#forgot how much i love electroswing :’)
cathartic-crypt · 2 months
btw to all the f!couriers x benny shippers i have a song for u to use
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actually-autisticc · 3 years
Idk why but I feel like pouring out my heart right now about Spinel as I can’t do that with anyone (used to be able to with my girlfriend but we aren’t together anymore.)
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Like my GOD I don’t think I’ve ever loved a character as much as her in my life. I don’t know what it is but literally she makes me so fucking happy. Whatever form it may be, past Spinel, movie Spinel or Future Spinel, she makes me so happy.
If I haven’t mentioned it before, I have Asperger’s (I’m on the more high functioning end of the spectrum like if I told you rn if you were with me you probably couldn’t tell). So this diagnosis makes me just focus more on things like television shows, characters, whatever. For me, I’m focused on fitness, Spiderman, Spinel (or SU in general), graffiti, and idk other shit.
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But Spinel is something different. When the movie came out, I never even knew that they were planning on making a movie so this was such a surprise for me I didn’t see any trailers or anything. Once I heard, I flipped shit and was like wow I need to get back into this again maybe. I of course finished the regular seasons and somewhat forgot about it afterward (still rewatched it a few times). I was a freshman in college and kinda lonely. My Asperger’s also affects my ability to make friends but I’m still nice and friendly as ever so I was a little lonely. I had friends but not people I could make absolute amazing college memories with. Watching the movie made me fall in love with SU again but it also made me fall in love with Spinel. She’s so adorable I just can’t. She also fuckin hot-
I absolutely loved her character, her design, her story, her amazing voice actress that is now my favorite actress, and just everything. Other Friends swept me off my feet with the swingy feel and before, I already kinda liked electroswing and 1920’s-1930’s animation so it was like an orgasm of amazingness. During dinner, I’d be in the (awful) dining hall, chowing down on salads but also looking up things with the movie. I watched edits, looked at fanart, read fanfics, and everything I could find about this springy, neurotic character. Spinel just made me feel better during these new changes of being in a new city (moved across the state) and being in college. I didn’t feel as lonely when I looked at things about her.
And then Sarah Stiles. Wow. What a fucking VOICE like I’d listen to her sing idk happy birthday or even the stupidest songs and I’d be happy. She seems so down to earth, kind, funny, and fun-loving. I honestly don’t think I normally obsess or like celebrities but Sarah is amazing. Sure, I like athletes, singers, actors/actresses like anyone else would but idk Sarah is different. I don’t wanna be a stalker lmao (I’ve seen someone role play??? Like how weird is that? It’s one thing to roleplay a fictional character but someone that’s living right now? I do get impersonators like Michael Jackson ones sure). She’s replied to me twice on Instagram even tho I don’t normally comment on celebrities’ social media’s. I watched other things with Sarah like Get Shorty, bootlegs of Broadway musicals which I HIGHKEY recommend people to watch. Seriously I picture Spinel anytime Sarah’s onscreen and I love it. Anytime she swears I’m like fuck yes spinel would definitely say that (LET SPINEL SWEAR). I sound crazy sorry lmaoo
I’m sorry I’m typing all this but I can’t say any of this to anyone without probably getting weird looks. I used to talk about it with my girlfriend but we aren’t together and there’s just this empty hole. It hurts that I can’t talk about certain things with others. I could write so much about Spinel (literally writing a fanfic lmao GO CHECK IT OUT ITS CALLED THAT DAMN DAME) but idk how big posts can be on tumblr.
Thank you for coming to my Spinel Talk
I also thinks she’s so fucking hot don’t @ me like slice me with your rejuvenator, Spinel, or extend your fing-
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jcmorrigan · 3 years
i crave..more blakeworther hcs..anything...please
So this isn’t really headcanons in the proper sense, but it kinda comes with some. I’m gonna do something a little different, because every time I get a hyperfixation, I end up assigning songs to it based on what I happen to listen to and connect to it, so here is going to be the songs I associate with Blakeworther (or with Albert and the other two come by association because him big favorite). And hopefully this will be some fun because a lot of these, you can’t actually see a direct connection - this was just my brain Doing Things and coming up with scenarios (also, some of the songs are steamier than others; proceed with caution)
Drunk - The Living Tombstone: I swear all three of them are heavy drinkers. It’s pretty much said that Vincent is an alcoholic and this is a Problem. They are all three in that boat. All three of them. Honestly, they all probably need serious help, but two of them are suffering from extreme trauma and the third represses his feelings to unhealthy levels, so they’re not likely to admit it soon.
United - Amberian Dawn: Okay, so you remember when in one of my past headcanon dumps, I put down “If they ever did drag lip-sync; don’t ask why I have this one?”. The shortest possible version of this is that when I get new lovelies who lean villainous, I like to imagine them putting on musical numbers, esp. to whatever song I’m listening to at the time. And this song was in my car one night when I just needed to imagine these three rocking out, so I’m like “And because AD is female-led, they’ve gotta be in drag, whether syncing or singing.” (The longer version of this story involves...go click the “What is the WHAM ARMY?” link on my main page. Yeah. I want them in on it. And karaoke AND drag are two core tenets of the WHAM ARMY.) Anyway, the mental image wrote its freaking self when I sat down to this. Albert in the pink ruffles, dancing like it’s his last chance to, taking Capri’s melody and eating up the limelight as multicolored strobes pulse around him. Victor and Vincent are doing the backup. Victor is really hamming it up while Vincent looks like he wants to die. Vincent eventually gets worn down and you have all three of them leaping dramatically about to this synth-metal song. And ever since then I can’t disassociate this song from them even though it has very little to do with them (other than that it’s about people who need each other to do their best).
Shoot Him Down! - Alice Francis: Unfortunately, I was STILL on the drag/karaoke kick when I went to listen to this one, and oh my goodness, just as a performance art piece, Albert would be like “I want to sing the murder song” and Victor would go “Cool, I love electroswing/jazz” and Vincent’s just “Are we doing this again? Was once not enough?” and it’s the same setup. Albert as lead hogging the spotlight and the other two are backup singers.
I’m Gonna Win - Rob Cantor: This is another case of the song showing up at the right time. I was thinking about Blakeworther while listening to this and it clicked. But it really kinda has that badass energy that they all three need. I can see Vincent singing this the DAY he got back from the near-death experience and started plotting his revenge, and the other two are like “HELL YEAH” and adopt this as their anthem. Their battle theme maybe.
Mamma Mia - HUGEL: Saw one of THOSE animation memes. Kruecent. This one if you must know. It encapsulates their dynamic PERFECTLY. And then you know what? There’s a Blakeworth one too. And it amuses me to all hell that anyone who’s ever animated VTSOM to this song is like “Vincent is that tired male vocalist” and we all agree his type is WHOEVER WOULD BE THE LEAD VOCALIST. This is Vincent’s hell and he loves it but good luck getting him to admit that. Anyway this was the first fandom I even saw THOSE memes for and I don’t even wanna look at others because this is already perfect
Mr. Sandman, Man Me a Sand - Okay I know it’s a shitpost of a parody but. It’s a combo of talking about a dream entity and riffing a CreepyPasta. And it’s off the shits. Is this Victor and Vincent singing about Albert, or is this Albert singing about the other two and having no idea how increasingly weird he’s getting? (As in...like...he legitimately forgot the words to Mr. Sandman and is just improvising.) It’s Albert-adjacent and I won’t hear arguing on this.
There will probably be more because I do the song thing with EVERY hyperfixation character/ship but for now I think that’s it
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hunklejunk · 4 years
Stomach and ears
Stomach: I love raw salmon and burgers.. I eat too much cheese for my own good. My favorite foods tho.. there is a recipe that my mom used to make to make alfredo sauce from scratch. She was never a good cook.. as a dysfunctional mom I actually had to take over the cooking when I was 8.. so her cooking anything was a shock.. but this sauce... amazing... I would request it instead of restaurants or anything else on special occasions... after she died I got the recipe. No one could replicate it... Even one of my culinary school teachers tried for me.. never tasted the same.. one day.. I gave up.. made the sauce by glancing at the recipe and doing my own thing
That was the missing step lol.. it was perfect. Been perfect ever since.
My mom made me cook but my dad finally TAUGHT me how to cook and made me LOVE to cook.. the last thing he taught me before he died was an amazing creme brulee. It's been my favorite dessert.. and when I got my first head pastry chef gig at a winery it was the first thing I added to the menu!
Long conversations give me butterflies... flirting gives me butterflies, eye contact and hand holding gives me butterflies.. I'm secretly *dont tell* a big sloppy romantic sap.. so most things give me butterflies ;)
I used to LOVE rollercoasters!! I used to go to the amusement park for a weekend every year for my birthday.. but I'm huge.. like.. 6'1.. huge rack.. got to a point where those security harnesses had trouble fitting so I just stopped going.. now I have muscular skeletal issues and it's probably for the best.
No Food Allergies
Ears: ok.. I just wrote a lot and I forgot what all the questions for ears where so I may go back and edit this!!
I dont have one favorite genre of music.. I really travel from genre to genre.. jazz and punk are common. But so is like.. I dunno.. indie dance and electroswing? For the first time in my life I like some pop music.. classic rock.. death metal. But of rap and hip hop.. so I'm all over the place. I loooove dumb spooky kids songs from the 50s. Lol.
I have many piercings.. I used to have WAY MORE.. I have 2" stretched lobes.. one cartridge piercing, 2 tongue piercings, a septum piercing. A lip piercing I never wear jewelry in.. and 2 8 gauge mystery piercings you have to know me real well to find out about ;)
And my favorite musical sound is like... violin.. or operatic singing.. or cello.. which is oddly not in much I listen to.. but damn is it soothing.
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yuli-ban · 7 years
Anarchy in Prague/Belle Grand-Mär Megapost
See, now this is a megapost. The goth one was only about two unique pictures. This one has three.
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Current theme song for Anarchy in Prague. Harkens back to the days when it was described as a “Stoner Rock Scott Pilgrim”. 
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Drawn by @dalf
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She’s 27 at the time the story starts. She is literally on the edge of being a Millennial (I’m one of those who thinks the cut-off between Millennials/Generation Y and iGeneration/Generation Z should be 2001, but some say it’s actually 1996).
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Drawn by @alouissever 
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If two people share a 1-Up, how would that work? Also, you can tell they’re getting close to 30 just by how stoned they look when, in fact, they’re trying to stay awake for New Year’s. I love this aspect of Anarchie, rambling about how Millennials are growing old and are no longer the dominant youth generation. In 2024 (which is 7 years away), there will be 40-something Millennials. I’ll be 30, holy fucking mother of fathers.
Drawn by @dalf
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Muriel and Malfiore. Pan’s goth “girls”. Muriel’s, like, 28. However, Malfiore/Marie is 37. She’s still a Millennial, yo. 2024-37=1987. She’s a fucking ‘90s kid and she’s already growing some grays and finding the protoforms of what will one day become wrinkles.
Drawn by @alouissever
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Arthur and his sister, Daria (yes, I know it was Darya; deal with it). Daria’s nonplussed about how childish Venus remains.
Drawn by @alouissever
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I actually couldn’t find the bottom image for the longest time, so I think this is the first time I’ve posted it to Tumblr. See? It’s not all reposts. I kinda like how Venus looks like a ghost in the second picture, but Dalf forgot about the Saint Vitus logo! And yes, that’s a Pepper robot. I imagined that they might gain a bit more utility between now and 2024. Also, funny thing about Venus being a “hipster”. She’s actually not. She’s more of a moddie than a hipster. But since Arthur’s a hipster, she sometimes tries to be one ironically.
Drawn by @dalf
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Arthur Tartakovsky, Venus’s ultra-hipster boyfriend. This was before he gained his ironic mustache. He used to be in an indie pop band in an earlier draft, but nowadays he’s still in an indie pop band. The actual change was his other hobby: before, he was a comic artist. Now he’s an indie game dev specializing in retro games and VR cyberpunk. The world of indie game devs can get hectic, especially in a tight job market. He has to deal with rival devs sabotaging each other and himself sometimes, which is why he developed electrokinetic powers.
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Early sketches of the original trio. Only Venus has really changed visually. She was much less notable.
Drawn by @dalf
I already did the posts where @pan-pizza gets his nuts crushed. I see no reason why I should post them again other than to goad Pan into reblogging this megapost. Pan, do not  reblog this.
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Drawn by @alouissever
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Drawn/animated by @spookyfishcakes
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Drawn by @nicolas-px-art
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Early form of Malfiore. She always wears Ed’s clothes (a la Ed Edd n Eddy), but it was much more faithful in the earliest sketches. Just ask Alouisse-Ver. Also, she used to have Daria’s hairstyle.
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Muriel’s first sketch, back before she had her top hat. I created her as a loveletter to Pan Pizza and his gothosexual tendencies; Malfiore was always going to be a part of the story.
Drawn by @alouissever
Anarchie’s still got a lotta stoner rock in it (Venus’s band and their scene mates are all either stoner rock or heavy rock), but even back in 2014 when I first created the story, I left some room for indie rock. Nowadays, they both take up an equal amount of space. If it ever becomes a movie or a cartoon, it’ll probably be the only one in history where the OST consists of Nebula, Kyuss, Radio Moscow, and Orange Goblin right alongside The Pillows, Kodaline, Arctic Monkeys, and Porno Mags. Radiohead one second, Pentagram the next.
And, for now, that’s all for Anarchie. I’ve yet to commission pictures of Kalo, Syd, Adamski, or Azura Meco, but those are coming. I’m just actually working on the story. Shocker, I know. Even I’m surprised. I just did a 30,000 word outline in about 10 days; the real rough draft should be finished by April.
And now for BGM, which is basically “Anarchie + Cyberdelic Pharmaceuticals”. The early posts here don’t show that off well, but the world will know...
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Title card still pending.... I made that 3 yea— holy fuck, I made that three years ago?! How is it 2017 already? 
Pure stardream. It sounds like dreamrock, honestly. The moment I heard this, I knew I had found BGM’s BGM. No pun intended. It was either this or Stand Up. 
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Belle. Belle Grand-Mär. British moddie, real name “Indira Elizabeth Jones”, elective mute, severe and antisocial, freeskating and freerunning traceause, yadayadayada. If Venus was a female Scott Pilgrim fused with Murdoc Niccals, Belle is Ramona Flowers + Haruko Haruhara + Ryuko Matoi + Garnet + a mime + Neku Sakuraba + a silent cartoon character. I’m glad I’m a writer. Try creating a silent character! You’d better have mastered visual emotion.
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Aurora. Real name “Farideh Moradi”, Persian-Briton moddie, freerunning traceuse, Belle’s closest friend and whatnot. She literally got her name from the reference to the Aurora Borealis in A Flock of Seagull’s uber-80′s hit “I Ran (So Far Away)”. The 2020′s are basically the ‘80s with more cyberdelia, after all.
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Bomb. Real name “Madeleine Violetta Dumont”, French moddie, actually dead and works as a psychokinetic grim reaper whenever she feels like it. Also Belle’s rival and foil. Freeskating traceuse. She was created in 2009 as the lead character in a story that was literally “JSRF: Jet Set Radio Future + The World Ends With You”. This is why she seems like someone badly took a character from each of those games and fused them together.
Drawn by @alouissever
Parov Stelar’s beautiful little electroswing track. It’s so 2020′s.  BGM has much more of a stardream atmosphere than the down-to-earth feel of Anarchie. There’s a lot more chiptune, dreamier rock, electrofunk, and whatnot. If you took the soundtrack to Super Mario Galaxy and Steven Universe, mixed it with the soundtrack to Jet Set Radio Future, and made it thrice as eclectic, you’d get something like BGM’s presumed BGM.
You may have noticed that all the characters for BGM thus far are moddies. That’s no mistake or coincidence— it’s a moddie story. It has a stronger character than Anarchie, to the point I can even call it when aspects of Anarchie “seem like something out of BGM”.  Moddies are already getting started, though no one’s yet calling them moddies. But you see how vaporwave’s gotten so big? How neon and pixel art is dominating Tumblr? Seapunk and dyed hair are everywhere, everyone loves hallucinogenics, and everyone loves the ‘80s once more. Major Lazer, for the fucking win. Right now, we say that these are signs of hipsterdom. But in the 2020s, we’re going to look back and realize what it really was— the birth of the moddies. We’ve not yet reached the moddies— we still need a Transhuman Be-In, cheaper OLEDs, and a Sgt. Pepper moment for electronic music (where people stop seeing it as purely dance music). And I don’t see anyone who owns a robot like Pepper or ASIMO yet either. And while luminescent hair is definitely a thing, it’s not yet become a common thing. Nor has leaving up Christmas lights all year, or being obsessed with bright primary colors.
But we’re getting there. And the thing that will trigger the final separation between post-hipsters and moddies isn’t a Transhuman Be-In, but simply time: us Millennials are indeed growing older. I was born in ‘94, and I’m 22 going on 23. Millennials brought back hipsterdom, but ‘10s hipsters suffered a brutal blow due to the loss of Bernie Sanders and the rise of Donald Trump. Our whole zeitgeist became fragile. Hence why people are looking for harder music instead of the previously comfortably twee indie pop and nu-folk. Being vintage and authentic hasn’t helped us one bit, and the kids— those younger than ourselves— don’t believe in our ideals. They just see a blizzard.  Some may mock the hair colors, but they secretly love it. They want something more than what Millennials are offering. They are loving several aspects of what’s big— aforementioned things like vaporwave, electronic music, dyed hair, cyberpunk revivalism, ‘80s and ‘90s love, etc.— but other aspects, they are eager to discard. There’s a strain of neo-futurism in the iGeneration, which isn’t surprising considering they were raised as something of a proto-cyborg generation.
And that’s the moddies in a nutshell. Kids who recognize they live in “The Future™” and wish to own it. They don’t just listen to electronic music because it’s cool; it also aids that whole sense of living in years that previous generations thought were purely sci-fi. They don’t see electronic music as just dance club/background music. They want electronic versions of prog rock and conscious hip hop. They’re more than happy to drop acid and fuck robots. They don’t love the obsession with a minimalist future with sterile colors— they want neon. Neon lights, neon paint, and a cyberdelic attitude. If that means making cities look like one giant rave, so be it. Because ha ha, they live in the Future.
You can forgive them for their incredible optimism; they’re just kids. And they want you to know it.
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