it of his suffering and wants to tell everyone that he will move on. Imbued with some false confidence, even the song adopts a relatively fun, playful sound to represent this façade of a nonchalant attitude. But on top of that, a lot of aggression seeps in, as the protagonist antagonizes the other party (perhaps to make it easier to justify his feelings of hurt). After seeing through his situation, he regains a bit of his power, as he recognizes that he fell from grace, knows he must get out of this mental space and feels great for already taking the first steps to get away from it. And he does so by severing his ties to his love as best as he can for now.
“I'm finished, I'm getting you off my chest, made you come clean in a dirty dress” - Verse 2
“Take a good hard look for the very last time The very last one in a very long line Only took a second to say goodbye Been a pleasure, but the pleasure's been mine, all mine” -Verse 3
The following three songs seem to put the speaker in an anxious thought loop; they are a little chronologically disconnected, as if he is going back and forth on his thoughts as he tries to reframe his feelings, but he ends up getting caught further in them. The first one in the sequence is Hell, where the protagonist adopts an extremely cynical view on the relationship: “I’ll be right there, the buzz inside your head […] see you in hell”. Hell frames his experience as a toxic battle; the two parties in the relationship don’t want to break away from each other (he is still in their “spell”, after all), but the flame between them isn’t passion, but a burning hellscape.
The Last Song is as straightforward — if not more — as Hell. This time it’s about a clear desire to break off from this person. The interactions are too conflictive and out of sync to handle (maybe that’s the hellscape we’ve been described before), so the protagonist is swearing to not speak of them again, as this is “the last song” about them. This might not be true because, even here, he says that they only “pretend it doesn’t matter”. It’s not easy; there are still feelings that bind. And this is further explored in Free Me, where the lyrics seem to evoke all the bad feelings and triggers that this rupture brings them. Their problems unresolved, unspoken, as the hurt buried deep within isn’t convenient to handle or bring up. Now is the time the protagonist screams at the top of his voice his desire to be free, to break the chains that he’s seen since Best of You. And he suggests that the other party should do the same.
“All of the words that we dare never speak All of our ghosts and the secrets we keep Gather them all, and we'll bury them deep Like a safe full of sorrow” -Verse 1
“Can you free what's keeping you? Well, I need somebody to” -Post-chorus
After what is essentially the climax of his anxiety and anguish, the speaker finally sees some relief and solace, softening up and looking back on his experiences in a more positive light in Resolve. Adopting perhaps a more mature outlook after some time and distance has been put from the relationship, the protagonist reflects on his past and reframes his experiences as part of life. The good, the bad... it was all necessary for his growth. He fully understands and accepts where he stands at this moment, which isn’t to say he is “through” everything; a part of him still wishes things were easier and it still hurts to distance himself from something that he was so attached to and that he used to wish worked differently, but he is wiser from it and is finally ready to move forward. Still, he looks for that resolve to keep going and learn to be himself again.
“Looking back to find my way never seemed so hard Yesterday's been laid to rest, changing of the guard I would never change a thing even if I could All the songs we used to sing, everything was good”
The Deepest Blues Are Black paints one of the most beautiful visual analogies from the Foo Fighters. The protagonist reflects on the lost love; perhaps some reconciliation happened, or the person still occupies some space on his mind. Either way, a bittersweet wave of feelings floods his thoughts. It’s undeniable that he loves or loved this person, even after all the pain and resentment he felt, so thinking about what could have been stings. And whenever he feels this person’s warmth, the qualities he admires and their seductive features, he compares those to the vast alluring blue sea. But just like the beauty of the sea, the bitter nostalgia and the overwhelming amounts of jealousy brought by those feelings can shroud him in darkness — and drown him — if he goes too deep. He thinks about how his loved one can easily seduce someone and move on from him, and it eats at him to think about how they’re with someone else. Even if it couldn’t, wouldn’t, didn’t work between them… it sucks.
“Shame on you, seducing everyone You faded jewel, you diamond in the rough You don't have to tell me, I know where you've been Shining once again” - Verse 1
“The deeper the blues, the more I see black Sweeter the bruise, the feeling starts coming back All the deepest blues are black” - Chorus
And finally, End Over End is the way out. The album’s closer hits with a subtle confidence; its soundscape brings a calm but firm resolve. End Over End is hope. Hope to rise again amongst the good memories. Taking what’s good, leaving what holds you back, learning, and evolving from the pain. A new beginning is due, but renewal comes with change, time, and distance. As the experiences mold the protagonist into someone new, and hopefully better, he reflects on how he’s older and “worn” out. Marked from the past, but eager for the future.
“I'm a revolvin' door I've seen it all before I will begin again But I can't start until I've seen the end” - Verse 1
“I’m feeling out of luck Maybe I just feel too much That old familiar touch Will always sting my skin” -Verse 3
End Over End gives the album a sense of finality and renewal. The protagonist understands that there is a possibility to move on and rebuild himself if he lets time do its thing and hangs onto hope. This isn’t an ending per se; as the title itself suggests, life is a cycle of cycles. Ups and downs have taught him everything that makes him who he is. With his new sense of self, the protagonist can now keep looking for his place and his happiness — and the Foo Fighters can keep evolving and trying new things and new stories. But after all he's been through and survived… I think he’ll be ok.
“The good in everyone The ties we've left undone The heart that moves your blood All the things that bring me right back here” -Verse 3
Now, whether the band actually thought of weaving this continuous narrative at any point during production is an unknown. It is possible that they had entirely different experiences in their heads while writing this, and just as is the beauty of art, the open-ended nature of their lyrics can always evoke different feelings on the listener. So, have no worries, this isn’t me trying to decipher any “true” meanings, but rather explore a specific way to listen to and experience the album.
To be the eternally in love person, wallowing in their fantasies of heartbreak mixed with what could have been… it’s tacky, but I’d be lying if I said I don’t romanticize some pathological passion. To feel like something means so much that it consumes you and transforms you into someone new and evolved is an immensely powerful feeling that can, in a way, sum up what it is to truly live. To dream, to be vulnerable, to be disappointed, to be hurt, to change and grow; all of those are moments that can cause pain but remind us of our humanity. And maybe there aren’t many that could capture this with the needed intensity as well as the Foo Fighters.
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This right here, this right here is how much Aurora and Taylor have become one with my body and soul.
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I had been wanting those lyrics forever. Forever. Forever. Forever-ever. Forever-ever. Foreva-eva. After Taylor passed I wanted a tribute tattoo, but wasn't exactly sure. I waited and thought and thought. It finally hit me the last week of September 2023.
Out of the 50 bazillion tattoos I have, this one is my hands down favorite. And I do have other Foo Fighters tattoos, mayyyybe plan on getting more?
Let's see how things develop. Anyhow if you want to see all of my tattoos, reply to this! Or at the least drop a heart.
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dreamhousecafe · 11 months
Breathe out, so I can breathe you in.
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Foo Fighters - Rescued
(Lyric Video)
Kings and Queens and In-Betweens - They are back. The first release of the Foo Fighters after the death of drummer Taylor Hawkins and it kicks ass. Dave Grohl's vocals forcefully pushed forward in his unique style, pleading, spreading hope for change it what could very well become a hymn of our times. He is driven by the powerful rock'n'roll sound of his bandmates in their seemingly relaxed, yet highly complex music. Who is on drums is not disclosed but the artfully executed, complex and inspired drumlines are certainly a highlight of this song.
From the album "But Here We Are" out June 2nd 2023.
Olive approves.
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swooshywoo · 3 months
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