#forbidden creation... ⟡
citrinitxs · 6 months
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Nigredo is the first step in alchemy, drawing from primordial forms.
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As beings who live in this world, we must find our own meaning.
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candyheartedchy · 2 months
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When you both work for rival restaurants and fall in love.
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onewingedangels · 2 years
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@horizonedits #hfwchallenge23 day 1 - colors
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thelasthippie · 11 days
The creation... The destruction...
You and I ...
Think about.
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william-o · 5 months
Rereading Forbidden Scrollery. On the very first chapter, we have an amazing image of Yukari. Writing prose or something
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I also found this bit of info interesting.
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Apparently around 1659 a tengu from a forest was harassing people on a beach in Ito. A priest went a recited a Buddhist sutra and then a scroll was delivered to the temple as way of apology from the tengu and is kept at that temple to this day. And like stated in FS, as the scroll is written by a youkai, it is indecipherable to humans.
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horizon-events · 1 year
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Hello Horizon Fans!
We’re almost two weeks out since the release of Burning Shores - sure hope everyone is enjoying those shores as they burn! Now that we’ve got that out of the way, we’re here to present to you this year’s new event - the Horizon Creation Celebration. We got some very good feedback from the Big Bang 2022 which became the building blocks for this event. If you’re familiar with a classic fic-a-thon, this event will be something similar to that, except it will also include art and other creations.
You can find a complete set of information HERE which will answer some basic questions, but essentially the Creation Celebration is aimed at celebrating the creative process. All creators are invited to participate, regardless of medium. Fanfiction, fanart, jewelry, photomode, playlists, edits/graphics, cosplay, textiles and more are invited to participate in this event.
Sound fun? Please fill out the Interest Check!
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angelasscribbles · 9 months
Auld Lang Syne: A Forbidden Passion One-Shot
Series:  Forbidden Passion
Fandom: The Royal Romance
Pairings: Drake x Riley
Rating: G
Warning: Angsty AF.
Word count: 814
A/N: This one-shot takes place prior to the events in the series. This would be Riley's first New Year's in Cordonia. Special shout out to @nestledonthaveone for sending me the image that prompted this. (The image is in my NYE Drake x Riley Edition post).
Everything else: Master List.
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It was almost midnight. In his arms, he held the only thing that had ever mattered to him. He had waited all night for his turn to dance with her. It seemed everyone wanted her attention. She had smiled, twirled, and been polite with foreign dignitaries and Cordonian noblemen alike, but her eyes lit with genuine warmth whenever they landed on him.
He understood all too well the obligations that had kept her busy all night, so he had waited patiently for his turn.
“Are you completely bored yet?” She laughed as he led her onto the dance floor and wrapped her in his arms.
“No,” he breathed out, captivated by the way she glowed from within, happiness evident on her face. Her beauty wasn’t just skin deep. Not to him, anyway.
“I know this isn’t really your scene.” She glanced around the ballroom, draped in New Year’s opulence. Gold glittered everywhere. The rich and privileged sipped champagne and laughed about their plans for extravagant winter getaways after the new year.
“Anywhere you’re at is my scene.” He let slip out before he thought better of it.
Something in her tone sent butterflies exploding through his chest and heat plunging to his very core. He had heard that tone before. In a pool hall in Paris right before he’d given in to everything he shouldn’t have.
She was looking at him the same way now. Head tipped back, pink coloring her cheeks, eyes probing his as if she could see into his very soul.
“Riley…” his arms tightened around her waist, tugging her closer and holding her flush against him. He leaned toward her, their faces inches apart. With herculean effort, he stopped himself from closing those few inches and claiming her lips.
It would be treason.
Liam’s voice cut through the whiskey and lust induced fog that clouded his brain. “Riley, love, there you are!”
In the blink of an eye, her face cleared of any restrained passion she might have been feeling and lit up with unadulterated happiness as she shifted her attention to her new husband.
Had he just imagined it?
She hadn’t meant it. It was the champagne talking. Right?
“Thank you for keeping her company.” Liam slapped Drake on the shoulder, a little harder than necessary. A little firmer than his usual friendly touches. “But it’s almost midnight and I want to kiss my wife when the ball drops.”
There was a subtle emphasis on the words my wife, a slightly hostile edge in his voice that most people would have missed.  
Drake dropped his hands away from her body and stepped back quickly as guilt flashed across his features. “Of course.”
Riley and Liam had been married a bare three weeks earlier. They were preparing to leave on their honeymoon in less than a week.
Whatever slim chance he’d had with her had evaporated when he had chosen to ignore her, and their night together, after Paris.
It was for the best. He watched Liam pull her tenderly to him. He watched Riley stare up at her husband with absolute love and adoration in her gaze.
 Drake turned and trudged off the dance floor and toward the bar as the room started to count down to the new year.
“Whiskey, neat and keep them coming.”
He fought the urge to turn back to the room and find them. Fought and lost. He watched as confetti and streamers burst from the ceiling and the crowd roared. He watched as Liam kissed her the way he had wanted to.
Fuck this.
He spun back to the bar and downed the drink in front of him. “You know what? Just give me the whole bottle.”
He took the bottle and headed for the exit, pausing at the doorway to torture himself with one last look.
She was on the dance floor with her husband. Liam had her cocooned in his embrace as they swayed with the music. Her head rested on Liam’s shoulder, but her eyes were locked on him.
The bottom fell out of his stomach. Until that moment, he hadn’t realized it was possible for his heart to soar and plummet at the same time.
For one moment, time froze as they stared across the room at each other. Neither one smiled. Neither one looked away. For the millionth time, he asked himself why she had this power over him; why his heart beat for her and her alone? What cruel twist of fate put his heart at the feet of the woman married to his best friend? The one man he couldn’t, and wouldn’t, betray.
Then Liam spun her around, so her eyes were no longer on him.
Drake turned on his heel and forced himself to walk away. He whispered under his breath as he made his way back to his room, “Happy New Year, Campbell.”  
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small-spark-of-light · 11 months
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day 17 was to draw 10 of an animal ive never drawn before so here are some tigers
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johankasas · 1 year
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Don't leave liquid fertilizer unattended in front of your plant comrades.
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lodgeofeilhart · 1 year
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After almost 1 hour of trial and error, I finally got her, I find she looks so much like Carrie Anne Moss, that she would be the perfect version of what Tilda would look like realistically. Thank you so much AI’s!  I absolutely love her! Do you agree? 
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citrinitxs · 6 months
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"The truth of this world"...
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BEFORE YOU FOLLOW: -> This blog may mention/go into spoilers of Albedo's story and events. -> This blog may showcase Albedo as not close to canon, but Alice (the mun) will try their best to make him close. Please forgive them in case they may mess up on that department. -> This blog is selective in mutuals and following others back. If they follow you, chances are, they only wish to lurk and (hopefully) say hi. ("They don't bite." - Albedo)
DO NOT FOLLOW: -> If you are racist, transphobe, homophobe, zionist, etc. -> In support/"neutral" to genocide, especially in the current one taking place. I do not support such a genocidal mindset, and if you do, I do not wish to be associated with you. -> An ageless blog. I am fine with minors speaking to me (platonically, not romantically), but I cannot be certain if you're of age or not. Please inform me of your age before speaking to me, thank you. -> If you are a minor writing NSFW, interacting with NSFW, and/or roleplaying with NSFW topics. This goes for adults who partake in supporting minors of such endeavors. This will result in a permanent ban in my camp (blog). I refuse to tolerate such behaviors and will not yield until the day my body becomes dust.
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... What could it be?
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niloycentral · 2 years
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                                                                S P O T L I G H T
Congratulations to the first Creation Spotlight winner, @jukeboxindie's "How to get a guy to stop saying weird shit"!
Check out Indie's blog to see more Niloy art!
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reginrokkr · 6 months
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𝐂𝐋𝐗𝐗𝐈𝐈. The release of the book collection Perinheri brought a few new details about Khaenri'ah that were mentioned previously one way or another but never specified more in depth as they do in this collection. One of the topics of interest I've found is the existence not only of the black sun and crimson moon as the astronomical phenomenons present there as the norm (solar and lunar eclipse respectively), but the names that the two dynasties take after: Crimson Moon Dynasty as the earliest upon Khaenri'ah's formation and Eclipse (or the old Blacksun) Dynasty, each name taking after the current astronomical phenomenon that Khaenri'ah is exposed.
Simultaneously, these two dynasties have aspects that differentiate them clearly from one another:
Crimson Moon Dynasty → During this period —which goes as far back in time as the times when birds had yet to be split into domestic and wild kindreds—, an orphanage was established in the pursuit of individuals who could transcend gods that came from outside the Kingdom. Said transcendent one never came, not even at the end of the Eclipse Dynasty punctuated by the Cataclysm.
A special command of knights existed that would no longer be present during the Eclipse Dynasty, and that is the Beastmaster Knights which used darksprites (riftwolves and their family of beasts) in order to fight outside sources of danger that poured from the Abyss. These darksprites are said to have been created via alchemy and more precisely yet, their first creator was none other than Gold.
Eclipse Dynasty → The period that came after the Crimson Moon Dynasty, known to be a darker one yet than the previous one. The prospect of using beasts to fight foreign sources that could bring dangers to the kingdom has fallen into disuse and instead, automatons began to be made and used in their stead. Nevertheless, towards the end of the civilization of Khaenri'ah these darksprites were being used in spying operations such as in Sumeru, or as a means of testing dangerous automatons in the making in outside factories.
Furthermore, it's relevant to mention that creation through alchemy continued even if these beasts weren't used anymore as part of the kingdom's military, granted that Gold aimed for bigger creations such as Durin and Elynas among other beasts as well as human creation with Albedo being her finest work of all that is known.
One last thing of interest is that the eclipse and the crimson moon were mentioned together in another instance that is Dain's official introduction:
◜[...] Chalk pursues gold, in this time inopportune, the eclipse is swallowed by the crimson moon. [...]◞
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onewingedangels · 1 year
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HORIZON FORBIDDEN WEST (2022) dev. Guerrilla Games
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blueheartbookclub · 9 months
"Resurrecting Prometheus: Mary Shelley's Haunting Masterpiece, Frankenstein"
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Mary W. Shelley's "Frankenstein: Or, The Modern Prometheus" stands as an immortal testament to the enduring power of gothic literature and its exploration of the human condition. In this haunting tale of scientific ambition gone awry, Shelley weaves a narrative that transcends time, challenging our notions of morality, creation, and the pursuit of knowledge.
Victor Frankenstein's reckless quest to defy the boundaries of life and death results in the birth of a creature both wretched and sublime. Shelley's evocative prose takes us on a journey through the icy landscapes of the Arctic and the darkest recesses of the human soul. The novel's layered narrative, framed within the letters of an ambitious explorer, adds depth to the overarching tragedy, creating a sense of impending doom.
As the creature grapples with his identity, rejected by society and his own creator, Shelley compels us to confront themes of isolation, prejudice, and the consequences of playing god. The moral ambiguity of Victor Frankenstein and the sympathetic portrayal of his creature blur the lines between good and evil, challenging readers to ponder the ethical implications of scientific innovation.
"Frankenstein" is more than a cautionary tale about the dangers of scientific hubris; it is a profound exploration of the consequences of unchecked ambition and the responsibility that comes with creation. Shelley's narrative mastery, coupled with her intellectual depth, makes this novel a timeless classic that continues to resonate with readers, inviting them to ponder the boundaries of human knowledge and the price of playing with the forces of life and death.
"Frankenstein: Or, The Modern Prometheus" by Mary W. Shelley is available in Amazon in paperback 12.99$ and hardcover 20.99$ editions.
Number of pages: 266
Language: English
Rating: 10/10                                           
Link of the book!
Review By: King's Cat
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missazura · 1 year
growing up in a cult got me fucked up UGH
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