#and yeah uh wouldnt surprise me if they trash talked me
thetimelordbatgirl · 5 months
Generally love because of my parents trash talking me together and with my nan in the past, my godmom having upset vibes around me makes me instantly paranoid that's another person trash talking me with my parents because I didn't go with them to get coffee.
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Ok yall I'm listening to tma for the first time and im gonna record my thoughts here.
I dont even know if this is worth posting but im going to do it anyways. I listened to episodes 1-40 in 3 days, I believe that's the first season.
ep 1: this is v good so far idk not much to say
ep 2: are all of these gonna have somebody named jon? thats the name of the dude speaking right?
ep 3: design with lines and a square in the middle? gotta be real that just sounds like a spider web. (isnt there an entity or wtvr called The Web? i think?) also are we just gonna brush over whatever thing shoved her into the street bruh
ep 4: the eye! That's a thing I remember seeing posts about
ep 6: worms? Worms!! "This story is concerning" arent they all?? who the heck is Jane prentiss uh oh
ep 7: so I'm guessing this is one of the entities we hear about?
ep 8: fractals feel like a Web thing idk its just vibes. this box sounds like a Web thing too- oop yeah spiders
ep 9: ik the hand with the eye on it is significant cuz i see it in fanart but im not sure what it means.
ep 11: web go brrr
ep 12: eyes!! In ep 4 the poem mentions smth about hearing right? AYO look at me makin connections Jared Keay (keye?) baybeeee. Beholding is a thing!
ep 15: I think theres an entity called The Dark but I'm not sure if im just making that up
ep 17: is it jorgen shitener or wtvr his name is again. IT IS!
ep 16: web time
ep 18: sus smells. Is it Eye time?
ep 19: oh!! this is connected to the other one! woah!
ep 21: this feels a lot like the cave diving one so far. was that a squish noise i heard at the end? worms? doesnt he have worm scars from whatever thing?
ep 22: martin voice reveal!! pogchamp! oh wow ok i knew the worms were gonna be somewhat important but not this important oh boy.
ep 23: oh god please no not the books. is this related to the graveyard thing from mist? jw 1279 (doesnt jw mean jehovah's witness) ffFUC KING KEAY
ep 29: i wonder if gerard keay (as ive learned his name is spelled) is one of those immortal death thingies. he does seem to show up a bunch but somehow i doubt it
ep 30: The Slaughter time? Meat! like the upstairs neighbor one!
ep 31: he mispronounced Appalachia >:( aw hell naw this is some Most Dangerous Game shit. this has The Slaughter vibes
ep 32: Prentiss oh boy. worms go brr. beholding is such a specific word i feel like i have to write it down ever time i hear it. spiders again. I still havent figured out which entity prentiss is related with. "you rob it of it's fear" "i dont know why the hive chose me" Is there an entity called the hive? i wouldnt be surprised but i cant remember hearing about it. Nicholas says worms are related to The Corruption
ep 33: "trying not to think about eachother" sean kelly o no re u gonna die. yeah im with jon on this one theres not rlly any supernatural stuff happening. probably they sacrificed him to keep something ? at bay (heh)
ep 34: i dont have to talk about how weird John Doe is right? v sus. The cracking noise is them giving themselves bones right. Apple? spiders? awww teeth i tried to call it. Teeth like the trash bag episode!
ep 35: passages: as in from a book? please no god not litener tell me it isnt so- GODDAMMIT OH WAIT JARED ITS HIM THAT LITTLE SHIT 13 passages + the one they came from. Weirdly wet, probably covered in blood. Bone! from the book that jared has! that's where he got his fuckner book. pages with web, figure in the darkness (anglerfish) stranger who means him harm, smth abt heat idk lightless flame go brr. eww the wormsss.
ep 36: buzzing? like in Hive? this sounds like a worms thing, perhaps the person who gave the statement got infected, thats why she was washing/ itching her hand? lighter?? hold on jared had one and the guy who got killed by the crime dude had one. spiderweb design go brr web go brr
interesting note cuz i cant remember which episode this came up in. In one of the past episodes tim was talking about some mistakes in the recordings. jon doesnt seem like the type of person to just not care about mistakes. he's gotten obsessed with these recordings like others get obsessed with the web etc
ep 37: They have the table? hmm... is this gonna be some fairy ring stuff. oh boy more burning. iron oh boy fae shit. milk bottle? this all sounds like witch shit i gotta be honest. rain water? yeah this feels like witchy things lol. dont tell me he opened one of the bottles. istg. he messed with some witch's spell jar and now he's cursed. is it a photo of his "predecessor" AYO IT ISS I CALLED IT
ep 38: books at lease we know they wont be involved but they couldve been. how come no one but jon ever calls the design a spiderweb? he has a migrane from the design? (idk if it is a guy but i always use he/him in my head cuz jon does) hopefully that means he wont be influenced? idk. oh dear a person is gonna disappear arent they. is david gonna go missing. is the speaker gonna go missing? spider oh no jon. oh no worms oh fuck
ep 39: oh dear this is quite unfortunate. LMAO he just asked if martin was a ghost im losing my shit. AYY TIM. fucking sasha is gonna get brainwashed by the web istg. I think that's a new voice but i cant tell im not v good at determining different voices. is it prentiss?
ep 40: "my eyes are up here but yknow, theyre not." LMAO how come those worms were slow (tim's statement) sasha sounds off. it's not her for sure. Is it like NotGraham? NotSasha? its funny she (gertrude) has such an ordinary death but that almost just causes more questions. If she didnt die due to a supernatural thing then it's something scarier, a person. (ayy me n jon said like the exact same thing) "they'll have to kill me first" oh god oh fuck foreshadowing
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Queen of the Dead (Pt.1)
"No you go first!" Helena pushed her friend's arm slightly, laughing as they sat on her bed.
"Ok- promise you wont laugh?" Bones (he picked the name himself), looked nervously at Helena for confirmation, Helena gave a slight nod.
"I have a qpp-" Bones replied, shrinking back slightly.
"Why would I laugh at that? That's great!" Helena said, giving him a slight punch on the shoulder.
"I uh- tripped over a trash can, nearly spilled their lunch, and managed to get hot soup on my pants immediately after asking them-" Helena had to bite her lip at that one.
"You said you wouldnt laugh!" Bones pouted.
"I'm not laughing! I'm not!" Helena replied, desperately trying to hold it together.
"You were going to! I can tell!" Bones said, now barely holding back his own laughter.
"What! You have to admit it is kind of funny," Helena said, covering her mouth as she relaxed.
"Ok- fine, maybe a little funny," Bones said grumpily.
"So tell me about them!" Helena said excitedly.
"Short, blue hair, cutest chubby cheeks you've ever seen- gods I could hold their face in my hands all day- brown eyes," Bones said.
"Oooohhhh! You mean Honey!" Helena said as the peices finally clicked in her head.
"Yeah! I thought you didnt know each other?" Bones tilted his head slightly.
"Not well, they help me in Japanese sometimes," Helena replied.
"Oh- yeah I think they mentioned that, they dont blame you, they had the same issue learning english," Bones continued.
"So are you going to tell me what you did or are you gonna keep putting it off? Did you murder your husband or something? Are you a tragically widowed old rich lady now?" Bones laughed at the look of annoyance on Helena's face.
"For your information, no, I did not murder the husband that I have yet to aquire, I got a tattoo," Helena said, turning around her back was facing her best friend.
"No way! You told me you chickened out!" Bones said, looking at the skull, roses, and wings now permanently staining Helena's pale skin.
"If I remember correctly, you were the one who wanted to chicken out," Helena said.
"What? Nonono they just didnt have good enough colors, I'm not a chicken!" Bones said, pouting.
"Bones I told you, as long as you get a more vibrant color itll stay, I mean cmon light colors wont even stay that easily on my skin, and you once lost me in a snow storm," Helena replied.
"I'd probably have lost you in a bath and body works to if we could have gone to the mall," Bones said with a laugh.
"Ew dont make me think about that! I may be basic but I'm not that basic!" Helena giggled, running a hand over her strawberry blonde pixie to fix the red headband she'd tied in it.
"You cried because they ran out of your favorite Starbucks drink once," Bones said sardonically. Helena let out a whine.
"Alright you two! Dinner time!" Helena's mother called from downstairs.
"Coming!" Helena said, hopping off her bed and racing downstairs.
"Oh sure, leave me here, I'll be fine," Bones said sarcastically as he got up.
"Its Spaghetti Saturday! I cant just wait!" Helena replied.
"Ok like- you're so white that I'm surprised hanging out with you for ten years hasnt blinded me yet," Bones replied as he sat down next to her.
"Oh shut up and eat your twink worms-" Helena said.
Bones had just brought the fork to his face before he burst out laughing. "T-twink worms????" He said as he tried to catch his breath.
"Yeah! They're skinny, they're hairless, and they look like worms!" Helena said.
"Helena all worms are skinny and hairless," Bones said.
"Then all worms are twinks," Helena replied.
"If either one of you brings a raw chicken out to prove a point I'm banning you from talking in the dining room," Helena's mother said as she sat down.
"Ma'am please dont give her any ideas," said Bones.
"Hey! If I want to put a chicken corpse on the table I'll do it!" Helena said. Her mother let out a sigh.
Bones and Helena raced back upstairs immeadietly following dinner, Helena pulling out her laptop as soon as she got on the bed. She pulled up Skype and clicked on one of the side icons, waiting to see if her friend was available before calling.
It took a few minutes before she got a response, but xe had initiated a call almost immediately after.
"Hey Rue," Helena said as the mess of dark brown curls popped up on the screen. Rue's hair was, as usual, pulled into a ponytail, not that it did much for xem, since it was already so thick.
"Helena, hey, big news, the biggest news," Rue said as xe looked into the camera.
"What is it?" Helena said, foot shaking slightly from where it hung off the edge of the bed.
"TWO new sightings since yesterday! One of them a full bodied apparition! Can you believe it!" Rue said excitedly.
"Completley? No smokey limbs or anything?" Helena asked.
"Full-bodied! No missing anything!" Rue said, clapping xir hands together and letting out a small squeak.
"And what about the second one?" Bones asked, leaning his head on Helena's lap.
"Just a head, it kept chanting, I think it was french?" Rue said as xe twirled a strand of hair around xir finger.
"Ooohhh! French revolution ghost! But why would that be in America?" Bones said, raising an eyebrow.
"Haunted object, curse, really dedicated arch nemesis, who knows," Rue said.
The trio kept talking about ghosts for a while, and then it was time for Bones to go home.
"I'll see you at school tomorrow!" Helena said as she closed the door.
"Dont get hit by a bus!" Bones replied with a salute. Helena laughed as she closed the door.
"Helena dear?" Her mother said from the living room.
"Yeah mom?" Helena said, turning on her heel.
They waited for a while
"Its- nothing- nevermind- go on to sleep," he mother said, Helena merely shrugged and made her way to her room, staring lazily at the glow in the dark painted stars on her ceiling as she drifted off to sleep.
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latestageyouth · 5 years
When you walk away (Nothing more to say)
chapter 10 - just,,,,all the fucking angst
trigger warnings: sympathetic Remus and Deceit, self-degrading talk, thoughts of suicide, crying, glass stuck in hand (Remus breaks a beer bottle in his hand), blood, toxic father, lots of swearing, lots of angst, allusions to biting nails into blood, rain, talk of hypothermia, some mentions of a dog barking, allusions to self harm and suicide (no actual suicide or intended self-harm), cognitive distortions, underage drinking, drinking spoiled beer let me know if i missed something
summary:  All the fucking angst poured into one chapter intended to emotionally destroy you.
author’s note: it's 2,500 plus words, buckle up, buttercups. I am writings this at near-midnight and if ya'll see some typos, don't blame it on me blame it on the red bull. Also wooo!!! this is the 10th chapter!!! can't believe I made it that far and that ya'll are still reading my elaborate daydreams that I vomited onto a screen!! yaay!!!
He was cold. No, not cold, numb. Both, actually. The rain trickled along his soaked denim jacket. Not that Damon cared, he deserved it anyway. The jacket did nothing to keep him warm, after all, it's main purpose was to look cool. A shiver shot through him as his phone buzzed in his back pocket. His shaking hand slowly took it out, "Avery...?"
Damon put the phone back and let it ring until the only sound he could hear was the rain falling, the occasional car driving by. He didn't want to talk to Remus right now.
...Huh. Didn't want to talk to Remus, that would be a first. A bittersweet feeling flooded Damon's chest. He couldn't tell if he was still crying or not, if yes, the rain mixed with the tears too perfectly to tell. He could still see the sidewalk before him, but not for long. It was dark, it was getting darker. Damon sighed, just a few streets more. Just a-
He sneezed. Great, so now he has a cold, this day couldn't end any better. He flinched as a loud barking began, probably a dog. It's not like Damon paid any attention to it. He didn't know if Avery would be home, he prayed that they were not. The barking stopped, that or Damon was far enough for the sound of rain to block it out. He should check if Avery was home.
He pulled the phone out again, scrolling through the phone screen with some difficulty due to the rain. He finally reached their phone number, typing a simple message: 'u home yet??'
He waited for a response, still walking towards their house. He tried to shield the screen with his arm but eventually gave up when his arm started cramping. After a few minutes, after he finally accepted he would get so response, his phone buzzed. Damon looked at the screen again.
Oh, shit, that's right. God, Damon was so stupid sometimes. It wasn't long before the phone buzzed again.
Well, there goes his freedom for the next six years and a half. He sped up his tempo and began writing back: 'i was at-' he hesitated, finger hovering before the screen for a while, then they got back to work 'i was at virgil's'
'...at least u were inside, wouldnt want u hanging out under a bride in this bad weather or something'
'lmao y would i be under a bridge im not THAT stupid'
'just get home already -_-'
And with that, Damon shut off his phone and looked up at where he was, hopefully his muscle memory didn't betray him. It didn't seem to, as his house was finally in view. He sighed and walked directly towards it, picking up the spare key from beneath the welcome mat on the rocky path. He opened the door and was immediately hit with a wave of warmth. He took off the soaking jacket and tossed it onto the kitchen table. He shivered at the feeling of bare arms, the wet t-shirt doing nothing to preserve his body heat. Not that he cared anyway, it was just another thing to add to his list of problems.
He went straight to his room, not bothering to turn on the light, plopping onto his bed in the still wet clothes. Now that he was alone, still cold, and at home, he could think about what will be the consequences of his actions. He tangled his hands into his hair. Stupid. Remus probably hates him now, great, he made everything between them awkward because he was selfish and wanted Remus for himself. He curled up into himself. Stupid. Of course the one time he doesn't think, the only time he acts on impulse, is the time that he ruins everything and more. He tugs on his hair harshly, taking his attention away from the tears threatening to spill from his eyes. He's so stupid.
"Okay, you guys ready?" Jenna glanced between the two, "Or is our widdle newd here afraid of freezing to death?" she baby-talked at Logan.
Logan rolled his eyes in retaliation, not saying anything and instead walking up the steep hill to Jenna's brother's car. He...wasn't entirely sure what he was called. Kind of a bad thing considering he was getting a ride from him. It wasn't long before the other two joined, Jenna sitting in the front seat while Logan and Virgil were in the back seat. Logan didn't care for nor listened to the bickering of the twin. He turned his head to the other side at the heavy feeling on his shoulder. Virgil was resting against it, of course, Virgil always preferred to initiate physical contact, it was obvious why. The ride was not at all silent, not that it bothered either of them. It wasn't long before they were at Virgil's house, with the mix of Virgil signing and Logan interpreting to...Tyler, was it? for directions. He didn't thank the twins, even when exiting the old car. It was a bummer leaving Logan, but he'll live, right?
Virgil pulled out his keys to the house and let himself in, recoiling in panic when someone threw himself at him, "There you are! I was worried sick! I thought someone had kidnapped you or you froze to death!" Emile pulled back, still clutching at his shoulders, to look at him, "Do you even know how late it is?! I thought you…" Emile trailed off. The scars on Virgil's legs hurt faintly as he did. Emile soon shook his head, "Well, I am really glad you didn't. Y-you must be cold. Wait on the sofa, I'll make you some hot cocoa and reheat yesterday's dinner, yeah?"
Virgil couldn't help but nod, his chest heaving with guilt of what he did. Not the same guilt mom made him feel, no, definitely not. This was a new kind, he didn't like that one either. The sofa was soft, softer than he remembered, maybe he was just tired…Was Logan tired? Why was Virgil asking that? Of course he was, who wouldn't be?
To say Logan was tired would be an underestimation. He was exhausted, in more than one way, "Answer me, for fuck's sake!" The hands banged on the table. Logan didn't relent answering this time, "I, uh, I was heading home and...got caught up with some friends…" he fiddled with the loose of his flannel.
His dad scoffed, "Some friends you have, you smell like cigarettes and paint."
Logan needed to think of a good lie, just until momma comes down. Just a few minutes, she always worries for Logan, she would check if he came home. His dad inched closer, "It's a second-hand smell, I had to take a shortcut through a poorer part of the city."
Soft steps could be heard up the stairs, growing closer and closer. It wasn't soon after that momma revealed herself on top of them, tired as always. She froze for a second when she saw Logan, then stomped down, all while dad tried to reason with her, "Honey, Melissa, you surely know what a slacker he is, I mean, look at him."
Melissa turned her head so she couldn't see Gerald sign or move his lips. She looked at Logan taking his face in her hands. Logan looked away, sighing after an intense staring contest that Melissa won, "I am sorry, it won't happen again, I promise," Melissa was still frowning, but her face softened, she always had a soft spot for Logan.
Gerald scoffed, knowing his wife won't hear him anyway, "I can't believe she's that gullible..." he grumbled something under his breath, most probably about Logan being spoiled, and went upstairs to his office, where else would he go? His mother removed her hands from his cheeks and began signing, a thing Logan was glad he didn't have to interpret to someone anymore, like, do you even know how tiring that is?
'Where on earth have you been? Do you know how worried I was?!'
Logan sighed, signing back, 'I was out with some of my friends, I apologize for making you worry,' he watched as surprise glazed over her face for a second.
'Boys like Roman and Patton would never stay out so late.'
Logan hesitated, looking away.
Melissa raised an eyebrow, eventually waving it off and sending Logan to bed. The poor boy must be tired, she was too. She can interrogate him about his whereabouts some other time.
Tap. Tap. Tap. The droplets of rain fell to the ground endlessly. Clank. Remus kicked the trash can over, garbage spilling over the sidewalk. Tap. Tap. Tap. His shoes tapped against the concrete. His uneven breaths echoed the streets in white clouds of breaths. The place where his fingernails should be is stinging with the cold and pain, fingers digging into the outer side of his arms, dried blood on where the fingers were placed. It wasn't from the arms, his nails weren't sharp enough to do that. Remus could still feel the metallic taste in his mouth, the familiar taste, it didn't mean he liked it though. He hit his foot on something hard, his eyebrows furrowed. Remus looked down at it, slowly picking the beer bottle up. Did it have something left? Remus shook it. Hah, at least something in his life didn't go wrong for once. It tasted bitter, flat, Remus might say. Not that it mattered, as long as it got him drunk. He took another swig, face scrunching up at the taste, but hey, he'll get used to it. Just like he gets used to everything. Like living with momma. Like being a disappointment of the family. Like being alone. Yeah, he can get used to being alone again, no biggie. He'll get over it. He gets over everything.
He heard a car passing, god, he hopes it'll run him over. It gets closer, Remus can hear it. He considers running in front of it...no, he...he couldn't do that to Virgil. A freezing shock runs through the left side of his body, he shrikes and jumps away from the road.
...God, simply fucking amazing. Now he's soaked completely. Well, too late to jump in front of that car now. Remus blinked and looked up...Where was he again? How...How long did he walk for?
He already knew who that was, how couldn't he? He didn't need to be babied. Remus kept walking. He couldn't even bare looking at Damon's family.
The car still rode beside him slowly, "Remus, kid, you're gonna freeze out here, c'mon."
Remus kept walking.
Avery sighed, "I'll drive you home, okay?"
"Why?" Remus barked back. His step quickened.
Avery stuttered, "Why?!" Remus flinched at the sudden rise of tone. Avery tensed, "Look, sport, by this rate you're gonna get hypothermia, and I already have one teenager to worry about. Get in the car."
Remus didn't relent. He didn't wanna deal with anyone right now. Knowing Avery, they wouldn't...interrogate him, per se, but they will try to, ugh, talk to him. He didn't need that. He didn't hear them say anything. Did they drive off already? He didn't hear them.
Avery sighed, "I'll call your mom."
Remus' eyes widened, "Wait, no, don't!"
Too late. Too late again. Fucking god, Remus just couldn't do anything right, could he? He just...always messed up no matter what. Remus' grip on the bottle tightened. He could just hear ma and Roman, 'God, Remus, you're such a burden!' his hand started shaking. Why should he even bother them with his presence? Maybe if he hurts everyone he comes to contact with he shouldn't exi-
The bottle shattered. Remus hissed in pain. Fuck. He dropped the remains of the beer bottle onto the ground, beer mixing with his blood. His hand twitched, he trembled with pain, and the rain isn't fucking helping. Great, just...fucking magnificent. This shit is just asking to get infected. Whatever. Whatever. What the fuck ever.
Avery opened the door to their house, putting the keys back in their purse. It was dark, don't tell them..."Damon? Honey, are you here?" they called out, listening carefully for any sound. Soft sobbing came from his room. Avery slowly walked to Damon's room, not bothering to knock and opening the door right away, "Sport? You okay?"
The light from the kitchen illuminated a part of his room, mainly the bed where a bundle of sheets shifted more into themselves, "Get out," came from beneath them, voice hoarse and raspy, almost like...
"Oh, honey," Avery walked closer, sitting on the edge of the bed, "I am assuming it has something to do with Remus?"
The muffled breathing stopped, they could almost feel Damon tense.
"I...saw him on the way here," they explained.
Like on command, Damon rose from the bed, "You what?! What did- did he say something? Wh- why is he still out, it's late!" his bloodshot eyes were wide and searching all over Avery's face for answers. All he was getting were dark circles and even darker eyes.
Avery sighed and slowly moved their hand to Damon's. This time, they could actually feel him tense up, "Damon, sweetheart, what happened? Did Remus hurt you?"
Damon looked at Avery like they had just slapped him, Wh-what?! Of course not! He would, he would never do that!" his hand clenched into a fist. Damon looked away from his parent, "I just...messed up like I always do."
Something in Avery broke, "Dee, dee, sugar, look at me."
Although unwillingly, Damon looked at them. They took Damon's face into their hands.
"You could never mess up something as big as you and Remus, okay? One mistake won't erase years of friendship."
"There are no buts in this household, Dee," they slowly stroked the other's cheek, "I am sure you two will make up in no time."
Eventually, Damon gave up on trying to convince Avery otherwise. He nodded, "Yeah, okay. You're right," just get over with it, he wanted to be alone right now. Or forever.
Avery sighed, "Of course I am, just wait," they got up from the bed and walked over to the door before turning back to Damon, "I'll order some pizza and we can watch Law & Order on my laptop, yeah?"
Damon nodded. As soon as Avery walked out he buried himself back in his bed. Huh, he didn't notice but he was starving. Whatever, he deserved it anyway. He could hear Avery talking on the phone, though he tuned them out. He wanted to be left alone, how could he trust himself around other people now? He couldn't. He shouldn't. He should just...pretend tonight didn't happen and avoid Remus as much as possible. Yes. The best-case scenario, Remus was too drunk to remember it, though, he probably wasn't. Eh, give Damon a rest, let a man dream. Though...Damon wasn't sure he would dream tonight...or anywhen in the future, really. Now that he thinks about it, Damon wasn't sure about a lot of things. Hah, how pathetic of him.
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bedbellyandbeyond · 6 years
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(Story Post)
A morning came one day where Nathan just couldn’t get out of bed. He called his doctor hoping he’d come for a house call and thankfully Reid had a little bit of time. When he arrived at Nathan’s home, he let himself in with the key Nathan had told him was under his flower pot. He headed upstairs to find his favourite wolf-man curled up in a cocoon again. “Oh dear, what’s the matter today?” Reid asked. “You can’t get out of bed?” Nathan rolled over to face him and frowned. “They’re moving…”
Reid blinked, his eyes lighting up. “Really? Well, that’s a very good sign, Nathan.” “I hate it… They’re making me nauseous,” Nathan said. “I don’t know what to do… I think I’ll puke if I get up…” Reid sighed sympathetically. “Unfortunately, getting up is the most common cure. When you lie down, babies love to go nuts in there, but when you stand, they typically calm down.” “If I stand, I’ll puke.” “You probably won’t but I can get you a trash can or something,” Reid said. “Is there one in your bathroom?” “Should be…” Reid went and got the bin and brought it back. “Take this and get yourself up. Come on.” Nathan wrapped the blankets around himself and tucked it so it wouldn’t come off then took the trash can in one hand and let Reid pull him up with his other hand. When he was upright, he did still feel queasy, but the twins settled down after a few seconds alongside the nausea. “I’m not gonna puke,” Nathan said. “Aye. So is that all I drove out here for?” Reid asked. “Well… No…” Nathan said, looking down. “There’s something else…” “And what’s that, laddie?” Reid asked, patting Nathan’s arm. “I… Um, it’s really embarrassing…” Nathan said. “I guess, it’s uh… Ah, fuck it…” He undid the blanket, displaying the two big wet marks in his pyjama shirt. Reid put his hands on his hips. “Well, well. Your milks come in.” “But why?” Nathan asked. “I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but you’re pregnant.” “But I don’t have tits!” Nathan said. “You don’t need prominent breasts to start lactating, just the right plumbing which everyone has—unless removed—and the right hormone cocktail,” Reid explained. “This was to be expected.” “Then why didn’t you tell me this would happen?” “I forgot but also I expected you to consider it before,” Reid said. “But it’s nothing to fret about. Let me take a look.” Nathan sighed and took off his shirt. He looked away as the doctor examined his chest. “They’ve definitely swollen up,” Reid said. “Are they tender?” “Yeah, really sensitive…” Nathan pouted. “Shirts feel uncomfortable rubbing against them. And I don’t know what to do with all the…all the leakage.” “Say no more. You want nursing pads,” Reid said. “There’s different kinds, but overnight ones and braless ones will likely be best.” Nathan rubbed his eye. “I’ve been to baby stores too much now… I really don’t want to go out like this.” “Laddie. Order them online,” Reid said. “It’s early morning. You could potentially have it all delivered by the end of the day. Also, get yourself a big sports bra. That’ll help a lot.” “A bra? I can’t wear a bra!” Nathan complained. “Yes you can. I believe in you. You’re not the only man who’s ever had to wear a bra. I can guarantee that.” “Oh god, how am I supposed to do all this? It’s so embarrassing and I have to do it alone,” Nathan groaned. Reid rubbed his back. “Tell me what’s on your mind. What’s troubling you most about this?” Nathan sighed deeply and sat down. “I just… Everything I expected when it came to me having kids is thrown out the window…” “What were you expecting?” Reid sat down beside him. “Well, first I thought I’d be adopting… And I thought I’d have job security. And I thought I’d be…well, married. At least, I’d have a partner helping me… Signing the papers with me. Decorating the nursery with me. Picking out clothes. But I’ve done everything alone. And I’m pregnant.” Reid rubbed his chin. “Well, have you thought about dating?” Nathan frowned. “Dating? Seriously? Like this?” He motioned to his torso. “You’d be surprised by the people who could be into that,” Reid insisted. Nathan crinkled his nose. “I don’t want to be someone’s fetish. I want someone who wants the normal me. The not fat and leaking me.” He looked down. “God, if I hadn’t…become what I am now… I’d still be with Hugh. I’d still work at my old school. We were even starting to talk about kids… I ruined everything.” “Well, I’m sorry, but I’ve heard your transformation story many times and it has always sounded like it was Hugh’s fault you were bit in the first place,” Reid said. “He took you off the path. He found the wolf cub. He chose to leave you when you needed him most.” “I tore his leg off!” Nathan growled. “I’d leave any man who tore my leg off too!” “He wouldn’t have had his leg torn off if he didn’t get you bit,” Reid stated. “You understand?” Nathan crossed his arms. “Are you pinning this on Hugh to try and make me feel better? Because it’s not working.” He gagged a little as he felt a movement in his stomach again so he stood up. “God, I want this to end…” “It’ll be over soon,” Reid said. “Rest for today.” “I can't…” Nathan rubbed his eyes. “I’ve missed work way too much… The principal acts nice about it, but I can tell she wants to kill me.” “She doesn’t want to kill you. But you need the rest. I might even say we should start you on bed rest but you’re determined to work.” “I don’t know if you noticed, but children are expensive,” Nathan said. “I can barely afford my own living situation right now. I need to work.” Reid sighed. “After the next wolf cycle, I’m putting you on bed rest. You need it and the twins need it. I can tell just by looking at you, you’re beyond exhausted.” “…Fine. That gives me three weeks,” Nathan huffed. “But that’s still so soon…” “Just keep thinking about how you’ll get to meet your little angels.” Reid placed a hand on the side of Nathan’s stomach. “I think you’ll find it’s all worth it.” Nathan exhaled deeply for a couple seconds then placed his hands on his stomach. In this sitting position, the twins had started acting up again and he could feel them moving. His stomach turned as he felt it, but he just thought about how it was his children and that every little move meant they were alive. While he still felt a little sick from the movement, it warmed his heart a little bit knowing they were safe. “…Doc.” Reid perked up. “Aye?” “I should tell my parents, right?” Reid blinked stared at Nathan. “You haven’t told your parents yet that they’re going to be grandparents?” Nathan shook his head. “…I haven’t talked to them since… Well, since my grandma’s funeral.” “Ah. Fuzzy connection?” Nathan nodded. “Very fuzzy… I came out when I was fifteen and they sent me away to live with my grandma. They thought her ‘traditional ways’ would ‘fix’ me. That backfired pretty quick. My nana was nothing but loving.” He rubbed his belly. “I wish she was here to meet her great grandkids… But I guess, that’s not common anyway…” “Mm… Aye, I wish you coulda been so lucky,” Reid sympathised. “And it’s up to you whether you believe your parents should know and be a part of this journey with you. The last thing you need though is more stress.” “Right…” Nathan sighed and stood back up to relieve the movement. “Can you let Principal Liu know I won’t be coming in today?” “I’ll do that.” Reid checked his watch. “I got to go though. I have an appointment with another patient.” “Alright, go ahead… I’m good I guess,” Nathan decided. “Thanks for coming all the way out here, doc. I guess my issue was pretty dumb…” Reid shook his head. “No, it’s better to be safe than sorry. Do you have any friends or family who can come around and check up on you?” “Um… The only person I can think of would maybe be Nari… But he’d be working, so…” “It might be worth talking to him because it’s always better to have people around if not just for emotional support.” “I guess… But Nari's… Nari can be a little…” “Stubborn and abrasive?” Reid asked. “Yeah, he’s like that. But he means well and I’m sure if he’s paid any attention to you, it means he likes you.” “I mean, I guess… He made us official friends the other day when we, uh…” Nathan scratched the back of his head. “Well, he came over to help with my laundry. Started calling me by my first name.” “Well, then you’re best buds it seems,” Reid chuckled. “Good, it’s important he makes friends too… He avoids it. You know you’re true friends when he carries you over.” “Over what?” Nathan asked. “Over lives. You must’ve heard him talk about his lives,” Reid explained. “Nari creates a new persona every couple decades to avoid people catching on to his immortality. Each new persona is usually accompanied with a big move. His first new persona moved to the UK. Then when she was done, Nari was created and he moved to Canada. What I’d like to see is either an extension in one of his personas, or at least the effort to bring over some people in his life and not just cut everyone off.” “Oh. That seems…” Nathan rubbed his chin. “Dramatic maybe?” “Yes, but you can understand. I only hope to be brought over too… I feel like he should at least consider what APID has to offer him or whoever he’ll be in the long term.” Reid checked his watch again and clenched his teeth. “Christ, I really gotta go, Nathan. But I’ll call in the afternoon, make sure you’re well.” Nathan nodded and pulled a robe on. “…Nursing pads, right?” “Aye. I’ll send you a link to some good ones from the web.” Reid went out to the stairs. “Okay… Bye then.” “Eat something. Bye now.”
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You Didnt Notice
Dean x Reader
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Summary: Y/n fights with Dean about being an alcoholic. In the moment he argues with you but after he changes his ways because he secretly loves you too much not to and you never notice.
Warnings: language and alcohol
A/n: Hi I was bored and thought of this. I dont really know what it is. Its kinda all over the place and I just firgured it out as I went along so its a little wierd. Its not too long tho so enjoy.
You grabbed the beer bottle out of his hands before he had a chance to open it. He was so drunk he didnt notice until you put it back in the fridge.
"Hey! What the hell was that for?!" He yelled at you.\
"You need to stop Dean."
"Stop what?!" His words slurred.
"This." You gestured to the dozens of empty beer bottles on the table in front of him.
"I can drink if I want its a free country!"
You began to yell back at him. "Not like this you cant!"
He chuckled. "Watch me." He pulled out a can from the six pack you hadnt noticed under his chair. He opened it and started chugging. You walked over and ripped it out of his hands, beer spilling every where. He stood up defensively. "What the hell?!"
"Dean your going to kill yourself drinking like this!"
"So what?! Im going to die eventually, hell, Ive died before what does it matter if I die like this?!"
"It matters to me Dean! Dont you understand that people care about you and dont enjoy watching you doing this to yourself?!"
"Sometimes the job is hard and I need to drink it off so sue me!"
"Yeah I know Im a hunter too. Every once and a while this is okay but you do this to yourself almost every night!"
"Fuck you!" He grabbed another can.
"Fine go ahead and kill yourself but if you dont change your habits your going to die Dean and nobody is gonna go down to Hell and save your ass again. Not Cas. Not me. Not Sam. Nobody. Because you brought this upon yourself and there wont be any coming back once its to late!"
Deans responded by flipping you off but you didnt care. You grabbed you coat and stormed out the door. You didnt know where you were going but it had to be away from there.
~Deans Pov~
Once the door slammed behind her I stopped drinking and threw the can against the wall. I was extremely wasted but was sober enough to know that Y/n was right. Dont get wrong I love alcohol but if it turns Y/n away Im willing to part with it.
I picked up my phone and called the only person I could call. "Sammy I need help."
"With what? A job?"
"No with drinking." Saying it made me feel weak. I hated it but it was for Y/n.
"Really, wait, I bet Y/n got to you didnt she?"
"Shut up, now are you gonna help me or not?"
"Yeah Ill be there in a minute."
It was nearly twelve when Sam arrived.
"What took you so long?!"
"I was tying up loose ends with the vampire case. How do you want me to help?"
"I dont know make sure I dont drink." I said sarcastically.
"Well lets start with getting rid of all of this then." He got a trash bag and filled it with anything that could pass as alcohol.
Weeks have passed since that night. I havent touched a drop of alocohol and it sucks. Sure I feel more awake. Sure I dont have to deal with hangovers. But its not being drunk. Today was week eight. Eight weeks sober. Man Y/n is going to be stoked.
~Y/n Pov~
Today You and Dean were doing a job. Nothing too serious just your run of the mill salt and burn. You walked out of my motel room that morning to find Dean already in Baby. He had sunglasses on and looked too tired for a job.
"Sun too bright for your hang over?" You said as ou hopped in.
"Nope its just sunny." He probably just didnt want to admit it.
The job was over before you knew it. Salt and burns were getting too easy to be fun anymore.
"You ready to get back?" He asked making small talk on the ride to the motel.
"Uh yeah. I just want to lay down watch tv and eat pizza." you liked your lips at the thought of food.
"Yeah when I get back to the motel im gonna get a nice cold beer." He laughed to himself like it was a joke.
"You think this is funny?!" You screamed at him. He nearly swerved of the rode to your reaction.
"What are you talking about?"
"I cant handle this any more! I cant watch you throw your life away!"
"Y/n, Im.."
You interrupted him. "Youre what?! Sorry?! No, sorrys not going to cut it anymore!"
"No I was going to say..."
"Dean Ive tried countless times to get you to stop drinking but no! You have to have your precious alcohol!"
"Y/n listen."
"No you listen if your not going to stop drinking then im leaving! Im going solo! I cant watch you kill yourself anymore! I tried to help you but you wouldnt change si guess what now Im gone! When we get to the motel im oacking my things and leaving. And try to lose my number too will you. Im doone helping you and if you die drinking well then boo hoo you deserve it!" Dean shut up quick after you said that. He wasnt expecting that this is how the car ride back would turn out. He honestly didnt know you didnt know he was sober. How could you not notice. Its not like you soent everyday with him and its not like he and Sam tried to keep it a secret. AND FOR GODS SAKE ITS BEEN EIGHT FUCKING WEEKS. How could you not notice he hasnt had a drink for eight fucking weeks.
Once you arrived both of you got out of baby as fast as you could and stormed to your rooms.
Dean burst through the door and went imediatly to the mini fridge. Sam was at the table on his computer. he looked up and notice Dean had a beer in his hands.
"Dean what the hell are you doing?!"
Dean downed have the bottled without a breath. "Screw you."
Sam ran over and tried to take the bottle. "Dean your eight weeks sober. Dont throw it away now."
"Too late." He gulped down the rest of it and grabbed another one.
"Whats gotten into you this morning you said you didnt even crave it anymore now you drinking it like you never stopped."
"I said a stupid joke and now Y/ns leaving." He said inbetween gulps.
"I love her Sam I cant let her go." He was already on his third beer.
"Then what are you doing here then go tell her that and maybe she wont go."
Dean was already out the door before Sam finished.
You were almost done pacing your things when Dean burst through the door.
"Im leaving Dean and theres nothing you can do about it." He was swaying a little bit you knew hed been drinking.
He walked into the briskly right for you. The dtermination on his scared you a little bit especially since you knew it was mixed with alcohol. He grabbed you by the shoulders and pinned you up against the wall. He gave you a hard passionate kiss that tasted like beer.
"I fucking love you cant you see that!" He yelled at you.
"Tell me that when you sober!"
"Thats the thing Y/n Ive been sober. I would have beem eight weeks sober today. I was sober for you. the whole reason i even thought about it was becase I love you too much to let you down. But then you had to go off and decide to leave because you thought I was going to have a beer after the job. It was a joke Y/n. It was literally a fucking joke. I audibly laughed to myself to indicate it was a joke but then you had to go and take it seriously. And because im so inlove with you i spirled because you said you were leaving and I fell off the wagon and had a couple beers. Im heartbroken because i did it for you."
You were surprised. You honestly hadnt noticed Dean hadnt been drinking. "Im sorry I didnt know. I didnt notice." You said quietly. You felt like an idiot.
"Hell yeah you didnt notice! But now I guess you leaving and Im back to drinking."
A tear rolled down you cheek. You grabbed his face kissed him hard. He kissed you back so much so your head slammed against the wall. You could tell he meant it. you could tell by his kiss that he loved you.
"Im not going anywhere." You said once you parted.
"Good because I dont know what I would do without you."
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imcginc · 7 years
✩ ros/z & ari/naseem aka luv me♥♥
lol fuck me m8 this is all going under read more 
WHO IS MORE LIKELY TO RAISE THEIR VOICE? ros n naseem ( when he actually gets rly heated with ari but other than that ari prob screams at him too ! )WHO THREATENS TO LEAVE BUT NEVER ACTUALLY DOES? zara ( bc shes scared he’ll leave her so she never rly does anymore ) n maybe ari ? if naseem was ever a douche she definitely wouldWHO ACTUALLY KEEPS THEIR WORD AND LEAVES? listen these kids have been thru it all. but contradicting my last answer, ari would bc she knows how to hold a grudgeWHO TRASHES THE HOUSE? ros n naseemDO EITHER OF THEM GET PHYSICAL? HELLLLLLLL NOOO ! ( this is bad bc this might give ideas )HOW OFTEN DO THEY ARGUE/DISAGREE? whenever we both have a bad idea WHO IS THE FIRST TO APOLOGISE? def zara and naseem bc ari is stubborn af there aint gonna be an apology tf ? 
WHO HAS THE STRANGEST DESIRES? uh ros n naseemANY KINKS? naseem ? finds anything ari does hot . ros ? literally the kinkiest n im surprised he hasnt asked zara to do some shiiiit WHO’S DOMINANT IN BED? obv ros for rara but literally naseem most of the time but ari sometimes is over it and says hey my turn !! IS HEAD EVER IN THE EQUATION? uh ask ari OIHDSFJKHSDIF SO, WHO IS BETTER AT PERFORMING IT? ^EVER HAD SEX IN PUBLIC? naseem n ari prob did tbh WHO MOANS THE MOST? zara n ari def WHO LEAVES THE MOST MARKS? ok tbh zara would claw ros’ back sm and if she got jealous bc some girl was lookin at her mans she would make sure to leave lil tiny hickies on his neck / collarbone . i wanna say nas but i feel like ari would make sure there’s some marks on naseem so she can show him off. WHO SCREAMS THE LOUDEST? zara def oidshkjdsh . would ari scream ? is she abt that ? WHO IS THE MORE EXPERIENCED OF THE TWO? ros n nasDO THEY ‘FUCK’ OR ‘MAKE LOVE’? [ tyler vc ] zara probably the typa girl to call fucking “making love” ROUGH OR SOFT? tbh both ships are abt it. rara probably more towards soft bc zara is a smol bean and nasella probably towards rough bc they kinky af i know it HOW LONG DO THEY USUALLY LAST? ask them oisdhkjdshIS PROTECTION USED? rara ? protection ? nasella ? protection ? huhhhh ? DOES IT EVER GET BORING? obviousllylyllyy not . WHERE IS THE STRANGEST PLACE THEY’D HAVE SEX? winks . ask them . osdhkjdshsd 
DO YOUR MUSES PLAN ON HAVING CHILDREN/OR HAVE CHILDREN? zara def does . so does naseem. they r nodding at me a lot IF SO, HOW MANY CHILDREN DO YOUR MUSES WANT/HAVE? zara prob wants one at first but then when they start school she’ll be like !! no we need another !!!!! naseem definitely wants to have at least 2 . 3 at the most WHO IS THE FAVORITE PARENT? zara would prob have a problem saying no. naseem would definitely spoil their kid, but i feel like they would love ari bc ari would play with them n naseem would want to film them. WHO IS THE AUTHORITATIVE PARENT? OIDSHKJSDH zara !!! ros would probably be like “let’s go bungee jumping” or smth like that osdihdksjhs and DEFINITELY ari . naseem can barely put on those diamond shaped band-aids WHO IS MORE LIKELY TO ALLOW THE CHILDREN TO HAVE A DAY OFF SCHOOL? ros and naseem definitelellylylllyyWHO LETS THE CHILDREN INDULGE IN SWEETS AND JUNK FOOD WHEN THE OTHER ISN’T AROUND? AGAIN ! ros n naseeeeem WHO TURNS UP TO EXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES TO SUPPORT THEIR CHILDREN? ok tbh all of them do . WHO GOES TO PARENT TEACHER INTERVIEWS? zara would drag ros along. ari would probably drag naseem too WHO CHANGES THE DIAPERS? zara would b 2 scared. naseem would do it WHO GETS UP IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT TO FEED THE BABY? tbh i see both of them taking shifts like “n o ooo ooo oo  .. its ur turn .”WHO SPENDS THE MOST TIME WITH THE CHILDREN? zara probably takes time off bc she literally owns her company and naseem doesnt technically work so ???!?!?!?! them two WHO PACKS THEIR LUNCH BOXES? zara wOULD LEAVE NOTES AND NASEEM WOULD B THE DAD WHO LITERALLY ONLY KNOWS HOW TO MAKE PB N J SO I WOULD HOPE ARI WHO GIVES THEIR CHILDREN ‘THE TALK’? ros n naseem. zara would b 2 squimish and scared 2 talk to them abt it n naseem would 100 % do it if its a boy but if its a girl then ari definitely has to WHO CLEANS UP AFTER THE KIDS? zara and maybe naseem . but he’s a slob. so prob ari . WHO WORRIES THE MOST? zara zara zara zaraaaaa . probably ari calls up z and is like “wtf do i do my kid is literally crawling into the pantry” n z gives advice. WHO ARE THE CHILDREN MORE LIKELY TO LEARN THEIR FIRST SWEAR WORD FROM? LMAOOOO ROS !! BUT TBH ! ARI WOULD B YELLING AT NASEEM A LOT ! SO PROB ARI ODIFSHDSKJ
WHO LIKES TO CUDDLE? is this even a q . zara is the queen of cuddles . also . naseem highkey loves cuddling with ari bc he’s like my baby is home in my arms.WHO IS THE LITTLE SPOON? def zara and ari WHO GETS NAUGHTY IN THE MOST INAPPROPRIATE OF PLACES? naseem and ros !! keep it in ur pants guyssss !! WHO STRUGGLES TO KEEP THEIR HANDS TO THEMSELF?  tbh zara always wanting to hold roscoe’s hand 24/7 like a lost pup and naseem always wants to keep his arm around ari to show that THATS MY BABYYYY !!! HOW LONG CAN THEY CUDDLE UNTIL ONE BECOMES UNCOMFORTABLE? ros has 2 live with it bc zara would pout @ him n b like .. r u kidididididnngngng ? ?? ? ? and with naseem he could cuddle for like 20 minutes and then want to do smth elseWHO GIVES THE MOST KISSES? definniteeelyllyly zara. naseem probably likes kissing ari’s neck a lot when their out and kissing her head. WHAT IS THEIR FAVOURITE NON-SEXUAL ACTIVITY? zara . loves . cudddling . as for nasella ? prob ‘arguing’ and teasing each other. WHERE IS THEIR FAVOURITE PLACE TO CUDDLE? rara probably anywhere with a blanket and nasella probably on the couch with a nice movie playing. WHO IS MORE LIKELY TO PLAYFULLY GROPE THE OTHER? naseem definitelellylyly and ros !!!!HOW OFTEN DO THEY GET TIME TO THEMSELVES? naseem n z can both take off whenever they want so if the other is home they r too 
WHO SNORES? ros and naseemDO THEY SHARE A BED OR SLEEP SEPARATELY? rara shares a bed n so does nasella unless ari is upset with naseem, then he sleeps on the couchIF THEY SLEEP TOGETHER, DO THEY COZY UP TOGETHER OR LAY FAR APART? the both of them prob cozy up aw :’)WHO TALKS IN THEIR SLEEP? zara . ding ding ding zara. sodhjksdh i dont think naseem would. maybe if he was v v stressed idk WHAT DO THEY WEAR TO BED? zara wear’s ros’ t shirts and naseem is legit just in boxers and sometimes long pantsARE EITHER OF YOUR MUSES INSOMNIACS? idk m8. naseem i know he is because he wont sleep unless he 1000000% knows ari is asleep.��CAN SLEEPING PILLS BE FOUND BY THE BEDSIDE? hah ! zara. DO THEY WRAP THEIR LIMBS AROUND EACH OTHER OR JUST LAY SIDE BY SIDE? zara probably clings onto roscoe n naseem probably doesn’t care as long as ari is in his armsWHO WAKES UP WITH BED HAIR? tbh all of them. odhfhdfjkh. but it’s like a minor bed head. WHO WAKES UP FIRST? ros and ari probably. both z n nas love sleepingWHO PREPARES BREAKFAST IN BED FOR THE OTHER? on the rare occasion z is up first, she makes the breakfast, and naseem definitely would, even if he wasn’t the first to wake up. he would tell ari to stay in bed. 
ok guess what the answers above were written two months ago n now im continuing this april 13th
WHAT IS THEIR FAVOURITE SLEEPING POSITION? tbh both of the boys probably big spoon the girls bc they seem so cuddlyWHO HOGS THE SHEETS? absolutely ari and naseem wouldnt wake her up bc yikes does he wanna die today ? for rara : zara DO THEY SET AN ALARM EACH NIGHT? zara is probably the only one out of the fourCAN A TELEVISION BE FOUND IN THEIR BEDROOM? probably dusty as fuck tbh JSDKHSDJS but yeahWHO HAS NIGHTMARES? zara n occassionally nas will. but ari ? she witnessed her mom’s u know . probably herWHO HAS RIDICULOUS DREAMS? naseem probably dreams about some shit like following a marshmallow peep thru a forestWHO SPRAWLS OUT AND TAKES UP MOST OF THE BED? ari ari aRI !!!! like outta all of them ... ARI !!WHO MAKES THE BED? zara !! and if she had the choice ?? she would zoom her ass over to nasella’s to clean their bedWHAT TIME IS BED TIME? zara is the type to fall asleep at 9, naseem would stay up until ari fell asleep tbhANY ROUTINES/RITUALS BEFORE BED? brush ya damn teeth thats probably itWHO’S THE GRUMPIEST WHEN THEY WAKE UP? ari aND ROS !! 
WHO IS THE BUSIEST? ari and zaraaaWHO RAKES IN THE HIGHEST INCOME? zara jkhshsdjssdhdks but with ari’s fashion gig she might b overtaking nas’ roleARE ANY OF YOUR MUSES UNEMPLOYED? nah m8 they r fine as hellll ( actually technically nas is )WHO TAKES THE MOST SICK DAYS? nas takes “sick” days and so does rosWHO IS MORE LIKELY TO TURN UP LATE TO WORK? ros literally goes to the parlor when he feels like it . naseem technically ? is an at home guy WHO SUCKS UP TO THEIR BOSS? know-it-all-voice : zara is her own boss . so is naseem. and so is ros. WHAT ARE THEIR JOBS? zara : ceo of bradley inc / ros : tattoo artist n owner / nas : fucking he does what he wants / ari : fashion iconWHO STRESSES THE MOST? zara n ari DO YOUR MUSES ENJOY OR DESPISE THEIR CAREERS/OCCUPATIONS? i wOULD HOPE THEY ALL LOVE IT ARE YOUR MUSES FINANCIALLY STABLE? yes they areee 
WHO DOES THE WASHING? tha girlsWHO TAKES OUT THE TRASH? probably the guys bc zara doesnt want to have to touch dirty thingsWHO DOES THE IRONING? nas def n maybe zara. does she even kno how to ironWHO DOES THE COOKING? ari bc nas fucking HIRED A CHEF ! and zara dont even know how to bake so maybe ros on this oneWHO IS MORE LIKELY TO BURN THE HOUSE DOWN JUST TRYING? SAY IT WITH ME KIDS ! NASEEM !!! WHO IS MESSIER? THE BOYS WITHOUT A Q WHO LEAVES THE TOILET ROLL EMPTY? AGAIN . THE BOYSWHO LEAVES THEIR DIRTY CLOTHES ON THE FLOOR? DING DING DING ! THA BOYSWHO FORGETS TO FLUSH THE TOILET? I WOULD KICK THE BOYS IF THEY DID THIS BUT THEY PROBABLY HAVE !WHO IS THE PRANKSTER AROUND THE HOUSE? naseem probably pranks everyone n goes “theres a camera and theres a camera ! ur on punked !”WHO LOSES THE CAR KEYS WHEN IT COMES TIME TO GO SOMEWHERE? zara probably loses them but its rly in the right place n she stresses too much. also : naseemWHO MOWS THE LAWN? they rolling in cash they pay other people to WHO ANSWERS THE TELEPHONE? ros bc zara hates phone calls and maybe ari bc i can see nas being too lazy to get upWHO DOES THE VACUUMING? the maidWHO DOES THE GROCERIES? nas will do it if ari is like “ur doing the groceries” n usually zara probably goes and gets them bc ros would buy too much junkWHO TAKES THE LONGEST TO SHOWER? the girls absolutelyWHO SPENDS THE MOST TIME IN THE BATHROOM? the boys
IS MONEY A PROBLEM? nopeHOW MANY CARS DO THEY OWN? rara probably has two or maybe one bc zara never rly drives ? nasella? probably 7 at the least with naseem being extra as fuck n having fancy cars JSDKJSHDO THEY OWN THEIR HOME OR DO THEY RENT? ownDO THEY LIVE NEAR THE COAST OR DEEP IN THE COUNTRYSIDE? coastDO THEY LIVE IN THE CITY OR IN THE COUNTRY? cityDO THEY ENJOY THEIR SURROUNDINGS? yesWHAT’S THEIR SONG? oh man ur gonna make me emo with both of these gbyeWHAT DO THEY DO WHEN THEY’RE AWAY FROM EACH OTHER? zara ? a pup . she would b so lost w/o ros . naseem would be calling ari 24/7 to make sure that shes okWHERE DID THEY FIRST MEET? rara met in the tattoo parlor bc zara wasnt obnoxious af and nasella met bc naseem saw ari on the way to work n was like mami lemme get yo number treat yo fine ass and she was like lol we will see if i even go ! HOW DID THEY FIRST MEET? i explained the origins in the above q WHO SPENDS THE MOST MONEY WHEN OUT SHOPPING? naseem bc he treating ari and maybe zara bc she sees things that are pastel or a cute sweater n buys them asapWHO’S MORE LIKELY TO FLASH THEIR ASSETS? nasseeeeemmmmm !!!WHO FINDS IT AMUSING WHEN THE OTHER TRIPS OVER? both sides of nasella would cackle at the sight of the other tripping. maybe ros if zara isn’t too hurtANY MENTAL ISSUES? yeah a lot HDSKJHSWHO’S TERRIFIED OF BUGS? zaRA ! and maybe ari but probably not to the point where she screams for naseem to get itWHO KILLS THE SPIDERS AROUND THE HOUSE? nasella ? both prob do it. roscoe ? absolutely.THEIR FAVOURITE PLACE? rara ? the coffee shop. nasella ? i imagine the happy spot is in naseem’s art room when he is working on a nice projectWHO PAYS THE BILLS? naseem bc he dont want ari wasting a dime n zara bc responsible afDO THEY HAVE ANY FEARS FOR THEIR FUTURE? zara prob bc worry freakWHO’S MORE LIKELY TO SURPRISE THE OTHER WITH A FANCY DINNER? naseemmm !! and ros !!!WHO USES UP ALL OF THE HOT WATER? why do i feel like ros would . but definitely ariWHO’S THE TALLEST? laughs ros n naseemWHO’S MORE LIKELY TO JUST RANDOMLY HOP INTO THE SHOWER WITH THE OTHER? ros AND NASEEM SDKJSHWHO WANDERS AROUND IN THEIR UNDERWEAR? AGAIN ! ROS N NASEEM ( although ari prob does too !! )WHO SINGS THE LOUDEST WHEN SINGING ALONG TO THE RADIO? ok listen i laughed sm at the thought of nasella trying to outsing the other jkhdks but maybe zara on rara’s endWHAT DO THEY TEASE EACH OTHER ABOUT? everything JDSHKJSWHO IS MORE LIKELY TO CRINGE AT THE OTHER’S FASHION SENSE AT TIMES? naseem prob purposely buys weird clothes n zara prob silently judgesDO THEY HAVE MUTUAL FRIENDS? lmAO ros hates wyatt and ari hates venus ( although she aint a friend )WHO CRUSHED FIRST? naseem literally asked a stranger to go to dinner n ur asking this ? also ? maybe / absolutely zaraANY ALCOHOL OR SUBSTANCE RELATED PROBLEMS? lots of themWHO IS MORE LIKELY TO STUMBLE HOME, DRUNK, AT 3AM? ros n naseemWHO SWEARS THE MOST? curse wars feat . nasella and maybe ros
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