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changingplay · 2 years
Life is Queer: Queer Time and Identity in Life is Strange and Member of the Wedding
We cannot control the flow of time. We passively experience the effects of time as we move through life, yet, who is to say that we all experience that time in the same way? Delays, stutters, and hitches disturb sequential temporality, a temporality more and more defined by “chrononormativity”, a mutually experienced time which helps “institutional forces come to seem like somatic facts” (Freeman 3). Institutions which vie to control the “bodily tempos and routines” (3) of daily life and therefore continue to push the “logic of time-as-productive” (5) are ever-present in modern society. One must always be doing something productive with their time – it is finite, it cannot be rewound, so it must not be wasted. Pivotally, the ability to queer time, and step away from traditional future-progress thought patterns is a rebellious act which liberates individuals from capitalistic structures which aim to control and normalise life. 
Unreality, then, gives us a new way to look at time. By escaping the plains of everyday living, with its constant reminders of progressing time (calendars, clocks, alarms, schedules etc), we can consider realities without linear time. In a world where structures of power that control our mutual experiences of time are ever-present, and continually tied to oppressive governments and corporate structures, there is undeniable value for queer individuals to play with different interpretations of time. I single out queer individuals specifically as benefitting from this because our relationship with sequential time leads to a childhood defined by a pending heterosexuality, our “official destination” (Stockton 7) come adulthood. By rejecting the expected standard and being queer, we already hold some victory over the structures of modern time. Our existence is a rejection of chrononormativity, which makes its structural effects more potent, as we must linger in a world built for and out of systems of heterosexual dominance and expectations. By playing within other worlds, all queer people are given the opportunity to see time through new lenses – ones which may seem to line up more with our personal experiences as queer people over the heteronormative reality we live in. 
These other worlds are numerous, from all manner of media, but in this essay I focus specifically on two extremes – the classic novel format, and the modern video game. By choosing to analyse Member of the Wedding, a queer bildungsroman novel, alongside Life is Strange, a queer coming of age video game, I hope to establish how Freeman’s ideas around queer temporality linger through art due to their persistent relevance to queer lives. Analepsis is used throughout the Member, queering our experience of the novel’s time through its continual movement between events of the presumed present and immediate past, obfuscating the novel’s actual narrative length of “four days” (Seymour 306). This time-play consequentially queers our perception of the novel, and of its protagonist. Frankie, as we read the novel, changes and molds herself into different identities and personas through continual name changes. Queer time and queer identity mix to create a queer narrative which defies systems of structure. Further, LiS showcases the impact of modern technology in queer storytelling, presenting a player-controlled narrative led by a bisexual time travelling teenager, Max Caulfield, as she uncovers a sci-fi murder mystery with her best friend and potential lover, Chloe Price (Fig 1). The game queers time explicitly, allowing Max to reverse time to reconsider her (and therefore the player’s) narrative choices or relive moments in the immediate past. I argue this ability to reverse time is a ludic version of the “odd” (Seymour 306) analepsis seen in Member. Additionally, the ability to choose your narrative as a player is a way to closely identify with a queer power fantasy which allows us to act without chrononormative structures. We can test our sexualities without consequence in this virtual queer simulator. Lastly, I touch on the ending of LiS, and its ultimate irreversible choice between sacrificing Chloe, your soulmate, or the entire town the game takes place in and the ways in which academics and fans responded to this choice through an examination of the player statistics of choices made worldwide. 
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Figure 1. Life is Strange. Personal Screenshot.
Time flows. Between us, around us, and through us, we cannot avoid time. When we sit down to read a book, we necessarily allocate our time to its consumption, and our time is exhausted whilst the diegetic time of the narrative we are reading is concurrently elapsing. This verisimilitude of elapsed time can be a functional technique to enhance the realism of a narrative, but since readers do not consistently read at the same pace, and narratives rarely limit themselves to real-time telling, storytellers necessarily use techniques such as ellipses and analepsis to ‘play’ with time. Rejecting linear time, narratives are queered by flashbacks and flash-forwards in the service of the story. Simply: narratives are unbound by our time, and the hour we spend reading can reflect years within a novel’s diegesis. This fact is incredibly freeing in that it allows a writer to present complex and time-intensive developments without consuming a proportional amount of the reader’s time. Notably, in the case of Member, playing with time can allow for a playground outside of the rules of chrononormativity – the “past” no longer need predict and become “material for a future” (Freeman 5). Instead, the future can become material for the past, or even purely immaterial. Freeman speaks of the chrono trappings inherent in modern society which novels allow an escape from. As Member meanders towards the titular wedding event, we as readers are thrust back and forth between events of the near-past, the already-covered past, the present, the future and everything in between. Seymour labels this liberal analepsis as “odd”, something which makes it difficult to “recognize the novel takes place over only four days.” (306). It creates a disconnect between the flow of time that the reader is naturally used to and McCullers’ imagined time. This disconnect is reflected in the start of the novel, where Frankie reflects on the prolonged feeling of Summer, blazing through descriptions of her experience of the season in half-a-page as if it was a “green sick dream” (1). Dreams are areas outside of normal time, outside of reality. They are a queered reality, an escape much like novels themselves. Eventually, on the last day of August, suddenly “all this was changed”. Frankie remarks “It is so very queer. (…) The way it all just happened”. (1) Starting the novel with this description of prolonged dream-like past only to shatter it with the queerness of the present shows the fickle adaptability of time and prepares the reader for the chronological techniques that are used throughout the novel. For Frankie time is experienced variably, both quickly and slowly. Pivotally, it shows the queerness of time, the way it flows around us yet how we all experience it so differently. In Member, time is a lived experience; it doesn’t respect logical boundaries. It responds to the mood of Frankie, her subjective experience of time, and moves between and through events accordingly.
Time affects identity. The ways we experience time are dependent on our independent circumstances, and queer people, who inherently reject the heteronormative standard of society through their very existence, are in a unique position of rebellion against chrononormativity as well. The “child who ‘will be’ straight is merely approaching while crucially delaying (in its own asynchronous fix) the official destination of straight sexuality, and therefore showing itself as estranged from what it would approach.” (Stockton 7). From childhood, time and queerness are linked through this “delay”. Stockton sees that the expected endpoint for children is rejected by queer people, which retroactively means their childhood is stuck in a sort of identity stasis where queer expression cannot be discovered or acted out until the child reaches adulthood. Childhood becomes wholly a “green sick dream” (McCullers 1), a prolonged period of identity paralysis until the sudden access to queer performance in adulthood. However, this childhood is not a linear progression to adulthood. Despite child protection laws and social expectations, many teenagers experiment with their sexualities openly regardless, forcing the penny drop of queerness earlier in life to escape the “official destination of straight sexuality”. Queer identity rejects societal norms. In Member, Frankie rejects predetermined aspects of her identity through her continual name-changes. Frankie laments that the “world seemed separate from herself” (31) near the beginning of the novel when she has yet to change her identity, yet when she first changes her name, it was “the day when (…) the world no longer seemed separate from herself and when all at once she felt included.” (59) Identity change here is linked to a sense of acceptance and belonging, both key themes in the novel. Seymour remarks that these name changes are “performances, rather than markers, of growth and change.” (304), however, I argue that queer identity is built through a series of performances made tangible through acceptance of that performance into one’s own self. Even though Frankie seemingly forces her numerous name-changes throughout the narrative, it is the dedication to this performance, this experimentation with other identities, that truly showcases her as a queer protagonist. The willingness to try and reject elements of life thrust upon her is the quintessential essence of queer expression. 
Performance, then, is the key element that LiS adds to the queer coming of age narrative framework. Specifically, the ability to perform as the protagonist of the story through interactive play and choice-making. Max Caulfield doesn’t need to change her name to reinvent her identity – the player injects their own life, their own name, to form the narrative of LiS. Released across five staggered episodes throughout 2015, LiSis an interactive choice driven video game set in suburban Oregon, following the life of 18 year old Max Caulfield as she navigates her newfound power to reverse time. The game “narrates the existential maturation of an adolescent girl” (Miranda 826) and allows us as players to determine the direction this maturation goes. It is an explicitly queer narrative, with Max being a “genuinely queer character predominantly occupied with her relationship with Chloe” (Waszkiewicz), and regardless of the amount of player interaction within the narrative, the relationship between these two characters forms the core of the game’s story. Importantly, as a game, it can present its narrative through visuals and audio. The use of a player-controlled camera allows for bespoke ways to see each scene, creating unique experiences for each player. Unlike a novel, the fabric of a game is formed through the player’s ability to express themselves in the playspace through interaction, and this in turn effects the narrative. Choices are not the only impact of the player, meaning this isn’t an experience that is able to be replicated by a choose-your-own-adventure book format. The game is constantly giving the player minute choices through the very act of using a controller as an input and progression mechanism. Novels, too, have an input mechanism in the form of the page turn, and the pace of reading. However, in terms of a consumer’s agency, the video game form is synergistic with a narrative framed around time and choice as the very act of playing any game is fuelled by choices. This is an inherently queer way to experience a narrative, as it allows for such player agency and expression that it rejects the rigidity of storytelling. You are both story crafter and story consumer. I can turn the camera to frame Chloe between an American flag and a parental advisory label to symbolise her as trapped in-between a society she hates and the anti-social and abrasive personality she embodies to rage against it (Figure 2), or I can focus the camera instead on the radio in her room to listen to the licensed indie soundtrack, and both would be valid methods to experience the game. 
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Figure 2. Life is Strange. Personal Screenshot.
As a choice driven drama, there is an inherent tension between the time travel mechanic and the severity of choice. Previous games in this genre, such as Telltale’s The Walking Dead, are built upon the tension created by forcing the player to make irreversible and consequential choices. However, LiS deconstructs this trope by making all but the final choice immediately reversible, allowing the player to experiment with different choices. Time travel is used as a vehicle for experimentation and play. Like Member, the time travel also has a queer ability akin to analepsis. If time in Member flows according to Frankie, time is literally controlled by the player in LIS, flowing according to our will. This powerful control fuelled by the interactive narrative is what makes the game an “opportunity to decide (..) what to do in crucial existential simulated situations” transforming the game into a “series of philosophical, ethical, emotional, and collective thought experiments” (Miranda 835). Expanding upon this, the game specifically acts as a playground for queer experimentation, allowing the player to ‘play’ gay and “simulate heavy ethical or emotional choices” in queer roleplay “without irreversible consequences” (Miranda 835). For queer individuals, the ability to experiment with their sexuality and identity in a safe space is invaluable. There are numerous choices in LiS, but I want to focus on a choice presented in Episode 3 where the player is asked to choose to kiss Chloe (Fig 3). Much like any of the major choices in the game, it is presented with a blurry filter as time seems to crumble and freeze around the player as they decide. This grants the choice a huge amount of gravitas due to the conditioning made thus far that this effect is reserved for only the most important of narrative branches in the game, however, in dialogue, it is framed as Chloe daring Max in a playful way. This tug between playfulness and seriousness perhaps betrays the exceptionality of the scene – video games, especially non-indie titles, are extremely seldom to show queer relationships. Despite this, the ability to reverse this choice and, importantly, replay it multiple times sparks an evolution of Freeman’s queer temporality. In her analysis of K.I.P., she discusses the impossibility of “physical contact across time” (13). LiS presents a playground where this contact is no longer impossible, and just like the viewer of K.I.P. could “zoom the tape backward to the money shot as often as they wanted” (1), players too can replay this queer moment endlessly - The game even remarks on this, one of the few times the game’s dialogue directly references the player’s ability to rewind (Fig 4). The literal time-travel mechanic is one that allows for queer power fantasies unseen in other media due to the player’s agency in evoking queer content on screen.
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Figure 3. Life is Strange. Personal Screenshot.
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Figure 4. Life is Strange. Personal Screenshot.
Evoking the content is poignant as, due to the staggered release of the game, each episode’s choices are statistically calculated and shown to the player, allowing both player and developer to see the worldwide consensus of choices. This leads to introspection on behalf of the player, moments of disbelief at other player’s choices or comfort in achieving consistency with others. It also “effectively” influenced “LIS’s developers in the ongoing writing of the last episodes. LIS has become a platform of cocreation and collective rhetoric.” (Miranda 836). By the time I re-played through LiS for this essay, 78% of players kissed Chloe (Fig 5) according to the online statistics shown at the end of every episode. The knowledge of this immediately comforts me, as I am confirmed in my queer sensibilities that most players are willing to allow two queer-coded characters to share an overtly gay event. It is hard to overstate how important, as a playground for queer experimentation, this statistic is for allowing a player to perhaps accept their own queer identity. However, the impact of these statistics is also dependent on if players choose the queer option. At the end of the game, a final irreversible choice is given to the player. As retribution for abusing her time travel powers, the game demands that Max decide between resetting the world back to before she gained her powers – and therefore killing Chloe, as her first use of the power was to save her life, or letting Arcadia Bay turn to rubble due to an impending hurricane caused by the constant time travel (Fig 6). 48% of people chose to sacrifice Arcadia Bay (Fig 7), a choice given the moniker “bae > bay” (Dunne 436). This Brexit-esque statistic belies the dwindled majority that the previous kiss held, which Butt and Dunne argue to be caused by the writing of Chloe as “fated to die”, which is what positions the player to feel justified in picking the “antipunk, antiwoman, antiqueer option” of sacrificing Chloe (435). In removing the ability to reject chrononormativity in this singular choice, the game removes the playground of queer experimentation. The game is no longer a safe space. Despite this, it is exceptional that so many players were so enthralled by the queer relationship between Chloe and Max that the trolley problem presented here still results in so many players choosing to save a bisexual punk rocker over every other character in the game. 
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Figure 6. Life is Strange. Personal Screenshot.
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Figure 7. Life is Strange. Personal Screenshot.
We cannot control the flow of time. Our daily lives are stifled by chrononormativity, by the onslaught of schedules and work hours that manage our time on a macro scale. However, as queer individuals, we are uniquely positioned in rebellion to time’s linear progress through our delays in childhood and inevitable rejection of “the official destination of straight sexuality” (Stockton 7). Through reading and play, we can experience realities that reject chrononormativity and assign a queer temporality to imagined realities, which in turn leads to experimentations with queer identity. In Member, by using analepsis and other chrono-breaks, the reader’s sense of time is disturbed by continual references back to “hours or even minutes prior” that may have already “been touched upon previously” (Seymour 306). This queers the narrative, alongside Frankie’s continual name-changes which show her performing new identities to find a self she feels “included” in (McCullers 59). LiS takes the principles of performance and creates a playground for queer expression through the technological capabilities of video games in allowing for interactivity. Players are given narrative choices and control over time, allowing them to play as a bisexual teenager through her coming of age. The mesh of time travel, a literal refusal of sequential time, with queer interactive narrative gives the player a safe space to both rewind any choice without consequences and to replay any scenes for enjoyment. The game utilises interactivity as an inherently queered way to experience a narrative, one which evokes co-creation with a world of players through online statistics for every choice in the game. Queer temporality is relished in until the final moment whereby the game removes the queer safe space it establishes and forces the player back into real time. However, in allowing the player to play queer, the final choice of sacrificing queer romance over thousands of digital lives is made significantly harder. In the end, while “bae > bay” is not the winning choice, it is life affirming that so many players became so invested in a queer romance that the outcome was as statistically meaningful as it was.
Works Cited:
Butt, Mahli-Ann Rakkomkaew, and Daniel Dunne. “Rebel Girls and Consequence in Life Is Strange and The Walking Dead.” Games and Culture, vol. 14, no. 4, SAGE Publications, 2019, pp. 430–49.
de Miranda, Luis. “Life Is Strange and ‘Games Are Made’: A Philosophical Interpretation of a Multiple-Choice Existential Simulator With Copilot Sartre.” Games and Culture, vol. 13, no. 8, SAGE Publications, 2018, pp. 825–42.
Freeman, Elizabeth. “Introduction: Queer and Not Now.” Time Binds, Duke University Press, 2020, pp. 1–20.
Life is Strange. Steam Version, Square Enix, 2015.
McCullers, Carson. The Member of the Wedding. Penguin, 1962.
Pötzsch, Holger, and Agata Waszkiewicz. “Life Is Bleak (in Particular for Women Who Exert Power and Try to Change the World): The Poetics and Politics of Life Is Strange.” Game Studies, IT University of Copenhagen, 2019.
Seymour, Nicole. “Somatic Syntax: Replotting the Developmental Narrative in Carson McCullers’s The Member of the Wedding.” Studies in the Novel, vol. 41, no. 3, The Johns Hopkins University Press, 2009, pp. 293-313.
Stockton, Kathryn Bond. “Introduction. Growing Sideways, or Why Children Appear to Get Queerer in the Twentieth Century.” The Queer Child, or Growing Sideways in the Twentieth Century, Duke University Press, 2021, pp. 1–58.
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Sample Itineraries: Craft sample itineraries showcasing how a Force Urbania rental enhances your Jaipur experience, catering to different interests (e.g., history buffs, foodies, adventure seekers).
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Booking an Urbania tempo traveller with TanviCabs is easy. You can book offline by calling +91–9422980970 or follow these steps for online booking:
Visit the TanviCabs website.
Enter your pickup and destination details.
Select the “17-seater Urbania tempo traveller” option.
Confirm your reservation to receive a confirmation message.
Budget-Friendly Tempo Traveller Rentals in Aurangabad | TanviCabs
Enjoy affordable and reliable tempo traveller on rent in Aurangabad with TanviCabs. Our experienced drivers ensure a pleasant journey, familiar with every road in Aurangabad. Renting a tempo traveller in Aurangabad is cost-effective with TanviCabs, offering the most competitive per kilometer rates. For bookings, visit our website or call +91–9422980970.
Why Choose TanviCabs for Urbania Tempo Traveller in Aurangabad?
TanviCabs offers several reasons to choose their services:
Ample head and seat space for comfortable long journeys.
Air conditioning, internet, and entertainment systems for a pleasant ride in any weather.
High speed and large engine capacity for a swift journey.
Flexible payment options, including cash or online via PhonePe, Google Pay, Paytm, and Bhim UPI.
Contact TanviCabs for Tempo Traveller Rentals in Aurangabad
For a variety of clean and budget-friendly tempo traveller options, choose TanviCabs. Our representatives are available to assist you with bookings and emergencies. Visit our website or dial +91–9422980970 for bookings.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q1. Can I book a tempo traveller from TanviCabs for one-way or round trips?
A1. Yes, TanviCabs offers tempo traveller rentals for one-way, round trips, and multi-day trips.
Q2. Are there any hidden charges in tempo traveller bookings with TanviCabs?
A2. No, TanviCabs maintains a transparent billing system, ensuring no hidden fees.
Q3. How can I contact TanviCabs to book a tempo traveller?
A3. To book a tempo traveller, visit our website or dial +91–9422980970.
Q4. What are the benefits of booking a tempo traveller with TanviCabs?
A4. TanviCabs offers dedicated customer care, comfortable seating, well-maintained vehicles, and skilled drivers for a safe journey.
Q5. What is the cost of renting an Urbania Tempo Traveller in Aurangabad?
A5. The Urbania Tempo Traveller in Aurangabad starts at Rs. 40 per kilometer, offering outstanding services and facilities.
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taxiyatri61 · 2 months
Best Rate Taxi Service Throughout All of Noida
 Where is Noida located and what does it mean?
The New Okhla Industrial Development Area, also called Noida, is located not far from the border between Delhi and Uttar Pradesh. Greater recognition is given to Noida's opulent shopping complexes and tall skyscrapers. Delhi and Noida together are referred to as the National Capital Region, or Delhi-NCR. The NCR, which is primarily governed by Uttar Pradesh, is run by the Delhi State Government. This region is home to the biggest corporate buildings and best shopping malls in the nation. Among the most well-known landmarks in Noida are DLF Mall, The Great India Place, Gardens Galleria Mall, Modi Mall, Wave Mall, Atal Chowk, Buddha Smriti Park, Noida Stadium, DLF Cyber Hub, Logix Noida City Centre, GIP Cinema, and Buddha's Bowl. Since most guests are there on business, Noida Taxi Service offers a fleet of taxis for those who want to travel around the city in comfort.
Exploring Noida
Apart from shopping malls and enormous skyscrapers, some of the attractions in Noida are the Botanical Garden, the Okhla Bird Sanctuary, the Stupa 18 Art Gallery, and the Brahmaputra Market. The city's taxi services also provide inexpensive, cost-effective options that, combined with the surrounding greenery and sense of being in nature, can uplift your mood. This allows you to watch the Formula 1 Car Racing Championship at the Buddh International Circuit, where Indian competitor Narain Karthikeyan participated. It was the site of the most recent MotoGP motorcycle race.
Close by Noida
Other than shopping malls, places like Vrindavan, Bareilly, Manesar, Kasauli, Nainital, and Rishikesh are great outside of Noida for honeymoons and vacations. The most economical way to visit these places on your trip is with taxi service in Noida.
Additional Out-of-Town Visits for Noida Residents:
Ghaziabad, Kanpur, Gorakhpur, Ayodhya, Fatehpur Sikri, Lucknow, Prayagraj, and Rampur are all located in Uttar Pradesh.
Delhi, New Delhi, Amritsar, Chandigarh, Gurgaon, Jhajjar, Hisar, Haridwar, Dehradun, Rishikesh, Patna, and Gaya are the cities that are not in Noida. 
Most people come for business meetings and office work, though some come with their families or newlywed spouses to commute to some amazing temples to seek blessings and some gorgeous locations for a honeymoon after their business dealings. 
Making Nights Younger And Satisfying Taste Buds
The majority of the wealthy class, which consists of businesspeople and honeymooners, stays in and travels through Noida, so they attend events and get-togethers to socialise and make memories. In Noida, you can book a taxi to visit some great eateries and hangouts, like:
Among the businesses in Imperfecto Gardens Galleria are Reverb Rooftop Cookhouse and Bar, Skyhouse Bar and Café, Gravity Mantra, Kalpak, TAWAK, Bohemia, Spellbound, Time Machine-The Time Traveler's Pub and House of Migo.
Why is Chiku Cab there?
Our taxi service in Noida is the most affordable option among all the services offered in the city and its environs.
What sets our taxi service apart from the rest?
Reasonably priced, polite drivers, tour guide-capable guides, comfortable fleets seating four to eighteen people, airport facilities, and out-of-town, round-trip, and drop-off services.
As a result,
Should you ever need a cab service in Noida, Chiku Cab will arrive at your house. We have the following vehicles in our fleet: Tata Winger, Force Tempo Traveller, Force Tempo Traveller Max, Toyota Innova, Honda Accord, Honda City, Swift Dzire, and Swift. The prices per kilometre start at Rs 8.50.
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Explore Dehradun with Top-notch Tempo Traveller Rental Services
Who didn't like winters, snow, or white hills covered with dazzling ice? Everyone on this earth loves to spend their quality time with family, friends, or office groups and is waiting for vacations. So, when life gives you a chance to travel, then why not choose the best services of top-notch tempo traveller rental in Dehradun? Researchers claim that people residing in Dehradun are considered as lucky as they are enjoying heaven on earth. To explore the breezy winds of this lovely city, you can hire our amazing tempo traveller in Dehradun, considered as the most convenient and reliable for its services. Now, you can fulfill your dream to explore this majestic town and create lifetime memories with your loved ones.
Amenities available in the Tempo Travellers for Dehradun Destinations:
Depending on the travellers, Rental Tempo Travellers provides the following amenities for the convenience of their passengers:
We have a variety of fleets that give you comfortable 9, 12, 15, 16, 18, 22, and 26-seat Tempo Travellers on which the passengers can sit and relax during their journey.
Whether you are planning for school trips, reunions, or friend gatherings, from small to big, we have got everything covered for you.
It is equipped with a spacious driver’s cabin, big seats, generous legroom, an air-conditioned facility, large windows, well-cushioned seats, etc.
Travelling in Tempo Travellers are quite easy and convenient as it saves time and cost-effective.
The Tempo Traveller is driven by skilled and experienced drivers who focus on your journey and are well-versed in maps and roads.
It has the best and smoothest music system, which gives amazing sound.
Our billing terms and pricing systems are transparent and competent, which is pocket-friendly.
You can decide your journey date and book your suitable tempo traveller in advance.
It has clean, well-maintained, and hygienic surfaces.
 We are keeping all the safety precautions in our well-organized Tempo Travellers.
Our skilled drivers have taken all the COVID precautions and been vaccinated.
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Must Visit Places in Dehradun Charm with Tempo Traveller Services
Dehradun is situated in the lap of the beautiful Himalayas and it is one of the favourite destinations of every person. There are crores of people who visit Dehradun every year, specially in festivals, occasions or famous days. People come here to spend long holidays, vacations or honeymoon time to spend their quality-time with their loved ones. With our high-class services of Tempo Traveller, you journey will not be only comfortable, but also memorable.
Robber’s Cave: Enjoy a magical walk in the natural cave formation that holds a special place in Dehradun. It is blend with beautiful river, lush greenery and vibrant flowers that gives you unique experience.
Sahastradhara: One of the wonderful places in Dehradun, also known as “The Thousandfold Spring” which has stunning waterfalls and springs.
Mindrolling Monestry: If you want to capture the ideal and largest Buddhist statue exquisite with Tibetian architecture, then this is the best place where you can immense yourself.
Tapkeshwar Temple: It is one of the ancient temples of Lord Shiva where a beautiful natural cave is located and a continuous natural droplets are falling on the Shiva Linga.
Malsi Deer Park: You can discover various deer species in this beautiful Malsi Deer Park which is perfect for a family outing or friends gathering.
Now get ready to allure the Dehradun destinations with our top-notch Tempo Travellers which are available with you in just easy steps.
Wide Range of Tempo Travellers on Rent
We have a wide range of tempo travellers on rent available in Dehradun, including Toyota and Force Motors. Passengers who are planning to visit Dehradun or an outstation can contact us and book their choice of tempo traveller according to their needs and preferences. Some of the highly-demanded Tempo Travellers available with us are listed below:
12-Seater Tempo Traveller: This category is best for private or long journeys if you want to travel with your friends or family. Also, we will take you to the famous destinations of Dehradun, starting from Deer Park, Tapkeshwar Temple, Robber’s Cave, etc with high comfort.
15-Seater Tempo Traveller: If you do not want to compromise with your luxury and style, then our 15-seater Tempo Traveller is the best option for you for your favorite places.
18-Seater Tempo Traveller: If you have a large group of people or want to visit every direction of Dehradun, then this is one of the best options. As the size of the fleet increases, the luxury and the facilities also go up.
20-Seater Tempo Traveller: If you are planning a wedding destination or other public gatherings, then this is the most preferred vehicle for you.
Wrapping Up: We ensure to give a pleasant and comfortable journey to our passengers with high-class services. With us, you can create a life-time memory with much efforts. Contact us for pre-booking or enquire about your next visit in Dehradun. Also, with our customized packages, you can discover the charm of Dehradun in a very smooth way.
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chikucabllp · 4 months
Best Tempo Traveller In Bangalore with Chiku Cab.
Namma Bangalore: City Of Lakes And Gardens
Karnataka's capital city, Bangalore, is located in the southern part of the state  Bangalore is home to many lakes and gardens, in addition to being referred to as India's Silicon Valley.. Bangalore Even though the cost of living is very high in Bangalore, people nevertheless want to take winter picnics, holidays, and vacations. want cost to be a hindrance in between their happiness. Therefore, we bring the best and most economical Luxury Tempo Traveller in Bangalore.
City Planning, Plotting, Location, Traffic and Roads.
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Essentially, the locations of the airport, train station, and bus stop are all intended to make it simple and quick for people and goods to be transported by city buses and taxis. There is a metro railway or neighbouring suburban trains to make up for the distance between them. In actuality, the city centre is where the bus stop, train station, and airport are situated. Interestingly though, Bangalore does not experience this. The odd thing is that Bangalore's train station and bus stop are situated directly across from each other in the heart of the city. Nonetheless, the international airport is situated outside the city and is used for flights from Singapore, the United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Thailand, and the United Kingdom. Travel time is roughly 35–40 km, or one and a half hours if traffic is considered, from Bangalore's Kempegowda International Airport to KSR Bangalore City Railway Station. 
Bangalore's roads and lanes are named, planned, and plotted in a very awkward, disorganised, and confusing manner in addition to having adequate road conditions. However, our tempo traveller in Bangalore are experts of the roads here, knowledgeable about the city's streets and lanes, and have a great track record of navigating through traffic.
Places To Tour and Sightsee In Bangalore
Well Bangalore apart from being known as Silicon Valley of India, it is also known as the “City Of Lakes” for its famous lakes. And apart from lakes we have gardens and some amazing places.
Lalbagh Botanical Garden, Cubbon Park, Ulsoor Lake, Sankey Tank, Hebbal Lake, Madiwala Lake, you will also witness Banerghatta National Park, 
And Amazing Historic Food Junctions Like:
MTR Lalbagh for its Rava Dosa, Ragi Dosa and Chandrahara.
Vidhyarthi Bhawan for its crispiest Masala Dosa, Medu Vada and Filter Coffee.
Hotel Dwarka for Kali Dosa and Carrot Halwa.
Best Recommended Stay is advised for Hotel Hoysala for best-in-class facilities in a very budgeted price like our local cabs in Bangalore as well as located very close to the Bangalore City railway station and Majestic Bus Stand with shopping malls nearby.
And ourTempo Traveller is available for rent in Bangalore.
Outstation Services
Apart from intra-city services, our tempo traveller services in Bangalore do have outstation services to places likeMysore, Hyderabad,Mangaluru, Dharwad, Coorg, Udupi, and Dharmasthala. And we do facilitate Luxury Tempo travellers In Bangalore for comfortable and memorable outstation journeys
Therefore, to conclude,
With the Best and Economical Tempo Traveller on rent in Bangalore brought to you by Chiku. You’re not only going to save money but also make memories during your holidays. Chiku has a fleet starting from a Tempo Traveller of 9, 12, 20, and 24 seaters, with a fleet of Force and Tata Winger starting from Rs 23/kilometer and Rs 500/day.
It’s Chiku Cab and Cab Service Life’s pocket-friendly.
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chennaitravelss · 4 months
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18 Seater Van Rental Chennai
Force Motors 18 seater Van Rental Chennai. At 18 seater Tempo Traveller Van is a perfect Vehicle for big group and Large Family is very Comfortable travel for Weekend trip, Holiday trip and Corporate Team Outing with a Group Of Any purpose. You Can hire 18 Seater Van for One day trip And multiple days Cheap price with Best Customer Service. For Booking Enquiry 18 seater Van Rental in Chennai Airport Pl Call Us +91 9841862359 (or) Whats app @ +91 9176070718
Are you looking 18 Seater Tempo Traveller Hire service in Chennai. Chennai Travels provides you the most luxurious T Board tourist 18 Seater Van for Outstation Tours and Travel Packages at very reasonable price. The comfortable seats, Air Condition facilities make the trip more memorable. If you want to book the 18 Seater van hire from Chennai Travels for your One day trip, Pilgrimage tours, Hill station trips, Weekend team Outing and Holidays.
Outstation trip to Entire Tamilnadu is a leading and trustable 18 seater vehicle rental service provider company in Chennai. Within the various options of Van services, 12 Seater Tempo Traveller Van, 13 Seater Tempo Traveller Van, 14 Seater Tempo Traveller Van, 18 Seater Tempo Traveller and 21 Seater mini bus. It’s a sufficient transport mode for a medium sized to large group. Tempo Traveller Van and minibus rental services offer you a luxurious small vehicle which is suitable for a small group. The group could be a joint family or a small corporate team. If you are looking for an average-sized vehicle for a group more than 16, Coaster would be a good choice.
If you need a Tempo Traveller or Mini bus rental services in Chennai, we ensure you to arrange the well conditioned vehicle with professional vehicle staffs and drivers. The better experience is always in the better vehicle and for that, we have Preferred the best 18 Seater Coaches in Chennai.
Chennai Travels Tempo Traveller and Mini bus have 18 to 21 seats in which 16 to 20 people can comfortably travel. It is a vehicle with a spacious seat and a nice interior. It will make your travelling fun and easier with its ability to drive Long Travel of South India. Let us know your query, we will give our best to you.
More Details Visit
Chennai Travels
Tempo Traveller Rental Chennai
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forcemotorshyderabad · 7 months
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We provide you with India’s most reliable Ambulance, Urbania, Traveller buses, School buses, Traveller Monobus, Delivery vans, toofan, Cruiser, Citiline & Gurkha. We provide passenger vehicles from 9 seater to 41 seater most reliable & advanced ambulances.
 We Hyderabad Force (M/S Hyderabad Coach Builders Pvt. Ltd.) are the authorized main dealers for Force motors in Telangana. We have over 30 year’s presence in automobile industry.
We provide:      
Sales of Force Motors full range of vehicles: Traveller, Trax, Gurkha & Delivery vans.
Services & maintenances of Force Motors vehicles.
Customization, Fabrication, Body Building for Force Motors Vehicles.
Our Popular Range of Vehicles are:
Force Gurkha
Force Traveller
Force Urbania
Traveller Urbania
Force SchoolBus
Force Ambulance
Force DeliveryVan
Force Monobus
Force Toofan
Trax Citiline
Force Citiline
Please Visit: https://hyderabadforce.com/
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sgholidaystour · 13 days
16 Seater Tempo Hire In Delhi - 16 Seater Tempo Traveller on Rent Delhi 
If you are travelling for Friends, Family,  Colleague's,  Office visit,  affordable price, Hire 16 Seater Tempo Traveller in delhi - Delhi local & Outstation trip Online booking, 16 Seater Tempo Traveller hire in Delhi ... Delhi airport - Station pickup drop service by Tempo Traveller. Driver Proper Uniform , Medical Kit, Ice Box, Seat Belt, Luggage Carrier.  Online and offline Booking available. 16  Seater Maharaja Tempo Traveller 1X1 seating, 16 Seater Tempo Traveller hire in Delhi. 
16 Seater Tempo Traveller Hire in Delhi to Rajasthan 
SG Holidays Tour offer 16 Seater Tempo Traveller hire in delhi , Mandawa,  Bikaner,  Mount abu, Udaipur, Jaishalmer, Jodhpur, Ajmer ,Jaipur,  Pushkar , Jal Mahal, Jawala Mahal, Rajasthan tourism. 7 ,8,9,10,12 seater Tempo Traveller cover sightseeing online & offline Booking available,  16 Seater Tempo Traveller hire in Delhi . staring price ₹30/- 
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16 Seater Maharaja Tempo Traveller on Rent in Delhi to Outstation Himachal Pradesh 
16 Seater Tempo Traveller with Driver outstation , Delhi , Dharamshala, Dalhousie, Kasol, Manikaran,Kullu Manali, Shimla,Kufri, Manikaran, Maclodgunj, Khajjiar, Tosh,Kaja, Kalpa, Bhuntar, Naina Devi Temple, Chintpurni, Jawala Ji, Kangra Devi Temple, Chamunda Devi Temple, Atul tunnel, Solan valley, Kheerganga,  Very Famous Destination,  16 Seater Tempo Traveller in delhi to outstation service, Include,  Driver Proper uniform,medical kit, Seat Belt, Ice Box, charging point, AC. 
16 Seater Tempo Traveller Hire in Delhi to Uttar Pradesh 
Offer 9 Seater Tempo Traveller hire in Delhi Outstation - Varanasi,Ayodhya, Prayagraj,Mathura, Vrindavan, Agra, lucknow, Kanpur,Naimisharanya, Tundla, Gokul, Barsana, Krishna Janm  Bhumi, Prem Mandir, Taj Mahal, Fatehpur sikri... SG Holidays Tour Trusted Travels agency in New Delhi India , sarve service many more Year. 16 Seater Tempo Traveller hire in Delhi, 16 Seater 2by1 Hire Tempo Traveller in Delhi.
16 Seater Maharaja Tempo Traveller on Rent Delhi to Outstation Jammu Kashmir 
We provide 7,8,9,10,12 , 16 Seater Tempo Traveller Delhi to outstation Srinagar, Pahalgam, Gulmarg, Sonmarg,Dal Lekh,Sikara ride, Vaishno Devi Mata, Patnitop, Amritsar, Chandigarh, Kurkshetra, Panipat, Sonipat, Hisar, Bhiwani, Jalandhar,  Force Tempo Traveller 9 Seater Maharaja seating.
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yashikatourandtravel · 7 months
Unleash Comfortable Journeys with Yashika Tour and Travel: Your Go-To for Traveler Bus and Tempo Travel Solutions
Embarking on a journey becomes a delight when comfort and convenience align seamlessly. At Yashika Tour and Travel, we understand the essence of stress-free travel, offering a range of services designed to cater to the needs of every traveler force. Dive into a world of hassle-free exploration with our traveler bus and tempo travel options.
Your Comfort, Our Priority: Traveler Bus Services
Discover the ease of travel with our specially curated traveler bus services. Whether you're planning a family vacation or a group outing, our fleet of well-maintained buses ensures a smooth and enjoyable journey for all. Comfortable seating, spacious interiors, and reliable service make our traveler bus a preferred choice for groups of all sizes.
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Tempo Traveler: Tailored for Your Journey
Efficiency Redefined: Our tempo traveler options are crafted to provide efficiency without compromising on comfort. Experience a hassle-free journey with our well-equipped tempo travelers, designed to meet the diverse needs of every traveler tempo.
Seating Options for Every Group: Whether you're traveling with a small group or a larger party, our tempo travelers offer flexible seating arrangements to accommodate varying group sizes. Enjoy the journey with ample space and comfort, ensuring a relaxed travel experience.
Why Choose Yashika Tour and Travel?
Reliability Matters: Trust is the foundation of any journey, and at Yashika Tour and Travel, we take pride in our commitment to reliability. Our well-maintained fleet and experienced drivers ensure that your travel plans unfold seamlessly.
Affordability and Quality: We believe that quality travel need not come at a high price. Our services are not only reliable but also affordable, making Yashika Tour and Travel the go-to choice for those seeking a balance between cost and quality.
Customized Solutions: Every traveler force is unique, and so are their travel needs. Yashika Tour and Travel offers customized solutions to cater to the specific requirements of your journey, ensuring that you get the most out of your travel experience.
Make Your Journey Memorable with Yashika Tour and Travel
In the world of travel, where every journey is an opportunity for new experiences, Yashika Tour and Travel stands out as your trusted partner. Embrace the joy of exploration without the stress of travel arrangements. Avail our traveler bus and tempo travel services, and let your journey be as memorable as the destinations you explore.
Yashika Tour and Travel invites you to redefine your travel experience. With a commitment to comfort, reliability, and affordability, we ensure that every journey becomes a cherished memory. Step into a world where the joy of travel is enhanced by seamless services tailored to your unique needs. Choose Yashika Tour and Travel – where your journey begins with comfort and ends with satisfaction.
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captain-jupitertravels · 10 months
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13-Seater 17-Seater Force Urbania luxury minivan on rent in Delhi is best choice for Char Dham Yatra form Delhi. Book a luxury holiday with family Tour/ Group Tour and Corporate Tour. Hire Luxury Tempo Traveller on Rent in Delhi & Outstation at an affordable price Call Now. 098100 89160 [email protected] https://www.jupitertravels.co/ Office : 105 - 106, Verdhman Market, CSC J-Block, Outer Ring Road, Vikas Puri New Delhi - 110018
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