#for anyone who still doesn't know; miras adopted
klywrites · 5 months
one of Mira's core childhood memories is of the time a stranger came up to her parents and asked "where did you get her?" like she was a commodity 🫠
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miindfuck · 10 months
starter & plotting call !!
please reply if you'd like a starter from;
alice liddell | ouat in wonderland ( intro )
clarke griffin | the 100 ( intro )
mira kano | alice in borderland ( intro )
or like this post if you'd like to plot. under the read more are some of my wanted connections for these muses, also open to other ideas :)
( she/her || 23 || pansexual || aware || secret service agent )
Friends/co-workers; Alice typically doesn't have a problem with people unless she feels wronged or insulted. She's introverted and values her alone time but she could still use some friends, as well as coworkers she knows from the secret service or other government positions. She would probably especially want some friends that share her interests, like writing, swordplay, riddles & games, various adventuring, etc.
Roommates and neighbors; People she sort of has to interact with/get along with. Maybe they'd be friends in other circumstances, maybe not, maybe they don't even really get along now. Who knows
Enemies/frenemies; She has a hard time letting go of grudges and she also has no problem speaking her mind so I'm sure she'll pick up some enemies/frenemies along the way for this.
Former fake memories family and connections; Alice is currently aware, but for her first two years she was unaware, so I'm totally down for her to have some fake siblings/parents/other family members/partner/exes/etc. from that life. She now knows those memories/relationships weren't real, but she still remembers them.
Potential romantic interest; Alice is still very hung up on Cyrus and it'll be hard for her to let that go, but she does think he's dead at the moment which means there's potential for her to have a slow-burn type relationship with someone else.
( she/her || 30 || bisexual || aware || senator of maryland )
Government friends and acquaintances; She spends most of her time working, so hopefully she gets along with some of her fellow senators/government people/campaigners. 
Friends; Clarke is sort of married to her work so she doesn’t have much time or motivation for socializing outside the office but she’s bound to have made a couple over the years. Maybe a fellow artist, or someone she hit it off with at a bar or a cafe? Someone she hired to walk her dog Picasso? 
Government enemies; Clarke is opinionated and has a habit of putting herself in charge or thinking she knows best sometimes; which means she definitely has the potential to clash with people. 
Friends with benefits/casual flings; I love this type of relationship for Clarke. I really loved the casual, comfortable relationship she had with Niylah and I could see her wanting that type of thing in DC.
Former one night stands; A similar connection to the one above, but with the potential to be more awkward :)
Exes/ex-flings; I think ever since Lexa died Clarke is scared of falling in love and truly committing to someone. For that reason if she starts getting too attached to one of her flings, or vice versa, she’d want to cut things off and ghost. There’s room for a lot of messiness with this one :) 
“Adopted children” Mostly for muses that are 18 to early 20s. Clarke misses the fuck out of Madi and I could totally see her having a sort of motherly soft spot for young people who are also without their families - she could take someone in and let them sleep in her guest room, maybe hire someone as an intern or assistant, etc.
( she/her || 31 || asexual || aware || psychiatrist )
Friends; Mira's very kind and social, and she's a people person so I could see her having different sorts of friends. She enjoys the company of regular, non-evil people as well as those that are a little twisted like she is.
Enemies; I don't really think Mira would dislike/hate anyone unless they are truly horrible (and even then it's case-by-case lmao) but I could definitely see people not liking Mira. She's manipulative, creepy and likes playing mind games. She could make enemies out of smart, no-nonsense people who can see through that, as well as people she's manipulated in the past who have since realized she messed with them.
Clients; Mira is a therapist, so if any of your muses are looking for therapy, she is here! No promises she will make anything better, in fact she may make things worse, but... she's trying. In her own way.
Flirtationships/romantic interests; I headcanon Mira as asexual but not aromantic. She likes to be courted, she likes flirting and bantering, she likes cheesy romantic gestures you'd see in the movies, and she'd want some of that for herself.
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gamerbearmira · 2 years
I'm making the gremlin Antonio idea something more now lol sorry if this is a mess, I'm not very good at keeping my thoughts organized, I will happily clarify anything confusing
So, mirabel at age 10 finds the gremlin Antonio when it is super young, and decided that she must adopt the thing like anyone would(at least i would if i was in her place), so she takes it back to castia all proud like "this is my son now" and Casita accepts that but she doesn't let the other members of the house know, because while she may find gremlin!Antonio adorable, the others might not and shes scared what they would do to her new son, Antonio is like a mix of his cannon self and gremlin self, he still mostly looks gremlin like though in my mind with the big ears and forver small stature
So mirabel raises Antonio without her family's knowledge, with some shenanigans obviously, it's a lot of trial and error, like learning not to feed him in the middle of the night or he'll cause more chaos than usual, don't let him near water too often and trying to teach him manners and other more human things, which surprisingly works because i said so, but he does chaos on the regular anyway since he hates how the other madrigals treat his 'mama' and are always ignoring her, though those times he does it a lot more subtlety since he doesn't want mirabel too know, I think Bruno is the only one to actually know, Dolores never pays quite enough attention to Mirabel to notice Antonio and his choas
Then around when Mira is fifteen a new door appears and everyone is very confused, wondering why there was a new door, and mirabel was the only one with any idea of who it was for
Castia had taken her very literally when she had told it that Antonio was her son now, so he was also getting a room, if not a gift, I haven't decided if he still also gets his gift
AYO❗❗❗ I am looking...👁👁
I remember thus movie firm way back when 😭😭 uses to watch it all the time, and this fits! Little Gremlin Antonio, what chaos will he cause...But yeah, he probably does si much stuff and gets away with it. Also. The feeding after midnight incident is. No talked about. Ever. They'd rather talk about Bruno then that ☠️☠️
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awkwardgtace · 2 years
15, 18, 22 for mira n kaya? :3
Are they the type to adopt strays (animals or people?) What or who have they “adopted” over the years?
Mira: No not all actually. She takes pity and will help, but doesn't actually plan to adopt anyone. She can bring herself to send people out though (assassin au good example of that with corus and zeke). She kind of adopts Kaya in most universes they grow up together though. She just wants to help them even if she's not really capable.
Kaya: They actually adopt animals pretty regularly. In og verse it's why they liked being a scout so much, they just relate to the animals a lot better than a lot of other people (Could there be lore reason who knows??). In non og universes they take in like any stray off the street and usually have to rehome them. This has commonly been cats and dogs, but it could be any animal pet size to them. In any universe they don't start together they adopt Mira. They see her as this aloof and like antisocial person who doesn't have anyone. They would adopt anyone like that, but Mira is the one who always becomes family.
How has their hair changed over time? What is their favorite hairstyle?
Mira: Mira always had super short hair in her community. She had to so it was easiest to hide when she went out. After that she grew it out, it didn't matter and she wanted to feel proud of the odd color. She prefers it tied back with some of it framing her face. She'll braid it if she's doing a lot of work though. After the incident with her community and Corus she'll be cutting it short again, it starts to make her feel ready for a fight if one's coming.
Kaya: They had short like bobbed hair for most of their life. While they were on the scavenging team with Mira they had to mostly shave their head since long hair would leave too much risk. Longer hair was also just enabling their attempt to deny their role as a man in the community according to Colin. Once they go on scouting again they grew it out really long. They didn't enjoy it much so they cut it down to their shoulders again. They've kept it like that and leave it alone from there, it feels most comfortable for them.
What is something others admire about them? Are they aware that people admire them for this?
Mira: People have always admired her quick thinking and willingness to sacrifice everything to save others. She's never known people admired it, that's just what she's supposed to do in her mind. She was also reprimanded a lot for things she did, she didn't put together it was risking her life and not the quick thinking that saved her and potentially others.
Kaya: People admire their kindness and ability to read people. Mira's always been open about how much she admires Kaya for tons of reasons and those are included. Other than Mira it's not spoken about much, but the community still relies on Kaya so they know they matter.
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sanchoyoscribbles · 3 years
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Annnnnnd here's the tm2 minor ocs! Of course I've already posted the main character's references, the older boys and mews references (all of which can be found linked on this post or in my tm2 tag on this blog!) But these are characters that are while not a huge focus, still precious to me ;w; more about them under the cut!
🍐🍈Nashi and Ume are twins! They were adopted into the family when Mira was 5, they were 12 and the orphanage’s “difficult children” because they wouldn’t talk to anyone but each other (their birth family wasn’t too great so they had a lot of trauma regarding adults) and they didn’t want to be separated. But adopting was super important to Masaya and after a few months they opened up to the family :)
🍐Nashi is the more laid back one with a sense of humor! He’s easygoing. He’s got kinda bad luck and is more of the class clown than a smart guy like his twin, and he doesn’t have any huge ambitions in life. He’s constantly bouncing between crappy jobs but he’s got a good attitude about it. His apartment is closer than Ume’s so Mira comes over a lot and spends the night! He does kinda downplay it when he's actually struggling bc he feels like his family has already done so much, and he doesn't wanna burden them. He's He's really sweet boy...
🍈Ume is the more quiet twin. He’s also relaxed, but his sense of humor is more dry. He’s kindhearted, but a little awkward. He was at the top of his classes and immediately went into a secret government branch called galactic affairs that handles aliens and cover ups— he works with Ryou a lot to keep the mew project under the table! He’s really accomplished for his age and is traveling a lot for work, but he honestly misses his family a lot and gets homesick easily :’)
🌙 Luna is Zakuro’s adopted daughter! She’s mute and uses sign language. Zakuro lives in California most of the time (she does have a huge vacation home in Japan where she goes once a year and invites all the mews!) and that’s where she met Luna. Luna is actually a published author by the time she’s 15; she was in a foster home and put out books online under a pen name about her experiences, and loss at a young age— and Zakuro happened to read it and was struck by how much it sounded like her when she was younger. She arranged to meet up and support Luna’s writing, and by the time Luna was about to have to leave her current foster home, they both felt like the other was family, so adopting her just seemed natural. Zakuro keeps her way far away from the spotlight unless Luna just wants to come with her, and even then she’s a fierce mama wolf 🐺 Luna is reserved and VERY intelligent and wants to continue to put out books. Also, she can skate board!
🎀🐰Madeline and Juliette are just Tiny Kids who are...like most kids, just super rowdy and excitable! They’re best friends and they share everything and just are generally sweet kids. Also since Berry is a fashion designer, they always have trendy clothes as far as kids clothes go.
🌼Imani is Keiichiro’s wife! She’s an accomplished astronomer and they met at the observatory she works at when they were around 30 and fell for each other really quickly when they got into a conversation about space and it turned into a two hour talk... and they still wanted to talk more! They can talk for hours and not get bored, and they’re both mature and kind people so they’re great for each other. She loves that he can bake too and how sensitive he is ❤️ she helps out with the monitoring of aliens and knows about the mew project! She’s confident, well spoken, and very kind, and she loves running educational lectures at her job about space!
Out of all of these characters, I’d say Nashi for sure has the biggest “”minor””” role in the story! Maybe on the same level as Yue-Bing (Pudding and Taruto’s son, Mira’s BFF! I’m going to do a separate reference for him bc I love him but his old one is here) of course, saying exactly why Nashi has a bigger role would be spoilers.... :) but thanks for reading! Feel free to check out my tmm next gen directory here ^^
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NaMiZa Drabble - Pre-Marital Counseling
Counselor: *cough* M-Mr. Dragneel? Y-You may come in now... You ladies as well. ^^;
Natsu: I still don't see the point of this... >.>
Erza: Yes. I'm certain we can sort out any issues on our own.
Mira: C'mon, guys. We kinda need to do this - not just for us, but for the Guild as well. We're all in this for the long haul, right~? n___n
Natsu: ... Yeah.
Erza: Yes... >.>
Counselor: *as the three sit on the love seat across from him; it's a tight fit, and Mira winds up sitting on the armrest on Natsu's left* S-So... I WAS reading your appointment correctly... The... three... of you are getting married...
Mira: Well, it's more like Erza and I are marrying Natsu, rather than each other, but that's more or less correct~. n___n
Counselor: *coughs awkwardly* I-I see... Well, let's get started with an easy question: What attracted you to your partner initially? And what do you hope your partner will help you become?
Natsu: Well, Mira was a bit mean at first, but I got to know her more, and she really loves her siblings. Oh. And she's an awesome cook~. And Erza... I always admired how strong she was, and how she looked out for everyone in Fairy Tail. Um... What was that second one?
Counselor: What do you hope your partner will help you become?
Natsu: I dunno! I just wanna protect 'em. But... I guess it'd be cool if they helped me become a dad. n___n
Counselor: o.o'
Erza: You won't see me complaining.
Mira: We settled on a dozen kids, right~?
Mira: But you'd help make it happen if that's what Natsu wants~
Erza: ......
Counselor: Back on topic...
Counselor: What size house is important, and what is your ideal neighborhood?
Mira: Oooh, the house would have to be VERY big for our many children. n___n
Erza: And we're kind of in agreement that we'll be living out in the woods, not a residential area...
Counselor: Does this have to do with your... future promiscuity? >___>
Erza: Not just that, but our training as well.
Counselor: *latches onto that* Training? *leans forward*
Mira: We're combat mages, of course, but the most important training will be happening in bed~
Counselor: ......
Counselor: How long does your partner need to spend time with friends separately, and how much time do you need to spend with each other?
Natsu: Um-
Erza: It is fine if Natsu spends times with Gray and the guys. That is perfectly acceptable whenever.
Mira: Well, except for anniversaries and when we arrange a date in advance. n___n
Natsu: ...
Counselor: I... see... And what of girl friends?
Erza: He better not have any others. >.>
Mira: Well, Natsu? Do you have other girlfriends? >:3
Natsu: N-N-No... *nervously shrinks in on himself*
Mira: And there's your answer. n___n
Counselor: ... And how much time do you expect to spend together?
Erza and Mira: Lots and lots~.
Counselor: How do you plan to live together?
Natsu: In the same house, duh.
Erza: *smacks him on the back of the head 'lightly', making him facefault... off the couch...* We'll be sharing a bed, of course.
Mira: We've already tested it out lots and lots~
Counselor: *cough* And how about daily routine?
Natsu: *takes his seat again* Well, Mira will be doin' the cookin'.
Mira: And Erza will be doing the cleaning~
Erza: And Natsu will be my heater. >.> *hugs him possessively*
Mira: *tries to wrestle him from Erza's grasp; turns into tug-of-war* OUR heater. >.>
Counselor: Alright, alright, break it up! Now, Natsu, will you be the spouse who works, while your... wives... stay at home?
Natsu: Pfft. No.
Counselor: Excuse me?
Natsu: Erza and Mira? Stay-at-home wives? They'd never let that happen. We'll all be goin' on S-Class Quests together~.
Erza and Mira: *their faces smushed against his, nod*
Counselor: -___- Okaaay...
Counselor: Since you all explained you have adoptive parental figures, how do you each intend to shape your children's values?
Natsu: I want 'em to be kickass and protect their nakama! :D
Erza: I want them to be refined, behaved, and I also want them to treasure their nakama.
Mira: I want 'em to cut loose like Natsu and always have fun~. n___n
Erza: What was that. >___>
Mira: You heard me.
Natsu: Um...
Erza and Mira: Shush, Natsu. Big girls are talking.
Natsu: Okay...
Counselor: I'm starting to see a trend here... Okay. How about punishment for your children?
Erza: If they do something wrong, they will receive acceptable Punishment.
Mira: And when she's not around, I'll be sure to ease up on that capital-P Punishment. 'Cause I will love my children. :3
Natsu: ... Um... What Mira said?
Erza: >______>
Natsu: ... Too troublesome to make separate accounts. Plus, we'll have more money pool together~.
Counselor: ... Seeing as how you three have talked quite freely about your sex lives, I think we can skip the section on "erotic moments"...
Erza and Mira: NO FAIR!
Counselor: How about conflict resolution?
Natsu: *deadpan* If I'm bein' a dumbass, Erza'll be sure to "correct" me.
Erza: *chiding tone* Now, now. That may happen a lot, but you always bounce back.
Natsu: Just because I take the beatings, doesn't mean I like 'em. :P
Mira: Right~. Because Erza's the masochist~. n___n
Erza: HEY!
Counselor: So, there are no big fights you haven't resolved?
Natsu: Blueberry used to be somethin' I was upset about, but then Erza moved on~. n___n
Erza: And Natsu used to have a grudge against Jellal, but now it's not so much of a problem... >___>
Mira: *not-so-subtle aside to the counselor* Jellal's the biggest skeleton in their closet~ n___n
Natsu and Erza: Miraaa... >___>
Counselor: This is just for clarity's sake. But extramarital affairs-
Mira and Erza: There will be none.
Natsu: *at their expectant gazes* Y-Yeah... there will be none. ^^;
Counselor: ... Is this your husband, or your pet...?
Erza: He can't be both?
Mira: *pulls Natsu's head into her bosom and pets his hair* Natsu's a good dragon~
Natsu: *growls* Just remember, you two can't have anyone else, either! :P
Mira: Of course not~. You're the only man that can handle me. n___n
Erza: ... *at their expectant gaze* Jellal's not an issue anymore, alright?! I won't do anything *intimate* with him!!
Natsu: *nods grudgingly*
Mira: Just making sure you're really past him~. I'd hate to have Natsu's wife count go down by one... Oh, wait. No I wouldn't.
Erza: Succubus... >.>
Counselor: ... I wish you three the best of luck. You're going to need it.
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