#for even a shred of context yes there was another anon message
starbats · 1 year
i don’t know how to explain to you that there is still a massive developmental difference there you dipshit. stop messaging me.
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rileyomalley · 6 years
I have been having....a week
Mind you alot of it is online, but that doesn’t deter the fact that it makes me mentally tired when I’m already trying to handle enough.
Now of course ya’ll have seen me in highs and lows keeping work going so that’s just kind of a norm these days but:
From time to time I like to send out to my feed my curious.cat (a place where people can ask you questions which is pretty fun!), and sometimes I’ll get the weird ones, some simple ones, or ones that really make me think. Recently had an inquiry on why did certain things for/towards a friend. The context in question I wasn’t sure if I felt up to answering publicly, so I asked if they’d come off anon. I’m really honestly happy to explain anything to anyone, but when you start to get passive aggressive at me, then what do you really expect from me? Yes I’ve publicly done nice/sweet things for my friends, but maybe as far as explanations go I’d prefer to talk about them privately??? Even if I’ve posted some curious cat answers publicly on twitter???
Aside from that, I get two other inquiries from people elsewhere on the internet (various places I sell my art and what not)
One asking me a question regarding my OCs and some explicit content described Im not saying here. Safe to say I laughed it off at first and did not answer them after getting their inquiry. I wasn’t going to put the time towards it. Maybe a day later or so getting this, I get a warning about the same person, from another user:
“ He even posted journals complaining about them saying no to him and is prone to arguing with everyone with the logic a rapist and sexual predator would use to legitimize his behavior. He will also not shy away from hate speech to provoke reaction from anyone who gives him a shred of attention. “ So yeah...WONDERFUL. GLAD IT DIDN”T GET FAR. Ive blocked him and will probably ticket his behavior on the site in question, because tbh that message he sent is sexual harassment and I want nothing to do with it.
Then the third was a hopeful commission inquiry that ended up being someone asking if I was willing to draw imagery that included a nazi insignia. Cordially declined while I internally screamed. Whether they wanted something with it that was against Nazis (which I mean, I’m all for) I was just...I didn’t want anything to do with it. I dont want my art associated with that. At all.
In not so short, I’m tired and I am still willing to explain things to those willing to listen. Otherwise I’m just trying to do what I can to finish up this month, keep working/getting commissions and what not. Shit like this makes me not want to deal with the day, or puts my moods/emotions at a low and into a rut. It makes me not want to interact and feel like a burden to people/friends I want to do things with. Is that...dumb? Idk. It’s alot. It makes me feel like I can’t interact with certain people, especially if someone is like ‘WHY YOU DOIN THIS ALL THE TIME LIKE GEEZE’
I rambled more than I meant but eeugh
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