#for honor gladiator
ultrablorfus · 1 year
So this is what's on the the For Honor Wiki homepage...
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W I D E.
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crumbledcastle28 · 3 months
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And what if this is how I go out
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theconjurervfx · 6 months
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azems-familiar · 3 months
what is going on with PLD that is awful 😰
uh. i don't know how to explain to you this other than to tell you that the questline is so nonsensical and bad that the CHARACTERS literally say "this makes no sense" and "i don't understand this at all" during it
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brother-emperors · 11 months
I want to say that I really love how Cassius in your art actually has agency and Does Things, rather than being relegated to Brutus' footnote!
HELL YEAH! Cassius Does Stuff is my favorite kind of thing to focus on because Brutus gets such a spotlight and honestly, I Do Not Think He Deserves It That Much
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matan4il · 2 years
Okay, so IDK what the context is for this interview. I also have no idea why the interviewers were so vulgar and rude in the bits that I saw. I do think Mile was visibly uncomfortable in at least two points along the interview, and that’s why I decided not to post the full original I came across.
I did want to figure out when this interview was conducted, more or less. In one of the other bits, Mile mentions he’s going to be a part of a horror movie. I checked it out, and by the looks of it, the film was never completed, but they did start filming in early June 2019. So I think this interview probably took place around that time.
In any case, while most of the interview made me go WTF at the hosts, I hope you will enjoy the two bits I liked, where Mile was giving off some really cool vibes of not caring if what he was saying was outrageous. Stan a confident, unafraid king!
Also, yes. Because I AM that language geek, I checked. Rab in Thai means (literally) ‘receive.’ As a sex term, it does refer to a bottom.
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paapurup · 1 year
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For Honor - Knights
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tankart · 11 months
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angatag2 · 1 year
Okay so I had. An Anga moment.
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My babies. My boys. Them <3
The Shadow
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universalambients · 5 months
Arch of Titus (79 AD)
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sketchyelvenasss · 9 months
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Toes stabs and jabs and dabs
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deepspacedukat · 2 years
Okay! 😄Thanks for being patient with me and here is part two😋
The scorching desert air started to cool off as the sun went down over the horizon, though that’s not saying much considering that its Vulcan. The reader grumbled to herself mildly regretting her empty canteen as she goes trudging along, it was still hot, unbearably dry, and sand filled her shoes plus now she knew hanging around civilization wasn’t an option not after the incident with what she could only assume was the equivalent to a police officer or maybe it was a city border patrol? That fact wasn’t entirely clear however the point was she had been chased leaving the city limits and it didn’t help that there were armed patrols on the lookout for the escaped gladiator.
The reader stopped briefly to throw a look over their shoulder, ever since she left the city limits, she felt that she was being followed though that could also be paranoia kicking in as they had never been one to get into trouble with the law.
The darker it got the more apparent the fact that Vulcan had no moon was. That and with the size of some of Vulcan’s nocturnal predators it would be good to find shelter for the night. Scanning the rocky sand dunes was proving to be a definite challenge in the dark and to make matters worse a really nasty wind had started to pick up blowing sand up into her eyes. Suddenly a bolt of lightning struck the sand close behind her, dangerously close, the reader looked back and saw a massive sea of roaring clouds flickering with electricity behind coming her way. So, the reader takes off into a run frantically looking for a cave, heck she’d take a rock overhang at this point. The storm caught up to her in a matter of seconds and the wind contained a searing heat to it, pushing on her threatening to make her fall as she was dodging stray lightning left and right. Stumbling she fell to her hands and knees, sand pelting her, feeling like shards of glass at this speed when a hand grabbed her on the shoulder and a masculine voice shouted over the wind speaking in old Vulcan
“Sandfire storm! Come, quickly!”
Losing patience or maybe having none to begin-with he snapped grabbing her by the upper arm and yanking her to her feet rushing them both to a crevasse in the rock. The opening was a tight squeeze but led into a decent sized cave, one that would’ve been nearly impossible to spot even in the daylight at least for someone who didn’t know what to look for. 
Once in the cave the Vulcan released her arm and whipped around, rushing to the entrance to stack up rocks to barricade the entrance while the reader stands there coughing up sand from the storm trying to catch her breath something the thinner Vulcan air doesn’t aid. A bolt of lightning strikes at the rock wall near the entrance, so she scrambled over to help the man stack rocks and barricade the cave opening.
 Now with the entrance blocked off the cave is pitch black; the reader gives up looking around trying to see anything it’s impossible. A few moments pass with the only sound being the turbulent winds of the violent storm raging just outside, then deeper into the cave the ting of two flint like rocks being stricken together caught her attention, though all she could see turning her head towards the sound and squinting into the darkness was the faint glittering of sparks. Suddenly the sparks ignited a now visible crisscrossed stack of kindling and in the dim light of the fire she could make out the figure of the Vulcan man who helped her, it was the gladiator she freed though she guessed she shouldn’t have been too surprised at that fact. 
Looking him over she almost huffed in discontent after noticing the bandages were soiled, dirt and sand mixed with the green blood stains bleeding through the wrappings. It figures though with the guy traveling through the desert and doubtlessly the reason she felt like as though she was being observed, not to mention the strain of him moving boulders to shelter them from the storm even with her help there was no question about him sooner or later aggravating the injuries. Her attention moved up from his injuries to meet his eyes.
The fire reflected in his amber eyes making it seem as if they were glowing, his stare cut through the dark of the cave with an intensity that felt predatory, scrutinizing her every move and never had there been a time in the readers life when she felt so much like a mouse frozen in place under a lion’s gaze.
Noticing how tense she was getting the gladiator’s expression seemed to momentarily soften and he tilted his head in a nodding motion inviting her to sit down by the fire with him. Making no sudden movement she sat across from him with the fire putting distance between them. She didn’t know if it was the same for him but the crackle of the fire and the sounds of the storm outside only did so much to quell the deafening silence in the cave not doing much to ease the tension she felt right then. Finally having enough, she racked her brain for something to start a conversation with then had to remember how to say it in Vulcan, eventually she spoke up.
“Thank you for getting me out of the storm back there. You saved me.” She smiled at the Vulcan gladiator but other than a brief glance from him, was met with silence. “I guess since we are somewhat aquatinted, introductions are in order.” She tried to start a conversation again but was met with more silence. “Hello, my name is (y/n). Nice to meet you.” Putting on the friendliest smile she could muster without it looking awkward and fake she had to stop herself from offering a hand to shake which the motion definitely caught his attention, a mixture of confusion and caution on his face. Quickly wanting to right her mistake she clumsily put up the live long and prosper hand signal in greeting.
“Avarak” He sighed sounding worn, almost grumbling when seeing her beam at him.
“Well Avarak-” He closed his eyes looking as if he already regretting sharing his name, regardless the reader continued in the same upbeat tone “Once again thank you for getting me to shelter from the storm. I don’t know where I am going but maybe we could figure that out together?” She asked him hopefully to which he reopened his eyes and paused thinking over his next choice of words carefully.
“I had a destination in mind and would have liked to be much further along by now.” Avarak was being as contemptuous as he was vague not wanting to give away any information.
“Well then you could’ve easily continued on if I was gonna slow you down.” She retorted mirroring his attitude.
“You would not have survived out there.” Avarak stated icily, words deathly serious, then rolled his eyes with his tone turning irritable “That was obvious.” He held herstare and without breaking it, took the time to toss another piece of timber into the fire. His gaze was forceful and unyielding like he was challenging her to disagree. 
“Well, you know what? If it where the other way around, you wouldn’t survive out in the wilds where I come from.” The reader crossed her arms smugly until she realized just what she had said when Avarak watched her intently, tilting his head in interest.
“And where might that be…y/n?” he paused to test the foreign name on his tongue.
“Nevermind.” There was finality to her tone and with that the silence returned, neither in much of a mood to talk, with the reader worried she’d accidently say too much and Avarak not having the interest at the moment, taking the time to mull over the day.
The past day had taken a toll on them both and as the fire started dying out the reader with a yawn moved to the wall opposite to Avarak to lay down. Closing her eyes to try to get some rest she thought back to all she had heard about Vulcans and remembered learning that they felt emotions much more to the extreme, that’s why modern Vulcans turned to logic. She remembered a Vulcan ambassador by the name of Soval who had mentioned it took Vulcan society a few thousand years to rebuild after nearly destroying itself almost to the brink of extinction many times before Surak’s teachings of logic. Early Vulcans where emotional, impulsive, and paranoid like Romulans but with a lot less of the rules and restrictions that helped stabilize the Romulan descendant’s society. Her mind drifted back to Avarak he seemed so guarded and stand offish on the surface, but she’d also seen other sides to the Vulcan. He was curious but she had seen a hesitance to it like it would open him up to getting hurt,furthermore whether he had followed her and watched over her in the desert just to repay some sort of a debt or was secretly a kind soul, Avarak had braved the sandfire storm just to save her…that train of thought put the reader more at ease, her thoughts fading off as she drifted off to sleep. 
Off on the opposite side of the cave the scarred gladiator kept watch as he struggled with an inner turmoil. Avarak came from a nomadic family who traveled the desert in quickly assembled tents with other nomadic family’s, they were all considered a clan, looking out for each other. But his family had been killed in a raid, a battalion put together by the very city state who enslaved him, under the cover of night all he ever had was ripped from his hands. After that Avarak hadn’t let anyone see anything else but this stone hard shell masked in fury nor did he ever utter a single word to anyone. A fact that often angered the guards, colosseum spectators, and even nobles that might have offered to sponsor him. The man nearly scoffed out loud at that thought, he didn’t want their money all he had ever wanted was gone now. Turning his thoughts back to the strange women who had set him free, he bristled as a wave of anxiety nearly overtook him. Who was this woman? This stranger seemed to be able to almost bring his walls crashing down, there was a warmth to her that made him feel safe but in a way unknown to him. Maybe the question should be what was she? He didn’t know but what he did know was not only did she not look or sound Vulcan, but he had known her for less than a day, letting his guard down around anyone much less a stranger was dangerous, a fact he had learned the hard way. Eventually he calmed but didn’t let himself relax enough for the possibility of drifting off into a light sleep until he heard that her breathing had evened out.
OOOOOH two parts in one night??? Azora, you're spoiling us!!!!
Part 2 of the Pre-Surak Vulcan Gladiator story!!! I love it!! 💙💙💙
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nazariolahela · 2 years
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wildsaltair · 4 days
the novelization actually goes into a little more depth with showing how all the gladiators at first believe that Maximus is a deserter from the Roman army. the slave traders assume it, and that's how Proximo introduces him in the gladiator school. imagine their surprise
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judahmaccabees · 3 months
Good Luck in Hell Eternal guyz! -GOD
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jeandejard3n · 6 months
Gladiator: Praetorians
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