#formaggio (jjba)
wheredidalltheusersgo · 2 months
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This took a really fucking long time, but I finally did it!!
La Squadra in my style with my headcanons!
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shiroyamaberserk · 10 months
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La Squadra members in Klimt styleAll of them are here, of course Sorbet and Gelato too!
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k0mibee · 6 months
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Forgot to put this here 💀
I’m so late to the game but idgaf
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twiixr4kidz · 1 month
had a specific vision of giving the members of la squadra hugs......... have me being sappy over my boys
shoutout to those of you who followed during my naranchuu days when i was just a jjba blog LMAO (when my requests open back up please send me jojo asks i miss writing for jjba) (also assume that sorbet and gelato are still together in this i just wrote them seperately for the sake of giving them personalities outside of each other)
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risotto nero:
a hug from the capo is a special thing to get.
they're suffocating in the best way from just how tall and strong he is
he'll let you bury your face into his chest as his fingers run through your hair
he always smells so comforting; he smells like home
some of his hugs will be coupled with a kiss on the forehead
others will be coupled with a "you're alright, i've got you"
he says he's not a hugger, but the fact that he indulges so often says otherwise
prosciu's hugs are tender; so impossibly calming, you could melt in his arms
he keeps a hand resting on your lower back, the other running through your hair
he smells like fancy wine, expensive cologne, and cigarettes
he rocks you back and forth, telling you how much he loves you and appreciates you
although nervous about them, he's such a huge hugger
he's big, warm, and so fucking cozy
pesci truly gives some of the best hugs imaginable
he hugs you to make sure you know you're safe with him; he'd never let anything bad happen to you, and if something bad DID happen, he'd make sure it'll never happen again
his fuzzy coat is just a plus!! take advantage of it and nuzzle your face into it, he thinks it's adorable
he's a big hugger, and all of his hugs feel almost playful
he likes to jump out at you and tackle you to the floor, peppering your face with kisses as he tickles your sides
formaggio hugs you a lot for his own comfort
he likes to shrink you down when he hugs you - it's like he's trying to swallow you whole
he's always so warm and cozy, and you if you aren't standing up, you'll be able to fall asleep on him
believe it or not, he's shockingly clingy.
yes, he's a giant, cocky asshole who thinks he's better than everybody else. no, he can't get enough of your touch. those concepts can coexist...................
he likes to pop out from behind dark corners and wrap his arms around you tightly
illuso will bury his face in your hair, mumbling what you can only assume are compliments that he's too embarrassed to say out loud
his hands press tight against your sides, thumbs rubbing small circles on your waist
he gives some of the most comforting, genuine feeling hugs
sure, he might seem a little creepy on the outside, but he can read you like a book
he'll come up from behind you and wrap his arms lazily around your neck
"come here, tesoro. i know you need it."
and he's right damn near every time
sometimes he'll give you a gentle kiss on the cheek before wandering elsewhere
other times, he'll drag you to the couch and force you to cuddle with him
he's not good at hugs; he gets nervous and then he stiffens up and freezes
ghiaccio gives you the biggest hugs when you come back home from rough missions, though
his arms wrap around you tightly, face buried in your neck as angry worries pour from his lips - he thought you were a goner
he's scared that you're going to disappear on him, but hugging you makes him feel better
he's nice to hug in the summer months when the heat's getting to you
he's always nice and chilly and if it's you asking, he's happy to oblige (but he'll never say it)
similar to risotto, sorbet's hugs feel like he's suffocating you
he's built like a fucking wall; tall, broad shoulders, wide chest, very muscular
his hugs are few and far between, but he always hugs you like he's trying to kill you
he likes when you're giggling over being stuck in his arms, playfully scratching him and begging him to let go
he gives you a tight squeeze before letting you go, ruffling your hair before wandering off
he gives some of the most playful, gentle, warm hugs you could ask for - ironic for such a cold-hearted killer
he likes picking you up and spinning you around before pulling you into his chest
he'll tickle you side with one hand while the other arm stays wrapped around your body so you can't escape his torture
he also likes to bite :3 every hug comes with a little nip on your neck just to hear your squeal
he drags you to cuddle with him after every hug though - you're just sooooo cute and cozy, he can't help it
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rae-pss · 1 year
my beloved (<3).
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necroneri · 9 months
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「Cooking with Formaggio」
#4 drawing of the Jojo plushies series I'm doing, where all the jojo plushies are in interacting with toys, objects or are in funny situations.
Formaggio + Mini children's food kit with Velcro
Twitter | Pinterest | Instagram | Deviantart
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lorallldgua · 3 months
Man is definitely high
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greato-days69 · 10 days
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La Squadra Keychain design drafts 2/2
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prosciuttulipa · 8 months
What profession would La Squadra be in, if they weren't in the mafia?
aka what normal jobs La Squadra would use their Stand abilities for because I love being a bit silly
Risotto: Blacksmith/Artisan
I feel this is rather intuitive, with Metallica. He's one of the most sought after blacksmiths in Italy, and is famous for producing kitchen knives. Any self-respecting chef knows of Risotto's knives— the word around is that his knives are so sharp, they cut through bone like butter. They require little to no maintenance, not to mention the fact that it takes years for them to start getting dull. Because of their outstanding quality, Risotto's knives are constantly in high demand, so much so that he's able to jack up the prices to eyewatering amounts. They're also limited in stock, since he only makes 52 a year, one for each week.
(He can definitely make more, but why bother? Work smart, not hard.)
He also has other side brands to his blacksmith business. He has a branch for barber supplies—razors and hairdressing scissors, whose blades also share that signature sharpness. He tried to start a side brand for stationery, but quickly stopped production when it was reported that kids had hurt themselves on the scissors and mechanical pencils. Luckily, the scandal was quickly forgiven, seeing that Risotto had covered these kids' medical fees as soon as he was notified.
His favourite side brand, however, is his jewellery. It's a hit amongst the goth and emo communities, who enjoy his horror-inspired designs. There's one design that has been affectionately dubbed 'Ghosties': little monsters with ghoulish faces, wiggling around in bunches. His most popular product is his blood jewellery—buyers send him a vial of their blood, and he transforms it into a jewellery piece of their choosing. The patterns on the metal arise from the makeup of the client's blood, making each piece one-of-a-kind.
Prosciutto: Winery Owner
Rotting is just a hop, skip and a jump away from fermenting, and The Grateful Dead always delivers results.
Prosciutto's wines are an enigma to connoisseurs. A general rule of thumb is that wine is better the longer it's been fermented, but Prosciutto's year-old wines taste like they've been aged for decades. This makes his actual, decade-old wines the pinnacle of decadence: rich, smooth, and unforgiving on the wallet.
His winery produces all sorts, but he's most famous for his red wines. They're full-bodied and complex the way a symphony is, each layer arising with an almost engineered exactness. Many say that he's managed to manipulate the precise amount of fermentation for each component—a compliment that Prosciutto receives with a wry smile.
Most people are happy to accept that wineries have their trade secrets, but Prosciutto's one generates more discourse than most. His winery has been the subject of many a rumour—that he steals and resells other wineries' products; that he adds illegal substances into his wines to make them taste that good; that he's a nepo baby who inherited his father's wine collection and is just slapping his own brand onto old bottles.
It's when an investigative journalist tries to break into Prosciutto's winery, only for his body to turn up in a river a week later, that the rumours stop circulating. There have been a few more attempts to unveil the winery's secrets since then, but each one has resulted in more dead bodies. If it's a competing winery who's trying to do some digging, they find that an entire decade of their wine goes bad the very next day.
Because of this, Prosciutto's winery has also earned the nickname, 'Azrael's Wine'. It hasn't affected sales in the slightest.
Formaggio: Heister
I'm certain that there are other jobs which Little Feet would be useful for, but Formaggio likes to live life on the edge. He's the only person (aside from Illuso) that I can see willingly choosing a life of crime, if he had a chance for a do-over.
So yes, he absolutely would abuse his abilities to steal things. He starts small at first, nicking wallets and watches, taking them off their owners without piquing their notice. But as he grows more confident, he pulls off more elaborate robberies—stealing diamond necklaces off their stands in broad daylight, sneaking into safes by shrinking to the size of their locks, breaking them from the inside out. He's more than able to get in and out without a trace, but Formaggio is a cocky bastard, and leaves a shrunken shoe at each scene, a sign that he was there and got away with it. As his crimes start to gain traction, the shoes earn him the nickname, 'Ken Doll'.
His biggest heist is when he steals the chandelier from Tiffany's. It takes a week to pull off, unscrewing the chandelier slowly and imperceptibly, shrinking parts of it in the night. He has to live inside the chandelier the entire time, but he doesn't mind; it's beautiful, and he feels like he's in a mansion. But as soon as the last screw is undone, he shrinks the chandelier and stuffs it into his pocket, taking off with a triumphant cackle. The only evidence that he was there is a cheeky, normal-sized shoe hanging from the ceiling.
Illuso: Storage Facility Owner (?)
I feel like Illuso is the sort of person you imagine when someone says, "I know a guy," and Man in the Mirror doesn't help his case in the slightest. Or maybe that's how he likes it. Hard to tell, with Illuso.
On his business cards, he's a storage facility owner. He owns several warehouses, and they're well maintained. Companies who store with him are impressed by how neat everything is, not a single dust particle to be found when they retrieve their items. Contrary to popular belief (re: his resting bitch face), he provides excellent customer service, things showing up where and when they're needed without a hitch.
But there are a few things about the operation that feel a bit...off. There are no employees in these warehouses, save for the occasional elderly cleaner. Illuso doesn't hire any delivery trucks for his company, which doesn't line up with the amount of things he has to store and transport. Then there's the matter that all the storage rooms are lined with mirrors. It strikes his clients as strange—what if something falls and shatters the glass?—but they never comment.
One time, a salesman had forgotten his things in one of the storage rooms, having just delivered 20 boxes of supplies. He returned to the room, and to his surprise, found that nothing was in there, save for what he had left behind. Distressed, he went to find Illuso, saying that someone had stolen his company's supplies.
"Relax, sir," Illuso had assured him, with a smile that the salesman didn't dare question, "everything is safe with me, I assure you."
After all, what safer storage is there than a mirror world?
Melone: Fortune Teller for Couples
Melone will be making no strange creatures with Baby Face, but he will be using it to predict couple compatibility, and the character of their children, should they want any.
At first, he started off by giving predictions to his girl friends when they met on Sundays for tea, accurately guessing whether the new person they were dating would be a hit or a miss. It had been all fun and games at first, but when it became clear that Melone's accuracy was damn near perfect, Sunday tea times were taken with all the seriousness of a prophecy. His friends invited more friends, who invited more friends, until he ended up just opening a stall on Sundays to predict couple compatibility.
Apart from his skill, Melone's personality made him a major hit from the get-go. He gave surprisingly good advice that wasn't just "incompatible horoscopes", offering insightful ideas about communication, boundaries and care. However, he would occasionally forget to follow what he preached, becoming enamoured with how pretty a woman's skin was, or explaining in entirely too much detail how fertile someone's husband would be if they wanted children.
He became significantly more careful with his tongue (both literally and figuratively) when he was scouted by radio for his predictions, widening his audience to the entirety of Italy. His show, 'Matching with Melone', aired during Sunday tea times, during which couples would send in their details and horoscopes. There was doubt as to whether or not Melone's accuracy would hold up, but without fail, he managed to predict the fortune or downfall of each couple he interviewed.
Once, a listener rang in, saying that Melone had predicted the outcome of their relationship incorrectly. The man had laughed, and answered, "Darling, Melone is never wrong. Only your horoscope is."
It turns out that, as always, Melone was right. The listener thought that their partner was a Pisces, but it turns out they were an Aries instead. Oops.
Ghiaccio: Freezer Warehouse Owner
Unlike Illuso, Ghiaccio's business is fairly cut and dry. What you see is what you get, with White Album keeping his freezers cold all year round. He's only got one warehouse, located near the coast for fishermen to dump their produce in.
There's honestly not much to say about Ghiaccio's life. He keeps out of people's way, finding them irritating most of the time; his job is a means of money, not purpose. Aside from the daily check that his freezers are still freezing, he spends most of his time relaxing on the dock, hanging out with Pesci (elaborated on in Pesci's part). He hates that the coast is such a popular tourist spot, though. He can't stand it when he hears foreigners mispronouncing Italian words.
Otherwise, it's a quiet existence. Sometimes, when he's feeling it, he'll freeze a path into the sea, standing on the ice to watch the stars.
Pesci: Fisherman
True to Beach Boy, Pesci finds a quiet and fulfilling life as a fisherman. Although his ability ensures that he has a catch every time, he makes sure not to overfish, so that the ecosystem stays balanced. He doesn't have his own stall at the local fisherman's market, preferring to sell his catch from his boat instead. He finds that he's able to converse with the locals in a much more intimate manner this way, taking his time to chat with them instead of hurrying them off for the next customer.
Once he's sold everything for the day, Pesci spends his afternoons trying to teach Ghiaccio how to fish; Ghiaccio had approached him about it, the man saying that he had heard it was a good way to learn patience. It's been slow going. Sitting on the dock and waiting for a fish to bite has not seemed to produce any further patience for Ghiaccio, but he returns day after day out of spite. Though, Pesci likes to think it's a little bit for his company as well.
They talk idly about town affairs and daily life, otherwise happy to sit in silence. Every so often, Pesci will use his ability to guide a fish onto Ghiaccio's line, smiling as his friend lets out a triumphant shout. It feels good, to give back.
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vixensmart · 1 year
Ghiaccio: *storming off in a rage*
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dgaftilwedie · 2 months
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jojosbizzarewife · 7 months
Tends to walk around the apartment/house naked
the kind of guy you need to remind multiple times that you have guests coming that day
this man is so smug about it too, he knows you're looking
Hol Horse
will wear only his hat around
Akira Otoishi
the concert (that he started in the shower) is often too important to stop and get dressed
usually on laundry day - he always waits until he has no clothes left
shameless - tries to convince everyone else to try it
if anyone comments on his nakedness he just responds "you're welcome"
"Sun's out bun's out" kind of girl
Mountain Tim
always looses at strip poker - also always starts the game of strip poker
whenever it's sunny, he lays in the sunlight to nap (like a lizard or a cat)
honestly, I feel like my boy just forgets sometimes
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theforbidfruit · 2 years
Not me procrastinating with one fandom
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I feel like I’m cheating on them behind their backs
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denguuu · 11 months
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happi halloween ‼️‼️👻👻
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rae-pss · 10 months
If, I may make a request La Squadra during Soccer/Football/futbol season and what is it like ? and who doesn't care about that sport?
—RAE'S NOTE: so... i know nothing about football, which means that you all have to bear with me on this one. i hope you enjoy it, @go-capt-puppen.
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—in general, i would say that the two who are most interested in football are FORMAGGIO and GHIACCIO, and even SORBET when he and GELATO are around. both tend to watch the occasional games, when possible, in a bar or at home with beers.
—of course, the others don't care or care about the topic, seeing it as just another sport. —although, neither ILLUSO nor PROSCIUTTO (and sometimes PESCI) mind spending an afternoon accompanying them in their fanaticism for their favorite teams.
—now yes, when it comes to the euro cup or the world cup, i do see everyone a little more interested in the subject. more than anything to see their country win the matches and that.
—it's more for the moment of euphoria and company when watching each game, seeing the goals, the penalties, and the fouls (almost always unfair in their eyes).
—for them, this is a time when they can relax and act as if they were just any young adults having fun with their friends watching football.
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I’m doing my best here guys
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