#for fellow vanilla game and console players
ghostoffuturespast · 1 year
Tips For VP When You're Rolling Without Mods
I've just recently gotten into virtual photography (mainly for Cyberpunk 2077) and I don't use mods. I play on console and vanilla PC. (I've noticed images are much crisper on PC but I'm still using the basic photo mode.)
There are a lot of amazing VPers and modders out there who make phenomenal use of mods and put a lot of time and love into their photos which is fantastic! It means we get to see all sorts of beautiful and super cool creative photos of OCs and characters and enviro shots that we'd never be able to see in the base version of the game. It's great!
However, if you don't have access to mods it can be intimidating to start taking photos when all you have is a vanilla version of the game. Unfortunately, these tips will not solve the dilemma of trying to take photos of your otps... But I'm here to tell you that vanilla is a perfectly fine flavor and despite the limitations, with a little ingenuity and problem solving, you too can take awesome photos.
Now, do I take the world's greatest photos? No. But I'm having fun and I enjoy the challenge of having to get creative with the limited set of tools at my disposal and I like taking candid photos. There's something magical about capturing a moment as it's happening.
So, here's what I've learned so far. All the photos below were taken on PS5 and, apart from adjusting the in game camera settings, are unedited.
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Good lighting will do almost all your work for you in photography. However, unless you're carrying your own light around it's something you have very limited control over in game (and IRL), so you'll have to rely on what you find. There are going to be a lot of instances when you want to take a photo but the lighting just sucks. You learn to work around it. Once you learn to spot good light sources though you'll know them when you see them.
Portrait and character shots can be tricky without mods, NPCs don't always cooperate. But with a little patience and timing you can grab some really wonderful shots. You may need to hop in and out of photo mode a few times in order to get them though, especially if they're moving around.
For portrait style photos you're looking for radiant or diffused sources of light that'll highlight your subject, think ring selfie lights or when you walk into a naturally well lit room without direct sunlight coming in. Strong directional lighting works very well too, it's high contrast and can be very dramatic but you have to be more considerate of the angles and it's harder to utilize when you can't pose or move your subject. Color of light isn't so important (unless you're looking for specific mood lighting), you just need enough light to prevent your subject from looking washed out and blending in with the background.
For landscape or environmental shots you can change the time of day if you're looking for a particular vibe, and weather can add extra ambiance, so there's a bit more freedom with taking these kinds of photos. Different times of day have different types of light, different tones. Warm or cool. And lens flares and glare can make fun effects. Urban settings also generate a lot of their own light, which makes it much easier to photograph as a subject.
Take the time to get to know your light sources as well. Rotate your subjects or camera, if you're able, and check out what the lighting does at different angles.
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Play with the sliders
Exposure, contrast, highlights, depth, focus, and field of view are your friends. Get acquainted with them and figure out what settings you like, what works best in what situations, and don't be afraid to push the boundaries! Crank the settings to min and max just so you understand what they do. Hell, even some of the preset effects and camera angles are stellar too depending on what you're trying to accomplish.
Since there's no way to adjust saturation in game, I will typically bump down the exposure and up the contrast and highlights to make subjects stand out more and give the illusion of being more vibrant. I also know photos have a tendency to export darker on PS5, so I've learned to err on the side of making them slightly lighter than I want them. And it's personal preference, but I bump the film grain all the way up. Makes me feel like I'm using an old school camera.
Take the same shot with multiple settings in case something goes wrong or if you don't like the way something came out, or just to see the differences. It'll also give you a reference point for later in terms of what settings work for what kinds of photos you're trying to take.
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Find the right angle
Be prepared to do some goofy ass shit for the sake of your photos. Getting in NPC's faces, moving around so characters heads will track your position, cheesing poses, climbing on furniture, scaling buildings and billboards, stealing trucks to use as step stools. It's all part of the fun.
You're gonna look ridiculous playing the floor is lava on desks, doing the slav squat on light posts, standing on top of street sweepers, or crouching like a gremlin on a ledge; but hey, you got the photo. Different angles (high, low, close-up, far) can also help frame your subjects, tell a story, or provide extra visual interest as well. And don't forget you can incorporate the environment too! The landscape can help set the scene, tone, and mood of your photos. I did some kind of parkour to get the photos below.
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Break the wall
The camera has a pretty limited range of movement, but sometimes you can break it or it'll break on it's own accord in certain scenarios. (Or V. Break V, your tripod.) Use that to your advantage. Phase through surfaces, rubber band off objects, utilize being able to pan farther than you normally would. Poke holes in physics and embrace the accidents. For instance, I've discovered that you can pan back much farther than normal when you jump onto the top of lamp posts. Like double or triple the amount you normally woud. No clue why, but it's very useful for landscape photos.
If you've played the game a few times and don't mind breaking your immersion you can also take photos during missions and gigs. You won't have the full range of camera options if you pull up photo mode during dialogue, but in between snippets of talking is a great time to snag photos of your favorite characters or places that become unavailable outside of quests.
The photo below was a happy accident and it's still one of my favorite shots I've taken. It looks like something out of a movie. I glitched through the wall, got stuck and ended up behind a fence way outside the range of where the camera is normally stuck around V. Total Bob Ross moment all because I was trying to see how far I could push the camera.
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Don't force it
Sometimes you get an idea for a cool shot, but something in the execution is lacking. Maybe it's the lighting or the way it's framed or you can't time it right. Don't sweat it and move on. Or revisit it later. Save often. Not everything has to be a masterpiece and that's okay. Everything is practice.
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The most important thing
Have fun! :)
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captaincrusher · 1 year
as a fellow sims 4 player im curious, do you use mods/custom content or do u play the game plain? I’m just nosy lmao (although if you have anything to recommend Please let me know)
I'm a console player, so unfortunately I can't use any CC or mods. My recs would be basic. If I could I would get MCC and Better Build Buy. I would download a bunch of Little Dica CC and TwistedMexi mods. UI cheats ofc. There's a dark UI mod I would love to have.
I have also enjoyed watching streamers that use Lumpinou's LGBTQIA+ mod to tell queer stories. Among other things the sims can be trans, come out to people, go through voice therapy etc.
But alas - I am tethered to vanilla life on my PS4.
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mcleanhartman01 · 10 months
The Minecraft Launcher: A Must-Have for Every Player
Minecraft, the beloved sandbox game, has captured the hearts of millions around the world with its endless possibilities for creativity and exploration. To access this immersive world, every Minecraft player needs a reliable and efficient tool—the Minecraft Launcher. The Minecraft Launcher serves as the gateway to the game, providing players with easy access to their Minecraft account, updates, modding capabilities, and a range of other essential features. In this article, we will explore the Minecraft Launcher and why it is a must-have for every player. Easy Access to Minecraft: The Minecraft Launcher serves as a central hub for launching and managing the game. With a simple login process, players can access their Minecraft account and jump straight into their preferred version of the game. The launcher also allows players to switch between different Minecraft editions, such as Java Edition, Bedrock Edition, or Legacy Console Editions, depending on their platform and preferences. Seamless Game Updates: Keeping Minecraft up-to-date is crucial to enjoy the latest features, bug fixes, and security enhancements. The Minecraft Launcher automatically checks for updates and ensures that players have the latest version of the game installed. It simplifies the update process, eliminating the need for manual downloads or searching for updates elsewhere. Modding Capabilities: One of the greatest strengths of Minecraft is its thriving modding community. Mods allow players to customize their Minecraft experience, introducing new gameplay mechanics, graphical enhancements, and additional content. The Minecraft Launcher makes modding accessible by providing a platform to install, manage, and update mods easily. With a few clicks, players can browse and install mods directly from the launcher, expanding their Minecraft adventure beyond the vanilla experience. Profiles and Customizations: The Minecraft Launcher offers profile management features, allowing players to create multiple profiles with different configurations. This feature is especially useful for players who want to switch between different modpacks, versions, or game settings. Each profile can have its own set of mods, resource packs, and configurations, giving players the flexibility to customize their Minecraft experience based on their preferences. Easy Multiplayer Access: The Minecraft Launcher simplifies multiplayer gameplay by providing quick access to multiplayer servers. Players can easily enter server addresses or browse through a server list to join their favorite multiplayer communities. The launcher also enables players to create their own servers or access realms for collaborative gameplay with friends and fellow Minecraft enthusiasts. Intuitive User Interface: The Minecraft Launcher boasts an intuitive user interface that is easy to navigate and understand. It provides clear options for launching the game, managing profiles, accessing settings, and exploring the Minecraft Marketplace. The clean and straightforward design ensures that players can focus on what matters most—their Minecraft experience. Community and Official Support: The Minecraft Launcher connects players to the broader Minecraft community. It provides access to Minecraft forums, social media channels, and official support resources. Players can find valuable information, seek help, or engage with the vibrant Minecraft community through the launcher's integrated features. Security and Authentication: The Minecraft Launcher prioritizes security and ensures that players' accounts and personal information remain protected. Through its authentication process, the launcher verifies the legitimacy of user accounts, providing a secure environment for players to enjoy Minecraft without compromising their safety. The Minecraft Launcher is an essential tool for every player, offering a seamless and convenient way to access and manage the game. With its features for game updates, modding capabilities, profile management, multiplayer access, intuitive interface, community support, and security, the launcher enhances the overall Minecraft experience. Whether you're a casual player, avid modder, or multiplayer enthusiast, the Minecraft Launcher is a must-have tool that simplifies and enhances your journey through the vast world of Minecraft. minecraft how to connect servers to hub lilypad
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peacemaker-ic · 3 years
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This was a little secret I have been keeping for quite some time. I was approached about adding some of my creations to the game for a 21st birthday update. I chose about 10 of my creations from all the way back to my first furniture set, with these 3 items you see above chosen. I really proud that some of my favorite items have made it into a game that has had a substantial impact on my life. It really does give me a creative outlet and the product of that can be shared with an amazing community. 
It's also nice to know that people that are unable to use CC (like console players or vanilla games) also benefit from a few more items to use. I hope you enjoy these Maxis supported items, but if you are interested in the items I made to accompany these, you can find them at the links below (though you fellow cc addicts probably have them already 😆) 
Console - Grove Furniture Collection
Wardrobe - Mid-Century Abode
Cloud Mirror - Roarsome Kids Bedroom
If you are also interested in getting a bit of background on the items and why I chose them, you can check out my mini-interview thingy here (also all the other contributors too because they are awesome).
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susanchest8 · 2 years
The Way To Guide: Private Server Essentials For Newbies
Further, as World of Warcraft is a server-based mostly game, solely playable online, Blizzard is one of the few firms that may goal markets that have been dominated by piracy and monetize former illegitimate players in addition to increase in markets that have not been penetrated by consoles, but supply a large Computer installed base. Aion, which is at the moment in beta right here within the US however is apparently up and operating in Asia already, is making as much of a play as they'll, and there are two native Chinese language video games, Zhuxian On-line and Chibi On-line, each developed by a company called Excellent World, that are also aiming to steal some of China's WoW gamers. The game also had a tough time matching gamers up. Give a foundation of what the sport is about. The stones already had a fame of uselessness and it was a self-sustaining cycle -- the more folks that hand over on them, the less useful they have been, leading to extra individuals giving up. Quite a few people feel that the grind necessary to raid.
Now that have Group, Will Journey has been eliminated as a guild perk, raid groups are once again turning to meeting stones to summon their fellow raiders to the entrance. In any case, it was our weekly raid evening. Let's go back to the vanilla WoW idea -- a lot of nostalgia there, numerous cries for a basic servers, a number of desire from followers to return to a easier time. On PvP servers, stones have been typically ambush factors for ganking. After all, the real dungeon finder made its debut in Wrath and the stones have been as soon as again almost utterly ignored. That may let you recognize if everybody else has hit their enter dungeon buttons as nicely. WoW's subscriber quantity just isn't the number of individuals who have played WoW in its lifetime, nor how many people have made accounts and just allow them to sit dormant or character-vacant. Meeting wow private servers have a long. Nonetheless, the stones had an aggravating limitation. Assembly stones have a job again.
Have you ever ever met somebody who RPed something distinctive? That meant high-stage players who were serving to friends to blow by way of a dungeon for loot could not be summoned to it. Population - quite a lot of active players on the server. They offer the Blizzlike server in addition to boosted rates as much as 6x letting you skip the grind and toil of getting yourself leveled and farming out the mid tier gear. The corporate does not launch data on the variety of IP addresses accessible, although it does supply a dedicated IP option. Again, this is a guesstimation as Blizzard won't launch that info. In any case, the bottom line is, do not cheat, or Blizzard will get you. That is, for my part, a improbable concept. Now this one is a lot more safely an important idea. The Warhammer On-line website has "A short Guide to Roleplaying" up, which has plenty of the good type of knowledge I would wish to see in an article by Blizzard. They say they scan all the auction houses day-after-day and provide data for traits, but in the event that they only scan all of the homes day by day, the small collection of data they've is still pretty near useless.
In response to the administration, they've never accomplished a single wipe for the reason that very starting in 2008. Talk about consistency! “Rather than infecting an endpoint and then navigating to a better value target, cybercriminals have found that compromising a single server can ship the massive payoff and entry they’re on the lookout for,” said Vigna. In actual fact, she says Blizzard simply changed the consumer software program on the US and UK purchasers, so to not entry one server from a different client-- you could have to purchase two seperate clients to access the US and EU servers. Based on the Occasions, the State Council had previously outlined the 2 companies' authority: GAPP was answerable for games in improvement, and MoC had oversight of stay video games. Rob Pardo and daughter Sydney: Rob Pardo is the Vice President of Game Design at Blizzard and performs WoW (amongst different games) with his daughter, Sydney. The sport has numerous heart, and some of the very best companions I've come across in an RPG. This allows transferring a recreation character to or from one other private server.
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minrcrafter · 5 years
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Avalon SMP [Semi-Vanilla] [SMP] {Whitelist} {1.14}
Give Me the Deets.
ASMP is a whitelisted, private Minecraft server. We center our community around the ideals that a small, tight-knit group of high-quality, good-natured players is far more invaluable than a large community open to the public, and are far more interested in the integrity of our community than in the growth and expansion of the server or in increasing activity in the server. As a result, all new member seeking to play on the server and participate in the community Discord will have to apply to join the server.
Our gameplay focus is on pure vanilla (minimal plugins.) survival mode and player-centric community. The difficulty is set to hard. The map type is amplified.
How Active is ASMP?
We have a group of regular/active members and most of the slots on the whitelist taken. The server is currently played on a daily basis by a group of people. We have a bunch of shops and builds.
Astounding. How Do I Apply?
A link to our application form can be found at: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfwXIYrLqO0_bZOIJbD4Uhledi56UodDgSjgpPBaMlxJCbkyw/viewform?usp=sf_link.
Note: our community is based on Discord so it's HIGHLY recommended that you have an account on Discord.
What Are The Rules, Though?
1) No griefing/raiding. Griefing is intentionally breaking or destroying things built by other players or trashing up an area with ugly blocks (i.e. covering everything in lava, placing dirt all over, destroying a build.) Raiding is coming onto the server and spamming it with obscene text in order to drive people off of it. This will absolutely result in an instant, indesputable, permenant ban,
2) Do not take from other players' chests without their explicit permission in that circumstance. Taking their inventory after you kill them is okay (they might come after you), but don't rob their house/storage unless they give you permission in that instance, for that chest, in that circumstance.
3) Do not either directly communicate or otherwise insinuate racist/sexist/neurotypical belief, slurs, or anything in between. This includes neurotypical slurs (rtrd). If you use slurs in a non-hateful context it's still a slur, and still disallowed.
4) Do not share or distribute pornographic content. If you're having a respectful conversation about a topic that has adult themes that's okay as this server isn't strictly PG, but no content with the intent of being erotic is allowed.
5) Do not use mods that give you an unfair advantage over other players. This includes X-ray texture packs, ore scenters, waypoints, minimaps that give you fullscreen maps, biome finders, aimbot, automine, afk-fishing, and other similar mods. Optifine is okay. Minimaps that do not give you fullscreen/world maps, and by extension just show the area immediately surrounding you, are okay - so long as they don't show the location of other players.
6) Do not share or distribute pirated or otherwise illegal media. Any such media you distribute in the Discord server or on the Minecraft server will be removed without warning. In addition, all actions and interactions undertaken on the Discord server must abide by the Discord ToS and Community Guidelines.
7) Don't be pretentious, rude, demeaning, patronizing, or behave in an otherwise funkilling manner. This is absolutely against everthing our community holds near and dear. If you don't cooperate with your fellow man (or woman, not discriminating), at bare minimum treat them as a charitable equal. Behave as though you possess some degree of competence; and, lest you believe otherwise, I promise that you do.
8) No staff have OP. As far as in-game gameplay goes, we're all equal. No cheats. No hacks. No creative mode. Just pure survival gameplay. The moderators are always keeping an eye out, and NGS will be able to ban, kick, or mute you from the console, though - so don't get any funny ideas.
If you have any questions about the server or would like to see screencaps of anything in particular just let me know. The server has paid-for fulltime hosting, and I am the server owner.
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etechwire-blog · 6 years
Detroit Become Human review: brilliant and flawed
New Post has been published on https://www.etechwire.com/detroit-become-human-review-brilliant-and-flawed/
Detroit Become Human review: brilliant and flawed
It’s no secret video games have long aspired to emulate the grand drama and theatre of cinema, but few developers have attempted to blur that line with quite as much conviction as Quantic Dream. Led by controversial studio head David Cage – a man who divides players and critics as much as the quality of his games does – its output certainly isn’t afraid to veer more into ‘interactive film’ territory than that of a traditional ‘game’.
That same ethos runs through the heart of its latest PlayStation 4 exclusive, and while it retains many of the issues that have dogged Cage’s titles for almost two decades, Detroit: Become Human is the studio’s most accomplished project to date. 
It’s both brilliant and flawed, a technical masterpiece on a near five-year-old console where morality, duty and loyalty are all tested in equal measure. Even running on a vanilla PS4, this is one of the best-looking games on Sony’s hardware we’ve seen thus far.
Set in the titular Motor City in 2038, society has been transformed by the advent of technology. The creation of artificial intelligence capable of passing the Turing Test (whereby a machine is able to exhibit human-like intellect and behaviour) sees androids enter every avenue of life. They care for our children, clean our streets and even travel the stars on our most dangerous space voyages. They’re machines designed to serve civilisation, but it’s a civilisation that’s slowly realising these ‘plastics’ are more efficient than they ever could be.  
With the environment now irrevocably damaged by an increasing population with a far longer lifespan, and Russia and America on the brink of conflict over resources in the Arctic, we enter a world seemingly on a tipping point. 
As the story begins, you’ll guide the journey of three very different androids – Markus, a carer who is treated less like a slave and more like a person; Kara, a housekeeper re-entering a broken and abusive home; and Connor, an advanced model designed to investigate the rising numbers of androids rejecting their programming in favour of independent ‘deviancy’ – as they each attempt to forge their own destiny.
Disaster in Detroit
If you’ve played the likes of Heavy Rain or Beyond: Two Souls before, you’ll be familiar with the gameplay tenets Quantic Dream has stuck to with Detroit. 
There are elements from myriad genres at play here – you’ll investigate crime scenes in search of clues, trade bullets in gunfights and solve environmental puzzles aplenty – and they’re all presented in a manner that’s both limiting and empowering. It’s a game that often forgets it’s a game, for better and for worse.
You’ll move each character on-screen with the left analog stick, much like a traditional third-person adventure, but there’s an almost stifling reliance on QTEs (quick-time events). Everything from clearing away dishes and preparing food, to searching for clues and platforming are all based on using a variety of analog stick movement and button combinations. 
After a while, you realise you’re less of a player and more of a director as you guide each character through scenarios with multiple branching paths and divergent storylines.
It’s not necessarily a knock on Detroit – it’s no less of a ‘game’ than the likes of Until Dawn or anything Telltale has produced in recent years. But that tangible reduction in agency smacks of troubled fellow PS4-exclusive The Order: 1886. 
However, while Ready at Dawn’s neo-Victorian adventure was ultimately sunk by the linearity of its story, Detroit at least spreads its narrative wings with a plot that evolves and transforms with almost every decision you make.
That also means that the game will move on, even if you make a catastrophic mistake. While many QTEs aren’t timed, there’s plenty that are, and should you run out of time or simply make a poor decision in the heat of the moment, it’s possible to kill off any of the three leads during the course of the story. 
For the most part, these deaths are permanent too, with the story simply flowing on regardless. It adds a genuine sense of danger to every scene you enter, with some moments in the game reaching Telltale’s The Walking Dead or Mass Effect 2’s suicide mission levels of stress.
These stress-inducing moments aren’t particularly new to Quantic Dream’s output, but the introduction of replayable checkpoints and a storyline tracking system definitely are. The new Flow Chart might seem like sacrilege to purists, but simply being able to see just how many different paths the story has is mind-blowing in itself. 
Decisions you make in one chapter can have huge consequences in the next, or one 10 chapters away, with some branching paths completely greyed off if you make certain choices. 
Being able to see how certain paths and entire subplots lost can be lost forever makes for a great reason to replay Detroit multiple times. It’s also the kind of setup that will make this a far more attractive experience to those that may have avoided such games in the past.
More human than human
As you might expect for a game that’s so strongly driven by narrative, Detroit’s story is both its strongest asset and the source of its most consistent problems. 
The concept of artificial intelligence gaining sentience and questioning its place in the universe is hardly anything new – in fact, it’s arguably had its best interpretations in the likes of Blade Runner and Westworld – but Quantic Dream manages to bring something relatively fresh to table, mainly due to its unflinching mission to include taboo subjects rarely covered in the medium.
Some are handled better than others, and it’s this inconsistency that makes Detroit such an inconsistent experience. The domestic abuse and drug addiction of Kara’s storyline – a subject that gained it and the studio a fair amount of criticism in the run-up to its release – are handled in a far more nuanced manner than previews may have led you to believe (although its a subject that also passes by too quickly to leave any tangible commentary). 
But it’s the handling of the build-up to android revolution too quickly descends into tired cliches and melodrama, robbing it of the dramatic pay off it truly deserves.
The same duality pervades the game’s dialogue. Take the quieter and more mundane moments in the story, for example, because it’s here where Cage’s script and direction really come together. 
Helping Kara connect with a detached and terrified young girl never feels forced or hackneyed (although this is also thanks to Valorie Curry’s heartfelt performance), while the interplay between the Data-esque Connor and grizzled cop Hank (portrayed by the wonderfully charming Clancy Brown) makes for the best of the three storylines thanks to their genuine chemistry.
It’s just a shame those nuanced moments are forced to coexist with painfully awkward scenes where the dialogue and character motivations suddenly descend into clunky cliche. 
For instance, in one scene you’ll guide Connor as he’s questioning another character in an LA Noire-style interrogation, only for it to devolve into a standoff where a bunch of Detroit cops are suddenly drawing pistols at one another and throwing one-liners around like a straight-to-DVD action flop. 
These eye-rolling moments don’t occur as often as they did in Beyond: Two Souls or Heavy Rain, but the fact they’re even present at all shows Cage and the rest of the team still have some way to go before the storytelling feels consistently matured.
Talking of Connor, his sections of the story offer the most ‘game’ for your buck. All three characters can scan their environment at any time to pick out points of interest’, but only Connor can scan objects for clues. Doing so enables him to ‘reconstruct’ specific moments based on key items of evidence, much like in the Batman: Arkham series, with highlighted areas offering further clues along the way. This in combination with those aforementioned LA Noire interrogation scenes mean you’ll often find yourself hoping the story will skip back to Connor whenever it’s with Kara or Markus.
The casting is mostly spot on for Detroit, with the exception of Markus. Considering the core of the story revolves around his decisions and the impact they have on the awakening of androids across the world, he ironically remains the most robotic of the three lead performances. Whether its the fault of the actor himself, the quality of his lines (which are, admittedly, the weakest of the three) or Cage’s direction, none of his divergent paths reveal anything other than an unremarkable character leading a worldwide revolution.
Verdict: play it
While it carries many many of the traits of that make a Quantic Dream game so different from the rest of Sony’s first-party exclusives, Detroit: Become Human is still a bold and accomplished experience that’s leaps and bounds away from its previous efforts. 
At times it’s often more of a big budget visual novel than a full-on ‘game’, but, nevertheless, its themes, twists and ever-evolving character arcs will likely stay with you long after you put your DualShock 4 controller down.
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Cheat Payday 2
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It just tends to make no impression that within the goal founded Its more ruthless lights boost gorgeous up slightly in comparison to the out-of-date playstation 3 slim and xbox 360 console system variations , but generally, there is without a doubt nothing at this point to convince me that locking the framerate at 30 was obviously a essential forfeit. |That interesting depth expresses per se most absolutely via internet when having a great time with several buddies and other persons, though the xbox it rendition is becoming some dilemma there. Then labored now that while not no reason at all and features not labored since. For being the individuals person that i m, my employment wound up truly being to make sure no consumers have any surprising inspiring ideas about like a hero, getting in touch with the cops or no matter. Comfortable, spot on? It is the way it journeyed lesser. So up on top i be dressed in my face mask, acquire my silenced pistol, and all would pay a visit to hell. 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On top of that, the game doles out using of pistols ploddingly and make use of of tool mods along with an complete of arrangement minigame liable to give units that stick to firearms you haven t obtained. The higher you have fun with, the higher proficiency you discover, the higher you focus on your team, and then the significantly better you develop every one heist s marginally randomised rhythms, the higher exciting you will possess. But, irrespective of the possibility dangers and then the exact faults of Payday 2 Cheat Codes, all things have a method of joining together. This mixture off Peculiar happenings with civilian and law enforcement officials individuality items, rooms that you might yank solid products in, and also other tech oddities seem around Payday 2 Cheat Codes. At times like a outstanding teammate calls for an abundance of shotgunning. |Having a great time having class helps you seriously solution your talk to, conform to the challenge significantly better, and pull off more loot. The fundamental apparatus choices enable you to replenish overall healthiness, resupply ammunition, jam digital alerts, or established explosive traps. Wielding a watched because prime tool helps you slice in some doorways and break opened atms. Mask writing is definitely an entertaining, if very expensive, diversion, however this different repay structure could well be infuriating for online players exploring to improve their method. As very long as they possibly can have any felons to fight beside, Payday 2 Cheat Codes is definitely an enslaving and frustrating illegal pursuit. Amir lied. Was sure no microtransactions. Although the code is made up of upwards of 30 completely different heists, no intention will certainly have out the identical way, resulting from randomised intention aspects, that can actually provide code diverse replayability. Payday 2 is meant for co op. |goal, two about the cops and then the finished fellow receiving the supplementary goals. The talent trees now will be your mastermind (generally speaking your best option of your carry, he will be able away approaches and restorative at the workforce), the professional (forget about hesitating for anticipating anyone to choose locks, take advantage of the technological to blow an starting up throughout the wall), the enforcer (basically the arnold schwarzenegger of your workforce, he s your gunman) and then the ghost (he s the stealthy mofo, use him to jam technology, and scanning devices). Every one with customisable and exchangeable portions which are usually randomly compensated during the complete of any heist. Payday 2 will take inspiring ideas from lots of different places and blends them as a very exciting, along with at circumstances, shockingly in depth code about pushing away an array of offences. Every one heist includes a elementary plot right behind why you’re executing, but there is not any overarching narrative that actually ties them totally. When that develops, you have got about 35 minutes right up until all hell smashes free and then the internet site is swarming with law enforcement officials, swat, fbi think about your choose. Please click for larger sized rendition and snapshot art gallery. This could be very infuriating, certainly about the more quests that takes as much as an hour or so roughly or even more to do. |If you never complete, you obtain zip. Rather than picking out the go with you wish via internet, or maybe even web host yourself to it, you might want to dig in plenty of But compared with the useless safehouse, a misdirected attempt for player homes that you might securely discount, criminal activity.internet based is really a necessary hoop you have to bounce in without warning experiencing. Weapons improvements are dependant on different drops, indicating you’re in all likelihood by using a tool not because you wished-for to, speculate the different handful generator preferred the improvements for your tool. Although the follow up is comprised generally of prosaic heists there is without a doubt nothing as empowered as the original game’s take on nakatomi plaza or even a suburban cookout they’re more lavish, with an increase of levels and many more communication, like some bona fide puzzles, traps, and gimmicks which are usually distinctly profitable should you fact them out. arranged with several online players that do all of it for you personally, but that is the type for this 5 player co op code whereby you’ll continually convert to grab people because crawlers aren’t gonna employment. Regrettably, with most of these choices, Payday 2 Cheat Codes has some odd instability in the case of the right way to obtain your money and experience. The back front door was opened on this . perform which had been good, mainly because it designed the director would in all likelihood pick out a walk in an outdoor environment. |Then i d hurry downstairs and begin presenting the lending company s customers to mr cable television tie up. brilliantly pounding boogie audio will take above, strategies get reformulated and tasks reassigned fast, perform probably the most intensive cooperative enjoyment i had at any time encountered in an outdoor environment for this gamble on allowed to remain 4 deceased 2. But there will be the happenings when you ve have absolutely nothing to fault nonetheless the code an untouchable civilian nonetheless of your imperceptible rooms that bound the whole world, getting in touch with law enforcement. The most impressive grades appreciate this, and provide an item to finish despite sneak up quietly. mechanics to understand, however it is outstanding vanilla, with bona fide vanilla coffee pods. No matter whether the number will not boot people to be missing range you ll infrequently enjoy the conversation every last newbie illegal ensemble wishes. I have got essential to retroactively forgive great deal hosts for booting me after i was obviously a lowly range it individuality, seeing that in fact a newbie standard bank burglar Tthe exclusive payday was obviously a minimal cooperative vintage throughout the allowed to remain 4 deceased fungus, paying attention to 5 crooks pushing away violent heists in numerous clever and familiar conditions, with it standard bank robbery currently taking its ideas from temperatures. |Every one experience presently has serious amounts of “case” the location, to observe the easiest process to take care of the heist and plot out getaway routes. Police officers, security, and swat likewise haven t greatly reverence for their possess is located, moving headfirst into gunfire and currently taking covers right behind products which do not are in existence Payday 2 Cheat Codes s uncomfortable ai is a problem. This really is supposedly served by significantly better apparatus unlocked all through the code s rpg structure, whereby online players can discover excess attributes and merchandise by gaining experience with heists, nevertheless it charges hours immediately after hours of code have fun with to achieve grades and then the significantly good apparatus requires a lot of No changes or corrections raise the go through the heists which occur over some days with “branching” sequences be described as infuriating task. As soon as they at any time opportunity for me personally, it had been miracle, and this i was grateful for their capturing that withdrawn the manner in which and therefore i could complete the heist. The only real time it will be an easy task to betray a person is right after the heist during the trip. Absolutely no one desires to knowledge of a person that flaws. I nevertheless reminisce fondly to the people nights of Payday 2 Cheat Codes. Re starting off alone on ps4 (there s not the right way to shift how well you re advancing between the two programs) and achieving exciting with randoms alternatively of responsible partners in criminal activity came just the thing amount of the overall game is gated by grind into stark cure. |But, you might want to work to get at all terrific objects. There s also your perk deck to contemplate. Weapons can be obtained with cash flow, but continually maintain range prerequisites so starters can t just hurry probably the most helpful weapons of your entrance. The result is really a great wide range in individuality builds, tool choices, and ways. Chatting about most people 3 years, the large report is sadly explaining every one of these. It s embarrassing that the sort of elementary factor continues to be allowed to remain within this sorry case. being a selected poor blow for admirers who ve remained utilising the code. annoyances and complications to acheive their way. |Thankfully, the trip truck should really be forthcoming, we need to dangle constrained and make it through the onslaught of coppers. You are able to mix together what kind specializations you ve, specified you ve purchased a good amount of talent elements from doing quests, even while you will need to spend greatly in targeted trees if you need to Usually, should you have a strong class venturing, the concept is always to complete the ideal heist...indicating paying out a bit of time before you start a game title name sets out This getting into time develops when Payday 2 Cheat Codes shines as you are shoot outs are an element of the heist fantasy, a strong illegal will not should choose it, spot on?
0 notes
minrcrafter · 5 years
Tumblr media
Avalon SMP [Semi-Vanilla] [SMP] {Whitelist} {1.13.2}
Give Me the Deets.
ASMP is a whitelisted, private Minecraft server. We center our community around the ideals that a small, tight-knit group of high-quality, good-natured players is far more invaluable than a large community open to the public, and are far more interested in the integrity of our community than in the growth and expansion of the server or in increasing activity in the server. As a result, all new member seeking to play on the server and participate in the community Discord will have to apply to join the server.
Our gameplay focus is on pure vanilla (minimal plugins.) survival mode and player-centric community. The difficulty is set to hard. The map type is amplified.
How Active is ASMP?
We have a group of regular/active members and 21/35 slots on the whitelist taken. Once we reach 30, the server will be closed. The server is currently played on a daily basis by a group of people. We have a bunch of shops and builds.
Astounding. How Do I Apply?
A link to our application form can be found at: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfwXIYrLqO0_bZOIJbD4Uhledi56UodDgSjgpPBaMlxJCbkyw/viewform?usp=sf_link.
Note: our community is based on Discord so it's HIGHLY recommended that you have an account on Discord.
What Are The Rules, Though?
1) No griefing/raiding. Griefing is intentionally breaking or destroying things built by other players or trashing up an area with ugly blocks (i.e. covering everything in lava, placing dirt all over, destroying a build.) Raiding is coming onto the server and spamming it with obscene text in order to drive people off of it. This will absolutely result in an instant, indesputable, permenant ban,
2) Do not take from other players' chests without their explicit permission in that circumstance. Taking their inventory after you kill them is okay (they might come after you), but don't rob their house/storage unless they give you permission in that instance, for that chest, in that circumstance.
3) Do not either directly communicate or otherwise insinuate racist/sexist/neurotypical belief, slurs, or anything in between. This includes neurotypical slurs (rtrd). If you use slurs in a non-hateful context it's still a slur, and still disallowed.
4) Do not share or distribute pornographic content. If you're having a respectful conversation about a topic that has adult themes that's okay as this server isn't strictly PG, but no content with the intent of being erotic is allowed.
5) Do not use mods that give you an unfair advantage over other players. This includes X-ray texture packs, ore scenters, waypoints, minimaps that give you fullscreen maps, biome finders, aimbot, automine, afk-fishing, and other similar mods. Optifine is okay. Minimaps that do not give you fullscreen/world maps, and by extension just show the area immediately surrounding you, are okay - so long as they don't show the location of other players.
6) Do not share or distribute pirated or otherwise illegal media. Any such media you distribute in the Discord server or on the Minecraft server will be removed without warning. In addition, all actions and interactions undertaken on the Discord server must abide by the Discord ToS and Community Guidelines.
7) Don't be pretentious, rude, demeaning, patronizing, or behave in an otherwise funkilling manner. This is absolutely against everthing our community holds near and dear. If you don't cooperate with your fellow man (or woman, not discriminating), at bare minimum treat them as a charitable equal. Behave as though you possess some degree of competence; and, lest you believe otherwise, I promise that you do.
8) No staff have OP. As far as in-game gameplay goes, we're all equal. No cheats. No hacks. No creative mode. Just pure survival gameplay. The moderators are always keeping an eye out, and NGS will be able to ban, kick, or mute you from the console, though - so don't get any funny ideas.
If you have any questions about the server or would like to see screencaps of anything in particular just let me know. The server has paid-for fulltime hosting, and I am the server owner.
0 notes
minrcrafter · 5 years
Tumblr media
Avalon SMP [Semi-Vanilla] [SMP] {Whitelist} {1.13.2}
Give Me the Deets.
ASMP is a whitelisted, private Minecraft server. We center our community around the ideals that a small, tight-knit group of high-quality, good-natured players is far more invaluable than a large community open to the public, and are far more interested in the integrity of our community than in the growth and expansion of the server or in increasing activity in the server. As a result, all new member seeking to play on the server and participate in the community Discord will have to apply to join the server.
Our gameplay focus is on pure vanilla (minimal plugins.) survival mode and player-centric community. The difficulty is set to hard. The map type is amplified.
How Active is ASMP?
We have a group of regular/active members and 19/35 slots on the whitelist taken. Once we reach 30, the server will be closed. The server is currently played on a daily basis by a group of people. We have a bunch of shops and builds.
Astounding. How Do I Apply?
A link to our application form can be found at: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfwXIYrLqO0_bZOIJbD4Uhledi56UodDgSjgpPBaMlxJCbkyw/viewform?usp=sf_link.
Note: our community is based on Discord so it's HIGHLY recommended that you have an account on Discord.
What Are The Rules, Though?
1) No griefing/raiding. Griefing is intentionally breaking or destroying things built by other players or trashing up an area with ugly blocks (i.e. covering everything in lava, placing dirt all over, destroying a build.) Raiding is coming onto the server and spamming it with obscene text in order to drive people off of it. This will absolutely result in an instant, indesputable, permenant ban,
2) Do not take from other players' chests without their explicit permission in that circumstance. Taking their inventory after you kill them is okay (they might come after you), but don't rob their house/storage unless they give you permission in that instance, for that chest, in that circumstance.
3) Do not either directly communicate or otherwise insinuate racist/sexist/neurotypical belief, slurs, or anything in between. This includes neurotypical slurs (rtrd). If you use slurs in a non-hateful context it's still a slur, and still disallowed.
4) Do not share or distribute pornographic content. If you're having a respectful conversation about a topic that has adult themes that's okay as this server isn't strictly PG, but no content with the intent of being erotic is allowed.
5) Do not use mods that give you an unfair advantage over other players. This includes X-ray texture packs, ore scenters, waypoints, minimaps that give you fullscreen maps, biome finders, aimbot, automine, afk-fishing, and other similar mods. Optifine is okay. Minimaps that do not give you fullscreen/world maps, and by extension just show the area immediately surrounding you, are okay - so long as they don't show the location of other players.
6) Do not share or distribute pirated or otherwise illegal media. Any such media you distribute in the Discord server or on the Minecraft server will be removed without warning. In addition, all actions and interactions undertaken on the Discord server must abide by the Discord ToS and Community Guidelines.
7) Don't be pretentious, rude, demeaning, patronizing, or behave in an otherwise funkilling manner. This is absolutely against everthing our community holds near and dear. If you don't cooperate with your fellow man (or woman, not discriminating), at bare minimum treat them as a charitable equal. Behave as though you possess some degree of competence; and, lest you believe otherwise, I promise that you do.
8) No staff have OP. As far as in-game gameplay goes, we're all equal. No cheats. No hacks. No creative mode. Just pure survival gameplay. The moderators are always keeping an eye out, and NGS will be able to ban, kick, or mute you from the console, though - so don't get any funny ideas.
If you have any questions about the server or would like to see screencaps of anything in particular just let me know. The server has paid-for fulltime hosting, and I am the server owner.
0 notes
minrcrafter · 5 years
Tumblr media
Avalon SMP [Semi-Vanilla] [SMP] {Whitelist} {1.13.2}
Give Me the Deets.
ASMP is a whitelisted, private Minecraft server. We center our community around the ideals that a small, tight-knit group of high-quality, good-natured players is far more invaluable than a large community open to the public, and are far more interested in the integrity of our community than in the growth and expansion of the server or in increasing activity in the server. As a result, all new member seeking to play on the server and participate in the community Discord will have to apply to join the server.
Our gameplay focus is on pure vanilla (minimal plugins.) survival mode and player-centric community. The difficulty is set to hard. The map type is amplified.
How Active is ASMP?
We have a group of regular/active members and 15/35 slots on the whitelist taken. Once we reach 30, the server will be closed. The server is currently played on a daily basis by a group of people. We have a bunch of shops and builds.
Astounding. How Do I Apply?
A link to our application form can be found at: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfwXIYrLqO0_bZOIJbD4Uhledi56UodDgSjgpPBaMlxJCbkyw/viewform?usp=sf_link.
Note: our community is based on Discord so it's HIGHLY recommended that you have an account on Discord.
What Are The Rules, Though?
1) No griefing/raiding. Griefing is intentionally breaking or destroying things built by other players or trashing up an area with ugly blocks (i.e. covering everything in lava, placing dirt all over, destroying a build.) Raiding is coming onto the server and spamming it with obscene text in order to drive people off of it. This will absolutely result in an instant, indesputable, permenant ban,
2) Do not take from other players' chests without their explicit permission in that circumstance. Taking their inventory after you kill them is okay (they might come after you), but don't rob their house/storage unless they give you permission in that instance, for that chest, in that circumstance.
3) Do not either directly communicate or otherwise insinuate racist/sexist/neurotypical belief, slurs, or anything in between. This includes neurotypical slurs (rtrd). If you use slurs in a non-hateful context it's still a slur, and still disallowed.
4) Do not share or distribute pornographic content. If you're having a respectful conversation about a topic that has adult themes that's okay as this server isn't strictly PG, but no content with the intent of being erotic is allowed.
5) Do not use mods that give you an unfair advantage over other players. This includes X-ray texture packs, ore scenters, waypoints, minimaps that give you fullscreen maps, biome finders, aimbot, automine, afk-fishing, and other similar mods. Optifine is okay. Minimaps that do not give you fullscreen/world maps, and by extension just show the area immediately surrounding you, are okay - so long as they don't show the location of other players.
6) Do not share or distribute pirated or otherwise illegal media. Any such media you distribute in the Discord server or on the Minecraft server will be removed without warning. In addition, all actions and interactions undertaken on the Discord server must abide by the Discord ToS and Community Guidelines.
7) Don't be pretentious, rude, demeaning, patronizing, or behave in an otherwise funkilling manner. This is absolutely against everthing our community holds near and dear. If you don't cooperate with your fellow man (or woman, not discriminating), at bare minimum treat them as a charitable equal. Behave as though you possess some degree of competence; and, lest you believe otherwise, I promise that you do.
8) No staff have OP. As far as in-game gameplay goes, we're all equal. No cheats. No hacks. No creative mode. Just pure survival gameplay. The moderators are always keeping an eye out, and NGS will be able to ban, kick, or mute you from the console, though - so don't get any funny ideas.
If you have any questions about the server or would like to see screencaps of anything in particular just let me know. The server has paid-for fulltime hosting, and I am the server owner.
0 notes
minrcrafter · 5 years
Tumblr media
Avalon SMP [Semi-Vanilla] [SMP] {Whitelist} {1.13.2}
Give Me the Deets.
ASMP is a whitelisted, private Minecraft server. We center our community around the ideals that a small, tight-knit group of high-quality, good-natured players is far more invaluable than a large community open to the public, and are far more interested in the integrity of our community than in the growth and expansion of the server or in increasing activity in the server. As a result, all new member seeking to play on the server and participate in the community Discord will have to apply to join the server.
Our gameplay focus is on pure vanilla (minimal plugins.) survival mode and player-centric community. The difficulty is set to hard. The map type is amplified.
How Active is ASMP?
We have five regular/active members and 10/35 slots on the whitelist taken. Once we reach 30, the server will be closed. The server is currently (as of 03.06.19) played on a daily basis by a group of people. We have a little market square and a 'bank' of sorts with exchange rates between different items (all vanilla), a bunch of farms, and the cogs of industry are churning as they've never churned before.
Astounding. How Do I Apply?
A link to our application form can be found at: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfwXIYrLqO0_bZOIJbD4Uhledi56UodDgSjgpPBaMlxJCbkyw/viewform?usp=sf_link.
Note: our community is based on Discord so it's HIGHLY recommended that you have an account on Discord.
What Are The Rules, Though?
1) No griefing/raiding. Griefing is intentionally breaking or destroying things built by other players or trashing up an area with ugly blocks (i.e. covering everything in lava, placing dirt all over, destroying a build.) Raiding is coming onto the server and spamming it with obscene text in order to drive people off of it. This will absolutely result in an instant, indesputable, permenant ban,
2) Do not take from other players' chests without their explicit permission in that circumstance. Taking their inventory after you kill them is okay (they might come after you), but don't rob their house/storage unless they give you permission in that instance, for that chest, in that circumstance.
3) Do not either directly communicate or otherwise insinuate racist/sexist/neurotypical belief, slurs, or anything in between. This includes neurotypical slurs (rtrd). If you use slurs in a non-hateful context it's still a slur, and still disallowed.
4) Do not share or distribute pornographic content. If you're having a respectful conversation about a topic that has adult themes that's okay as this server isn't strictly PG, but no content with the intent of being erotic is allowed.
5) Do not use mods that give you an unfair advantage over other players. This includes X-ray texture packs, ore scenters, waypoints, minimaps that give you fullscreen maps, biome finders, aimbot, automine, afk-fishing, and other similar mods. Optifine is okay. Minimaps that do not give you fullscreen/world maps, and by extension just show the area immediately surrounding you, are okay - so long as they don't show the location of other players.
6) Do not share or distribute pirated or otherwise illegal media. Any such media you distribute in the Discord server or on the Minecraft server will be removed without warning. In addition, all actions and interactions undertaken on the Discord server must abide by the Discord ToS and Community Guidelines.
7) Don't be pretentious, rude, demeaning, patronizing, or behave in an otherwise funkilling manner. This is absolutely against everthing our community holds near and dear. If you don't cooperate with your fellow man (or woman, not discriminating), at bare minimum treat them as a charitable equal. Behave as though you possess some degree of competence; and, lest you believe otherwise, I promise that you do.
8) No staff have OP. As far as in-game gameplay goes, we're all equal. No cheats. No hacks. No creative mode. Just pure survival gameplay. The moderators are always keeping an eye out, and NGS will be able to ban, kick, or mute you from the console, though - so don't get any funny ideas.
If you have any questions about the server or would like to see screencaps of anything in particular just let me know. The server has paid-for fulltime hosting, and I am the server owner.
0 notes
minrcrafter · 5 years
Tumblr media
Avalon SMP [Semi-Vanilla] [SMP] {Whitelist} {1.13.2}
Give Me the Deets.
ASMP is a whitelisted, private Minecraft server. We center our community around the ideals that a small, tight-knit group of high-quality, good-natured players is far more invaluable than a large community open to the public, and are far more interested in the integrity of our community than in the growth and expansion of the server or in increasing activity in the server. As a result, all new member seeking to play on the server and participate in the community Discord will have to apply to join the server.
Our gameplay focus is on pure vanilla (minimal plugins.) survival mode and player-centric community. The difficulty is set to hard. The map type is amplified.
How Active is ASMP?
We have five regular/active members and 10/35 slots on the whitelist taken. Once we reach 30, the server will be closed. The server is currently (as of 02.26.19) played on a daily basis by a group of people. We have a little market square and a 'bank' of sorts with exchange rates between different items (all vanilla), a bunch of farms, and the cogs of industry are churning as they've never churned before.
Astounding. How Do I Apply?
A link to our application form can be found at: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfwXIYrLqO0_bZOIJbD4Uhledi56UodDgSjgpPBaMlxJCbkyw/viewform?usp=sf_link.
Note: our community is based on Discord so it's HIGHLY recommended that you have an account on Discord.
What Are The Rules, Though?
1) No griefing/raiding. Griefing is intentionally breaking or destroying things built by other players or trashing up an area with ugly blocks (i.e. covering everything in lava, placing dirt all over, destroying a build.) Raiding is coming onto the server and spamming it with obscene text in order to drive people off of it. This will absolutely result in an instant, indesputable, permenant ban,
2) Do not take from other players' chests without their explicit permission in that circumstance. Taking their inventory after you kill them is okay (they might come after you), but don't rob their house/storage unless they give you permission in that instance, for that chest, in that circumstance.
3) Do not either directly communicate or otherwise insinuate racist/sexist/neurotypical belief, slurs, or anything in between. This includes neurotypical slurs (rtrd). If you use slurs in a non-hateful context it's still a slur, and still disallowed.
4) Do not share or distribute pornographic content. If you're having a respectful conversation about a topic that has adult themes that's okay as this server isn't strictly PG, but no content with the intent of being erotic is allowed.
5) Do not use mods that give you an unfair advantage over other players. This includes X-ray texture packs, ore scenters, waypoints, minimaps that give you fullscreen maps, biome finders, aimbot, automine, afk-fishing, and other similar mods. Optifine is okay. Minimaps that do not give you fullscreen/world maps, and by extension just show the area immediately surrounding you, are okay - so long as they don't show the location of other players.
6) Do not share or distribute pirated or otherwise illegal media. Any such media you distribute in the Discord server or on the Minecraft server will be removed without warning. In addition, all actions and interactions undertaken on the Discord server must abide by the Discord ToS and Community Guidelines.
7) Don't be pretentious, rude, demeaning, patronizing, or behave in an otherwise funkilling manner. This is absolutely against everthing our community holds near and dear. If you don't cooperate with your fellow man (or woman, not discriminating), at bare minimum treat them as a charitable equal. Behave as though you possess some degree of competence; and, lest you believe otherwise, I promise that you do.
8) No staff have OP. As far as in-game gameplay goes, we're all equal. No cheats. No hacks. No creative mode. Just pure survival gameplay. The moderators are always keeping an eye out, and NGS will be able to ban, kick, or mute you from the console, though - so don't get any funny ideas.
If you have any questions about the server or would like to see screencaps of anything in particular just let me know. The server has paid-for fulltime hosting, and I am the server owner.
0 notes
minrcrafter · 5 years
Tumblr media
Avalon SMP [Semi-Vanilla] [SMP] {Whitelist} {1.13.2}
Give Me the Deets.
ASMP is a whitelisted, private Minecraft server. We center our community around the ideals that a small, tight-knit group of high-quality, good-natured players is far more invaluable than a large community open to the public, and are far more interested in the integrity of our community than in the growth and expansion of the server or in increasing activity in the server. As a result, all new member seeking to play on the server and participate in the community Discord will have to apply to join the server.
Our gameplay focus is on pure vanilla (minimal plugins.) survival mode and player-centric community. The difficulty is set to hard. The map type is amplified.
How Active is ASMP?
We have five regular/active members and 5/30 slots on the whitelist taken. Once we reach 30, the server will be closed indefinitely. The server is currently (as of 02.14.19) played on a daily basis by multiple people. We have a little market square and a 'bank' of sorts with exchange rates between different items (all vanilla), a bunch of farms, and the cogs of industry are churning as they've never churned before.
Astounding. How Do I Apply?
A link to our application form can be found at: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfwXIYrLqO0_bZOIJbD4Uhledi56UodDgSjgpPBaMlxJCbkyw/viewform?usp=sf_link.
Note: our community is based on Discord so it's HIGHLY recommended that you have an account on Discord.
What Are The Rules, Though?
1) No griefing/raiding. Griefing is intentionally breaking or destroying things built by other players or trashing up an area with ugly blocks (i.e. covering everything in lava, placing dirt all over, destroying a build.) Raiding is coming onto the server and spamming it with obscene text in order to drive people off of it. This will absolutely result in an instant, indesputable, permenant ban,
2) Do not take from other players' chests without their explicit permission in that circumstance. Taking their inventory after you kill them is okay (they might come after you), but don't rob their house/storage unless they give you permission in that instance, for that chest, in that circumstance.
3) Do not either directly communicate or otherwise insinuate racist/sexist/neurotypical belief, slurs, or anything in between. This includes neurotypical slurs (rtrd). If you use slurs in a non-hateful context it's still a slur, and still disallowed.
4) Do not share or distribute pornographic content. If you're having a respectful conversation about a topic that has adult themes that's okay as this server isn't strictly PG, but no content with the intent of being erotic is allowed.
5) Do not use mods that give you an unfair advantage over other players. This includes X-ray texture packs, ore scenters, waypoints, minimaps that give you fullscreen maps, biome finders, aimbot, automine, afk-fishing, and other similar mods. Optifine is okay. Minimaps that do not give you fullscreen/world maps, and by extension just show the area immediately surrounding you, are okay - so long as they don't show the location of other players.
6) Do not share or distribute pirated or otherwise illegal media. Any such media you distribute in the Discord server or on the Minecraft server will be removed without warning. In addition, all actions and interactions undertaken on the Discord server must abide by the Discord ToS and Community Guidelines.
7) Don't be pretentious, rude, demeaning, patronizing, or behave in an otherwise funkilling manner. This is absolutely against everthing our community holds near and dear. If you don't cooperate with your fellow man (or woman, not discriminating), at bare minimum treat them as a charitable equal. Behave as though you possess some degree of competence; and, lest you believe otherwise, I promise that you do.
8) No staff have OP. As far as in-game gameplay goes, we're all equal. No cheats. No hacks. No creative mode. Just pure survival gameplay. The moderators are always keeping an eye out, and NGS will be able to ban, kick, or mute you from the console, though - so don't get any funny ideas.
If you have any questions about the server or would like to see screencaps of anything in particular just let me know. The server has paid-for fulltime hosting, and I am the server owner.
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minrcrafter · 6 years
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Stonewick [SMP]{1.12.2}{Whitelist}{Adults 18+}{DynMap}{Economy}{GriefPrevention}{Wholesome Community}
January Notes: This weekend (1/5 - 1/7) we are working on transferring to a dedicated server. Our regular SMP server will still be up and we will be hosting a server group survival event on our UHC map "Bloodlands" (we run multi-worlds)! :) This January we also plan to incorporate a Creative World, also accessible via our main SMP world. We are also heavy into our Subway system planning, which is a group project that has involved architectural plans, aesthetic designing, mass donations in return for in-game money, and lots of elbow grease! The Subway will house our sign warps, entrance to our Nether Hub, and help players navigate spawn!
    Who We Are
We are a tight-knit group of players from all around the world who are looking for similar players to join our minecraft family. Because our players are so diverse, that typically means we are active at all hours of the day! Our server is hosted in Chicago. We provide a fun atmosphere for players in the US, UK, Canada, Europe, and Australia with very minimal lag. Our player base is well balanced, roughly 50/50 male/female and between the ages of 18 - 65 (so far). The majority of our players are between 25 - 50 and we also have a strong community of mature university students ages 18 - 25.
  We like to do things like jobs, townships, and trading in a more vanilla/RPG way without being too heavy handed with any of it. Our goal is to provide vanilla-feel, with a few semi-vanilla benefits that make it a little easier and more fun. Some like to call it "vanilla with sprinkles". We just call it fun! ;)
  Our spawn was inspired by small-town living like the play style in beloved games such as Animal Crossing and Stardew Valley. We have a strong focus on player economy and town building. We enjoy monthly vanilla quests and holiday events. Stonewick is co-owned by a married couple (jellyplz & pointyy) who are young at heart and hope to meet new friends on this journey! Our staff is well balanced with mature players both male and female. Learn More
  We take our job in rule enforcement seriously, meaning you won't have to worry about theft, griefing, or belly-aching. We like to keep our map pretty and free of lag. We keep our chat wholesome and lite to encourage comradery and positive attitudes. We have zero-tolerance for harassment or hate-speech and have been building an inclusive community for players of all nationalities and walks of life. You can Read Our Rules Here or Take A Look At Our Policies Here.
  We aren’t just building blocks, we’re building friendships. The majority of our players are coming from console to PC or are just coming back to MC after a hiatus. We've even brought complete newbies into the fold, under our wings and excitedly watched them blossom into pros! We have groups of IRL family and friends who have joined our community and added so much to our wonderful group. We're a very warm, friendly community and patient with all questions! It's more fun to learn or relearn a game with friends to help along the way. :) We are a community of mature adults who enjoy wholesome fun in Minecraft and other video games.
  We started in September 2017 and have been gradually upgrading our server. We are dedicated owners who are devoted to providing a long-lasting server to our community. We have events planned out for all of 2018 and have plans for 1.13 and 1.14. We are highly organized with a robust wiki, forums, discord, and we use trello for staff event and server planning. By visiting our website, we want you to feel secure that the amount of hard-work we put in means we aren't going anywhere. :)
    Key Features
Grief Protection
100% Vanilla Terrain Generation & Mob Spawning
Monthly Enderdragon Fights with Unique Rewards for All Participants
Collectible Player Trophies
Weekly events and contests
Weekly trades at spawn for players to earn money or items
Weekly in-game gazette to keep players informed and entertained
Monthly Holiday events
Percentage Player Sleep Plugin (15%)
Emerald Based Economy
Player Shops
Daily Rewards (Balanced & Fair)
Enderman Farm
Optional Light-Hearted "Vanilla" RPG Aspects (Quests, Jobs, and Lore)
Full Nether Transportation Hub
No access to /spawn, /home, or /warp
Players earn 1 warp sign after 10 hours of play time
Active Discord linked to MC server
Informational Wiki
Fun superficial plugins (Better Chairs, Brewery, Crates, Decorative Heads)
Guided Player Tour at Spawn
Newbie Friendly Community
Adult Staff Members (Who actually play the game too!)
Geeky Jokes & Hidden Secrets/Easter Eggs
Multi-Worlds (UHC Anarchy/Farming World "Bloodlands" & Creativemode World)
Friday Game Nights - Play games like Terraria, Don't Starve Together, World of Warcraft, and More with your fellow Stonewickians every Friday Night!
    Sneak Peek
In the last few months we've had several amazingly successful player events. Our Stonewickians are always so excited to get together, whether it's for archery contests, melon madness, Day of the Dead celebrations, riding tons of fun rides at our faire, Christmas shenanigans, home tours, fishing competitions, New Years firework shows or real life pumpkin carving. We are best friends and we'd love to meet you.
    Our Promise
Strong Community - No Cliques, everyone is welcome here!
Fair and equal rule enforcement
Reliable admin team from Jellyplz & Pointyy (we're married, after all!)
Listen to our community (monthly surveys to request suggestions and hear everyone's opinions)
    You Should Apply If
You are 18 or older.
You enjoy making friends (we are a very friendly bunch)
You like a tidy map (no floating trees or craftbenches)
You like cool server events, prizes, and trophies
Rules about redstone and respecting players don't bother you
You enjoy world building
You love the idea of working together as a community
If you love /r/wholesomememes/
    Who We Whitelist
We whitelist players who appreciate the love and hard-work our players have poured into the server and want to participate in its community. We are different from some servers. We work together on things like griefprevention and lag maintenance! This is why we are looking for quality of players over quantity of players.
  Because of the high volume of applications we receive, we have certain standards for our applicants. Our whitelist application requires knowledge of our rules and policies, so please take your time completing it. We look for reading comprehension, personality, and maturity when reviewing applications.
    Learn More
Curious about what it's like to play on our server? Read Our Player Reviews, See Our Past Reddit Thread, or Check Out Our Player Surveys. We are proud of our reputation as a mature server with a welcoming community of good, honest people. Check out our Instagram and Imgur Album to see the builds we work on!
  Visit Our Website to Apply or Read Our Rules
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