#for the record if im shadowbanned
zeawesomebirdie · 2 years
Hey @girlcalledwhatsername (i dont think youll get the notif from this tag so hopefully you see it anyway), i currently cant access messages from main
This is what my activity tab looks like on mobile, compared to my writing tumblr @ftm-qui-gon-jinn
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Messaging isnt even an option for some reason
I dont mean to make a Whole Post to reply, i just cant @ people and im not showing up in replies so this is like. The only option lol
But im okay! I think this is the funniest thing thats ever happened to my tumblr tbch, of all the ridiculous things to happen it had to be this!
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asterias-record-shop · 6 months
I think your posts may be shadowbanned cause I cannot find your posts in the Ethan tags when u post
With love how do you become unshadowbanned 🥹 or like lessen the impact? Should I make like a “library blog” where I reblog when I post?
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triplecreature · 2 months
every time I tell someone that I'm struggling to find a job they suggest like "hmm well if it's not going well you can always work at a restaurant or something to start with ^_^" and i always go... what did you think i was applying for... i would love to work at a restaurant but even they are rejecting me :'( starting to consider becoming a feral creature who lives in the forest idk why im like shadowbanned from employment it's not like i have a criminal record
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thecubes · 7 months
top 5 albums pls for the ask game!!! i hope you are released from shadowban jail soon... 💚
HEYO thank you T_T every day i pray
ok im thinking so hard about this and trying not to forget something pivotal to my existance. but here we go. it's also gonna have to be unordered bc otherwise I Will Die
viva la vida/prospekt's march; coldplay : oh its just so good. i mean i love all coldplay up to mylo xyloto when they started getting a bit shit. but vlv is just so iconic, the storytelling & theming and it starts exactly as it ends. and im a sucker for hidden tracks :")
69 love songs; the magnetic fields : i mean it's HUGE, it really is 69 songs. i love the magnetic fields in general again but this album has a lot of their best stuff on it, and stephen merrit is such a sarcastic jaded old man i love him :P also i can approve of a rude joke album title
sky 2; sky : actually... this should be my numero uno. it's all instrumental prog rock and the most dad-est thing ive ever recommended to anyone but for real it is so good find a good recording like a cd or somethin and a good player turn it up LOUD and just experience GOD in the form of a guitar drumkit and keyboard
um does an original broadway cast recording count? because if so, then the obcr for groundhog day the musical god damn changed my life for real. i mean obviously paired with the actual musical haha but tim minchin is for real a genius. very little time goes by where im not thinking of ghd the musical
hot space; queen : so it was between jazz and hot space, and i'm picking hot space just on principle since everyone can agree jazz is fucking great but hot space is like a marmite situation and im here to represent the love for it. and tbh it fr is so good i love disco hot space LETS GO
EDIT mint if you see this you have to answer this as well since i cant send you an ask :SOB:
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mondaymelon · 1 year
As a writer for writing Tumblr short fanfic(is that what they called?)
Where did you get the energy/motivation from?
Like, how are you still able to write all of that?
That has so many words! Don't you ever get burn out?
(I am saying this be because I'm impressed seeing Tumblr fanfiction maker are this.... dedicated to their Tumblr, You guy's have a strong will, I must say...)
i call short fanfics oneshots, but its mostly based on the person :))
oh, motivation?
to be completely fair, i have surges of energy - pretty much just on and off
usually, if i read a particularly scrumptious fic prompt or see a very nice piece of fanart, i get inspired
the reason im able to write all of that is probably bc of my productivity. i can type fast. like pretty damn fast
my last recorded speed was... i think, 149? that's like my highest though so base while writing is probably 100-120 wpm
i like to write how i speak - how'd i describe a story to another person and i tend to use the words "just" and more... like fodder words, that don't really need to be there, but add to the story the slightest tad and just add the sense of personalization
and yes. i think on this acc, ive been burnt out twice
the first time was when i got shadowbanned, (at the time, i didnt know what it even was), so my posts didnt show up in any tags. this was about 2 weeks after i started my account, and the lack of activity hit me. like. a fucking truck. that was when i stopped writing so much, but eventually, after requesting help from tumblr support many times, they got it fixed!!
the second time my mental state went "wooh waa" and dipped. dropped. fell completely. and i was in no position to be writing, so i stopped :) only for a week though
and i do do a little bit of tricks to try and get me more motivated/write more words!! main one is just to have one prompt, and include multiple characters within that prompt, with each passage ranging from about 400-500 words, though it can go much lower depending on how many characters are featured. that way, it
shows up in tags better (more x reader tags)
you can change characters, write less :))
and also that way you dont have to write seperate fics for all of your faves!!
this was one hell of a paragraph post but if you made it this far thank you!! mwah mwah <33
okay byebye! have a nice day nonnie :)
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effervescentdragon · 2 years
LOL that anon? WTF? I read the message and laughed because it was so strange. You aren't annoying at all, just for the record. But what happened?! WHY the shadowban? I'm so sorry you are dealing with this <3
I know i laughed through my tears of pain too 😹
I have no idea, my og posts and my personal tags dont show at all unless you follow me so you can see me on the dash. It happened once before, and it was a glitch, and i have no idea what happened now. Its either a glitch again or someone reported me, or i somehow missed to tag something nsfw according to community guidelines (which i dont think is the case). But thank you darliiiiing i hope staff responds soon 🥲❤️🫂 and thank you for saying im not annoying, i know youre lying bcs i rly am annoying in general i have some self-realisation or whastheword BUT THANK YOU ANYWAYS 🥰
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creepy--claws · 5 months
hi its soup fifthdarkdevaofdestruction im on my kin blog cuz my main is shadowbanned
anyways, heres like 3 sexymanstuck songs btw
>this one is about how everything and everytime is connected and repeats in one way or another
>this one is about oncelers experience with the whole game
>and this one, would probably play in a >[S] page.
ok byyyye creepy :D (dw, this is actually soup and not someone pretending to be her while simultaneously being chiaki jade and tome in a trenchcoat at the same time!! heres a drawing of scourge to prove it, cw blood:)
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[● Thank you so much for this post, it's been a second since I last saw you
Good to have you back ^_^
Tbh Homage caught me off guard and I briefly went into fight or flight lmao
Love the Scourge!!]
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alazyparallelworld · 1 year
heh im doing some middle of the night oversharing too i guess- i did mean i wishes for myself to ramble more, its cool to create a catalogue of myself in a public diary format, but i struggle to do it when it doesnt feel like people are "seeing" me or are at least interested, so i only do it to a really tiny audience on a secret blog... not exacty the same. so i think its interesting to see people so it a different way and being more open. though it would also be nice to see more pepple ramble/do it more often because then i can connect with them more
also... I've thought about downloading said diary blog so there is a record of it, and i hope i remember to do it before tumblr becomes obsolete. but youre right that a lot of it is in the moment especially the actual interaction part of putting yourself out in public
hahhhh, and how keen of our differences. i miss being shadowbanned for some select key features - i wasn't appearing in anyone's notifications, i was totally unsearchable and i Especially liked that for tumblr-native searching, etc. i'd trade my minute audience with you, in a heartbeat.
(don't worry, you're fine... idk how familiar you are with, The Lore, but i am haunted by 'gossipy' sort of outsiders. neutral-positive interaction is fine.)
Now. 'Audience'.
preliminary: I am not suggesting that you're here for advice, I have 'midwest polite' where I incline towards suggestions... to which, I have, none. I don't know why I have a magnetic pull. '200 people' has always been my balking point, one I've hit numerous times, over an array of social media sites, fandoms. Apparently... I am charming... and despite my best efforts to hide under a rock, without fail, someone lifts it up. Uncountable how many times have I've changed houses (DRYLY)
for content creation, the practical suggestion is to, 'keep at it! Eventually SOMEONE will notice you...!' but we're talking about, circulation of the self. "I want people to listen by my talk of, breakfast. What I ate, how it tasted. I want someone to notice my subconscious neurotic tics. What I say, how I say it."
can you art a person? Become someone appealing - a Casanova in a social web - and should you...? Happiness will be found upon reception, you're sure. But how do you attain that status? Is the journey worth the destination?
I cannot speak for you, nor do I wish to. I am quite happy that you're here at all - although you describe it as 'oversharing,' which implies unpleasantness. To me this is a simple back-n-forth engagement. This isn't a burden; hell, it's more likely I am weighing on you with either deadringer observations or total bombs. Of course, I won't forget the inverse; you could mean it as the unpleasantness of revelation... but, these are all semantics for the same answer. "It's fine. Really."
Total clarity: I am not trying to eek self-identity out of you. "What do I want?" I'm extrapolating. If it's disturbing, I can understand, and vice-versa if you find it pulls your heartstrings I understand that too. Regardless, you're free to be here. If the talks are continuous, I may make a specific tag - at the moment I'd like to keep you as anonymous due to. Uhm. The irritated Psychosis ordeal, which is entirely my fault, it is a safety measure towards you.
Anyways. Err. (scratches cheek) Considering how vine-spread that whole monologue was, I'll pause there. Feel free to respond, clarify, or dispel.
(nod, nods) ...permanent residences... given how Twitter has kept on with an emptied gas tank, I would archive steadily versus a rush. You can window-shop in the medium; in the event of an apocalypse, you can have a prepped vacation house.
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Posting Guidelines
We do have some posting guidelines that we expect everyone to follow when posting their contributions to WHPS!
Every contribution posted to tumblr must be cropped in such a way to abide by tumblr’s NSFW rules.
For fics, no explicit content should be featured in your post if you choose to post a teaser/preview of the fic. Essentially, your teaser/preview (should you choose to provide one) should be rated T at the most, even if the rest of the fic is M+. Additionally, all fics should either be under a readmore, or have a link to read the full piece.
For art, no explicit content should be visible in your art. Your post should be cropped accordingly. Your post should link to the complete NSFW art in some way.
For other forms of media, keep the above guidelines in mind and proceed accordingly. For example, if your moodboard features full nudity, you would need to crop it; however, if you’ve created a playlist it is unlikely you’ll need to crop/edit anything, because NSFW songs aren’t the same as NSFW fiction/art/etc. by most community standards.
If you’re ever unsure of how to crop/edit something so that it follows our guidelines, please reach out by IM! We’re happy to assist.
Every contribution posted to tumblr must include the following:
Day/Prompt: Pairing(s): Rating: [Mature, Explicit, Not Rated] Warnings: [Triggers, Kinks, Character Death, etc.; if none apply, feel free to leave off] Notes: [Anything you, as the creator, would like to say; optional to include]
This helps people on the dashboard get a brief rundown of what your contribution is, and also helps the mods organize and tag accordingly! It also just looks nice!
As for tagging posts on tumblr, any potential trigger warnings should be tagged for so that people who have them blacklisted won’t see it. Additionally, you should tag your posts with NSFW or something to that effect. We understand that not everyone may want to tag #jatp or #julie and the phantoms, but we highly recommend using the tag #jatpsmutweek2021! This way all the posts still show up in one spot.
As noted in our Rules, it’s highly recommend that you directly ‘@’ this blog on your post so that we see it! The tagging system on tumblr does not have a great track record, and some participants may be shadowbanned due to the NSFW ban. @ing this blog is the number one way to ensure we see your post so that we can reblog it!
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beefboyrights · 4 years
hey ik no one really cares but tdkr comic is probably going out tomorrow instead of today cause last night we had to take my dog to the emergency vet because his bloodsugar went down , so i fell sleep today at 2am, went to my first two hours of ckass then fell asleep until like 2 pm,, (yeah i missed class...)
thing is i legit havent done anything today and ik no one reads my comics but this is important for me so just, itll be done by tomorrow,, bo way it wont because its the only thing keeping me sane while having 9 hours of online school everyday
not even sure why im writing this since im probably shadowbanned ( all my dt posts used to have arround 90 notes and the new ones are at 20 lol)
yeah,,, thats the gist of it, for the record my dog is ok, hes just alergic to a lot of stuff and his very nonvaried diet of chicken ,rice and papaya wasnt helping
heres part one of the comic im talking abt for anyone who cares lol
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remastered-feedback · 6 years
Well I know I said I wouldn’t be online at all today but curiosity got the better of me so here I am. For that matter, here you are, too.
Lets recap:
Lewd stuff is still allowed in the sense that accounts that are posting it are allowed to continue existing. So, someone like me who keeps their blog pretty much SFW and has a sideblog for nothing but recording and keeping track of NSFW stuff they like but doesn’t actually post any original lewd content, especially on their main blog, is “fine.”
While lewd stuff is allowed, the people making it essentially are not. Flagged blogs no longer show up in searches - they haven’t for a while - no longer have an icon, are no longer viewable on their own page, viewable via links, essentially it’s impossible to get any new followers or views if your blog is NSFW. So, while you are not explicitly banned, you are for all intents and purposes marooned with a now-useless account, as it is now borderline impossible to interact with followers or have anyone view your page.
These observations are from running a SFW blog with a NSFW sideblog. I don’t know what happens if you have a NSFW main blog, they might censor and shadowban all of your blogs. I don’t know. That’s pure speculation on my part.
This is probably so tumblr can get rid of content they don’t want to have, without damaging their userbase statistics by actually deleting anyone. Dead, inactive accounts are still accounts that make you look popular to advertisers after all. If you have a million accounts but 500,000 are inactive, you can still say you have a seven-figure userbase as long as you don’t say anything about activity.
This is probably part of why they don’t actually want to deal with the pornbots either, because lets be honest, they probably make up a very hefty chunk of their total user numbers, and nobody wants to explain to the Big Boss Upstairs why they just lost 20% of their users.
Looking at the folks on my dashboard who’ve been shadowbanned, the margin for it is extremely thin. There are a lot of people who’ve posted maybe a dozen NSFW posts all year, and otherwise have been pretty much SFW barring foul language, who have been hit. Basically, unless you’re squeaky clean, you’re fucked.
For the furry community there’s a really weird gray area, because “nudity found in art, specifically sculptures and illustrations” is fine according to them, but “photorealistic imagery or photography – images, videos, or GIFs – with real humans that include exposed genitals or female-presenting nipples or depict sex acts” is not allowed. I’m pretty sure nobody would argue that furry smut is photorealistic, and it certainly falls more in “illustrations” than “photography”, but they never make any mention of sex acts depicted in illustrations. Looking at some of the artists I follow who’ve been shadowbanned - and knowing how the morons at Yahoo and Verizon operate - I think it’s safe to assume that they’re going to err on the side of puritanism.
They outright admit their tagging tools suck and are getting a lot of false positives. They claim it’s going to improve. Given their track record, I doubt that. You should probably doubt that too.
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