#for that only comment in my old jumin speedpaint video
redice-tea · 5 years
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Im youtuber now (lol)
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cultgambles · 7 years
Woooo! Finally something that I hope ya’ll enjoy. School started a week ago, and it’s all going according to keikaku so far, so that’s pretty good.
Word Count: 1014
Masterlist | Requests? open
Requests are OPEN
[YTN] = youtube name
“So, MC, what do you do for work? Or are you in College?”
“Oh, yeah. I’m in college and I work from home!”
He didn’t really ask about it again, until he was playing LOLOL with his friends.
“Duuuude, have you seen [YTN]? She’s a girl gamer! She’s basically asking me out…”
The other players in his group agreed, but he had no idea who the person was.
“Yoosung! Leave the game and just watch her letsplays. You won’t regret it.”
“Uggggghhhh, finnnne”
Tbh he wasn’t expecting very much, but he wanted to know what his friends were getting so hyped up about.
He clicked on the first video: BAD DAD: MC plays Dream Daddy | EP 1
“WHAT’S UP GUYS!? It’s ya gorl, MC! So you guys have been BEGGING for me to play, and I got my grubby little hands on it! As you’ve probably read from the title, I’m playing Gamegrump’s Dream Daddy!”
Calls you up right away
“You didn’t ask”
Sometimes you bring him on as a guest
Your fans think ya’ll are really cute
Boi decides to venture in his fandom for once
He sees fanart of him and a girl who looks oddly fa2miliar
Many of the comments consist of “OTP” and “<3 ommmg they’d be so cute together!”
He looks up your name, MC, and sees that you have a pretty big youtube fandom
“MC??? You’re a youtuber?”
“Yeah! Since 2006 actually. It’s been so fun as the years go by. I can’t belive there’s so many people that want to see my silly videos”
“How many?”
“How many what, Zen”
“Followers? Subscribers?”
“Hmmm, I’d say about 7 million?”
Instantly becomes jealous
He LOVES them tho
Wants you to get into the acting business
That’s a no from you
“But we can be stars together!”
“We’ll see eacho ther every day?!”
“We already do, dummy”
ASMR/Slime Videos
She finds it really calming after a long day of work and elly
She brought work home, and just has some playing in the background
Suddenly, your voice fills her ears.
Clicking the youtube tab, sure enough, it’s you.
You’re making some glow in the dark slime and just talking about your day.
Soon enough, she’s seen almost all your videos
Inspires her to make slime
You find her in the kitchen with her laptop open, just A MESS
Glue everywhere
“Jaehee? What’s all this?”
“MC! I don’t know how you make these tutorials so simple looking!”
R u
R u watching one of my videos????
“Yes I am now come over here and help me!”
You kiss her forehead and instruct her.
“Wow that made so much more sense”
“Haha I literally just said the exact same thing”
Product Reviews
He doesn’t think it’s a real job
Worries that his father or coworkers will see them and immediately calls for their removal
Ohhh boy, your subs are A N G E R Y
“Damn, Jumin! I’m not a porn star! I make respectable content!”
“Oh really, MC? Really?”
“Let me show you then!”
The video you pulled up was one where you were reviewing an as seen on TV product (the refined feline cat furniture to be exact)
Your cat was laying around your neck
          he likes it ok?!
“MC, who’s that?”
“Oh, that’s Bartholomeow. He’s my cat. But, he sadly passed away a couple months ago.” :(
“He’s very pretty. I think he and Elizabeth would have been good friends.”
“Oh yeah, totally.”
Is actually really impressed with the details of the review
“I want you to do my cat commercial instead of Zen”
“Hun he was never gonna do it in the first place” you snicker
Wow, what a better way to stalk you! He knows all your personal info already, let’s just throw in actual life stuff too!
Unfortunately, you didn’t really share a lot of your irl stories, you were reserved and only let your fans see small portions of your life.
“MC! When are you gonna put up another video! I’m bored T_T”
“I’m gonna become a better youtuber than you and I’m gonna post TWICE EVERY DAY”
“Oh yeah? Wanna bet?”
“Yeah sure. $50 bucks if i get more followers than you in a month AND post twice everyday”
“Deal. But you can’t hack and cheat.”
It’s on.
Long story short, he gave up after a week
“Pay up, four eyes”
He likes to bother you when you’re filming too
Constantly having to edit him out
“Saeyoung, I thought you wanted a new video!!”
“I do!” he wailed
“Well get out!”
You sing for the majority of your videos
You’ve recently started doing instrumental covers too
When he was getting info to lure you to Rika’s apartment, he stumbled across your videos
Your voice always calmed him down when he was having an episode or mental breakdown
He likes to sit with you when you record
Makes him sleepy lol
You have tons of instruments and when you were stuck at Rika’s he broke into your old house to deliver™
Along with covers, you also write your own songs
Those are his favorites
All in all he doesn’t watch many videos
Two artists get together
You use a lot of his photos to do art studies
You have tutorials, speedpaints, tips, and just art q&a’s
Sometimes he learns from you
You and him sell your artworks at the same place and he had no idea that it was you
Sometimes, during auctions, yours and his are top ranked and have the most bids
Lowkey a compettion btwn you two
Gets the eye surgery to see more of your art
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