#for the record he gives one to cloud and kunsel and cissnei and tseng as well <3
prismaticpichu · 6 months
Zack, instead of going with traditional Christmas cards this year, decides to go with something a little bit more personal. A little bit more from the heart. What does he do…? Well, he makes it a form of art!
Angeal finds his card just as he’s about to make some dinner. He opens the cabinet, preparing to reach for some ingredients, ready to cook up something good. However, he is instead taken aback as a small blue envelope drifts down from the pantry. A small blue envelope, that is, with his name scrawled on it. And with very familiar penmanship.
Intrigued, the man peers inside.
Roses are red
SOLDIERs have dreams and honor
And while I can be pretty awesome at times
Without you I’d be a goner
Lots of hugs,
The Puppy
Genesis’s surprise comes in the form of a little switcheroo. Almost instantly the man notices that his special scented bookmark has been replaced by some… some red envelope? What was this tomfoolery? He narrows his eyes, extracting the culprit from his book. Opening it up to see what cryptic prank awaited him.
And his expression softens.
Roses are red
The wandering soul knows no rest
I know sometimes you may feel a little small
But you’re still one of the best of the best
Your wannabe friend,
The Whelp
For Sephiroth, well, it’s hard to miss the glaring silver envelope taped over his computer screen as he walks into work that morning. He lets out a sigh. Bah. Probably more fanmail.
Jaded, yet curious, Sephiroth peels off the envelope and opens it.
Roses are red
Some scientists use pipettes
ShinRa may not see you for who you are
But you’re still human; don’t ever forget
Always cheering you on,
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zaxxusu · 4 years
Character Sheet (Answered by Zack!)
Mun’s Note: Filling a character sheet or even writing a character meta is not my thing. So I cudgel one's brains to keep filling what I’m tagged with... by interviewing my muse [laughs]. FYI, I roleplay him mostly as a spirit from Lifestream. Here we go! 
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full name.   Zack Fair pronunciation.  Zek Fe-Ir nickname.  You aren’t Angeal so don’t call me Puppy! Would you say I became a Hero? gender.  male height.  185 cm age.   I thought I was still 18 but the reality is... I'm now 23 zodiac.   I should ask Square Enix my Mom first when my birthday is!  (//mun goes with Libra) spoken languages.  You can talk to me? Nah, guess Gaia have international language for Earth haha.
hair color.   Jet black eye color.    The color of the sky! skin tone.    FAIR! Haha, kidding, it’s Light to medium. Guess I burned my skin a lot when I was kids; can’t just stay at home most times! And it’s gettin’ darker due to SOLDIER missions body type.    muscular, build accent.  idk, man voice.   upbeat dominant hand.  righty posture.  no backbone is bent here scars.   I was a SOLDIER, so I have some here and there behind my clothes due to fight. tattoos.   none birthmarks.  none, even if I had, I wouldn’t tell you most noticeable feature(s).   x-scar on my face, my stylish spike hair, buster sword
place of birth.  Me? Gongaga! hometown.    Gongaga Village birth weight.   how could I know that? ask my mom. birth height.  same as above manner of birth.   what is it? first words.   again, ask my parents for this siblings.  Sadly, I have none. It must be nice to have siblings! Maybe I should adopt Cloud as my ‘lil bro haha. parents.  it’s silly, I never ask their name, but my family name is Fair parental involvement. They raised me in good way. They’re harmonious. And you know what? They have no shame to show how romantic they are in front of their kid haha. Idk if it involved me, sort of... whaddaya think?
occupation.  Ex-SOLDIER current residence.  Is Lifestream counted? close friends.  Kunsel, Cissnei, Tseng; I think that’s all. Haha, kidding, Cloud too! Well, I also used to be close with Sephiroth since Angeal passed away, but that was before he completely lost his mind. I also sometimes hanged out with Luxiere since I was promoted, but he... ah, that’s what you call bootlicker. Essai and Sebastian were also my close friend, but they returned to Lifestream long before me, I missed ‘em. relationship status.   it’s complicated, Man. Last thing I know, my girlfriend broke me up through her 89th letter and I never had a chance to explain it ‘cause I never did what she might think I did. Unexpectedly we’re now reunited in Lifestream, so.... is it happy end or not? But if I could, I wouldn’t let her go. No way! financial status.  Well, Turks are paid better and Shin-Ra have sealed my bank account where I did saving, so ... you can see it. driver’s license.  You don’t know that I even could fly a helicopter. criminal record. Nah, I don’t wanna call myself a criminal, but Shin-Ra really made me a wanted man vices. Well, I admit I’m impulsive, but following your heart isn’t that bad, right? I commit not to be as reckless as I used to be.
sexual orientation.  straight! love women! romantic orientation.  straight too! preferred emotional role.   submissive  |  dominant  |  switch   preferred sexual role.  submissive  |  dominant | switch libido. Mhmm..., give me any porn magazine or video, and yeah, I think I’m horny then. turn on’s.  Pretty much anything except the things below. turn off’s.  clingy, over-sensitive/sentimental, and possessive. love language.   Not sure, I enjoy my time with Aerith whatever silliness we did haha (even if it was just me sitting on the bench to see her tending), I also feel her love when she embraced me (or maybe that she’s just being there when I was in my lowest point)... but one single letter also could easily broke me up! relationship tendencies.  Right after everything is so click, I’ll go with the deep. No postpone and wait!
character’s theme song.  I think “It’s My Life” by Bon Jovi and “YOLO” by Smash Into Pieces are  very me, haha! (//mun goes with Last Order and The Price of Freedom from the OST) hobbies to pass time.   I used to do squat... not sure right now since time doesn’t exist here. Scarin’ naughty kids seems a good idea! mental illnesses.   none physical illnesses.   Mhmm.... okay, I was totally wounded so badly that it finally stopped my body functions left or right-brained.  Math isn’t my thing so I guess it’s right? fears.  Tbh, I’d never think or feel about it--not good to discover it until... the 9 months on the run was really a nightmare I never felt before
My biggest fear is perhaps loosing a freedom... well, when I was being a lab rat, I was mostly unconscious to be able to feel it but... NO! Don’t make me imagine if I was captured and return there ‘cause I knew there’s no guarantee. I'D RATHER DIE TO FIGHT FOR MY FREEDOM. Ssstt... maybe that was also a kind of reason why I left home... I mean, my mom didn’t want me to join SOLDIER and it’s against my freedom.
I also hate being alone or feeling lonely so maybe I’m afraid of being abandoned by the whole world. I’m glad I knew Kunsel didn’t abandon me through what I read on mails, Cissnei also helped me too. Those made me still able to cope with, not a total loneliness... and Cloud (whatever his state) is with me, I would never abandon him too. But..., the final letter Aerith sent to me was another nightmare. I’d never did what I’m afraid the most to my one and only love--I tried to fulfill my promise, heck I never knew I had been stuck for 4 years; but I feel Iike she did it to me, crushin’ my hope. Can’t blame her but still....dammit!
self-confidence level.  Are you askin’ me? When was I ever not being confident? vulnerabilities. Whatever it is, I never wanna show you that.
Tagged by: @brawlfists (//you can see Zerith here!) Tagging: @gaeaheal @finalhxaven​ @finalheavn​ @fatescourge @blackcowledbat @penjarah @illecebrcus​ @unforestalledreturn​ @coscuvilheiro​ @brokeniisms​ @elaceto​ @holywhitemateria​ @hatredheld​ And anyone who didn’t do this yet. No force, it’s a freedom!
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//Headcanon pondering: Honored Ends
//Ok, so the last little drabble I posted with iwantthemtoo’s ask prompt got me thinking again. I know I know, bad mun, bad! 
So, the two subjects of my thought process this time are Angeal, and Zack. 
And I will say now, this is gonna be a sad headcanon, but a little happy in a tiny way or two, but here we go.
I realized after both Angeal’s and  Zack’s deaths we were sort of left with an open end, we saw them die, but we didn’t see anything that happened afterward. Granted we did see symbolicly Zack leaving and going to the lifestream, but that doesn’t excuse the fact his body would have still been left on that cliff. Same with Angeal.
On the topic of Angeal, Zack was left with him, we know that, but when you really think on it, you know Zack wouldn’t have just left him there, Angeal deserved better than to just be left behind to rot, but to Shinra, Angeal was a blacklisted terrorist just like Genesis. They literally had no further obligation to have anything to do with Angeal once he was dead, and Angeal no longer had any (known) next-of-kin to even bother notifying. By all means, Shinra probably would have just left Angeal to become monster food and swept his death under the rug like so many other things.
So I propose the first small headcanon. Zack dug his heels in, worked against the company’s wishes and brought Angeal back to pay out of pocket, and actually have Angeal cremated and have a very small ceremony held. It was well away from the company, but Zack quietly let it go around the SOLDIER floors when and where it would be, not really expecting many to even bother showing up due to the things Angeal had become known for in the last year. He was actually rather surprised at how many people came to the small gathering. Kunsel was there of course, if anything to be Zack’s support, and Sephiroth was a rather silent guest the whole time. He was the first to arrive, and the last to leave with Zack.
Though, as Banora no longer existed, and Midgar’s few above ground tombs and columbarium’s just seemed too cold and unfitting for Angeal’s final resting place, after a bit of discussion with Sephiroth (Since he’d known Angeal long before Zack did) it was decided Angeal’s ashes would be delivered to and buried in Gongaga within the Fair’s family plot. It wasn’t anything extravagant and not very common in the small village, but Zack’s dad took his sons request very seriously. A few days after the urn had been buried, a small not-so-neatly, quite obviously hand done, etched stone was set quietly into the earth  to stand with the family’s headstone. It held Angeal’s name, and a very roughly done set of wings framing it.
And now for Zack!
We do know, by Crisis Core’s canon, Tseng did have Reno, Rude, Cissnei and some other Turks en route to intercept Zack and Cloud before they got cornered by the infantry firing squad. We also know by canon, they didn’t make it in time, but that doesn’t mean they didn’t make it at all, even with the storm that rolled in. As stated before, we saw Zack ascend into the Lifestream, but his body was still left out there. Now some could say Cloud in his grief could have tried to dig a shallow grave by hand for Zack, but they were nearly on a cliff face, and just very rocky land in general. If he did try, he wouldn’t have gotten very far, and with as weak as he was, his body would have given out before he could even dig a six foot gap to be a foot or two deep. 
We also know Cissnei and Tseng were personally invested in Zack. Cissnei really liked him, and willfully let him go back in Gongaga. Tseng, by all means didn’t have to hang on to all 88 of the letters Aerith tried sending Zack over those 3 years. Hell, Shinra could have very well just thrown all of them away in secret because we all know, if Zack had proved to be a valuable lab rat, Shinra would have had 0 plans of ever letting him go and lifting his MIA status; but Tseng made a point of keeping them. 
So my next proposal is this.
Either Reno and Rude, or Cissnei and her partner found that cliff overlooking Midgar. They found Zack, long after Cloud gave up and left to try and make his way to the city alone. They saw the aftermath. They saw they were too late.
Now people of Shinra can say what they want about the Turks being shady as shit given that they’re like a Black Ops unit above even SOLDIER, but that doesn’t mean they don’t have personal morals. But, in this case, it went towards Tsengs favor. They knew how to operate under the company’s radar if they needed to. Hell, I’m pretty sure they weren’t even supposed to be out there to intercept Zack and Cloud. The Company had given up and written them off as a threat that needed to be literally put down after escaping, there was no call to waste resources to search and get them alive.
So Tseng and the others took careful steps to cover up their failed mission, they all agreed upon alibi’s and silences if questioned by the higher ups. They brought Zack back, and quickly and quietly worked with a funeral home far from Shinra Tower that was reluctantly willing to look the other way with some intimidation and cash under the table to provide a cremation service. It took some pushing and some veiled threats for the director to cave and promise not to question anything, because by all means, it was not normal for someone who was obviously a SOLDIER from the amount of mako still evaporating from their blood to have 0 credentials, or any identity at all be brought in. Let alone one that quite obviously looked like they were straight up murdered.
But, regardless, since they were being payed, in cash up front for day-of service, they didn’t have much room to argue or object. What wasn’t on record couldn’t get them in trouble right? 
So Tseng successfully had Zack cremated, and went as far as actually purchasing a small, simple, but lightly designed urn with Zack’s name, birth year, and the last etched on the front.
Though, this is where the gaps I mentioned come in. Since Crisis Core came out after the OG, we had no idea Tseng sent people after Cloud and Zack. We didn’t know the full extent of Zack being in love with Aerith. By all logical means, since Shinra had wiped Zacks records, Tseng could have actually personally told Zack’s parents he simply died in action to give them closure and delivered everything to them, but sadly, in the OG, his parents have no idea if Zack is alive or dead, they just know they haven’t heard from him in years. Just to me it makes no sense not to return him to his family. We also know Aerith isn’t really in a deep state of mourning when she joins up with Cloud but honestly, I kinda chalk up all the stuff with her to plot hole mix ups from the compilations story coming out in such a backwards manor.
So for this, I say Tseng went to Aerith, and didn’t even really need to say anything. Aerith had sensed Zack moving on, and Tseng being there confirmed she hadn’t been wrong. She took Zack’s ashes and buried them where he would be happy. Either somewhere in the church, or among the giant beds of lillys outside her home with a simple grave marker further out of Sector 5. Somewhere he would be close, but also at peace.
so essentially TL;DR, both Angeal and Zack have actual marked graves on Gaia that Sephiroth, Genesis, and Cloud could actually find and visit in later timelines.
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