#football alphabet
theresonly1u · 2 months
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There's Only One You 2024: a sports rpf short fanworks prompt meme is live!
262 fanworks in 12 different sports rpf fandoms. Check out the works and the fandoms and grab a cup of coffee 'cause it's just banger after banger across fandoms!
Thank you everyone for your hard work in making this another wonderful year! It is a joy to do this with you again. Your enthusiasm and joie de vivre make all the logistical stuff worthwhile.
Creators - make sure you update the posting date on your works to today so it appears at the top of the tag, especially if you posted weeks ago! Your names will be revealed on Monday, April 8 between 9am-10am pt (unless your work is also in anonymous collection.)
Everyone - if you enjoyed a work, slam that kudos button and leave a comment! Short works do not get nearly enough attention in fandom and these creators worked hard - let them know what you loved about their work! And I'll emphasize that doubly for the podficcers, artists, and fanmixers here, because those are also creators that don't see a lot of praise even beyond short fics. tl;dr: kudos + comment if you liked it!
Thank you all!! Settle in for a good weekend because we've got a lot to enjoy here 🌞
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fallinforerling · 9 months
Pls pls do relationship alphabet w Jude
fluff alphabet | jude bellingham
a = affection + activities (how affectionate is he? how does he show affection?/ how does he spend his free time with you?)
he’s a little koala bear from all you know
there’s not a moment while you’re together where he isn’t hugging, kissing, or just resting some of his body weight on you
his favorite way of showing affection is rather kissing you to oblivion or just playing with your hair
he loves to take you on long walks where you talk about everything that comes to mind
if you’re not on a walk with him, you’re probably playing games or at the gym (he tricked you into going)
b = beauty - what does he admire about you? what does he think is beautiful about you?
he loves your waist
there’s something about how it looks on the slim tight dresses or workout clothes that make him go crazy
he also adores your neck
but apart from it, he also loves your laugh
so he makes it his personal mission to make you laugh (and that means a real laugh) most of the time you’re with him
it comes to the point where you’re ugly laughing at the most inconvenient times and places
c = cuddles + comfort (does he like to cuddle? how would he cuddle you?/how would he help you when you’re feeling down?)
since he likes hugs, he def loves cuddles
he likes to be the big spoon, so he can be able to kiss your neck or bury his face on your hair as long as he wants
and ever since you felt comfortable enough to not use a bra around, he puts his hands up your shirt, embracing your breasts in a very non-sexual way that makes you giggle
every time he sees the tiniest of grimaces on your face, he hurries to make you your favorite drink, interrogating you to no end until you are pouring everything from your chest
his advices are always the best part
he’s a great support when you’re feeling down
d = domestic + dreams (does he want to settle down? how does he picture their future together?)
he hasn’t tell you yet, but he def daydreams about a house with two kids running around in a couple of years
it hasn’t been a day since you two started dating were he doesn’t picture you being his longtime partner
there’s no one like you for him
he can’t wait to stay up taking care of the kids, or coming home and being welcomed by the result of the love you have for each other
it’s cheesy, but his goal is being the next messi and antonella of football
e = equal (is he the dominant one in the relationship, or rather passive?)
he’s very dominant, but he only shows it more when you’re in the bedroom
in your daily life, there’s no such thing as a loud tone or something that might be disrespectful towards you
f = fiancé (how does he feel about commitment? how quick would he want to get married?)
as i said, this guy is having 24/7 dreams about making you his wife
he won’t say the word “proposing” in front of you, fearing that he might spoil it for you
he secretly spies on your taste in jewelry and bribes your bestfriend to tell him which type of engagement ring you prefer
if everything goes according to his plans, you will be mrs. bellingham in three years
g = gentle + gratitude (how gentle is he, both physically and emotionally?/ how grateful is he; is he aware of everything you do for him?)
he’s the most gentle soul you’d ever met
he treats you with such care that you catched yourself more than enough times tearing up a bit
he’s very aware of the beautiful connection you two have, and tries his best to keep it as healthy as possible
he knows how much you care about him, about the two of you
he’s aware that despite you having your own life and a strict job, you’re still giving your best, supporting him even though his work makes him travel and move very often
he couldn’t ask for someone better
h = honesty (does he have secrets he hides from you? or does he share everything?)
he only hides his embarrassing secrets from his early teen years
jobe tells you everything nonetheless
you are both very open and honest with each other, knowing how communication is key for any relationship
the only secret he keeps from you is how badly obsessed he is with you (he’s failing)
i = i love you (how fast did he said the L-word?
he knew it way before saying it, he just couldn’t jump right in and tell you, that could’ve been a bit scary for you
you were just the perfect girl, every little thing you did made him think again about how much he was starting to love you
but even he, with a good amount of willpower and self control, couldn't help the words slipping out his mouth one random night at his place
you were both shocked and happy, kissing him senseless until his toes curled
he didn’t doubted you felt the same
j = jealousy (how jealous does he get, does he get jealous easily? how does he deal with it? what does he do when he’s jealous?)
as much as he tries to be the bigger person, he can’t help to get jealous from time to time
and it has nothing to do with you, but more with the fact that you’re so gorgeous, it’s inevitable for other guys to stare at you longer that he would like
he mostly smirks at them, knowing they can look all they want, but you’re his, and his only
but just to make it clear, his hands stay on your waist, your neck or thighs, his lips leaving kisses that last longer than usual
you know, just to make sure they get the message
k = kisses (what are his kisses like? where does he like to kiss you? how was your first kiss like?)
his kisses always feel like the last one he’s giving you
his hands are always holding your jaw or neck, making you smirk against his lips
he loves to kiss your hand anytime you meet, it’s a little inside joke about englishman manners
he’s also addicted to the way the skin of your shoulders feel against his lips
your first kiss was as consuming as the others that followed. there hasn’t been a kiss between you two were you didn’t felt the butterflies on your stomach
you often feel like you’re still on the honeymoon phase
l = love language (what’s his love language? is it compatible with yours?)
he’s all in for physical touch
he just loves to know you’re always at arms length, it relaxes him
and you love it as much as he does
you usually catch yourself reaching to touch him without even looking at his direction, smiling when your hand touches the warmth of his body
yes, you’re that annoying couple that is hugging all the time in public, so what?
m = morning (how are mornings spent with him? what’s your morning routing like?)
he usually wakes up way earlier than you
but ever since you started living together, you slowly adapted to his sleep schedule, making it impossible for you to be on bed past 9
on days where he needs to be up before the sun rises, you drag yourself away from the covers, happy to enjoy a cup of tea before he leaves the house
besides his work days, you’re both working on sleeping in from time to time and enjoy a good breakfast in bed
the mornings are peaceful and quiet, comfortable in the silence of your bedroom while you finish waking up
n = nicknames (what does he call you?)
he’s good at making up disgustingly cheesy nicknames to call you in public
he loves to see how your cheeks get redder by the second while other people stare with raised eyebrows at things like “my honey plum” or “cutie patootie”
besides that, he sticks to “love” or “darling”, knowing how much you like his accent when he says those
o = on cloud nine (what is he like when he’s in love? is it obvious for others? how does he express his feelings?)
oh, he’s obvious, there’s no way of denying that
he kept smiling at his phone, even when he wasn’t texting you, because when he wasn’t, he was staring at a photo of you
he still does that two years later
all of his friends and family noticed the changes, wondering who was the person that was making him all giddy
when he had you around his friends, wanting to keep his feeling a secret for a bit longer, he still managed to be transparent
he couldn’t stop hugging your waist or playing with your hair while listening to you or chatting with someone else
even when he was still denying his true feelings, he kept giving you flowers, sending you meals from your favorite restaurants while at work or just sending a car to pick you up
p = pda (is he upfront about your relationship? does he brag about you with others? or he rather shy to kiss, etc. when others are watching?)
he’s open about anything that has to do about you; if it is about bragging, jude bellingham will be the first one to do so
he’s so proud of you, and even more about having you as his girlfriend
he talks non-stop about your job, your talents, your hobbies, the way you laugh or even how beautiful your hair looks in the mornings
he also loves to soft-lauch you from time to time on insta, driving his fans absolutely insane, which leads to them tryin to figure out who you are
he also loves pda, and he’s not shy about how much he loves you
there’s nothing in the world that will stop that man from kissing you in public
q = quizzes (how many little things does he remember about you?)
he has a game with himself about how many times he can guess what are you going to say next
he’s so enamored with you that he has memorized all the gestures you make and what they mean
it gets to the point where you can’t hide your real thoughts about anything
he also annoys you (in a very good way) with how often he gets to imitate you to perfection
r = romance ( how romantic is he? what would he do to make you happy? what is your favourite moment in your relationship?)
he’s a romantic at heart, even if he likes to deny it
and it’s also the little things that proves your point: from having a tiny pack of your favorite snack on his pocket to the way he has your coffee order memorized
he also loves to gift you things that aren’t that expensive, but actually mean a lot to your relationship in general, making you know that he pays attention
to this time, you can’t erase from your mind that time when he gifted you a handmade book with photos and little stories about every single day you had spent together. it’s your most beloved possession
you still can’t figure out how did he managed to take photos for about a year and a half and remember silly details to put below them
s = security + support (how protective is he? is he helping you achieve your goals?)
he likes to make sure you’re okay
he’s always by your side, especially in occasions were he knows you don’t feel the most comfortable in
he also knows how much of an independent person you are, so he backs up whenever he feels like he’s crossing a boundary
but he also likes to help you just a bit when it comes to a goal you had set for yourself
t = try (how much effort would he put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
the perfect example of how much he cares about special dates it’s the handmade book
he also fights to outdo himself every time a big celebration comes around
you’re not into big expensive gifts, but you love jewelry and he knows it
he thinks hard about which one can be the perfect addition to your little collection of rings and necklaces
and the same effort he puts into giving you the best celebrations possible, he also makes his best to make your life together healthy and happy
there’s unspoken rules you have at home, and different chores each one do, and he’s more than eager to do them next to you every sunday
u = understanding (how well does he know you? is he empathetic?)
as i said, he knows you like the palm of his hand
there’s not a single expression or tone in your voice that he doesn’t know
he loves to surprise you with things you were already thinking of getting
he also understands you better than anyone else, finding more than enough to look into your eyes to know if you’re needing some time alone or a good hug
he’s your best friend, after all
v = value (how important is the relationship to him? what is it worth in comparison to other things in his life?)
you’re his top priority
he doesn’t play around when it comes to you and your relationship
he likes to give little hints about how soon you’re becoming an official member of the family, so for him, you’re already in the same place as his parents or his brother
although he loves football and couldn’t ask for a better thing, he loves you more, but the sport and you are in different schemes of his life
he’s always going to choose you
w = whole (would he feel incomplete without you?)
there’s been times when he had to travel for extended periods of time without and it’s been hell
he doesn’t consider himself needy nor attached in an unhealthy way, but god, he really loves you
he just prefers to have you close to him, and there’s nothing wrong with it, he’s just in love
x - xtra (a random fluff headcanon)
in times of stress, he braids your hair
yes, it’s very uncommon and he doesn’t even know where he learn to braid hair, but he does and you find it amusing
but you’re fine with it, so you let him be
it has come to the point where he looks through pinterest for new things to try every time a big game or important interview comes around the corner
he made you keep it a secret between you two
you just laugh it off
y = yearning (how would he cope when he’s missing you?)
it’s difficult for him due to the little time you actually spent apart. if there’s the possibility to avoid it, he’ll take it
but when it’s absolutely necessary, he takes pieces of you with him
like your favorite shirt to use around the house (which was once his)
he also grabs the well-used hairband to put around his wrist during games
and his lockscreen, which is a photo of you, next to a countdown of how many days he has left until he sees you again
z = zeal (is he willing to go to great lengths for the relationship? if so, what kind of?)
he’s willing to burn down a city if necessary
he knows how much you had sacrificed for the relationship, especially since moving with him to spain
he is totally fine with doing the same if the opportunity calls at your door
he wants the best for you, and he’s going to take every opportunity to make it happen
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footballerimaginess · 7 months
Fluff Alphabet | Jude Bellingham
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Halloween fluff alphabet Jude Bellingham This took me so long, please reblog and comment on it and I will do more fluff alphabets. Hope you like it!! Word Count: 2,300 AUTUMN - Autumn was your favourite time of the year, you loved the cold weather and getting to curl up on the sofa with a good book, a hot chocolate in your hands. With Jude laying beside you as you cuddled up whilst he was watching TV. BLACK CATS - "You know black cats are unlucky if you see them" you told him as you were watching the tv show which had black cats in. "Is it? I thought that was a joke"he laughed. "Well I'm pretty sure it is, unless I made it up" shrugging away. "No it is true, just googled it. It is unlucky, so let's not get us a black cat. I don't fancy being unlucky"
COSTUMES - You and Jude were invited to the local Halloween party, you wanted to have matching costumes with Jude. You decided you would dress up as the characters from IT. "You look amazing, we do make a good team. Look kind of sexy you know" you blushed under your red face paint. "Judeeeee, shhh" you let out a giggle as you walked into the party with all eyes turned to face you. DARKNESS - You hated the darkness, you were always so scared of it especially at night time when you were going to sleep. You always had to have a light on or having a gap in the curtains open so you could have some sort of light coming in which Jude usually disliked. "Jude it's so dark in here, please have a bit of light in here" you sighed as you made Jude turn the lights on. "Are you expecting the monsters to come in at night, I can protect you" Jude wrapped his arms around your waist as you breathed in his aftershave. EYEBALLS - You were in the mood for pranking Jude, you had created some fake eyeballs after finding an amazing tutorial on how you do it. "These eyeballs are disgusting" you grimaced as you put them in his coat pocket. "So ready to go out?" he asked as you slipped your shoes on as he put his hand in his coat pocket. "What the fuck?- no I'm gonna be sick is that slime. AN EYEBALL??! you are for it you know, wipe that smirk off of your face" you laughed as he held the eyeball in his hand. "Oh am I? like my masterpiece I made these and you'll find them all around the house" you teased. "You better not have put one in my shoe" you shrugged. "Have to find out won't ya" you winked. FILM NIGHT - You had so many Halloween films that Jude had yet to see, you had told him that he needed to be educated in films. “If they are scary I’m going” he laughed as you got the popcorn out ready to watch all the spooky films for the evening. "Just wait and see, we have a whole day to watch them" you grinned as you snuggled up and watched film after film. GHOST - Sitting in the house on Halloween night, the house was quiet and alone as Jude was in the opposite room playing FIFA as usual. Whilst you were reading your book, you felt a cold breeze coming in as you shivered, slightly confused as there were no windows open whatsoever. Next thing you know is you felt something touch you, as you screamed and threw the book up in the air Jude ran in the room. "What's going on? are you okay?" he asked you as you shook your head. "There's a ghost here" you shouted as Jude bit his lip and tried to stop himself from laughing. "You are joking I promise" he teased as you rolled your eyes straight at him. HAUNTED HOUSE - Dragging Jude to the local haunted house. "It is freezing in here, hold my hand tightly so you don't get scared or get lost" you laughed as you knew Jude was worried just as much as you were. You held it tightly as you got jumped out yet again by the staff at the haunted house. "Needs to stop doing that" you laughed as you clutched your chest as you were scared. "We aren't coming to this again, my nerves can't take it" you smirked.
INSIDE - The house was now looking all spooky, you had fluffy pumpkins everywhere as well as the ones you carved. The house was looking amazing. "I love the mini ones, they are cute" Jude smiled as you carried on putting the final touches to the decorated house. It was looking absolutely perfect and just how you wanted it.
JACK O'LANTERN - You had finished putting the final touches on the jack o'lanterns, they were looking absolutely perfect now and you had put the small candle tea lights in the pumpkin as they were lighting up. "I love them, you are so creative" you grinned as you put them out the front door as you wanted the children to see them and hope that they would look inviting to the trick or treaters.
KILLER CLOWNS - "We are not putting that clown film on right now, don't expect me to sleep a wink tonight" you screamed out as you hid your face with the pillow as you could hear the theme tune. "NO NO NO" you screamed as Jude touched your arm. "You love the clowns darling, I'll protect you" he tried to flirt with you. "No we aren't doing that as I will not be watching this" you screamed out as he tried to flirt his way out of trouble as he turned the film back over.
LANTERN - The house was pitch black, the worst time for the power to be going off. Luckily you had a lantern from a while back and you decided it would be the best time to use it. "Pass me that, I need to go and see if I can get the lights back on" he asked as you handed it back to him. "Be careful, I don't trust you to do all that shit. You aren't grown up just yet" you smirked. "Good job I can't see that smirk on your face" you rolled your eyes. "And that eye rolling too" he screamed out as he walked away with the lanterns.
MAZE - "No not that way, that way" you pointed forward as Jude stood with his hands on his hips. "No it is that way surely?" he laughed as he pointed in the opposite direction. "We are going to get so angry because we aren't going to get out of this maze if we carry on" you laughed as you wandered around yet again. "Yeah I don't fancy sleeping in the maze because we have murdered each other as we can't find our way out" you teased. "Yeah let's try and get out" you smiled as you headed out, well attempting to get out.
NIGHT - All you could hear was little children screaming as they were running around as they played out in the streets all dressed up. "This is so lovely, like a dream to be here with you and I just can't wait to do that with our little one whenever we go and have one" you smiled as you cuddled him as tight as you could. "I can't either, this sounds so perfect" Jude grinned.
OWL - You were laying in bed, seeing the bright moon as you couldn't get to sleep. All you could hear was a bird, it was playing on your mind and that was all that you could hear. Jude was peacefully sleeping beside you whilst you were wide awake, you huffed as you looked outside and heard the owl making the noise you'd heard all night. "What's up?" Jude whispered as you moved in the bed as you heard the owl making the noise. "I can hear an owl all night and it's super spooky" you mumbled as you tried to rest your head down again.
PUMPKIN PICKING - You had told Jude so many times how you wanted to go to the pumpkin picking patch, he moaned each and every time you mentioned it. You just knew you had to get that annual yearly photo even though you didn't need or want a pumpkin. But it was tradition, to make Jude put his shoes on and listen to him get all muddy for a matter of five minutes. As long as you got a cute photo you put up with his moaning.
QUEEN - "You are the queen of Halloween" you turned around as you saw Jude smiling as you had completed your 30th Halloween makeup look. You had started so many looks, you were just so excited at how this one turned out. "Aww thank you babe" you smiled as he had to pull his phone out as he took a photo of you as you were dressed as queen of hearts. "You are just incredible" he muttered as you took some more videos to upload to social media.
RIP - The amount of films you watched, the more you didn't get scared. But whenever there were gravestones involved, you hated it. You got so scared. "Why do you put these on when you don't even watch them babe" Jude asked as you rolled your eyes without even lifting your eyes off of your phone. "I am, I don't like these scenes you know I hate it" you muttered. "Halloween sometimes is just a little scary and throws me off a bit" you whispered as you gulped loudly. "Oh I am sorry you feel like that. let us put something more cheery on" he mumbled as he paused the film.
SPIDERS - Whenever there was a spider in the house, you tried to get Jude to get them down and out of the house. But Jude didn't like to tell that he absolutely hated spiders as well, hiding his pain as you both ran around the house as the spider was practically tormenting you both in your own home.
TRICK OR TREATING - You and Jude were going out with some of the boys children, Jude was desperate to take them trick and treating. Think he was more excited than they were. “You know those sweets are supposed to be for the children and not you, not sure you can get away with being a child” Jude turned and shrugged. “With my boyish young looks, I’ll always get away with it. Anyway I have to test them out just in case they are poisonous you know” he smirked. “Oh course you do” you laughed as he ran along with the children.
UNEASY - Halloween sometimes made you feel so uneasy, you were slightly nervous about going to this party as you absolutely hated the theme for some reason. "You'll be okay I promise angel, I am here with you" he whispered as he held your hand as tightly as he could as he could sense how you were feeling.
VAMPIRE - "I want to suck your blood" Jude whispered whilst you were making your dinner. "Don't be doing that whilst I have a knife in my hand because you most certainly will be doing that" you clutched your chest dramatically as you dropped the knife. "Rude babe, right shall I make dinner?" you nodded at him as you turned and faced him realising that he had fangs in. "Where do you get these things?" you laughed as he leaned in and kissed you as he tried to bite your lip with his fangs.
WAND - "Where did you get that?" you asked him as he waved his wand at you. "Oh you have always wanted to wave your wand at me" you winked. "You saucy devil you" he teased. "So why do you have that?" you asked him. "When I went to Harry Potter world I bought it, so I am going as a magician when I have our next party" you simply nodded as you just ignored him as you still had no clue he even had that wand.
XYLOPHONE - As you walked through the maze you heard the music being played. "No that is too much" you cringed. "I feel like we are in our own film that is so creepy" you laughed as you held his hand tightly. "That is so strange, I don't like it" you grabbed his hand as you tried your hardest as you made your way out of the maze as fast as you could before you could go and grab some food.
YOU - Your fourth Halloween with Jude, getting to experience one in Birmingham, Dortmund and now in Madrid. You were so lucky that you got to explore with your favourite person, you were just so happy with him. "I love doing this with you" you kissed his cheek as you posted pictures of you in all your Halloween costumes throughout the year. "I do too baby" Jude smirked as you got ready to come for your next party.
ZOMBIE - "Do you believe in zombies?" Jude randomly blurted out as you were driving him to training one morning. "Huh?" you turned to face him as the lights were changed. "Do you?" he asked again. "Not something I really think about on a normal day to day basis to be honest Jude, but i don't think I do" you replied. "Oh right? well I do and I think I'll come back as a zombie" he smirked. "Oh shit, I better say that I believe it now. I don't fancy getting taken away by a zombie" you teased him. "You do come out with some strange shit" you giggled to Jude.
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toppersbitch · 1 year
Joe Burrow NSFW Alphabet
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18+ Minors DNI
Word Count: 1.9k
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
Joe is so caring after sex! He cleans up any messes made and holds you tight. His hands run through your hair and over your skin, his lips leaving small soft kisses all over your face and neck.
He’d also be so concerned after he got too rough, let’s be honest he’d def get carried away. He’d check your body for any accidental marks, and make sure you drink enough water. He’d also tuck you in and kiss you softly.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
Joe has quite the body and he knows it, his abs and arms are his favorite. He loves taking off his shirt and watching your eyes wander over them. The way his arms flex as he lifts you when you’re riding him or how they look when he’s fingering you.
Joe loves loves loves your boobs! He loves when you wear lower-cut shirts, even though he would never admit it, you catch him staring or taking glances all the time. Even when you’re not having sex he loves to rest his head on them, or hold them while cuddling.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
God how Joe loves to cum in your mouth! He loves when you look up at him innocently and hold your mouth open for him. He’ll then pull you up, watching you swallow, and kiss you, tasting the reminisce of himself.
His second favorite spot is your breasts, obviously! He’ll aim for them after pulling out, letting his cum cover them. It’s another excuse for him to touch them while cleaning you up after as well.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self-explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Secretly loves hickies, he always complains about them afterward but at the moment he has his eyes closed, whimpering, and begging for more.
He loves hooking up in public, not directly public but in the bathroom at events or in the car. Most people hate it since it's awkward, but Joe loves a challenge, fitting the both of you into tight spaces, being quiet and keeping you quiet, or seeing how quickly he can make you cum.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
Joe is fairly experienced, but he can be timid. He always asks how you feel, and if he’s doing good. He loves it when you tell him what to do and guide him, sometimes he’s so worried about making sure you cum that he doesn’t, he’s very giving when it comes to sex.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Missionary, he loves watching your face and your breasts. His hands are above your head, and your hands move along his body. Not to mention being able to hold you close during more intimate moments. 
Cowgirl, because he is in love with your boobs, he loves watching them bounce as you move up and down. He holds onto your hips, helping you move just right for him.
Facesitting, Joe just loves to treat you! Holding around your thighs, making you stay still as he traces the alphabet with his tongue. He loves to hear you whimper and beg for more.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
He tends to be giddier, keeping the air light and fun. He makes sure to complement you, admiring you. When you two participate in quickies it is full of laughs, trying to fit in the small broom closets and joking about getting caught. 
On the occasion he drinks he gets very giggly, playing with your breasts and showering you with silly compliments. 
When he is serious, his brows are furrowed and he is biting his bottom lip. 
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
Joe is kept, he likes to keep himself trimmed. His happy trail was thin, leading from his belly button and down. 
As for the hair on his head, he loves you playing with it! Running your fingers through it, tugging and pulling on it, you name it. You loved the way a few pieces would fall out of place onto his forehead.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
Joe is so romantic! He showers you with the utmost of compliments, taking his sweet time with foreplay when he can. Joe spends time learning your wants and needs, paying attention t your body. He is so widely in love with you, you’re all he wants and dreams about. 
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
At first, Joe felt guilty thinking about you while he jacked off. But, his mind always wandered to you and your body, it took him so long to accept it as okay, it even took your telling him so.
Now with away games and all the traveling you provided Joe with a few pictures, even calling and masturbating over the phone. You’re the only thing on his mind as he jacks off, even catching himself moaning your name when he's cumming.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Praise Kink, he loves being told how good he’s doing and telling you as well. Sex with Joe is filled with compliments and encouragement 
“You’re doing so good for me baby, “That's it, just like that,” “You’re so good for me”
Oral/Face-sitting, Joe loves to eat you out, taking any chance he can whether it's by getting down on his knees and holding you up or pulling your heat down and onto his face
“Just hold still for me,” “You like it when I do this don't you?” “You taste so good,”
Size Kink, ‘Big Dick Joe’ obviously, loves you struggle to take all of him, watching your eyes water as he pushes into your mouth farther or when he has to go slow and stretch you out
“It’s okay baby you can take it,” “That’s it, just a little more,” “So tight for me,”
Boobs, he just loves your boobs, playing with them, sucking on them, even fucking them
“Look how beautiful they are,” “They’re all mine,”
L = Location (favorite places to do they do)
Joe loves doing it on the dining or kitchen table, it puts you at the perfect height for him. His dick aligned with your pussy just perfectly, his head resting in the crook of your neck 
Honorable mention goes to his car, it's his favorite place to eat you out, the excitement of almost being caught, the tinted windows blocking anyone's view.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
A win! You think he would be tired after playing a good game and winning but instead, he wants to get home and get to it. The second you get in the car he has his hand on your thigh, and the second you make it into the room or house your clothes are off and he's carrying you to the bed.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn-offs)
Degradation, Joe hates mean names and cruel teasing, let alone the thought of him saying horrible things to you. He hates words like whore and slut, they make his skin crawl
Pain, the thought of hurting you shuts him down. He could and would never hurt you, the times he has by bruises and an accidental scratch he has apologized immensely running his hands over them gently making sure you didn't wince. 
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
As I’ve said before, Joe loves treating you. You were spoiled compared to other girls, Joe can’t keep his mouth away from you. He knows exactly what he’s doing when he’s going down, his mouth and fingers working steadily, even working in praise for you.
He also loves when you give him head, holding your head and pushing you farther. Cumming in your mouth and watching you swallow. You love it to, making him a moaning mess, like putty in your hands.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
When in an intimate mood he's a slow lover, taking his time and making sure to hit every inch. He kisses every inch of your body, leaving nothing untouched.
Of course, during quickies there is a sense of urgency, he moves fast and quickly. His strokes hit you deep and fast. 
Sometimes when he's in a mood, he moves roughly, taking you by surprise. He moves quickly, and in uneven strokes. 
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
Quickies happen a lot as mentioned. In the bathrooms at events and in the car, whether it's just him making you cum, you giving him a blowjob or him fucking you. 
“Let’s go to the bathroom,”
“I need you right now,” 
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
Joe’s down to experiment, nothing rough though. He treats you like a delicate flower when experimenting. Talking you through everything he’s doing and praising you as you go.
“Is this okay?” “Are you sure?” “Please tell me if it’s too much,”
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
His stamina is insane, he could go for many rounds. Usually, you lost count, your brain becoming so frazzled, melting at his touch.  
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
Joe likes incorporating a vibrator, holding it on your clit while he fucks you or fucking you with it as he eats you out. He loves the extra amount of pleasure it gives you, making you even more sensitive to his touch.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Joe likes to think he loves to tease you, but he’s weak when it comes to you. He’s always been unsuccessful in his attempts at edging you, folding when you beg for it. He couldn’t deny you anything, you are his darling.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
Joe is kind of quiet, only letting out small whimpers and groans aside from the praise. He’s always been quiet though. 
He loves you being loud however, it drives him over the edge that much more. 
“Yes, baby say my name,” “Tell everyone whose making you feel so good,”
W = Wild card (a random dirty headcanon for the character)
Fucking in the mirror! He loves watching the side view of himself towering above you, thrusting into you slowly, your eyes watching him as well. He’s not a narcissist but he enjoys the way he looks, especially with you. 
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
Once again ‘Big Dick Joe’, it’s definitely on the larger side. Along with his size kink, he loves hearing how big he is, and how much he's stretching you out. 
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
It's HIGH! Being away from you is the hardest thing, hence the phone sex. He is always thinking of your body, it motivates him.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterward)
He stays up until you fall asleep, he makes sure you’re okay. He worships you, bringing you water and snacks after, cuddling you. Once he hears you breathing steady and your eyes close he knows he can finally fall asleep. 
Here's a little something (not so little this took like 2-3 hours), if anyone gets ideas from this and wants me to go more in-depth send me a request <3
Find my other stuff HERE
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i4gonzalez · 11 months
Kylian Mbappé
FLUFF ALPHABET: kylian mbappé
summary: things about your relationship with kylian based on each letter of the alphabet. (this is right? idk how explain it)
notes: i had never done a fluff alphabet, so i’m a little insecure about it. anyway, be kind to me;)
ps: if you want me to make a separate imagine about any letter, please let me know.
english isn’t my native language, so i used translator for it
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ATTRACTIVE: physically, kylian loves your smile. your smile was the first thing he noticed in you. kylian is sure that your smile improves his days and always tells you that. he does his best to see you smile every day. emotionally, kylian loves how positive you are. since he met you, he has also become a little more positive. you are like a walking ray of sunshine.
BABY: kylian never had a serious conversation with you about children. sometimes you made a mental list of names for babies, kylian always chose girl’s names while you chose boy’s. anyway, you agree that you are not ready to be parents yet.
CUDDLE: kylian knows that you love that he cuddle you in the back, so he always does. sometimes he also cuddles you supporting his head between your neck and your shoulder.
DREAMS: you two like to imagine yourself in the near future. kylian always imagines you together on the beach, having a lot of free time — since you don’t have much. kylian knows that you love the sea. maybe you could also adopt a dog, it would certainly be called petit (which means small in french)
EARLY MORNINGS: kylian wakes up early every day and — unlike you — this is not a problem for him. sometimes when kylian comes back from morning training on weekends, you are still sleeping or being too lazy to get out of bed. but when he is off he likes to enjoy lazy mornings with you, since you hate getting up early.
FIRST DATE: kylian was a little nervous while waiting for you at the restaurant. When you arrived, he handed you a bouquet of your favorite flower and you smiled. your smile made his nervousness go away and everything was more natural. you talked and laughed a lot that night. kylian gave you a ride to your house and felt very lucky to have gone out with you.
GRATITUDE: kylian feels very grateful and lucky to have you with him. kylian knows that it is not easy to have a relationship with a person who has a public life. since a few weeks of dating, paparazzis have started following you and you both know what the hell this is. after seeing you endure all this madness and several hate messages from his female fans, kylian was sure that you were the perfect person for him.
HONESTY: kylian is always an open book. he has no reason to lie and always talks to you about everything. he is also not very good at hiding things from you, even if it was something small like your surprise birthday party. you value honesty a lot, so you love the fact that kylian is so honest.
IMPRESSION: the first impression that kylian had about you was that you were like a walking ray of sunshine. you were always smiling and being kind to everyone around you. after you smiled at him, kylian was sure he had to ask you out.
JOKES: kylian is not a joker, but he makes a point of thinking and learning several jokes to make you laugh. he knows that you smile easily and loves your laugh. you try to make him laugh with some silly jokes too, but you can never finish them, since you end up laughing before the end. kylian loves it.
KEYS: one of kylian’s favorite memories is from the day he gave you the keys to his apartment. “what is this?” you asked, after seeing that kylian gave you a small golden key. “this is the key to my apartment,” he said. “well... now it’s our apartment, right?” kylian asked, making you smile. “is that serious?! damn k, i love you!” you hugged him and then kissed him for a while.
LOVE LANGUAGE: kylian’s love language is physical touch. he loves to hug you, hold your hands and be together with you. kylian knows that your love language are words of affirmation, so he always makes a point of praising you and telling you how much he loves you. you’ve never been a big fan of hugs, but kylian’s are an exception. his hugs makes your day so much better.
MARRIAGE: kylian and you really want to get married one day. you two are waiting for the right moment. you agree that it would be something small, only with close friends and family. you and kylian imagine what your married life will be like — with ups and downs, like every couple — but for sure the honeymoon is the best part. you two would love to go somewhere that have sea. boats are also indispensable!
NICKNAMES: since the beginning of your relationship, kylian calls you mon soleil (which means my sun in french). you just call him k because you always thought these nicknames with initials were cool.
OBSESSIONS: kylian knows that you love shells. you have a collection of shells (like a kid); there are small, big, beautiful and common. he always makes a point of getting some shells for you every time he goes to the beach.
PETS: kylian and you don’t have any pets. you’ve wanted a dog before, but you realized that neither of you have enough time to take care of one. even so, you have a list of names for dogs on his phone notes. the first name on the list is petit.
QUESTIONS: kylian and you always make a point of asking each other thoughtful questions every day. “how was your day?” and “you know that I love you, right?” are in your vocabulary.
RAINY DAYS: just like you, kylian hates rainy days. even so, when he’s off, he takes the opportunity to rest and watch several series with you. he prefers action series, but ends up giving in when you try to convince him to watch romantic series like bridgerton or normal people.
SONGS: on your first date, the song la vie en rose by emily watts played on the radio. this is your couple’s song. kylian has a very different musical taste from yours. but when you are together in his car, kylian lets you choose the songs you want — even knowing that you will listen to taylor swift all the way.
TIME: kylian and you are a couple for a year and a half. after some dates, kylian asked if you wanted to be his girlfriend — and you obviously accepted.
UPSET: when you is upset, kylian make his better for cheer you up. sometimes, he just seat on your side and be a support for you.
VALENTINE’S DAY: valentine’s day is your favorite date. kylian always does his best to spend as much time with you, in addition to giving you lots of gifts and chocolates. you always make cute cards for kylian.
WORDS OF AFFIRMATION: kylian always tells you many words of affirmation, since this is his main language of love. he also loves to praise you in french, kylian always says things like “tu es belle” (you are so pretty), “je t’aime mon amour”, (i love you, darling) “vous êtes si intelligent!” (you’re so smart!). you love when kylian speaks in french.
XO: you and kylian are the kind of couple who loves to hug and be together. you two always find a way to touch each other physically. you walk hand in hand, kiss and hug each other all the time. physical touch is the basis of your relationship.
YES: the happiest day of your life was when kylian asked you to date with him. it was on your eighth date, kylian took you to a surprise restaurant, the place was very beautiful and elegant. he seemed a little nervous, so he gave you flowers and held out the ring, kylian said “y/n, i love you! do you want to date me?”. you smiled and obviously say yes.
ZOO: a few months ago, you saw a giraffe while scrolling your instagram feed. that was enough for you to really want to see a giraffe in real life. so, you spent several days asking kylian to take you to the zoo and after some time you finally went. taking some pictures with a giraffe and seeing it in person was amazing, this will definitely be one of the coolest things you’ve done. despite not being a big fan of giraffes, kylian liked to see you so excited and happy.
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★ the requests are open! you can also send requests to social media fics or fluff alphabets.
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stclements · 3 months
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An Alphabet of Prompts
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Since it is my birthday this Saturday (another year older, yeah... 🤪), here is my present to you: An Alphabet of Prompts! It's just what the title says: an alphabet of prompts! There's a one-word prompt for each letter of the alphabet. You can find the link to the prompts list (including a list with who I write for) and the form to request at the bottom of this post.
Note upfront: Since I like writing for many different players and to keep things diverse, I will only be accepting two requests from this prompts list per player. This will be on first come, first serve basis. Once the two requests have been reached, the player will be removed from the list.
Each prompt will only be written once. This is also on a first come first serve basis.
Happy requesting! 😇😇😇
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fallinforerling · 1 year
Relationship Alphabet erling Haaland
fluff alphabet | erling haaland
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ೃ⁀➷ erling's taglist
ೃ⁀➷ erling's masterlist
ೃ⁀➷ masterlist
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a = affection + activities (how affectionate is he? how does he show affection?/ how does he spend his free time with you?)
he’s SO affectionate. 
like, no… literally. he won’t let you go from his embrace once he made it home, constantly rubbing his face on your neck and telling you how much he missed you while you stand there, smiling like an idiot because you have a golden retriever for a boyfriend. 
he also gives you tons of butterfly kisses, bending over and staying there for so long, enjoying the smell of your hair or how much you squeeze his waist while hugging each other.
then you’ll watch a trashy show like love island while cuddling on the sofa, eating snacks and trying to replicate the accents, laughing hard when one of you actually gets it right. 
b = beauty (what does he admire about you? what does he think is beautiful about you? 
physically? he adores your eyes. how they sparkle every time you talk about something you love, or how they seem to hold the stars for the very first seconds of looking up to him. he sees them as a real window to your mind. 
he also loves when your nose does that little wrinkle thing every time you’re excited about something, or just enjoying a meal. 
you’re just the most endearing person he has ever met. 
but personality wise? you’re so compatible.
you’re nice, kind and patient. you’re always trying your best and he knows you care so much about others, even if you don’t show it as much. 
to him you’re the purest soul and he wants to protect you, because you’re his sunshine.
c = cuddles + comfort (does he like to cuddle? how would he cuddle you?/how would he help you when you’re feeling down?)
cuddles? HE LOVES THEM. even though it doesn’t seem like it. 
he uses cuddles as a coping mechanism at this point. 
when he’s mad, frustrated or just sad, he comes to you, asking for cuddles with the most serious expression ever. it’s hilarious. 
did we mentioned the fact that he crushes you under his weight? but not in a bad way, it’s so comfortable. you feel safe and so so so warm. 
you’re a pillow for a few hours, and you’re so okay with it. 
it’s the same the other way around. even when you’re having the slightest inconvenience, you go to your boyfriend for some cuddles. he lets you sleep on top of him, arms and legs wrapped around his torso. it’s very funny to see. 
when that doesn’t work (which it’s a rare thing) he gives you space, always making sure that you have snacks or a quiet room to be at when you’re feeling overwhelmed.
d = domestic + dreams (does he want to settle down? how is he around the house?/how does he picture their future together?)
does he want to settle down? he can’t wait to actually have you with him 24/7. he loves your presence, even when you’re in separate rooms. 
he’s a very good companion, and when you weren’t living together but just staying at each other’s places, he was such an organized person… most of the time. 
it doesn’t matter when he’s a mess, though. 
anyways, he’s always thinking about how the future it’s going to be like. 
how many kids? where are we going to live? are we going to have a farm together? will our kids play football like him? where is the wedding going to be? what type of house are you guys going to buy? SO MANY QUESTIONS. 
he has a little list on his mind, and he’s going to use it someday. he knows he’s going to marry you. 
e = equal (is he the dominant one in the relationship, or rather passive?)
none of the above. both of you are equal in the relationship.
he’s a kind soul, and most of the time he doesn’t bother to make decisions for you. 
the only thing he’s in charge of is picking up the restaurants and making you cum. 
both of them are always taken care of. 
f = fiancé (how does he feel about commitment? how quick would he want to get married?)
as i said before, he can’t wait to marry you. 
he wants to settle down but doesn’t want to pressure it too soon, since it’s a big step. 
but yeah, he’s just being a bit patient, since he knows you’re going to be his wife. 
already looking for rings and spying your pinterest page for clues on the perfect ring. 
he doesn’t say it, but he also has a pinterest account where he saves cute wedding dresses he thinks would look amazing on you. 
he just loves you too much, okay?
g = gentle + gratitude (how gentle is he, both physically and emotionally?/ how grateful is he; is he aware of everything you do for him?)
he’s the most gentle human being you’d ever met. 
despite his height and how people picture him, he’s very delicate while touching you, or doing things in general. he’s so comforting, you’re mesmerized by his patience, his soft touches and his words when you’re feeling down. 
he’s your rock. every time you need support of reaffirmation, he’s there for you. he always knows what to say. 
in return, he knows how much you do for him. 
not only while emotionally supporting him through the stress and pressure he feels sometimes, but also at home, when he’s tired from a match and you make him an special meal. 
he’s so grateful for you in general. you’re an angel to him. 
h = honesty (does he have secrets he hides from you? or does he share everything?)
it wasn’t considered a secret perse, but erling hates to worry you. 
so sometimes he hid his injuries from you, and when you found out, you got so mad. he never did it again. 
it was scary.
he’s overall very open, he doesn’t believe in secrets between you two. you always have talks about everything.
you trust each other blindly. 
i = i love you + inspiration (how fast did he said the L-word?/ did you changed him somehow, or the other way around? do you guys try new things together or help each other solve personal problems?)
you both said it rather fast. 
six months into the relationship and you both knew you loved each other. 
he said it first, since he couldn’t keep acting like he wasn’t aware of the word almost slipping out of his mouth every day. 
you said it back instantly. 
you both changed each other for the better. you taught him to be more open, less serious. but just because you knew he’s the most interesting person ever and the rest of the world deserved to know him. 
he helped you to overcome your shyness and to make new friends, to get out of your comfort zone. 
you’re always trying new things (food, vacation destinies, shows, hobbies) it’s so so so fun to start new projects with him. 
the latest one is a bookclub (it’s just the two of you). 
and yes, every time you’re feeling some type of way or having doubts, you talk to each other. you always find a way to get through it. 
j = jealousy (how jealous does he get, and does he get jealous easily? how does he deal with it? what does he do when he’s jealous?)
he’s not a jealous guy in general; he knows you love him, and he loves you. 
but sometimes he just can’t stand when other people can’t dissimulate the stares when you’re with him at some event. 
like yes. he gets it. you look stunning and you’re the most beautiful woman in every room, but damn. 
he just takes a deep breath and tries to think about you and not all the people that wants to be on his place. 
but he also keeps a hand on your lower back, staring back with an arched eyebrow to the guys that look at you for too long. his serious face it’s very scary. 
you love to see him a bit jealous. 
he also kisses you so much. 
he’s so hot when he’s leaning over you to kiss you and whisper sweet nothings in the middle of a crowded room, just to show you’re his and he’s yours. 
k = kisses (how are his kisses like? where does he like to kiss you? how was your first kiss like?)
they can be the sweetest kisses ever or the most intense, dizzying, wonderful kisses you’d ever received in your life. 
he doesn’t hold back. 
face grabbing, chest to chest, hands everywhere type of kisses. 
he loves to kiss your neck, it always smells amazing and you get all tickly.  
you’re both pretty much addicted to kiss each other. 
the first kiss was so so so wonderful. you were so nervous but he’s such a great kisser. it was like floating. you’d never stopped feeling like floating whenever he kisses you. 
did i said he’s a great kisser? yeah- he is. 
l = love language (what’s his love language? is it compatible with yours?)
do we have any doubs? 
it’s obviously quality time and physical touch, duh. 
you’re both pretty the same. 
although he also showers you with gifts from abroad if he has a game far from home. 
expensive isn’t a word when it comes to gifts for you. 
princess treatment all the way. 
you were very apprehensive while receiving them, but he insisted so much that now you don’t know how to say no. 
he’s so full of himself every time you’re wearing one of his gifs. 
especially the little “e” necklace made of his birth stone. 
m = morning (how are mornings spent with him? what’s your morning routing like?)
it’s so cozy.
you’re very sleepy, just wandering around the house while doing the basics: making coffee and breakfast, brushing your teeth, showering and just looking at each other from above your cups. 
lots of kisses on the head or long hugs in the kitchen. 
he likes to stop by while you’re making something on the stove and just lean on top of you, resting his chin on the top of your head. 
it’s hard to say goodbye after the two hours you have with each other during the mornings. 
you cling to him, hugging him tight until he just has to go and you miss him a lot even though it’s been five minutes since he stepped out of the apartment. 
n = nicknames (what does he call you?)
so many nicknames in norwegian. 
you’d been learning and instantly melt when he calls you vennen (sweetheart) or elskling (my love) 
!!!!!! your brain goes brrrrr
you call him lover most of the time, and he smiles so widely 
or when you call him kongen, he just walks around calling himself “the king” for a week straight
martin loves to mess up with both of you, since he’s one of the few people that actually speaks norwegian around you
o = on cloud nine (what is he like when he’s in love? is it obvious for others? how does he express his feelings?)
he’s obvious. 
like painfully obvious, even though it’s just like for the people that knows him. 
martin was the one that noticed first. 
erling’s eyes will linger on you for way too long, smiling at your words, even if they were just a tiny hello or a short story. 
all his teammates couldn’t stop giggling and whispering every time you’d come visit as a friend first, knowing he had the biggest crush on you. 
once he made it and got to be alone with you, he didn’t hesitate, he asked you out. 
it was such an amazing time. he was the most caring person you’d ever met, and you couldn’t believe it was your reality
he hasn’t changed one bit since the first time he took you out. 
he always remembers. he’s always looking forward to your next date or little getaway.
you’d never felt more loved than now. 
when he isn’t making you feel loved, giving you hugs, kisses or quality time, he’s showering you with little gifts that remind him of you. 
p = pda (is he upfront about your relationship? does he brag about you with others? or he rather shy to kiss, etc. when others are watching?)
he’s not shy about it. 
like yeah, of course he’s a private person and you’re as well, but he isn’t hiding the fact that he’s dating you, aka the most amazing woman in the world (his words). 
you’re often feauted on his instagram, and that’s how people get updates about your relationship. 
he totally brags with his friends and teammates though. 
like so much. 
he doesn’t shut up about you, never
it’s even worse when you’re with him at events. he’s all over you, kissing your neck and dragging his hands on your back, whispering things and chatting with you so closely that people look away, like they’re spying on you two. 
he’s never shy when it comes to showing love to you.
q = quizzes (how many little things does he remember about you?)
as i said, he remembers so much. 
every little detail he has ever learned about you, he remembers. 
from your favorite juice flavor to your most embarrassing childhood story. 
he knows them all. 
most of his gifts are related to something you like, said, or did together. it melts your heart. 
goes both ways. you’re always giving him little gifts that remind him of you, or even better, his time as a youngster. you love to tease him about the flow kings.
r = romance ( how romantic is he? what would he do to make you happy? is he cliche or rather creative? what is your favourite moment in your relationship?)
he’s romantic-romantic. it’s just that people can’t imagine it. 
he’s always taking you out on romantic dinners, bringing you flowers or organizing little trips to your hometown or norway to spend some alone time where no one can find you. 
you’re the happiest when you’re on those trips; it brings you such calm that you feel like a new person once you’re back at manchester. 
he’s a very good mixture of cliché and creative. and you love it! he always gives it his own little twist to the most cliché things. like personalizing the color of the flowers he gives you by checking which heart emoji you used to most that day. 
pure love. 
your most treasured memory from the relationship is the moment you first attended a city game as his girlfriend. you got to experience it with him from the moment he arrived to the first goal of the night. you lost your voice that night, but it was worth it. never in your life you’ll forget how excited he was once you reunited, how much he kissed you and let you hold his hattrick football to take a silly picture. at that moment you knew it was forever.
s = security (how protective is he?)
oh, erling is protective.
like no fooling around. he’s going to protect you no matter what. 
when you’re out in public, he makes sure that no one, absolutely no one, gets on your personal space. 
and when it comes to your mental health, he does the most to protect you from mean comments on the internet. he doesn’t need you to pay attention to stupid people that don’t have a life. 
you love him for it, and you make sure he knows how important he is, despite how horrible the hate towards him gets. 
t = try (how much effort would he put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
 first of all, we know he’s a very neat guy that’ll help around the house as much as he can during the week. 
and as i mentioned, he puts so much of himself on your dates, anniversaries, and gifts that you don’t know how he’s this original. 
like where did he get a bunch of your childhood’s snacks just because you mentioned you missed their flavor?????
yeah, you won’t be disappointed. 
the anniversaries are so much fun. 
it’s like a little holiday- 
everyone on twitter went crazy that time he made fans hold up signs that read “happy anniversary to my one and only” when he had to play that exact date. 
you were there… and cried. 
u = understanding (how well does he know you? is he empathetic?)
there’s never a chance where he isn’t the best boyfriend ever.
he’s always making his best effort to understand your feelings and how to bring a smile to your lips again
hates seeing you cry
he knows you well enough to make you happy in less than an hour
you’re so grateful for him
late movie nights with him to cure any bad day ❤️‍🩹
v = value (how important is the relationship to him? what is it worth in comparison to other things in his life?)
this relationship is everything to him
of course he loves football. and of course he loves you.
you are on the top of the list
there’s only you, football and his family 
nothing else matters as much
he does everything on his power to make things work, even when you’re going through long distance 
and you do as well
the power couple fr
w = whole (would he feel incomplete without you?)
have you seen him while being away?
all pouty and calling you at any given opportunity
sleeping and hugging a pillow to pretend it is you
he carries a little bottle with your perfume to spray on himself so he can smell you during training sessions or important games 
he also wears your headbands 
he’s so adorable
x - xtra (a random fluff headcanon)
you both love the color purple 
so he would always buy matching clothes or items on that exact color
in fact, that’s how people found out you two were dating
he bought this very very very expensive and unique pair of shoes with a matching tracking suit in purple 
two days later you were wearing the same outfit 
yeah, it was obvious 
now it’s a fun anecdote 
y = yearning (how would he cope when he’s missing you?)
as i said 
he would always use your hair stuff of your perfume 
but he also makes you wear various t-shirts a day before his trips so he can use them to sleep or walk around, knowing you were on them just a few hours before 
so so so many texts with random stuff that reminded him of you
lots of audios and calls 
“baby i can’t wait to be home, i miss my little pillows so much”
“erling, those are my boobs”
“yeah…? so???”
z = zeal (is he willing to go to great lengths for the relationship? if so, what kind of?)
he won’t hesitate to make a decision based on how it would benefit the relationship
he totally bought a house for the summer on your home country just because you mentioned you missed home 
learned your language so you could feel more close to home 
he even learned how to cook typical food
you cried the day he surprised you with it
˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚*ੈ✩‧₊˚⋆·˚ ༘ * ERLING’S TAGLIST
@questionable-behaviour | @koufaxx | @xjval | @nikki01234-blog | @evarasworld | @kynykyny | @alleyahah | @444pantheress
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footballerimaginess · 2 years
Fluff Alphabet | Mason Mount
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credit to @chelsclub​ for the gif x 
Here is a fluff alphabet, it has been ages since I wrote one. Hope you enjoy this, feedback is always welcome. If there is any letter which you would like a seprate imagine for please let me know.  Word Count: 1,644 APOLOGISING - “Look I am sorry” he mutters. A silly petty argument over who was doing the dishes. “No I am sorry, we were both annoyed. We are both silly. Come on and lets just do the dishes together” laughing away as you both reluctantly agreed to do the dishes together even though the pair of you hated it.
BEARD - There was something about Mason when he hadn’t shaved. He looked so fit and you would obsess over it. Just rubbing your hand against his beard with your long nails.  CHELSEA - Going to Chelsea games was one of your favourite things to do. You loved going all over the country and world to support him. Being one of his biggest fans, you never wanted to miss a single moment of his career.  DATE NIGHTS - You and Mason had a plan where you would pick little pieces out of a small jar which had date nights on. You loved having spontaneous date nights and never knew what would say on the pieces of paper until you picked it out. It was one of your favourite date nights and loved every moment of it.  ENGAGEMENT - The day you will never ever forget, the day Mason asked you to become his wife. The happiest day of your life. Let’s set the scene, in the Maldives on a remote island. The sand in between your toes and the water as blue as you had ever seen in your life. “y/n, I love you so much. Will you marry me?” you gasped as Mason revealed the ring. “Yes yes yes” you shouted as you jumped and cuddled him in his arms. “I love you” you whispered as he put the ring on your finger. The most magical engagement.  FAMILY - Mason was extremely close with your family likewise you were with his. You loved seeing him interacting with your family, it was so beautiful to see. You just loved seeing him interact with the children, it was so adorable and you couldn’t wait to see Mason with a family sometime in the future.  GOLF - “Why are you dragging me here? to play golf. Me play golf” you rolled your eyes, as you moaned while you watched him unload the golf cart. “Thought it was fun and you always moan when I come here, so that’s why I made you come along” you sighed. “Thanks, now lets see if I can get a hole in one” he let out a laugh as you threw him a glare. “Oh yeah sure you will” he smirked as he watched you miss the ball on several occasions.  HOLIDAY - Even though Mason’s summer holidays were short, but you didn’t mind when you were able to explore all across the world with him. There was so many places on your bucket list that you couldn’t to tick off that list with Mason.  INJURY - Whenever Mason suffered an injury, he would always get so down because he hated not playing at all. “I am so sorry babe, I hate seeing you this sad” you cuddled up to him, pushing his messy unkept hair over away from his eyes. “Me too, I hate it too. Just can we cuddle please” he whispered as he put his face into your neck. “Of course we can” you mumbled, scratching his neck with your leg nails.  JUMP - “I am not jumping in the water with you, look how gross that is. No Mase- you are not doing it” you shouted as he grabbed you around the waist as he threw you into the water as he jumped in behind you.  KEY - “I have something for you” you looked up and saw Mason with a box in his hand. “What’s this?” you asked, looking confused as you opened the box to find a key. “A key? to what?” picking it up, looking even more confused now. “A key to my house, I want you to move in here with me” you gasped, choking on your own saliva as those words completely took you by surprise. “You serious? yes of course I will move in with you. Does that mean I get that walk in wardrobe?” you hinted. “Don’t push ya luck babe, I can easily take that key away from you” you pouted. “No you would never do that” you sassily replied, knowing he is too under the thumb to do that.  LAZY - Mornings after night games, Mason always felt lazy. “Would you like a cup of tea in bed and biscuits?” you asked him as you climbed out of bed. “Yes please” smiling away as he snuggled down into the bed as you went off to grab his cup of tea.  MEMORIES - Memories would last a lifetime, every little piece that would have significance to a date or a memory. You decided to put everything into one of your memory boxes or a scrapbook. You would add every little moment into your book.  NUMBER - “That girl over there, is so fit. I want her number” Mason told his boys as you were at the same club. That was how you two met. “Hi, babe can I have ya number?” Mason cheekily asked you. “Oh erm, bit forward huh? don’t even know your name. I don’t know you” you laughed as Mason’s face went red. “Well maybe I can get to know you” he stuttered on his words. “You do have some work to do if you are wanting to get my number” you smirked.  ONE OF A KIND - Your relationship with Mason was special, you loved it. You had a weird way of working, but it worked. He was never with you long enough but you really quite enjoyed it. You and him were one of a kind. 
PETS - You had wanted a pet for ages, Mason wasn’t yet convinced on the pet idea. You were really hoping to convince him. One day you noticed Mason acting a little strange when he walked in the door. As he was walking in he had something in his arms. “Oh my godness, is that a kitten?” you squealed as you walked towards the small hgrey tabby kitten in his arms as you took it from him. “Mase this is so cute, this fo me?” you asked as he nodded. “Yes baby” he nodded. “I cannot believe it, thank you so so much” you had the biggest smile on your face.  QUEEN - “My Queen” Mason would say when you walked into a room where he wanted to be introduced. “Oh Mase, this is cute” you blushed each time he would compliment you.  RED DRESS - “Do I look okay?” you asked as he walked in the room from the bathroom. “Oh my g- wow. You look better than okay, the fuck you been hiding that arse babe” you laughed as you smacked him with the t-shirt beside you. “But do I look good? No rude remarks” you faced him. “You look beautiful, that is your colour. Shows off your curves, you look insane. Is that okay for you?” you laughed, feeling your face go almost the same colour as your dress. “Thank you baby” you whispered. “We best go, don’t want to be late” you nodded as you both headed off to the event.  SICK - Whenever you weren’t feeling well, Mason tried his best at playing nurse and looking after you. Getting you water, tissues on standby, hoping that he didn’t mess up and also that he didn’t get sick while looking after you. But he was always the cutest nurse.  TIME - You hated being away from Mason, whenever he went away for pre-season it would make you so sad. Time made the heart grow fonder. That was the only way you could look at it, that when time was up and Mason could come back. You would finally have time with him and only him.  UMBRELLA - You and Mason liked going on walks together, maybe not ones in the rain but you needed an umbrella for this one. It was so gloomy out and you needed some fresh air. Your walks was always a place where you got to clear your head.  VINTAGE - Going to vintage fairs was one of your favourites, you had no idea why you liked it so much. “You do not need that babe” you laughed as you watched Mason with what looked like a dog piece of art work. “Why not?” he huffed at you. “It will look so good at home” you laughed. “No it won’t” you laughed before dragging him away.  WATER - Swimming was one thing you loved, you absolutely loved being in the water especially when you were on holiday. Sometimes Mason would throw you in the water which would squeal like you were attacked  Xxxx - In the early days of dating Mason would send you so many kisses on texts and still to this day it would make you laugh. As that was always an in joke you would still do it every time you text him.  YOU - Mason helping you deal with the media, the way people treated you because you were dating Mason. He would always tell you that it didn’t matter what people would say about you, but sadly it did matter to you. He was always so reassuring and comforting to you, it was so lovely to see.  ZOO - One of the best date days were going to the zoo. You loved it so much, seeing all of the animals with Mason. “I love coming here, it makes me just so happy” you grinned as you pulled Mason around the zoo. “I do too, it is great” he smiled as you explored more of the zoo.  Taglist: @footballffbarbiex​ @football-and-fanfics​ @penguintransporter​ @odegaardsblues​ @footballxixstars​ 
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vivalasthedas · 9 months
not to continue being annoying about sims 4, but i can do what i want
they have a pattern of creating something pretty interesting, and then over relying on it to the point it becomes frustrating and trash.
The calendar system. A good organization system added as a basegame update alongside the release of seasons. Really nice concept. Then they went and schedule things to be undeletable and unsilenceable and everything is on the same three days every week that it's a clogged up mess of shit you can't clean because they over rely on the calendar system to organize 'events' and things happening in neighborhoods. This leads to conflicts and events often breaking or not working when new packs are released, and then you're lucky if they fix it.
The upgradable beds. Theoretically a good idea, upgrade any bed frame to have a better mattress. Awesome. Silly it requires a level 8 handiness skill and uses a hammer instead of like... walking off lot and buying a mattress but okay. Except now they don't bother creating beds of differing qualities. All beds are, by default, shit. Utter shit. You have to work to get a level 8 handiness to i guess, build yourself a better mattress. The last time they released a double bed with a quality above 5 was discover university.
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jordanmaker60 · 2 years
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Catch the ball! 🏈
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eimids · 5 months
alexia putellas nsfw alphabet pretty please? 🤍
Alexia Putellas NSFW alphabet:
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All of the letters cause i'm nice today
A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
Alexia will cuddle you sure, but first she usually wants to make sure your are cleaned and that you drink something. She will ask many times if you are okay and if you need anything.
B = Body part (Their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
Your lips. She loves to kiss them, she loves when you suck with them, she loves anything to do with your lips. She wants them on her body all day every day.
For herself she doesn't necessarily have a favorite part. She just loves that her body is healthy enough to play football and do what she loves.
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically… I’m a disgusting person)
She loves to make you squirt and when you do, she is fascinated with the amount of cum that leaves your body. She isn't bothered if some of it ends up in her mouth.
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
She LOVES to have her way outside of the bedroom. She is a dominant personality and loves to give you simple orders and tasks. During the day she will message you things like "drink water, love", "Have you been good girl for me?" or "remember to take care of yourself bebe". She just wants to take care of youu.
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
Alexia knows what she is doing. You have dated for a long time and at first both of you were a bit inexperienced but now she knows your body like the back of her hand.
F = Favourite Position (This goes without saying. Will probably include a visual)
She usually likes watching you ride her. She will be on her back and you will be riding her strap while your boobs bounce. That's the best view that she can imagine.
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc)
Alexia is a serious person and during the moment she likes to be stern, not neccesirely serious but focused. She will goof around before and after but during she will be very focused.
H = Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
Alexia waxes her pubic hair often. She likes to have it all clean and tidy. But although she waxes and likes herself with no hair, she doesn't really care if you have hair or not.
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…)
She is romantic but always in bed. Of course she will tell you how much she loves you and will have very intimate moments with you after romantic dinners. But usually it isn't very romantic, more passionate.
J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon)
Alexia doesn't masturbate often, she will call you to help herself to get off but she would much rather have you in person. One thing she absolutely loves is to watch you touching yourself. She could come by the sight of you.
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
She loves somno. She loves to wake you up by fingering you pretty cunt. She loves to hear you sleepy moans and see you squirming. She was scared to ask you about it, but once you enthusiastically said yes, she was VERY exited to try it for the first time.
L = Location (Favourite places to do the do)
Alexia loves to have you all to herself in the safeness of your home. Kitchen? She loves it. Shower? Say no more. Bedroom? Amazing. As long as it's in a place where only she can have you, she's happy.
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
Alexia is a big fan of you in tight clothes. She likes when you walk around the house in your little shorts that show a bit of ass
N = NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Well beside the obvious ones like not doing anything that can seriously hurt you, she will say no to any breath play. She will not choke you in any way, not even just slightly. But other than that, she is very open to anything.
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
Alexia LOVES your tongue and mouth. She usually loves giving but if she can have your mouth on herself, she will have it so happily. She loves sitting on your face and just grinding on your tongue.
P = Pace (Are they fats and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
She will have you in anyway. She likes slow and sweet morning fucks but she also likes to blow your back off during a heated moment in the bedroom. She doesn't really care as long as she can have you.
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
Alexia loves to have quickies. If she can eat your pussy quickly before her practice, she will. Those happen quite often in your household.
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
Alexia is a risk taker, on and off the pitch. She likes to experiment in the bedroom and in fact you guys probably have tried everything under the sun.
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…)
As an athlete, she can go for a long time. She has a high stamina and will go for all night. On her behalf, she doesn't last very long before coming. She can take only take a little before she will be screaming your name.
T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
She has her fair share of toys, and she loves to use them on you. As long as you are comfortable with the gags, vibrators, dildos, restraints and even some anal plugs, she will gladly use them on you.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Alexia will tease you relentlessly. She will make subtle comments during the day to rile you up until you are basically all over her just needing her to fuck you. If you are at a party, she is happy to touch your thigh, kiss your neck, comment how sexy you look just to see the reaction she gets out of you.
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
Alexia doesn't moan that much, but rather breathes really loudly. But if a moan comes out, she will happily let it. On the other hand she loves hearing you. She loves how reactive you are to her and how your beautiful moans fill the room every time you she touches you.
W = Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice)
my brain isn't braining rn and i cant think of anything, sorry not sorry
X = X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants, picture or words)
Alexia loves to wear boxers. She really likes how comfortable they are and just how she can make you go insane when she is only wearing boxers and a t shirt.
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
Her's isn't very high to have you touch her. She obviously needs your touch and loves when you make her cum, but she is happy to just get you off and make you cum.
Z = ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Alexia doesn't fall asleep easily. She will not fall asleep if there are any noise, light or other disruptances. When she has you sleeping next to her peasefully, she will try to get some sleep for herself.
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scribblesofagoonerr · 4 months
All that I ask is that you stay with me | Inner Demons
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⟫ Alphabet Challenge, A - All that I ask is that you stay with me
Pairings: leah williamson x teen reader, arsenal wfc x teen reader
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This is some angst that I thought to write because, well, life's been hard recently and I need a creative outlet to get my emotions out on paper and well, this is the result.
It might not be great and it's not been proof-read at all, so uh, yeah... Let me know what you all think but please be kind :)
And if any of you have any ideas of things to write, I'm open to write anything, within reason of course. My asks are open so feel free to drop anything in there :)
The battle with your inner demons are hard. You sometimes wonder if it's better to leave the world, making the decision without the realisation of how loved you are by the team of girls around you.
TW: heavy angst, SH, MH and talks of suicide and death.
"Y/N are you in there? Hurry up, we're about to start the film" The loud voice of Katie shouts aloud from the other side of the closed bathroom door to alert you of your attention.
You were joined by the girls in a classic team bonding night, a good ol' fashioned film to watch with some sugary treats, curtousy of it being a cheat day.
You are always so excited to spend time with the older girls, you all looked up with some much respect, being a part of the team for a while, you'd grown to love the girls like your own family.
Despite how well you fitted in at the club and how amazing you played football, there would always be people to put you down.
And in this case, it was in the forms of social media.
The internet could be a cruel place sometimes.
"Ye... Yeah, alright. J... Just a minute, I'll be right out" You shakily reply as you held the blade out in front of you while it stared back at you, almost like it was almost taunting you to use it.
Old habits are easy to break, you should have knew that.
It wasn't long before you were slumped on the bathroom floor as you watched the crimson liquid trickle down your arms. It felt like a rush of instant relief to the pain that you currently indured.
One small cut to take away the pain, you thought it would be okay.
Two cuts, you just wanted to chase the rush of the first.
Three, four and five, you realise you may have messed up.
You were doing so well, you had been on the right path to get help. that was needed. You had been clean for a numerous amount of days and just in that instant, the snap of a finger and all of that progress, had just been so easy to unwravle again.
You found it so easy to take a hold of the blade in your hand, press it against your wrist and pierce the skin.
It was a feeling of euphoria that you hadn't felt in a while, it was something that was needed.
The cuts were deep, too deep that even with added pressure, they wouldn't stop bleeding.
"Is this the end now?" You had to question yourself as your eyelids felt heavy, you were so tired and you didn't have it in you to fight anymore.
Was it really that easy to leave a world full of heartache and pain?
Maybe so,
At least you had thought that as you hear the sudden loud bang of the bathroom flying open and clashing against the wall.
"Y/N!" It was Leah's shrill voice that screams out in a panic, her eyes widened in fear as she stares at you. "Y/N, can you hear me?!" she questions with a a quiver in her tone.
"L... Le" You slur her name as you look at the blonde as you can feel yourself slipping into a state of unconciousness.
"Stay awake, Y/N. You have too-- Girls, help!" Leah continues to shout aloud for any of the girls to hear. " You hear me, Y/N? You have to stay awake" she pleads as her tears threaten to spill.
"S' okay, Le. L... Let me go. It's time" You tell her quietly as your eyes flutter between being open and shut.
"No, Y/N. You can't give up... You can't" Leah cries openly, the tears at bay have now escaped. "Stay with me, Y/N. Stay with me, please" she adds, her voice becomes louder as hot tears roll down her cheeks.
The rest of the girls all heard Leah's panicked voice and dart in the direction of the bathroom, each of them gasping in shock to find you slumped on the floor.
"Shit-- Y/N" Beths' eyes widen in fear and panic as she takes in the scene in front of her.
"What happened?" Viv questions, alarmed by the sight.
"S... She's hurt herself" Leahs' panicked voice speaks aloud while she's crouched down on the floor and pressing a towel against your wrists to try and soak up the blood. "I... I can't get the bleeding to stop" she tells them.
"Somebody call an ambulance, quick" Katie states as she joins Leah's side to kneel down and try to help in way that she can.
Her usual joking manner has suddenly turned into fearful and that's when the girls all knew this was serious.
"I'm on it" Jen agrees as fishes her phone out of her pocket, dialing 999 and waiting for an answer on the other side. "I need an ambulance, as soon as possible. It's urgent! My team mates' hurt herself and is in and out of unconciousness" the scots' woman speaks aloud,
"Stay with me, Y/N. Stay with me, keep your eyes open please" Leah pleads as she continues to hold the now blood-soaked towl against your skin, her own tears freely spilling down her cheeks as you daze in and out of sleep.
"W... Why would she do this to herself" Steph questions concerned as she glances at you, heartbroken it had come to this.
"I don't know, she was... she was doing better" Lia spoke out, swallowing the lump in her throat as she tried to keep her own emotions in check.
"At least, we thought she was" Beth mumbles as she struggles to take her eyes off your unconcious body.
"She'll be okay, she has to be" Caitlin adds in with vulnerability in her voice that wasn't usually shown to anyone, other than you.
You were the baby of the team, all of the girls were overprotective of you ever since you joined. It wasn't a secret that you had them all virtually wrapped around your pinky finger.
All the girls knew it was hard for you, you had a lot of expectation to live up to and knew that eventually, the pressure would be too much for you and you would break.
They were all there the last time, they saw the good, the bad and the damn right ugly and vowed to not let it happen again.
But, old habits are easy to break, right?
"Ambulance is on it's way. It won't be long" Jen tells the girls.
"I'm going with her" Leah was quick to say. A tone in her voice which the rest of the girls knew to not object against.
You were close with the girls but compared to them, Leah was pretty much your second-mum, older sister figure all rolled into one and she was the one that you always came to when it got tough.
Why didn't you just speak to her? Then maybe things could be different.
"We'll follow you to the hospital" Kim replies to the blonde and the rest of the girls all nod in agreement, they would always be there for you at a time when you most needed it.
They were your family, and family never turned their back on another.
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juneberrie · 6 months
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☆ going to school w bf!jason. !?
based on this request: "hey junie, can i request going to the same school as jason grace when he’s ur bf headcankns? also i hope everything works out well for ur quince good luck!!"
author's note: guys i actually havent written for jason for so long (its been three days)
— wc: 434 || jason grace masterlist
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goddd where do i start !!!
first of all. you're dating jason grace. aka the cutest patootie, awkward puppy lover bf
he'll bring you flowers, pass u cute notes in class, put little notes in your locker (if you use one bc i know i dont use my locker lolzies)
type of bf your friends love and tell all the drama to
pushing my fb!jason agenda — sitting on the bleachers while he practices, wrapped up in his letterman jacket and doing hw
adding on to fb!jason!!! the entire team knows who you are. its a side effect of dating the football superstar. they all love you and give jason advice on like. how to ask u to hoco/prom, date ideas, etc. he talks about you so much to the point that you could be meeting one of the guys for the first time and they would know your middle name, your favorite color, and an alphabetized list of people who've wronged you in the past
he would sit with you at lunch !! if you get school lunch he'll put his bag down on one chair and then his jacket/your bag/something on the chair next to it and then goes wwith you to the lunch line. if you bring your own lunch he walks you to the table, waits till the lines are short, gets his lunch and speedwells back to ur table <3
he would walk you to class all the time (aka if his class is on the way bc gods know if he was late to a class he'd have a mental breakdown)
its kind of awkward hanging out with him before school/at dances because since he knows a ton of ppl they come up and talk to him while ur just kinda standing there 🧍‍♀️ but!! like the amazeballs bf he is, he makes sure to introduce you and include you in the conversation!!
back to fb!jason (can u tell i like fb jason) after games, he quickly accepts congratulations from people (cause yk he's always winning) and immediately goes to find u <3 he'll give you one of those hugs where he picks u up and spins you around.
type of person to get his license the nanosecond he turns 16 . which meaaannnss!!! you get to be his passenger princess gf!!! he'll drive you EVERYYYYwhere. doesnt matter if he's not going he drives u anyways
i hc that he likes taylor swift so if you were a swiftie his hoco/promposal would def be taylor lyrics or something
"you belong with me — at hoco" type shit <3
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winterrrnight · 3 months
“the blue in your eyes” — new beginnings chapter IV
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PAIRING: stepdad!soft!rafe cameron x mom!reader
EDITH SPEAKS: I am so so sorry for the break I took with updating this! I'll try to be much more regular now <3 <3 please reblog if you enjoyed this and share all your thoughts 💞😊 I am sorry if this feels super boring right now but honestly it wasn't ever really meant to really interesting either 😭😭
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↶ೃ✧˚. ❃ ↷ ˊˎ-
It’s been over one week since Sage joined Rafe’s class. You've noticed the big increase in her happiness; she comes home with a big grin gracing her face, and she proudly shows you her art pieces and small arithmetic and alphabet assignments she did with a huge good star adorning almost each one of them.
“Mamma look, Fafe gave me a star!” She would tell you, jumping around as you look at the star, along with the ‘very well done!’ written next to it.
You’re on your way to pick her up from the school, after finishing up with your own work. As you walk inside the school, you notice Rafe, Sage, and the rest of her classmates sitting in the grass in a circle. You can hear the little children giggling and Rafe laughing along with them. You can't help but smile at the sight; watching Rafe being extremely sweet with the children, always praising them when they do the little things right.
“Okay Sage it’s your turn,” Rafe smiles, handing her a football. “What do you love most?”
“My mamma!” She says, without hesitating even for a second. You softly gasp as you hear those words come from her mouth, deciding to stay here just for a moment more to see how this conversation unfolds.
“And what do you love about her?” Rafe asks her next, the smile still tugging on the corners of Rafe’s lips.
“She is pretty,” Sage sighs. “and she makes me happy.”
Hearing Sage not only call you pretty, but say you make her happy has tears pricking your eyes quickly. A soft smile takes over your face as you watch how Sage glows talking about you, her sweet grin never leaving her, and her little pigtails bouncing when she nods her head. These are the moments when you realize how lucky you are to have Sage in your life.
In the next few minutes Rafe wraps up the class and more parents appear to pick up their children. As Sage spots you, she comes rushing you and clutches onto your legs, hugging them tightly.
“Hey baby,” you smile, bending down to her level as you press a kiss to her cheek. “Did you have a good day?”
She looks up at you and nods her head, a grin on her face. Although you can see she’s feeling tired, her eyes droopy and yawns escaping her lips. “Good day,” she smiles at you, and hugs you. You hug her back, his head nuzzling in your neck. You laugh as you pick her up, her resting on your hip. Just as you get up, you see Rafe looking at you from a distance. You can't help but smile at him, and he waves at you.
A few seconds pass and you’re still looking at him, a smile persistent on your face. Sage’s body relaxes in your arms, and you see she’s almost asleep. You give Rafe a small nod of your head and walk back to where your car is parked.
You set Sage in her car seat, her now being completely asleep. As you close her door, you turn around to see Rafe walking to you.
“Hey,” you smile at him as he approaches you.
“Hi,” he says back, a similar smile on his face. You take a moment to look in his bright blue eyes, the light shining on them to make them seem even brighter than usual.
He takes a look into the car window, seeing the small resting body of Sage. “She’s very smart, you know? And a bright ray of sunshine,” he says, smiling fondly at her.
“I wouldn’t doubt that, she absolutely adores you,” I say. “She comes back home each day with a huge smile on her face,” I sigh, my smile not leaving my face.
“She is just… such a beautiful addition to the class,” Rafe says softly. A moment of silence passes over you two as you steal a glance at Sage in your car, her resting deeply in her seat. The cotton floss clouds slowly shift in the sky, small streaks of golden, hazy sunlight falling on you two.
Just for a second, you see the sunlight strike across Rafe’s eyes, and they seem a brighter blue than usual. Not the usual navy blue, but a sapphire blue instead; the pupil seeming even darker. Your own eyes almost widen at the ethereal sight; it seems as if his eyes just changed colors.
“Uh y/n?” Rafe calls softly. You blink yourself out of your daze and let a small smile grace your face, noticing how the sunrays aren’t falling across his eyes anymore and they’ve returned to their usual dark blue.
“Nothing, you just seemed a little lost there… is everything alright?” He asks, furrowing his brows a little.
And it happens again.
The sunlight falls, and the electric blue appears again. But you try your best to not distract yourself much from it.
“Yeah yeah,” you say, “everything’s alright,”
Silence falls over you two again, but it’s short lived before Rafe speaks again.
“Listen I uh… I wanted to ask you something,” Rafe says. You tilt your head slightly, your brows furrowed slightly.
“Hm?” You hum, wanting him to continue.
He seems to be fumbling with his words, not knowing what to say as his gaze refuses to meet yours, his eyes looking everywhere but at you.
“I was wondering if…” he takes a deep breath, and you notice his hands are at his back, and your first intuition is that he’s probably fiddling with his fingers the way he seems so flustered. “I was wondering if you’d like to grab some coffee with me sometime…” He says, and his voice fades by the end of the sentence, the words dissolving in the air around you.
The creases in your forehead relax and your eyes widen slightly as you process the words.
You and Rafe. Out for coffee. That sounds like a date…
“I mean, we don’t have to have coffee, we can go to some other place if that’s more of your thing…” he rambles. “We don’t even have to go to some food place, we can go for uh… movies and such, or uh… an art museum maybe…”
You can’t help but softly smile at him. His cheeks tinted with a light pink as he rambles on, listing possible locations of where you can go as his gaze refuses to meet yours. It feels as if you’re a teenager, your first crush asking you out.
“Rafe,” you say softly, and he looks up at you. “The offer is beautiful but…” you take a deep breath, “are you sure it’s okay for you to go out for coffee with a… a parent?”
“Of course it is,” he says almost immediately. “Don’t think of me as your child’s teacher I just… I would love to get to know you better,”
You can’t help but smile at his words. The idea sounds quite nice to you, not to mention how Rafe has caught your eye since you first ever saw him.
Since you ended your marriage, you were busy with raising Sage, leaving you no time to put yourself out there for dating whatsoever. You barely even had time to even make a simple conversation with someone, seeing how you were always busy with either taking care of Sage or your own job.
But this? It feels right.
“Then it’s okay,” you say. “I’ll love to have some coffee with you,”
You can see how Rafe’s eyes light up; metaphorically and literally as the sunlight strikes against them and they turn the sharp electric blue, but it’s only momentary. His lips pull into a grin and he nods at you. “Sounds wonderful,” he says softly.
You acknowledge him with a nod of your own head, and pass on a smile.
This is good. This feels good.
↶ೃ✧˚. ❃ ↷ ˊˎ-
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nonsensology · 3 months
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F is for Flippy (and a fuming furious Fliq) frantically fleeing from fanatic fans at a fall forest festival.
While I was feeling nostalgic over favorite childhood books, I was suddenly in the mood to make an alphabet illustration. Here you'll also find "Flounder fishing for French fries" and "Fix-It Felix fixing a fondue fountain for some foxes and a ferret".
I counted over 60 different F words and things represented here (although I could have also missed some). This includes technicalities like "face", "fur", "finger", "fabric", and "fast". Can you spot them all?
F (character from Mike Salcedo series)
fairy tale
fall (autumn)
fan (device)
fan (person)
fan art
Felix, Fix-It
film reel
first (place)
fishing (verb)
fishing pole / fishing rod
five (both Roman and Arabic)
foot / feet
fortune teller
France / French
Frankenstein's monster
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