#for the record i think lucy would have hated my english class and i probably would have hated her.
berenshand · 1 year
im only halfway through book 2 but im really enjoying lockwood and co so far. these kids are such assholes and i love that for them. they feel like real teenagers. ive taught them in my english classes and they made me hate my job.
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gins-potter · 5 years
ummm so i did a thing and wrote some hp next gen hc’s fuck you j.k the order they’re written is the age order (idk if there is a canonical age order for all the weasley cousins but this is my take anyway) under the cut because this is long
Teddy Remus Lupin.
soft boy who can and will make friends with absolutely everyone
his family use he/him pronouns out of habit but he’s open to any pronouns
has 5 parents in his mind, remus, tonks, andromeda, harry, and ginny
calls ginny and harry, mum and dad, and lives with them for a while after he graduates hogwarts
making head boy is one of his proudest moments and he never saw it coming because he’s a bit of a troublemaker
but his troublemaking is usually limited to sneaking out of bed to get food from the kitchen, and changing into teachers to scare students
is one of those people that is genuinely liked by everyone, teachers and students
even filch can’t bring himself to yell at that cheerful smile
doesn’t play quidditch, but watches because so many of his family members play
but watching also makes him nervous because he’s scared someone will get hurt
his feelings for victoire kind of come out of nowhere the year after he graduates hogwarts and she’s no longer there teasing him
they don’t get together until victoire is of age though because although he’ll never admit it, bill scares the hell out of him
wants to be a healer after hogwarts
Victoire Weasley.
the sorting hat almost put her in slytherin
considered going to beauxbatons, but didn’t want to move away
hates the dumb blonde trope and works her ass off to get at least an E in all her subjects
despite hating being mistaken for just a pretty face, she does have an impeccable fashion sense, and her makeup is always on point
wishes she and her sister were closer, and it takes until they’re in their seventh and fifth years respectively to realise how similar they are
lives to intimidate people
and loves seeing the looks on boys faces when they realise how smart she is
and she really is scary smart
has this witty, banter going with teddy but is in denial about what it means until she’s in her sixth year and realises oh crap she’s in love with him
has a ridiculously complicated coffee order, which teddy knows off by heart
incidentally the first time he orders for her, getting it perfect, of course, is also the moment she realises she’s in love with him
is the eldest official weasley/potter child and finds it s t r e s s f u l
thinks her siblings/cousins are crazy
ends up teaming up with James and Molly to keep them all in line
James Sirius Potter.
joins the gryffindor team in his second year, plays chaser, and is good enough to give both his mother and his grandfather a run for their money
shameless flirt and acts so much like his two name-sakes that it sometimes makes mcgonagall catch her breath when he winks brazenly at her in the middle of transfiguration
becomes the first half of a brother duo to play for the english national team
feels a lot of pressure to keep up good grades, keep the gryffindor team winning (especially after he’s made captain in his sixth year), look after all his siblings and cousins, and maintain the happy-go-lucky attitude that he’s come to be known for
is diagnosed with anxiety during his seventh year
harry cries when james tells him how dark he’d been feeling
lily researches plants that are proven to lift spirits and brings them to him until he feels like smiling again
has his father’s crazy hair (though his are auburn curls) and his grandfather’s hazel eyes
unlike his brother he likes hearing how much he looks like his family
Dominique Weasley.
feels like the night to victoire’s day
takes her coffee black
likes to wear ripped jeans and old band shirts
dyes her hair
would never admit it but lily luna is her favourite cousin
gets a tattoo of a snake down her spine when she’s fifteen and her parents hit the roof and ground her for the entire summer
she expected her dad at least to be cool about it
likes boys and girls, but thinks most of them are idiots
has the best eyeliner game in the school
is fiercely protective of her little brother
never even considered going to beauxbatons
even though they annoy her most of the time she could never be away from her family that long
also loves to intimidate people
wishes her sister wasn’t so perfect all the time because she thinks it puts more pressure on her to be better
Molly Weasley II.
is dyslexic but it took everyone a long time to realise it
thought for a long time that she was just too dumb to get above an acceptable in any of her classes
rose eventually works it out, and it gets better after that
or at least her teachers are a bit more considerate
is a whiz at classes where she doesn’t have to write a lot of essays
loves care of magical creatures and helps Hagrid teach Grawp English
her uncle charlie is her favourite uncle and considers running away to live with him in her fourth year
has a very strained relationship with her father because he tends to be very impatient with her and used to say she wasn’t trying hard enough in school
really good at sewing and cooking (much like her namesake) and can usually be found in the kitchen of the weasley house experimenting on a new recipe
gives the best presents
is the best at wrangling the weasley/potter brood
is that person who remembers every single birthday, anniversary, favourite colour, pet’s names and so on
shameless romantic
Rose Granger-Weasley.
everyone is surprised af when she gets sorted into gryffindor, including rose, but she grows to love the crazy, loud house
is in love with scorpius for about 3 months in third year but gets over it pretty quickly when she sees the way scorpius looks at her cousin
so she just settles back and waits for them to figure it out
pretends like she hates quidditch but has a secret love for it that only her dad knows about
and she of course supports the chudley cannons
is one of those annoying ‘gets perfect marks without studying’ type of people
likes to rock the space buns look with her cousin roxanne
thinks she might be ace/aro but really isn’t sure
her mum is her hero
goes through a rebellious phase in the summer between her fifth and sixth years, and lives with her aunt ginny and uncle harry for a few weeks
is the first person to realise her cousin molly is dyslexic
Scorpius Malfoy.
is the first malfoy in history to not be in slytherin
thinks albus potter in glasses is the hottest thing
thought his father would hate him for being sorted into ravenclaw
he doesn’t
thought his father would hate him for being gay
he doesn’t
his father tells him once that raising him is the best thing he’s ever done and it’s one of the most important things anyone has ever said to him
professional piner
is in love with al since almost the first time he ever saw him
plays chaser in his 4th and 5th years but is really glad when they find a replacement for him
he prefers watching his boyfriend play
loves his mother
kinda hates his grandparents and hates himself for that
when he’s in The Zone™ good luck getting his attention
has a tendency to hyperfixate
hates parties but goes because al and rose like them
has a touch of social anxiety
Albus Severus Potter.
tries out for the slytherin team in his first year, but isn’t selected
is called in to play for the grand final against gryffindor that year when the other seeker is injured, they lose but it’s still one of the best moments of his life and makes him the second youngest person to play for a hogwarts team after his father
goes on to play on the english national team with his brother
is best friends with rose and scorpius
is constantly being told by teachers how much the three of them remind them of his father, uncle ron, and aunt hermione
likes boys
knows he likes boys pretty much from birth (his parents are also unsurprised when he tells them)
doesn’t work out that he’s in love with scorpius until they’re in their fifth year, and it still takes them most of the year to get their shit together
needs glasses but hates wearing them, so he usually wears contacts
is always down for a nap
Louis Weasley.
came the closest to studying abroad, but just before he was set to start he had a minor panic attack and realised he couldn’t do it
he was worried for a long time that his mum was secretly disappointed that he went to hogwarts just like his siblings, but she told him she could never be disappointed in him
he knew from a young age that he had been born into the wrong body but wasn’t able to tell his family until he was around 10, 
he didn’t want to go to hogwarts with no one knowing who he really was
his parents didn’t pretend like they had always known, but they accepted him nonetheless
always harboured a hero-worship-lowkey-crush on teddy which eventually developed into a mutual friendship, despite the almost 10 year age gap
plays seeker on the hufflepuff team only because they desperately need a seeker and lucy begs him
loves his older sisters but wishes they weren’t so protective
sometimes wishes he was closer to fred, lucy, and roxanne who are all in his year and are very close but then remembers that they’re all crazy and if he hung with them more he’d probably be in detention every week
loves muggle studies and wants to work with muggles after hogwarts
collects muggle coins 
Roxanne Weasley.
practically invented the space buns look
holographic aesthetic
friends with everyone
is friendly with absolutely everyone but also plays beater so people are very ???
likes being a twin and usually gets pulled into fred and lucy’s crazy schemes
has the highest detention record of any head girl ever, but most of those are fred and lucy’s fault
the one detention that actually is her fault is when she throws her beaters bat at her brother because he let slip who she had a crush on in the middle of commentating a quidditch match
it worked out pretty well in the end because the girl found her after the quidditch match to ask her out
one third of the unholy trinity (lucy came up with the name)
she’s the third who tries to keep them out of trouble
has the chillest nature and can’t stand to see any of her family hurt
wishes uncle percy wasn’t so hard on molly
is one soft lesbian
physically incapable of holding a grudge
Fred Weasley II.
doesn’t play quidditch but takes after his godfather and commentates
likes to try and throw his sister off her game when she’s playing quidditch
second third of the unholy trinity
honestly does not know how he gets in so much trouble all the time
seriously wonders if he was born without impulse control
like it’s not his fault that he’s curious about absolutely everything and has the patience of an excited puppy
is really good at charms
always knows the most obscure spells
has no idea what he wants to do after he leaves school but isn’t worried about that
Lucy Weasley.
plays chaser
troublemaker ™
last third of the unholy trinity (the name was her idea)
her and lily are either the best of friends or the worst of enemies (there is no inbetween)
god help you when they’re at each other's throat because their arguments could wipe out city blocks
you can imagine how much worse they are when they’re teaming up
thinks she maybe wants to be an auror after leaving school
her dad hates the idea
which of course makes her want to do it even more
loves mystery novels and can always guess the ending by about halfway
thinks her uncle harry is the coolest
invites herself along on lorcan’s world travels after he finishes hogwarts
loves to smack him over the back of the head when he gets too obnoxious
but secretly loves it when he starts ranting about the topics he’s studying
Lorcan Scamander.
smart boy
thinks his mum is kinda nuts but loves her anyway
thinks his brother is kinda nuts but loves him anyway
doesn’t know how he got basically adopted into the weasley/potter family but can’t bring himself to be mad about it
loves arithmancy and nerding out with hermione about it
wants to do too many things after he leaves hogwarts
ends up taking some time off to travel for a bit and learn more about the different wizarding cultures
lucy surprises everyone and invites herself along as a break after she finishes her auror training
no one can work out if they hate each other or are secretly dating
lysander can’t work out if he hates her or wants to kiss her
Lysander Scamander.
eptimosises the dumb blonde stereotype
too pretty for his own good
gets shoved into keeper position on the hufflepuff team because no one else can/wants to play, and is The Worst
gets distracted by cool clouds and pretty butterflies during quidditch games
finds that he actually really likes quidditch because it turns out he loves flying
he still sucks at keeping of course
but at least he’s having fun now
thinks his mum is a genius
knows that hugo is the one for him as soon as they start dating
favourite thing is the way hugo’s ears go red when he’s flustered
thinks ron is hilarious
Lily Luna Potter.
smol, smol, smol child
is five feet of pure rage, sass, and protectiveness
will fuck up anyone who messes with her family
parents started her in quidditch to help vent her frustrations but quickly grows to love the game, or at least being able to hit the fuck out bludgers
plant nerd
starts a herbology club with her uncle neville (who she refuses to call professor longbottom no matter how many times he reminds her)
she is one smol lesbian
hates it when james is going through his anxiety because for the first time kicking someone’s ass won’t fix it
less than zero impulse control
she finds an old photograph of her mum rocking an undercut and immediately goes for the electric razor
the end result is horrible, and she ends up calling victoire and dominique to fix it for her
did i mention she’s super smol?  
thinks that her dad doesn’t understand her very much but cries a little when uncle neville let’s slip that he’s been borrowing herbology books to learn more about her favourite subject
works with troubled teens after she leaves hogwarts
works out at age eight that is she arranges her cousins a certain way in family photos they can spell out bad words with the letters on their sweaters
her parents don’t know if they should be angry or impressed.
Hugo Granger-Weasley
is the quieter kind of smart compared to his sister, who is always correcting people
surprises the fuck out of people when he’s put in ravenclaw and gets near perfect grades at hogwarts
studies a lot
is the only person who can beat his dad at chess
has a bad habit of falling asleep while reading
is jealous of how good all his cousins are at quidditch, and thinks for a long time that his dad is disappointed because he’s too scared of heights to play
is a self-confessed morosexual and is shamelessly in love with lysander scamander
almost gets stuck on the hogwarts express one time because he was too busy reading to realise they’d arrived
always has ink stains on his hands
usually gets said ink in lysander’s hair when they kiss
has a thing for lysander’s blonde curls
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purplesurveys · 4 years
What snack food could you not live without? I feel like “can’t live without” is pushing it too far, but Pringles is my favorite and I imagine I’d be pretty miserable if they hypothetically suddenly disappear or stop production. Can never get enough of those.
What/where is your favorite restaurant? And what do they specialize in? Yabu. It’s Japanese, but they mainly specialize in katsu so they don’t have sushi or ramen or sukiyaki or other types of Japanese food. I haven’t had my usual since February or March, so I can’t waaaait until I can finally order for myself.
How do you waste time when you are procrastinating? Looking for anything I can watch on YouTube. Once I’ve found a video it usually is able to send me into a black hole of other videos, so it’s been quite the effective way to avoid tasks or things I’m worrying about.
Do you follow any celebrities on social media? Who? I don’t, honestly. I never understood it about myself lol; I’m fascinated by a number of celebrities but the idea of being constantly updated about their personal lives just never seemed appealing to me. I guess I just like them for what they do and the celebrity that comes with it. The only one I follow on Twitter is Hayley Williams.
Who do you admire for what they have accomplished? Probably Arlan. Dude had like 10 orgs while in college, was in the college student council, and he got accepted to Columbia’s graduate program for journalism for the next school year. Idek how he even finds the time to sleep.
Would you like if you never had to work again? Lately I’ve been learning about myself that work gives me a sense of purpose, so even if I was offered all the money in the world, I’d take it but I would still want to work (assuming I’m in a job I like and care about). I never want to go back to how shitty I felt in September when I was neither studying nor working.
Are you a big sports fan? What team and sports? I like watching basketball and volleyball games, but only the ones played in our local university league – that said, I obviously root for my school lol. I like pro wrestling too, but they don’t work in teams.
Do you believe in following your dreams? Yes, but the way there is vastly different for everyone in that some people may have the connections and resources early on, while some will have to work and claw a little harder. The playing field isn’t always level, unfortunately.
Do you like to play board games? They’re fine, but I typically prefer to watch from the sidelines mostly because I’m terrible at following instructions and retaining them in my head as I play.
What were your favorites games as a kid? Does it have to be board games? I played outside way more often and my favorites were patintero, 10-20, and a game we called ‘ice ice water,’ which is really just freeze tag. I also liked pick-up sticks.
Would you like to be a “stay at home” mom or dad? I dunno if I would enjoy that, honestly. Like I said, I like the idea of working as it makes me feel productive...but who knows? I’m only 22, literally a fresh graduate, I don’t have kids, and it’s a long way before I can possibly become a mom. But my priorities could always change; I could wind up being a mom who is content with being a housewife. I really have no clue, and I’ll never know until I get there.
How are your “direction skills” when you are driving? Yeah, they’re nonexistent. I need Waze all the time if I’m the one driving, even if it’s going to a place I routinely travel to.
Do you need to be in charge or are you happy to let someone else take charge? It depends on how confident or familiar I am with the task at hand. I can handle being either a leader or a follower; but I do think that, for all tasks I’m involved in, I do like to help call the shots and decide on things on some level, no matter how little it is. I never just follow, if that makes sense.
Would you rather “talk it out” or “let it go” and hope it’s forgotten about? Talk it out. Communication is really important to me.
What celebrity have others told you that you look like? Anna Akana and Lucy Hale.
Do you like to dance? What kind do you enjoy the most? Only either when I’m alone or have had a lot to drink. I don’t actually know any types of dance.
Do you feel anxious right now? Eh, not really. I’m a little sad, but getting out of bed to sit at my desk has slightly fixed that for the meantime.
Do you like to eat breakfast for dinner? What are your faves? Sometimes my dad will make breakfast food for dinner, yeah. I’m never enthusiastic about it lol, but I don’t complain.
Do you feel like you will ever have enough money to make you happy? Sure, I think so. I know I definitely don’t want to end up being extremely selfish about money.
What is more appealing to you: a pub crawl or a wine tasting? Pub crawl, for sure. I hate wine anyway.
What classes or courses would you take to learn more about? International relations, biology, and anthropology.
Would you ever get a tattoo? What kind would you get? Idk if I would ever get one, but one of my ideas is to have Paramore’s lyrics “For all the joy that is to come / Just let the pain remind you hearts can heal” on my wrist, kinda like as a reminder that there are brighter days ahead. That’s not the correct sequence of lyrics, but combining those lines together was what spoke to me the most. 
How much time do you spend working out a week? (you can fib a little) I don’t work out.
Do you dress up for Halloween? What was your best costume? Only if my friends have something planned. I’ve mentioned this several times lately but my personal favorite costume was going as my old best friend, Sofie. It was so low-effort but everyone understood who I was and had a kick out of it.
How often do you like to shop online? I never really did it regularly before since I had been on a tight allowance throughout college, but now that I’m earning on my own I could see myself ordering stuff online 1-2 times a month.
Have you ever spent time “online dating?” No. I had Tinder before, but just to people-watch. Still not interested in it now.
Do you ever hang out with your parents? How about your siblings? No. We don’t do one-on-one bonding; we’re all emotionally unequipped for that lol. I hate that I missed out on family things like that; and my future kid/s is/are definitely getting a lot of solo dates with me.
What is the number one way that you like to spend your time? Probably going on YouTube. There’s always something to watch over there.
Is it easy or hard for you to be lazy all day? Easy for the most part, but if I know I have work to do I also like getting my ass up to wrap that up as quickly as I can.
How similar are you to your zodiac sign characteristics? Based on what’s been shoved down my throat from social media, Tauruses  love their food, hold grudges, are fiercely loyal, resistant to change, and annoyingly stubborn. Those things are all me.
What are you addicted to? I don’t have any addictions.
What is the last song that you saved to your playlist? Haven’t been using my playlists lately.
If you could listen to only one artist, who would that be? Paramore.
Who would you like to be president right now? We have a dictator of a president at the moment and the list of potential candidates for 2022 isn’t looking too great either, so...who the fuck knows. I’m hoping someone capable – and someone preferably younger – steps up to take the challenge before 2022. I look forward to the day we take to the streets to celebrate the same way America did today.
Were you popular in school? I mean in high school I was kinda on the radar, but I still liked staying at the sides and let my more popular friends take the spotlight. Besides, I was already linked with Gabie and I didn’t want teachers and staff to be on our asses. 
What is your favorite place that you have ever visited? Locally, Sagada. Outside of the country, probably Shanghai.
What places do you want to travel to before you get too old? Ideally I’d want to travel to as many countries as I can, to be honest. Doesn’t matter where. But if I can only afford to do so a handful of times, I’d spend that money on Morocco, India, Thailand, Egypt, South Korea, Iceland, Peru, and Spain (and then maybe go on a European road trip from there).
What is the perfect work schedule that you would love? I’m happy with my current 9-6 shift.
What was the best party that you have ever been to? Rita’s sister’s org’s Halloween party from last year.
Did school come easy for you or was it hard? High school was easy, but I purposely didn’t put much effort into it. I didn’t see the point, considering a) teachers have their established favorite students early on and I knew I wasn’t one of them and no matter how well I did I knew I wasn’t going to get recognized, and b) workplaces could not care less about your high school record. College was also easy, and I found balancing my academics, org life, and social life to be fun and fulfilling.
What language do you enjoy listening to? English or Filipino.
Would you take the time to learn a new language? Sure. I’ve done that with Spanish and Korean before.
If you had a personal assistant, what would you have them do? Make them do the phone calls whenever I would have to at work.
Who is the funniest person that you know? I have several people in mind, honestly - Andi, Kate, Jum, Aya, JM, Hans.
Who is the worst pain in the ass that you know? My mom. Sometimes Cooper.
Whose life do you look to as a “model” of what you would like yours to ultimately look like? Anna, one of the moms from the Korean reality show I watch. Her amazing attitude towards life, her parenting skills, cooking skills, aesthetic, and overall life is all I want.
How much money do you save from your paycheck? I have no idea how to budget yet. AAAHHHHHHHHH
Which is a stronger emotion, fear or joy? I think both can be felt strongly.
What types of people do you follow on social media? Athletes, Influencers? Mostly irl people. The only famous people I follow are AJ Mendez (though she’ll always be AJ Lee to me) and Hayley, like I said. OH WAIT I also follow the entire GMM crew! Idk why I missed that.
Would you ever like to work remotely and travel? That’d be nice, sure.
When were you the poorest that you have ever been? Quarantine.
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