#fourth incarnation
doctorkinktraveller · 5 months
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Doctor Who : SHADA
Romana II - Lalla Ward & K-9 [John Leeson]
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he’s the doctor (or he will be, if this regeneration works out)
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shih-coulda-had-it · 1 year
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😎 well, you know what they say. my eyes are up here.
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demigodishniss · 3 months
Saw an old post on reddit about the fourth Doctor and his companions, and someone under it said that Four didn't even care about them cause he was always dismissive and/or mean etc..... But they must not know him like I know him then cause w h a t. What do you mean he didn't care? Did we witness the same character??
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florbexter · 6 months
The memories Phaya saw were from their fourth reincarnation and no wonder they always speak about yearning. How many since then? What if this is the first time they weren't born on different sides, as enemies?
The first time they could stand next to each other without opposing clans/families; could have each other's backs; could find and learn about each other without the burden of a feud that would have defined them since they were born?
"All the love and yearning" - be still my heart.
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apenitentialprayer · 4 months
For Jesus' "I" is by no means a self-willed ego revolving around itself alone. "Whoever does the will of my Father in heaven is my brother, and my sister, and my mother (Mk 3:34f.): Jesus' "I" incarnates the Son's communion of will with the Father. It is an "I" that hears and obeys. Communion with him is filial communion with the Father — it is a yes to the fourth commandment on a new level, the highest level. It is entry into the family of those who call God Father and who can do so because they belong to a "we" — formed of those who are united with Jesus and, by listening to him, united with the will of the Father[.]
Pope Benedict XVI (Jesus of Nazareth: From the Baptism in the Jordan to the Transfiguration, page 117), trans. Adrian Walker
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it’s okay, twelve. i like magicians. just not the ones that do impossible stunts using black magic at the cost of others’ lives ;)
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immaculatasknight · 1 year
The father you're glad you never had
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steeltypemutual · 1 year
love listening to a song and going "oh if i cared about this character/pairing the associations i could make with this music would be fucking devastating". and then you don't so you carry on with your day but keep it in yo7r back pocket as a nasty little surprise for others later
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goddessofthedawn · 4 months
learned today that satan incarnate apparently has the skill of making paper boats, and he can do about one every two minutes, and as this is the kid who dressed up as pennywise for halloween i, like, have some questions
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brokenhardies · 6 months
26, 27, 32 ofr James/Jane
ill be answering them for each janejames (minus the arbiter)
26. How do they act when they’re happy? Do they sing? Dance? Hum? Or do they hide their emotions?
First James often rocks back and forth on his heels when happy or excited. He also flaps, he's a notorious flapper Second Jane tends to hum when happy or in an upbeat mood. She's also surprisingly physically affectionate, just freaking tackles whoever's closest to her - usually the Doctor, Martha or Donna depending on the situation Third Jane's a bit more emotionally repressed - hi dying of drowning as your father rants about how the laws of time are his and they will obey him - but she's with Eleven, who's more open about his happiness, so it kind of makes up for it Fourth James picks back up the flapping and rocking from first James, but also gains the habit of excitedly pacing back and forth whenever something excites him or makes him happy. Twelve basically has to deal with a hyperactive toddler on speed at these points :') Fifth Jane is back to being more emotionally repressed but she's more gentle with her moods, not really expressing happiness or sadness. Once again, Thirteen makes up for that, but Five also is very jumpy much like her previous incarnation when happy Sixth Jane is a happy dancer and hums occasionally. That's part of the reason there's a boombox in the new TARDIS! She also gets very loud, especially when excited and bobs on her toes like she's trying to hold all that happy energy in!
27. What makes them sad? Do they cry regularly? Do they cry openly or hide it? What are they like they are sad?
If the First James was being honest, he was upset that he didn't find out who his father was until he was about thirteen years old, and is kind of bitter about not realizing it until his mum was in danger. He doesn't cry - because he's a big boy and big boy's don't cry - but he's kind of a pouty mess Second Jane discovering her memories was incredibly overwhelming, especially discovering how her previous incarnation died and why she couldn't remember anything for so long. She's very openly emotional, bursting into tears immediately and often needs to hide away. Journey's End is a very fun experience for her, as the second they need to erase Donna's memories she's just out of the picture Third Jane is much more subdued when it comes to her emotions. Of course, there are some times that she cries - like when Amy and Rory are taken away, or when Clara dies in the Snowman, but it's incredibly rare - especially compared to her previous incarnations Fourth James is very emotional in general, and he's a wet, soppy crier, very snotty, very puffy-eyed, the works. He didn't leave his room after the events of Face The Raven, and after the Master turned Bill into a Cyberman - and later had Bill shoot him, which was part of the reason he ended up dying - he's just an emotionally distraught hot mess, lots of emotions all around Fifth Jane is hit with the one two punch of the Flux and the Timeless Child but she's fine. Everything's fine. Really. She didn't just rip up a pillow in her room out of sadness and is only lying on the floor because she has a stomach condition. Really. Everything's fine over here! Oh boy when we get to The Church on Ruby Road, Sixth Jane is probably going to have to take a small break. That's part of the reason she and 15 end up at the club is because having to basically do the same thing that happened to you - picking up a left behind child and putting it on a random doorstep - is not fun tbh
32. What do they dress like? What sorta shops do they buy clothes from? Do they wear the fashion that they like? What do they wear to sleep? Do they wear makeup? What’s their hair like?
First James spent his entire time in his body dressed in a modified version of his school uniform - no blazer, no tie, just a jumper, pants and loafers. His hair is basically just a hot mess and a half, with him brushing it frequently and it still ending up as a shaggy disaster. He'd probably cut it shorter if he was around for longer :') Second Jane basically knicked her wardrobe from Clara before Clara even entered the TARDIS - lots of peter pan collared dresses, tights and comfortable boots, the occasional little bag to hold stuff in - typically books or coffee cups or pins or stuff that she's collected from various trips. Her hair is long and straight, and she tends to wear it loose Third Jane is much more edgy in her attire - preferring to wear plain t-shirts, jeans, sneakers and leather jackets. She has different coloured shirts for every situation, and also tends to unironically match her shirts to her sneakers like she's a character in a power rangers spin off. She wears her hair up in a ponytail, but will sometimes wear it loose to show off the waves Fourth James dresses like your standard teenage boy, comfortable graphic shirts beneath oversized khaki jackets, baggy jeans and slip on sneakers similar to his previous incarnations. He doesn't really care that much about fashion, so its hilarious to see him, Twelve and Clara in a room together because of how different all three of them dress. He gets cold a lot easier than the other incarnations, so he wears fingerless knitted gloves and also once borrowed his dad's fourth incarnation's scarf bc he was freezing and needed something long and comfy. His hair is curly and he tends to hide it under a beanie or a hood. He's the first incarnation to gain a pair of sonic sunglasses and wears raybans, just like his dad! Fifth Jane designs her own clothes! She made her own dress using fabrics she found in the TARDIS, inspired by the Sixth Doctor's coat - but make it fashion. She tends to wear comfortable t-shirt skater dresses with tights and heeled loafers to make herself look taller - she's a bit self-conscious about her height lol. Her main formal attire - as seen in Spyfall and episodes other than that - is a black pinafore with a white shirt underneath it and a small black bowtie that she definitely did not knick from her dad's eleventh incarnation's wardrobe definitely not lol. She's the only major Janejames's to wear makeup, preferring natural eyes and bright lips. She also wears her hair loose, but occasionally ties it up into a ponytail or low bun when she wants to keep it out of her face. Her sonic sunglasses are a pair of 50s style cat-eyed sunglasses that she specifically changes to match her attire when she gets it lol :') Sixth Jane stole half her wardrobe from her late mother Sarah Jane Smith, so lots of comfortable sweaters, oversized jackets or trenchcoats, blouses and trousers. She and the Doctor indirectly coordinated themselves - they really do not know how they did that, especially as they were both in separate rooms when they picked their outfits lol. She feels way more comfortable in pants than a skirt - probably because she spent her first couple of moments on this Earth half naked aside from a skirt - thank you bigeneration! She tends to pin her hair back in a sort of half up half down style, bc it's naturally curly she could braid it but honestly, its too much effort. Her sonic sunglasses are round ones, with pale coloured frames that look quite fragile but are actually pretty sturdy!
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Although it wasn’t revealed until the Sixth Inspector era,
the Infinity Knights had ‘observers’ watching over the Inspector’s activities since his fourth incarnation.
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autumnalfallingleaves · 6 months
God. You know what gets me? We always thought Johanna was the normal one, the one that was city versus wilderness, normal versus Hilda's chaos.
But Johanna is the one who's half fairy, and she, instead of Hilda, chaos incarnate, wilderness lover, is being drawn to stay on the island. Hilda, on the other hand, wants to go home, to Earth, to Trolberg, to her friends, to her and Johanna's adopted family.
It's so ironic that Hilda is actually the one who is more human than Johanna-- literally. She's only one-fourth fairy, and she's got magic from Earth-bound creatures like the trolls (re: being turned into a troll for a time and now being able to understand what they're saying).
It's such an interesting reversal: Hilda was originally the one who didn't want to leave the wilderness when Johanna wanted to, and now, now that that seems like the only thing left, to live in unfiltered magical wilderness, Hilda just wants to return to Trolberg.
God. This show is incredible.
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"good morning" -Do
"Yes!! Morning!!" Aikokyū waved enthusiastically, fist punching the air as he jogged past the unfamiliar visiting kunoichi. Truly! It was a beautiful day out!!  Aikokyū would complete running 500 laps around Konoha or submit to Chichi-sensei’s punishments!!! 
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biggiedraws · 19 days
so we know that orv is basically kim dokja's self insert ways of survival fix-it fanfic right. and we know that his narration is coloured by his interpretation of the characters and the way he sees not only the real world, but also the world of ways of survival. anyway can we talk about how his self insert happy ending fanfic involves him working closely with the protagonist, his favourite character ever, and he spends a good chunk of it thinking - despite all evidence to the contrary - that yoo joonghyuk doesnt care about him. he thinks its out of character for yoo joonghyuk to like him. he thinks its OUT OF CHARACTER for his FAVOURITE CHARACTER to LIKE HIM. im going to be sick
and it has to do with the way he conceptualizes himself as a "self insert" - he doesnt consider himself a person yoo joonghyuk would care about because he doesn't consider himself a person yoo joonghyuk interacts with. it's about the divide between a character and a real person..... if a new character that could rival yoo joonghyuk's strength showed up in ways of survival, proved himself trustworthy, and did everything he could to make sure yoo joonghyuk didn't die, of COURSE yoo joonghyuk would begin to trust that character - especially in the early regressions. but kim dokja isn't a character. he's manipulating the story from the other side of the fourth wall - he's not someone yoo joonghyuk can have a relationship with. (almost like the oldest dream..... ohhh my god. head in hands.) of course we aren't companions - he's a character and i'm a real person. they're incarnations and i'm a constellation. they're all real people and i'm a character, written and sold by my own mother. theres a thick wall between us.....
and why would you conceptualize it that way kim dokja. why would you tell a story where all the characters get a happy ending but you arent a character. why does your idea of a good story involve none of your companions caring about whether you live or die. kim dokja i am knocking on the wall
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its-your-mind · 2 months
I’m sorry I need to talk about this for a second
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This part right here. When Nirvana tries to use Thought Infection on Kim Dokja. And this ability that absolutely neutralized Yoo Joonghyuk, Min Jiwon, and Yoo Sangah…
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bounces right off.
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and it’s set up like this big badass moment. Kim Dokja saves the day again. Kim Dokja can face down anyone. He’s more powerful than every other incarnation and constellation, no matter how much foreknowledge they have.
But honestly?
It kinda just makes me sad.
yjh is incapacitated by the Eternal Nightmare ability because of all the awful things he’s seen and experienced, yes.
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But as we know from 1863, happy memories can be much more debilitating for him than sad ones. And while he’s only got 1-2’s memories right know, we know that 2 had some incredibly happy memories to pass on, memories that make the losses that much harder to take.
And Min Jiwon?
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Of course she doesn’t actually want to visit a spa while her friends and troops are dying. But can you blame her for having some deep craving for comfort and relaxation right now?
But for Kim Dokja…
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The Fourth Wall isn’t just protecting kdj from the negative effects of the skill. It’s not hiding his secret desires, or absorbing his emotions.
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It is literally preventing him from experiencing the world around him as reality. Not just because it feels improbable or surreal, but because it is literally keeping him separate from the world around him. On a fundamental level, he does not believe he is truly present in this time and space.
This is derealization and dissociation on an unbelievably intense scale.
“If we’re just characters, why did you die for us so many times?”
Why wouldn’t he? He’s not here, not really. He’s just Reading this story, no matter how much sway he’s been having over what has happened. All of that is just his work as a Reader hoping to see the Epilogue of his favorite novel.
“It was a really great story, isn’t that right?”
Narratively satisfying. A twist ending. A fate that subverted expectations.
An Epilogue worth Reading. Not touching, not feeling, not joining, not creating. Just watching. From a distance away. From behind glass. Through the cracks in a wall.
After all, a story can’t exist without a writer, a protagonist, and a reader. Only two of them truly participate in creating the story. But when you’re the Reader, it’s always worth reading the story again. And again. And again. And again. And again ,
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