#forgotten candy
dyokens · 2 months
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[A New Generation]
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forgottencandy · 2 years
Rude Boy
Henry x reader x Patrick
Warning: toxic teenage love
I do what you want, I let you take control. Such chaos. Yet I won't give it up, the thrill is too much to just kill. The other part of me, knows this is all wrong. Staying around a boy that probably not only doesn't care for me, but also does horrible things. I allow it, because I some how got caught up in your game. Almost as if I was a fly caught in a web. Maybe it makes me a fool, but your attention towards me is like a drug. I will always want more, no matter how small the affection I get from you. In the end, I'm an addict; I will do anything that will acquire me your attention. Guess that's why I started playing bad. The abuse, is all you know; I can't blame you. I even started taking after you. Abusing others, because I still feel the pain; but I allow it, because I need you.
I'm glad, that you are happy at how much of a fool I am for you. You're loyal, surprisingly. Maybe the fact that you scare people away, or there's no need to cheat. I'm always here for you, Henry. When you are drunk from drowning your sorrows, that's when we actually communicate. I brush my hand through your hair; something you hated when we were in public. You laid in your bed, out of your mind. "I love you, Henry." I say facing Henry in his bed. We both laid there, I focused more on your face than you did mine. I blame it on how drunk you are, but who knows if you actually want me. I smile as I caress your face, you were extremely tired. "I love you Henry, so mu-"
"You're the only one my dick can get hard for." Henry blurts out, looking into my eyes. I stay still for a moment, looking into his blue orbs. Not exactly the most romantic sentence, but it was flattering. Henry only wanted me, and that made me smile. "I'm confused, what the fuck you want my heart for?" Henry asks, his warm breath hit my face. It was wrenched, but with Henry, I learned not to care. "I don't know, I just, you feel, I don't know why I love you so much.
"I'm misused what the fuck you want my heart for?" Henry said in a more violent tone. He generally didn't understand my love for him.
I sat up, keeping my eyes on his. "Can you even hear me?" I asked in a tiring voice. I've been trying to love this boy for so long. Only for him to mistreat me. I know he doesn't know any better, due to his own shit. "Henry, I'm gonna go home. Have a good night, okay?" I say in a soft tone.
Maybe it's best if I get some space. It's draining, trying to love someone who doesn't want love. Grabbing my light jacket from his bed and leaving Henry's room. He sat up watching me leave, but did nothing else to stop me. As I left the house, it started to sprinkle.
I was walking the dirt road for awhile until I approached town. It was late, night was approaching. As I was coming close to my home, I heard someone call out my name. I look over, it's Patrick. He gave me that smirk he always wore. I went across the street to him. We've been around each other a few times because of Henry. Never really got to know each other much however. "Not with Henry?" He asked in a snarky tone.
Patrick was right, I was always with Henry. Focused on him, acting like a lost puppy. A puppy that Henry would mistreat. A bad dog in the making. "I'm not too sure anymore." I replied. He has a small chuckle after my response. Which causes me to examine him more. Patrick was Henry's friend, he knew I was off limits. "Come hangout with me then." He said walking off behind the house he stood by. I obliged, following him behind a few feet.
He smirked looking over his shoulder at me. "Why do you like Henry so much?" Patrick said in a mocking tone. "You deal with a lot for a boy who isn't even loyal to you." His snicker made my heart sink. I stopped in my tracks, looking at him turn around. "You really didn't think Henry was the loyal type, did you?" Patrick asked me as if I was confused. I felt my heart breaking the more he spoke. "Why are you telling me this?" I snapped at Patrick. Henry wouldn't, or would he?
Patrick has that mischievous smile playing on his face. "Sweetheart, I see how much you do for him. And what does he do? He goes and fucks Greta in the bathroom." His sentence made the little bit of me left, shatter. I couldn't even react, couldn't cry. Something so deviating to me, and I had nothing.
Looking Patrick in his eyes, I slowly approach him in silence. Smiling the entire time as he looked at me. I grabbed him into a violent kiss. Without hesitation, he grabbed back and kissed just as hard. What was I doing? It doesn't matter. Two can play this game.
(I started this years ago, decided to hop back on and kinda finish this part? LOL)
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peanutmacabre · 1 year
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dyokenstuff · 1 month
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I don't have anymore games to play, but don't be sad, these games won't be my last
Edit Inspo
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vaxxman · 4 months
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He ubered the scout after this.
Additional sketches and some ramblings under the cut.
This is based on an encounter I had the other day, when a demoman took a medkit before my medigun connected with him. When he saw my health was down to 21, he would force me to stand at the spawn point and guarded me until I was healed. Wherever you are now, if you read this, you were a good lad and I love you.
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Sometimes I think about how medic is emotionally very invested in the missions (which shows in his voice when he shouts at his team), but off-duty and during friendly taunts he seems to be among the most giggly, and fun-loving mercenaries in the team. I like to think he can get agitated very fast, but cools down just as quickly.
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columboscreens · 3 months
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sensitiveseal · 30 days
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sleepy kirby stimboard 😴
x - x - x | x - x - x | x - x - x
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canisalbus · 7 months
Your art tastes like aged paper, sugar, and chocolate to me, with a hint of salt every so often
Machete looks like white chocolate, and Vasco's like buttery caramel
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skywalker42 · 8 months
What people think ADHD is:
So I went to my room to grab sticky notes to leave my roommate a reminder on the dryer but then I saw my week old mug on my nightstand so I went to put it away and then when I was in the kitchen I realized there's no room for it in the cabinet and now I'm measuring the wall for shelving units.
Which, yeah, it is that. It's definitely that. But it's also this series of texts I sent to my friend this morning:
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danikoshi-doodles · 8 months
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I don't watch Fionna and Cake BUT-
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dyokens · 11 days
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cali-kabi · 4 months
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~ Kirby, BMO and Marcy exploring the Candy Kingdom💫🌟🍬🍭
Been watching a lot of adventure time lately and I really love BMO he’s such a cutie ;w;💚added my lil oc Marcy too cuz why not hehe she can travel to whatever dimension she wants <3💖🌟
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danisha-tdh · 5 months
So y'all remember the concept art about Turbo's Hysteria look like this-
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Now I make 'em
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So a big changes, Turbo's Hysteria form is taller (kinda like 7 or 9 feet tall). However, Turbo wasn't the one who control it but the Hysteria itself. The design comes with an accurate details to the concept of Cybug Turbo as like the head that shapes like a crown, the claws, and the tail. Oh, and never forget the creepy grinning smile fella!
The Hysteria don't usually talk, but only comes from Turbo's mind, and yeah it confused him a lot.
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It doesn't change the expression on their face, but trying to understand the emotions. They always love eating anything like objects, including a dead person. But there is one problem...
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Yeah, if you see Turbo's Hysteria start eating weird things, just stop them. Ignore them would be okay (I guess???)
Welp, that's all I have for today!
Bonus doodle comin' right up!
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Squish the boi :3c
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wretchedraymond45 · 7 months
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fixating on an old interest agaiin uh oh
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wondergotten-concepts · 7 months
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Come up with King Candy's new outfit~👑
King Candy has two different types of his clothing style, the one is his formal and the other one is the show stage. Like Turbo, He'll has his themed outfits when travels through other lands. It may be a progress or not, but I need some outfit inspired if anyone has a taste of fashion..^^
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magimcull · 8 months
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more halloween costumes!
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