#plus my moms fucking lying to her about getting rid of some of the cats
thetimelordbatgirl · 5 months
Generally love because of my parents trash talking me together and with my nan in the past, my godmom having upset vibes around me makes me instantly paranoid that's another person trash talking me with my parents because I didn't go with them to get coffee.
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khorren · 4 years
 ty @morgrenth​ for the ding <3
— Personal
  Is it your first Animal Crossing game? Nope. I played the one on the Gamecube, New Leaf, Pocket Camp, and now New Horizons!
   Do you listen to the game music or put some of your own? Usually have the game music on! Not often very loud, just enough for some ambient background noise.
   What are your 8 reactions?
The ?, the !, clappy hands, glee, doze, and the other 3 i change around a lot. I’m missing so many. Want more!
   Do you use them a lot? For photo ops with villagers and around friends, sure!
   How many rooms do you have in your house? All 6 of them!
   What are they? (Kitchen, bedroom, etc) Main room is just a collection of stuff that I like, some tables and chairs, and then some useful things like mirror, crafting bench, switch, and some trinkets from in-game mom. My top room and right-side room are currently just holding items for a friend. She's planning on restarting her game, but some items she didn't want to lose. So it's just a junk graveyard right now. The right side room was initially a craft room with sewing machines and stuff, and then the bottom bit was the fathers day mug, some tea, and a set of golf clubs. It was going to be a little room dedicated to my irl mum and dad. But yeah. It's holding junk right now. Left side room is a sort of bathroom. Upstairs is a bedroom/study. Also pet cat room. Has cat food, cat tower, cat nip, kitty litter, etc. And a paper tiger acting as the cat.
   What’s the main purpose of your storage? To hold all the crap I might need one day.
   Do you time travel? Why?Nah. I have plenty to do in game each day, I don't need to leap ahead. Even now when I'm making cat-town, it sure would be quicker to skip ahead, but the 3 days gives me time to do other things. I'll get there in the end.
   Do you have a list of dreamies? I hate this phrase. :D
I am currently working on my all cat village (plus the wolf, Skye, cos she's a sweetie and I can't get rid of her), and I'm moving in a lot of my favourite cats / villagers in general. But there are definitely villagers I like more from other species. I've never really sat down and looked at all billion villagers to decide my ultimate favourites. There are lots of cute bunnies out there. Who knows, maybe 3 months down the line I'll make a bunny village. Since it's taking me like 3 weeks to move in all the cats, I want them stuck around for a while.
— Island    What’s the meaning of your island name? Haven! Haven is one of the key locations in a story I've been "writing" for the past 20 years. It tends to be my go-to place of things to name in games where I build a settlement.
   A picture of your island before vs now?
Tumblr media Tumblr media
   Do you have all the fruits? I do! Nom nom.
   Do you have all kind of trees? It's mostly fruit trees, and I have about 6 normal trees, and about 3 or 4 cedars. Although I've not had to shake my fruit trees for money for a while now, I like that the option's there. I have just enough non-fruit trees for furniture and wasp needs.
   Do you have bushes? Which is your favorite? A few, but I don't think I have them all. A few of the currently flowering ones, but mostly out of season ones. They make cute borders.
   What flower is the most prominent? Tulips are probably the most prominent in my village.
   Which flower is your favorite? And what color? I love the hyacinths. The orangey ones are my favourite, but I like blue too. I think I only have like 2 blues though.
— NPCs
   Do you commission Flick? Have had one thing made by him in the past. I should do more now that I don't really need the money. But honestly I haven't seen Flick in forever, and the days I do see him, I'm busy doing something else.
   Do you interact a lot with your villagers? Yep! I try to talk to all of them each day, but I'm sure I miss a couple, especially if they're hiding in bum-fuck egypt. I miss the Megaphone from ACNL :(
   What kind of gifts do you give them? If I've got some junk lying around, they'll get that. I totally gift back ugly clothes. Every few days I'll gift some of them a wrapped ironwood clock. They seem to like that.
   Favorite & least favorite personality? Normal and Peppy are my faves. Jock probably my least fave.
   Which visiting NPC is your favorite? Probably Flick. I like catching bugs, it's pretty chill.
   Which is your least favorite? Redd. BECAUSE HE NEVER COMES HERE. I WANT MY ART YOU SHIT.
   Do you always help Wisp? Yes <3 Love that little goober.
— Random
   Do you buy or craft tools? Bit of both? If I'm lazy, I'll just go to the shops. If I'm stocking up on something then I'll craft. I need to make a bunch of nets for the bug-off in a few days! :D
   Do you have any gold tools? Recently got the recipe for the gold watering can. But since it still breaks, eh, I'll just stick to my tier 2 can.
   Do you recover a hole with your feet or the shovel? I try to just use my feet, but if it's in the middle of other flowers I'll use the shovel for precision, so I don't accidentally pluck a flower.
   Do you buy fake paintings/statues? I WOULD IF REDD CAME TO MY ISLAND. I'll generally buy the real ones, but if there's a fake I really like I'll nab it for myself.
   Do you buy a lot of clothes? Yas!
   Do you buy a lot of wallpapers/floors/carpets? I do, but there's so few I end up liking :( I'll buy the fancy stuff from Saharah when I see them, but all I've been getting recently is gross floors and the goddamn lava/volcano wall.
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evakfanficsrecs · 8 years
cards and drunken propositions by Bellakitse  ★ Summary: “Eskild, please tell me I didn’t make a fool of myself in front of Even,” Isak begs, groaning when Eskild winces theatrically. “Oh, god, what did I do?” “You mean besides rubbing yourself against him like a cat and started taking your clothes off?” Eskild asks tentatively, giving him a pitying look when Isak lets out a noise of death and mortification. “If it helps he seemed to be enjoying your…attention?” * Isak doesn't remember the night before but he knows he made a fool of himself in front of this crush.
I Don't Know About You, But I Could Think Of A Metaphor Or Two by i_once_wrote_a_dream Summary: He knows he’s fucked up. Crazy. Literally. Clinically insane.
sugar spreads happiness by Bellakitse  ★ Summary: Isak and Even try to bake cupcakes for kose, this time no one interrupts their time in Isak’s kitchen.* Set after the almost kiss of episode three.
stretching out for the sun by elspethelf Summary: The sun wakes Isak the morning after the Kosegruppa party.
isak x even | kisses are free by BloonStuff Summary: When Isak fails to get Even a present for his birthday or valentines day, Even sets out to convince him why that just doesn't matter.
a night out by Bellakitse Summary: Isak and Even meet at a club, Isak gives him a hand.
That's cheating! by Minkefreak Summary: Even's POV of the pool scene and what might have happened after ...
the one where they don't study by Schedazzle Summary: Bringing his breathing under control again, Isak smiled. “I love the way your face changes when you draw,” he said softly, hearing the dreamy sound of his voice but didn’t care at all.
And He Calls Me Moonlight by tootiptopteapot  ★ Summary: He’s drunk and stumbly and his lips taste sharp like a lick of blue-raspberry vodka, but he’s soft and safe in Even’s arms.
You Scare Me (And I Love It) by i_once_wrote_a_dream  ★ Summary: secret admirer!au; He’s chill. Except he isn’t when he feels something hit the back of his head. He doesn’t dare look back, but his face is flushed and heat pools around his ears and neck. He sits up straighter and forces himself to rewrite the last sentence. Alternatively, Isak's got a secret admirer and Even is persistent.
I Like You A Latte by i_once_wrote_a_dream Summary: coffee shop!au; It’s not love. Not yet. But Even’s certain it will be.
call me any, anytime by elspethelf Summary: wrong number!au; Isak texts Vilde... except it turns out not to be her.
FIFA madness by Bellakitse Summary: Even and Isak are playing FIFA, when Even questions Isak's awesomeness at paying the game. Isak is going to prove him wrong, or he would if Even could keep his hands to himself.
Under a Pink Neon Light by wylielx Summary: Shirtless sweaty bodies grinding up against each other, and that’s when Even sees him. An angel under a pink neon light, dancing on a pedestal, moving his hips from side to side, eyes closed, only piece of clothing being a jock strap that fit the shape of his ass perfectly. Ruffled curls adorning his forehead, bouncing around like they’ve got a mid of their own. His body glistening from sweat and Even can see the rise and fall of his chest as the angel faces the ceiling and dances as if in his own world. He’s beautiful. Looks pure and innocent in ways that make men want him more. Even is so gone for a boy whose name he doesn't even know. Or, Even and Isak meet in a strip club.
Sleep Is For Dreamers by unfancyandy  ★ Summary: Isak's always had a complicated relationship with sleep.
Making shades of purple by rumpelsnorcack  ★ ✓ Summary: soulmates!au; His whole life, Isak had known his soulmark was different to those around him. Well, that was a lie; it hadn’t been his whole life. But it had definitely been something he was aware of for as long as he was aware that soulmarks and soulmates existed.
If Only by Stria (Asia117) ✓ Summary: Written for the prompt: “we’ve been chatting online and we get on really well and oh that explains it” au (bonus: i totally told you about my crappy ex oops it you).
run boy run by pansexuaIeven Summary: In the season 1 timeline, Eva decides to transfer schools after all and ends up at Elvebakken. When her and Even become friends and decide to fake date in order to make their exes jealous, what happens when Isak and Even meet?
You by hellagroovy Summary: You stood in front of the building with your friends. You wore a light blue denim jacket and your hair was blonde. A cigarette behind your ear. I had never seen you before. Somebody told me you had a girlfriend.
flower boy by artcmonkeys ✓ Summary: Even comes into the flower store in which Isak works.
with love, from anonymous by cosetties & iriswests ★ ✓ Summary: secret admirer!au; Isak just wants to get his coffee in peace, Even has a crush, and there's a secret admirer on the loose.
The Boy Who Wasn't Scared to Love But to Be Loved in Return by kassie Summary: Even's POV on all scenes that happened during season 3, plus a few AU scenes mingled in-between.
I'm Not A Baby by cuteandtwisted  ★ ✓ Summary: childhood friends!au; "This is Even, my bro. The part about him being my personal servant is kind of true though.” “Your bro? Your bro?! What the fuck, Isak? We need to get rid of this whole masculinity thing they teach you at Nissen.” aka, Isak and Even are childhood friends.
poppin' pills is all we know by tomlinsoln ✓ Summary: au in which Even comes into the bathroom instead of Emma 
Deeper by the Hour by nusmag Summary: Isak finds a poster on a bench in Olaf Ryes Plass. Among a phone number, a drawing of a guy, and the promised 500 kroner per week for the job, it reads: “Even Bech Naesheim needs a support person and boyfriend.” Isak would usually dismiss things like this, but something makes him google the name and… oh. Well. Eskild has been going on about how Isak needs to be quicker in paying the rent. It’s not for anything else that Isak’s considering applying. And if he takes the poster with him so that no one else may find it, then so be it.
making new clichés by strangetowns Summary: childhood friends!au; They are young teenage boys who don’t have jobs, and thus don’t have money except for when they beg their parents for allowances. The stunning lack of creativity that goes into their activities just goes without saying. What doesn’t go without saying is this - Even doesn’t care that they don’t do anything exciting. They could be lying on their backs for hours watching the ceiling and he’d still rather be there than anywhere else in the world. As long as Isak is there, he will have a good time. This is a thing he knows to be true. - In this universe, Isak and Even are best friends. Some things are different; some things stay exactly the same.
"You don't know it yet, Isak Valtersen, but you're mine" by Jules_poupard Summary: secret admirer!au;  Even saw Isak on the first day of school, but in this universe, he isn't quite as patient as the Even we know. He couldn't resist Isak, so he has to let him know. He starts to leave him little notes, relishing in the blush that always spreads over Isak's cheeks and the smiles that steals its way across his face. Isak has never had a secret admirer, and he isn't used to being doted on. He won't admit it, but he definitely likes it. And neither of them know it yet, but they are both so gone for the other.
love and condoms by kassie  ★ ✓ Summary: Isak was about turn on his heels and say “Fuck it” and go home, when a tall, slender-looking boy approached him from down the aisle. Shit. “Finding everything okay?” he asked once he reached Isak, his face entirely consumed by his smile. Judging from his choice of clothing, the boy definitely worked here. And, by the black letters scribbled on his name tag, the boy’s name was Even. Great.. Or: Isak owes Eskild a favor and Eskild sends him out to buy condoms where he runs into a tall boy who is a little too eager to help him.
Those, who could not hear the music. by UniversalParadox_13 Summary: In this story, Isak and Even are ballet students and collide while preparing for a play they’ll be performing in. It’s odd and exhilarating, and does not make sense to their yearning bodies and vulnerable hearts, until it does. But Even is in a steady relationship and Isak has no place for love his life, so there is that.
Scene Three, Take Two by folerdetdufoler ✓ Summary: Isak is 23, a student in the veterinary program at NMBU, and working an internship at a clinic in Kongsvinger. He hasn't seen Even in three years, but randomly bumps into him on the street when he's visiting his mom in Oslo.
(★ - personal favorites | ✓ - completed fics)
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