#for people who felt guilty about lying to nan one time they do lie still
thetimelordbatgirl · 5 months
Generally love because of my parents trash talking me together and with my nan in the past, my godmom having upset vibes around me makes me instantly paranoid that's another person trash talking me with my parents because I didn't go with them to get coffee.
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ravenadottir · 3 years
How do you think islanders would react to a backlash, especially on the internet and social media, after the show and how would they handle it? Make that tea juicy 👀
alright, let's talk about them!
let's put what the public was giving them backlash for, and how each one of them would respond.
((spoiler alert, it got big! so i'm splitting this answer into two, because it's hella long!))
marisol. roccogate. "when you're in there, time passes so differently. on day 5 it felt like we were in there for a whole month. what happened between me and rocco was... possibly the most natural i've felt attracted to a boy. despite his intentions being malicious initially, i felt genuine feelings from him. i've watched back and yes, perhaps i should've handled it better but... i don't know, it feels like there was no time to waste. to that point i was extremely disappointed at the options we had in the house, mostly because i didn't exactly match anyone's energy. it feels like the guys in there get intimidated very quickly, and very easily. rocco didn't. but i know people might've thought it was a weird way of handling, and seeing myself on telly, and how we got together, i can't say i disagree. but also, when you're in a show to find love you have to take risks. that's what i did. i regret how i did it, but not what i did."
lottie. kissing gary, meddling in other islanders' business. "i've explained so many times what happened! i feel like people just won't let go and i don't understand why. there was so much going on that night, you know. my best friend had just left, i wasn't really into rocco because our auras are just... *gestures* so on the opposite ends of the spectrum, and i needed a friend. gary was comforting me, and it helped. i felt guilty but i guess they didn't show me crying about it a few minutes later. i didn't lie when i said i felt so guilty i wanted to leave! but everyone keeps focusing on the wrong i did. *wipes tears under her mascara* it feels so unfair that people have forgiven worse and i'm still a cow because of one kiss! what about marisol? or priya? or bobby being shady? i don't see them having this reaction, and i just... i just didn't want to be sad about it, for fuck's sake! and when you think about it, i wasn't the only one on people's businesses! i did what i had to do because when i see something wrong i call it out, and if you don't you should! you're telling me if you see a girl rubbing chests with a friend's boyfriend you wouldn't say anything?! bunch of hypocrites!"
gary. kissing lottie, lying about kissing marisol. "she needed a shoulder to cry on, and i just wanted to help. she went mental when hannah left and i think when the kiss happened, i dunno, it calmed her down. but i remember feeling indifferent about it and i should've told someone what happened but... i didn't want to be judged. who likes being judged? the chats i was having with marisol were going somewhere, we were getting along but... *sighs* when she told a friend of mine she didn't feel the spark i kind of didn't regret that kiss. when you're in there a lot of things feel right even though people might think it's wrong. no one is committed to anyone so... most of the time i don't see what the fuzz is about. loads of people went on to do things that were worse. and as for lying about marisol, i admit that was a knobhead thing to do. i got a good lecture from nan when i got home. it's just that, no one likes losing face, especially when other people are connecting so quickly. i was disappointed i wasn't. i was disappointed other people got to choose the one girl i wanted to couple up with, even though we were being honest with each other. the lads knew who i wanted to pick but they went for it anyway. it's not fair to be upset about one thing just to do something as snaky. i felt like a mug at that recoupling.
route!lucas. switching to blake. "when you find yourself in a position like that, where you're uncertain about your partner's feelings and you have to make a decision, it can be very jarring. i'm not so big on taking risks like that but... there was no other alternative. the show might not display as much, that would give you context, but there was a point in that video we received where i thought for sure she had forgotten about me. and casa amor is not only a device to tempt, it's also a device to find new people, possibly finding a connection that's stronger and more durable. coming back to see your partner holding hands with someone else is absolutely brutal, no one wants to go through a moment like that, especially on national tv. it might've been a misunderstanding but i had to base my decision on the only piece the show provided us boys with. and that was showing her having fun. i do regret switching but there's not much to be done now. i wish people would try to put themselves in the same place and think about their own decision in a situation like this."
route!henrik. switching to blake. "i think when you see yourself in a position to make a choice you have to do what you think it's best for you. i felt so alone during casa amor, and it didn't help when we received the video. at that point i wasn't exactly close friends with the boys. we had a very superficial relationship and i just.. i felt lonely. blake kind of patched that. looking back, and knowing what i know today, i would never switch, but that's the thing innit? you don't. i was in there for 9 days, with a group of strangers. i didn't want to put that much pressure on someone that had been coupled up with me for less than a week. stronger couples had broken up at that point and i... i wasn't sure about my own couple. these things happen. *smiles sadly* sometimes way too often. on the outside you can just pick up your phone and call, but in there? you gotta follow your instincts, and sometimes they can be wrong. no point on crying over the spilt milk. we're good now, all of us, time has passed and we can talk about it without a lot of friction, but... i understand why people are still asking me about it."
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