#fortnite the underground
rayonago · 5 months
want to draw all of the underground n society at some point
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keithpoenewt · 5 months
5 Times Montague and Silas Fought + 1 Time They Didn't - Part 1
A friend put this idea in my head. I ran with it. Does anybody even ship this? Who knows. It ain't my fault Montague canonically asked Silas to join the Society multiple times. WHY IS THAT HUH???
1. the boy is mine / when the party's over - Mega City
Word count: 2,806
“I’m usually so unproblematic So independent, tell me why”
If there’s one thing Montague cares about, it’s power (and Fizz, but that’s a discussion for a different day). He likes knowing the chain of command, who to stay away from, and who can be extorted or bribed. Montague prefers to be higher up on the food chain otherwise he’ll remain off people’s radars. He’s not here to piss anyone important off (unless it will turn into a profit for himself). Power is what he wants, but he can’t quite have it just yet. The Seven failed to stop The Herald from chromifying all realities, thus causing the universe to explode. The Rift Warden couldn’t repair the damage, allowing other realities to seep into this one, one of them being a place called Mega City. Honestly, Montague didn’t mind it there much. He met some potential allies who he may decide to contact later when the right moment arises. Though, one he couldn’t get out of his head: Silas Hesk. He liked the mysterious aura Silas gave off (that and having a pet snake as an accessory is pretty badass). Montague decided to keep meeting up with him since he enjoyed his company the most out of everyone he met.
Even with the world on the brink of another explosion and a new rainforest (a place Montague will NOT be setting foot in because he doesn’t want to have some unknown bug bite him and kill him), he still seeks out Silas’s company. After months, Montague still can’t figure out why he feels so drawn to him.
“‘Cause that boy is mine, mine Something about him is made for somebody like me”
“So, what’s with the snake?” Montague asks before downing the rest of his cocktail. He knows Silas usually doesn’t care when people ask him personal questions because he just won’t answer the questions but anything on the snake? Well, that always sets him off. If Montague’s being serious…he kind of likes it when Silas loses his cool.
Silas turns and gives him a small glare. “For your ssssake, that better be a joke. I could just walk out of here.”
“Don’t you know too much already? I’ll only hurt you if you let me”
“You could, yes, but you would have done it the moment I asked about it.” Montague grins, signaling the bartender for another drink. “But you didn’t.”
“I sssstill could.”
“What’s stopping you?”
Silas leans in, glasses slipping down his nose. If this is his attempt at intimidation, it almost works…if not for his snake, Frank, moving to lick Montague’s cheek. Montague’s smile widens when Silas pulls Frank back. “Hey!” he scolds. “Not cool!”
“I don’t mind.”
“I know you don’t mind. I mind esssspecially when I’m trying to prove a point!” Silas exclaims. He takes a deep breath and pushes his glasses back up the bridge of his nose. “How about thissss—I’ll tell you the sssstory when you’ve earned it, deal?”
“And how will I know I have earned it?” Montague wonders.
Silas grins and removes his glasses. He wipes them on his sleeve then places them on Montague. “Telling you would ruin the fun. It’ssss a game. Unlessss you want to divulge the secret of that amulet of yourssss.”
Montague places a hand on his blue amulet instinctively. As far as everyone is concerned, it’s just a statement piece to make him appear as a bigger asshole than he is. When in reality, it’s how he’s able to manipulate diamonds to fight and get what he wants. Montague does trust Silas, but if he won’t talk about the snake, then he won’t talk about the amulet.
“I will tell you about the necklace when you tell me about the snake…how about that?”
Silas nods. “You’ve got a deal.” He turns away and sips his drink. Montague admires his side profile, gaze moving to his Adam’s apple when he swallows. There are many words Montague could use to describe Silas, but right now, he can only think of calling him pretty. His sharp jaw contrasted by his soft skin (not that Montague would know what it feels like…he just imagines Silas has a great skincare routine—is that glitter on his cheek or a trick of the light?)
“Baby, come over, come over And God knows I’m trying, but there’s just no use in denying”
The bartender brings Montague’s drink, but for once in a long time, alcohol isn’t at the center of his attention. He thought Silas’s eyes looked purple because of the tint of his glasses he always wears, but they’re blue. Not like the sky in the daytime, but the kind of blue you’d only see at the top of a mountain when the sun is slipping below the horizon. The flashing lights make it look like stars twinkling in vast violet galaxies encompassing his eyes, waiting to be discovered. Montague would spend millennia exploring them if the opportunity presented itself.
He shakes his head and turns back to his drink. Crazy talk. It’s a miracle Silas even agreed to keep meeting. He can’t ruin it by making things weird between them. Although, he could blame it on the alcohol and deny everything if it all blew up in his face, but by now both men are familiar with each other’s limits. Silas would call Montague’s bluff almost immediately.
“It looked like you wanted to ssssay something,” Silas comments. “You were sssstaring at me pretty intently.”
“You, um, your eyes have a little purple to them.” Montague swirls his drink. “I thought it was just your glasses.”
“Mm, yes, they are dark blue. Although, not quite as impressssive as yours.” Silas takes a sip of his whiskey. “I would desssscribe them as disssstractingly alluring.”
“Is that why you gave me your glasses? My eyes are distracting you?”
Silas shakes his head. “I didn’t mean it as an inssssult. Both colors ssssuit you quite well.”
Frank hisses.
“I am not ssssaying that,” Silas snaps. “Hush.”
Montague resists the urge to comment on that, knowing Silas won’t like it. As much as he likes to rile Silas up, this would go too far. He just makes a mental note that Silas can communicate with the snake telepathically in some way.
Frank hisses again, causing Silas’s cheeks to flush. He quickly finishes his drink then stands.
“I’m ssssorry, but I have to go.” He glances at Montague. “Thissss was nice. I will get the glasssses from you next time we meet.”
Montague nods. “Is everything okay?”
“Call me a friend but keep me closer And I’ll call you when the party’s over”
Silas looks like he wants to say more, but he simply nods. “Yessss, don’t worry. Good night, Montague. Thank you for thissss. I do alwayssss enjoy our time together.” He leaves some money on the counter and leaves the club.
Montague watches him go. If he had more liquid courage in him, he’d follow Silas out. But he doesn’t…yet. Montague downs the rest of his drink. There’s a numbness blooming in his chest, but he’s not going to pluck that tonight. He signals the bartender for a set of shots.
“The boy is mine I can’t wait to try him”
Silas has his secrets, and that’s what makes the little back and forth they’ve got so invigorating. Montague loves the chase. And if getting shitfaced means he doesn’t make a poor decision and chase after the snake…well…it’ll be worth the hangover in the morning.
When the world exploded yet again, Montague worried he’d never see Silas again. Who knows how many people got lost, but honestly, he didn’t care about the rest of the world. He sought out Silas’s last known location, thankfully finding him alive and well.
Knowing his friend was okay, Montague could see an opportunity presenting itself—the very opportunity he’d been waiting for since having to deal with chrome staining his clothes every other day. During a walk to survey the area around his soon to be Grand Glacier Hotel, he stumbled upon something glowing from underneath a pile of snow. Montague brushes the snow out of the way with his foot, kneeling down when he spots five golden medallions peeking out. He lifts up one to examine it further and it begins to transform, morphing into a copy of his amulet. It glows briefly before settling in his hand.
“Oh…this changes things,” he mutters to himself.
Montague digs out the other four medallions and hurries back to the hotel. He has no idea the full power of these medallions, but he does know he needs allies. The first few people who come to mind are Oscar, the owner of Lavish Lair, Nisha, owner of Fencing Fields and the largest FlowBerry farm on Helios, Valeria, a mysterious woman who could control fire, and lastly, Silas Hesk. Well, Silas was the first person he invited over, but he wanted to wait to tell him in person what the plan was. Montague told everyone else over the phone since he didn’t think they’d want to make the trek to his hotel without good reason (they all had busy schedules afterall).
Oscar and Nisha arrive first. Oscar heads straight for the bar while Nisha hands Montague his favorite bottle of wine as a gift before joining Oscar. Nisha was quiet when they first met, but Montague could tell she cared more than she let on. She did remember him mentioning her family made his favorite wine. Valeria arrives shortly after, greeting Montague with a hug that lasts a bit longer than expected.
“I am very much looking forward to our alliance, Montague,” she whispers, tracing his jawline. “I think we’re going to accomplish a lot together.”
Montague gives her a polite smile. “As am I, Valeria.”
She rubs her thumb on his chin. “Call me Val. I think you’ve earned it.”
A blush creeps onto Montague’s cheeks. Oh, she was good. Her smile seems genuine, but there’s something in her eyes that he can’t quite place. Montague doesn’t know if she’s being serious in her advances, but there’s only one person he really wants to work with here.
“Ssssorry I’m late.” Silas stops when he sees Valeria with her hand cupping Montague’s chin. “Am I interrupting?”
Valeria smiles and removes her hand. “No. We were just chatting.”
Silas says nothing, but Frank hisses at her. This further confirms Montague’s theory that Frank just puts Silas’s inner thoughts on blast.
“Silas!” Montague exclaims, stepping away from Valeria. “No, you’re not late. You’re never late.” He grins, hoping to improve Silas’s mood.
Silas’s expression never changes, but Frank moves to get closer to Montague. Silas gently grabs him to stop him. “Sssso, why are we here?”
Montague claps. “Yes! Right! Okay!” He leads Valeria and Silas over to where Oscar and Nisha are. Montague pulls out the medallions and passes each of them one. “These are what I found the other day during a walk. I am not sure where they came from, but they are extremely powerful. They give us near indestructible shields. And I’m thinking we take this opportunity to take some control over this place, yeah? There’s a power vacancy, and I think we have waited long enough for our turn on top. We will call ourselves the Society.”
Oscar, Nisha, and Valeria all nod in agreement, each of their medallions transforming. Oscar and Valeria’s turn into a sort of self-portrait of themselves while Nisha’s takes the form of her fencing school’s emblem. Montague looks to Silas, waiting for his medallion to transform but nothing happens.
“Silas?” Montague asks. “Is something wrong?”
“I’m not ssssure about this,” he responds, rubbing the medallion with his thumb. “Why didn’t you mention thissss to me on the phone?”
Montague grins “I wanted it to be a surprise!”
“Or did you think he would say no and hang up?” Valeria wonders, putting her medallion around her neck. “Really, we don’t need someone who’s not willing to commit to our plans. If he’s not an immediate yes, find someone else.”
Montague rubs his temples. “Guys, give us a moment in private please?” He waits for the other three to walk away before continuing. “What’s wrong? Is this because I didn’t tell you over the phone like everyone else?”
“No! I’m used to your theatricssss. I’ve known you long enough to expect the unexpected, but I didn’t think you’d go thissss far!” Silas hisses.
“I am not sure what you mean. I thought I have been pretty transparent with my ambitions in life.”
Silas groans. “Not what I’m referring to. I know that you’re power hungry. It’s one of your more endearing traitssss.”
Montague blinks, cheeks flushing briefly. “Okay, well, you have lost me now.”
“Do you even know who you’re working with? Or what their intentions are? In all thissss time we’ve known each other, you’ve mentioned each of them maybe twice. I only recognized Nisha because sssshe’s the only one you ever introduced me to—and I think that’ssss because she gets you Fizz.”
Montague scoffs. He’s capable of finding someone’s company pleasant without the idea of alcohol in mind. Nisha is nice and funny when you get her talking. Montague is starting to wish he was talking with her right now instead of Silas.
“Plussss, something’s…off about Valeria. I don’t know what it issss but I think there’s more to it…more to why she’ssss here,” Silas continues. “You need to—”
“Is this because she had her hand on my face when you walked in?” Montague winces at the bluntness. He didn’t mean to sound so accusatory…it just kind of came out. “Wait—”
Silas’s expression hardens and Frank curls under Silas’s shirt. “Oh, sssso you’re going there? Really? After everything?!”
“Silas, I didn’t—”
“I don’t want to fucking hear it, alright? You know what?” Silas shoves the medallion into Montague’s arms. “Enjoy your Ssssociety life with people who’d gladly sssstab you in the back, Montague. Call me when you get your head out of your assss.”
“And don’t even think about asking me to join your little Ssssociety ever again because if you do, we’re done, got it?”
Montague deflates and nods. He watches Silas storm out of the hotel, slamming the door shut behind him. A moment passes before the others walk over to him. Nisha places a hand on his shoulder to offer some reassurance.
“Good riddance I say,” Valeria says. “I don’t trust a guy who has a pet snake. Anyway, we’re gonna need someone to fill the fifth spot. Anyone have any ideas?”
“There was this guy I met at Fencing Fields when I was visiting,” Oscar shares. “I think his name was Pedro? Peter? I dunno. He seemed…interesting. A little weird…kept asking about somebody named Lois?” He shrugs. “We could try him?”
“Whatever. Fine. I want to get started on building our empire as soon as possible,” Valeria says. “Montague…are you focused?”
Montague simply nods at her, still staring at the door.
“Great. We’ll meet again tomorrow at my place. Can’t risk any reptiles getting in.” She motions for Oscar to follow her. “Come, tiger. We have a lot to discuss.”
The two leave and Nisha steps in front of Montague, removing her mask. “Are you okay?” she asks. “Because you look like you’re about to go finish that entire bottle I gave you in one sitting.”
“Would that be so bad?”
Nisha crosses her arms. “Listen, if you want things to work out with Silas—”
“We’re not—”
Nisha waves her hand dismissively. “Sure you’re not. Regardless, you can’t push him like that, alright? I’ve only met him a handful of times, but you and I both know he doesn’t appreciate being cornered. Give him some time to cool off and then have a conversation. You two clearly care a great deal for one another—don’t let this destroy what you’ve built together.”
Montague nods. “Thank you, Nisha. I knew asking you to join me was the right move.”
“Usually I aim for first place, but I can settle for second this one time.”
“Who said you were second?”
“I don’t think anyone could beat Silas.”
Montague’s cheeks heat up. “Whatever…have a good night, Nisha.”
She waves and heads out.
When she’s gone, Montague does exactly what Nisha predicted—he pops open the wine bottle she gave him and takes a swig out of it. It burns going down, but he doesn’t give a shit. Did he have to fuck things up so bad to send Silas storming out? Why did he ask that? Was he wanting Silas to admit he was jealous? Why should he care about whether or not Silas is jealous?
He takes another swig.
No. Montague is not in love with Silas Hesk.
He just doesn’t want to lose the only person he’s ever cared about.
Part 2
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taheeeeti · 4 months
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woofyway · 7 months
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Official Print commissioned by Montague’s VA: Kieran Regan! :D
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lucilassie · 9 months
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Make the cut. 💎
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gisellesdoodles · 8 months
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i really like her design
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niightfiend · 7 months
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Some more Midas x Montague 😈♥️
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pledishe · 7 months
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fortnite-headcanons · 30 days
When Nisha joined the Underground and first met Rufus, he immediately decided that they are best friends. Nisha is struggling with this, Rufus's poor hygiene and her still having to unlearn everything from her upbringing means she has difficulty accepting his friendship but is trying to look past it.
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Fortnite Headcanon #1162
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itsabritestorm-fn47 · 7 months
Season 1 Chapter 5 gang
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Use code PinkyBritey in Fortnite item shop and Epic Games store #ad #EpicPartner
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midasfortnite · 9 months
Twitter is lame and had nothing to say about this headcanon so I’ll share it here: the battle pass members of the Society are in a polycule. (Excluding Peter, obviously)
Edit: I don’t know if Oscar is actually involved with any of them but there’s definitely a found family dynamic there.
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rayonago · 7 months
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banana nana
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keithpoenewt · 5 months
5 Times Montague and Silas Fought + 1 Time They Didn’t - Masterlist
Inspired songs are linked on the song names! The writing piece is linked on the location name!
1 - the boy is mine / when the party's over - Mega City
2 - Teeth / Into You - Grand Glacier
3 - Save Your Tears / You're Losing Me - Reckless Railways
4 - The Smallest Man Who Ever Lived / Wildest Dreams - Lavish Lair
5 - right where you left me / we can't be friends (wait for your love) - Fencing Fields
(supplemental piece: The Fall of the Society)
+1. This Town / Underground - Reboot at Sandy Strip
Songs that almost made the cut are below!
"For Your Entertainment" by Adam Lambert
"Sweater Weather" by The Neighbourhood
"bad guy" by Billie Eilish
"I Can Fix Him (No Really I Can)" by Taylor Swift
"Breakeven" by The Script
"i love you" by Billie Eilish
"loml" by Taylor Swift
"So Long, London" by Taylor Swift
"Fortnight" by Taylor Swift
"Misery" by Maroon 5
"Makes Me Wonder" by Maroon 5
"Happy Together" by The Turtles
"bury a friend" by Billie Eilish
"vampire" by Olivia Rodrigo
"Who's Afraid of Little Old Me?" by Taylor Swift
"ilomilo" by Billie Eilish
"All Too Well (10 Minute Version)" (Taylor's Version) by Taylor Swift
"I Can Do It With a Broken Heart" by Taylor Swift
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gritirl · 6 months
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“Yours in faith,
Clara. ”• * ˚
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woofyway · 7 months
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And yet again with the compilation of Fortnite doodles 👀
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lucilassie · 7 months
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The scoop of a lifetime! 📷 🐢
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