#fox kylo
ladyzirkonia · 4 months
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@smw-on-kamino and me did something. You could also call it a list of sad depressed pathetic Star Wars men and how high the percentage is we simp for them. (suprise it's high)
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xylavie · 1 year
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This is one of my fave kylo commissions back in 2019. This was made for @marlonbookcase !
God I really peaked with art in 2019 huh 😂
Edit: I reblogged Marlon’s post but in case anyone missed it, here’s the link to the fic!!
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hux-and-gay · 2 months
Kylux Short Shorts Fest 2024: Day 4: Otherworldly
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pls reblog I dont have Ao3 yet
Part: 1/ at least 2
BenArmie folklore AU
(I have a lot of WIPs for the shorts fest, I know it’s late now but I got busy so we’ll see how many I get to posting)
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Ben ran through the woods as fast as his feet could carry him, mud splattered across his thighs, stumbling over roots, leaves getting tangled in his thick black hair. He felt so free, the cold air assaulting his cheeks and nose, turning them rosy pink. He could smell the river ahead so he dashed forward almost laughing with joy as he ran further and further from the den, never looking back. When he came to the river he stopped only to catch his breath before wading into the water, dancing, splashing his face, not caring his trousers were getting soaked. 
“What are you doing?” A quiet voice asked from the opposite shore. Ben ceased his frolicking and turned to look at the creature, a small boy with a mess of ginger hair, pale skin dotted with freckles, a mask of a fox adorning his face. 
“I’m wading, it’s fun. You should join me.” He held a hand out to the boy smiling eagerly. He had never met another boy his age, and he looked so sweet. 
“My father told me not to speak to strangers.” He said, looking at Ben hesitantly fiddling with the small satchel slung over his shoulder. His baggy shorts and thin undershirt emphasized his small frame, and his arms and feet were wrapped in cloth bandages. Ben didn’t think any of them, it was probably easier to run with his feet protected. 
“My name's Ben. There now I'm not a stranger.”
“I- I suppose you’re right.” He smiled, taking his hand and tenderly stepping into the water. He shivered. “It’s cold.”
“Yeah but it’s nice.” Ben said, spinning in a circle kicking up spray as he did so. 
The fox boy flinched, backing away from the splash.  “If you say so.” 
“Oh look! Baby fish!” Ben exclaimed excitedly, pointing at the water rippling around their feet. 
“Oh! They're biting my feet!” He bent down a little looking at them curiously lazily following their swimming patterns with one of his thin fingers. 
“Hmm maybe I can catch some…” Ben said rubbing his chin and glancing around, being careful not to move his feet as not to disturb them. “but I don’t have a bucket. Oh well.” He glanced at the water again and something caught his eye. “Wait, look, by your foot, there’s a rock!”
The boy looked back up at him unimpressed. “There are a lot of rocks.”
Ben rolled his eyes, and pointed, which admittedly wasn’t very helpful. “The flat one.”
The boy picked up the flat rock and handed it to him. “What’s so special about it, it just looks like a rock.”
“It’s perfect for skipping.” He said rolling over the rock in his hand running his fingers across the wet surface.  “Do you know how to skip rocks?”
“Oh well I’ll show you. It’s just like…” He tossed the rock and it immediately sank with a loud plop as it hit the water. “oh- I Guess I’m not very good at skipping rocks.” He snorted, laughing to cover up his embarrassment. 
The boy had been watching him intently. He picked up another flat rock from the water and tossed it,“Like this?” It made three skips before sinking. 
“Oh wow! That was so cool!” Ben said patting him on the back aggressively and smiling with awe. 
“Not really.” 
“You aren’t very enthusiastic about anything, are you?” He chuckled. 
“What’s the use of a rock if you’re not going to keep it?” The boy pointed out picking up another rock from the water and briefly examining it before dropping it back. 
“Oh! I didn’t think of it that way.” He thought about what the boy had said. It was pretty witty, I mean why would you not want to keep a rock? Rocks are cool. He turned back to him smiling “That’s really smart actually, you’re really neat! You like collecting rocks?”
“Special ones” He said, shrugging.  “Some say there's gold in this river, but I’ve only ever found pyrite.”
“Fake gold…” He pulled out a shiny silver stone from his satchel and held it out to Ben. “Like this”
“It’s so pretty!” Ben beamed, taking it gently in his hands looking it over. 
“You can have it, it’s useless.” The boy answered dryly. 
“Who cares, it's pretty!” Ben pocketed the stone feeling very accomplished to be in the possession of such a pretty gem, whether it was worth something or not. 
The boy looked down at his feet, maybe he was watching the fish again, they had returned after being scared away by Ben’s failed attempt at rock skipping. “My father says it’s no use to keep useless things unless you can use them for a purpose.” He stated meekly. 
“Sounds wise.” Ben wasn’t entirely sure he understood what all that had meant, but it sounded very adult. 
“Where’s your mask?” The boy asked Suddenly. 
“In my bag.” Ben replied, patting the sack slung over his shoulder. He didn’t like wearing his mask, it made his face sweat, and it was harder to see. 
“Isn’t that dangerous? Someone could steal it.” He said, peeking around Ben to see just a tiny bit of the mask peeking out of the sack. 
“Don’t tell me you believe those stories about “whoever steals your mask owns your soul.” He laughed with his hands on his hips. 
“Don’t you?” Ben could tell he was genuine. 
Ben shook his head. “Of course not, parents just tell their kids that so that they get scared.” He insisted, patting the shorter boy on the head. 
“I guess…” he stated hesitantly trying to fix his ruffled hair as if it hadn’t been needlessly tangled prior. 
“So What are you doing out by the river on your own?” Ben asked, tilting his head. 
“Foraging, for dinner.” The boy answered, holding open his satchel to show various mushrooms, roots, and plants inside. 
“Oh right, Foxes are Omnivores.” Ben nodded remembering what little he knew of the other creatures. 
“Yes. My father is hunting.” He nodded, closing his satchel and securing it on his hip again. “What about you?”
“I’m running away.” Ben admired nonchalantly. 
“Running away? Won’t your parents be angry?” The boy questioned. 
“It doesn’t matter if they never find me.” Ben added smirking. 
“They won’t hunt you down?” The boy seemed confused. 
“Maybe they’ll try. But I’m good at hiding.” He smiled confidently. “You could run away with me if you want.” Ben wouldn’t mind having another boy his age with him on his travels. 
“I can’t.” The boy answered, scratching at his bandaged arm as he looked down again. 
“That’s okay.” Though Ben had to admit he was slightly disappointed. They stood in silence for a few minutes before Ben asked. “You know you can take off your mask, right?”
“No thank you.” The boy answered simply. 
“What? Afraid I’ll steal it?” Ben chuckled smirking. 
“I’m just being careful.” The boy added, instinctively placing hand on the intracuite fox design.  “I could easily steal yours if I wanted to.” He pointed out. 
Ben smirked, “Oh alright then, try!” He pulled his mask out of his bag and held it behind his back. 
The boy didn’t even wait a second he lunged at Ben who just barely side stepped away trying to stay facing the fox at all times. They chased each other in circles around the river splashing up water, running, jumping, growling, laughing, soon the sun was setting. Ben held the mask above his head. “You’ll never get it now!” He laughed, “You’re too small!” He added teasing. The boy grunted but instead of trying to jump for the mask like Ben had expected he dove for his legs, knocking him off his feet and tacking him, pinning him down in the water. 
“Woah-“ Ben exclaimed breathlessly looking up at the boy who sat on his chest with amazement. He yanked the mask from Ben’s hand and held it in the air triumphantly. Then he brought it down to look at it and froze. Ben could see the goose bumps on his skin, but maybe it was just the water, they had been thoroughly soaked now. 
“you’re a wolf.” He said quietly. Ben couldn’t read his expression mostly hidden behind the mask, side his mouth. 
“Is that a problem?” Ben asked, confused. 
“I suppose not.” He answered, feeling the mask over in his hands. “We’re both predators.”
“Yes but I’m the Apex predator!” Ben said proudly, sitting up in the water and flexing his muscles. “That means everything is Prey to me.” he snarled jokingly.
Suddenly the boy shoved the mask back into his arms. “Take it back!” He insisted urgently. 
“What? But you stole it!” Ben exclaimed, confused. 
“ I don’t want it! I don’t want your soul!” He seemed distressed. 
Ben shook his head. “Those are just Myths, it’s okay they don’t mean anything.” He smiled trying to reassure him.
“But I don’t want it!” He reinforced. 
“No, you stole it fair and square and you should keep it.” He retorted, sounding slightly annoyed that he wouldn't accept the prize he rightfully won. “I’m sure your father would be proud you stole a wolf's mask.” At the mention of his father the boy seemed to make a face Ben couldn’t quite read. He then dropped the mask into the water beside them, purposely. 
“Well, I dropped it so that means you can steal it back!”
“You really care about this mask thing don’t you?” He asked rhetorically, shaking his head laughing. 
“Well, if it is just myths as you say it is, then it wouldn’t make sense for me to keep it. Remember, I’m not supposed to keep useless things.”
Ben thought about it and nodded to himself before speaking. “I don’t think anything is completely useless.”
“maybe…” he looked like he would say something more but he was cut off by a voice calling from the distance. 
The fox boy turned to the sound quickly and scrambled up to his feet. “I have to go” He rushed out of the water and grimaced at the sight of the wet stain on his satchel. 
“wait!” Ben called out to him. 
“yes?” The boy said, turning back. 
“If you're not going to take off your mask, can you at least tell me what color your eyes are?” Ben asked curiously. 
And with that he turned back and walked into the trees disappearing from view.
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I had been listening to Harpy Hare, by Yaelokre and I found a Picrew where you could make a Yaelokre OC I got bored so I decided to use the fox and wolf mask to make Hux and Kylo and from there I got the idea from this AU. It now has a whole bunch of lore, so we’ll see how far this takes me.
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@lessdenied @fives-ren @jaynesilver @thegeneralorder @diabollicallyangelic
@dragonflies-draw-flame @hpdmism @fridayincarnate @tomatette
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uwingdispatch · 4 months
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Hi y’all! It’s been a busy month but I wanted to check in and share these new lanyards! These are for Boba Fett, Thrawn, Kylo, Vader and, finally, Commander Fox!
The aurebesh on the Cader lanyard says PEACE -FREEDOM - JUSTICE - SECURITY and the Aurebesh on the Kylo lanyard says “blow that piece of junk out of the sky” which cracks me up every time. I love The Last Jedi. 💜
Hope y’all love these! More new stuff is coming this week and I can’t wait to share it with you! Also! I’m having a smol sale if you want to grab some treats. Shop is here.
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solohux · 6 months
Fox Hux greatly enjoyed his job as General before that petulant wolf came aboard. Kylo Ren may be an actual puppy but his immature behaviour makes Hux roll his eyes and sigh. He has no discipline, no regulation.
But when Hux and Kylo come to blows one day in a heated argument and Hux calls Kylo a ‘bad puppy’, Kylo groans and almost sinks to his knees. Hux can smell his arousal in the air around them, potent and thick.
Perhaps, Hux thinks, there may be hope for this pup after all.
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vitriolicia · 4 months
What yall don’t understand is kylux, Benarmie, and benhux are all different ships with different dynamics
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vytels · 9 months
Now that Parallels is finished… I’m tripping over all my other AUs that I wanna write!! I have do many omg and I need to write Parallels’ sequel! Ahhh I’m so excited to write these things!!
I have so many outlines written already and I have time to write, so I’m like: time to turn shit out because I’ve got the energy, the motivation, and the time for both writing and breaks!!
Anyways, here are a few things I’m working on:
Obviously, the Parallel’s sequel. First chapter has been outlined, hoping to get 3-5 more chapters outlined so I can have a coherent idea of themes and plot haha
Rex Raises Luke AU, I’m writing a few short scenes for it. Biggest ones are: Mando meeting Rex, Luke earning the Jaig Eyes, Rex being a overprotective Buir, Luke learning about Torrent Company, etc
Baby Leia and Jedi Knight Anakin, I need to outline this AU- but I think it’s gonna be a 3 chapter fic, pretty short I think
Cody’s Batch Time Travel - also going to be like a 3 chapter fic I think… just an indulgent one honestly haha
Padawan Ben + Luke fic - this is going to be a long one, I just know it- so I’m focusing on outline and I’ll probably end up writing it once the Parallel’s sequel is under way
My Corrie AU fic… keeping info on this a secret for rn, but I have begun outlining after making some changes to the original idea hahaha. It’s going to Fox and Cody centric, before spreading out to more characters 👀
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a-manda-lorian · 1 year
Look y’all, I’m a shameless Reylo… so forgive me when Stephanie Garber shares THIS quote today:
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for immediately thinking of:
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ALSO! Considering Apollo canonically looks like THIS:
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I’m jumping on the crack theory that this quote is from Apollo! I mean, whoever drew this Apollo art clearly was looking at a picture of Adam Driver 😂 you can’t convince me otherwise!
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starsunited · 3 months
Star Wars Roleplay Partners Search!
Hello All!
I am currently looking for some Roleplay Partners!
If I already have an RP with you or have a message chain with you, please ping me and let me know! If its better, ask for my Discord, or I will ask for yours
Additional side note, I will probably ask that the RP go to Discord unless asked otherwise or wanting to keep the RP here on Tumblr. Discord will actually send me notification and is easier to manage (personally). So don't fret if I ask! Just let me know if it's fine or not and we can go from there! 🙂
NOW! A few ground rules below:
Must be Semi-lit or above (I am anywhere between semi-let to novella depending on my partner)
No use of the following: *, >, -, ext. This is very illiterate for me and takes me out of the RP if these are used for describing actions
Must be able to consistently give at LEAST a paragraphs worth of writing (5+ lines. Full sentences.)
Must be fine with BxB, GxG, NBxNB and any other pairings that are not just BxG (especially if romance is involved)
The above will not apply if doing a DOUBLE UP. I am fine with BxG so long as a double up RP is the kind of RP we are going to be doing
If you have triggers, topics to avoid, or so on let me know so they can be addressed ASAP and we can both know what to avoid. (I myself don't have any but I want to be courteous to my partners/friends and others!)
The Request:
I am looking for someone who is up for a Double Up! Ideally I would like to play as my OC(s) if possible with an OCxCC type of roleplay (and I would pay the CC for your OC as well of course, or for your side we can do a CCxCC pairing as well! I just want to make things even). I am also open to the rare but welcome OCxOC, just note I am a bit picky when it comes to OC’s being paired together, as I would want it to fit and work out.
Also, another note, if anything is to be mature please be 18+ before even mentioning it to me or asking about it. While I am fine with it, I just want to be sure we are all on the same page on the matter and know what our limits are as well as triggers when it comes to the topic.
Here are the CC Characters I am looking for:
Kylo Ren
Armitage Hux
Din Djarin
The Bad Batch ( Any / All)
Clones in general (Rex, Cody, Mayday and others! Just ask!)
Starkiller (Force Unleashed)
Boba Fett
Jango Fett
Quinlan Voss
And open to many more! (OC's are also welcomed!)
Characters I play as:
Almost everyone. You name them and I have probably played them in some capacity or another. Just let me know who you are wanting and I will let you know if I can play them or not (I am pretty confident in myself in doing so but you may throw me a curve ball!).
I hope this has interested some of you! If so, reach out to me through a DM or in the comments below and I will get back to you as soon as possible! As I do work a full time job and also have to care for myself, so please keep that in mind! 
And if you are ever unhappy with the RP or want a change or switch or anything, just let me know! I'm SUPER flexible when it comes to changing things up, so just let me know (when out of character/OOC just used ((, or // to show that!)
If you have read everything (which thank you) just send me the phrase ‘Batch 99!’ That way I know and we can get a conversation flowing! Bring ideas to the table and what you're looking for and I will do the same!
Thanks so much and I look forward to speaking with you all!
May the force be with you!
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stcrdsticons · 1 year
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The X Files | Dana Scully | Fox Mulder | Sculder | MSR
This is the first time I've made anything like this, but I like them very much! So I figured I'd share 'em!
Please reblog if you save/use them! don't repost these to other websites! Also please credit me if you use these! I spent a bit of time finessing them!
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sparrowlicious · 1 year
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Was in a rare kylux mood
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I gotta know your blorbo et al for Star Wars bc there’s so many characters and I don’t know about you but so many of them share categories, shifting who they are to me based off of what perspective the story is at
Too true, honestly. Star Wars is fucking weird.
blorbo (favorite character, character I think about the most):
Honestly a really hard call. But if you base it on the amount of fanfiction I've written, this one has to go to Thrawn.
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scrunkly (my “baby”, character that gives me cuteness aggression, character that is So Shaped):
BB-8. Obviously this one has to go to a droid and this little guy is just so friend shaped. I love him.
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scrimblo bimblo (underrated/underappreciated fave):
Bodhi Rook. The man only deserves love and respect and I can't find merch for him anywhere! Justice for Bodhi!
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glup shitto (obscure fave, character that can appear in the background for 0.2 seconds and I won’t shut up about it for a week):
Can I get a shout out to Commander Fox? His personality is entire fan made and I love him for it.
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poor little meow meow (“problematic”/unpopular/controversial/otherwise pathetic fave)
Maul. Is there any question?
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horse plinko (character I would torment for fun, for whatever reason):
Hux. I'd love to see him punch in the face more. Frankly the sequel trilogy would have been better for it.
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eeby deeby (character I would send to superhell):
Kylo Ren. He's not even fun to torture. I just want him gone.
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Send Me a Fandom
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solohux · 1 year
Alpha wolf Kylo brushing omega fox Hux’s beautiful red tail. Hux makes contended little noises the whole time. Afterwards, he rewards his alpha with the nicest snuggles. Hux climbs into Kylo’s lap and rubs his face against Kylo’s. HUX: [purring] You take such good care of me. [coyly] Is there any way I can thank you? // KYLO: [growling] You could start by cutting this little act and marching your pert ass straight to bed so I can tend to you properly. // HUX: [swishing his tail enticingly] Whatever you want, Alpha.
Oh my gosh. Rather than Kylo just having mating instincts when it comes to Hux, he has nurturing instincts too. It means that he wants to bathe him and brush him and dress him in silk pyjamas and cuddle him into a blissful sleep. Hux’s teasing sometimes goes a little too far and Kylo’s instincts switch from nurturing to mating.
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Just an early morning group photo.
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moondirti · 5 months
What are some of your comfort fics? I’m dying for recommendations and I trust your taste
the way i classify a comfort fic is something i've read more than once, so. not all of these are particularly comforting (that is, soft/fluffy) but they're all pieces of art and should be revered
darkfics in red. multifandom list. links to tumblr or ao3
lavender skies, by @yeyinde
dangle on the leash, by @/yeyinde
sink or swim, by @/yeyinde
the pit, by @peachesofteal
dead disco, by @/peachesofteal
saltwater, by @ceilidho
landscape with honey, by @/ceilidho
pet au, by @cordeliawhohung
omegaverse au, by @sprout-fics
red fox series, by @charnelhouse
sober ii (melodrama), by shaekespeares on ao3 francis abernathy x richard papen
out there, somewhere, by renaissance on ao3 francis abernathy x richard papen
anagnorisis, by maiden_of_asgard on ao3 kylo ren x f! reader
imperium, by audrey_w on ao3 armitage hux x f! oc (+ kylo ren)
rough day, by @no-droids din djarin x f! reader
i've flown too close to the sun, by /charnelhouse din djarin x f! reader
for the love that used to be there, @fatesundress tom riddle x f! reader
atrophy, by @/yeyinde joel miller x f! reader
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