#for $8000 a month i will stop shipping them
pom0dorini · 1 year
if himaruya really didn't want me to ship usuk and spamano then he wouldn't have made them so gay.
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fictionwordcounts · 3 years
Together or Not at All [Din x Reader]
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Word Count: 8000+
Summary: Normally two Mandalorians working together wasn't a good idea, but sometimes you're forced to make it work; and sometimes you want it to work.
It had been months since you had seen another Mandalorian. It was better for only a few hunters to work at a time, so they hardly crossed paths during a mission. That's why when a Mandalorian showed up in your town, word got around fast.
You had just picked up a bounty puck from an old friend of yours when a group of chattering droids wandered into the cantina. You twiddled your thumbs as they gossiped away, giving you all the information you needed. You could almost laugh at the stupidity of droids. They didn't know or care about what they could be giving away.
You slid your drink down the counter for someone else to enjoy. Normally, you'd take one back to your ship, but this couldn't be one of those times. You had work to do and a bounty hunter to find.
You walked down the street looking for the one person you knew that couldn't resist telling you everything; Even if it was for a price. As you passed by children playing in the streets, their mothers rounded them inside as quickly as they could. They knew your reputation, and though you would never hurt a youngling, it was probably best they stay out of your way. They watched curiously behind their mothers until you had passed their dwelling.
"If it isn't old Wrist Rocket!" Jung Powell's voice rang out signaling you had reached your destination. He called you that because a small missile launcher on your wrist was the only piece of pure beskar you had. It stood out, hence him picking it to distinguish you from other Mandalorians.
He emerged from his workshop and walked over to you. "Here to ask about the new Mando in town, eh?"
"Where are they?" You asked simply.
Jung laughed and squashed a bug underneath his foot. He was always easily distracted. "You know I like ya," he smiled. "But payment's been kind of high this month. Y'know how it is--"
"Fine. I'll get you a payment," you interrupted.
He chuckled and crossed all four of his green arms. "That's why I like you, but it's a bit different this time." You withheld a breath. If Jung wanted you to do something different, it was never good.
"I don't have time to chase down the people you squabble with," you argued.
"It's not a squabble," he countered. "He owes me money, and he won't pay up."
"So, a squabble," you huffed.
He waved two of his hands dismissively. "Ok, call it what you want. The point is I'm not very intimidating--"
"You don't say."
"But if you so much as walk in the door, he'll be at your feet with the money. I just know it." You took a moment to weigh out the options. It was just a simple debt collection. You figured it would be an easy job. Just get it over with and find the other Mandalorian.
"Fine," you agreed. "Who owes you?"
"Don't know if you've heard of him. His name's Kole. Never gave a me a last name, but he doesn't live far away."
He gave you the directions to your target, and you went quickly on your way. You needed to get this job over with so you could get the information you needed about the Mandalorian. You were almost jogging down the streets as you relayed the directions in your head. Left. Right. Left again. You stopped your mental GPS when you heard some kind of commotion. You took a deep breath. It was where your target supposedly was.
You armed the rocket on your wrist and slowly walked into the building. A man dropped at your feet and you instinctively aimed at him. He wasn't moving. You kicked his arm to make sure it was safe to continue.
"Who are you?" A voice made you whip around. Standing only a few feet from you was a Mandalorian decked out in full beskar armor. Every system in your body froze, and you had to remind yourself to breathe.
"You're a Mandalorian," you commented, ignoring his question.
"So are you," he added. He took a step towards you and you pulled out your blaster. He raised his hands slightly, but he didn't step back.
"What are you doing here?" you questioned.
"I'm just passing through," he answered. "I didn't know...I thought all the other Mandalorians were dead." You were glad the helmet you wore concealed the shock on your face. Either he was a lunatic or something terrible at happened.
"Why would you think that?" you asked.
He kept a hand raised as he crouched down at the man at your feet. "Because they all died," he quipped. You didn't quite know how to process what he was saying. You hadn't gone back to Mandalore in years, so it wasn't impossible that he was telling the truth. Still, you refused to believe that they were all gone.
He pulled something out of the mans pocket and stepped back once more. "What is that?" you questioned. The only reason you could trust him was the fact that he was a Mandalorian, and at the moment, that wasn't enough.
He crushed the device in his hand, making you wonder what it was even more. "Broken," he responded simply.
You rolled your eyes though he couldn't see it. "You better start talking, because this is my town. I'm not letting another Mandalorian put me out of my job here.
"I'm not here to take your job," he assured you. "I just came for him." He gestured to the unmoving man that was still at your feet. You figured by now that it was Kole. Your target.
"He was my job," you growled. He still hadn't told you why he was there or how the other Mandalorians had died. He wasn't telling you anything, and it frustrated you to no end.
"Well," he sighed. "You better hope your employer will take him in cold." He tried to walk by you and you were quick to block him.
"Move," he ordered.
"Not until you give me answers," you insisted.
"I was going to," he said. "Back at my ship."
"I'm perfectly fine discussing this here," you said pointedly.
"I'm not." He changed his approach, realizing that he wasn't getting through to you. "Believe me, I'm not going anywhere. I've been looking for another Mandalorian for a while. I just need to get something."
You both stared at each other as if you could read the other's expression through the helmets. That was always a problem with Mandalorians. They couldn't communicate without getting physical. The longer you stood there the heavier the tension in the air became.
A squeal interrupted your stare-down, and before you knew it, your blaster was aimed in the direction of the sound.
"Don't!" The Mandalorian cried. You took a moment to take in what exactly you were looking at. A small green creature with abnormally large ears was standing on a counter not far off.
"How did that get in here?" you demanded.
The Mandalorian rushed over to the creature and gingerly picked it up. "I don't know," he huffed. Then to the child he added, "I thought I told you to stay on the ship." It cooed in response and held it's hand out toward you. You still had your blaster raised, so you lowered it slowly and stared at it's three little fingers.
"What does it want?" you asked. Instead of responding, he put the child down on the ground, and it stumbled in it's oversized coat towards you. You tensed up as it got closer.
"What does it want?" you repeated with more urgency. The kid reached your feet and grabbed on to one of your legs. You froze, so you didn't hurt it by moving.
"Don't hurt him, he's just a kid," The Mandalorian said.
"I wasn't planning on it, but you need to get it off of me!" You raised the boot with the creature on it so he could take it off. He set it back on the ground, and it immediately started making it's way back to you. He picked it up with a warning and didn't put it down again.
"That's not....your kid---"
"No," he interrupted. "I just found him."
"A foundling," you whispered as you stepped towards the child.
The Mandalorian instinctively stepped back. "Yes. I've been keeping him safe."
"Hence my target being dead at my feet," you guessed.
He nodded. "Are you a guild member?"
"No, I get my targets from locals," you explained. "Something I intend to keep doing, so you and your foundling might want to make yourselves disappear."
"We're not here to ruin your business."
"You being here is ruining my business," you pointed out. "Right now, I get plenty of jobs. Why shouldn't I? I am the only Mandalorian in this town after all. Add another in the mix? eventually we'll be either splitting the load, or fighting for the best offer."
"I'm not here for the jobs," he said. "If I needed jobs, I could go anywhere. Like I said, the Mandalorians are gone. People will hire anyone. All you need is the armor."
"Speaking of," you said with a nod towards his armor. "You've got a pretty good set. What are the odds of the Mandalorians being wiped out and a single man making it out with full beskar armor? I'd guess pretty slim. Unless of course he helped kill a few so he could keep the spoils."
"I got this armor before they all died," he informed. "High paying customer."
"Must've been quite a bounty."
"Still is," he looked at the kid in his arms. "That's why I have to keep him safe."
You paused to take in what he had said. "That was the bounty?"
"If you lay a finger on him--"
"I'm not interested in the money," you snapped. "I just want to know how you got paid and still got to keep him."
"It's complicated."
You looked back and forth between him and the kid. "Alright. I don't care. Just get what you came for and get off my planet."
It had been days since your Mandalorian encounter and he still hadn't left. You would see him around town every now and again, and he was always with that kid. He insisted he was leaving, but he never did. It made you anxious. In just the few days he had been there he had stirred everyone up. You couldn't imagine what would happen if he never left.
You sat on the edge of a rock on the outskirts of your town. He claimed he had his ship parked somewhere around there. You wanted to check it out, but you weren't in any hurry. It was nice to be able to take in the scenery for a moment. You stood and took a deep breath. Calming down for a second was just what you needed. This Mandalorian had you worked up for nothing.
You turned around and froze when you saw the Mandalorian's kid standing right in front of you. For some reason, he always made an effort to find you. You liked to think the Mandalorian told it to, just to get on your nerves.
"Go back to the Mandalorian," you ordered. It titled it's head and continued to stare at you. "The other Mandalorian." It stayed.
"Look, kid, I'm not babysitting you. Go back to the Mandalorian that takes care of you, cause it certainly isn't me." Finally, he started walking. Unfortunately for him, he was walking straight towards the edge of the cliff. You put your foot in it's path and it looked up at you.
"Try the other way," you instructed. You nudged it with your foot away from the edge. It paused there for a moment, then turned around and headed for the edge again. You sighed and picked it up by the back of it's cloak. You really didn't want to touch it at all, but you couldn't leave it to wander off the cliff like that. You held it away from you as you continued to trek through the rocky area. Either you'd find his ship or you'd take the creature back to him directly.
A few moments later you saw smoke rising in the sky. There was nothing in that area for miles. The perfect place to land a ship. You picked up the pace, hoping that it was the ship you were looking for. Sure enough in the middle of the clearing was a broken down ship that looked like it used to be a Razor Crest.
"Please tell me that isn't his ship," you said to the child. It only gurgled in response. You set it down now that it couldn't wander off an edge somewhere, and it started walking to the ship. No wonder that Mandalorian was still there. He hardly had a ship to fly back on.
"Hey!" The Mandalorian came up behind you. "What are you doing?" he demanded.
"You intend to fly back on that?" you remarked. "That wouldn't make it off the ground, much less the planet."
"You think I don't know that?" he huffed. "That's why I've been repairing it these past few days. Don't worry. The kid and I will be out of your little town in no time." He stopped the kid halfway to the ship and carried him the rest of the way. You decided to follow, curious about the inside. You followed the Mandalorian up the ramp and took a quick look around the ship. It didn't take long since it was so small and cramped. You couldn't imagine living in it.
"Are you done with your little tour?" he grumbled when you had made it back to the ramp.
You shrugged. "If you don't want me to look around your ship, you should've had it off the planet."
"Unless you have a spare parked in a garage somewhere, that's not going to happen just yet."
"It might be easier if you didn't have a kid to look after," you pointed out.
"It's not that difficult."
"Oh really?" you smirked. "Is that why I found it about to wander off a cliff?"
You could see him tense beneath his beskar armor. "What?" he said testily.
You walked off the ship with a last comment over your shoulder. "I'll let you get back to work."
You sat outside the cantina with Jung Powell talking business. He always bought you a drink thought he knew you couldn't remove your helmet. He probably did it as a temptation to break your code, but it would never work. Instead he would just drink yours as well as his.
"You did great with the money Kole owed me," he was saying. "But you killing him gave a lot of people cold feet y'know."
You tilted your head slightly. "What about you?"
He reached forward to grab the cup in front of you. "I understand it was all in a day's work," he said through a chuckle. He emptied the glass in one gulp and slammed the cup back on the table. "So, if you're looking for another job, I'm the one to talk to."
"That's why I'm here," you said.
"This one's a bit different--"
"With how often you say that, it's starting to become expected."
"Right, I get that, but this really is something else." He leaned over the table enough for you to smell his breath. "Are you up for a cargo run?"
You leaned back and shook your head. "I'm a bounty hunter, not a mail carrier."
"Not even if the mail includes a high paying customer?" he bribed. You stared at him as you considered the offer. It was almost impossible for you to give up a good payment, and you knew that Jung never let you down when it came to those.
"Where to?" you asked warily.
"A dwarf planet a couple systems away--"
"Off planet?" you interrupted. "No deal."
"Come on, wrist rocket, it's getting harder and harder to get deals that stay on planet," he whined.
"Maybe for you, but I have other sources." You stood up to leave and he was quick to tumble out of his chair and stop you.
"No, no, wait!" he cried. "I promise it's worth your time! Plenty of credits! Probably enough to get you more than just a wrist rocket!" You froze. You couldn't lie and say that it wasn't tempting. Deep down you knew it was because of the Mandalorian, but you didn't listen to yourself.
Instead you turned back to Jung. "What do I need to take and where?"
He smiled and rubbed two of his hands together. "Glad you're on board." He gave you your assignment and you walked away knowing you just made a big mistake. Madnalorians were true to their word. If you said you were going to do it, you have to see it through. Now you took up a job out of what? Spite? It was a terrible idea. However, you pushed the doubt out of your mind and looked towards your goal. The only thing you needed now was a way off the planet.
"You want me to do what?" The Mandalorian didn't sound thrilled about your offer.
"I'll give you a cut," you assured him. "I just need transportation off-planet."
"I'm not towing you around to whatever planet you want for a small tip."
"A small tip and the repairs you need to get that ship off the ground," you corrected.
"No thanks. I'll repair it myself." He walked back into his ship, not letting you respond. You stepped back to see his ship was still smoking and hissing and let out a frustrated breath. You knew you could fix it for him, but you wouldn't do it for charity. You weren't getting through to him though. You cut your losses and turned around to leave.
Something grabbed on to your leg and out of instinct, you tried to kick it off. You heard the Mandalorian's foundling squealing so you stopped and looked down. Once again, the creature was holding onto your boot with a iron grip. Normally you'd pry it off and send it on it's way, but as it looked up at you with it's big black eyes, you had an awful idea.
Warily, you began walking it back to the ship. You heard the Mandalorian in the the cockpit so you waited for him to come down. When he did come down and saw you with the creature, he froze.
"What are you doing with him?" he said. You could tell he was tense, and his hand was hovering closer and closer to his blaster.
"Your little foundling won't let go of me," you said with a smirk that he thankfully couldn't see. "I tried and tried, but he just won't budge."
"Sounds like a you problem," he said. You thought you heard a hint of humor, but he was far too concerned about his kid for you to tell.
"It is until I go off-planet to finish out this job, and because I couldn't get him away from me, he tags along. That sounds very much like a you problem," you teased.
The Mandalorian clenched his fists. He scooped the kid off your leg and placed him in his bed. He closed the door and turned back to you. "Leave the kid out of this."
"I can't help what it does--"
"You're not taking him with you." Now he was getting upset.
You felt the kid grab onto your boot again and without looking down at it you said, "I don't think I have a choice."
"How did you--" The Mandalorian tried to take him off again, but the kid stayed put. "C'mon kid, let go."
The Mandalorian tugged harder, but the kid squealed, causing him to stop. He looked from the creature to you. For a second, your stomach flipped at the idea that he might actually kill you just to get his kid back. You quickly pushed the thought aside. He wouldn't. It was against the code.
He stood there considering his options for a while before he finally mumbled, "You'd have to get it to fly."
You smiled and gently took the kid off your boot. "Thank you," you said as you handed it over.
He took it and brushed past you as he said, "Just one trip there and back. No more." That was fine by you. You got exactly what you needed. Now you had to get to work with the repairs.
You and the Mandalorian sat in the cockpit ready to test out the repaired ship. His kid sat in his lap since you were taking up it's usual spot, so he carefully reached around it to flip switches and press buttons. He had instructed you not to touch anything, then proceeded to unscrew a small lever and hand part of it to the kid.
"We just repaired this thing, and you think it's a good idea to take it apart for that thing's chew toy?" you inquired.
"I know what I'm doing," he snapped. He pulled up, and the whole ship rumbled beneath you. For a moment you weren't sure it would make it off the ground. Then, with a low creak, the ship rose and started cruising forward slowly but surely.
"Hold on," the Mandalorian instructed. He increased the speed and the ship let out a number of complaints. It started rumbling and shaking uncontrollably, and you grabbed onto the seat so you wouldn't get tossed around.
"What's happening?" you shouted over the noise of alarms and groaning metal.
"It'll stabilize once we break through the atmosphere!" he responded.
"If we make it that far!" you snapped. You looked over at the kid on his lap. He was smiling and bouncing like it was some kind of ride to him. Something you would've found funny if there wasn't a good chance that you would all plummet back to the ground. A few moments later, space came speeding into view and the alarms switched off. Then in a second everything went from chaotic to completely silent.
"Told you," the Mandalorian said. "Now we just cruise over to your dwarf planet. I don't think we'll be able to jump to hyperspace."
"What?" you said louder than you had planned. "That could take us days, and that's if we don't come across any obstacles!"
"You're the one who wanted a ride," he quipped as he leaned back in his chair. "If you change your mind, there's always the eject pods."
It took every cell in your body to maintain your composure. This wasn't even a mission you were particularly thrilled about going on, much less with this Mandalorian. You felt at times that the only thing keeping you both from each others throats was the Mandalorian code, but according to him, all the Mandalorians were dead. What validity was there to that pact?
The creature on his lap kept looking at you with it's huge, pitch-black eyes. You didn't know how to react. It was hard not to stare. It's eyes and ears were oversized, and it's layers of clothes made it look like it was in a squishy cocoon. It was kind of cute. You smiled at it, and though it couldn't see, it gurgled and smiled back.
"How old is it?" you asked. The Mandalorian seemed taken aback by the question. You were almost surprised yourself. You didn't care about the kid. You were just curious.
"I don't know," he said after a while. "Somewhere around 50?"
"Fifty?" you asked surprised.
"Well, he obviously ages slower than we do," he remarked. You looked over at the kid and he looked back at you with wide questioning eyes. The Mandalorian stood up with the kid in his arms, and went to the lower part of the ship. "I'll be right back. Don't touch anything!" His command echoed just far enough for you to hear him. You rolled your eyes and reclined in your seat. You might as well get comfortable.
You had been twiddling your thumbs for almost half an hour, and the Mandalorian still hadn't come back. It was irritating, especially since you couldn't do anything on his ship. It clearly wasn't meant to be a livable space. It was just meant for towing him across the galaxy.
You had thought about traveling beyond your planet before, and the longer you stayed the more you wanted to leave. You had heard that it's the spirit of a Mandalorian to travel from place to place, but you never tried. Now you looked out at the black of space littered with stars. It had been so long since you had seen it.
A small, quiet sound roused you from your thoughts. You turned your seat around to see the kid standing there and staring right at you. A small chuckle escaped your lips.
"What do I have to do to get you to stop following me?" you asked half-jokingly. He babbled as if he was actually trying to respond. He walked closer and raised his arms.
"Sorry, but I don't think your dad would want me picking you up," you warned. It insisted and walked even closer. You rolled your eyes. The Mandalorian didn't seem to be coming back soon anyway. You granted the child's wish and picked him up. You didn't set him on your lap, but rather held him a good distance away from you as if he was toxic.
"Are you seriously older than I am?" you whispered almost to yourself.
"Hey!" The Mandalorian's voice cut through the ships low hum and made you jump. You almost dropped the kid so you brought him closer to you by instinct. "What are you doing with the kid?"
"Your kid keeps coming to me!" you explained angrily. "Besides, he's fine." You held the creature out towards the Mandalorian like it was some dull object. He was quick to take it from you, and he sat back down in the pilot's seat. You needed to say something. Anything. You were getting tired of constantly being mad at each other. After all, you were supposedly the last two of your kind. It probably wasn't best to be fighting each other with every word.
"I don't even know what I'm supposed to call you," you mentioned. It was a sudden thought that you had. You currently didn't call him anything. The way you got each others attention was by yelling at the other. Definitely not a good way to end the fighting.
His head moved ever so slightly towards you. "I don't really..." He trailed off and a long moment of silence passed before he spoke up again. "Why don't you just...call me Mando?"
"Mando?" you inquired. "That derogatory nickname that almost every Mandalorian gets?"
"It's not a derogatory nickname. At least, not anymore," he corrected. "I don't have anything else in mind."
"Well, Mandalorians get their nicknames by what they look like or how they act," you pointed out. You looked him up and down. "I guess that would make you 'Beskar?'"
"And what would that make you? 'Not beskar?'" he retorted.
"Ha ha," you replied unenthusiastically. "I'm seriously just supposed to call you Mando?"
"Call me whatever you want," he concluded. "It's not like we're going to be seeing each other after I drop you off." You couldn't argue with that. You certainly didn't intend to see him again, and you were positive the feeling was mutual. You laid your head back against the seat. This was going to be a long trip.
Two days since you had left, the dwarf planet finally came into view. You were relieved to be so close to your destination. Of course, the trip wasn't as bad as you thought once you actually talked to Mando without bickering. If you didn't leave room for an argument, he hardly said anything, but the few things he said were actually worth something.
"That's the planet right?" he asked.
"It is," you confirmed. "Are you sure this thing is equipped to land?"
"I guess we'll find out in about five minutes," he replied as he flicked switches and pressed buttons.
"Ship 4119, this is landing pad 7. Do you have clearance to land?" A voice from the intercom made both of you freeze. A small hologram appeared with a symbol that made your blood turn cold. It was the crest of the Empire.
"This is an imperial trade?" Mando hissed under his breath.
"Dank farrik!" you growled. "I'll kill you, Powell."
"Ship 4119, are you reading me?" The voice pressed.
"What do we do?" you whispered.
"Four minutes 'til we land," he started. "We stall." He raised his voice so the person over the intercom could hear. "Yes, I have clearance, but there's some bad interference. Let me switch you over to another channel. Stand by." He switched off the intercom and turned towards you. "That should buy us about a minute."
"Only?" you asked incredulously.
"What did you expect dealing with the Empire?" he scolded.
"I didn't know it was the Empire," you defended weakly.
"We don't have long to figure out what we're doing," he reminded you. "We can't land on the pad so we need to find an alternative."
"It's all trees," you huffed. "The landing pad is our only option."
"Ship 4119, you cooperation is required or you will be terminated."
"The landing pad it is," he sighed. "Hold on to the kid. It's not going to be a smooth landing."
You did as he said and waited. He lowered the landing gear and the ship immediately seized up. The shook and rumbled, and alarms started going off. The voice over the intercom had started a countdown until their "termination". Mando waited until the count of one to expertly roll to the side and half land half crash onto a separate landing pad. Guards were around the ship in moments. Stormtroopers.
"Step out of the ship with your arms up," one commanded.
"They don't know that there's two of us," Mando whispered to you. "I'll walk out as they said, then on my signal, you come in behind and start taking them out." You nodded, and he started to make his way off the ship. You watched him closely for the signal as you readied your rocket. One hit, perfectly aimed, would take them all out.
The signal, followed by your rocket going off, followed by a blinding white light filled the next few moments of your life. When the smoke cleared, there was hardly anything telling you there were stormtroopers there at all. You exited the ship with the kid still in your arms.
"Not bad," you complemented yourself.
"Yeah, yeah, you did good," he brushed off. "We're not entirely out of the woods yet. Spread out and make contact if you find the package."
You stopped. "I thought you were leaving."
"What can I say?" he said with a small shrug. "I'm bored." He threw a small communicator in your direction. "If you come back without the kid, you're as good as dead." Without another word, he jogged off to look for the package. You look down at the kid in your hands, and he tilted his head.
"Yeah, I'm confused too," you murmured. You jogged in the opposite direction already waiting to get off this planet.
What seemed like hours later, Mando contacted you on the communicator. It was pretty choppy, but from what you could tell, he either had the package or he would soon. You breathed a sigh of relief. You weren't comfortable being so close to the Empire.
You quickly found the river you had been following, and began heading upstream. The kid was getting restless. He wanted to walk, but the Mandalorian would have your head if you let him with so many stormtroopers around. So you continued. You thought all would be well, but out of nowhere a gun shot fired right next to your head.
"They're over here!" A stormtrooper yelled through the woods. You found cover and quickly opened your communicator.
"Mando, I'm under attack!" you warned. "South of the ship, not far! Hurry!" Shots were firing all around you and the child started whimpering in fear. You held him close to you as you fired shots blindly into the forest. "Mando!"
Stormtroopers yelled in the distance signaling help was there. You stood from your cover and came helmet to helmet with a camo trooper. He knocked his gun into your hands, sending the kid rolling across the forest floor. You fired your blaster and the trooper dropped to the ground. You heard a sickening splash as you realized the child had rolled towards the river.
Mando caught up with you and noticed you didn't have his kid. "Where is he?" he yelled. You ignored him and plunged head first into the river. The child was so small, it would've been carried away in an instant. When you finally spotted him, he was bobbing downstream with a wide smile. You swam towards him, scooped him up, and placed him back on solid ground. Thankfully there wasn't a scratch on him.
The Mandalorian had made it to you and the kid right as you pulled yourself from the river. You were ready for him to scold you, grab the kid, and walk off, but he picked up the kid and extended an arm to you.
"You alright?" he questioned. You hesitantly took his hand, and he helped you stand.
"Fine," you said quietly. A small hint of a nod from Mando, and you were both walking through the forest back to the ship.
Mando held out a metal rod laced with blue light. "This the package?"
"Yes," you said as you took it from him. "Thank you."
"We can't get back on the Razor Crest," he informed. "It's too banged up."
"What are we supposed to do then?" you asked.
He turned to you. "We need one of those Imperial Cruisers."
It had been a whole month since your run-in with the Empire. You and Mando successfully stole one of the Empires aircraft, and made your way back to your planet without a hitch. It was there that Mando offered for you to work with him for a while. You told him you had to think about it, but your mind was already made up. You loved the thrill of going off planet, and you wanted to go again.
You hadn't looked back until now. You were currently making your way back to that same dwarf planet to retrieve the ship you had left behind so long ago.
"Either the Empire will be completely flushed out--" Mando was saying.
"Or they'll have grown ten times their original size," you finished.
"That about sums it up," he confirmed. Working together felt so natural now. It was a wonder Mandalorians hadn't worked together before. They had similar expertise, making it easy to agree to and execute a plan. At least, that was the case for you and the Mandalorian. You found a way to communicate without fighting, and you only grew closer from there.
You liked being around the Mandalorian. You hadn't expected to become so close to him, but you didn't mind one bit. You were both at ease with one another and didn't need a lot of words to understand each other. You both had learned the micro movements that the other would use. A small shift of the helmet. A clench of the fist. A drop of the shoulders. Small things that meant so much.
"So, you run the kid onto the ship as I cover you," Mando said, going through the plan once more.
"I set off a distraction long enough for you to make it on the ship yourself," you continued.
"And we fly off the planet as quick as we can."
"Assuming it will fly," you quipped.
"All of this is assuming they've grown stronger," he reminded you. "I'm not sure the Empire is capable of that at this point."
"I wouldn't get my hopes up," you cautioned. The intercom rang out with the same warning you had received last time.
Mando kept his eyes forward. "Here we go." He ignored the voice and landed the ship on the pad. You picked up the kid and waited for Mando to leave the ship first. He walked out, guns blazing, and you were quick to slip out behind him. A few troopers saw you, but luckily they were terrible shots. You made quick work of them and moved the kid onto the Razor Crest. So far so good. Now you just had give Mando a distraction.
Before you could even think of anything, three TIE fighters let loose a rain of fire on the pad where the Mandalorian was. In a panic you fired a rocket at one, but it just missed the fast moving ship.
"Mando!" you called. "Get in here! We need to move!" You fired at as many troopers as you could without attracting fire to yourself, but it didn't help much. He was practically by himself.
"Fire up the ship and take off!" You heard Mando's voice over the communicator in your helmet.
"I'm not leaving you," you replied.
"Leave the ramp open! Trust me!" Going against your better judgement, you did as he said. The child was confused as to why you were leaving the Mandalorian on the planet, but he stayed with you. You tried to get the ship off the ground, but it wouldn't budge. You diverted power and fuel until you had enough of a kick to get it moving.
"Now would be a great time to get on board!" you informed.
"I'm on my way! Fly!" he responded. You pushed forward as the ship creaked. Would it be able to make it off the planet?
"Lower!" Mando's voice called out suddenly. You pushed the ship downwards and everything lurched forward. Including the child who was more than happy to be around all the buttons.
"Get back in your seat," you instructed him. His ears drooped, but he obeyed and crawled off the control panel.
"I'm on! Close the ramp," Mando said. You closed the ramp and tried to direct the ship upwards. TIE fighters noticed the attempt to escape and started firing making the ship worse.
"We're taking fire!" you yelled. Mando climbed the ladder into the cockpit, and you were quick to move so he could take the controls. The ship slowly climbed while taking shots from the TIE fighters. You couldn't dodge them without using much needed fuel to get away from the planet. The ship was rocking and squealing as it tried to break through the planets atmosphere. You grabbed the child and rushed him down to his bed. He would be safer there than in the cockpit.
"We broke through!" Mando informed you. You climbed back up to where he was.
"Then why are we still shaking uncontrollably?" you questioned.
"Those TIE fighters will be on us in seconds," he continued. "We need to jump to hyperspace."
"This ship can't do that!"
"It'll have to. Where's the kid?"
"He's safe."
"Then hold on." He prepared everything for the jump, but he looked over at you before he started. "It's our only option."
You strapped in as quickly as you could. "Then do it." Mando engaged the hyperdrive. Immediately you knew you were going to crash. The ship's alarms blared and the engine burst into flames. Pulling out of hyperspace, you saw a planet speeding into view, but you couldn't stop the ship in time. You crashed and slid on the icy planet before everything went black.
When you woke up, you could only make out the orange light of fire mixing with the blue light of the planet you were on. You tried to blink to make the world come into focus, but your eyes refused to comply. You took off your helmet for a moment and cold wind whipped at your face. The back of your head throbbed and you gingerly touched it. When you moved your hand you saw that it was coated in blood. You were wounded where no one could see.
You slipped your helmet back on before going to find the Mandalorian. You didn't know what to do except find him, so that's what you would do. You didn't have to walk far before you found the crashed ship. You picked up the pace as you called for the Mandalorian. You entered the burning ship and found Mando unconscious in the cock pit. You shook his shoulder until he finally woke.
"Are you ok?" he asked.
"I'm fine," you lied.
"And the kid?" he pressed.
"I don't know," you answered. You both quickly descended the ladder and opened the door to the sleeping pod. The child sat on the bed completely unharmed. You breathed a sigh of relief. You felt as if the kid was your own. You didn't know what you'd do if something happened to him.
"Any sign of the Empire?" Mando questioned.
"None," you replied. "But there's no sign of getting off this planet either. We really messed up."
"There has to be some kind of lifeform on this planet," he insisted.
"I saw the planet. It's all snow and ice. You'd have to be crazy to live here."
"We have to try anyway." He grabbed a blanket off the bed and wrapped the child in it. You all left the ship and stepped onto the freezing planet. Your hopes of finding a way off were low to non-existent, but you followed Mando. He'd find a way.
The longer you walked, the dizzier you felt. Your head hadn't stopped throbbing and you were finding it hard to focus. Whatever you had done to your head was slowly chipping away at you. Your legs felt weak, and it wasn't long before they gave out on you. You crumpled into the snow.
"Y/N!" Mando called. You couldn't register his voice. Where he was. What was happening. The fact that he had used your name though you never gave it to him. It was all just a fleeting thought that was drowned out in the pain. He held you in his arms as he tried to keep you conscious. You felt his hands at the sides of your helmet and you quickly held them away.
"It's against the code," you groaned.
He looked at his hand which was covered in blood from your helmet. "You're bleeding! I have to take it off to help!"
"No!" you insisted. "You can't see my face. You know that."
"I'd rather you live with the shame then die here in the snow!"
"I can't," you breathed. "I've never taken it off in front of anyone." He stopped and looked at you hopelessly.
"It's ok," you said. "Find a way off the planet and take care of the kid." The Mandalorian carefully propped you up in the snow then slightly stepped back. Before you could say anything, or even think of what was happening. He removed his helmet and dropped it at his feet. His brown hair blew wildly in the wind as he bent down to you.
"You..." you barely whispered.
"I'm helping you even if that means breaking the code, but we'll be breaking it together," he said. You felt him lifting the helmet off your head, but you didn't stop him. He placed your helmet next to his in the snow and gently moved your hair aside. You didn't have the willpower to fight what was happening. You let him work as the world grew fuzzy around you. It all seemed surreal. Especially when the next thing you remembered was the child dropping to the ground in exhaustion.
The world was coming back into focus, and the throbbing pain in your skull subsided. You looked up to see your Mandalorian unmasked and holding his child. Your hand instinctively reached for the wound at the back of your head, but there was none.
"He healed you." It was strange to hear the Mandalorian's voice outside of the helmet. It was softer and more real. "I don't know how he does it, but it drains his energy. It was the only way to save you.
You stood slowly, unable to take your eyes from the Mandalorian's. It was strange to think he was seeing your face just as you were seeing his. You thought you'd be more ashamed. After all you had broken one of the most important rules on Mandalore. You both had. But you didn't feel guilt like you had done something wrong. You felt what you could only identify as relief. Relief that you didn't have to hide behind your metal helmet in front of the one you cared so deeply for.
Mando picked up both the helmets, handing yours to you. "We should get moving." You stared into yours, not wanting to put it back on. You grudgingly did, and Mando followed. You both took moment to stare at each others expressionless helmets, then continued through the ice and snow.
When you finally found people, you recognized them as a rebels. There weren't many that were aware of the Empires presence and even fewer would fight. They wouldn't harm you. They brought you into a cave that was partially lined with metal and cement. They hadn't been there long. They were hesitant to let you in at first, but when they saw the child laying unconscious in Mando's arms, they obliged. They took the kid to care for him, and you could tell Mando was tense. You placed your hand on his shoulder and he turned to you.
"He's going to be fine," you comforted. He remained silent. "You...said my name. Back in the snow. Unless I was hallucinating--"
"You weren't" he confirmed. "I saw it on our first trip to that kriffing dwarf planet. I never meant to get used to saying it in my head. I'm sorry."
You shrugged. "I don't think you knowing it puts me in danger."
He took a deep breath. "My real name is Din Djarin."
"You didn't have to tell me--"
"From now on, we do things together or not at all. Deal?"
You desperately wished he could see you smile. "Deal."
A week passed on the planet you came to know as Hoth. You needed time to recover and so did the kid. The rebels were working on a way to get you off the planet, and the Mandalorian spent most of his time working to help them with that. He was getting more frustrated every day. You wanted to help him. Tell him they'd find a way soon, but the only option they had was another week of waiting until a ship flew in for supplies.
It was late at night when he came to you. He was broken down and stressed, but he would never tell you so. He hardly said a word to you during the whole week. But now here he was.
He walked over to you slowly and stopped. "I can't find a faster way off this planet," he said, his voice laced with defeat.
"It's alright," you assured him. "What matters is that we will get off. Eventually."
"Eventually," he repeated. "Eventually isn't good enough."
"We're alright here," you soothed. "Nothing's going to happen to the kid here."
"They have trackers," he pointed out. "They'll find him if we don't move--"
"Din," you said, using his name for the first time since he told it to you. You stepped closer so he was only a few inches apart from you. You removed his helmet without any objections from him and set it aside. You did the same to your helmet. You needed to talk to him face to face.
"No one is going to get the kid because we're protecting him," you said. "We protect him together." Din smiled, wrapped his arms around your waist, and pulled you closer to him. Your arms rested around his neck as your lips touched. A kiss was something a Mandalorian could never know. But you both disregarded the rules just so you could know each other's touch not  through a casing of metal. And you did it together.
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imagining-imagines · 4 years
Together or Not at All [Din x Reader]
Requested on Wattpad.com at StarkWars084
Word count: 8000+
It had been months since you had seen another Mandalorian. It was better for only a few hunters to work at a time, so they hardly crossed paths during a mission. That's why when a Mandalorian showed up in your town, word got around fast.
You had just picked up a bounty puck from an old friend of yours when a group of chattering droids wandered into the cantina. You twiddled your thumbs as they gossiped away, giving you all the information you needed. You could almost laugh at the stupidity of droids. They didn't know or care about what they could be giving away.
You slid your drink down the counter for someone else to enjoy. Normally, you'd take one back to your ship, but this couldn't be one of those times. You had work to do and a bounty hunter to find.
You walked down the street looking for the one person you knew that couldn't resist telling you everything; Even if it was for a price. As you passed by children playing in the streets, their mothers rounded them inside as quickly as they could. They knew your reputation, and though you would never hurt a youngling, it was probably best they stay out of your way. They watched curiously behind their mothers until you had passed their dwelling.
"If it isn't old Wrist Rocket!" Jung Powell's voice rang out signaling you had reached your destination. He called you that because a small missile launcher on your wrist was the only piece of pure beskar you had. It stood out, hence him picking it to distinguish you from other Mandalorians.
He emerged from his workshop and walked over to you. "Here to ask about the new Mando in town, eh?"
"Where are they?" You asked simply.
Jung laughed and squashed a bug underneath his foot. He was always easily distracted. "You know I like ya," he smiled. "But payment's been kind of high this month. Y'know how it is--"
"Fine. I'll get you a payment," you interrupted.
He chuckled and crossed all four of his green arms. "That's why I like you, but it's a bit different this time." You withheld a breath. If Jung wanted you to do something different, it was never good.
"I don't have time to chase down the people you squabble with," you argued.
"It's not a squabble," he countered. "He owes me money, and he won't pay up."
"So, a squabble," you huffed.
He waved two of his hands dismissively. "Ok, call it what you want. The point is I'm not very intimidating--"
"You don't say."
"But if you so much as walk in the door, he'll be at your feet with the money. I just know it." You took a moment to weigh out the options. It was just a simple debt collection. You figured it would be an easy job. Just get it over with and find the other Mandalorian.
"Fine," you agreed. "Who owes you?"
"Don't know if you've heard of him. His name's Kole. Never gave a me a last name, but he doesn't live far away."
He gave you the directions to your target, and you went quickly on your way. You needed to get this job over with so you could get the information you needed about the Mandalorian. You were almost jogging down the streets as you relayed the directions in your head. Left. Right. Left again. You stopped your mental GPS when you heard some kind of commotion. You took a deep breath. It was where your target supposedly was.
You armed the rocket on your wrist and slowly walked into the building. A man dropped at your feet and you instinctively aimed at him. He wasn't moving. You kicked his arm to make sure it was safe to continue.
"Who are you?" A voice made you whip around. Standing only a few feet from you was a Mandalorian decked out in full beskar armor. Every system in your body froze, and you had to remind yourself to breathe.
"You're a Mandalorian," you commented, ignoring his question.
"So are you," he added. He took a step towards you and you pulled out your blaster. He raised his hands slightly, but he didn't step back.
"What are you doing here?" you questioned.
"I'm just passing through," he answered. "I didn't know...I thought all the other Mandalorians were dead." You were glad the helmet you wore concealed the shock on your face. Either he was a lunatic or something terrible at happened.
"Why would you think that?" you asked.
He kept a hand raised as he crouched down at the man at your feet. "Because they all died," he quipped. You didn't quite know how to process what he was saying. You hadn't gone back to Mandalore in years, so it wasn't impossible that he was telling the truth. Still, you refused to believe that they were all gone.
He pulled something out of the mans pocket and stepped back once more. "What is that?" you questioned. The only reason you could trust him was the fact that he was a Mandalorian, and at the moment, that wasn't enough.
He crushed the device in his hand, making you wonder what it was even more. "Broken," he responded simply.
You rolled your eyes though he couldn't see it. "You better start talking, because this is my town. I'm not letting another Mandalorian put me out of my job here.
"I'm not here to take your job," he assured you. "I just came for him." He gestured to the unmoving man that was still at your feet. You figured by now that it was Kole. Your target.
"He was my job," you growled. He still hadn't told you why he was there or how the other Mandalorians had died. He wasn't telling you anything, and it frustrated you to no end.
"Well," he sighed. "You better hope your employer will take him in cold." He tried to walk by you and you were quick to block him.
"Move," he ordered.
"Not until you give me answers," you insisted.
"I was going to," he said. "Back at my ship."
"I'm perfectly fine discussing this here," you said pointedly.
"I'm not." He changed his approach, realizing that he wasn't getting through to you. "Believe me, I'm not going anywhere. I've been looking for another Mandalorian for a while. I just need to get something."
You both stared at each other as if you could read the other's expression through the helmets. That was always a problem with Mandalorians. They couldn't communicate without getting physical. The longer you stood there the heavier the tension in the air became.
A squeal interrupted your stare-down, and before you knew it, your blaster was aimed in the direction of the sound.
"Don't!" The Mandalorian cried. You took a moment to take in what exactly you were looking at. A small green creature with abnormally large ears was standing on a counter not far off.
"How did that get in here?" you demanded.
The Mandalorian rushed over to the creature and gingerly picked it up. "I don't know," he huffed. Then to the child he added, "I thought I told you to stay on the ship." It cooed in response and held it's hand out toward you. You still had your blaster raised, so you lowered it slowly and stared at it's three little fingers.
"What does it want?" you asked. Instead of responding, he put the child down on the ground, and it stumbled in it's oversized coat towards you. You tensed up as it got closer.
"What does it want?" you repeated with more urgency. The kid reached your feet and grabbed on to one of your legs. You froze, so you didn't hurt it by moving.
"Don't hurt him, he's just a kid," The Mandalorian said.
"I wasn't planning on it, but you need to get it off of me!" You raised the boot with the creature on it so he could take it off. He set it back on the ground, and it immediately started making it's way back to you. He picked it up with a warning and didn't put it down again.
"That's not....your kid---"
"No," he interrupted. "I just found him."
"A foundling," you whispered as you stepped towards the child.
The Mandalorian instinctively stepped back. "Yes. I've been keeping him safe."
"Hence my target being dead at my feet," you guessed.
He nodded. "Are you a guild member?"
"No, I get my targets from locals," you explained. "Something I intend to keep doing, so you and your foundling might want to make yourselves disappear."
"We're not here to ruin your business."
"You being here is ruining my business," you pointed out. "Right now, I get plenty of jobs. Why shouldn't I? I am the only Mandalorian in this town after all. Add another in the mix? eventually we'll be either splitting the load, or fighting for the best offer."
"I'm not here for the jobs," he said. "If I needed jobs, I could go anywhere. Like I said, the Mandalorians are gone. People will hire anyone. All you need is the armor."
"Speaking of," you said with a nod towards his armor. "You've got a pretty good set. What are the odds of the Mandalorians being wiped out and a single man making it out with full beskar armor? I'd guess pretty slim. Unless of course he helped kill a few so he could keep the spoils."
"I got this armor before they all died," he informed. "High paying customer."
"Must've been quite a bounty."
"Still is," he looked at the kid in his arms. "That's why I have to keep him safe."
You paused to take in what he had said. "That was the bounty?"
"If you lay a finger on him--"
"I'm not interested in the money," you snapped. "I just want to know how you got paid and still got to keep him."
"It's complicated."
You looked back and forth between him and the kid. "Alright. I don't care. Just get what you came for and get off my planet."
It had been days since your Mandalorian encounter and he still hadn't left. You would see him around town every now and again, and he was always with that kid. He insisted he was leaving, but he never did. It made you anxious. In just the few days he had been there he had stirred everyone up. You couldn't imagine what would happen if he never left.
You sat on the edge of a rock on the outskirts of you town. He claimed he had his ship parked somewhere around there. You wanted to check it out, but you weren't in any hurry. It was nice to be able to take in the scenery for a moment. You stood and took a deep breath. Calming down for a second was just what you needed. This Mandalorian had you worked up for nothing.
You turned around and froze when you saw the Mandalorian's kid standing right in front of you. For some reason, he always made an effort to find you. You liked to think the Mandalorian told it to, just to get on your nerves.
"Go back to the Mandalorian," you ordered. It titled it's head and continued to stare at you. "The other Mandalorian." It stayed.
"Look, kid, I'm not babysitting you. Go back to the Mandalorian that takes care of you, cause it certainly isn't me." Finally, he started walking. Unfortunately for him, he was walking straight towards the edge of the cliff. You put your foot in it's path and it looked up at you.
"Try the other way," you instructed. You nudged it with your foot away from the edge. It paused there for a moment, then turned around and headed for the edge again. You sighed and picked it up by the back of it's cloak. You really didn't want to touch it at all, but you couldn't leave it to wander off the cliff like that. You held it away from you as you continued to trek through the rocky area. Either you'd find his ship or you'd take the creature back to him directly.
A few moments later you saw smoke rising in the sky. There was nothing in that area for miles. The perfect place to land a ship. You picked up the pace, hoping that it was the ship you were looking for. Sure enough in the middle of the clearing was a broken down ship that looked like it used to be a Razor Crest.
"Please tell me that isn't his ship," you said to the child. It only gurgled in response. You set it down now that it couldn't wander off an edge somewhere, and it started walking to the ship. No wonder that Mandalorian was still there. He hardly had a ship to fly back on.
"Hey!" The Mandalorian came up behind you. "What are you doing?" he demanded.
"You intend to fly back on that?" you remarked. "That wouldn't make it off the ground, much less the planet."
"You think I don't know that?" he huffed. "That's why I've been repairing it these past few days. Don't worry. The kid and I will be out of your little town in no time." He stopped the kid halfway to the ship and carried him the rest of the way. You decided to follow, curious about the inside. You followed the Mandalorian up the ramp and took a quick look around the ship. It didn't take long since it was so small and cramped. You couldn't imagine living in it.
"Are you done with your little tour?" he grumbled when you had made it back to the ramp.
You shrugged. "If you don't want me to look around your ship, you should've had it off the planet."
"Unless you have a spare parked in a garage somewhere, that's not going to happen just yet."
"It might be easier if you didn't have a kid to look after," you pointed out.
"It's not that difficult."
"Oh really?" you smirked. "Is that why I found it about to wander off a cliff?"
You could see him tense beneath his beskar armor. "What?" he said testily.
You walked off the ship with a last comment over your shoulder. "I'll let you get back to work."
You sat outside the cantina with Jung Powell talking business. He always bought you a drink thought he knew you couldn't remove your helmet. He probably did it as a temptation to break your code, but it would never work. Instead he would just drink yours as well as his.
"You did great with the money Kole owed me," he was saying. "But you killing him gave a lot of people cold feet y'know."
You tilted your head slightly. "What about you?"
He reached forward to grab the cup in front of you. "I understand it was all in a day's work," he said through a chuckle. He emptied the glass in one gulp and slammed the cup back on the table. "So, if you're looking for another job, I'm the one to talk to."
"That's why I'm here," you said.
"This one's a bit different--"
"With how often you say that, it's starting to become expected."
"Right, I get that, but this really is something else." He leaned over the table enough for you to smell his breath. "Are you up for a cargo run?"
You leaned back and shook your head. "I'm a bounty hunter, not a mail carrier."
"Not even if the mail includes a high paying customer?" he bribed. You stared at him as you considered the offer. It was almost impossible for you to give up a good payment, and you knew that Jung never let you down when it came to those.
"Where to?" you asked warily.
"A dwarf planet a couple systems away--"
"Off planet?" you interrupted. "No deal."
"Come on, wrist rocket, it's getting harder and harder to get deals that stay on planet," he whined.
"Maybe for you, but I have other sources." You stood up to leave and he was quick to tumble out of his chair and stop you.
"No, no, wait!" he cried. "I promise it's worth your time! Plenty of credits! Probably enough to get you more than just a wrist rocket!" You froze. You couldn't lie and say that it wasn't tempting. Deep down you knew it was because of the Mandalorian, but you didn't listen to yourself.
Instead you turned back to Jung. "What do I need to take and where?"
He smiled and rubbed two of his hands together. "Glad you're on board." He gave you your assignment and you walked away knowing you just made a big mistake. Madnalorians were true to their word. If you said you were going to do it, you have to see it through. Now you took up a job out of what? Spite? It was a terrible idea. However, you pushed the doubt out of your mind and looked towards your goal. The only thing you needed now was a way off the planet.
"You want me to do what?" The Mandalorian didn't sound thrilled about your offer.
"I'll give you a cut," you assured him. "I just need transportation off-planet."
"I'm not towing you around to whatever planet you want for a small tip."
"A small tip and the repairs you need to get that ship off the ground," you corrected.
"No thanks. I'll repair it myself." He walked back into his ship, not letting you respond. You stepped back to see his ship was still smoking and hissing and let out a frustrated breath.. You knew you could fix it for him, but you wouldn't do it for charity. You weren't getting through to him though. You cut your losses and turned around to leave.
Something grabbed on to your leg and out of instinct, you tried to kick it off. You heard the Mandalorian's foundling squealing so you stopped and looked down. Once again, the creature was holding onto your boot with a iron grip. Normally you'd pry it off and send it on it's way, but as it looked up at you with it's big black eyes, you had an awful idea.
Warily, you began walking it back to the ship. You heard the Mandalorian in the the cockpit so you waited for him to come down. When he did come down and saw you with the creature, he froze.
"What are you doing with him?" he said. You could tell he was tense, and his hand was hovering closer and closer to his blaster.
"Your little foundling won't let go of me," you said with a smirk that he thankfully couldn't see. "I tried and tried, but he just won't budge."
"Sounds like a you problem," he said. You thought you heard a hint of humor, but he was far to concerned about his kid for you to tell.
"It is until I go off-planet to finish out this job, and because I couldn't get him away from me, he tags along. That sounds very much like a you problem," you teased.
The Mandalorian clenched his fists. He scooped the kid off your leg and placed him in his bed. He closed the door and turned back to you. "Leave the kid out of this."
"I can't help what it does--"
"You're not taking him with you." Now he was getting upset.
You felt the kid grab onto your boot again and without looking down at it you said, "I don't think I have a choice."
"How did you--" The Mandalorian tried to take him off again, but the kid stayed put. "C'mon kid, let go."
The Mandalorian tugged harder, but the kid squealed, causing him to stop. He looked from the creature to you. For a second, your stomach flipped at the idea that he might actually kill you just to get his kid back. You quickly pushed the thought aside. He wouldn't. It was against the code.
He stood there considering his options for a while before he finally mumbled, "You'd have to get it to fly."
You smiled and gently took the kid off your boot. "Thank you," you said as you handed it over.
He took it and brushed passed you. "Just one trip there and back. No more." That was fine by you. You got exactly what you needed. Now you had to get to work with the repairs.
You and the Mandalorian sat in the cockpit ready to test out the repaired ship. His kid sat in his lap since you were taking up it's usual spot, so he carefully reached around it to flip switches and press buttons. He had instructed you not to touch anything, then proceeded to unscrew a small lever and hand part of it to the kid.
"We just repaired this thing, and you think it's a good idea to take it apart for that thing's chew toy?" you inquired.
"I know what I'm doing," he snapped. He pulled up, and the whole ship rumbled beneath you. For a moment you weren't sure it would make it off the ground. Then, with a low creak, the ship rose and started cruising forward slowly but surely.
"Hold on," the Mandalorian instructed. He increased the speed and the ship let out a number of complaints. It started rumbling and shaking uncontrollably, and you grabbed onto the seat so you wouldn't get tossed around.
"What's happening?" you shouted over the noise of alarms and groaning metal.
"It'll stabilize once we break through the atmosphere!" he responded.
"If we make it that far!" you snapped. You looked over at the kid on his lap. He was smiling and bouncing like it was some kind of ride to him. Something you would've found funny if there wasn't a good chance that you would all plummet back to the ground. A few moments later, space came speeding into view and the alarms switched off. Then in a second everything went from chaotic to completely silent.
"Told you," the Mandalorian said. "Now we just cruise over to your dwarf planet. I don't think we'll be able to jump to hyperspace."
"What?" you said louder than you had planned. "That could take us days, and that's if we don't come across any obstacles!"
"You're the one who wanted a ride," he quipped as he leaned back in his chair. "If you change your mind, there's always the eject pods."
It took every cell in your body to maintain your composure. This wasn't even a mission you were particularly thrilled about going on, much less with this Mandalorian. You felt at times that the only thing keeping you both from each others throats was the Mandalorian code, but according to him, all the Mandalorians were dead. What validity was there to that pact?
The creature on his lap kept looking at you with it's huge, pitch-black eyes. You didn't know how to react. It was hard not to stare. It's eyes and ears were oversized, and it's layers of clothes made it look like it was in a squishy cocoon. It was kind of cute. You smiled at it, and though it couldn't see, it gurgled and smiled back.
"How old is it?" you asked. The Mandalorian seemed taken aback by the question. You were almost surpised yourself. You didn't care about the kid. You were just curious.
"I don't know," he said after a while. "Somewhere around 50?"
"Fifty?" you asked surprised.
"Well, he obviously ages slower than we do," he remarked. You looked over at the kid and he looked back at you with wide questioning eyes. The Mandalorian stood up with the kid in his arms, and went to the lower part of the ship. "I'll be right back. Don't touch anything!" His command echoed just far enough for you to hear him. You rolled your eyes and reclined in your seat. You might as well get comfortable.
You had been twiddling your thumbs for almost half an hour, and the Mandalorian still hadn't come back. It was irritating, especially since you couldn't do anything on his ship. It clearly wasn't meant to be a livable space. It was just meant for towing him across the galaxy.
You had thought about traveling beyond your planet before, and the longer you stayed the more you wanted to leave. You had heard that it's the spirit of a Mandalorian to travel from place to place, but you never tried. Now you looked out at the black of space littered with stars. It had been so long since you had seen it.
A small, quiet sound roused you from your thoughts. You turned your seat around to see the kid standing there and staring right at you. A small chuckle escaped your lips.
"What do I have to do to get you to stop following me?" you asked half-jokingly. He babbled as if he was actually trying to respond. He walked closer and raised his arms.
"Sorry, but I don't think your dad would want me picking you up," you warned. It insisted and walked even closer. You rolled your eyes. The Mandalorian didn't seem to be coming back soon anyway. You granted the child's wish and picked him up. You didn't set him on your lap, but rather held him a good distance away from you as if he was toxic.
"Are you seriously older than I am?" you whispered almost to yourself.
"Hey!" The Mandalorian's voice cut through the ships low hum and made you jump. You almost dropped the kid so you brought him closer to you by instinct. "What are you doing with the kid?"
"Your kid keeps coming to me!" you explained angrily. "Besides, he's fine." You held the creature out towards the Mandalorian like it was some dull object. He was quick to take it from you, and he sat back down in the pilot's seat. You needed to say something. Anything. You were getting tired of constantly being mad at each other. After all, you were supposedly the last two of your kind. It probably wasn't best to be fighting each other with every word.
"I don't even know what I'm supposed to call you," you mentioned. It was a sudden thought that you had. You currently didn't call him anything. The way you got each others attention was by yelling at the other. Definitely not a good way to end the fighting.
His head moved ever so slightly towards you. "I don't really..." He trailed off and a long moment of silence passed before he spoke up again. "Why don't you just...call me Mando?"
"Mando?" you inquired. "That derogatory nickname that almost every Mandalorian gets?"
"It's not a derogatory nickname. At least, not anymore," he corrected. "I don't have anything else in mind."
"Well, Mandalorians get their nicknames by what they look like or how they act," you pointed out. You looked him up and down. "I guess that would make you 'Beskar?'"
"And what would that make you? 'Not beskar?'" he retorted.
"Ha ha," you replied unenthusiastically. "I'm seriously just supposed to call you Mando?"
"Call me whatever you want," he concluded. "It's not like we're going to be seeing each other after I drop you off." You couldn't argue with that. You certainly didn't intend to see him again, and you were positive the feeling was mutual. You laid your head back against the seat. This was going to be a long trip.
Two days since you had left, the dwarf planet finally came into view. You were relieved to be so close to your destination. Of course, the trip wasn't as bad as you thought once you actually talked to Mando without bickering. If you didn't leave room for an argument, he hardly said anything, but the few things he said were actually worth something.
"That's the planet right?" he asked.
"It is," you confirmed. "Are you sure this thing is equipped to land?"
"I guess we'll find out in about five minutes," he replied as he flicked switches and pressed buttons.
"Ship 4119, this is landing pad 7. Do you have clearance to land?" A voice from the intercom made both of you freeze. A small hologram appeared with a symbol that made your blood turn cold. It was the crest of the Empire.
"This is an imperial trade?" Mando hissed under his breath.
"Dank farrik!" you growled. "I'll kill you, Powell."
"Ship 4119, are you reading me?" The voice pressed.
"What do we do?" you whispered.
"Four minutes 'til we land," he started. "We stall." He raised his voice so the person over the intercom could hear. "Yes, I have clearance, but there's some bad interference. Let me switch you over to another channel. Stand by." He switched off the intercom and turned towards you. "That should buy us about a minute."
"Only?" you asked incredulously.
"What did you expect dealing with the Empire?" he scolded.
"I didn't know it was the Empire," you defended weakly.
"We don't have long to figure out what we're doing," he reminded you. "We can't land on the pad so we need to find an alternative."
"It's all trees," you huffed. "The landing pad is our only option."
"Ship 4119, you cooperation is required are you will be terminated."
"The landing pad it is," he sighed. "Hold on to the kid. It's not going to be a smooth landing."
You did as he said and waited. He lowered the landing gear and the ship immediately seized up. The shook and rumbled, and alarms started going off. The voice over the intercom had started a countdown until their "termination". Mando waited til the count of one to expertly roll to the side and half land half crash onto a separate landing pad. Guards were around the ship in moments. Stormtroopers.
"Step out of the ship with your arms up," one commanded.
"They don't know that there's two of us," Mando whispered to you. "I'll walk out as they said, then on my signal, you come in behind and start taking them out." You nodded, and he started to make his way off the ship. You watched him closely for the signal as you readied your rocket. One hit, perfectly aimed, would take them all out.
The signal, followed by your rocket going off, followed by a blinding white light filled the next few moments of your life. When the smoke cleared, there was hardly anything telling you there were stormtroopers there at all. You exited the ship with the kid still in your arms.
"Not bad," you complemented yourself.
"Yeah, yeah, you did good," he brushed off. "We're not entirely out of the woods yet. Spread out and make contact if you find the package."
You stopped. "I thought you were leaving."
"What can I say?" he said with a small shrug. "I'm bored." He threw a small communicator in your direction. "If you come back without the kid, you're as good as dead." Without another word, he jogged off to look for the package. You look down at the kid in your hands, and he tilted his head.
"Yeah, I'm confused too," you murmured. You jogged in the opposite direction already waiting to get off this planet.
What seemed like hours later, Mando contacted you on the communicator. It was pretty choppy, but from what you could tell, he either had the package or he would soon. You breathed a sigh of relief. You weren't comfortable being so close to the Empire.
You quickly found the river you had been following, and began heading upstream. The kid was getting restless. He wanted to walk, but the Mandalorian would have you head if you let him with so many stormtroopers around. So you continued. You thought all would be well, but out of nowhere a gun shot fired right next to your head.
"They're over here!" A stormtrooper yelled through the woods. You found cover and quickly opened your communicator.
"Mando, I'm under attack!" you warned. "South of the ship, not far! Hurry!" Shots were firing all around you and the child started whimpering in fear. You held him close to you as you fired shots blindly into the forest. "Mando!"
Stormtroopers yelled in the distance signaling help was there. You stood from your cover and came helmet to helmet with a camo trooper. He knocked his gun into you hands, sending the kid rolling across the forest floor. You fired your blaster and the trooper dropped to the ground. You heard a sickening splash as you realized the child had rolled towards the river.
Mando caught up with you and noticed you didn't have his kid. "Where is he?" he yelled. You ignored him and plunged head first into the river. The child was so small, it would've been carried away in an instant. When you finally spotted him, he was bobbing downstream with a wide smile. You swam towards him, scooped him up, and placed him back on solid ground. Thankfully there wasn't a scratch on him.
The Mandalorian had made it to you and the kid right as you pulled yourself from the river. You were ready for him to scold you, grab the kid, and walk off, but he picked up the kid and extended an arm to you.
"You alright?" he questioned. You hesitantly took his hand, and he helped you stand.
"Fine," you said quietly. A small hint of a nod from Mando, and you were both walking through the forest back to the ship.
Mando held out a metal rod laced with blue light. "This the package?"
"Yes," you said as you took it from him. "Thank you."
"We can't get back on the Razor Crest," he informed. "It's too banged up."
"What are we supposed to do then?" you asked.
He turned to you. "We need one of those Imperial Cruisers."
It had been a whole month since your run-in with the Empire. You and Mando successfully stole one of the Empires aircraft, and made your way back to your planet without a hitch. It was there that Mando offered for you to work with him for a while. You told him you had to think about it, but your mind was already made up. You loved the thrill of going off planet, and you wanted to go again.
You hadn't looked back until now. You were currently making your way back to that same dwarf planet to retrieve the ship you had left behind so long ago.
"Either the Empire will be completely flushed out--" Mando was saying.
"Or they'll have grown ten times their original size," you finished.
"That about sums it up," he confirmed. Working together felt so natural now. It was a wonder Mandalorians hadn't worked together before. They had similar expertise, making it easy to agree to and execute a plan. At least, that was the case for you and the Mandalorian. You found a way to communicate without fighting, and you only grew closer from there.
You liked being around the Mandalorian. You hadn't expected to become so close to him, but you didn't mind one bit. You were both at ease with one another and didn't need a lot of words to understand each other. You both had learned the micro movements that the other uses. A small shift of the helmet. A clench of the fist. A drop of the shoulders. Small things that meant so much.
"So, you run the kid onto the ship as I cover you," Mando said, going through the plan once more.
"I set off a distraction long enough for you to make it on the ship yourself," you continued.
"And we fly off the planet as quick as we can."
"Assuming it will fly," you quipped.
"All of this is assuming they've grown stronger," he reminded you. "I'm not sure the Empire is capable of that at this point."
"I wouldn't get my hopes up," you cautioned. The intercom rang out with the same warning you had received last time.
Mando kept his eyes forward. "Here we go." He ignored the voice and landed the ship on the pad. You picked up the kid and waited for Mando to leave the ship first. He walked out, guns blazing and were quick to slip out behind him. A few troopers saw you, but luckily they were terrible shots. You made quick work of them and moved the kid onto the Razor Crest. So far so good. Now you just had give Mando a distraction.
Before you could even think of anything, three TIE fighters let loose a rain of fired on the pad where the Mandalorian was. In a panic you fired a rocket at one, but it just missed the fast moving ship.
"Mando!" you called. "Get in here! We need to move!" You fired at as many troopers as you could without attracting fire to yourself, but it didn't help much. He was practically by himself.
"Fire up the ship and take off!" You heard Mando's voice over the communicator in your helmet.
"I'm not leaving you," you replied.
"Leave the ramp open! Trust me!" Going against your better judgement, you did as he said. The child was confused as to why you were leaving the Mandalorian on the planet, but he stayed with you. You tried to get the ship off the ground, but it wouldn't budge you diverted power and fuel until you had enough of a kick to get it moving.
"Now would be a great time to get on board!" you informed.
"I'm on my way! Fly!" he responded. You pushed forward as the ship creaked. Would it be able to make it off the planet?
"Lower!" Mando's voice called out suddenly. You pushed the ship downwards and everything lurched forward. Including the child who was more than happy to not be around all the buttons.
"Get back in your seat," you instructed him. His ears drooped, but he obeyed and crawled off the control panel.
"I'm on! Close the ramp," Mando said. You closed the ramp and tried to direct the ship upwards. TIE fighters noticed the attempt to escape and started firing making the ship worse.
"We're taking fire!" you yelled. Mando climbed the ladder into the cockpit, and you were quick to move so he could take the controls. The ship slowly climbed while taking shot from the TIE fighters. You couldn't dodge them without using much needed fuel to get away from the planet. The ship was rocking and squealing as it tried to break through the planets atmosphere. You grabbed the child and rushed him down to his bed. He would be safer there than in the cockpit.
"We broke through!" Mando informed you. You climbed back up to where he was.
"Then why are we still shaking uncontrollably?" you questioned.
"Those TIE fighters will be on us in seconds," he continued. "We need to jump to hyperspace."
"This ship can't do that!"
"It'll have to. Where's the kid?"
"He's safe."
"Then hold on." He prepared everything for the jump, but he looked over at you before started. "It's our only option."
You strapped in as quickly as you could. "Then do it." Mando engaged the hyperdrive. Immediately you knew you were going to crash. The ship's alarms blared and the engine burst into flames. Pulling out of hyperspace, you saw a planet speeding into view, but you couldn't stop the ship in time. You crashed and slid on the icy planet before everything went black.
When you woke up, you could only make out the orange light of fire mixing with the blue light of the planet you were on. You tried to blink to make the world come into focus, but your eyes refused to comply. You took off your helmet for a moment and cold wind whipped at your face. The back of your head throbbed and you gingerly touched it. When you moved your hand you saw that it was coated in blood. You were wounded where no one could see.
You slipped your helmet back on before going to find the Mandalorian. You didn't know what to do except find him, so that's what you would do. You didn't have to walk far before you found the crashed ship. You picked up the pace as you called for the Mandalorian. You entered the burning ship and found Mando unconscious in the cock pit. You shook his shoulder until he finally came woke.
"Are you ok?" he asked.
"I'm fine," you lied.
"And the kid?" he pressed.
"I don't know," you answered. You both quickly descended the ladder and opened the door to the sleeping pod. The child sat on the bed completely unharmed. You breathed a sigh of relief. You felt as if the kid was your own. You didn't know what you'd do if something happened to him.
"Any sign of the Empire?" Mando questioned.
"None," you replied. "But there's no sign of getting off this planet either. We really messed up."
"There has to be some kind of lifeform on this planet," he insisted.
"I saw the planet. It's all snow and ice. You'd have to be crazy to live here."
"We have to try anyway." He grabbed a blanket off the bed and wrapped the child in it. You all left the ship and stepped onto the freezing planet. Your hopes of finding a way off were low to non-existent, but you followed Mando. He'd find a way.
The longer you walked, the dizzier you felt. Your head hadn't stopped throbbing and you were finding it hard to focus. Whatever you had done to your head was slowly chipping away at you. Your legs felt weak, and it wasn't long before they gave out on you. You crumpled into the snow.
"Y/N!" Mando called. You couldn't register his voice. Where he was. What was happening. The fact that he had used your name though you never gave it to him. It was all just a fleeting thought that was drowned out in the pain. He held you in his arms as he tried to keep you conscious. You felt his hands at the sides of your helmet and you quickly held them away.
"It's against the code," you groaned.
He looked at his hand which was covered in blood from your helmet. "You're bleeding! I have to take it off to help!"
"No!" you insisted. "You can't see my face. You know that."
"I'd rather you live with the shame then die here in the snow!"
"I can't," you breathed. "I've never taken it off in front of anyone." He stopped and looked at you hopelessly.
"It's ok," you said. "Find a way off the planet and take care of the kid." The Mandalorian carefully propped you up in the snow then slightly stepped back. Before you could say anything, or even think of what was happening. He removed his helmet and dropped it at his feet. His brown hair blew wildly in the wind as he bent down to you.
"You..." you barely whispered.
"I'm helping you even if that means breaking the code, but we'll be breaking it together," he said. You felt him lifting the helmet off your head, but you didn't stop him. He placed your helmet next to his in the snow and gently moved your hair aside. You didn't have the willpower to fight what was happening. You let him work as the world grew fuzzy around you. It all seemed surreal. Especially when the next thing you remembered was the child dropping to the ground in exhaustion.
The world was coming back into focus, and the throbbing pain in your skull subsided. You looked up to see your Mandalorian unmasked and holding his child. Your hand instinctively reached for the wound at the back of your head, but there was none.
"He healed you." It was strange to hear the Mandalorian's voice outside of the helmet. It was softer and more real. "I don't know how he does it, but it drains his energy. It was the only way to save you.
You stood slowly, unable to take your eyes from the Mandalorian's. It was strange to think he was seeing your face just as you were seeing his. You thought you'd be more ashamed. After all you had broken one of the most important rules on Mandalore. You both had. But you didn't feel guilt like you had done something wrong. You felt what you could only identify as relief. Relief that you didn't have to hide behind your metal helmet in front of the one you cared so deeply for.
Mando picked up both the helmets, handing yours to you. "We should get moving." You stared into yours, not wanting to put it back on. You grudgingly did, and Mando followed. You both took moment to stare at each others expressionless helmets, then continued through the ice and snow.
When you finally find people, you recognized them as a rebels. There weren't many that were aware of the Empires presence and even fewer would fight. They wouldn't harm you. They brought you into a cave that was partially lined with metal and cement. They hadn't been there long. They were hesitant to let you in at first, but when they saw the child laying unconscious in Mando's arms, they obliged. They took the kid to care for him, and you could tell Mando was tense. You placed your hand on his shoulder and he turned to you.
"He's going to be fine," you comforted. He remained silent. "You...said my name. Back in the snow. Unless I was hallucinating--"
"You weren't" he confirmed. "I saw it on our first trip to that kriffing dwarf planet. I never meant to get used to saying it in my head. I'm sorry."
You shrugged. "I don't think you knowing it puts me in danger."
He took a deep breath. "My real name is Din Djarin."
"You didn't have to tell me--"
"From now on, we do things together or not at all. Deal?"
You desperately wished he could see you smile. "Deal."
A week passed on the planet you came to know as Hoth. You needed time to recover and so did the kid. The rebels were working on a way to get you off the planet, and the Mandalorian spent most of his time working to help them with that. He was getting more frustrated every day. You wanted to help him. Tell him they'd find a way soon, but the only option they had was another week of waiting until a ship flew in for supplies.
It was late at night when he came to you. He was broken down and stressed, but he would never tell you so. He hardly said a word to you during the whole week. But now here he was.
He walked over to you slowly and stopped. "I can't find a faster way off this planet," he said, his voice laced with defeat.
"It's alright," you assured him. "What matters is that we will get off. Eventually."
"Eventually," he repeated. "Eventually isn't good enough."
"We're alright here," you soothed. "Nothing's going to happen to the kid here."
"They have trackers," he pointed out. "They'll find him if we don't move--"
"Din," you said, using his name for the first time since he told it to you. You stepped closer so he was only a few inches apart from you. You removed his helmet without any objections from him and set it aside. You did the same to your helmet. You needed to talk to him face to face.
"No one is going to get the kid because we're protecting him," you said. "We protect him together." Din smiled, wrapped his arms around your waist, and pulled you closer to him. Your arms rested around his neck as your lips touched. A kiss was something a Mandalorian could never know. But you both disregarded the rules just so you could know each other's touch not  through a casing of metal. And you did it together.
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monstersandmaw · 5 years
Male alien x nb human (nsfw)
Edit which I’m including in all my works after plagiarism and theft has taken place: I do not give my consent for my works to be used, copied, published, or posted anywhere. They are copyrighted and belong to me.
Here's the winner of the 'which monster to write next' poll (at least it was at the time I started writing it). It’s been on early release for Patreon folks for about a week now, and I was supposed to post it here yesterday, but I forgot. I hope you enjoy it!
Lex is non binary, and if they lived on Earth at the moment, would most likely be assigned male at birth. Tarann (alien) is male, an assassin, and didn’t have what we might view as a normal childhood by any standards. As such, there is an awful lot he does know, and a lot that he's completely unfamiliar with...
Content: fluff, the tiniest pinch of angst, plus mention of genetic modification and sterilisation, 'creation' of genetic 'super-soldiers', nsfw, tentacle cocks (plural) Wordcount: 8000
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The dull, steady voice of his ship’s computer informed him that faster-than-light travel would not be viable with all systems in their current state of blaster-riddled repair.
He cursed.
It then informed him that actually, since barely sticking the landing in a crumbling red-stone canyon, Tarann would be lucky to take off again at all.
He let out a long string of curses, even switching languages a couple of times.
“That was creative. I even detected some Tch’larian in there,” Menot, the androgynous computer, commented. “Been a while since I’ve heard you use your native tongue, Tarann…”
“Go fuck yourself with a Savaranian spiked tuber,” he grumbled, to which the computer had no qualms responding that if they were not a mere collection of unfathomably complicated code - which he had had no hand whatsoever in creating, they sarcastically pointed out - they might consider the directive.
Tarann simply shook his head in frustration and used the lower of his two sets of arms to smash the bulkhead open by the button on the wall, and stalked through the smashed-up ship towards his cramped sleeping quarters. The Spark was hardly a ship built for comfort. She was utilitarian; designed for quick escapes and aerial combat, and short-range sorties. She’d been his home for over a year now, and he’d be lucky if he ever got her to limp into the upper atmosphere of this backwater planet, let alone space. An unhealthy layer of fine red dust was already clinging to her wings and the intakes would likely need some extensive work before he could get her air-worthy again.
Mounting stress made the old implant scar in the side of his neck throb and he trailed his three-fingered hand along it, his skin currently a neutral, dull grey. Barefooted, as nearly all Tch’larians preferred due to particular shape of their three-toed feet, with one additional thumb-like digit that didn’t quite meet the ground when they stood, he padded silently along the metal floors of the ship and began to check and clean his weapons back in his quarters. The familiar monotony of clicking, sliding metal, and the smell of gun lubricant always soothed him.
“Think,” he hissed at himself.
Menot’s voice sounded over the system twenty minutes later and said, “Incoming transmission from the Agency. Would you like me to play it for you?”
He closed his four yellow eyes and inhaled steadily. Reluctantly, he growled, “Yes.”
“Agent Triskelion,” the familiar voice of his handler rumbled. “We understand that your ship took heavy damage in a dogfight after completing your last contract.”
“That’s a fucking understatement,” he snarled but he didn’t interrupt the message further.
“While it was unrelated to the contract on the Red Flame, your unplanned skirmish with Invaranian Rebels did attract attention and we have intelligence to suggest that they might have attempted to trace you following your escape. You are ordered to keep a low profile and your open contracts have been reassigned to other agents until we can be certain that the Red Flame is no longer looking for you.”
The metal of his blaster creaked under his grip and he relaxed before he damaged it, taking another deep breath. He hadn’t had a contract reassigned since he’d first joined the Agency all those years ago. The humiliation of it forced his skin to change from the dusty grey to a vibrant blue, dotted with teal. Feeling like a teenager again, he forced his skin back to its neutral grey and set the blaster aside, reflexively checking the safety before it put it down.
Back at the bridge, though it was barely large enough for him to squeeze around the seat, he snarled, “Menot, record this and prepare to send it to HQ.”
“Very good.”
“Agent Triskelion, acknowledging receipt of transmission and instructions to lie low. Currently grounded in a canyon twenty clicks north west of a small mining town on a planet that’s so fucking tiny it doesn’t even have an official name.” Tarann steady himself and added, “But I’ll get Menot to send coordinates with this transmission. Ship’s pretty beaten up and I’ll probably need extraction at some point. I doubt this place has the parts I need, but I can look. I’m going to head into the town at sunrise and I’ll take Menot with me. And I’ll keep a low profile.”
“As low a profile as one of the galaxy’s finest killers possibly can,” Menot added, and Tarann cursed whoever had coded sarcasm into their system.
“Exactly,” he said. “A stranger rocking up out of nowhere in a town that tiny is hardly going to pass unremarked, but I’ll adapt.” He snorted a little at the irony of that, knowing that his rather unique genetic melange was designed for camouflage. Not for him was the messy application of paints and disguises, though he couldn’t actually change his bone structure beyond accelerated healing. “So yeah, for the love of all you hold dear, please don’t just forget about me here. End recording. Menot, send it to HQ.”
With that, he slumped into the pilot’s seat for a moment and sighed. Menot helpfully informed him that dawn was three hours away, and he told them to shut everything down save for the essentials and maintain a vigilant watch while he attempted to get some sleep.
“I’ll wake you if anything needs your attention,” Menot promised.
With the sun high in the sky, Tarann stalked across the dusty plain that formed a ring around the town. In fact, it was much larger than they’d initially thought, and Menot quietly informed him in his hidden earpiece that the town appeared to go down into the earth, perhaps following the original mine shafts.
“Puts a new meaning on going to ground for a while,” he snorted.
He was relieved as he passed through dirty, dusty, narrow streets, to note all sorts of lifeforms here - some familiar and many not. With limited biodiversity, he might have stood out like a sore thumb, but the place seemed stuffed to the brim with hopeless outcasts from all over the system. There were even some humans here, which surprised him. The temperature was hot and arid, not ideal for the creatures he’d only had brief dealings with. Earth was seen as a backwater, with the emphasis on the water. It was the kind of place people went to retire to, and that was… about it. Enterprising humans had left centuries ago and gone to the newly terraformed planets like Mars - if they still wanted to remain in their solar system - and many more had joined up with the Federation and scattered all over the known galaxies.
When he passed a bipedal, slender human male, he asked Menot to give him a run-down on the species. “Both surprisingly easy and surprisingly difficult to kill, can be self-destructively curious and reckless, capable of making leaps of logic insurmountable to many species while being unfathomably illogical at other times…”
“Baffling,” he murmured. “Sounds like Agent Luna,” he said with a fond smile.
The legendary assassin had assessed him upon arrival at the Agency for unarmed combat, and somehow despite looking so… breakable, had had him on his back in two seconds flat. She’d also been the one to give him his field name, Triskelion, given that a decent number of things in his body, except his two hearts and four eyes, seemed to come in threes - three fingers, three toes, three lungs… The only trio of anatomical parts she hadn’t seen first hand was, well… elsewhere.
The fact that Luna was a fraction of his size and weight hadn’t seemed to matter at all in combat training, and he’d been very wary (and more than a bit in awe) of her since she’d returned from a mission with an injury that even the best surgeons at the Agency had said would kill her. Six months later, she was back in the field. He shuddered. Humans were like Anthariacs, once you thought you had a lock on their size and shape, they could simply morph into something else. Or perhaps they weren’t anything like that at all.
Unsettled, he shuddered again and nearly crashed straight into a small vendor’s stall in the narrow alley.
He heard the scraping voice say something, at which the ear piece translated, “Watch it!”
Shrugging off the encounter, he moved through the streets until he came to what looked like a bar with a noticeboard outside. Most of the listings were mundane requests and adverts for various services, and the rewards were in a currency he’d never heard of.
It took him a month on the planet to earn enough cash to stop having to make the twenty click trek out to the Spark every night to sleep. He would have slept in a doorway in the town had he not witnessed on his very first evening what happened to people who were caught unprepared and exposed. The sight of the slender wings being yanked off a tiny creature with a scream powerful enough to rupture eardrums had stuck with him and he’d risked the local wildlife - largely dirty great lizards - and gritty wind-storms on a daily basis to avoid that.
His handler at The Agency kept contact to an absolute minimum, except to update him periodically on the investigation that the Red Flame was still conducting and to tell him to stay holed up there. Boxed in with nothing to do, Tarann became irritable and jumpy. It wasn’t that he was itching for the next kill - he didn’t do his job for that - but the constant vigilance and insecurity of taking short, messy, shitty jobs here and there was waring him down, so when some jackass in the bar made a comment about that ‘four-eyed hill varanus over there’, he snapped. He’d encountered a hill varanus on one of his long treks back to where the Spark was still stashed out of sight in the canyon, and the enormous lizard had been curled up beside a large boulder, minding its own business until it decided to make Tarann’s sensitive inner calf its business with a maw full of teeth coated in thick poisonous saliva.
He’d been hallucinating by the time he’d managed to get back to the Spark - miraculously without dropping off the ledge and plummeting to the bottom of the canyon - and his body had been rippling through every colour in the known universe, and maybe even a few more, before he’d finally stuck a huge needle full of universal antidote into his left heart. It had taken him a whole day to recover enough to leave the ship.
Being compared to a hill varanus then - yes, his skin had the same gnarled texture as a number of reptiles found all over the galaxy, and yes, his saliva was also poisonous to a huge number of species - had suddenly broken all his carefully constructed control and he’d lunged at the large, slug-like creature, all four hands going around the thinnest point of its neck and squeezing until its eyes bulged.
“Oi!” a relatively high-pitched shout went up from behind the bar and a moment later a short blast of sound shot through the room and everyone cringed. The high-frequency noise made his insides crawl and he let go of the offending creature and staggered back a pace, toes splaying to try and steady himself. His skin flushed a sickly green before he could stop it.
Tarann turned his head and saw that the sound had emanated from a small, hand-held speaker which had been plonked down onto the surface of the bar. Behind it, wielding control of the button on the top of the speaker was - and he could have sworn that he felt his right heart lurch a little in his chest at the sight of them - a human. They had a blaster in their left hand and looked prepared to use it, if not necessarily formally trained. Their stance was pretty shoddy, but the distance of only a few spans between them more than made up for that. If the human fired, Tarann would die for sure.
“No fighting in my bar,” they said, voice stern and steady. “You got an issue with someone, you take it waaaay outside, am I clear?”
Both Tarann and the slug-thing nodded and he decided he needed another drink.
Approaching the human while they still held the weapon was probably not a wise move, but when he leaned his lower arms on the counter, his upper pair hanging loose and relaxed at his sides, Tarann saw a smile on their lips. “You must be new,” they grinned amicably, reaching below the counter to stash the blaster and pulling out a glass in its place. They then turned behind them to fill it up. “Haven’t seen any Tch’larians in here for a long time.”
He liked the way the human almost got the click at the start of the word but not quite. Some humans were known for their incredible mimicry skills, but this one clearly wasn’t as proficient. He also had no idea how to address a human after they’d just threatened his life, so he settled for a curt nod.
“And you’re about as chatty as the last one. Whatever that bit of pond slime over there -” they gestured with a bottle of distilled alcohol at the creature who’d insulted him “- said to you, just ignore them. They’re… a regular in here, but they don’t have many friends, if you catch my drift.”
“I wonder why,” he said flatly.
“It speaks!” the human chuckled. “And you’re fluent in sarcasm as well as Federation Common. Here, on the house.” And a small glass was shunted his way, sloshing with a clear, ruby red liquid. “You’ll like it. It’s a kind of brandy made with a fruit that grows in the mines. At least, the last Tch’larian I knew liked it. I could be grossly stereotyping an entire race based on one data point. Still, free booze…?”
“You talk a lot,” he said before sipping it. It burned his neon blue tongue pleasantly and then left a sweet aroma in his mouth that went up into his nasal cavity, leaving him with the impression he might breathe fire if he opened his mouth again.
“Yeah, well, you don’t, so… one of us has to balance the equation.” After a beat they added, “I’m Lex.” They held out their hand over the bar counter and Tarann vaguely remembered something about touch not being a taboo for humans. Not that it was taboo for Tch’larians either, but with so many people mingling under the Federation’s relatively peaceful protection in the past few centuries, it was still easy to offend someone inadvertently.
He noted the strength in the human’s hand as he slid his own three fingers into the grasp, and smiled at how smooth their skin was. Their hair was cut short at one side and had been left to flop a little longer at the top of their head, and he’d always wondered what a human’s hair would feel like beneath the pads of his sensitive fingers. Agent Luna hadn’t exactly been the type to let him try. He’d known that Agent Luna was female, but he had no idea what this human went by, and he was unfamiliar with human naming conventions, so that gave him no clue either.
Eventually he realised that he hadn’t told them his name, and murmured, “Tarann.” It seemed fairly safe out here, and most of the people who might want revenge on him for his line of work knew him as Triskelion anyway.
“Where are you staying?” Lex asked as they got back to work, keeping their head turned towards him a little so that he could still talk to them while they polished glasses and took orders from the odd patron.
“Out of town,” he said.
Lex paused halfway through pouring a bottle of something frothy and blue into a glass the size of a small bucket. “There’s nothing out of town…”
“My ship’s out there. Dead in the water, as it were,” he offered, taking another sip of his brandy. “This is excellent, by the way…”
His compliment was met with a grin, but the gesture quickly faded. “You’re not seriously sleeping in your dead ship out in the hills, are you?” they asked.
“Why would that be a problem?”
“You’re lucky the scavengers haven’t found you and stripped your ship - and you - bare…”
He tilted his head and blinked his four golden eyes at them. “I haven’t seen any sign of anyone out there except me. And the odd varanus…”
Lex winced dramatically. “Nasty fuckers those…”
Tarann nodded, rolling his right ankle. “Indeed.”
After a pause, Lex looked like they were about to say something, but the crash of glass on the other side of the room stopped them. “Shit, not those two again,” they hissed, and Tarann looked around just as a fight broke out for real this time.
They grabbed the blaster he’d seen before and the little speaker that emitted the unpleasant noise, and strode off around the bar, ignoring him completely where he sat. He had eased his lean, muscular frame onto a bar stool to take the weight off his frankly rather bruised and sore feet. The unpleasant sound seemed to do nothing for these two as they scrapped - all arms and teeth and roars, and even when Lex shot a quick, low-energy blast into the stone floor beside one of their feet, they didn’t break it up.
He should stay out of it. The human had guts, for sure, but the two creatures that were fighting were large and aggressive, and he didn’t want to draw attention to himself. A stray flail of the tip of one of their tails caught Lex in the face and they staggered back, yelling and spitting curses.
Making his mind up, he slid off the stool and approached the brawling patrons. Grabbing the nearest one by the scruff of their reptilian neck, he yanked hard and backed towards the doors of the bar, clearly catching them completely by surprise. Top thugs never expected to be bested by anyone, and it gave him a good few minutes of stunned compliance. Tossing them out onto the street with a snarl of his own seemed to sober that one up a mite, and a second later the other creature was booted out of the door with another curse, leaving Lex framed in the open doorway, blaster raised, face slightly bruised and utterly thunderous.
Something happened then in Tarann’s body that he was not expecting. A sharp, unfamiliar pang of arousal shot down his spine and fanned out through his entire nervous system. He shivered, a low-frequency rumble escaping him without permission. There was something about seeing a creature that should have been vulnerable in this situation - could have been crushed - standing there with a bruised face and blazing eyes, staring down two enormous beings three times their size, that made him hot all over. It was like mating season, or at least, his vague recollection of it from a brief talk at the Facility to explain that none of them would ever experience any of that because they had essentially had it edited out of their DNA. He’d escaped the Facility and joined the Agency and had never experienced the slightest tinge of lust since a brief flare in his teens. He bit those memories down and looked back at Lex.
“Thanks,” they grinned as the two brawlers separated and headed off in opposite directions down the street, yelling curses over their shoulders in their various languages. “How’d you feel about another brandy?”
He nodded and followed them back inside, watching the way their legs moved - their legs hinged forwards at the knee, which was intoxicatingly the opposite way to his own, their hips swaying rather alluringly.
“Listen,” Lex said as Tarann closed his fingers around his second glass of fiery brandy that evening. “If you’d like somewhere to stay, I’ve got a job opening here for a bouncer. The last girl I had got into trouble with some bounty hunter and had to scarper, but it comes with the offer of a room, use of the kitchen out the back, and a steady pay. It’s not great, but if I get tips, I’ll share them with you.”
Tarann blinked. “You can’t be serious…”
“Why not?” Lex shrugged, refilling a container with a viscous, silvery sauce that crackled softly as it sank into the jar.
Barely suppressing a shudder at the offending liquid, he made a mental note to avoid that at all costs, whatever the fuck it was supposed to be or go with.
Lex caught him staring sidelong at the fluid and laughed. “One of a small number of things on the menu that I wouldn’t recommend to anyone except a hazmat droid, or an Efulgari bombardier -” they added nodding across the room to where a frankly enormous creature sat waiting patiently, presumably for the bucket of viscous gloop in Lex’s hands. “Now, do you have to get back to your ship tonight, or do you want to stay here and think it over? You can let me know what you decide in the morning.”
He scowled softly; wary and distrustful. “You’d just let me stay?”
Lex shrugged again. “You’ve already earned your keep for tonight,” they grinned, revealing hopelessly small teeth. How could they hope to defend themselves with those? His own, by comparison, were two rows of viciously pointed fangs that could rip open the jugular of most of the known species that didn’t have exoskeletons, and even some that did.
“Alright,” he said. “I’ll think it over.”
Lex left him in peace after that for an hour or so, but when the patrons began to trickle out into the night, they returned to him and asked, “Want to head up to your room?”
He nodded silently, and followed Lex through a door behind the bar and upstairs.
“That’s my room,” Lex said, nodding at a door with peeling teal paint which stood ajar on his right. “And this is yours. It’s not much, but it’s comfortable and I kept it pretty clean. There might be just a little bit of dust…”
Again, Tarann just nodded his understanding and set his small pack down gently beside the bed. The room was indeed humble, but that wasn’t an issue. He didn’t have many belongings anyway; just Menot in their portable device and some clothes and local coin. “It’s fine,” he said, turning round to find Lex leaning against the door frame in a way that spoke of casual trust and again made his skin flush hot. Embarrassed, he looked away, but Lex didn’t seem to mind, or perhaps they didn’t notice.
“Kitchen is downstairs - it’s the only other door than the one that leads to the bar. You can’t miss it. Help yourself. See you tomorrow, I guess?” they smiled, running a hand through their hair and messing it all up in a way that did nothing to help the rising temperature of his skin or the syncopated lurching of his twin hearts in his chest.
With a final nod from Tarann, Lex left him for the night.
He heard them closing up about an hour later, and then caught the steady tread of their footsteps on the metal stairs, the squeak and click of their door, the sound of clothes hitting the floor, and, another few moments later, the gush of hot water. In the corner of his own room was a sink, so he splashed the dust and grime off his face and decided to ask about a shower in the morning.
The rhythm of his life for the next few weeks was considerably easier than the first had been. Menot kept him abreast of activity both regarding his ship - nothing, mercifully - and the Agency. After three weeks working for Lex, the two had become the very thing he had always shied away from. Assassins don’t form attachments; they don’t form friends. Do the job, get out cleanly, and move on. That was how he lived, and yet, the regular ebb and flow of patrons - most of them familiar by now, a few of them new - and the easy manner of the ballsy human who ran the place lulled him quietly into a new life.
He constantly tried to remind himself that it was a borrowed life; a cover, almost. This cosy existence with its easy repartee between them and the comfort of a soft bed and regular meals was not his to keep, and he would have to shrug it off the moment that he was given the all-clear.
One evening, seemingly at random, Lex closed up early.
“What’s up, boss?” he asked as Lex politely shooed the last drunken creature out of the door and locked it behind her six scuttling legs. “What’s going on?” His natural instincts set him suddenly on edge all over again, perhaps because he’d grown so complacent of late. He didn’t like changes to patterns. It had taken him a little while to relax into this one, and even then, he didn’t exactly ease up on the vigilance.
Lex grinned at him like they’d won some kind of cash-prize, hands balled into fists at their hips, and announced, “It’s my birthday.”
He frowned. “What… What does that mean? You’re… You’re giving birth?” He looked at Lex’ body and couldn’t see any indication that they were carrying some form of offspring.
Lex gave a huge snort and bent nearly double laughing.
“Apparently not,” Tarann mumbled. “Apologies.”
“No,” Lex waved, straightening up again. “I’m sorry, it’s… that just… caught me off guard. No, I’m not giving birth to anything today or ever. It’s…” and then they fell quiet, almost sad, and said, “You really don’t know what a birthday is?”
He shook his head, feeling unsettled.
“Huh,” they mused. “Well, simply put, it’s a celebration of the day I was born. Back on Earth, we celebrate them roughly every 365 days because that’s one complete orbital cycle of our planet around our Sun. Roughly. Give or take a decimal point or two…”
They stared at him and he grew even more uncomfortable. Birthdays were not something celebrated at the Facility where he’d been… raised. The old scar in his neck where their implant had been throbbed and his skin changed colour quietly from grey to a dark blue.
Lex took a step closer and placed their fingertips on his upper forearm. It wasn’t the first time Lex had touched him, but it was the first touch like that; gentle, careful, concerned. “What does that mean?” Lex asked softly.
Tarann wanted to run, but instead he forced himself to ask, “What does what mean?”
“That colour change? I’ve worked out a few already. You go a kind of bright blue when you’re super embarrassed, but I’ve not seen you turn that colour before…”
“You noticed,” he said with a half-smirk, revealing all his dangerous teeth behind his thin lips.
Lex twitched a shoulder but didn’t let go of his arm. “It’s hard not to notice you,” they said voice shifting lower in pitch. “I love watching your skin change. You know, it reminds me of these old antique lamps back on Earth… they’re called ‘lava lamps’ but they’re not actually made of lava. It’s wax or something. Anyway, when you turn them on, they get hot, and the wax inside floats to the top of the liquid in a blob, and when it cools down a bit, it sinks down again. They’re super old and rare now, but some of them change colour slowly, and it’s kind of hypnotic. I remember going to a museum and staring at one for ages. It’s like that with your skin.”
They circled their thumb over a small area of his arm and he shuddered.
“I think it’s beautiful…” And then Lex’ skin flushed and he caught the way their pulse throbbed in their neck, the veins and arteries so close to the surface as to be impractically vulnerable, but they didn’t seem to want to protect it with armour.  “Anyway,” they blurted, releasing him so quickly that he actually swayed a bit at the loss of contact, “I didn’t mean to embarrass you. What was I saying?”
“It’s your birthday,” he croaked after a pause.
“Yeah, so, uh… I figured maybe we could do something? There’s an Earth recipe involving pasta that I’ve finally managed to get all the ingredients for and I wanna make it. You game?”
“You want to help me?”
“Oh. Sure.”
Lex deflated a little. “You can take the night off if you’d rather.”
“No,” he said firmly. It never hurt to add to his knowledge.
“Ok then,” they smiled, and he caught the way their shoulders dropped a little, the muscles relaxing again. He’d answered correctly.
In fact, the meal ended up tasting alright. Human food seemed strange to him, and perhaps a little bland, but after the protein blocks he’d been raised on, anything tasted alright compared to those. What really made his evening was Lex’ obvious enjoyment. Their eyes were sparkling and alive, like jewels, and they laughed a lot.
They also made some significant inroads into the fiery brandy afterwards, and ended up slumped against Tarann’s left shoulders, smiling softly and running their fingertips over the slight, flattened bumps in his skin along his forearms.
“I can’t believe you have four arms,” they said, their voice slurred and their eyes vague.
Tarann, who wasn’t drunk, shifted slightly and jostled them. They snuggled up again immediately in a new position which forced him to put both his arms around their shoulders as they lay against this chest this time, and giggled. “Why not?” he asked, because he wasn’t sure what else to ask. They were beautiful and strong and tough at work in the bar and during the day, but he got to see a different side before and after work. The fatigue, the loneliness, the gentle-heartedness was never on show for the patrons of their scruffy, homely bar, but for him, they showed all that and more. Now, unwinding even further as the alcohol took effect, Lex became even more talkative than usual, which was saying something.
“Because you’ve got four!” they exclaimed, as if it was blindingly obvious. “And four eyes. I like your eyes. They’re like crocodile eyes.”
Tarann had no idea what a crocodile was and wasn’t sure if it was a compliment or not.
“And you said you’ve got two hearts?”
“Mmm,” he nodded, feeling brave and bringing his lower hand to rest quietly on Lex’s stomach as it rose and fell. Their body was warmer than his and he liked the tingling that ran across his skin at the touch.
Lex fell surprisingly silent for a while, their fingertips still trailing idle lines along his skin, until they looked up into his face from their slouched position - now with their head in his lap - and asked, “What did you do before you came here?”
Faced with the utterly open honesty in those deep eyes, he found himself suddenly unwilling to lie or even bend the truth. “I was a contract killer. I am still a contract killer. I’m just… lying low for a while.”
Lex blinked. “That explains it,” they muttered, eyes turning back to his arms.
They hadn’t even flinched at the revelation, which set a different prickling running across his nerves. “Explains what?”
“The way you watch people. You don’t see people though, do you. You see soft bits and armoured bits, dangerous bits and weak bits. You see exits from a room and weapons where there shouldn’t be any…”
Inhaling softly, he nodded. “Yes. Does that bother you?”
They shook their head. “No. But it makes me sad.”
“Because you… you haven’t really lived… have you?”
“I don’t understand.”
Lex lurched to sit upright then, dislodging Tarann’s hands from their stomach and swivelling to face him, their eyes now blazing with intensity. “You don’t think I’ve noticed the way you react when I touch you?”
The leap from ‘not living’ to ‘reaction to being touched’ was too great a one for him to follow and he narrowed his golden eyes in confusion.
Lex’s face softened and they climbed awkwardly into his lap, swaying slightly. The sudden, warm weight of their body so close to his own stole his breath for a moment and he felt his skin change from grey to acid blue to a dull pink and finally back to grey in the space of a few heartbeats. “See?” they murmured, rolling their hips invitingly and smiling as a low-frequency mating rumble left him before he had realised what he was doing. “You come alive beneath that touch…”
“I…” he began but stopped when he realised he had no idea what he was going to say. It was perfectly true. He did feel utterly different when Lex was touching him. “I’ve never… There’s never been any need.”
“What do you mean?” they asked, placing their hands on his chest, one over each thudding heart.
Tarann became almost painfully aware of his rasping breathing, the way his body was heating up, the stuttering rhythm of his hearts, the tingling in his groin that he’d never bothered to explore, even alone… “I was created to become a weapon. I was incubated and hatched in a facility which created weapons. They sterilised us before we were even born.”
Lex did look shocked at that. “Fuck… that’s… that’s so heartless… But even so, I can’t have kids, but that doesn’t mean I don’t like to get my dick wet from time to time…”
Tarann, again, didn’t understand. Lex was speaking Federation Common, but the nuances that the human put into their words were frequently lost on him.
Seeing his confusion, Lex laughed, rolled their hips again, and this time Tarann noticed something a little different at the front of their pants, a hardness that hadn’t been there - or hadn’t been as prominent - a few minutes earlier. “I still like to have sex,” they grinned.
“You don’t have to have sex though,” they went on. “I’m just saying, it’s ok to let someone close. And to enjoy that. However you want to.”
Lex laughed and tipped their head back a little, looking free and relaxed again now that Tarann’s confusion had been cleared up. Being unsteady with alcohol, however, they kept tipping back until Tarann was forced to grab them with both sets of hands to stop them toppling off; one pair around the waist and another around the arms.
“Steady,” he smiled. “I think maybe you should have some water. And head up to bed.”
“You’re probably right. I had a good birthday though,” they added, gently peeling the three fingers of Tarann’s lower right hand off their waist and bringing it up to their lips. The gesture they left there Tarann knew was called a kiss. Humans weren’t unique among lifeforms in nuzzling intimate parts of their anatomy against the other’s, but the strangeness of it for his species held an instant fascination. How could their lips be so soft? How could he never have done that? How could he never have wanted to share this kind of experience with anyone before?
And before he could stop it, his skin flushed a deep maroon all over like a drop of ink on wet paper, splotched here and there with dark purple. He knew what that meant for his species, and the sight of his own skin changing to the colours of an individual receptive to mating made him freeze.
“Well,” Lex chortled amusedly. Apparently they knew what it meant as well.
“No,” he said immediately, though he wasn’t quite sure what it was he was rejecting.
With a knowing but slightly melancholic smile, Lex clambered out of his lap and stood up. “Night, Tarann,” they said as they walked away. Their hands brushed against the door frame as they left the bar, and he stared at the spot where their fingers graced the woodwork even as their footsteps vanished up the stairs.
His skin did not change back that night, no matter how much he willed it to change. Half an hour later, as he lay in his bed, the sounds of Lex pleasuring themselves reached his acutely sensitive ears. The tiny, muffled moans and grunts that left their body set his skin aflame all over again. He moved one hand cautiously, experimentally down his torso to the slit where, to his astonishment, he was slick and sensitive. He gasped at the touch, and the three delicate, tentacle-like cocks which normally never left the sheath began to unfurl almost curiously into his hand.
Ordinarily, this might have repulsed him, but the sound of Lex gasping and the slick sounds that accompanied the moans, made the tentacles of his genitalia coil demandingly around his fingers. He knew almost nothing about his own species’ reproductive habits because he knew he would never need them. ‘You will never be a breeder,’ they had said when he’d hit sexual maturity - the first time he’d even bothered to explore his body, and, until that night, the last - and that had been that.
Sparks of pleasure shot through his whole body and he began to croon, the sound deep in his throat, rumbling and vibrating like an idling engine, filling the room. He couldn’t stop it. Balling his fingers into a fist, he felt his three pale cocks coil around it instinctively, and he began to kneed exploratively at the inside of the flower-shape they made around his hand, a thin, extremely sensitive membrane stretching between them from the root to about a third of the way down. The pleasure that that elicited made his back arch of the bed and his toes scrunched up the sheets as he lifted his hips too, pressing harder at the centre of the three smooth, increasingly slick tentacles.
Forcing himself to focus back on the sounds of Lex as they apparently approached their climax, he felt a wall of heat building in him. Something was approaching, and he let it sweep over him until the three tentacles surrounding his balled-up fist pulsed, gripping his hand tight as a vice, and warm fluid spurted from their centre over his clenched fingers in a series of messy gushes. His vision went white, his body went rigid, and his mind went completely blank.
Tarann floated in a blissful haze for a long time before he could even bring himself to move, his cocks too sensitive, his hand covered in sticky, slick release, but eventually his cocks retreated back into the sheath in his lower abdomen and he felt able to sit up. His hand was a mess, his lower body too, and when he tried to stand, his muscles felt shaky and weak, as though he’d run the training simulation at the facility for an entire day without breaks.
With his skin so sensitive that it was hard to fall asleep that night. Lex must have finished during his own orgasm because he never heard another noise from their room that night. Shame curled in to replace the pleasure as he realised that he’d eavesdropped on something that was private and not meant for his hearing, and in the morning, he could barely look Lex in the eye as he entered the kitchen in search of breakfast.
Lex, however, smiled warmly. The effects of the alcohol the previous night seemed only to have made their voice drop a little and their reactions were groggy and slower. “I think I'm going to keep the bar closed today,” they announced as they poured themselves a hot drink. “You’re not hungover at all, are you?”
“No,” he replied. “It takes more than that to get me drunk, let alone hungover.” ‘Hungover’ was a term he’d only learned since working for Lex.
“So…” Lex asked a little while later as they cooked breakfast for the two of them the hob. “If you’re only here to lie low for a while, do you know how long you’ll actually be here?”
“No.” Apparently Lex hadn’t been so drunk that they didn’t remember their conversation last night. He paused and added, “But the last transmission the Agency sent me indicated that the people who were looking into the disturbance after my last contract were no longer investigating.”
“So… not long then.”
Lex poked at the pan with a wooden spatula and sighed.
“Why do you ask?”
He could see the way Lex’s jaw worked from side to side for a moment and recognised it as one of their tells. They were upset. “You think you’ll miss me when you leave?”
“Of course I will,” he said. “You’ve been extremely generous to me when I did nothing to earn it.”
Tarann knew he’d said the wrong thing immediately, but none of his intense training had prepared him for this kind of situation. He backtracked through the conversation, searching for something he could have said differently, something he could have handled better. Lost, he asked falteringly, “Will… you miss me? Is that what this is about?”
Lex nodded without turning around. “Yeah,” they said, voice cracking slightly. They cleared their throat and poked at breakfast again. It smelled ready but they didn’t seem ready to turn around.
Tarann stepped closer, his feet silent on the stone floor, and placed his hands boldly on Lex’ hips. The human immediately eased and leaned back, resting their weight against his body, though their head barely came midway up his chest. Taking the opportunity at last and sensing it would be welcome, Tarann brought his hand up and stroked his fingers gingerly through Lex’ hair. It was every bit as soft as he’d thought it would be, and he watched his skin change colour beneath the strands as they brushed over his fingers. Lex moaned quietly.
When he lowered his hand and Lex saw the maroon fading back to grey, they smiled and turned around, switching the hob off as they did. They put their own hands on his chest and he ached suddenly to have nothing separating them; to remove his close-fitting space-suit top and Lex’ loose-fitting shirt. As Lex slid one palm tentatively up to his neck, he felt the touch in a wave of heat and closed his eyes. His fingers tightened on Lex’ hips and Lex moaned softly.
“I want you,” Lex murmured. “I thought about you last night.”
Tarann opened his eyes a crack and blinked softly. “I heard you,” he admitted.
“Yeah?” Lex laughed, looking part bashful and part turned on. “What did you do when you heard me?”
“I…” he flushed neon blue and stepped back, ashamed.
“Hey,” they breathed, chasing after him. “It’s alright. It’s… really hot that you did that while thinking about me.”
“You don’t mind?”
They shook their head. “If you wanted to try together…”
That mating call thundered through him and he lowered his forehead, bringing it to touch Lex’.
“That a yes?”
“What about breakfast?”
“I overcooked it all already,” they laughed. “It’s ruined.”
Grabbing his hand, they tugged him out of the kitchen and back upstairs to their room.
They shed their clothes in a tangle, and once again Tarann was left staggered and enchanted by the human’s body. This time it was the sheer vulnerability of it. He could also see their arousal plainly - there was no sheath to tease - and something about that made his own sheath throb so hard he let out another mating croon.
“Fuck, that sound is so hot,” Lex gasped, lying back on the bed and tugging him down atop them. “Look at you,” they added, running their fingers down his heaving chest and playing with his sheath as he collapsed atop them. “I’ve always found Tch’larians attractive, but you… the way you move, the way you shudder when I touch you, the way you fucking croon like that…” He did it again - entirely involuntarily - as Lex crooked two fingers and delved carefully into his sheath, catching the inner walls of his three cocks inside and making them unfurl even quicker than they had last night.
They wrapped around Lex’ fingers and Lex moaned. “I want those on my cock… please…” they gasped, and Tarann felt like he might die if he didn’t do as Lex asked. His body was so tight all over, his skin flushing from dusky pink to dark magenta with every deep, sonorous groan that escaped him.
With one leg on each side of Lex’ thighs, he lowered his hips down until they were touching, and his cocks immediately curled around Lex’ own hard cock, covering it in weeping, slick fluid. Lex let out a string of curses and flung their head back into the bed beneath them, rutting their hips up into Tarann’s grip. The pressure of the tip of their cock against the point where the three cocks joined inside him made him growl with pleasure, his maw full of teeth opening, his saliva starting to fill his mouth, bright blue tongue lashing behind them.
“You know…?” Lex panted, thrusting up into the wet heat of the grip that his tentacle cocks had around theirs.
“Know what?” he snarled back, shaking from the effort of holding himself upright over Lex.
Lex reached up to his face with a fingertip and trailed it around his drooling mouth before putting it in his own and sucking. The sight of it sent Tarann into a fury of lust for some reason, and only then did he recall that his saliva was poisonous to many species. Before he could warn Lex, the human grinned and their eyes went wide, pupils blown until their irises were a mere whisper of colour. Apparently he wasn't poisonous to humans. Quite the contrary if the way Lex fucked upwards into his body and filled him with sparking pleasure with each thrust was anything to go by.
“Fuck, I’m close,” Lex hissed, and Tarann felt his cocks contract around the hard length inside him.
He didn’t have the breath or the words to agree.
“I’m… I -” Lex cried out, and suddenly heat flooded the inside of Tarann’s sheath and he felt his own cocks clench and pulse rhythmically around Lex’ cock as he came too. He drew every drop from Lex that they had inside them as his own orgasm rolled through him and left him mute, panting, and thrumming all over.
“Fuck that was intense,” Lex chuckled some while later, when Tarann’s cocks had finally let go of their own softening cock. “Are you ok?”
“Mmm,” he rumbled from his new position, slumped on the bed beside Lex, his trio of cocks lying limply across his torso, splayed out and spent and utterly sensitive.
Lex sat up, heedless that their own body was covered in their combined release, and trailed their fingers down Tarann’s torso towards his still pulsing sheath. “Can I?” they asked.
Tarann didn’t reply but he responded with a shrug. He had no idea what Lex intended, but he trusted them. What Lex did was to lean forwards and take one of his cocks into his mouth and suck on it gently. Tarann’s whole body lurched and he bellowed at the sheer volume of the sensation as it thundered in his head and under his skin all over again.
“Too much?” Lex laughed.
“No?” he gasped, trying to steady his spinning head and suddenly racing hearts. “No. Definitely not too much. Just…”
“Intense?” Lex supplied.
“Do it again?”
Lex did.
I really hope you folks enjoyed this one! Don’t forget to let me know if you did enjoy it by leaving a like and/or reblogging it!
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lesbemums · 3 years
Honestly, the amount of time I spend talking and stressing about sperm is ridiculous, especially for a lesbian!!! Straight people, and especially the majority that don’t have fertility issues, have no idea how good they’ve got it.
My wife and I have both always wanted 3 children. However, making our son cost us around £8000. We both work full time and our jobs pay enough to live on, enough to put a way a bit of money each month, we’re comfortable! But it’s just not cutting it when it comes to saving for a second child. We’re worse off now than when we didn’t have a kid, our outgoings are higher having an extra person to feed and clothe and entertain. We’re running a second car and had to take a loan out to buy that second decent car when my old one broke down suddenly. I worked out that at the rate we can save, we can only do IUI twice a year. And it has a success rate of max 20%. How depressing is that? If we wanted to do IVF, it would take us YEARS to save for it. We really hoped we could have a two year age gap between our first two. And the third? We’ve pretty much had to give up on the idea of a third.
We’re in the UK so we don’t have things like insurance, all of our costs are out of pocket. The NHS won’t help in our area until we have 6 failed IUIs under our belts, that will cost us roughly £18,000. Whereas a straight couple has to try via the conventional method for 1 year and fail to get pregnant. Which is FREE. I get that they can’t automatically help us just because we lack sperm but it’s very frustrating.
I was really hoping to be able to afford to try twice more before the end of the year but the costs just keep adding up and making it less likely. Thanks to Brexit, there’s an extra 20% VAT on all things imported into the UK from Europe. Our sperm is shipped from Denmark due to the UK’s shortage, which means roughly an extra £200 per vial of sperm we ship over (we already pay 20% VAT on the sperm when we buy it as well!!!). (I totally voted against Brexit btw and feel even more justified in doing so now.) It also costs €300 for shipping. My wife’s blood test checks ran out in June so we’ve got to fork out for those to be done before our clinic will do my IUIs. Once we get the sperm shipped to our clinic, they will charge us £400 to store it. Currently they’re still charging £100 per COVID test as a precaution (over-cautious in my opinion), so if they don’t get rid of those by the time we try again, it’ll cost us £200 per cycle as they require 2 each time. So it’s not just the £1000 per vial of sperm and £1500 per IUI cycle. It’s mounting up.
My mum and step dad have been really great through all this. They gave us money to help out before we made our first, that bought my wife’s first properly reliable car (and a bit extra when we couldn’t quite swing it), they bought our travel system for kiddo #1 which was pricey! And they’ve already given us £2000 to make #2 which is gone already after the first attempt and all pre-testing that I needed. They’re going to help out again in a few months by paying for a round of IUI too, which I’m so grateful for. But still I’m not sure we can afford the 2 rounds by the end of the year! I’m now even at the point of considering asking for help from other family members. I’ve literally never asked for money my whole life.
I’m really reluctant to have to do any fertility stuff January - March because of the sporadic but often quite bad snow that we’ve got the last few years. It’s a 60 mile drive to our clinic and I had a car accident due to the snow in 2018 so I have major anxiety about driving in the snow. And my wife has major anxiety about motorway driving after a lorry knocked her off the road shortly after my accident. So driving around that time is not ideal. But can we afford the tries we’re hoping for before that? I don’t know.
The next stress is our sperm donor’s stock is running out. Every time I look it’s gone down, and in fact since I last looked, it’s gone down by about 30 vials. There’s only 60ish left total, 23 left of the MOT20 that we buy. The other vials are an extra €400 as they’re MOT30. We’re buying 2 vials for our 2 attempts, but will have to keep a check on them and buy more if we can if it gets crazy low. We really want to use the same donor if we can, so our kids can at least be genetic half siblings. Our donor has no quotas left for UK, which means that there are 10 families that have bought sperm from him in this country. That’s not counting how many from Europe where they don’t have a cap in most countries. So the remaining sperm could sell out FAST with that many people using it!
With the sperm stock being so low, we’ve decided only 2 more IUI attempts and then it’s time for IVF. We’re hoping to avoid having to do something so invasive but we can’t afford to keep trying IUI if the sperm is going to run out. We can’t afford to buy that many vials. The only hope we have of doing IVF is taking out a loan. This stresses me out further since we already have a loan for our car and our outgoings are high. When I’m off on maternity leave, most of that time I’ll only be paid statutory maternity pay which is about £150 a week. It’s good that we get paid, I know a lot of countries don’t get that, but with that much of a pay cut, we’ll be living pay check to pay check, and if we take out loans, I don’t know if we’ll even be able to get by.
If I could live my life without ever having to hear about straight people getting knocked up by accident, that would be great, thanks! It’s so hard to not have access to sperm. Also, if people would stop telling us that there’s ‘no good time to have a kid’ and that everyone thinks they won’t be able to afford it (when they’re clearly not thinking about the fact that we’re concerned about the cost of MAKING a child, not keeping one alive).
All I want is another child, my body knows it’s time, I’m yearning for a baby that doesn’t even exist yet. Waiting is killing me, and not knowing how much time it will take is the worst. And the ultimate agony is knowing that we can’t just keep trying. It feels like we’re in the process of trying since our first failed IUI in May, but each month there’s no chance of success. Every month when I start getting PMS symptoms, the very same symptoms as you might get in early pregnancy, I get sad because I know it’s just PMS. There’s no chance of a baby.
I just want my baby.
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queen-busybee · 6 years
Ohmygosh ohmygosh ohmygosh this is my first time asking; I'd like chloe x adrien (I've been a fan of their individual characters the first time I saw the show, though I started shipping them after seeing their potential
//cries for 8000 years because someone else likes chlodrien too
Please Keep Feeding My Inspiration (Prompt post)
This became 5 sentences because im garbo and love chlodrien and you cant stop me from wanting to turn everything into a 8K story idea for them
It’s said that when you see your soulmate for the first time, color will come into your life, and that the darkness will finally fade; Chloe has seen color since she can remember–yellow sunflowers, blue skies, green eyes, and blonde hair that made up her entire childhood; but she had met him when she had already known the green color that made up his eyes.
Not being soulmates did not mean that she could not fall in love with him–her heart, she was sure, knew better what she wanted than destiny did; however, Adrien was a romantic, saving himself for his soulmate, wishing to still be able to find them, despite being able to see color since he could remember as well.
Sometimes, there were people who never able to see color, their whole lives; eventually, Chloe gave up hope–she probably met them when she was baby, too young to remember, unable to ever have them in her life again.
After her father died, Adrien sat next to her on the bed as she went through photo albums, trying to pick her favorites for his service–it was then that they found a picture, old and worn, tucked behind another; they were infants, just being held by the other’s mother, gazing into each other eyes, Adrien only a few months older than Chloe, his small hand reaching out to lay against her chest.
There would never be a way to know for sure, both too young to remember, parents unable to explain what happened that day, how Chloe had quieted from her incessant crying the moment Adrien came into view, but, there was a feeling of knowing, of somehow, someway, knowing and maybe even hoping–Adrien framed the photo and placed it on their fireplace when they got married two years later.
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EcoPad Project Limi Valley, Humla Nepal
Hello from Nepal! I hope you are happy and healthy. This week’s post is going to be different than any before it, and different from any that will come after. It is the only post in the series that is not written by me. Why would an author that is promoting his books and the charity project related to them post writing by someone else? Because the writing below is that important and I can’t tell you what it is about in as informed a manner as the person that wrote it. That person is the organizer of the women’s health project addressed in the article below. Her name is Thinley Wangmo Lama.
Many social issues are just starting to get the attention in Asia that they have enjoyed in the West since the 1960s. Women’s health concerns, rights, and equality are among the issues at the top of that list. I hope you will join Wangmo and the many other dedicated people in Nepal, and throughout Asia and the world, that are making great efforts to right the inequities and injustices that women have suffered for thousands of years. A closer look will reveal that every living thing — not just our mothers, sisters, and wives — have suffered severely from the lack of respect that our worldwide culture often directs toward women. The fact that more attention has been given to providing men with artificial erections than has been given to providing women with authentic healthcare shows a criminal lack of common sense and common decency in our society. Unless that lack is addressed and remedied, there is little chance for the survival of our species. Until the kind, compassionate, nurturing aspects of the feminine presence gain as much prominence in our earthly function as the constructive, productive, and destructive drives of the masculine presence, we don’t stand a chance.
Please join Wangmo and folks like her around the world in taking the basic steps toward helping these needy women on the Tibet/Nepali border to stay alive and healthy. By doing so, you will also be taking a big step toward repairing a long-standing social injustice that has done great damage to us all.
EcoPad Project Limi Valley, Humla
Project Introduction
This is a project to raise funds for Limi women who don’t have easy access to sanitary pads.
Our aim is to donate eco-friendly washable cloth sanitary pads (EcoPads) for approximately 250 women living in the remote village of Humla, Nepal called Limi.
We also aim to generate a positive attitude towards periods among the Limi community in Kathmandu and Limi Valley. We hope to make them comfortable to talk about periods in a shame-free way.
How did we start this project?
This project took birth during the COVID-19 pandemic when we heard about the situation in Limi regarding the food shortage due to lockdown. Access to Limi is immensely restricted because of its challenging topography and lack of transportation infrastructure.
For the people in Limi, it takes a minimum of 2 to 4 walking days to reach a market area. During that conversation, the sanitary pad topic came up! How are the women managing without the supply of pads? Periods do not stop when the supply stops. After much discussion, we realized that the Limi women still face serious challenges when it comes to managing their periods. It is still considered taboo and a matter of embarrassment.
Women should not feel shameful for something like Periods that occur naturally and should not be put at a disadvantage due to this.
So, we could either do something about it or just let it be as always. We simply decided to do something about it! Period!
Background: — Menstrual Hygiene in Limi
Most of the women in Limi Valley still don’t own underwear and those having underwears feel shy to even dry it out in the open. Periods are rarely discussed openly and considered “impurity” coming out from the women’s body.
Like most of the women in any village area, the women in Limi have been using pads made of old/used clothes and only recently they have started using disposable sanitary pads. However, they consider sanitary pads as a luxury item and not a necessity. Of course, considering the costs of sanitary pads in the market, the people in the village would rather spend the money on food supplies.
On one hand, the pads made of old used clothes are uncomfortable and unhygienic. It can cause vaginal health issues and infections. On the other hand, the disposable sanitary pads are usually out of stock and not easily accessible due to the remote location and such pads lead to non-biodegradable waste.
As per research, disposable sanitary pads are partly made of plastic and can take as much as 200 years to decompose.
Therefore, looking for a long-term sustainable solution, EcoPads seems like the best option. An EcoPad can be reused for up to three years if washed and dried properly.
Why EcoPads?
1. Reusable
EcoPads can be reused for up to three years with proper care. However, it is essential to wash the EcoPads properly and dry them under sunlight.
2. Cost-effective
EcoPads are cost-effective over time. Most women re-use their EcoPads for at least three to five years, which means about three years of not having to buy disposable pads each month!
3. Environmentally Friendly
Let’s take Nepal into consideration. The majority of women in Nepal use disposable pads. On average, a woman uses 15 pads per month, that’s around 8000 pads over the course of her lifetime. That’s just the waste from a single person. What about the whole of Nepal?
Now, do the math and add in people from countries all over the world. That is a crazy amount of garbage.
4. Health Benefits
The manufacturers use artificial fragrance, synthetic ingredients, and plastic in disposable pads which can cause allergic reactions. You will notice that the cloth pads do not irritate your skin when used correctly.
5. No issue of running “out of stock” for a remote place like Limi
It takes a minimum of 2 to 4 walking days to reach a market area for the people in Limi. The disposable sanitary pads usually go out of stock, so by using EcoPads, this problem can be solved.
How this PROJECT is going to work?
Step 1: Collect Donations to buy EcoPads
Step 2: Conduct workshops in Kathmandu — #Normalizeperiods and generate awareness about usage of ecopads
Step 3: Buy good quality EcoPads.
Step 4: Go to Limi Valley — Target Date: August 2021 — Distribute the EcoPads for free and stay there for few weeks:-
1. Conduct workshops — Make them aware that periods are normal and not to feel shy about it.
2. Focus on the younger girls. Talk to them about periods in a shame-free way and teach them how to manage their periods.
3. Ask the men in the family to be more supportive when the women are menstruating.
4. If possible, teach them how to make their own EcoPads so that they can be self-sufficient.
Step 5: Select a few volunteers at the local level to evaluate the project outcomes. If successful, distribute the next batch of EcoPads within 1–2 years. If not successful, visit Limi again to evaluate the situation.
What do we need?
1. We need your donation to buy these EcoPads. There are approximately 250 women in Limi Village who are menstruating. Each woman needs at least 10–15 pads for healthy use.
Since this is the first time introducing ecopads to the Limi women, we plan to give only 5 pads at the initial distribution.
The average cost of a good quality EcoPad is Rs.200/- Therefore, we need around NPR 2,50,000/-
2. We are also planning to donate one EcoPad each to Limi women living in Kathmandu. There are approximately 200 Limi women in Kathmandu. Therefore, we need around NPR 40,000/-
3. We need additional money for traveling expenses to Limi village, air cargo/ shipping expenses, and to pay the volunteers. Therefore, we need around NPR 2,50,000/-
In total, we need around NPR 5,40,000/- (USD 5000/-) to make this project possible.
Therefore, with your support, our long-term goal is to donate EcoPads to this area every 3 years so that we can provide them a healthier life and fulfill this very basic necessity of every woman.
Please Donate
Let’s unite for our women who are our mother, sister, aunt, cousin, and relative. Let’s unite for women who are in need.
Please donate as much as possible within your capacity. No amount is small or big. Every contribution counts.
Maybe this means not eating at a cafe once, or not indulging in a Starbucks Coffee this week, or not buying a new pair of shoes this month. We request you to donate that amount for the welfare of women living in Limi.
Together we can make this happen.
Donation Details:
Please donate through their GoFundMe platform gf.me/u/zmgqi4
Kindly share this on your social media pages.
Thank You and Best Wishes
Be well, Tenzin
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resortweartrz · 4 years
Commercial And Residential Mailboxes What And What Not To Decide On - Home Improvement
The Pensioner sits in a residential space, which means employees served the identical individuals over and over, the sort of regulars who might need had a foul day and need to talk to the bartender about it. We offer similar-day delivery on our preparations and may ship your order to one in every of our trusted local florists in order that they may meet your demand for fresh, extreme-quality blooms. Back in 2018, 62-yr-previous delivery man was crushed and killed by a makeshift hoist at a supermarket in Flatbush, Brooklyn. A brand new York City supermarket worker has been crushed to demise by a freight elevator whereas on the job. The culinary scene of this city is price mentioning here because it's considered one of the finest in North America. The paintings right here appeal to 1's private unconscious. I have made masks for estate brokers, personal trainers, hairdressers, make-up artists, receptionists, plumbers, electricians and eating places,' she said. Over the years the marketplace has rapidly urbanized to obtain the status of being a have to visit place for tourist. Therefore, it's a should go to for the botany college students to discover a singular world of orchids. The sheep breeding farm, National Yak Research and Breeding centre and Sangti Valley are should visits of this place.
Among the must see hotspots are St Angelo's Fort within the Kannur Cantonment, Burnessery Beach, Thalessery Fort, Aralam Farm, Bekal and Kannur Payyambalam beach, Kizhunna seaside, Ezhimala and Muzhappilangad beaches. There are a lot of amazing beaches (Marina, Mahabalipuram, Rameshwaram, Covelong,Kanyakumari), intricately carved temples, sanctuaries with exotic flora and fauna and culturally rich festivals in the state. Traditionally constructed Beach homes and resorts with latest amenities additionally obtainable in any respect beaches in Kannur that provide world class services with inexpensive charges. These seaside houses additionally serves multi-cuisines and traditional Kerala mouth watering foods with contemporary spices. This building serves because the headquarters for the one of the women's most famous Toronto club. All one needs to do is get a experience on the Toronto Airport Limo. Whether it's a pair of epoch Levi's denims an conventional wood chest or a Moroccan lamp that one id appear for the markets has all of it. And naturally, it comes with the added bonus of the comfort component - no more spending hours scouring the streets of unknown markets searching for the perfect handicraft gift for the subsequent occasion that you must attend or even to do up your personal home.
Yes, in relation to the tourism of north-east India, you may positively see the title of Arunachal Pradesh on the top listing. Why don't you step up to the land of Arunachal Pradesh, then? The hilly terrain of the world ranges from Nagaland within the east to the Meghalaya within the west, the Mizoram lies within the south while Arunachal Pradesh within the north, extends to the snow-clad ridges of the good Himalayas. It's sizzling in east and no grasps barred. North East India is a land of hills and plains with quite a lot of greenery and quite a lot of uncommon and exotic flora and fauna. When in 1876 the Prince of Wales and Queen Victoria visited Jaipur on the India tour, the Maharaja Ram Singh of Jaipur got the whole city painted in pink. The fort is a protected monument under the Archaeological Survey of India. This location is no doubt the boutiques of delicious foods. The actress definitely appeared to still be dwelling the nice Life as she stopped off at upmarket yoga store Lululemon and the beauty emporium Space NK. Mecca has opened its giant flagship retailer just in time for Black Friday gross sales - and it is the biggest magnificence store in the Southern Hemisphere.
Generally, Lahore will be visited any time of yr; town has dry and mild temperatures all through many of the yr, but there is a rainy season that happens between June and September. A number of the largely outstanding malls of town are Siam paragons, central phrase and emporium. Bangkok. Visiting these malls shouldn't be instantly about import high products to nourish your egotism. The main market in Thailand , chatuchak weekend market in Bangkok consists of over 8000 stalls with the typically of them open on weekends only. Over evening at the resort. The place is at its greatest throughout festivals like annual vegetarian festivals and Chinese New 12 months. The weather is nice, with common highs in the 60s and 70s, and there are many popular festivals and occasions scheduled. 450 sorts of orchids are found here. The courtyards listed here are the most effective for casual strolls. He already has an thought for the subsequent undertaking, inspired by Harry Potter’s finest friend Ron Weasley. It is the among the many metropolis cities of the world. The Bramhaputra valley with its near tropical climate is a fertile plain on the basin of certainly one of the most important rivers of the world.
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anupriyasinghal · 5 years
An old girl in a new city
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Another year has come & gone & I have to say a lot has happened in 2019 unlike 2018 where literally nothing happened and yet it seemed that life spun on its own axis leading to nothing more than a bit of frenzy & a lot of nausea.
I was on a long flight halfway across the world when I started writing this one. I have an honest question from the larger world. Does it happen that if you are flying closer to home the distance in your head seems shorter than it actually is? Everytime I would fly from India to London or anywhere in Europe I would always find it long & tiresome. But here I was flying to Thailand from London when I started writing it, which is a 12 hour journey & I have been thinking come on that’s not that far. Well, to be honest I don’t think it happens with everyone. I have this weird tendency of layering facts (scientific or otherwise) with emotions & prejudice making it well, a halfway world b/w muggles & wizards. Oh! I am still convinced that there is a magical realm existing somewhere & we have just not found the door to it yet. That was over 6 months ago & then somehow I never got to finish this. So here I am saying bye to 2019, having completed my 1 yr in London, driven far & wide (8000 miles to be precise) in a not so new country any longer, 2 speeding tickets; 1 speed awareness course, 1 failed driving test later finishing what I started & am finishing it now because I realised it would lose all meaning if I don’t finish it before the year ends. .
This post could be about a lot of things & I am still choosing as I am writing. People who know me a little will find it odd that I haven’t decided what I want to write about yet & those who know me very well will know that’s just me. Think & make up the the thinking as you talk - my biggest strength & well my worst pitfall as well. It may do me well to list down what all it could be about & then see where I take it as I move along because while I may choose to elaborate on one of them the reality is that its a story of all of these things in some form & quantity but I don’t know yet what do I feel most strongly about. The options I have are - about loving & losing (well its an exageration but for sake of creative liberty let’s call it that); wide eyed absorption of a new world; growing up (or well growing older I would say); serendipity; seeing the world to be same same but different different or finally being able to find the mirror of erised where one sees just oneself.
I will choose the last one because of two reasons. Firstly, it warranted a Harry Potter reference without having to force fit one & more importantly because that is a feeling I want to remember as I end this year and move from being an old girl in a new city to just a girl in this city.
So it started on 2nd January 2019 when I yet again uprooted my life as I knew it & packed it in boxes of different sizes & shapes & shipped it halfway across the world to London. The new year brought as many “new(s)” as it could - new job, new country, new ways of dealing with goodbyes & most importantly I think a little new me or atleast a much healed & unbroken old me which almost seems a new me now. I think for the longest time I have been a broken mug glued together with 1 or 2 pieces always missing or cracks showing through. Now atleast I am a whole mug fully glued together & slowly I think I am also becoming a piece of china put together through Kintsukuroi. For people who don’t know what it is - its a Japanese form of fixing things where the cracks are filled with gold also called golden joinery. Essentially it means you don’t hide the cracks but you embellish them. I have now chosen to do just that with my broken & sort of healed pieces.
Actually truly this story starts in December 2018 when I started saying my goodbyes in India & if any of you read my Pushkar post there is reference of how I immersed some of the things I wanted to leave behind in the holy waters. So I came to London relatively lighter (I wish I could say that about my weight as well -sadly it was at its worst with all the farewell binging!!!) & relatively equipped to handle the new.
Unlike the last time I lived on foreign soil; I am actually loving the move. It has had many dimensions to it which I have totally fallen in love with. I now know what does cold grey weather mean. It was an alien concept till I spent Jan & Feb in London despite the fact that I have lived in Kashmir for 2 years (India’s coldest region) but nothing back home prepares you for days on end of no sun & miserable sleet (i refuse to call it rain) all around you. The howling winds that threaten to enter your bones & never leave. But to be honest there is a beauty to it all as well. There is something extremely wholesome about entering a warm & toasty home after a long walk from the station or standing under a hot water shower and feeling your skin regain warmth.
Coming back to why the particular choices of what I wanted to write about & why they were all viable choices. As it happens with me & some of it very much in my own head things happened that made me go down a rabbit hole without thinking much about the end, believe in Yash uncle’s prophecy of “sabke liye kahin na kahin koi bana hai”, trying to be a better version of myself incessantly, leaning in & then at some point pulling out because that is the only to be.
It sounds like I went through lots of bad things & then came out of it a winner. Nothing like that happened. Things happened - some good, some great, some bad & some ugly. Mostly they were just things that happened - it was my reaction to them that determined what I remember & choose to keep with me from them.
Because I am an ardent Bollywood fan & I love Yash uncle & SRK & everything that comes with their genre of film making I realised that ishq (aka love) is much like autumn. You know before moving to London I had never experienced Autumn in my life & I had only heard about how the colour of fall & autumn have magic in them. In every book that remotely reeked of romance & togetherness, it all always started or fructified in Autumn/fall. And I honestly didn’t know what that meant in its true sense. But I think the last years experiences have been like the colours of fall for me. While everything stayed the same, the colours just deepened to embody the combined & common passion for the good things & experiences in life that can only be measured in their intensity & importance & never in their length or longevity. And the fact that everything comes in a different hue of amber/crimson & some stay that way while others decide to wither & drift away as dead leaves. And not just in terms of people or romantic sorta relationships - just everything in life. The moment we stop measuring significance of events/people/things in longevity of their existence in your life - you can see them for what they really are. Time is a dimension that definitely needs to be measured for quality and not quantity.
And having established this parallel in my head & for a change in my heart, I started my journey of being the lone woman in the mirror of Erised. I decided to pull back & choose to preserve myself without running to season myself & who I am with namak cheeni & masala as preservatives.
I read this in a book and it has sort of stuck with me - “Fear is good. In the right degree it prevents us from making fools of ourselves. But in the wrong measure it prevents us from fully living. Fear is our boon companion but never our master.” My fear of being judged, abandoned or left standing alone (not in a lack of companionship way but rather a beautiful strong solitary soul way) has dictated most of what course of action or discourse of reaction I take. But in truth fear can only be our companion & never our master.
So here I am, bringing in 2020 surrounded by warm fuzzy soft quilt of affection, love, laughter, joy & excitement of family, friends & friends like family. And while this is the quilt that is firmly & securely tucked under me, I also have my head firmly rested on the pillow stuffed with intellect, thoughts, ideologies, ideas, creativity & the right amount of fluidity in all of the above that I have carefully begged, borrowed & stolen from people who have these in abundance.
Here’s an old girl in a not so new city looking at herself in the mirror of Erised with a pair of outrageously fun socks or maybe a big library or a garden full of summer blooms or a round the world air ticket in my hands. I am not looking at a better or different version of myself. I am looking at myself as myself desiring small or big joys of life! Happy 2020 folks!!!!
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49scribes-a · 7 years
Fantasy AU {1}
Witch Junior started the chat 45 seconds ago
Princess Colette (Witch Junior) joined the chat
Queen Alma (Princess Colette) joined the chat
Knight Doug entered for the first time
Witch Lavi entered for the first time
Kelpie Crown Clown entered for the first time
Tengu Kanda entered for the first time
Kelpie Crown Clown I'm a beautiful horse
Witch Junior that you are
Kelpie Crown Clown a very pretty horse
Knight Doug u m Knight Doug pretty horse, yes
Kelpie Crown Clown trots around the forest looking for pr-er, friendly faces
Thief Nea entered for the first time 8 seconds ago
Witch Junior riiiight Witch Junior "friendly faces"
Witch Lavi is munching on an apple
Knight Doug bitch if you come anywhere near the princess, ur dead Knight Doug @ nea Knight Doug stay away from the precious smol
Witch Junior: Okay so }
Kelpie Crown Clown pretends to eat the grass but ew, plants
Thief Nea uhmmm are you stereotyping me??? Thief Nea i dont steal princesses you ignorant fuck
Knight Doug bitch i might be Knight Doug u wannA GO?!
Knight Doug aAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Knight Doug wait a minute- did you just
Tengu Kanda Children plz.
Knight Doug did you just call me tin man?
Thief Nea uh, yeah?
Knight Doug ur gOIN DOWN
Kelpie Crown Clown tin humans are easier to d-MAKE FRIENDS WITH
Witch Junior: BASICALLY -- There are two major kingdoms that have been at war for forever. Doug and Colette are part of one. Alma is recent queen of another, recently inherited from their parents' passing. After Queen Alma became ruler, she extended an offering of peace and now the kingdoms are meeting in the port trade city of Palance for a peace treaty thang, which is fairly neutral territory and home to those from all walks of life. Big old party n shit going on. Do whatever and be wherever 😎 }
Knight Doug: ;; NICE NICE Knight Doug listen, every single one of you can mcfuckin fight me
Thief Nea: || gotcha
Princess Colette don't fight, we're here to stop the fighting aren't we? :'(
Knight Doug ,,yes Knight Doug desole
Thief Nea for 8000 gold pieces a month, I will Stop
Tengu Kanda: ( Also don't fuck with Alma because Kanda is her vanguard. -fingerguns- )
Knight Doug you'll stop if the princess tells you to, you slut
Kelpie Crown Clown why fight when we can all get along. I'll give you a nice ride. We can go for a summer stroll in the forest.
Thief Nea not my princess
Knight Doug :I Knight Doug hey, colette Knight Doug can i like. stab this guy?
Princess Colette noooo no stabbing people :'( You'll make me cry
Knight Doug ,,,alright
Witch Junior look at this great big party. Lavi we should crash it
Knight Doug is most likely by colette's side, back straight and eyes locked ahead
Witch Lavi we should definitely crash it, Junior
Knight Doug try me, witch Knight Doug t r y m e
Witch Junior is that a challenge
Witch Lavi I think it was
Knight Doug maybe, maybe not
Princess Colette is watching all the people and the pretty decorations and festivities like oooooooo
Kelpie Crown Clown changed name to Horse Crown Clown
Knight Doug takes a small glance at colette and smiles softly
Thief Nea wow look at all these important people and all their important jewelry
Tengu Kanda Of course he is being anti-social while leaning on a wall, but keeping an eye out on the entire party near Alma but boy does he stand out.
Queen Alma softly nudges him Queen Alma: Don't be so grumpy, Yuu~ Its a party. A day for celebration!
Tengu Kanda A huff softly leaves his lips, while it was he was not so easily swayed from his guard. Tengu Kanda: "I am doing my job Princess Alma, this may be a peace party but I need to keep an eye out."
Princess Colette is kind of excitedly watching all the performers that are setting up inside the city
Witch Junior hums at Lavi
Knight Doug takes a deep breath and chuckles softly, keeping his pike on the ground, but not letting his guard down for a single moment
Witch Junior: You going to come with while I mingle in with the performers?
Witch Lavi looks over at his twin Witch Lavi: Think it'd be a good idea? Might draw a lot of attention
Queen Alma shrugs a little bit Queen Alma: True, I suppose. You did come as my vanguard. Still, you could try not to look so sour. Queen Alma she just laughs softly tho
Witch Junior: Hmm... true. One of us stands out well enough.
Knight Doug you both stick out like a sore thumb Knight Doug :I
Horse Crown Clown walks a bit closer to the town in the distance. It won't go inside and it tries to stay hidden but h-uh, the urge to seek a friend was making it desperate.
Witch Lavi: I'll mingle, you go with the performers
Tengu Kanda: "This is how I naturally appear, Queen."
Witch Junior: Sounds like a plan. Witch Junior gives Lavi a little shoulder pat and goes to slip in amongst the performers
Queen Alma: I suppose you're right
Thief Nea is honestly just lurking around
Queen Alma she's going to go take an interest in the food stands because it all smells so good. Much better than the food aboard the ship.
Thief Nea like a rude ass lurker
Tengu Kanda: "Besides, humans are not too keen on Tengu and I on humans for the most part, it is for the best I remain distant."
Witch Lavi: [Have fun~]
Knight Doug looks at colette again, closing his eyes for a brief moment before opening them again, voice muffled from the armor around his face Knight Doug: this is nice.
Witch Lavi smirks before slipping into the crowd of people
Horse Crown Clown changed name to Traveler Allen
Princess Colette nervous little head nod. THERE'S SO MANY PEOPLE and she is a smol
Thief Nea guys the food here is rlly good Thief Nea like holy fuck
Traveler Allen he's has a patch over his eye, he's got a costume and makeup on, and he's in the thick of the entertainers, balancing on a ball and juggling! Festivals, what a great way to get money!
Knight Doug kneels down and places a hand on colette's shoulder Knight Doug: ...whatever happens will be fine.
Queen Alma: Yes, but you are here with me as an envoy of the queen, aren't you?
Knight Doug: i'm right here.
Witch Junior is just gonna slip in through the gates among the performers being let through, looking all dressy-like like another performer
Tengu Kanda: "That I am, but that does not stop the hateful glares I keep receiving. Through I suppose it is warranted, Tengu and humans have never had a good relations."
Princess Colette nods timidly and eyes the performers Princess Colette: ...Can we go closer?
Knight Doug grins and nods Knight Doug: of course.
Traveler Allen he's balancing the balls on his head while he balances on a giant ball with great concentration.
Knight Doug stands up once more and glances around before taking colette's hand gingerly and beginning to walk slowly and carefully
Queen Alma: Well, anyone who has a problem with it can take it up with me.
Knight Doug: ...just hold on to me.
Princess Colette nods and holds onto his hand before following along kind of peeking around him
Tengu Kanda: "No need for that Queen Alma, I am used to it and find it amusing by now. I can deal with glares all that matters here is your safety."
Queen Alma hums quietly and resumes looking at and trying food stalls Queen Alma: As you wish.
Princess Colette is watching the performers balancing on balls and flipping and doing acrobatics with great interest
Knight Doug: it's quite beautiful, isn't it? Knight Doug hums softly,,
Witch Junior hums and kind of looking over all the performers with a searching eye
Princess Colette little head nod Princess Colette: ...mhm...
Traveler Allen carefully but gracefully does a handstand on the ball with stuff still balanced on his head.
Thief Nea why is this Ball Guy so flashy
Tengu Kanda A nod is given in response while glancing at a few other people here, but he does not look to one place for long anything could happen here.
Traveler Allen I Want Money
Knight Doug: perhaps we'll have parties like these more often.
Thief Nea then just Take Money
Knight Doug: now that there's finally peace.
Traveler Allen I am an honest man
Witch Junior that is quite the flashy performer
Knight Doug hands some money to allen before nodding to him
Traveler Allen collects the money in his Money Hat and gives the knight a bright smile.
Witch Lavi: [See anything interesting over there?]
Witch Junior: [Yeah. I do.] Witch Junior: [Gonna have myself a little bit of fun~]
Witch Lavi: [I see something pretty interesting too.]
Princess Colette gives the performer a sheepish little smile
Knight Doug nods to allen once more, holding tightly to his pike with his free hand Knight Doug glances at colette and grins
Witch Junior hears a drop in the festival music going into another song and lightly taps the flashy performer on the shoulder
Witch Lavi hums quietly while eyeing some guards through the crowd.
Traveler Allen he's up on his feet again and thinking of what to do next when someone taps him on the shoulder. He spins on his toe towards the tap, blinking rapidly.
Witch Junior smiles and offers his hand with a small bow Witch Junior: Care for a dance? Witch Junior: I dance well.
Knight Doug Watches TM Knight Doug s q u in  t s
Witch Lavi ooh, this food smells great
Knight Doug gives colette's hand a gentle squeeze before continuing to walk
Princess Colette shyly ducks behind her knight
Witch Junior: also, because Junior's a slut for dancing to it, the song is gonna be this one B ) } Witch Junior: http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xxkgpm }
Knight Doug: ;; N i c E Knight Doug: ...would you like me to take my armor off for a bit so that we can dance?
Traveler Allen well, it was a festival, he might as well have fun! He'd gotten a lot of money, anyway. He hops off the ball and dumps his things into a hidden pocket. The ball was supplied to him, so he kicks it back gently to the side.
Knight Doug looks at colette and quirks a brow
Traveler Allen: "Sure!" *He takes Junior's hand.*
Princess Colette kind of looks at him in surprise Princess Colette: Can we?
Knight Doug nods and takes off his helmet Knight Doug: ...of course we can.
Witch Junior hums and takes Allen's hand, starting to lead the steps to the music, starting off with some slow basic back-forth steps
Queen Alma oh, it looks like there's dancers! Queen Alma can't go anywhere without her vanguard tho so just grabs Kanda's arm and tugs him along
Princess Colette happy Colette noises
Traveler Allen humors Junior by stepping with him, bouncing between steps.
Tengu Kanda glances over at the two now dancing, perhaps more will follow suit and start dancing too -- When he's pulled there's a bit of a surprised expression, but he follows without resistance.
Witch Lavi slips between food stalls casually, startling a few guards before he grinned and uncovered his magic eye. It doesn't take long to hypnotize them, quietly giving them their orders as he covers up his eye again. The guards nod and Lavi leaves them be, blending into the crowd again.
Knight Doug laughs quietly before quickly guiding her back so he can remove his armor and picks her up to rush back to the dance, setting her down Knight Doug: may i have this dance, mademoiselle?
Witch Junior just kinda warms up into the slower parts of the tune until it gets into more of the fast beats and picks up his pace : )
Princess Colette giggles a little bit and takes his hand Princess Colette: Mhm!
Queen Alma stops at the edge of the crowd to watch the dancers happily
Traveler Allen is happily picking up the pace, he's hip-shimmying in excitement occasionally, come on, let's spin around! He's trying to stay at a pace Junior's comfortable with, although.
Queen Alma: Isn't it wonderful, Yuu?
Knight Doug spins her around before picking her up and holding her close to him as he bounces around to the beat
Witch Lavi watches as the guards as they leave while they chat as though nothing was wrong, their visors down as they head off to orbit near their queen, Alma. Lavi hums quietly, he supposes that'll be good enough for now. They were technically guarding their queen along with that tengu.
Witch Junior Kek. Its fine. I'm a high energy dancer : ) Picks up his pace again to the music and jingle-jangles all his little bangles and gold rings to add to the music
Tengu Kanda: "It is interesting at least, I have never seen so many people enjoying themselves before."
Witch Junior Everyone lookit me dance!
Witch Lavi: [Do you see the Tengu, Junior?]
Knight Doug "accidentally" bumps into junior Knight Doug: ah! excuse me!
Witch Junior does a little twirl and-- Witch Junior stumbles a bit but recovers and offers a small bow Witch Junior: No trouble, my lord!
Knight Doug glances him over before dipping his head
Witch Junior: [...yeah. I do.] Witch Junior: [Hard to miss.]
Knight Doug goes back to twirling around with colette :I
Traveler Allen gives a short bow to that handsome tipper and soon he's back into the music, gosh, he should buy some more bells with how pleasant his partner's bangles sounded with the music!
Witch Lavi taps his fingers while humming along with the music. (Get closer, boys.) The guards move to be a little closer to their queen, after all, even if her vanguard is there, it's a big crowd.
Knight Doug whispers to colette Knight Doug: perhaps it's time for us to go. Knight Doug: after this dance...
Princess Colette and now you get the big child whine
Witch Lavi: [He's the Queen's vanguard from what I gleaned off the guards. Interestin' choice.]
Princess Colette: But why?
Witch Junior goes back to dancing and twirling Witch Junior: [Interesting choice indeed.]
Queen Alma hums curiously Queen Alma: Have you ever learned to dance, Yuu?
Guard (Queen Alma) joined the chat
Tengu Kanda he seems to be watching the guards moving closer, did they not have a different patrol route? That was strange to see them come close, so he walks much closer to Alma. Tengu Kanda: "No, I have not."
Queen Alma: Its a little bit more... dramatic than what I'm used to doing, but perhaps I could show you a little bit?
Knight Doug: ...there was something in that man's eye. Knight Doug: the one i just bumped into. Knight Doug: i don't like it.
Witch Junior wow, rude. My eye is gorgeous : (
Knight Doug mhm Knight Doug sure
Traveler Allen spins Junior around, was he a bit distracted? The idea of the end of this dance sort of saddened him, but he enjoyed it while he could.
Witch Lavi: @Guard [You don't want the peace. Do your duty for your kingdom.]
Tengu Kanda: "Perhaps, but not right now my queen not until I am sure of something."
Witch Lavi peeling an orange now.
Knight Doug starts twirling away from the dancers Knight Doug something's about to go down
Witch Junior dances a bit closer to the edge of the crowd and jingle-jangling the bangles. He playfully reaches out and swipes a hand out to tug a strand of Tengu hair out and let it drop playfully, giving a little one-eyed wink
Knight Doug i'm certain of it Knight Doug hHHHH Knight Doug TWIRLS A LITTLE FASTER
Queen Alma gives a little laugh
Knight Doug: we need to go.
Traveler Allen Well uh that was mighty brave of ya, touching the bird man.
Queen Alma: I think that one isn't so against Tengu at least
Witch Lavi: @Junior [Pfft, nice one.]
Princess Colette whiNES MORE Princess Colette: But I wanna watch the dancers!
Knight Doug hhhhh Knight Doug s tops and pants for a moment
Witch Junior: [Thank you, I try~]
Knight Doug: ...alright.
Tengu Kanda The action causes his eyes to narrow upon the action at was taken aginst him, he would have already swipped the man's head off with his sword but this was not the place. So he does not even bother to look at the man, merely reach out and take Alma's arm and lead her off to a different area.
Witch Junior pouts and just goes back to dancing thEN fine be a stranger
Knight Doug: can we at least let me get my armor, princess?
Princess Colette hums and pouts Princess Colette: I suppose...
Queen Alma indignant squawk Queen Alma: Yuu! Where are we going?
Knight Doug hums nervously and starts walking back
Traveler Allen gonna just, end up doing some cartwheels and flips he's still so pumped up.
Knight Doug: i don't trust them. Knight Doug: i'm very sorry.
Princess Colette kind of smol nervous look Princess Colette: Are they bad?
Tengu Kanda: "Away from the guards who have left their designated posts my Queen, I do not like what is going on here and your safety is the utmost importance. I do not trust it, even if it seems silly." His voice is quiet while whispering to her.
Knight Doug: i'm not so sure yet. Knight Doug: just... the look in his eye.
Queen Alma huffs a little bit and pulls her arm free, crossing her arms over her chest Queen Alma: Maybe they are chasing thieves or some other thing? Queen Alma: There are many people here. Surely there are thieves too. It does not mean I am in any danger.
Knight Doug sets her down to put his armor back on and just... soft hhhhhh
Tengu Kanda: "Unless they consider me a thief I doubt it, I have been the only one near you thus far."
Knight Doug: please stay close to me, princess.
Princess Colette nods a little bit Princess Colette: Okay...
Witch Lavi hums to himself, he guessed that those two wouldn't be much use. He mentally ordered them to go about their 'routes'.
Witch Lavi: @Junior [The Tengu's skittish as hell. Ugh.]
Queen Alma: Are you truly so worried? Queen Alma you're making her nervous now Kanda
Knight Doug takes colette's hand once more and guides her back to the dancers, holding to his pike closely
Witch Junior goes back to dancing with Allen and grabs his wrist to twirl him around
Tengu Kanda: "Just stay close to me, that is all I ask I will protect you no matter the cost my queen."
Knight Doug Watches That One Redhead
Witch Lavi closes his eye and mentally reaches out to another while eating his orange and tapping his foot to the beat.
Witch Junior: [Not making this easy, huh?]
Traveler Allen twirls around easily, and then jumps up to twirl the taller stranger back!
Witch Junior twirls and dips Allen when he comes back so their faces are close together and his little eye cloth thingy hangs out but its fine his hair is in the way. Hi how ya doin, like my magic eye?
Witch Lavi: @Junior [Not one bit. I might have to get a few more guards or maybe even one these 'lovely' people to do the job.]
Princess Colette slightly happier to be watching the dancers again
Queen Alma nods a little bit
Knight Doug has to go back into serious mode and just. squints at junior Knight Doug Something Tells Me To Arrest You
Queen Alma: You did come along even though you didn't have to to ensure my safety... I trust your judgement. Shall we head back to the festivities or elsewhere?
Witch Lavi: @Guard [When you do strike, make sure that you get her on the first hit.]
Traveler Allen oh, an odd-eye?! Don't worry, he'll keep quiet about it. He's wearing an eyepatch himself! He sticks out his leg and arm during the dip for flair.
Knight Doug hhHHH Knight Doug HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH Knight Doug glances at colette Knight Doug looks back at the dancers
Witch Junior Not shy? Good. I've got a little job for you, street performer.
Tengu Kanda: "Yes, that seems much better in the grand scheme of things my queen, I don't trust this area now the air feels off." A part of it reminds him of the fude that took place at his home it was sickening.
Guard faint nod at Lavi's command.
Traveler Allen is trying to figure out if he can lift Junior into the air. Probably, but would he stay balanced?
Knight Doug fidgets nervously hhh
Queen Alma: Where shall we head, then? Queen Alma going to follow Kanda
Witch Junior don't strain yourself
Princess Colette is just kinda happily bouncing to the music at Doug's side, holding onto his hand and smiling
Tengu Kanda: "..." That was a good question where should they head to, well it should not matter if they merely stayed near. "How about that stand over there?"
Queen Alma nods and smiles at him Queen Alma: It seems as good a place as any so long as you are at my side.
Traveler Allen If he failed he could always try to uh, cushion Junior's landing with his own body, would he be up for it?
Witch Junior I mean, you're pretty small, dude. Like I said, don't strain yourself.
Knight Doug glances at her, and yes, he's glad she's happy, but... Knight Doug watches junior again
Witch Junior just going to keep dancing and twirling, making playful flirty motions at a few people in the crowd. Kinda plucks a more enthusiastic girl out and into the dance for a few steps before continuing to be playful with the rest of the crowd's edge
Tengu Kanda there is a small hidden smile only she could see, before leading her over to the stand in question.
Knight Doug growls softly,,
Princess Colette a little bit hoppy Princess Colette: Can we dance again too?
Knight Doug looks at her Knight Doug: ...yes. Knight Doug it'LL BE HARD TO DANCE IN ARMOR BUT Knight Doug for the princess
Traveler Allen is gonna do it. If his partner jumps into his arms he'll-wait, aw, he was dancing away, but he meets more dancers and dances his way through after him.
Princess Colette yay!
Knight Doug sets his pike aside and takes her into his arms again Knight Doug taKES A DEEP BREATH
Witch Junior smiles and twirls on over to the armored knight and taps his shoulder pauldron, offering a hand to dance Witch Junior: May I have this dance, my lord?
Knight Doug starts twirling around with her even if he does almost lose his balance a few t- Knight Doug: ... Knight Doug slowly glances back Knight Doug hhh Knight Doug: colette, go wait where it's safe. Knight Doug: i'll be there as soon as i can.
Princess Colette gives him a confused blink and kinda backs away a few steps at a time, nodding shyly
Queen Alma is just humming to the tune happily and watching the festivities from a safe distance
Knight Doug swallows hard and takes off a few pieces of armor before humming Knight Doug: yes, you may. Knight Doug smiles softly
Witch Junior bows his head down and takes his hand Witch Junior: I am honored~
Knight Doug blinks a few times before chuckling Knight Doug: aren't you polite? Knight Doug i still don't trust you
Witch Junior: I do try, my lord Witch Junior pulls him into a dance
Tengu Kanda There's another glance at the area before reaching out with his hand to lift something from one of the stalls they walked by, offering what looked to be a rose colored like a rainbow to Alma.
Queen Alma blinks in surprise before smiling softly and taking it and admiring it. Its so pretty~
Knight Doug soft noises of surprise but follows after him into the dance
Queen Alma: You spoil me so, Yuu...
Tengu Kanda: "Not so much." Through he does smile at her again out of other's sight.
Traveler Allen there was the stranger! holding out his arms to him, telling him to come towards him with his eyes, and so he darted forward, his hands moving to his pockets to grab his ribbons, it would be a grand pickup, and suddenly his darting forward passed by his partner and his hand was grasping a knife and it was buried within a girl's neck. He was being lifted!
Princess Colette loudly squeaks in surprise!! And-- Princess Colette down she go
Witch Junior dances for a bit before the gasping and screaming "draws" his attention and he gasps in feigned horror Witch Junior: Oh no-- Witch Junior: Lordship!
Witch Lavi keeps himself from smiling and dons a confused face as he looks towards the screaming crowd where his brother is.
Knight Doug: colette!
Queen Alma perks up a little bit. Oh, did something exciting happen? It sounds like there's ooing and awking maybe?
Witch Junior my work here is done. Kek. Witch Junior quietly slips into the panicking crowd
Princess Colette is coughing blood and whimpering
Tengu Kanda: Snaps his gaze over to the screams and gasping before he reacts swiftly. "Those are not sounds of excitment my queen, they are fear and panic." Quickly he turns and picks her up from the ground, this place was dangerous.
Knight Doug k NEELS DOWN BESIDE OF HER, HANDS HOVERING OVER HER Knight Doug: c-colette.... Knight Doug: colette, please...
Princess Colette: ...S-sir Douglas... Princess Colette she's bleeding a lot
Knight Doug: i'm here... Knight Doug: i'm here, shh... i'm here...
Queen Alma yelps in surprise
Knight Doug swallows hard and just.... feels tears gathering in his eyes
Queen Alma: Yuu?! What's happened?
Knight Doug: it's... it's going to be alright.
Princess Colette: ...m-m-m... scared...
Knight Doug: shhhh...
Traveler Allen the cheers were so loud, what an amazing lift, he twirled around with the bloodied hands, the blood spatters looking like streamers to him.
Knight Doug rips a piece of his shirt and presses it to the wound
Guard mobilizes along with the other guards as the panic starts to guard their queen
Tengu Kanda: "I do not know but we can see, I hope you don't mind heights." With a small smile his wings unfold and he darts up into the air where they could see what just transpired.
Knight Doug doesn't dare move her and just Knight Doug stays strong for now lma o
Witch Junior hums and watches all the chaos and screaming and rage unfold in the streets and also-- ope, there goes the Tengu up into the sky
Princess Colette whimpering and holding onto his wrist with a terrified, glassy look
Knight Doug pets her hair and swallows hard Knight Doug: shhh... Knight Doug: it's... it's okay. Knight Doug kNOWS THERE'S NOTHING HE CAN FUCKING DO NOW
Knight Doug: je t'aime.... je t'aime.....
Traveler Allen these cheers were turning into panic, and he was somehow on the ground instead of in the air. Why was his hands wet? He wiped it on his pants onto to see... blood?
Tengu Kanda there's a small bemused smile but his hold on the queen is tight, he would not drop her no matter the cost before his eyes land on the horrible sight. "... Princess Colette is bleeding with her knight standing above her, it looks fatal."
Witch Lavi glares where the Queen was taken before slipping through the crowd. Time to get back up.
Princess Colette softly whimpers and chokes a few times before falling very, very still
Queen Alma a gasp catches in her throat and she just looks utterly horrified
Knight Doug stares for a long moment
Queen Alma: Why? Why would anyone do that? Queen Alma are those tears? Those are tears
Knight Doug fe els a tightness in his chest and picks her up
Queen Alma: @Lavi [How are things on your end?]
Witch Lavi finds some archers, it's so easy to get them under his command and he motions towards their target before leaving them to be somewhere else. He needed a good spot.
Knight Doug: EVERY GUARD IS TO SEARCH FOR THE REDHEAD! Knight Doug: AND WHEN YOU FIND HIM, KILL HIM! Knight Doug so b s and looks down at he r
Witch Lavi: @Junior [Annoying. He flew up into the sky with her]
Witch Junior: @Lavi [Noticed.]
Witch Lavi: @Junior [I got back up on it.]
Witch Junior oooh so. That's a thing. Thought he was less obvious than that but oh well.
Knight Doug f eels something... snap Knight Doug hands her off to another guard and grabs his pike
Witch Junior: @Lavi [Good. We have to make this quick. They're onto me a little faster than I'd hoped.]
Knight Doug has blood all over him now but
Tengu Kanda: "Someone clearly does not want this peace treaty to go through, you are not safe here." Glancing at all the people running along the ground he thinks about leaving, but instead he merely flys up higher to move in the direction of the gathered crowd.
Witch Lavi: @Junior [Paranoid guards. Always the most troublesome.]
Knight Doug: i'll do it my damn self.
Witch Junior: @Lavi [Indeed.]
Traveler Allen he feels a heavy weight on his chest. Oh dear, oh dear, something odd happened around him again. He stayed with the crowd, putting up his hood.
Witch Lavi: @Junior [Maybe I should just do this myself.]
Queen Alma is getting a little bit a i r si ck oh gods they are very high up Queen Alma: Y-Yuu I must confess... I think... I am a little less used to heights as you are--
Tengu Kanda: "Forgive me." With a swift motion he lands on the ground next to the terrible little crime, setting Alma on the ground while looking to Doug. "What happened?"
Knight Doug doesn't speak, just keeps walki n g
Queen Alma give her a moment to just.... catch her breath oh lords
Witch Lavi: @guard [Now!]
Witch Junior is just gonna quickly head along through some alleyways and crowds with a little bit of hurried spring to his step. Good thing there's people running EVERYWHERE.
Guard charges out of the panicked crowd and draws a sword, swinging it towards Alma Guard: FOR THE PRINCESS!!
Traveler Allen is gonna leave this town before more people freggin die. Little does he know.
Knight Doug quickly turns Knight Doug: DON'T YOU DARE!! Knight Doug: THAT'S NOT YOUR TARGET!!
Guard sorry he ain't listening
Tengu Kanda the sound causes him to turn and rush an arm in front of the queen, but he can't get his wings up in time.
Knight Doug th ough t s o Knight Doug: STAND DOWN!
Guard swings his sword at Kanda then if he's going to get in the way
Witch Lavi throws his knife in the air, controlling the knife as it cuts through the air and sinks into the back of Alma's neck.
Queen Alma she jumps startled at the guard charging at her and Kanda getting in their way Queen Alma: Yu--!!! Queen Alma and she just cuts off and chokes. Down she go now
Tengu Kanda The sword swing hits as he was not going to move out of the way of Alma, because he was distracted with the guard the flying knife wasn't even noticed. But he does hear her voice and glances back to-- NO.
Witch Lavi hums as he slinks away into one of the alleyways quickly. Witch Lavi: [Got her, Junior.]
Witch Junior: [I knew you could do it~]
Knight Doug you know those tears in his eyes earlier? they're gone
Witch Lavi: [Had to use a knife I nabbed earlier but it did it's job.]
Queen Alma feebly kind of pushes herself up and then slumps back down choking horribly Queen Alma: Y-Y--
Knight Doug is just... staring
Witch Junior: [Good. Now its time for us to get out of here. Just pissed off two kingdoms in one day. I'd say that's an accomplishment, right?] Witch Junior kek
Traveler Allen more QUICKLY leaving town goodbye Traveler Allen those screams did not bode well
Tengu Kanda: There seems to be a demonic growl eliminating from his chest, it's enough to echo in the small area as his eyes turn just as red as the blood now staining he floor. "You..." With a swift movement of his hand he stabs it clean through the guard in front of him.
Guard screams and goes down bloody
Knight Doug j u s t s t a  r es
Witch Lavi: [It's a record. I'm almost out. You?]
Knight Doug all the king's horses and all the king's men couldn't put me back together again
Tengu Kanda With the guard down he swiftly turns to Alma, he can't do anything but he tries to hold her in a comforting postion the best he could both wings now covering them.
Knight Doug is tempted to stab kanda because that was one of his men but
Witch Lavi goes through the town gates after a while.
Queen Alma is only faintly breathing and choking
Witch Junior: [Just passing through a gate now. Easy peasy~]
Knight Doug slumps, pale eyes burning with hatred and anger
Traveler Allen decides to take a shortcut through an alleyway and with his head down and eyes on the ground and terrible sense of direction he may or may not slam into somebody
Tengu Kanda: "... Alma, I cannot save you I am sorry I failed." Lowing his head in shame he couldn't bring himself to even look her in the eye.
Witch Lavi: [Same. Pretty sure I pissed the Tengu off but, oh well~]
Knight Doug turns and starts walking again
Witch Lavi glances around looking for his brother while he moves away from the town.
Witch Junior: [Think we pissed off more than that, just not necessarily knowingly at us~] Witch Junior he's just skirting around the outer wall towards the other gate to find his brother
Knight Doug oNE WAY Knight Doug OR ANOTHER Knight Doug I'M GONNA FIND YA
Witch Lavi: [True~]
Witch Junior: NO } Witch Junior: XD }
Knight Doug: ;; LA UGH S
Witch Lavi: || OH MY GOD
Tengu Kanda: ( LOL )
Knight Doug: ;; N O R E G R E TS
Queen Alma: Y-y--
Tengu Kanda: ( I LOVE YOU DEAK )
Queen Alma chokes a few times and falls still, her eyes glassing over
Knight Doug: ;; 💗
Traveler Allen nearly gets knocked over from someone and goes with the crowd again. A crowd's fleeing the town, he easily blends into the entertainers rushing out.
Witch Lavi spots Junior!
Witch Junior spots Lavi! Witch Junior skippidy skip
Knight Doug hah u fuckers Knight Doug uR DEAD Knight Doug die, die, we all die
Tengu Kanda: "..." Shakes his head slightly before standing up and taking Alma with him, a part of him wondered if he should have just stayed in the mountain to avoid this.
Witch Junior you and what fucking magic
Witch Lavi pats Junior's back.
Knight Doug my fucking pike
Witch Junior makes a rolling wrist motion towards the woods and grins Witch Junior: After you~
Horse Crown Clown (Traveler Allen) joined the chat
Witch Lavi: Why thank you~
Knight Doug nOT SO FAST U FUCKERS Knight Doug NO
Horse Crown Clown hey you people need a ride
Witch Lavi practically skips towards the woods
Witch Junior practically nothing. LITERALLY skips towards the woods.
Witch Lavi smirking while they go.
Witch Junior is so proud of us
Witch Lavi very proud of us
Knight Doug r eaches the outskirts of town and glances around
Witch Junior oh hey its a horse-- Witch Junior well
Knight Doug g r o w l s
Witch Junior kind of a horse
Horse Crown Clown looks at them witches and struts towards them heyyy
Witch Lavi is already in the woods and looks at the....kind of horse.
Knight Doug: ...........
Horse Crown Clown you need a ride boys. Can a horse wink? Yeah, it winked.
Knight Doug glances back at the town
Witch Junior: ...that thing just winked at me
DS Timcanpi (Tengu Kanda) joined the chat
Knight Doug starts back into town
Witch Junior kinda skipped around it and is skipping backwards and watching the kelpie
Witch Lavi: That's....new. But c'mon! Let's head home. The old man probably misses us.
Horse Crown Clown no I didn't grazes peacefully even though grass tastes like shit
Witch Junior: Mhm~ Boy d'we have a story fer him!
Witch Lavi: Heh
Horse Crown Clown *Allen's hiding in the forest somewhere, washing the strange blood off his hands.*
Witch Junior just skipping along alongside Lavi Witch Junior: Hey, y'think Gramps knows anything about winking horses?
Knight Doug comes out the other gate Knight Doug >:I
DS Timcanpi don't mind the small dragon piratically tackling into Juniors shoulder.
Witch Junior better skip fast Sir Knight
Knight Doug ur dead
Witch Lavi we're far from your sight Witch Lavi: Uh, Junior
Knight Doug still dead
Horse Crown Clown hey sir knight need a fantastic horse
Witch Junior small yelp!! and jumps to the side HI there little dragon thing where did you come from--
Witch Lavi: Small dragon
Horse Crown Clown tosses head proudly.
Knight Doug n o Knight Doug walks past Knight Doug the,,, horse thing
DS Timcanpi squeaks at them both and just climbs on Junior's shoulder, things were pretty noisy.
Knight Doug not today, satan
Horse Crown Clown follows doug. I'm a horse I swear. Feed me your... carrots.
Witch Lavi: It's kinda cute
Witch Junior scratch scratches the little dragon head
Witch Junior: Kinda like Tatsui only... less... flamey
Knight Doug: back!
Witch Lavi searches pockets, he knows he nabbed some-- Aha! Pulls out a bag of jerky.
Witch Junior wow rude don't swing weapons at random horses didn't your mother ever teach you manners
Knight Doug turns and keeps walking
DS Timcanpi flops over and paws at Juniors hand, tickling him with the feathers he has rather than scales.
Knight Doug leave me alone
Witch Lavi: Want some food, lil guy? Witch Lavi holds out a piece of jerky.
Knight Doug are u fuckers standing still?
Witch Junior I guess so?
Knight Doug good
DS Timcanpi glaces at the jerky being offered, reaches out with his tail to bring it closer and nibble on it.
Witch Lavi nah, we're gone
Horse Crown Clown huffs and follows Doug at a greater distance.
Witch Junior its so adorable~
Knight Doug quickens his pace a little bit
Witch Junior: Where'd you come from little guy?
Witch Lavi it's very adorable
DS Timcanpi squeaks at Junior through the mouse like nibbling, his tail pointing to the woods they were walking through.
Witch Junior scratch scratches and follows the tail point
Horse Crown Clown you can't outrun a horse angry boy
Witch Lavi: Guess he was lost?
Witch Junior tilts his head Witch Junior: I think its... pointing?
Knight Doug s tops and just stares for a moment
Witch Lavi shrugs at Junior before offering the little one another jerky.
Knight Doug: ...she's dead. Knight Doug glances back at the horse Knight Doug: she's dead and it's my fault.
DS Timcanpi jumps up on the should, bounding around slightly before latching onto the jerky like it was being hugged.
Witch Junior: ...I hope its not trying to lead us somewhere cuz I'd be a little suspicious right after... Witch Junior trails off
Knight Doug ,,holds the pike against his chest, turning his attention ahead once more
Witch Junior: you know
Witch Lavi scratches the dragon's head a little. Witch Lavi: You're always suspicious
Witch Junior gives Lavi a look
Horse Crown Clown snorts in sympathy.
DS Timcanpi Gives Lavi's hand a little face kiss.
Witch Lavi gives Junior a smile
Knight Doug: .....she's dead.....
Witch Lavi is quite charmed by the little dragon. Wut.
Witch Junior: ......
Knight Doug la ug hs  qu i e t l y Knight Doug: dead. dead, dead, dead, dead, she's dead........
Witch Lavi it's adorable, okay? Can't help it.
Witch Junior sees that charmed look and you are definitely gonna get shit for it Lavi Witch Junior: you gonna marry it now?
Witch Junior kek
DS Timcanpi stares at junior with little dragon eyes.
Horse Crown Clown sniffs at Doug. He smelled so much like blood that it can't leave him alone even if it wanted to.
Witch Lavi: You mean like how you married Tatsui? Nah
Knight Doug narrows his eyes and keeps walking, snickering quietly
Witch Junior: ...You'll never understand our love Witch Junior fake sniffles
Witch Lavi offers more jerky to the cute dragon. Witch Lavi: Woe is you
DS Timcanpi rejoices at there being more jerky! Squeaks in delight!
Witch Junior: Anyway, shall we be off? Before all the kings horses and men come running. Witch Junior: You can take your new honey with you Witch Junior snickers
Witch Lavi fond eye roll at Junior Witch Lavi: Yeah, yeah, let's head out.
Horse Crown Clown trots on after this knight kiddo at a leisurely pace.
Witch Junior skips--
Witch Lavi holds the small dragon now, wow it's got some soft feathers.
Witch Junior head tilt
Witch Lavi: Hm?
Witch Junior: Did'ja hear that or am I goin' crazy?
DS Timcanpi paws at Lavi's hand sofly, even going so far as to nuzzle into his hold and curl into a feather ball.
Witch Lavi: No, I heard it.
Witch Junior: Time to skippity doo daw way awa-AAAAAAHH
Witch Lavi pets the small dragon--
Witch Junior he leaps aside SHIT that was CLOSE
Witch Lavi eye narrows angrily
Knight Doug pa nts and stops, grinning Knight Doug: you killed her. Knight Doug: you killed dearest colette.
DS Timcanpi uncurls to glance over where the pike flew from, but he stays in Lavi's hold.
Horse Crown Clown hey, a battle in the forest, fresh meat!!! Shifts from hoof to hoof excitedly nearby.
Witch Junior: ...oh. Witch Junior: Him.
Witch Junior: D'you want the honors or should I? Witch Junior talking like he's not even there tbh
Knight Doug s obs and clenches his jaw
Witch Lavi: I got it Witch Lavi telekinetically throws the knight's pike back at him at an alarming speed.
DS Timcanpi climbs up onto Lavi's shoulder.
Witch Lavi pats the small dragon
Knight Doug gets hi t?? Knight Doug g a sps and g rips his shoulder Knight Doug lowers himself to the groun d
Witch Lavi: If you want to stab him with a branch, be my guest. It was funny the last time you did it.
Witch Junior: ...branches are fun Witch Junior: everyone underestimates them Witch Junior snickers
Witch Lavi: Same with roots
DS Timcanpi nuzzles into Lavi's hand from the pat, he knows to stay out of a witches hands in times of battle.
Knight Doug looks at lavi and junior
Witch Lavi mentally twists the pike in the wound
Witch Junior just kinda finds a branch and pins it under his boot while he pulls until it snaps into a nice, fine point and saunters forward. He's gonna have a little fun
Knight Doug h is s e s and doubles over, panting
Witch Junior: Oh Sir Knight~ Won't you please dance with me again?
Knight Doug narrows his eyes
Witch Junior he's just idly twirling his branch around like a baton all casual like
Witch Lavi chuckles at the display, tilting his head a bit
Knight Doug: ...i'd... love a dance. Knight Doug looks up at junior, eyes soft
Witch Junior: Mm... good. I wouldn't want it ta be too one-sided now...
DS Timcanpi swishes his tails while watching the display.
Witch Junior squints a little bit tho Witch Junior looking a little too nonchalant about dying for my tastes there buddy. Needs more dramatic
Knight Doug dips his head Knight Doug places a hand on the pike's shaft
Witch Lavi: [Illusions? Maybe to rile him up?] Witch Lavi: [He's way too docile. Less fun.]
Horse Crown Clown trots back and forth in the background
Witch Junior: [Hm. Maybe.] Witch Junior: Oh... that livened things up a bit
Witch Lavi: A little bit.
Knight Doug and there's blood spilling everywhere now, ew
DS Timcanpi cants head to the side a bit at the sight.
Witch Lavi: [Maybe he'd like to see his little princess again]
Witch Junior smiles a bit
Knight Doug forces himself to his feet
Witch Junior: Hm... and t'think... you scream more than a little girl...
Knight Doug: l...let's da...nce. Knight Doug ch uc kle s Knight Doug: aren't yo...u.... funny?
DS Timcanpi something a bit off about that one, but he's not going to move from his spot it's nice and warm for now.
Witch Junior grins a bit and hums, stepping off to the side. Is that a dead little princess revealed right behind where he was standing, bleeding everywhere? Maybe it is, maybe it isn't. Who can say where she came from~
Witch Junior: As a matter of fact I am...
Knight Doug stares Knight Doug looks at junior, vision darkening
Witch Junior: No. Scratch that. I'm hilarious~
Witch Lavi pets the little dragon, watching the show.
Knight Doug: wha...t kind of... sick joke is this....?
Witch Junior feigns surprise Witch Junior: You said you wanted funny?
DS Timcanpi cue another face kiss to the hand, curls up into a dragon ball head poking out like a snakes as his tails hang off the back of Lavi's shoulder.
Knight Doug stumbles towards him, weakly swinging the pike at junior
Horse Crown Clown neighs impatiently in the background before catching itself and dropping its head to try to hide behind a bush.
Knight Doug pa nts, dropping the pike and gripping his shoulder
Witch Junior dances out of the way nimbly before casually inspecting his nails and humming, still holding his branch and twirling it Witch Junior: Tough crowd... and here I thought that one would be a real show-stopper. My apologies.
Witch Lavi hums fondly at the little dragon, keeping an eye on things still.
Witch Junior casually walks over and stabs the branch through the illusion, "killing" collete again Witch Junior: I guess that joke's dead...
Knight Doug: libera... me... de ignem....
Witch Lavi snorts.
Knight Doug h is s e s Knight Doug is shaking and just. stares Knight Doug: please stop.
Witch Junior: Stop what? Witch Junior feigns innocence
DS Timcanpi swishes his tails a bit at the display, tilting his head a tiny bit to the side.
Witch Junior: This? Witch Junior stabs the illusion again Witch Junior this time it screams
Knight Doug: what you're... Knight Doug fl inches Knight Doug: stop...
Witch Junior lifts his pointy branch up and points it at Doug Witch Junior: Make me.
Witch Lavi eats some jerky, sharing it with the little dragon too.
Witch Junior: [Doug voice] "I'll get you and your little dragon too" kek }
Knight Doug: ;; p mU CH
DS Timcanpi: ( Lmao )
Witch Lavi: || LOL
DS Timcanpi nibbles on the jerky that was offered to him, coils up with it happily.
Knight Doug pi cks up the pike again and tries to drive it through junior's shoulder, breathing heavily as his vision continues to darken
Witch Lavi mentally diverts the pike from his brother, no no, sir knight.
Witch Junior twirls and dances away, jingle jangling all the way
Knight Doug f alls forward and pa nt s
Witch Junior awws Witch Junior: Done already? How sad.
Knight Doug tr ies to push himself up, growling
Witch Lavi: I did make him lose a lot of blood. He's gonna run out of it eventually.
Witch Junior: ...true...
Witch Lavi: I could always just Witch Lavi snaps his fingers as a way to say 'set him on fire'
Witch Junior getting tired of sitting on the sidelines?
Knight Doug is shaking so much tho before he just. falls to the ground Knight Doug is out
Witch Junior: ...oh... now he's suddenly looking very hot Witch Junior .... and down he go
DS Timcanpi huffs out a small fire ember just to slightly cook the jerky in his claw-paws.
Witch Junior goodbye sir knight
Witch Bookman joined the chat Witch Bookman: haven't you had enough fun for today?
Witch Lavi: Gramps!
Witch Bookman :I Witch Bookman: that's enough.
Witch Lavi turns to look at the old man with a grin
Witch Junior: When have we ever had enough fun?
Witch Bookman :I Witch Bookman looks at the knight on the ground Witch Bookman takes a deep breath
Witch Lavi: Heh, alright. I'll head back~
Witch Bookman: which one of you killed him? Witch Bookman: no. Witch Bookman: stay.
Witch Junior: ....uh Witch Junior: not me.
Witch Lavi: Hm Witch Lavi: He died of blood loss Witch Lavi: So neither of us.
DS Timcanpi Oh look it's the old man Cross knows about! Time to flutter to him.
Witch Bookman: ...hm
Horse Crown Clown walks on over to Doug
Witch Bookman: fine.
Witch Junior is gonna just creep after Lavi's heels
Witch Bookman: we can't just leave him here. Witch Bookman: junior.
Witch Lavi: You sure I can't fry him?
Witch Junior freezes and gives Bookman a pout Witch Junior: Yea?
Witch Bookman: get the... whatever he is. Witch Bookman: we'll bury him at home.
Witch Junior: ...I guess
Witch Lavi: Ew. Can't we just give him to the Kelpie
DS Timcanpi lands on the knights back and paws a little at him.
Horse Crown Clown come onnnn pleeeassse Horse Crown Clown just give him to meeeee
Witch Bookman: no. we're not giving him to the kelpie.
Horse Crown Clown puppy horse eyes
Witch Bookman: and if he's alive....
Witch Junior: puppy horse eyes }
Witch Bookman looks at him Witch Bookman: ...we'll figure something out.
Witch Lavi: Whatever, gramps. I'm goin' home.
Witch Junior: If he's alive, he'll want us dead...
Witch Lavi leaves.
Witch Bookman: not if we erase his memory somehow. Witch Bookman si g h s
DS Timcanpi squeaks a few times he can tell this man is alive, just passed out cold PAWS MORE INTENSELY.
Witch Junior: ...again, I guess Witch Junior unhappy witch bro noises Witch Junior: ...can I go now? Witch Junior hopeful look
Witch Bookman: carry him. Witch Bookman: i can't. Witch Bookman turns and starts walking
Horse Crown Clown lowers head in unhappiness, it's so hungry... Horse Crown Clown I'll carry him
Knight Doug d e d but not really
Witch Junior and if you listen not at all closely you'll hear a really loud U G H
Witch Bookman hums,,
Witch Junior pushes the probably dead anyway knight over and unlatches some of his armor cuz he ain't carrying all that weight no sir
DS Timcanpi flys off the knight and lands in Junior's hair to get out of the way.
Knight Doug groans softly, flinching and twitching
Witch Junior also he's going to use a little fire to cauterize those wounds b/c he doesn't want to be bled all over RIP if ur still at all conscious
DS Timcanpi: ( You could say Doug is smokin hot )
Knight Doug rIP Knight Doug: ;; lAUGHS
Witch Junior: feelin' Hot Hot Hot }
DS Timcanpi: ( He's burning up )
Witch Junior aaand up he go because APPARENTLY they can't just let the idiot die noooo they gotta save him or bury him or some shit instead of just give it to the KELPIE
DS Timcanpi Oh setting the knight on fire he can help! You knwo for such a small dragon that's quite the plume of burst fire he just breathed at Doug.
Witch Bookman: ...the knight's name. Witch Bookman: it's douglas.
Witch Junior ....kinda glances back at the Kelpie... if ur real quick to eat him up maybe you could have a meat snack after all...
Witch Bookman hums,,,,,
Witch Junior: And y'know that becaaauussse?
Witch Bookman: don't ask questions.
Witch Junior: ....but that's all I ever do
Witch Bookman glances back at him with a sharp glare
Witch Junior kinda inching over to the Kelpie like HEY THERE buddy you want a snack?
DS Timcanpi squeaks in Bookman's direction.
Witch Bookman: i just know.
Knight Doug bitch, don't you dare feed me to that kelpie
Horse Crown Clown oh hell ye just put him on it's back!!!
Witch Junior : >
Horse Crown Clown kneels on the ground and everything, come on
Witch Junior Bookman's not watching right?
Witch Bookman: junior. Witch Bookman i'M WATCHING
Witch Junior: ...... Witch Junior: yeah...?
DS Timcanpi swishes his tails as if snickering.
Witch Junior innocent look Witch Junior: Did'ja need something?
Witch Bookman narrows his eyes Witch Bookman: ...in front. now.
Witch Junior sweats Witch Junior: ...fine. Fine...
Horse Crown Clown innocent horse blinks
Witch Junior real quick not-so-stealthy whisper at the Kelpie Witch Junior: Come by my place later
Witch Bookman: as soon as we're home, i'll wipe his memory of everything he's ever known.
Witch Junior aaaand he's following Bookman like a Good Little Witch yep
Witch Bookman: besides his name.
Witch Junior: If that's what ya want ta do~
Horse Crown Clown snorts, you got it.
Witch Bookman: ...and he'll be our servant
Witch Junior: .......... Witch Junior: so.... Witch Junior: I'll have someone that does anything I want 'em to?
Witch Bookman nods slowly
DS Timcanpi he's just going to brush out Junior's hair with those claw-paws carefully, trough he does drop a tail in the witches face in the process.
Witch Junior oh the possibilities Witch Junior blows that tail out of his face Witch Junior follows along behind Bookman towards home
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killingme-softly · 7 years
Avocados...Are Not Taking Our Houses
So...I'm sure this has been talked about before. A lot. But I'm gonna break this argument down to numbers because I know how much our society sucks the cocks of STEM and all things related (i.e numbers, i.e statistics, which is actually a collection of anecdotes, and without the anecdotes the numbers themselves would literally have absolutely no meaning.) and how we don't listen to arguments that don't have numbers. This coming from a STEM major myself. So. At Costco, 6 avocados run for about $9, or $8.99. Which means that each avocado runs for about $1.50. This number is relatively true for most places that price avocados, because even my dad who went to Croatia (a country that ships them from Mexico) to buy them encountered approximately this price after converting Croatian kunas to dollars. Now. Take the price of a house. The prices of houses vary EXTREMELY from region to region in the US, such as a $250,000 home in northwest Georgia costing almost $1 million in California. Since cost of land and resources varies from region to region due to land availability and ease of resource access. But let's say that the average house in the United States, with only one floor and having about 1400 sq ft, costs $130,000. My parents first house costed $80,000 17 years ago (back in 2000 when I was about 1 or so), so I'm going to use this higher price to reflect inflation and the effect of the housing market crash of '08. Most people put a down payment of $10,000 for a house, can they afford it. Then proceed to pay a mortgage for the next, 10, 15, or 30 years depending on their financial status. (Less than 10 years is MOST favored as to avoid the crippling affect of interest rates). If we go with the 10 year plan, that means each month an individual or couple or whomever gives up $1000 a month for 120 months. Which is 10 years. This does not include the interests rates on the loan for purchasing the home that accrue each payment period, nor the housing insurance, nor the property tax, which, if youre living in the city versus "noncity" you'll be expecting to pay a property tax that is almost 3 times higher if not more in some areas. (Property tax for the city I live in is $3,000 for our house in the middle of no where in northwest Georgia, whereas it used to be barely over a thousand for our old home in the limits that were not considered part of the city). Now let's do a little comparing. If we say that we give up $1000 for our housing mortgage each month, and if avocados are $1.50 each, then in order to accurately be able to compare these two things, an individual must buy ~667 avocados that month to equate the cost of the mortgage. And looking at long term, for 1 year, an individual must buy 8000 avocados, to equate the $12,000 cost of the mortgage for 1 year. Let's go even further into the future. Say that we're now at the end and we're finally going to get that housing loan off our backs at year 10, and we couldn't do it any faster since maybe we bought 800 avocados one year since you know how much more feasible that is than a measly 667, in order to come to the grand total of $130,000, (by the way the cost of the home would have increased by at least 10-15,000 dollars due to interest rates but we aren't going to account for that either), an individual. Would need to purchase. 86,763 avocados in the span of 10 years. Folks, it takes me 2 weeks to eat 6 avocados, and it's not even bought with my money, but my parents money when I come home for the summer. Let's be real and stop blaming things that literally have absolutely nothing to do with the problem. Also, anyone please feel free to check my math, as we're all human beings and can make mistakes. Even I the most basic of math.
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chromsai · 8 years
Okay but i declare salad of friendship bless
isssss this for the character thingg i’m just gonna assume it is okay? okay.
i already did yuri so here goes the other three
general opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual love of my life | LEGIT LIGHT OF MY LIFE DASHING YOUNG LAD PRECIOUS SON AND ALL THAThotness level: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 10/10 would banghogwarts house: gryffindor | slytherin | ravenclaw | hufflepuff (idk? i don’t see him as a gryffindor but what do i even know about hogwarts houses??)best quality: EVERYTHING asdfghjkl; do i really have to choose? oh gods i love him so much but just... he sticks to his beliefs no matter what literally no matter what and he’d do anything to make those he loves happy anjfsdijnsofdi he makes me happyworst quality: ah hmm so i wanted to say nothing because love is blind but fine i will say he needs to be able to see past their appearances tho i’m sure as he gets older he will definitely be able to wisen up more he’s a bright kid so i believe in himship them with: YUZUUUUUU FRUITSHIPPING IS MY ULTIMATE *O.T.P.* FROM THIS SHOW. but oh my god this kid i ship him also with others too mainly yuto, reiji, and shun and yeah maybe even shingo and yuri hehbrotp them with: gongenzaka & soraneeds to stay away from: lmao his counterparts technically? but honestly i never want to see him near roget ever again after what that man did to himmisc. thoughts: crying i have many thoughts maaanny many thoughts i love him so much he is one of my top 3 fav characters of all time (the other two being from fire emblem) so he’s my fav yugioh character ever and i love him to death i just want him to be happy always he deserves it oh my god i could go on forever i swear i could and i really want to i will pour out my love for him whenever given the chance without shame listen listen i love yuya sakaki so much words are not enough words will never be enough to express how much i love my precious tomato son he makes me so happy i am proud of him he-*fades away slowly* buy my silence $8000 a month and i will stop
general opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual love of my life hotness level: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 10/10 would banghogwarts house: gryffindor(yeah definitely see him more of one than yuya) | slytherin | ravenclaw | hufflepuffbest quality: i love his stubborn resolve to protect those he loves and loyalty but also the fact that he’s conflicted like he is this pure cinnamon roll that isn’t afraid to take to the battlefield and fight to defend his homeland but he also realizes that war is wrong but in the end he’s stuck in this reality so he’s kinda like ??!??!?!? what do???!?!??! like i know a lot of people were bothered by his character being written like that but like he’s so damn human like that like y’all i get you wanted him to be the Edgy yuu so bad but i’m glad they didn’t exactly go that direction with him because if they had he would have been such a flat character. fuck dude i love him i wish we got more of himworst quality: dead wHY because of him being inside Yuya i feel he pushed his own feelings on him sometimes like i can’t really fault him but like... damn yuto no (but it makes me sad cuz of how desperate he must have felt not being able to do anything)ship them with: ruri (fallenangelshipping) is cute as hell, i also like shunyuto and yuyaxyuto (and ot3 yutoxyuyaxshun aaaa)brotp them with: yuzu, yuya, and SHUN, and yugo (pls give me thissss)needs to stay away from: idk by now i think he understands that everyone from fusion was indoctrinated af by leo akaba, and well he already dealt with leo himself thru yuya... idk i guess i could imagine him beating the crap out of the doktormisc. thoughts: idk man i love him a lot too just wish he had had more screen time i mean i understand how they handled him but yeah they could have used him slightly more i mean he’s one of the yuu4 c’mon now
general opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual love of my life hotness level: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 10/10 would banghogwarts house: gryffindor | slytherin | ravenclaw | hufflepuff (dude again idk much about hogwarts houses)best quality: Rin herself said it, he never gives up i LOVE THAT AND JUST HE’S ACTUALLY A PRETTY SMART KID I MEAN HE BUILT A FUNCTIONING BIKE WITH RIN C’MON!!!! HOW MANY 14 YEAR OLDS ACTUALLY DO THAT (fuck when i was in high school i couldn’t even make a working wooden mini race care for my fucking AP physics class dude i got a C on it out of pity lmao). also i always remember what he said to Serena during their duel when she didn’t get the action card roget set her up with, it was something along the lines of “if life gives you an opportunity, you take it no matter what” it’s actually a really neat thing you might have never expected from him??? (tho to be fair i guess he WAS synched with Yuya when he said it so... who said it?? lmao i’ll give them both credit i guess)worst quality:  oh my boy you just HAD to be the fragment of zarc that inherited his pervert behaviorship them with: with RIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIN aaaawwww they’re super cute together, i immediately shipped them soon as Yuzu suggested that they were dating aaaaaa. also with Yuri brotp them with: yuzu and yuya uGH ARC V WHY DIDN’T YOU LET THEM PROPERLY MEET AND BE FRIENDSS/TRUE BROSneeds to stay away from: all the world’s troubles gods let things go his way for once jfcmisc. thoughts: SUPER ADORBS SON i’m glad with the amount of screen time that he got *hands in the air emoji* i just wish HE GOT TO DUEL JACK BECAUSE THAT WAS HIS DREAM PLUS HE’S A BIG FAN OF JACK ATLAS C’MON AAAAAAAAAAAAA oMG ARC V PLEASE LET HIM HAVE THIS
5 notes · View notes
How much would I have to pay for car insurance?
"How much would I have to pay for car insurance?
I'm an 18-year-old male. I have been driving for almost two years, including permit time. I should have no tickets on my record (I had one but I was able to get it off with a kind of probation). I'm in college as a B average student. My dad has been with Allstate for awhile now, has had only 1 or 2 tickets in the past five years or so. The car I want to get insured is a '97 Acura 3.5RL with a Nav System and high security system. Any help is appreciated, but answers with numbers will be greatly appreciated. I know there's a lot of factors with car insurance, but if anyone can, I'd like to get an rough estimate.
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://salecarinsurance.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Car insurance coverage help!?
Currently I have a financed car. And is still currently paying for it monthly. After doing some research and purchasing my car insurance coverage - State Farm. My dad insisted he will help me with all the process. However, after he and I got done with everything. My coverage are, A - Liability P20 - Personal Injury Protection U, W uninsured and underinsured And finally these two: D - 500 Deductible Comprehensive G - 500 Deductible Collision which I learn online it is OPTIONAL to have: ( SO WHY DO I NEED IT EXACTLY THEN? my dad try explaining it but it didn't get through my hot head. ) So can anyone please tell me is it a requirement for me to have those to coverage D & G, if not I would really like to get it off and save some money instead of throwing it out the window. Thanks.""
How can I get insurance if I am not working?
they say its going to a law you have to have insurance well what if your not working did they come up for something for that
How can I lower my insurance?
I m paying 660 for insurance I have liability I live in upstate ny they told me my insurance was so high because they spotted me in brooklyn run a red light I work in brooklyn n my agent say I need to have a lease to lower my insurance again I wanna lower it to the max If any body got any advice or idea I will be glad to hear a few of them list all the possible options
Will my car insurance go up?
I pulled out in front of someone and they rear ended me and im at fault..and iam 17 years old so will my insurance go up, and if so how much? i have state farm""
""Does my auto insurance cover anyone driving, if they have no insurance themselves? thanks?""
Does my auto insurance cover anyone driving, if they have no insurance themselves? thanks?""
How auto insurance works in california?
i backed up into a car today and there is no damage to my car but a dent in the others hood, and i said lets call the police and they said lets just exchange information, i said no i'd rather have them come...they said they called when i was getting something in my car and said the police said they would take a while so we decided to exchange info...i got her license but they said they didnt have the insurance info with them....but in the mean time i gave them my info...now i have a feeling that maybe they didnt have insurance and there is no police report so what can happen now?""
What are the regular insurance cost of these cars. (without deduction or add cost)?
Porsche Nissan 350 Honda S2000 and also give me a recommendation on a nice not that expensive, good sporty looking car, lol.""
""I'm 27 and I want to get life insurance, what kind is best?""
I don't really understand what 10;15;20 year term life insurance means, or whole life insurance and what company is best but I think I want to get it while I'm young and ...show more""
Damaged rental car. How much should I pay?
Hi. I was involved in an at-fault car accident while driving a rental. Here is the rental situation: The rental car was not insured through the independent rental company. My insurance won't cover it either. I was never offered rental insurance and there was no contract signed regarding the car in question. The owner of the rental company has a rent-to-own business as well, and priced the car at $6,000, but is letting me pay just $4,550. According to Blue Book, the car is worth anywhere from $2,100 to $2,900. I'm willing to pay for the car. My question is, do I pay what he is asking or pay what the car is worth according to Kelly Blue Book? If I would have bought the car before the accident I would have never paid $6,000. It was only in fair condition when I got it. Thoughts? Thanks""
What happens if you don't pay your car insurance?
how important is it every month to pay your car insurance? what could happen if you don't
Car accident with no insurance?
I got into a car accident today and totaled my car. the other vehicle just had bumper damage. come to find out my insurance tried to take my payment out my account but were unsuccesfull so they canceled it a month ago. whats gonna happen since i am at fault and no insurance
How much for kit car insurance ?
how much is insurance on a 1929 Mercedes Gazelle kit car valued at about $8000. ? i like in Florida and KY so it could be purchased in either state (cheapest) occasional ride not a daily driver
What company would provide shipping insurance?
I want to sell some jewellery on Ebay and I will end up shipping it to Canada or US. Canada post offers a maximum insurance of $500. Which (if any) company would provide insurance at replacement value? Or at least a $1,000?""
Healthcare Insurance: True or False?
1. The Affordable Care Act does not require employers to provide health insurance for their employees. 2. No employer, in any state, is required to provide health insurance to any employee, full time or part time. 3. Employers do not have to report the cost of insurance on employee W-2s in 2011. This reporting is optional in 2011. The reporting requirement is intended to be informational and provide employees with greater transparency into health care costs. The amounts reported are not taxable.""
How much would insurence cost for a small car detailing business?
i have 2 do a project for school about creating our own business and i need 2 know how much insurance would cost for my car detailing business.
Im 15 and how much am i looking forward to pay on my car insurance? The car is a 2005 chrysler 300c?
It's a black car V6 engine i live in the city it will be parked in the garage and we have a low crime rate in the city ? i would like specific answers or similar stories?
Do i qualify for VA insurance?
I just found out that i am pregnant last week and we don't qualify for state insurance because we make too much. But my husband just got out of the marine corp in August so does anyone know if we can get insurance through the VA even though he's already out even if we have to pay a little a month. Or if anyone knows of any insurance i can get for cheap, by the way i don't know if it helps but my husband is unemployed right now. Thank you.""
How much does car insurance cost?
if you can't give me an exact amount or something that's fine, just give me some kind of ball park.""
How much is AAA a month?
I have Roadside Assistance with AT&T and I pay only $2.99 a month for 4 calls every calendar year but they only cover from about 2 to 10 miles if I need a tow. I'm thinking about switching to AAA but I really don't know anything about AAA. Can anyone give me some insight on AAA? PLEASE :-)
How to change auto insurance?
I pay my auto insurance every 6 months. I want to change insurance company from 'company A' to 'company B' because it's cheaper. I already paid a bill for company A and still have about 4 months until renewal. If I change to company B now, will I get a refund from company A? How does this work? I don't want to wait another 4 months with company A.""
Why cant i get cheaper insurance?
i have a fiat 500 1.2 with a tracker in my car which is there to stop me driving between 11pm and 5am and im still being charged 2000 a year for my insurance, last year i was paying 2008 a year i have 1 years no claims and no convictions WHY AM I BEING PUNISHED????""
""If you had to guess, do you think my insurance will be high?
i am an 18 years old male. i have been driving for close to two years and i had one speeding ticket that i took to court and they let me off. i got no points. i drive a 2000 mercury cougar and with liability coverage it costs $90 a month. im on my moms policy. im want to get a 2005 chevy monte carlo lt that im gonna have to get full coverage on because im financing. i am also gonna be on my moms insurance. do you think my premium is gonna increase by alot? thank you. and please just give me estimates and dont tell me to call the insurance company. i just want ballpark estimates and answers. thank you :)
Will someone elses tickets effect MY car insurance?
recently my friend got two tickets in my car. We went through a police stop and he wasn't wearing a seatbelt in the frontseat of my car while i was driving and got a $37 ticket. I also let him drive my car because it was past my driving curfew since i'm under 18 and it was 2am. He got us pulled over for speeding and got a $294 ticket. no one else can drive my car on my insurance plan so what does that mean for me?
What insurer would insure me for around 200?? And what car would that be?
My friend had a ford fiesta as her first car and her insurance was 180 a month There are now kids in my school and their insurance varies between 210-250 Their cars are peugeot 3 doors and stuff I've been looking at cars between 300-700 to buy and every time I check the insurance is HUGE I am talking 800 a month nearly!!!!! The lowest I found was 360 once but then the car was sold Does anyone what car I can get so that the insurance will be around 180-250?? All the people at school I've asked don't want to tell not does my friend. I need serious help ;( The cats I've been looking at are peugeot, Nissan, ford All between 1998-2002 years 3 doors - anyone have any ideas? Or can help me with posting links?? Of cars and then insurance I am a new driver, passed my test YESTERDAY I live in the UK West Middlands Thank you!!""
I want to make sure the insurance isn't too much when I start riding a motorbike- how do I get a quote?
How do I get a quote from the insurance company exactly? I guess I just call them up... but what sort of things will I need to be able to tell them?
How much would I have to pay for car insurance?
I'm an 18-year-old male. I have been driving for almost two years, including permit time. I should have no tickets on my record (I had one but I was able to get it off with a kind of probation). I'm in college as a B average student. My dad has been with Allstate for awhile now, has had only 1 or 2 tickets in the past five years or so. The car I want to get insured is a '97 Acura 3.5RL with a Nav System and high security system. Any help is appreciated, but answers with numbers will be greatly appreciated. I know there's a lot of factors with car insurance, but if anyone can, I'd like to get an rough estimate.
Does anyone who is under 18 and doesn't have health coverage automatically qualify for MassHealth?
We live in Massachusetts and I previously heard that ANYONE who is under 18 and does not have health insurance will automatically qualify for the free state insurance, MassHealth. Does anyone know if this is true because it doesn't really specify online.""
How much is a down payment on a insurance rate of $161?
Im looking to buy progressive and they're rating my car at 161 a month. if anyone has this rate, do you remember what you paid?""
Cheap car insurance..?
Im 22, female & this will be my first car to insure. I have a 1.6 Astra sxi 02 plate. Does anybody know what sites to try for the cheapest insurance? I have tried the obvious ones..go compare, confused, tesco, compare the market etc but they are all too dear! Can anyone recommend somewhere they have used with the same circumstances?""
What are the topics for research in insurance?
What are the topics for research in insurance?
I was in an accident today and the other person left the scene, cops came and got all of my info... my car is REALLY banged up.... i have michigan no fualt insurance becuase that is all i can afford... a $500 deductible ..what does this mean? how much will my insurance company cover to get my car fixed? thanks""
Massachusetts Health Insurance Premiums highest in country?
I live in MA and i pay $14K a year for Tufts Health Insurance. BCBS of MA wanted nearly $20K. Is this just a preview of what's to come for the rest of the USA? The report by the Commonwealth Fund, a nonprofit health care foundation, showed that the average family premium for plans offered by employers in Massachusetts was $13,788 in 2008, 40 percent higher than in 2003. Over the same period, premiums nationwide rose an average of 33 percent. Now, the Commonwealth Fund report projects that without significant cost reforms, an annual family premium in Massachusetts will soar to $26,730 by 2020. http://www.boston.com/news/health/articles/2009/08/22/bay_state_health_insurance_premiums_highest_in_country/ America are you ready for Hope and Change?""
""Does any one know of any cheap car insurance, for my 18yr old son, whos just passed his test.?""
Does any one know of any cheap car insurance, for my 18yr old son, whos just passed his test.?""
Which insurance company insures in the us and in canada?
question is in the title.
Health insurance question?
Can someone tell me what in network and out of network means? I applied for my health benefits today and the lady had me soooo confused. I understand that an in network doctor will save me money. Does an in network doctor mean they accept my insurance and out of network they don't accept it? LOL this is my first time having private insurance so i'm not quite sure what all of this means!
What would be the average pay for car insurance per month?
i am 18 years old and my parents dont want me on there car insurance because they dont want to be liable .what would be the average pay for car insurance per month if i went on my own for the first time?
What is the best car insurance company out there today?
I'm gonna get a car soon and I'm having difficulty picking an exact car insurance company to insure my car so I just wanted to read others opinion on what car insurance they think is the best.....if availabe tell me the pros & cons....
Average Motorcycle insurance?
thinking about getting one. best route take as far as insurance, bikers course, type of bike. its my first bike.""
Trying to find cheap car insurance for myself and daughter (she has a provisional licence) any recommendation?
small Matiz. 7years Ncd
How do the payment work if a bunch of people are being sued by a auto insurance company?
1 insurance company is suing another insurance company, and 6 people. If the 1 insurance company wins how do they split of the amount sued for? If they do at all... I need answers please""
""Insurance on rx7 fd , sti , and evo 9 ?""
I'm currently 16 and I got the money to buy rather a rx7 fd, sti, or a evo 9. I'm getting the car one I turn 17 and I would like to know the cost of insurance ! I wanna know both full and basic insurance. I am studying to be a mechanic and I was wondering if will give me a discount of I'm a mechanic ?""
I need to get health insurance. What's affordable and good?
I live in Southern California. Recently, my neck has really started to hurt and I think I might need an xray. I haven't had health insurance in so long. What would be the proper steps to take? I need something affordable.""
Insurance Cost Estimate For 16 Year Old With Sports Car?
How much would it cost to insure a 16 year old on Geico with a sports car compared to a sedan or something of that nature? To be more specific, what would be the average change in ...show more""
Is there a penalty for not signing up for affordable health care if disabled collecting medicare?
Now my question is am I going to be penalized for not having any insurance and only having Medicare I and my husband are on disability, because of brain tumors and seizures? it ...show more""
Whats the cheapest car insurance company in ireland for young drivers ?
whats the cheapest car insurance company in ireland for young drivers ?
Why does high fico score lower car insurance?
Suze Orman just said pay off store credit cards and do not close them -this will lower your car insurance. Should my son open store credit cards and pay off the balance right away just so maybe his car insurance be lowered? And why does car insurance companies care about your credit card fico score anyways? He'll be 21 in a couple months ; hoping the insurance will decrease.
Can i get classic car insurance?
I have a 65 mustang so i know for a fact it will qualify, but im 17 (18 in a couple of months) and i dont know for sure if they cover people my age. I know that it comes with restrictions but all i will be driving it for is to school and back so that doesn't concern me. also it would be helpful if anyone can reccomend a decent insurer.""
Drivers Ed Questions On Insurance?
Fill In The Blank Words -assigned-risk insurance, blue book, bodily-injury insurance, car pooling, collision insurance, comprehensive insurance, deductible, depreciation, financial responsibility law, leasing, liability insurance, mass transportation, no-fault insurance policy, policy, premium, property-damage insurance, warranty- 1. Decrease of vehicle value due to its age. 2. Written guarantee that the seller will make repairs for a time period. 3. Lists the average price paid to dealers for various used vehicles. 4. Requires you to prove that you can pay for damages you may cause with your vehicle. 5. Specified amount you pat to an insurance company for insurance. 6. Set amount of money you personally pay for damages that is not paid by your insurance company. 7. Written agreement between you and your insurance company. 8. Type of insurance that is not concerned with who is to blame. 9. Provides minimum coverage for high-risk drivers. 10. Several methods of moving large numbers of passengers. 11. Several people commuting to work or school in one vehicle. 12. An alternate method of obtaining a vehicle other than by purchase. 13. Protects you against claims for another person's injuries or property damages when you are at fault. 14. A type of liability insurance that covers drivers who are at fault for injuries to other people up to specified limits. 15. A type of liability insurance that covers drivers who are at fault for damages to another person's property up to specified limits. 16. A type of insurance that provides coverage to pay the costs of repair or replacement of your vehicle up to specified limits. 17. Insurance that covers damage to your vehicle from non-collision events. One word per statement. I already have some answers but I just want to be 100% sure I'm right, thanks any answers are appreciated.""
If you are on someone else's car insurance?
I was put onto a friends car insurance policy for 6 months... Is that the standard policy time frame or could you make it longer or shorter etc. based on your situation?
What car insurance coverage is actually necessary?
And how much of each do you really need?
Car Insurance Coverage and a DUI Question?
My daughter received a DUI a while back, as she put the car in 'Drive' (instead of 'Reverse') and drove through the side of a restaurant. (closed, thank God!...No people there) She refused the Breathalyzer, and was taken to the ER for about 7 hours. She was given a DUI. This car was titled, registered and insured by me- I am her mother. She is over 30 years old. The insurance has covered to fix the car, but the restaurant has retained an attorney. (I live in SC and have $100,000 property damage on the car) Yesterday, my insurance adjustor called to ask for a release of my daughter's medical records, so they could meet with the restaurant's attorneys and show that she was not drunk. Well, she was drunk, and my daughter's attorney has told me not to release that information, as it is a violation of her rights- she already refused the breathalyzer, etc.Also, she WAS drunk, and this would only release that information possibly to others. Please no rude comments about all of this- I get it! Question: Can my insurance company refuse to pay for my daughter's ER bill ($13,000) AND the property damage, AND whatever else- due to the fact that they are going to decide she was 'drunk.' ??? Is there any way to protect my assets? Specifics would be great, if you know them. Thanks.""
How much would I have to pay for car insurance?
I'm an 18-year-old male. I have been driving for almost two years, including permit time. I should have no tickets on my record (I had one but I was able to get it off with a kind of probation). I'm in college as a B average student. My dad has been with Allstate for awhile now, has had only 1 or 2 tickets in the past five years or so. The car I want to get insured is a '97 Acura 3.5RL with a Nav System and high security system. Any help is appreciated, but answers with numbers will be greatly appreciated. I know there's a lot of factors with car insurance, but if anyone can, I'd like to get an rough estimate.
Do Different Car Insurance Companies Really Have Different Rates?
I keep seeing ads on TV which claim this or that car insurance company is cheapest. Are they really that different, or is this just marketing?""
How much is Student Insurance?
Hey guys, just wanted to know that how much is student insurance on a 1999, 2000 and 2001 car? You see im thinking of buying one but i hear that insurance is a whopper so just thought i would be careful and ask. Thanks.""
What is the most affordable health insurance in Los Angeles?
I am trying to find health insurance as a 35 yr old male. I have never had insurance before and don't have any illnesses. What is the most cost effective health insurance that will cover me and will allow me to go get a tune up quickly?
How much does insurance cost for a new young driver with a brand new car in newyork city?
How much does insurance cost for a new young driver with a brand new car in newyork city?
Im moving to Las Vegas. How much is car insurance in Nevada?
I am moving to Las Vegas. I am also planing to buy a car. How much is the car insurance in Nevada?
80's Monte Carlo Insurance cost?
Considering buying a Chevy Monte Carlo from the mid 80's, I know that early muscle cars have very high insurance cost, while an average cheap 80's car has a cheap insurance cost. The Monte Carlo is somewhere in between these two depending on how you view it, so should I expect 69 Camaro insurance prices or 88 Civic prices?""
Accident in a WalMart parking lot and the other party's insurance denied my claim... any advice?
Hi everyone, I would appreciate your ideas regarding the following situation: My son had a car accident last week in a nearby WalMart parking lot (Dallas, Paulding County, GA). He was driving down a parking lane and hit a car which came out of nowhere cutting across the aisle. Both vehicles had extensive damage (front of the vehicle on our car, and driver side on the other car). There was a gentleman who saw everything and called 911. The sheriff's deputy arrived at the scene promptly. He explained there would be an accident report, but since this happened in a private parking lot, he was not in a position to state who was at fault. I got the report the other day and it states the facts about the accident and gives the contact information for the witness. I have spoken with the other driver's insurance company three times and I just found out that their claims rep has determined that my son was at fault, so they have denied my claim. The claim with them was actually originally filed by the other driver. I politely asked to speak with a supervisor and was advised that I should expect to receive a call from a supervisor soon. I did not get a chance to talk to my insurance rep after I found out the other insurance denied the claim, but I am not sure if there is anything my insurance can do for us, especially given the fact that we only have liablity coverage on this vehicle (no collision coverage either). I think it is really outrageous how they could claim my son was at fault, if all evidence points to the fact that their insured was driving across the parking lanes and obviously did not see our car. I cannot find anything online (like traffic regulations) that explicitly says that the driver cutting across the parking lanes is at fault if there is a collision, but I think it is common sense that this should be the responsible party! If anyone has had a similar experience, or has any suggestions, your help will be very much appreciated!""
Where can i get Cheap street bike insurance for first time riders?
I just bought my bf a bike a i want to get insurance for it, but i'm not sure where to get insurance from all i want is that little card that says i'm covered. i don't think i want full coverage. We live in California i don't know of that changes anything.""
How does car insurance determine how much my insurance will go up?
I was recently involved in a car accident, its my fault, my first time in 15years of driving. They will probably total the other car involved since the car only cost $900 kbb. The damage on my SUV in the lower right bumper, i have little misaligned on my hood and scratch on my headlight, I was thinking of just getting my bumper fixed so it wont cost my insurance company too much. I guess my main question is, does it matter how much my insurance pays for all the damages, is this how they determine how much my insurance premium will go up? will it be the same if i just get everything fixed? thanks""
2005 Ford Mustang Convertible V6 Premium insurance rate?
Hi. I am thinking about getting a 2005 Ford Mustang Convertible V6 Premium [Black] I am a 16 about to turn 17 year old girl and I have taken drivers ed. && I live in florida, about how much do you think that it would be""
Insurance on a Corolla for Teenager??!?
I'm getting ready to buy my daughter a car && I need to know if insurance is high for a Toyota Corolla for my 16 year old. 2011 Toyota a Corolla or '10.
What happens if you only have an expired Auto Insurance card on you while you drive?
Hi. I currently live in San Francisco to go to school, and in a few days, I'd leave to drive home to Los Angeles for my winter break. So my car's insurance card expired a few days ago, and there isn't enough time for my father to send me the new (valid) insurance card and for me to receive it before I leave. (So when I drive the 400+ miles home, I won't have a valid auto insurance card on me, though my coverage would be active & paid for.) (For some reason) I know that in other states, if you get pulled over and don't have a valid proof of car insurance when asked by the law enforcer, that you can get your license revoked/suspended and/or car impounded & it's a nasty hole in your wallet. Is there any way I can temporarily get around the California law?""
Looking for a site for Affordable Individual Health Insurance?
Hello, I'm looking for affordable individual health insurance online web company.Can you suggest me where can I find cheap and good site for my insurance?I'll be very thankful.""
Is There Any Way(s) Of Lowering Your Insurance Rate?
So I Have Two Tickets For Speeding Offenses, But I Don't Want The Insurance Company To Charge Higher Rates. I Hear The ONLY Way To Lower Insurance IsTime, About 3 Years! Some Help Or Suggestions Would Be Greatly Appreciated""
Does a years moped insurance give you a years no claims bonus for a car the next year?
Just wondering. i'm 16 and i'm after getting a ped, but i don't think my dad will let me. If the years insurance on a moped carries over for a car next year when i can drive (which will make my car insurance cheaper) then i think i can persuade him. Anyone know if it does? any answers will be much appreciated :)""
Quick question about car insurance?
I've been with a car insurance company for 3 years now and have been lucky enough to not have to file any claims with them, I just had my policy renewed and the premium went up about $100 from the previous year. Prior to this it had always gone down and when I called to ask why it went up they said because of an increase in claims in my area, now I know insurance has many factors such as the area you live in, and even if that is true I feel as if I should call and mention that I've had no claims in my three years with them, no tickets on my record and always pay my 6 month premium at once, would this be a useless attempt at getting them to lower my premium or could this possibly help me? I just don't want to seem like a fool on the phone.""
What is average cost of insurance for 1st time bike owners in the UK?
I wanted to ask what is the average cost of insurance (per month or per year) for a person who've just passed CBT and plans to own a 125cc motorbike? Thank you :)
""I need a cheap, reliable and economical car. Any recommendations?
it would help if it could be all round cheap such as... insurance group etc.
A question about dental insurance?
I need to find Dental insurance and i have no idea where to go or what to look for. I know im gonna need to go to the dentist soon. Im 21 and my wisdom teeth are giving me trouble. I want something thats affordable too. I really need help and opinions
Want to buy a used 2003 G35 but would like to know the Maintenance fee and a estimate insurance price in nyc?
ok I'm a 19 year(soon to be 20) old black college student who lives in Brooklyn, NY and would like to know how much it would cost me to maintain an insure a 2003 used G35 with about 40k- 80k miles? I've been driving for lets say a year now and live in a urban area, which i will be commuting back and forth to work, school and home.""
Suggest a good insurance company?
I want to buy a insurance plan for my stock and machinery. Please suggess a good insurance company.
Lexus IS300 insurance rate?
Im thinking of getting an IS300 but im only 16 years old. How much do u think the insurance rate is goin to be?
Teen car insurance cost?
Hi! I was wondering what some of you think a 6-month insurance policy for a newly licensed 16 yo driver would cost. Area- Rural N. CT. Full coverage on 2007 VW Rabbit and 2000 Ranger. Minimum coverage on 1999 Cadillac STS. Good student discount + drivers ed discount. I'm hoping for the $400 range on a 6 month policy, or $800-900 on a 12 month. Thoughts? Rate testimonials?""
Will my home owner insurance go up if I make a claim? How much?
I live in Massachusetts. Let's say a homeowner has a flood, and claims a $3000 loss, minus a $500 deductible. Will they be punished severely with increased rates? What will it cost them? Will it make a difference if the damage was someone else's fault (e.g. in a condo where a first floor unit could be flooded by a broken water heater on the second floor, or by a fault in the building's plumbing which is owned by the association?) Will the insurance company send their lawyers after the party at fault, and in that case would they not raise the rates on the claimant? People tell horror stories, usually about car insurance, where the rates go up so much you pay the insurance company back for the whole claim. But I pay all of $220 per year for $30,000 in personal property coverage. If I claimed a loss of a few thousand dollars, how much could they really raise my $220 premium?""
Insurance prices?
does the color of a vehicle have anything to do with the price of insurance?
How much would I have to pay for car insurance?
I'm an 18-year-old male. I have been driving for almost two years, including permit time. I should have no tickets on my record (I had one but I was able to get it off with a kind of probation). I'm in college as a B average student. My dad has been with Allstate for awhile now, has had only 1 or 2 tickets in the past five years or so. The car I want to get insured is a '97 Acura 3.5RL with a Nav System and high security system. Any help is appreciated, but answers with numbers will be greatly appreciated. I know there's a lot of factors with car insurance, but if anyone can, I'd like to get an rough estimate.
Farm Bureau Car Insurance question?
Hi, I am wanting to go and get my full license, I'm suppose to be added to my dad's car insurance before hand though, if he has to pay $70.00 more a month, will he have to pay 70 at the exact moment that im added ? Or is that charged when I am on the insurance a complete month.""
Temporary car insurance problem...Help!?
My car has to go away for repair and I don;t know how long its going to take, so I want to get insured on my parents car. Because I am still 20, I cant get temporary car insurance and the insurance policy on my parents car won't insure me as an additional driver because of my age and because the car is fairly new. Any ideas on how I can be insured on this car would be welcome, as I still need to get to and from work! Thanks.""
What is the penalty if police finds i have an old car insurance card in my car and not the current one?
i switched car insurance company, and i forgot to put the new car insurance card in the car, i still have the old one there but it expired. if the police stops me for some reason, will i get into any trouble? i have the new car insurance company phone number in my cellphone.""
What questions can I expect if I want to get a car insurance?
Also how can I lower my insurance rate. Currently I have IP only (not the actual driver's license) but have recently purchased the car. I live in OH.
I need cheap car insurance?
I stay in Virginia and i got a job that don't pay good. After I pay rent I have nothing just gas to get to work. I need very cheap insurance can anyone help please??
""What are the insurance range for a CBR600RR, beginner drive with 5 years of ecxcellent SUV driving expereinces
I live in So. Cal and want to purchase the CBR600RR (06-08 model) how much insurance should I expect to pay for this car?
How do you know how much insurance to take when you buy car insurance?
How do you know how much insurance to take when you buy car insurance?
I am 18 yrs. old and i want a mustang '05 how much from your exp. how much did you pay for car insurance?
If you have a mustang and are a teen under your own insurance
How to get into a new Car Insurance?
About 1.5 yrs back my wife scratched another car while parking. The claim was settled using insurance. The expense was about $1500. Ever since that the insurance company, AAA, has been increasing our premiums by abt $35 on every renewal. Now I cannot switch or shop with other insurance company since they give quotes much higher than this company. But apart from this one incident we do not have anything else on our record. Also I get discount for Home+Auto insurance. The company increased prices on our Home Insurance too. I am badly stuck with this company now. I would like to buy Auto+home from one company itself. But I really cannot move my Auto Insurance. Please give suggestions.""
Insurance rates for this car?
First car, v8 mustang""
Moving from Colorado to San Diego..need info on insurance.?
I have kaiser with my husbands job..we are planning on moving back to san diego so I will not have insurance I will be around 36 weeks I wanted to know if anyone knows what insurance I can get so I don't have to pat a fortune for delivery?
Will filing a claim for broken car window raise my insurance payments?
I woke up to a broken driver side window this morning and the first thing i do is call my insurance to ask if its covered. My insurance said it would cost 350 bucks to fix it and i have a 500 deductable so i gta pay out of pocket anyway. He scheduled an appointment for me to get it fixed at a local shop. Is this claim going to affect my rates?
I have no insurance how much does it cost to fix a broken windshield (the back windshield).?
I have no insurance how much does it cost to fix a broken windshield (the back windshield).?
Will court ask for insurance with guilty plea?
My fiancee just got a ticket. She just recently lost her insurance so she had none at the time she was pulled over. If she goes into court and pleads guilty will the court check to see if she had insurance or not? I live in California.
Permit and Insurance please help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?
i am getting my permit like in two months if im going to be in my parents policy how much will the insurance go up if im going to be a driver only!!!!!!!IM GOING TO DRIVE MY DADS CAR
Can anyone give me an estimate for A 17 year old car insurance!?
Hello I am 17 in december and am looking to insure A classic Austin Mini 998cc and I was just wondering if anyone would have any estimate idea of how much it would cost to insure!? :)
Motorcycle insurance?
What are ways to get cheaper insurance on a sport bike? I'm 24 and am looking into getting one but all insurance sites I've visited say at least 6000$, any hints or ways to get that lower? I'm in Ontario as well. thanks guys""
Can i get cheap car insurance if i provide a different address?
I'm living in a busy area where theres alot of traffic and cars, i wanna give my dads address because it much more quiter there, ive heard you can nock back sum money if its in a quiter area and not much traffic. Any ideas or is that jus made up. or is there any other ways where i can reduce my car insurance.""
Something in lieu of insurance?
I have been working part-time for a company and about to become full-time. One of the concerns that was raised is that insurance will be expensive. He pays 100% of everyone's insurance for their families. I suggested that we can revisit the insurance in a year and do something else in lieu of the insurance. Less costly. He also pays for parking for the employees. I'm not sure of what to ask for though. I was thinking a gas allowance but I wanted to have a few ideas to present in case he shoots one or more down.
Question about car insurance?
Is car insurance cheaper the older the car is or is it the other way around?
Purchasing insurance to cover maternity leave in California?
Is there any sort of insurance you can buy in California so you can get approximately your regular wages during your unpaid maternity leave? I've heard that state disability doesn't pay too much. And how long can you take off? Some women say they've gotten 3 months off but I don't know what I need to do to get that, and still have approximately my regular income coming in. I'm not pregnant yet, so I could buy something without having a pre-existing condition. Thanks!""
What is the penalty if you're caught driving without insurance in California?
.....AND you cause a traffic accident? I was hit by an uninsured motorist. Just curious, what she would have to pay (not enough if you ask me!!!) or what are the penalties. Inquiring minds wanna know!!""
Are online car insurance quotes usually close to the actual cost?
Are online car insurance quotes usually close to the actual cost?
CAR INSURANCE FOR 20 year old with G2?
I live in scarborough toronto and I'm paying my auto insurance $450/month for 2000 Oldsmobile Intrique. You guys know any better and cheaper insurance companies? Additional info: I'm 20 male Scarborough Have G2 and certificate insurance for 2000Oldsmobile intrique. PLEASE HELP!!
""Anyone bought a trampoline, put it up and then have an insurance company demand you take it down or drop you?""
Insurance company has demanded trampoline come down. Saftety nets, adult supervisor followed to a T . Spent good amount of $$$ on it! Been up for less than a year. Under warranty. Anyone have any suggestions?""
How much would I have to pay for car insurance?
I'm an 18-year-old male. I have been driving for almost two years, including permit time. I should have no tickets on my record (I had one but I was able to get it off with a kind of probation). I'm in college as a B average student. My dad has been with Allstate for awhile now, has had only 1 or 2 tickets in the past five years or so. The car I want to get insured is a '97 Acura 3.5RL with a Nav System and high security system. Any help is appreciated, but answers with numbers will be greatly appreciated. I know there's a lot of factors with car insurance, but if anyone can, I'd like to get an rough estimate.
0 notes
thepassivewitness · 7 years
Catchup ... or Ketchup
It has been in the back of my mind for a while now that I have not been keeping up on my journal. There have been amazing brief moments and substantial moments of profound frustration, pain,, anguish, and stress.
I have NO idea what it is about 2017, but it has turned into a horrible year. 
It has been year thus far filled with near complete financial collapse, from which I am still fighting with every breath to try and recover, a year where I have had people say they are going to do one thing and then completely fail me, a year where companies have employed me and/or promised employment only to NOT pay me at all or pay me partially and inadequately, and/or fail to provide work as promised, a year where Aby received a brand new engine that was supposed to cost $23,000 for which I took out a second loan only to have the costs soar to in excess of $37,000 with an additional $8000 in repairs nearly completely wiping out the other earmarks for the loan funds including paying off the lease on the ambulance ... a year where said new engine cracked a head in the #6 cylinder and a company promised to have a mechanic locally look at it ... waited 2 days for me to chase them down only to find out he would be gone for another 8 days ... and then a long weekend losing a day, a tow company refusing to tow her to Edmonton from the local town, a loss of a couple more days in arranging her transport, the mechanic shop refusing to take the verbal authorization to pull the engine so another 2 days lost, the engine place saying it was repaired and tested and being shipped back only to find out two days later they didn’t ship it at all and all in all the warranty work COSTING me ANOTHER $3700 and taking a month to repair where it should have taken no more than a week and a half.
It is a year where within two weeks of being back with her again, the vacuum pump died and an additional $1000 was spent on repairs and equipment, all the while desperately trying to catch up on rent, loans taken out (personal and otherwise), and insurance payments that are outstanding.
In the face of massive arrears and costs, taxes are coming at me and that will wipe out another several thousand dollars as I desperately try to clear away my loans and overhead to cut down on any and all outstanding payments, reducing the demand on me and the potential for losing everything yet again.
It is coming down to pennies and dollars as the thousands are taken with hands outstretched for services rarely used, and if used are seeming to repeatedly fail providing the safety and peace of mind originally sought and expected.
I am working again, finally, after about a 1.5 month no-work space which almost saw me lose everything, but I am not working at full rate, rather sub-contracting which means I am pulling in about half or less than half of what the company is charging. But they have the contract and I don’t.
It is a year where I am living with the consequences of my decision to end an engagement and suffering through the constant psychological and emotional attacks from a woman who was dear to me and who has the ability to hurt, harm, manipulate and torture me to the point where I now simply don’t have the strength, want or desire to communicate with her in any way.
Where the wonder and anticipation of seeing her come off the plane was replaced with stress and dread wondering if she was going to be escorted off the plane by police or when the next assault would come has leached into every part of any interaction with her and I have resolved to simply say “I will NOT let you hurt me any more. I will NOT ALLOW YOU to HARM me in ANY way .... any .... more”.
There was a person who I had a pretty strong crush on who said to me, in the role of a friend, how upset she was that I allowed my now ex-fiance to do to me what I allowed her to do.
It was a wake up call in a way, placing stark light on the fact that though the actions were hers, the allowance of anything to impact me was MY responsibility. And that is something that I have chosen to resolve.
I made a point of resolving at the start of this year to remove anyone who was toxic to my being from having direct impact on my life. That has included my father and step mother, to my now ex-fiance. 
I told her at the end of last year that I had spent a year taking care of her ... and that I was now going to focus on taking care of me ... and I have been fighting to do that.
I looked at and discussed the possibility of trying again, but things have fallen apart and fallen into the same patterns, as one would expect of any human being ... we all have our own ways of being and to make changes takes a phenomenal effort on our part, as well as substantial time and investment.
There have been brief moments where I have had wonderful, albeit brief, shelter from the onslaughts.
 A friend offered and provided a loan of $2000 ... not small as without it I would not have made it at all. I have been granted small things that have allowed me to not get caught without the resources in being faced with a critical patient, where I have had some profound support from a very few that I would trust with knowledge of the situation, of the patience of a landlord who was kind where he could have been staunch.
I am far from out of the woods. The bills are still present, Aby needs an alignment, new tires, I have to clear loans away before grace periods of interest only payments are removed, but I am alive for the time being.
And there have been breath taking moments.
And example is that I am currently working on a pipeline operation ... watching over a section of workers and work areas. I pulled out my binoculars to watch some work in one area when out of nowhere an amazing buck walked into my vision, his antlers spectacular.
Or the time when I was paying back a company for the favour of towing Aby from one small town to a larger center by working a rodeo (which I hate by the way ... LOATHE even) ... the company rep was driving in advance of me heading out to the location when a young cat, less than year old, was on the highway ... direct in our path. I didn’t see it until it was already under the rep’s vehicle ... direct between the tires ... and the poor cat went tumbling all over the highway as the wind ripped it off the ground. 
The amazing thing was it quickly looked around and bolted OFF the highway, unscathed (other than maybe a scratch or two and loss of pride). That was just ... WOW! I said a LOT of thanks for that one of it’s nine lives.
And yesterday I had a lady bug hang out with me, just resting on my hand, for about a half of an hour.
I also discovered a cherry tree on the home property. I fell into my own bed on the weekend and loved that sensation ... small things like that.
So that is where we are at currently. 
There are other thoughts, but this rapid catch up was overdue ... and the ketchup reference is simply the bloodying of me through this year so far.
I *AM* scared. I *AM* fearful. I *AM* stressed .... those are undeniable ... but I am also still functional, still here and still fighting.
On the flip side, I have been working hard on my own body. 
I ballooned up to around 211 pounds and every time I looked at myself in the mirror I was simply ... disgusted.
Soooo .... high protein diet, running, using the Fitness22 couch to 5 Km app to help ... and spending a STUPID amount of money on a Garmin watch to help track my activities .... and I am sitting around the 185 mark ... though my scale broke a couple months ago with the replacement ordered finally.
Still ... I look in the mirror now and I think “getting there” and “not bad ... not stellar, but not bad”.
I still have things I hate about my body. The wrinkles on my ass .... hate them. LOATHE them. Again ... they make me ill. And I am working hard to tone as well as to lose the weight. Sadly ... that may simply be what I am up against.
There is still a bit of a gut, but it is slowly disappearing, which is a great thing. I think I even came in a couple belt notches, so I am looking forward to getting on the new scale and seeing where I am at.
The visceral fat reading is something I am still able to get and it is sitting around 9.5, and the body muscle on a good day is around 40%. So again ... getting there.
But I still look at the Hollywood buff factor and I know that I am falling short of that.
Still, I LOVE being able to run (and actually RUN / JOG it ... NON-STOP!) 5 Km. I am not up for aiming for the 10Km stretch, but hitting the 5km on a regular basis and succeeding in doing it in about a half hour with a 5 minute warm up and cool down walk at the start and end .... it is VERY nice.
With that said ... my body doesn’t appreciate it at a times and I had to break down and get the Tylenol out last night with the Sciatic nerve pain hitting me for the second night in a row.
Still it is beyond nice to be able to do that ... and REALLY DO IT!
On that note I am stepping away for a bit. There are other thoughts, but the world is demanding my attention right now. So attention it is getting.
0 notes
The Great American Eclipse 2017
Back in August 2016, when the news of this Great Eclipse first started to be a subject of discussion in the media and on social networking, it was not something that had interested me greatly. I was well aware how easily Mother Nature could ruin these sorts of things and how you had to be in a very specific area to even see totality of an eclipse. Not to mention any drive to that small area would be a ten hour drive at minimum. I was also not confident in my photographic abilities by any means. Sure, I thought I took decent pictures but certainly not enough to bother spending the money to go specifically to photograph it.  Additionally, I lacked understanding of how great this phenomenon could be in person compared to videos of similar events. I had even probed my father about going and his feelings on it were quite lackluster. Needless to say, I had determined that I was going to watch this one from the sidelines in my home state of Maryland.  Then, in November of 2016, something changed. I was 4 months into owning a Nikon D810 and learning it is such an amazing piece of gear.  The sky seemed like - literally - the limit and I began to dabble in astrophotography.  As it turned out, it wasn’t that difficult and I quickly became obsessed with it. I felt good enough about my ability that I bought an astrotracking mount, a Skywatcher Adventure. The forecasts were good so, while I waited for it to arrive with next day shipping, I skimmed through a few online tutorials quickly before bed that night. The next day when it arrived, I went out and took my first try at the constellation Seven Sisters (left side of below image). I was not largely impressed with myself but the fact that some nebulous blue was poking through all the noise inspired me as it meant that a novice like me could image these heavenly bodies without a huge telescope. Just a week later I was able to make the image on the right with just a little more thought and refinement. Cross my ‘t’s and dot my ‘i’s sort of stuff. 
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I was content with this image. And honestly deep sky astro is not really a passion of mine; I just did it to say that I could. Satisfied, I set my sights on the moon. I have always taken photos of the moon just to do it. In fact, I had used it so commonly as a target for evaluation of cameras and new lenses that I can track my photos all the way back to 2015 (far left) when I first had my long time point and shoot of preference, the venerable Nikon Coolpix P90, then when I got my Nikon P900 mid 2015 (left middle), and D7200 in later 2015 (middle right), and D810 and tracking (right) sometime in 2016.  
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I suddenly found myself interested enough in the moon to want to see it in it’s more rare form, totality. I had bounced it off my dad again sometime in June 2017. Turns out, in the midst of all the growing media attention he had had a change of heart and thought maybe it’d be worth seeing after all. 
We planned for Charleston, South Carolina and made reservations. On August 19th the forecasts deteriorated to thunderstorms. We were keeping an eye on the weather and were able to make a shift before the media began reporting the same observation. We lucked out and were able to get a hotel in Clemson, SC. Forecasts showed partly cloudy with 3% chance of rain there and in the surrounding areas. The big day came and, on Monday morning at 1:00 AM, we started our 10 hour drive down to SC. There was quite a bit of traffic and we arrived around 11:00 am. Upon arrival, I decided to try a more scenic and less crowded location just 7 miles south of Clemson instead (though, in hindsight, we should have stayed at Clemson as it remained clear there throughout the day). I also opted not to bother with landscapes as it was simply too weird an angle for my Sigma 20mm Art to capture. It was up to the task and certainly wide enough but the perspective looked quite strange. 
I began to feel rather stressed out as I began to set up, not just for photographing totality but to see and enjoy the eclipse properly for myself with my own eyes. Often I find that I get so obsessed that I don’t enjoy myself as much as I could have without the camera. For example, my attempt to get the meteor shower just a week prior had ended badly. I had bought tracking equipment and even made a custom DSLR cooler only to have picked the wrong spot for clear weather due to incorrect forecasts. I did not get to enjoy the meteors with my own eyes as I was too busy trying to get to a location that the camera could see them. All this culminated in a lot of self doubt for this attempt at totality. 
By ~11:45 am I was all set up. For this shoot, I wanted to use my tracking mount to follow the sun as the 500/4 AF-i lens weighs nearly 11 pounds and it is difficult to constantly change the ball head position to follow the ever moving sun across the sky.  One thing that is hard to notice is how fast the sun moves. It is almost unnoticeable until you try to frame it with telephoto lens; within several minutes it is out of the lens view again. This tracker has a motor that follows it across the sky as it moves and takes the lens with it. Having never set it up in daylight, it took some time to acquire the sun but once I did, it tracked very well. My custom hand controller made keeping alignment prim and proper quite flawless. Focusing with a Modified Hartmann mask was very easy and quick and worth the extra hours to make the night before. 
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At 1:09 pm, the first glimpses of the moon beginning to transit the sun appeared in my view finder. I started taking exposures at 1/4000 7 1/8000 with bracketing 9 stops up. It was exposing well and I was quite overjoyed that I was actually here in South Carolina imaging the moon blocking out the sun! Things were going quite well at this point. However, by 1:40 pm this had all changed: clouds began to roll in and almost continuously block our line of sight with only intermittent windows, seconds at a time, through which to see the unfolding eclipse. The clouds got worse and worse, growing more voluminous and stationary. I had never seen two layers of clouds form and move in perpendicular directions over such flat terrain. In Maryland, clouds only move west to east. These moved east to west and north to south. I was flabbergasted and saddened by this as the outlook was becoming so very bleak.  At 1:59 am, just 39 minutes before the main event, I expressed my misery over this sudden clouding with a contact from Reddit, John Kraus, whose launch photography is something I quite admire. He, in turn, reported that he was having better luck and was just several miles away at Williamston, SC. He was even nice enough to send me a photo and stay in contact with me even while busy with his own imaging. 
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The time was 2:00 pm and packing up in 10 minutes, driving 20, and setting back up seemed impossible. I was stressed and indecisive about relocating. Typically as soon as you move or put your camera away fate messes with you and changes things back to optimal conditions. I figured the clouds would clear just to be cruel.  However, fate reached out and talked to me in that moment of angst: a huge rain drop landed on my tripod leg right before my eyes. It was then I knew I had no choice. It was going to rain!  With lightning speed I packed up my gear, practically ripping it into pieces and messily tossing it into bags and bins. Running around with my huge 500/4 Nikkon AF-i 11 lb monster around my neck, I began hauling things back to the car. Other parties were doing the same, backing up and asking where we were headed. One even joked alongside me, talking as I hauled my bin of gear to the car. As soon as we jumped in the car it began to down pour like a monsoon. So much for that 3% chance of rain, you pesky weather forecasters! The race was on.  We flew down back roads and raced ever closer to the huge hole in the sky that was now visible just a few miles ahead of us down what I think was 85. At 2:28 pm the GPS said we still had 12 minutes to our destination with totality only 10 minutes away!  Checking my Google Maps app, it was clear we would not make it to Williamston in time. My father saw an exit ahead, the last before a several mile stretch to Williamston, when suddenly the sky cleared. Fearing it’d be the only chance I had, I stuck my whole camera and lens out the window and began firing away shots (to my amazement, I captured several images this way). I told him to take the ramp since we were simply out of time.  We were not alone in this revelation.
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Suddenly, every car began to turn towards the ramp almost simultaneously as if the sudden sunlight had infected every mind it touched with some sort of brain washing or connected us all in some sort of Borg hive mind. All had come to the same decision. “This is the only exit close enough and the sky is now clear.. there's 3 minutes left till the main event... this is it! Our only chance.” In amazing, unplanned choreography 2 lanes of traffic and those already driving on the shoulder suddenly all converged on a singular point on the exit ramp. It was something you’d imagine Tesla hopes its autopilot could one day do when all cars are autonomous. We were unable to obtain a spot on the exit ramp. Turning up into the main drag, a row of gas stations and restaurants lined this small reststop-like exit. The small traffic jam was growing larger by the second as more and more vehicles flooded into this last bastion of clear sky for those that were rained out in other directions. 
The saturation and hues began to drain as the sunlight drew white with totality’s impending arrival.  It was as if someone had begun to drag the Lightroom vibrancy slider to the left into the far negatives. Meanwhile, everyone stared up paying no mind to the surrounding world. It was all so surreal, strange, and just out of this world. The only thing I have ever seen like it has been Yom HaShoah and when the Sirens sound to honor the fallen. 
I jumped ship while attempting to park in a gas station parking lot with just my camera my old backup gitzo metal tripod. There was no time for anything else or to put my ballhead back on my Carbon Fiber Gitzo. I began to set up near some other folks on their nice wide paved pad in the middle of the grass. In hindsight, I can only imagine I was standing atop their septic tank, why else would there be a large concrete box stick up out of a grassy field beside a building? 
As I set up one of the workers came out and began to yell at me claiming that this area and parking was for customers only. I told her that I did not park here and that I walked. She went on complaining until I promised I’d come buy something afterwards. I found it quite strange she was so concerned with me becoming a customer and yet being so nasty to me. I suppose she targeted me specifically as I had the biggest lens of all. It was just so odd that she seemed quite blind to the fact that there was a huge traffic jam on the road, in the parking lot, and people just standing outside their cars on the main road. How could anyone be so concerned with someone buying a candy bar while something so rare and magical was happening around them? I simply told her I promise I'll be in to get a candy bar, and informed her that no right-minded person is going to be crazy enough to pump gas while this amazing display is going on, and that if she did not like it she could call the cops but there'd be no way for them to get here as the roads were a frozen stream of cars whose owners abandoned them to view this event. I was called a smartass, not surprisingly. However, I was amazed that she turned her back on the beginning of totality and went back inside, oblivious and uncaring of the events just outside the door 10 feet from her cash register.  
I ended up setting up with only 50 seconds to go, and I began firing away letting my intervalometer and automatic bracketing do the work. I had switched my AF-i lenses clutch to Auto focus so it was still focused from the previous site. Finally able to look around and enjoy the event, to the west I could see the shadow racing towards us at ~1500+ mph. All those clouds I had hated moments ago for raining on us suddenly made it clear how quickly the eclipse moves. Coast to coast in 94 minutes. The loathed clouds turned ever darker the closer they were. On the far horizon the clouds lit up like sunset. All around everyone was bathed in white glowing light that was ever dimming as the great shadow descended upon us. Totality arrived abruptly. It is like the opposite of the scene from Forrest Gump when the sun suddenly comes out after the rain. Expected, yet unexpectedly. Totality was indescribable. Looking up at the sun and seeing the many solar prominences poking out around the edge of the completely black moon; how quickly it all shifted from very bright white to black and dark; the stars and planets shining brightly in the sky while the clouds on the horizon shown like daytime; the qualia of this experience are impossible to explain. You’ll never know till you see it yourself. It went on so shortly that before you knew it you could see the shadow leaving and the light returning from west to east. I kept firing my camera and waited until the last minute to put my filter back on. I was happy to see I got a nice diamond ring shot and several other great shots. In hindsight, I wish I had changed my exposure times a little more but auto bracketing 9 stops worked well enough for this noob’s first time. And to be honest in a lot of ways I am glad I did not. I was able to enjoy it, watch it myself. The timer did the work while I beheld the amazement.  I came back to reality and I found myself suddenly quite sad. My dad ended up in the next parking lot down, an abandoned gas station 100 yards or so away. I wish I had known the exact time. I wish I knew I had time to run down and be near him. I felt bad for the greed to see it in my camera over seeing it with him. I called him and discussed it with him while we were both still in awe. I talked to a few people nearby, gave out my website. I wish I had business cards! Maybe it is time for those now. Then I headed down to start shooting near him till it faded out totally and the moon was invisible again at ~4:10 pm.  I took this picture before packing up, everyone else gone, this small rest stop exit empty again. The traffic jams cleared and the horde of zombie-like sky starers all returned to their tasks. Just me and another photographer remained till the very end. In the back left you can see where I shot totality, and where I ended up. To the far left are the cars of other photographers that watched it till the very end. 
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Here are some images I put together quickly before the hype dies down too much.
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travellingthoughts · 7 years
Friday the 9th of June 2017
WHAT A TIME TO BE ALIVE FELLAS 🎉 I'm in my home town, Greece, and I couldn't be happier tbh. I have never come to a country where A) I haven't had anxiety in the days leading up to me going and B) where I am completely calm upon arrival. Before that flight, during and after I experienced the most amazing feeling; the feeling of home 🏡 Every time I go to a new place I always get a bit nervy because you finally become comfortable somewhere and then you have to pack up and leave to somewhere completely unfamiliar. However for the first time in 3 months of visiting 16 different countries I wasn't nervous in the slightest. In fact I felt the complete the opposite with total calmness. The only time I felt nervous was when I had to pass through immigration and the officer was telling me that he wants me to marry his son 😂 I literally said in Greek 'thank you but can you please let me through the gates now' hahahah LEGIT. The minute that the plane touched the tarmac, the minute that I passed through immigration after the incident with the officer LOL, the minute I got on a bus and train with no aircon were the minutes I knew I was home. I honestly feel at home in Greece, and that might be because it is my home. My life, and my sister's lives, started in a small town just outside Athens called Marousi. It's where I would still be living if my Dad was actually a father. It's where I still would be living if my mum didn't have the balls to leave. They live in basic houses with a lifestyle I would have still been living. I'm not angry or anything about coming to Australia, I'm actually the complete opposite. I'm so blessed to have the opportunity to travel the world and come back to my homeland. And the beginning of the plentiful opportunities I have, started when my mum picked us three stooges up and chucked us all on a plane to Straya. The people here don't have those opportunities, the people who live in Greece at the moment are literally JUST making ends meet. Their wage is around €500 - €800 a month. That's max $1300 AUD a month. I was making that and more in 2 weeks in Australia. I get currency is relative but in Greece it genuinely doesn't add up. They pay taxes from the minute they make money, no $18000 threshold. They pay extraordinary taxes for literally everything they own. A car could cost €8000 in taxes every year. What the actual fuck. We pay a $800 rego and complain. It saddens me to know that all my aunties, uncles, cousins, god parents and friends have a financial fate that is written. I just wish I had all the money to help each of them out. Something that really inspired me though is that everyone is still happy. They understand that they will need to slave away for the rest of their lives but they're still kicking on in life. It's been incredible to hear stories from my family about how tough it is and how they just keep pushing through without giving up 🇬🇷 I'll be in Greece for the next 6 weeks, seeing the family on the mainland and venturing the islands. So fkn excited it's not even funny. The weather is perfect, like 30 degrees ish every day with pure Grecian sun. It ain't like no other I'll tell you that 😜 My time in Zografou has been fun, but I've been so exhausted that I've been sleeping in every day. I've been staying with my godparents and god brothers who I haven't seen in 12 long years. The boys have grown so much is crazy, I swear I never grew that much?!?! And Nona and Nouno are the exact same, an absolute laugh and so incredibly in love it's inspiring. My god brother Nikos has been with me every single day, and it's been awesome to be able to spend so much quality time with him. He badly sprained his ankle two weeks before I came so he hasn't been able to go to basketball training, which is unfortunate but so meant to be because he has been completely free and showing me around Athens. Alexandros (my younger god brother) is currently a little cheeky monkey who is crazy with energy like how someone has that energy is beyond me! If you follow me on snapchat 👻 you would have seen his crazy side #loveit!!! I absolutely love them all and loved my time in Athens with them! Next I was off to Zakynthos! It's an island also known as Zante. It's where the famous shipwreck beach; where the water is the brightest baby blue you'll ever see. The ship itself is fkn ugly lol but it's been there for 40 years and I'm sure has some amazing history that I'm yet to hear about. It also has these incredible blue caves where the water is a deeper blue but completely see-through. Unfortunately we couldn't stop the boat to swim there because the waves were HUGE so we went and swam somewhere similar but where we weren't going to die 😂 I stayed with my mums best friend Vera, her son and boyfriend! It was really nice to chill out and explore such a beautiful island with so many hidden treasures. I took a day trip to Kefalonia which is another Grecian island north from Zakynthos. You can literally tour the entire island in one day. We saw a honey demonstration (because the best honey is made on the island), we went to the Melissani cave where the sun shines through the top of the cave and makes the water a crazy turquoise colour (if you follow me on Insta you would have seen a photo) ☺️ We also saw mythos beach from above which is where the equivalent shipwreck beach is in Kefalonia and also visited some main churches and cities of the island. I'm going to stop there because if I continue it will be way too long and you will fall asleep on me 💙😘 Filakia xx
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